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S07.E15: Hong Kong Fireworks

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23 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

It's up to the LEO to jam you with a 'possession charge' should he come across a baggie of pills in your purse or pocket...It depends on the situation and who you are?

Pills in a baggie might be looked at as an 'intent to sell/distribute' - Someone like Grandma Hazel who carries around her pills in a baggie or wrapped up in a Kleenex is probably going to get a pass?

Someone like LR - who doesn't have common sense or the ability to know when to keep her mouth shut - would probably pull out the baggie and show it to the cop? (yes, she IS THAT idiot).

OMG  - when I was little my dad took me to the doctors office to interpret for my grandmother. This was a new doctor she was going to, so the first thing he asked for was a list of the medications she took. Grandma whipped out the Kleenex filled with a daily dose of her pills – bundled up with a rubber band.

We had to change the appointment and go back. This time when the doctor asked for a list of the medications, Grandma took out a shopping bag filled with 30 bottles of pills. 10 were correct. 10 were pills she no longer took but refused to throw out in case she ever had to take it again. 5 were bottles with flip caps with a different med inside cause she could get to the med easier. 5 were bottles that were empty but kept because the medication name was on the outside.

PS Grandma also used the same Kleenex method for coins. Pennies, nickels, and dimes individually Bundled with a different colored rubberbands. Back when buses accepted coins, Grandma was that lady that got to be first to board and the SLOWEST to get her fare in due to the bundles. Our backs were the recipients of the stink eye by many a passenger.

I can laugh about this now but back then – I was MORTIFIED!

Rinna should have had her pills in a hard case to save her pills from being pulverized. She could just use an empty Altoid container.

  • Love 13

Lots of people make outfit Look Books for trips, just the way some people make Meal Plans for their week. I happen to do both (in a good month, when I'm organized). As mentioned above, Look Books for trips is a fantastic way to make sure that A) you won't forget things and B) that you don't have to worry about dumb things like what you're going to wear and can focus on having fun on your trip. 

That said, I fucking hate Erika's glam squad and I absolutely hate the costumes that they put her in. She looks really good when she's dressed down with minimal makeup. I think the need to cart that glam squad around with her belies a very deep insecurity and I find that sort of thing offputting. 

BUT. I have grown fond of Erika this season. I wasn't expecting it after last season, but it's a pleasant surprise. I much prefer to have a fondness for all the cast members even if I can't stand this or that particular thing that they do. Bitch eating crackers mentality brings me down. I almost had to give up watching this when Brandi was on for that very reason. I don't like everything Erika does, but I do kind of like her. I also get her - I have a pretty "on" type of job but am reserved on a personal level. I don't make friends easily, my friends always dread bringing new people into the group for that very reason. Someone like Dorit who pushes would be a 100% turn off for me. The worst thing you can do to a reserved person who knows she's that way is keep saying shit like "Oh you're going to sit next to ME? Thank you!" or "You need to talk more." "What do I have to do to get close to you?" Bitch, you have to wait, that's what. Passive aggressive BS. Ugh, shut it, Dorit. I don't dislike Dorit btw - she's grown on me too - but this part of her personality really gets to me. She has other redeeming qualities that make me enjoy watching her, thank goodness. 

I'm a vegetarian but don't get the train of thought that Lisa has to not eat meat in order to help animals. That just means you lose someone with means and time who is actually helping animals. That makes no sense to me.

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I seem to remember her first season Miss. Slap Her Snatch was blaming the mean girls in school for making her the way she is now. This season it's all mommy's fault. I tend to think her current emotional make up has always been there from the git go from birth, I think it's called her " id" if I remember correctly. Mommy was just a factor that fed it. Other have had mothers like hers and don't have her issues. I believe those in her life perceived who she was inside and acted to protect themselves. Those willing to be a part of her life had to accept what she was only willing to offer and only on her terms, even her son.

She wears it like armor and is proud of it. I just don't understand it.

I definitely agree with this. I think we develop our own traits and as we grow and experience the world, those traits help to determine how we react to what's going on around us and ultimately how we choose to deal with it. Erika isn't as honest as she thinks, and certainly not with herself. There are so many women that grow up feeling disconnected from their mother and feel that they weren't hugged enough, told I love you or gotten a pat on the back for a job well done. And of those women, so many of them went on to have their own children and decided that they would hug their children plenty, they would say I love you everyday and would always appreciate their effort and encourage their potential. Those type of women looked at life and decided that their experience was a lesson for them in the future. Erika took her experience and decided it was a lesson to emulate. That's not her mother's burden to carry for all of Erika's adult life.

