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S03.E13: Chapter Fifty-Seven

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When Jane messes up at Mateo's school, Petra convinces Jane to help with the preschool fundraiser to get in the good graces of the preschool's director. Jane is excited for her first meeting with her editor, but he's definitely not what she expected. Rafael's girlfriend Abbey suggests moving in together, but Rafael seems a little hesitant and turns to Petra and Jane for advice. Petra is hiding a new relationship, but that's not the only secret she's keeping. Rogelio is being sued after quitting his reality show and hires a lawyer to help fix things, but when the lawyer makes things worse he turns to Bruce for help. Meanwhile, Bruce asks Jane and Alba for help in surprising Xo.


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Well, I guess this is how they will reignite the Jane/Rafael romance? How nice; it only took three episodes.

In all seriousness, I get why they're doing it, but just bringing up those meta points about it not disrespecting Michael's memory and the importance of Jane/Rafael back in season 1 leading back to Michael/Jane (not that I really believe it) is not going to make the journey any easier. 

Also, look at them utilizing the police. I guess they didn't need Michael after all! Am I right? Ok, I'm a little bitter. I'm still working through my Michael grief. I might be at the anger stage now. I'm jumping through all the stages of TV Character Death Grief.

I didn't hate the episode, though. I thought it was alright, but I have also seen a lot better from this show. I wasn't invested in the Gossiping Mommies, and I wasn't invested in Petra and Chuck, as much as I wanted to be. I did like seeing Petra's growth in her guilt over her actions. I mean, it's a step forward for her! And Zen Rafael is truly great. I do love Rafael and think he should be happy. I just would like him to be happy outside of Jane, you know?

Much like I am annoyed at Xo/Rogelio. Good for the fans who are probably going to see them reunite by the end of the season, but I'm finally warmed up to Bruce/Xo, and it only took a time jump! He's great! I love that he went through with the proposal anyway, and I love that Xo read through the situation to recognize what was happening. 

On another note, Mateo was cute and I'm warming up to the actor. They're using him just right and he may be the first kid above the age of one and below the age of eighteen that I think has not been annoying once. That could definitely change, but I appreciate that they're not overusing him.

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There were some hilarious moments in this episode. Especially those 1900 scenes.  JTV did an evil villain laugh. lol I wanted Abbey to stay around longer because we never really seen Raf in a serious relationship outside of the one he had with Jane. The Playboy thing is fun but so are serious romances. Was Minka Kelly booked because she was barely on the show nor did her character do anything outside of the card scene. Lord, I wish Bruce wasn't so bland. I wouldn't mind him staying around until the S3 finale if he wasn't so damn basic. I actually like Chuck & Petra. She acts like a normal human being!  Drunk Petra was hilarious. "Petra, out!" A few people  are going to write a bunch of R/Xo fan fiction because of that one scene. lol  There's one thing the series never forgets about. Rafael is the one who helped push Jane to write.  

Edited by Simba122504
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I appreciate that Rafael and Jane are shown to have such a supportive and honest relationship now. If they end up getting back together, their relationship will be so much better. I also really like that Rafael encouraged her to go back to writing, even if it was about throat lozenges, and I like that Rafael is now included in the Jane Villanueva beta reading group.

I also loved that when Rafael said he wanted to find love like that again, he and Jane were both very comfortable and they both knew he was talking about finding someone new (as opposed to giving her a look and then one or both of them getting uncomfortable because he was talking about getting back together with her).

Hilarious when that little kid told Rogelio, "And you got a lawyer! Good job!" after Bruce and Xo's engagement. Bruce really does nothing for me (despite the fact that I watched the first few seasons of Desperate Housewives), but I like that he is so secure in his relationship with Xiomara that he helped Rogelio and Xiomara make up with each other. I know some people find jealousy flattering, but I find it immature and annoying so I am glad that Bruce knows that Rogelio will always be part of Xiomara's family and tried to make things better for everyone.

Who gets the blame for not having any bussers at the fundraiser? The waiter said the school didn't hire any but shouldn't Petra have told them that they needed to have bussers at an event like that? Or did Petra not want to pay the bussers to have them work at this event?