  • Love 8
36 minutes ago, Jel said:

It's embarrassing if he actually believes that, and insulting to viewers' intelligence if he doesn't. 

It gets worse.  Harry was asked on the WWHL Aftershow for advice about doing full frontal nudity.  At the 2:20 mark.  http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live-with-andy-cohen/season-14/episode-50/videos/after-show-harry-on-full-frontal  His initial advice begins with his experience of two seasons of Exuus, where he was nude for the play.  Then it continues with film, and his advice is don't do it - it never goes away.  He also said the nudity is distracting to the storyline (as opposed to be naked on stage for 20 minutes?)  It applies equally to men and women doing full frontal.  He concludes with, "I adore when Lisa does something like Playboy bit I would not endorse her or my daughters doing anything naked on film."  Does Harry not realize that Rinna's Playboy spreads never go away?  He is suppose to be the smart one in the family.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, zulualpha said:


13 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

How could a practicing attorney that does the important work Tom Girardi tends to do, remain legitimate if he becomes a regular on this silly show?  Harry Hamlin limits his exposure on this silly show. This is something for the wife to do that brings in money instead of losing money (cough--Rinna's clothing store--cough--EJ's glam squad).

IDK, Mr. Girardi seemed pretty content to be on the show last season having dinner parties, going out to dinner and lunch, etc. Also,  Erika gave a tour of her lavish home in addition to a slightly over the top pool party.  Tom Girardi is no more important than say Mauricio who's business requires that people trust him with large sums of money and real estate or Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow both doctors who people trust with their lives.  Perhaps the Girardi homestead is off limits because Tom Girardi is being sued for millions of dollars for defrauding clients by keeping settlement money and spending it on personal expenses.


Mr. Kranich is complaining that Tom and other attorneys from his firm “swindled” plaintiffs by not paying them the full settlement amount each was owed. Instead, Tom and co. spent money for personal and other unrelated business expenses, but misrepresented to plaintiffs where their money was going. Yikes!

Maybe the Girardi's want to keep their lifestyle more on the down low hence the focus on Erika's career/performances and humble beginnings in Georgia and not so much on her palatial home and shopping sprees. 

There are multiple reasons for not liking Erika, she's guarded, she comes off as arrogant like on the junk when she told Dorit that Dorit was full of shit, had nothing legitimate to say and she Erika did have important things to say.  She has to have an entourage wherever she goes and she's two faced.  Bitch, please.  And the cherry on the sundae for me, she wears fur.


That sounds like people who don't understand that attorney's fees comes off the top of big settlements. I don't think a real estate broker or "celebrity" plastic surgeons have the same concerns or governing bodies as lawyers.

All these pages wasted telling someone how they should spend their money. smdh

Edited by Drumpf1737
  • Love 7
22 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

This could be total bullshit but MAYBE Erika takes her glam squad rather than hire from whatever locale they are at because they are friends and it makes her feel more comfortable.  

13 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Based on what you see in social media and tabloids, most celebrities (or D-listers who can afford it) limit their social circles to a combination of glam squad and dancers. I'm not sure what makes Erika bitchier than Kathy Griffin for only hanging out with her glam squad. 

EJ had a legit #1 single on Billboard. If she has a decent record deal; she's done pretty well. I don't understand why people insist on labeling it "Tom's money".  FFS it's not 1955

4 hours ago, AndySmith said:

I do remember seeing them at her party. And it's possible they socialize with her off-screen. Many performers do become friends and family-like with their "squads" (god I hate that term), whether it be hair, make-up, backup dancers and singers, etc, even if they are getting paid. I don't see why Ericka's case is all that different.

I know Chelsea Handler takes her entire staff on an all-expenses paid vacation a couple of times a year. I assume this is what Erika is doing. I don't know what the pay rate is like as a member of a glam squad, but I assume this is her way of saying 'thank you.' I don't get why this is such a big deal...sure, Mikey is annoying as fuck, and sure, some of Erika's outfits are bizarre, but let the woman do what she wants. If I had that kind of money and that body, I'd bring my glam squad to the dentist with me.

Also, I assume that other HWs hire hair/makeup people when they're traveling; I'm skeptical of Dorit's abilities to do that bobby pin creation that was on her head last night.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Some useless trivia regarding the “look book”. The original is Cher Horowitz from Clueless. She did not have a look book per say as opposed to a computer program that organized all of her clothes. She’d pick out an item let’s say a skirt and the computer would suggest all of the other items that would go with it including accessories i.e. jewelry/shoes/bag. It also kept her informed of when she wore a particular item last so that she wasn’t wearing the same outfit within the same year.

I think it would awesome for you to post your look book. For your Wednesday look, how about a sagging side ponytail with a few bobby pins sticking out your forehead for the I give zero fucks today look? As a real suggestion, if you are going out where it goes onto the evening – tie a sweater around your waist – the temperature really drops at night.

My sister worked with a gal over 20 years ago that would take pics of every outfit she wore to work so she wouldn't repeat it too soon.  Whatever method one uses to dress and circulate ones wardrobe is their business.  I have to say if you had the time and money a look book would certainly make things easy.  And sometimes a look isn't as fabulous as it seems in your head so having a photo of it helps sort that out.  But not everyone cares or has the time or interest.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, Dutchgirl said:

Erika's Dubai makeup was the worst, waaay worse than the Cinnabon hair but I do appreciate that she puts in the effort to change things up. I find it kind of sweet that she drags around this little entourage of not-so-talented bitchy gays to give her a bit of buffer from these bitchy women...meh, I'd do the same if I could. 


This picture of Erika reminds me of Sonja Morgan

Smokey Eyes, Up-Do, Gstaad.....Bwahahahaha

  • Love 8
59 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

Lots of people make outfit Look Books for trips, just the way some people make Meal Plans for their week. I happen to do both (in a good month, when I'm organized). As mentioned above, Look Books for trips is a fantastic way to make sure that A) you won't forget things and B) that you don't have to worry about dumb things like what you're going to wear and can focus on having fun on your trip. 

That said, I fucking hate Erika's glam squad and I absolutely hate the costumes that they put her in. She looks really good when she's dressed down with minimal makeup. I think the need to cart that glam squad around with her belies a very deep insecurity and I find that sort of thing offputting. 

BUT. I have grown fond of Erika this season. I wasn't expecting it after last season, but it's a pleasant surprise. I much prefer to have a fondness for all the cast members even if I can't stand this or that particular thing that they do. Bitch eating crackers mentality brings me down. I almost had to give up watching this when Brandi was on for that very reason. I don't like everything Erika does, but I do kind of like her. I also get her - I have a pretty "on" type of job but am reserved on a personal level. I don't make friends easily, my friends always dread bringing new people into the group for that very reason. Someone like Dorit who pushes would be a 100% turn off for me. The worst thing you can do to a reserved person who knows she's that way is keep saying shit like "Oh you're going to sit next to ME? Thank you!" or "You need to talk more." "What do I have to do to get close to you?" Bitch, you have to wait, that's what. Passive aggressive BS. Ugh, shut it, Dorit. I don't dislike Dorit btw - she's grown on me too - but this part of her personality really gets to me. She has other redeeming qualities that make me enjoy watching her, thank goodness. 

I'm a vegetarian but don't get the train of thought that Lisa has to not eat meat in order to help animals. That just means you lose someone with means and time who is actually helping animals. That makes no sense to me.

I agree with your post but I also feel that there can be passive aggressiveness on both sides. Just like a snarkish slight pointing out guardedness, one's reserve can be used to the point of rudeness.

I have a few very good friends, more that are regular friends and many who I consider friendly acquaintances both out going and reserved. Now what I say next is not aimed directly at you Otherkate but in general...When offers of honest friendship or social interaction are met with repeated reserve, sorry too bad, I'm not going to jump through hoops nor run an obstacle course to gain your trust on your terms and be deemed worthy. Don't be surprised that when you've decided I've passed your tests, that I'm now reserved toward you wondering "Why now?" and I may ask you questions and might wish you well but walk away.

Xs and Os Otherkate!

Edited by Giselle
sound of a Bronx raspberry!
  • Love 10
12 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

It's possible she could have meant that she speaks when she has something important to say. But maybe I'm wrong.

Then she should state it that way.

This whole what was said in Mexico, was resolved when Erika, after Dorit made the bonding over Xanax and Smoothies (not Xanax in smoothies) comment and continued with the baggie full of pills, Erika interjected, "it was a joke, right?"  Dorit responded with, "Yes we had a good laugh."  So for Erika to infer Dorit was implying something else is disingenuous. 

This whole blame it on Dorit, is so reminiscent of last year and Rinna bringing up Munchausen and then transferring her responsibility to LVP, with an alleged statement and a moron like Erika buying into it because she had decided she would not like LVP.  Much like last year when Erika was upset with Rinna for her comments about Yolanda, this year it is Erika liking Kim and not approving of Rinna's comments Game Night and subsequently Cake Night when Dorit dare challenge Rinna about Kim's statements Game Night.  It always has the same genesis, Rinna misspeaking and then projecting blame on others. 