Loved the period costumes when Jane was imagining her book. Rafael literally twirling his mustache was hilarious.

I agree that Petra acts much more real when she's around Chuck, which helped me tolerate him. I can't blame her for being embarrassed about liking someone who uses phrases like "Happy bangaversary" and "So do you want to bone?" Chuck finding out the truth at the same time that Abby sent Scott's journal to the police is not going to be good for Petra (or Rafael!).

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3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I also loved that when Rafael said he wanted to find love like that again, he and Jane were both very comfortable and they both knew he was talking about finding someone new (as opposed to giving her a look and then one or both of them getting uncomfortable because he was talking about getting back together with her).

I did too. To me it signaled that they aren't going to be matching them up again, but who knows.

There was a throw-away line with the frat boy editor that made me go "hmmm" - while he was praising Jane's book (it might have been in their last scene together) they were having an energetic back and forth and he said something like  "I know, that's why I bought it!" (at the end of a fairly long piece of his dialogue). It might have been unintentional wording, and was meant to mean something else, but this show is pretty specific about language.

3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

So do you want to bone?"

That would have been offputting to me, even if I wasn't keeping a secret about a skeleton.

I checked out the actor everyone says looks like Michael, and he does, a bit. But he's way too tall, I think, to be Michael in some sort of disguise.

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Urgh, I hope Minka is exiting stage left and isn't going to be on some prolonged villain arc. We just dispatched Jane's annoying cousin, and Minka really does not have the acting chops to pull off anything other than bland yet saccharine.

I hope at least the rest of the season they give Jane a little bit of a break and let some of the other characters get beaten down for a change, even if it means more of the Marbella/Rafael's family storylines I don't normally care for. I'd like to see a run of episodes where Jane's single and isn't having so much happening to her, but is affecting some of the changes herself. I get that that's not the overall theme of this show, that from the inception/conception of the pilot episode it's all been about crazy over-the-top scenarios falling on her head, but I'm really ready for her to win for at least a few hours. No Rafael rekindling, not yet anyway -- if that's their plan, it is going to take a lot of time and cooking for it to feel earned.

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Well, yet another instance of "foot in mouth" syndrome for Jane. Sigh. I know I just have to accept it at this point - it's a feature of the show that doesn't seem likely to change anytime soon. 

I really really like Jane and Rafael's friendship. It feels very earned (unlike Xo and Bruce). At this stage I hope they don't bring them back together romantically, but it's possible I can be won over with enough time and careful writing.

And speaking of Xo and Bruce, that triangle with Rogelio is not particularly entertaining, plus it deprives us of Fun!Rogelio. We just see Ro looking lost and down, which is obviously far from ideal. And the show never did the real work to make the Xo and Bruce relationship truthful - because of course they're aiming to get Ro and Xo back together, which: Duh - so I guess it just feels like spinning wheels in the meantime. 

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I didn't think I would, but I am really enjoying the Raf and his baby mamas trio. They have created this little family that works for them. They support each other, they push each other, and yes, they love each other. I really loved seeing Petra support Jane and help her right her ways with the school principal. If Rafael and Jane happen romantically, I will be happy (as they were always my preferred duo) but I am really enjoying the dynamic with Raf/Petra/Jane.

I also loved that once again, Rafael helps Jane with her writing. Finding her voice. 

Drunk Petra was SO AWESOME. That actress is GOOD!

Speaking of Petra - I like her a lot with Chuck. They just work.

Is it just me or the writers have painted Rogelio in a really bad light lately? I know he has always been self-centred and a bit unaware of what's going on around him, but they seem to have written his character in a more childish, even more egoistical way lately. I've always enjoyed Rogelio and his colourful personality but I find him a bit off putting lately.

Xo and Bruce - I just don't buy it... I don't know why... I'm just not interested.

Abbey, the orange book, Scott... It's all intriguing... I wonder where it is leading.

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Why was Rafael trying to hide Scott's burn book in Petra's room? I guess it's going to be explained, but I can't think of any plausible reason.

Based on these 3 episodes, it doesn't seem like Michael's death has brought any structural changes to the show. I can't see anything that couldn't have been achieved with Michael still alive. Well, except for Jane and Rafael being this close, so I guess it's easy to see what that was all about. I don't think it's going to happen just yet, but now I'm fully convinced it's happening eventually. 