I feel like Dorit was winning at the end of the episode because as Camille said, "the one who loses their cool, loses."  Calling someone "Bullshit" and telling someone to fuck off and flipping them off is not winning behavior.  Saying it is a sixth sense is cellar level loser behavior, it is also called lying. 

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, Giselle said:

Well Tuesday was Steak and a BJ Day. If she observed that holiday Ken will be lucky twice this year at least.

LOL, Ken probably tells LVP, "I'll buy you what you want, PLEASE stay away from my crotch........"

5 minutes ago, Giselle said:


Reminds me of Baby Jane and that possessed doll of death from the "Night Gallery" series. Yikes! just saw that collection on DVD.



Well, I must say that she is a Pretty Little Mess?

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Adam Pally on WWHL was asked if the other RH were envious of Erika's Glam Squad, he is said normally he would say yes because they all want what the others have but in this case no because Erika's Glam Squad is so annoying.  I could understand Erika, who is basically insecure taking a single hair and makeup person, but why a "Creative Director", Mikey, they had already given her a look book.  What happens is all the hours spent getting Erika ready take away from time and filming opportunities with the cast.  It just seems odd that Erika needs a crew to direct her to play "herself".

I don't know this Pally person and never watched "Happy Endings" where he played a GAY character, but one of the funniest jokes came out of his mouth on "Fashion Police" back when Joan was still alive! Rivers asked him how many auditions did he have to do! IIRC Pally said in a deadpan voice: "I had 3 auditions, 2 call backs, then I had to let someone finish in my throat!" ;-) Everyone on the set broke up! George Kotsiopoulos covered his face, Giuliana Rancic stomped her foot and almost fell off her chair, and Kelly Osborne screamed and clapped wildly! I still can't think of it without LMAO; my hands are shaking just trying to type this post! I should see if someone saved it to You Tube!

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Why my opinion of Harry Hamlin continues to decline:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/lisa-rinna-kim-richards-sobriety-drama-harry-hamlin-reacts  As to Harry's syntax statement-this is what Rinna said, verbatim:

That's what Kyle's afraid of, She's afraid to turn her back on her sister because of that. She's afraid she is going to die.  I know it, you know it.  To me that's what is going to happen next.  They're this close to Kim dying."  I believe saying, "to me that's what is going to happen next," pretty much seals the deal.   

Reading is essential Mr. Hamlin.  Or watch the fucking show.

Pretty harsh to refer to "the sins of the grandparents".  I can't believe these idiots have so many lofty discussions about Kim, who has only asked they not discuss her.

Harry can go fuck Lola.

  • Love 5

When offers of honest friendship or social interaction are met with repeated reserve, sorry too bad, I'm not going to jump through hoops nor run an obstacle course to gain your trust on your terms and be deemed worthy. Don't be surprised that when you've decided I've passed your tests, that I'm now reserved toward you wondering "Why now?" and I may ask you questions and might wish you well but walk away.

Except that isn't quite what happened in the case of Ericka and Dorit...

Also, as someone who is also reserved when it comes to making new friends, when we tell someone we're not interested now, it isn't because we are setting an obstacle course or whatever. We're just asking you to back off and let the friendship develop naturally and organically. If it is meant to happen, it will happen, then great. If not, oh well. But constantly trying to force the friendship while at the same time throwing passive-aggressive digs at us while then whining why we haven't opened up to you and/or connected with you, giving us hints that maybe your offers of friendship aren't honest or genuine to begin with? Yeah, fuck off, and take your bullshit with you.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 14
20 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Gogurt commercial




I was in a supermarket and crossed into the dairy aisle.

Just then a kid starts to ask his mom for "GOGURT!!!"

By the time I got to the end of the aisle, the kid has thrown him self onto the floor of the store and he is screaming "I WANT GOGURT" at the top of his lungs.

I wanted to punch him and slap the mom.

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Except that isn't quite what happened in the case of Ericka and Dorit...

Also, as someone who is also reserved, when we tell someone we're not interested, it isn't because we are setting an obstacle course or whatever. We're just asking you to back off and let the friendship develop naturally and organically. If it is meant to happen, it will happen, the  great. If not, oh well. But constantly trying to force the friendship while at the same time throwing passive-aggressive digs at us while then whining why we haven't opened up to you and/connected with you, giving us hints that maybe your offers of friendship aren't honest or genuine to begin with? Yeah, fuck off, and take your bullshit with you.

I love you AndySmith! Spot on!!!?

Edited by Yolo
  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Except that isn't quite what happened in the case of Ericka and Dorit...

Also, as someone who is also reserved when it comes to making new friends, when we tell someone we're not interested now, it isn't because we are setting an obstacle course or whatever. We're just asking you to back off and let the friendship develop naturally and organically. If it is meant to happen, it will happen, then great. If not, oh well. But constantly trying to force the friendship while at the same time throwing passive-aggressive digs at us while then whining why we haven't opened up to you and/or connected with you, giving us hints that maybe your offers of friendship aren't honest or genuine to begin with? Yeah, fuck off, and take your bullshit with you.

She threw another one at Erika this week, when Erika came over to the table and sat down next to Dorit. She said something like "oh, you're going to sit by me"?  WTF indeed. Give it some time asshole. 

  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:



I was in a supermarket and crossed into the dairy aisle.

Just then a kid starts to ask his mom for "GOGURT!!!"

By the time I got to the end of the aisle, the kid has thrown him self onto the floor of the store and he is screaming "I WANT GOGURT" at the top of his lungs.

I wanted to punch him and slap the mom.

A few years ago when visiting a friend in Miami, we stopped off at Pollo Tropical.

While on line, there was a kid whining to his mom that he wanted a Happy Meal. He worked himself up to the point where I had to step back because he threw himself on the floor and had a full blown tantrum.

So I looked at my friend and started stomping my feet doing a full 360 while screaming I want a Miserable Meal tooooooo!!!!!!!

Hey it made the kid stop flailing around the floor.

  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

But constantly trying to force the friendship while at the same time throwing passive-aggressive digs at us while then whining why we haven't opened up to you and/or connected with you, giving us hints that maybe your offers of friendship aren't honest or genuine to begin with?

Sounds logical...except for reality television "friends."

  • Love 8

When Lisa Renna was gleefully packing for Hong Kong, did any other large dog lover/owner happen to notice the possibility that poor old Lola (her Rottweiler) looks like she is painfully dysplastic (hip dysplasia is a common genetic defect suffered by large breeds).  My point being that Renna seems totally oblivious to the totally abnormal gait of her dog.  Just sayin'.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Except that isn't quite what happened in the case of Ericka and Dorit...

Also, as someone who is also reserved when it comes to making new friends, when we tell someone we're not interested now, it isn't because we are setting an obstacle course or whatever. We're just asking you to back off and let the friendship develop naturally and organically. If it is meant to happen, it will happen, then great. If not, oh well. But constantly trying to force the friendship while at the same time throwing passive-aggressive digs at us while then whining why we haven't opened up to you and/or connected with you, giving us hints that maybe your offers of friendship aren't honest or genuine to begin with? Yeah, fuck off, and take your bullshit with you.

There is also the reality they are expected to film a 12 week show.  Not much organic or natural about that scenario.  Just like inviting a person you have never met before to your birthday party and her returning the favor.  Then meeting up at a party and telling the majority their humor is mean and then delivering an insult and announcing you aren't wearing any underwear.  So it the guarded and reserved Erika kind of comes and goes.  To me, Dorit was responding in kind to Erika's digs. 

I think Erika and Dorit kind of had an understanding the day they LVP's before going to Hong Kong but Erika takes everything Dorit says as a dig.   Erika always acts as if it is a one way street, and it isn't.  Contrary to Erika and her clown squad, this isn't the Erika Jayne show, it is an ensemble cast.  BTW, I don't blame Erika for that idea, Bravo has jammed her down our throats the same way they did LVP and Giggy her first season.  So it is kind of a omen if you don't get along with Erika there may not be a next season.

  • Love 7

She threw another one at Erika this week, when Erika came over to the table and sat down next to Dorit. She said something like "oh, you're going to sit by me"?  WTF indeed. Give it some time asshole. 

Yeah! You want her to be your friend, and practically obsess over the fact that she isn't doing it fast enough, yet when she does something to indicate that she's got no real problem with you (even after the underwear business that wouldn't die), you call her out on it in front of people? (I'm exaggerating the terminology a bit, the the point is there--I think, anyway.)



When Lisa Renna was gleefully packing for Hong Kong, did any other large dog lover/owner happen to notice the possibility that poor old Lola (her Rottweiler) looks like she is painfully dysplastic (hip dysplasia is a common genetic defect suffered by large breeds).  My point being that Renna seems totally oblivious to the totally abnormal gait of her dog.  Just sayin'.

I'm no Rinna fan but that tiny amount of time didn't and couldn't tell us whether or not she/Harry and the dog's vet are already dealing with it. If there's even an "it" to be dealt with, that is.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 7

There is also the reality they are expected to film a 12 week show

But that doesn't mean they all have to be friends.