Even though I'm not really sure what I was expecting, I thought the show would take another direction. It feels like they hit a reset button, but instead of expanding and taking a new perspective, we're just back to square one. Sometimes it feels like watching season 1 all over again, just without Michael being around. I'm not too enthusiastic about that. The show still has those nice little details that make me keep watching and I still enjoy all/most characters and their interaction, but I feel I'm less and less invested. 

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23 minutes ago, Joana said:

Based on these 3 episodes, it doesn't seem like Michael's death has brought any structural changes to the show. I can't see anything that couldn't have been achieved with Michael still alive.

I agree. I still don't really know what Michaels death, or even the time skip, has gotten us, except for no Michael, a more jerkish Rogelio (which may or may not have anything to do with Michael), and a general sense of melancholy. Well, the melancholy is more me than the show, which at this point has already kind of moved on, tone wise. They still talk about Michael, but he is pretty much gone.

I still like the show, and I enjoy many aspects of it, but its just so hard for me to get behind the show now. Like I've said before, I'm sure I will one day be able to totally love the show again, but by that time Michael will probably be gone. Although, I will give them credit, I don't think they are going with the Jane/Raf story, so I'm alright with Jane adding a love triangle to her story. As much as I was meh on Jane/Raf, they did deeply care for each other, and acknowledging that is alright.

I really liked the old timie story Jane is writing, especially Raf as a literal mustache twirling villain, and the fictional versions of Xo and Petra calling out Jane for her subpar writing. I also enjoyed her new editor, because, yeah, he is different than the other authority figures we`ve seen on the show, but, as its turns out, he isn't a bad guy, and Jane needs to be a bit more open minded to someone with a different style than what she's used to. Oh Jane, how you would be weirded out if you realized your entire life, and the lives of everyone you know, is narrated by a man.

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I like Xo and Bruce, I think because they are so boring. It's the first adult relationship we've seen her have. I think Rogelio is vain, silly, and shallow, so I've never taken him very seriously. Bruce is a normal, adult man - respectful, kind, not full of himself, and grounded in reality. Xo just seems so content with him. I never saw her smile at Rogelio like that.


Oh Jane, how you would be weirded out if you realized your entire life, and the lives of everyone you know, is narrated by a man.

I loved the narrator's outrage at the male "bashing." He has feelings, too, ya know.

Edited by mrsbagnet
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16 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Who gets the blame for not having any bussers at the fundraiser? The waiter said the school didn't hire any but shouldn't Petra have told them that they needed to have bussers at an event like that? Or did Petra not want to pay the bussers to have them work at this event?

I thought they said they wanted to cut down on costs so bussers got the boot.  That seems kind of silly since this school likely is full of monied parents but whatever, we learned Rafael is a fast dishwasher. 

12 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

It might have been unintentional wording, and was meant to mean something else, but this show is pretty specific about language.

It made you hmm but what do you think it meant?

10 hours ago, Joana said:

Why was Rafael trying to hide Scott's burn book in Petra's room?

I don't think he was trying to hide it in her room. I think he was trying to take it from her but his guy was interrupted when Petra came back early.  She saw him by the vent which is why she took it out with the intention of finding a different place to hide it. 

I hope by having Bruce become Rogelio's lawyer, his role gets bigger.  I thought Andrea Nevado was very good in the proposal scene.  I found myself happy for her happiness and rooting for them.  And yes, Rogelio has become a bit of a jerk lately but he has always walked a thin line.  

I think drunk Petra is the most I've ever liked Petra.  Her slide into Hungarian cracked me up.  I too am liking the trio of Raf, Jane and Petra and how they support one another.  

Finally, I hope Stacey sticks around. It took me the longest time to figure out where I recognized the actress from until I read in a review that she's an actress from Insecure

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The one change in this show after the time jump I don't support is Rogelio's character.  He was always self-involved and could unintentionally create problems, but letting a woman defrost her egg and then deciding he didn't want to have children with her just isn't in character for him.  And selling out Xo - the woman he loves - is also awful.  I hope he finds his way soon; he was a highlight of this show for me.