To me, Dorit was responding in kind to Erika's digs. 

Except Dorit is the one whining about not being friends while throwing the digs.


Contrary to Erika and her clown squad, this isn't the Erika Jayne show, it is an ensemble cast. BTW, I don't blame Erika for that idea, Bravo has jammed her down our throats the same way they did LVP and Giggy her first season.  So it is kind of a omen if you don't get along with Erika there may not be a next season.

I have not seen any of that all, but to each their own.


Erika takes everything Dorit says as a dig

Because everything Dorit says is a dig. She just hides behind excuses "I was joking!" "I was using British humor!" "I was being sarcastic!" No, Dorit, you are a mean girl style bitch. You are Regina George but with a shitty wannabe faux-British accent and the occasional bugged out scary eyes.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 9
16 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

But that doesn't mean they all have to be friends.

Except Dorit is the one whining about not being friends while throwing the digs.

I have not seen any of that all, but to each their own.

Because everything Dorit says is a dig. She just hides behind excuses "I was joking!" "I was using British humor!" "I was being sarcastic!" No, Dorit, you are a mean girl style bitch. You are Regina George but with a shitty wannabe faux-British accent and the occasional bugged out scary eyes.

To me it is like two dogs meeting each other, with these two women.  First it is who smells whose butt first, then mutual butt sniffing, then one raise a paw in play, the other recoils or snaps or growls.  Every time the dogs see each other they repeat and eventually they learn to play together or are sent off to separate yards. 

Not everything Dorit says is a dig.  Nor is everything Erika says a direct insult.  Dorit seems to fine with Kyle and LVP and even Eden, until Eden misrepresented her so it isn't just Dorit.  Eileen has sais she loves Dorit.  So there is a lot of manure these women stand in.

Erika has two personalities so I think the accent stuff is pretty tame.  I would rather banter with Dorit than listen to Erika talk about how fabulous she is.  Just a different taste in people.

  • Love 18

The way Lola just seems to ignore her makes me think Rinna isn't that involved in Lola's day to day.  She probably isn't the one that feeds Lola.  Dogs tend to pay more attention to their food source.  She also just doesn't seem that natural with Lola, but maybe that's just because everything feels forced with Rinna.  But it stuck out to me that she kept telling Lola to "sit down" last week and if your dog has minimal standard training sit and down are usually 2 different commands and you know not to combine them and confuse the dog.  Sit down is usually a command someone that doesn't have a dog tries.

  • Love 13

More like Erika dislike.  The more she reveals the more unlikeable she becomes to some. 

Her likability dropped off a lot for me after her last WWHL appearance; the way she acted was a real turn off.


Arrogance to some people. Confidence to others.

One can exude confidence without having to insult others in the process. If you have to say you're more fabulous than everybody else, then maybe you really aren't.


Adam Pally on WWHL was asked if the other RH were envious of Erika's Glam Squad, he is said normally he would say yes because they all want what the others have but in this case no because Erika's Glam Squad is so annoying. 

That was funny, and I think Andy may have been a little taken aback that one of his guests wasn't all that enamored with the Erikas.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 19
41 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

When Lisa Renna was gleefully packing for Hong Kong, did any other large dog lover/owner happen to notice the possibility that poor old Lola (her Rottweiler) looks like she is painfully dysplastic (hip dysplasia is a common genetic defect suffered by large breeds).  My point being that Renna seems totally oblivious to the totally abnormal gait of her dog.  Just sayin'.

Rinna and her daughters walk like this on the regular in heels or not. That narcissist probably thought to herself, Lola should be a runway dog….you go gurl

  • Love 6
36 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

When Lisa Renna was gleefully packing for Hong Kong, did any other large dog lover/owner happen to notice the possibility that poor old Lola (her Rottweiler) looks like she is painfully dysplastic (hip dysplasia is a common genetic defect suffered by large breeds).  My point being that Renna seems totally oblivious to the totally abnormal gait of her dog.  Just sayin'.

Well, maybe Gigi Hadid needs to stop by and tell Lola to walk like she's getting food (whatever that is)!!! ---- Sorry I couldn't resist!!

Actually, I'm a crazy cat lady, although I love all animals and even I noticed something off in Lola's gait. Maybe Aunt LVP can stop by and make sure Lola's okay.  I do hope that Lola is being properly cared for and is in good health.  Much as I dislike Rinna, I did laugh at her comment to Lola about helping "her people."  

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The way Lola just seems to ignore her makes me think Rinna isn't that involved in Lola's day to day.  She probably isn't the one that feeds Lola.  Dogs tend to pay more attention to their food source.  She also just doesn't seem that natural with Lola, but maybe that's just because everything feels forced with Rinna.  But it stuck out to me that she kept telling Lola to "sit down" last week and if your dog has minimal standard training sit and down are usually 2 different commands and you know not to combine them and confuse the dog.  Sit down is usually a command someone that doesn't have a dog tries.

Exactly!!  Some people get a breed for their attributes, but don't necessarily educate themselves about that particular breed's health issues.  I think Rinna is one of those.  Watching her tell Lola to sit down last week confirmed to me that she had not participated in ANY dog training.  Period!!

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

Except that isn't quite what happened in the case of Ericka and Dorit...

Also, as someone who is also reserved when it comes to making new friends, when we tell someone we're not interested now, it isn't because we are setting an obstacle course or whatever. We're just asking you to back off and let the friendship develop naturally and organically. If it is meant to happen, it will happen, then great. If not, oh well. But constantly trying to force the friendship while at the same time throwing passive-aggressive digs at us while then whining why we haven't opened up to you and/or connected with you, giving us hints that maybe your offers of friendship aren't honest or genuine to begin with? Yeah, fuck off, and take your bullshit with you.

Best fucking thing on this board! Bravo AndySmith (no pun intended) 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Sai said:

I think Erika is Rinna's sixth sense and the sixth sense was not truthful.  Now with Dorit asking who told Rinna, Erika is starting to sweat because she knows she's the one and that she lied about how the conversation really went down so she's jumping into the conversation, deflecting and trying to make Dorit look bad so she herself doesn't get busted.  She's the sniper from the side.  A bitch too, if you ask me.

Hmmmm.  So those of us who do recall Dorit implying something in her telling of the bag story (there are dozens of us--dozens!) are all liars too?  Is it possible Erika exaggerated the story? Of course. But I think calling Erika a lying bitchy sniper seems a bit excessive. 

2 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I've never met a single person who creates a look book before their vacation, I'm sure it happens, I just don't hang around people that do it I guess. Or maybe I do? It's never occurred to me to ask. And making meal plans is more along the lines of what I do for vacation packing, which is merely creating a sheet to keep myself organized, rather than a "look book" so I can make sure I'm knocking the socks off of everyone who's into watching boring 40 somethings on vacay. It's not for the "look", although I want to look nice for dinner and such, but it's more for the organization for me. I suppose if Erika is a visual learner, it would make sense. But with her, it just reads as self-important glam-squad hogwash.

I'm sure there are lots of things I'd do differently if I was being filmed for a tv show 12-16 hours a day.  Like I wouldn't be sitting here in a fleece covered in cat/dog hair, yoga pants, and my hair in a bun.

1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

This picture of Erika reminds me of Sonja Morgan

Smokey Eyes, Up-Do, Gstaad.....Bwahahahaha

Ha. Too funny.  Although I think her look goes well beyond a "smoky" eye.  That shit was a 3-alarm blaze!

1 hour ago, Jamie Satyr said:

I don't know this Pally person and never watched "Happy Endings" where he played a GAY character, but one of the funniest jokes came out of his mouth on "Fashion Police" back when Joan was still alive! Rivers asked him how many auditions did he have to do! IIRC Pally said in a deadpan voice: "I had 3 auditions, 2 call backs, then I had to let someone finish in my throat!" ;-) Everyone on the set broke up! George Kotsiopoulos covered his face, Giuliana Rancic stomped her foot and almost fell off her chair, and Kelly Osborne screamed and clapped wildly! I still can't think of it without LMAO; my hands are shaking just trying to type this post! I should see if someone saved it to You Tube!

Sigh.  And this is why one of the best sitcoms ever got cancelled after 3 seasons.  Nobody watched it!  But seriously, if you have Hulu, do give it a watch.  It's fucking hilarious. 

36 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

When Lisa Renna was gleefully packing for Hong Kong, did any other large dog lover/owner happen to notice the possibility that poor old Lola (her Rottweiler) looks like she is painfully dysplastic (hip dysplasia is a common genetic defect suffered by large breeds).  My point being that Renna seems totally oblivious to the totally abnormal gait of her dog.  Just sayin'.

I'll judge Rinna for MANY things - the list is long - but I won't do that unless I had hard proof.  Maybe because I am the owner of a dog with severe arthritis in her hind legs. I takes her to physical therapy once a week, get her laser treatments 2x a month, and give her daily massages. Yet my dog STILL walks stiffly and awkwardly at times.  I'm sure it would be easy for somebody who sees her walking to just assume I'm too selfish or oblivious to notice my dog having a problem.  But it's far from the case.  Could be the same with Lola.