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On 2/27/2017 at 9:35 PM, Lady Calypso said:

On another note, Mateo was cute and I'm warming up to the actor. They're using him just right and he may be the first kid above the age of one and below the age of eighteen that I think has not been annoying once. That could definitely change, but I appreciate that they're not overusing him.

you should check out Trixie in Lucifer ;)

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23 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

There was a throw-away line with the frat boy editor that made me go "hmmm" - while he was praising Jane's book (it might have been in their last scene together) they were having an energetic back and forth and he said something like  "I know, that's why I bought it!" (at the end of a fairly long piece of his dialogue). It might have been unintentional wording, and was meant to mean something else, but this show is pretty specific about language.


10 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

It made you hmm but what do you think it meant?

That he's not just her editor, he's also the publisher. It's not a huge thing (hence hmmm instead of "wait a minute"), but it would make an exceedingly small publishing house. Perhaps  not ideal for Jane's future success as a writer (or this particular book).

8 hours ago, vavera4ka said:

you should check out Trixie in Lucifer ;)

Or Blue in Queen Sugar.

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Just finished the episode. I took time to watch it because I wasn't particularly ready for my weekly dose of Jane and her antics. 

Thanks for the show pointing out Jane's gender bias (which we may all have in some degree) but I absolutely LOVED when Mateo told her that he only said he like the female aide because his mom wanted it so bad. Drive that shit home! Sadly, I'm sure she will be back to her bias next week. She's much too perfect to change (please understand that that was dripping in sarcasm) 

Question: why is Jane always so surprised about the inner workings of the editor-author relationship? Has she not been in publishing world for three years? Just trying to establish the reality here? Is this not something she would already know? 

Even though this was a small part of the show, I want to point out the final exchange between Stacey and Jane. Recap: Stacey thought that Jane was the one spreading her personal information around school. Jane was able to clear her name during that same conversation and Stacey apologized for the misunderstand. End. Let's just wonder how the situation would have progressed if the roles were reversed. Jane would've automatically believed that Stacey was in charge of the leaked info, made an argument speech in the parking lot and the whole thing wouldn't have been resolved for the majority of the episode. I beg you Jane, TAKE NOTES. This is how an adult conversation works. 

Again, writers, DO NOT put Jane and Rafael back together. He finally has a backbone. Jane won't appreciate it and then it is back to the Shit on Rafael show. I'm not here for it. 

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40 minutes ago, CerealKiller813 said:


Again, writers, DO NOT put Jane and Rafael back together. He finally has a backbone. Jane won't appreciate it and then it is back to the Shit on Rafael show. I'm not here for it. 

I know Rafael himself said that he used to wake up every morning and wonder what would make Jane happy implying he did things to please her but I always felt Rafael had a backbone. Even when he was with Jane he was a man of his own opinion. If he didn't agree with something it was rare he came around to it. It usually took a lot of convincing for him to change his mind and most of the time he didn't, just like Jane. They just learned how to meet in the middle. 

Speaking of Rogelio, I have a love hate relationship with the man. I like the Rogelio that didn't want to be poor again because he knows what it was like to be poor. I like the Rogelio that bought Jane a car , and the gift meant a lot to him because he once couldn't afford such thing. I LOVE the Rogelio that had a talk with Xiomara about how she encourages Jane to keep Rafael out of Mateo's life. I love the Rogelio that had a talk with Luisa. But other than that, I AM SO SICK OF ROGELIO. He acts like a buffoon. He is always self-absorbed. It is funny at times but he is like this 90% of the time. Remember when Rogelio first entered Jane's life? It was all about him. Xiomara was so freaking great. Yes she was worried Jane would be mad at her for hiding the truth but she was also trying to protect Jane from the heart ache. For Rogelio it was, "my daughter is getting married? Wait she has to work around some of my dates." He is always like that. He does do things for the people he loves, he has also sacrificed few small things for his loved one but the thing is when there is a problem he always thinks about himself first. It takes a long time for him to remember someone else might be hurting too. 

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I loved the olde-tymey novel scenes, but again with making Rafael the villain, Jane?! I mean, I loved watching it, but after she said his old self was shady, greedy and immoral last week, rather out of proportion to the actual dastardliness of his deeds, I'm surprised he loves her book so much the way he's cast. Is this a grief thing, where she needs to make Michael into a saint and Raf into a villain in her head to respect Michael's memory and prove to herself that she loved him enough? And yet, in the novel she lets her character get drunk and actually have sex with Rake, seemingly not feeling violated about it. I know she had to do something different since artificial insemination wasn't really so much of a thing back then (was it? Were people using turkey basters?) but I'm a little surprised she didn't somehow keep Josephine from any actual intimate contact with a man. Although maybe the fact that she was drunk and not sober enough for actual consent preserves the virtue enough and makes drunken Raf even more villainous. Whatever.

New editor/publisher is trying way too hard to be a dudebro. Yet he openly loves Jane's "hella good" olde tyme romance novel. And now I'm suspicious that Raf, or perhaps Rogelio, paid him to give Jane a book deal and show great enthusiasm, but make it a normal enough contract so she'd believe it.

LOL at the card included in the burn book package, with the elaborate 3D Marbella. So anonymous! Or do they carry those in the gift shop? Even so, who else would use a nice card?

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On 2/28/2017 at 5:56 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Who gets the blame for not having any bussers at the fundraiser? The waiter said the school didn't hire any but shouldn't Petra have told them that they needed to have bussers at an event like that?

It sounded like they would have been fine  without bussers if the dishwasher hadn't broken mid-evening.

I still don't quite understand what kind of book Jane is writing... She gets her MA in creative writing, but seems to be writing a fairly cheesy historical romance... not that people with MA's can't write genre fiction, and I know she kind of fought that battle with her advisor last season, but her book just seems so... cheesy. Or is that purely for the humor angle, and we're not supposed to judge it that way? (Kind of like how every job on TV is misrepresented? I guess writers are no different...)

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What really bothers me is that she seems thoroughly incapable of writing anything that's not strictly autobiographical in nature. I mean, I get that the parallels between her book and her life are basically a convenient plot device, but they really should tone it down a little, because she might as well look for a new career the way things are now. 

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6 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

I still don't quite understand what kind of book Jane is writing... She gets her MA in creative writing, but seems to be writing a fairly cheesy historical romance... not that people with MA's can't write genre fiction, and I know she kind of fought that battle with her advisor last season, but her book just seems so... cheesy. Or is that purely for the humor angle, and we're not supposed to judge it that way? (Kind of like how every job on TV is misrepresented? I guess writers are no different...)

The little fragments we get when Jane is writing never sound very well written. I know most of them are junk she's deleting, but even then, her phrasing is often junior-highish. Shouldn't her education have cured her of a few clichés and taught her "show, don't tell"? Maybe the writers are having a laugh by portraying their own general field as inaccurately as most jobs are portrayed on television? We know THEY can write...or maybe they would also struggle when the words on the page would be the only way the story is conveyed. 


I'm still not clear on the staffing issue at the fundraiser. Petra supplied the room, but the school would have had to pay for staff? They opted not to pay for bussers? So were they expecting to let glassware pile up all night, or the waiters were supposed to take them and put them in the dishwasher? Normally waiters, bussers, and dishwashers are three different jobs in a venue of any size. The dishwasher broke. But the hotel had other kitchen and service staff on duty, right? Their regular lounge and room service were still operating as usual. Someone would have been running the dishwasher. So why couldn't one or two of those other people have been shuffled to help wash glasses? Ni modo; we got to see Rafael's excellent dishwashing skills. 

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3 hours ago, Enginerd said:

And yet, in the novel she lets her character get drunk and actually have sex with Rake, seemingly not feeling violated about it. 

Continuing in this vein...I think perhaps Jane went there in the novel because on some level she wishes she'd been able to have her fun with Rafael without all the guilt and expectations Alba put on her, yet still have ended up happily ever after with Michael. Book character got to have the convenient excuse that made it okay in her fictional moral system but Jane wouldn't have been able to justify for herself with crushed flowers analogies in her head (though I will repeat that in real life, drunkenness is not consent).