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

So much truthing. Let's be real. Look #1: Same sweats as last day off, same tank. Blanket. Look #2: T shirt, wine glass, blanket. Look #3: Dandruff, a dog throwing herself across my lap, blanket.

Bwah!! The truth!! Yeah any "fashion sense" I once had took a considerable nose dive once I started teleworking 3 years ago!  I went to visit my friend a few months ago and she was like, "oh honey, we NEED to get you to the mall STAT."  LOL.  Now I at least have some cute boots and nice bag for that once-a-week outing Mr. Duke and I make to the local brewery!  ;) 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 3
36 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Except that isn't quite what happened in the case of Ericka and Dorit...

Also, as someone who is also reserved when it comes to making new friends, when we tell someone we're not interested now, it isn't because we are setting an obstacle course or whatever. We're just asking you to back off and let the friendship develop naturally and organically. If it is meant to happen, it will happen, then great. If not, oh well. But constantly trying to force the friendship while at the same time throwing passive-aggressive digs at us while then whining why we haven't opened up to you and/or connected with you, giving us hints that maybe your offers of friendship aren't honest or genuine to begin with? Yeah, fuck off, and take your bullshit with you.

I wasn't being an apologist for Dorit   Erica and Dorit have both been snapping at each other and being rude to each other from the beginning and now both are guarded around each other.

I agree with your statement. What I said was right also. I think most people are laid back, myself included, in letting friendships happen organically if they are meant to happen. I said that rudeness can come from either type, an outgoing person or a reserved person. I think that is a true statement. There rude people who will snipe at someone's reserve which is absolutely wrong just as there are people so guarded that it is a rudeness that is also visible and palpable. There are reserved people who have tests, multiple tests, be honest we all do, and waiting for the results of those tests can deter a genuine offer of friendship if they take too long. When one is bending over backwards to be honestly kind, friendly also inclusive and not in any way being obnoxious or being catty and passive aggressive, when it is constantly met with a reserve that may hint at being antisocial, power playing, or stinks of bullshit, they too may retract a bit and friendship when finally extended from the other side may not interest them anymore.  That is what I was saying.

Rudeness is never acceptable from either side. Being genuine and honest or false and dishonest in interactions can happen from both types of people. And yes, both those unreserved and reserved people who are false and dishonest in their social interactions can fuck off.


  • Love 13
34 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

To me it is like two dogs meeting each other, with these two women.  First it is who smells whose butt first, then mutual butt sniffing, then one raise a paw in play, the other recoils or snaps or growls.  Every time the dogs see each other they repeat and eventually they learn to play together or are sent off to separate yards. 

Not everything Dorit says is a dig.  Nor is everything Erika says a direct insult.  Dorit seems to fine with Kyle and LVP and even Eden, until Eden misrepresented her so it isn't just Dorit.  Eileen has sais she loves Dorit.  So there is a lot of manure these women stand in.

Erika has two personalities so I think the accent stuff is pretty tame.  I would rather banter with Dorit than listen to Erika talk about how fabulous she is.  Just a different taste in people.

Outside HWs I think Erika would be far more interesting.  She has had an interesting past from what people can dig up and what you can get from the little she has shared.  While I have warmed a bit to Dorit I don't find her terribly interesting.  But this is just my personal perspective.  

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

HA!! Gotta have one or two pretties! For those of us who don't have legion of fabulous people making us look fabulous, I don't think fabulous matters so much. I'm usually good with "meh".

I feel good if I actually wear jeans instead of just changing from night time pajamas to day time pajamas.

  • Love 21
29 minutes ago, jaync said:

Her likability dropped off a lot for me after her last WWHL appearance; the way she acted was a real turn off.

One can exude confidence without having to insult others in the process. If you have to say you're more fabulous than anybody else, then maybe you really aren't.

That was funny, and I think Andy may have been a little taken aback that one of his guests wasn't all that enamored with the Erikas.

Andy hates hearing anything that differs from his little world and mindset.

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Outside HWs I think Erika would be far more interesting.  She has had an interesting past from what people can dig up and what you can get from the little she has shared.  While I have warmed a bit to Dorit I don't find her terribly interesting.  But this is just my personal perspective.  

I think I would like to find out more about Dorit and her career in fashion.  I checked out her Instagram awhile back and she is very fashion savvy and seems to do it all on her own.  I do think there is more to her than being Boy George's house mom.  I would have to think about what I would want to know about Erika's past. . . there might be something appealing.  I have been to Atlanta and I have been served drinks by a cocktail waitress so we would have that as a common thread. 

  • Love 8

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