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Rake/Rafael's old-timey villain mustache made me laugh. Also, I don't know what is different, but Rafael (sans beard) is looking really hot these days. In the episode's flashbacks from the first season, I didn't find him all that attractive. But something about his appearance now has upped the wow factor. Maybe it's the longer hair.

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I agree Jane's writing seems generic. It's more average fan fiction than something that would be seriously considered for publication. And publication worthy manuscripts don't have to be 'good' in my opinion. I have a neighbor, a former regular NY Times columnist, who has some novels out. Clearly based on herself and her neighbors, and they are objectively bad. Lowest common denominator. However, I've come to recognize that lowest common denominator writing is a gift. There's a consistency to it, everything is reductive to all of the characters recognizing what it is they want and not stopping until they get it, and even the protogonist being driven by self-interest. For my neighbor's novels, all of the characters, even in their variety, know exactly what they want. It's a very narrow universe for each of the characters. They make mistakes when they misread a situation, or maybe their spouse turns out to be problematic in a way they didn't initially recognize, but they never change what they want, nor their pursuit of it, and what they want is usually something very basic, very clearly defined, but a bit out of reach due to their life circumstances. It makes even a bad book (and hers can be pretty bad) very readable.

One time, Michael fell asleep while reading Jane's novel, and she remembered that he'd stayed up all night reading that successful romance novelist's book. I think it comes down to clarity. 

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What Jane the Virgin is now doing reminds me of what soap opera writers did when a new character wasn't going over the way they wanted - they remove distractions and force the character down audience's throats. The entire "Your love for Raphael made your love for Michael DEEPER" followed by a sparkly romantic montage of Jane / Raphael kissing both from previous episodes and Jane's old timey book was as low as it gets. It's called emotional blackmail.

I don't think Justin Baldoni has the chops to carry the show as its leading man. He's all over the damn show. It's obvious now this is what JTV's writers always wanted, and Brett Dier's popularity was something they addressed with the rationale of they'll give his fans a complete story, close it down, and then continue with their original plans. IMO this was doomed to fail when the role was cast.

I don't really have respect for writers that adhere to their original plan no matter what is on screen. That's false integrity. Some of my favorite shows insist they do that, and it's a warning sign to me. I've always been surprised by how many classic films were created on the fly as the screenwriter and director responded to what was on screen and took adjustments. Ditto television. It always seems amazing to me that some of my favorite moments were happenstance or developed during filming, but I've now come to realize that can produce much better results than adhering to a blueprint.

As an aside, and other than the Raphael thing, I am tired of seeing Petra with scuzzbags. If she's going to have sequential shady love interests, can't it be somebody charismatic and attractive, and fun? Why skeeve-outs or weasels? I think the "joke", if it is a joke, of having the immaculately groomed, controlled Petra getting it on with a slimeball must be funnier on paper than it has ever played, because they've done it repeatedly. It doesn't play that well, due to casting and deficient sex appeal in the love interest. These guys have no appeal, so the scenes are ff. With this current guy, they tried to show us he really did care and really was a regular guy, and I just resent crap like that, and I resent being asked to care that Petra cares. Writing can't really alter a casting choice.

I feel that in the first two seasons the show took greater care setting things up. Now they railroad stuff through. We've seen next to nothing of Bruce and Xo, but now they're engaged. Along with railroading things, they repeat things unto death. It feels as if I've seen Petra move a body a thousand times already, and somebody get hold of something to blackmail her with a billion times.

Also the theme in this episode that Jane had a bias against men seemed to me to be JTV going out of its way to reassure viewers that just because it's a feminist show doesn't mean it's man hating. I'd like to see a male-centered show pacify viewers like that.

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Getting Jane back with Rafael is going to upset the balance of Rafael and his baby mamas - and will likely drive another wedge into the Petra/Jane friendship. I'd rather have the friendship - and the little family which has developed among the 3 adults and the 3 kids. 

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On 19/03/2017 at 3:30 PM, LisaM said:

Getting Jane back with Rafael is going to upset the balance of Rafael and his baby mamas - and will likely drive another wedge into the Petra/Jane friendship. I'd rather have the friendship - and the little family which has developed among the 3 adults and the 3 kids. 

I don't know where we got the idea that Jane was getting back with Raf. Personally, I'd be happy with that but the show seems determined for it to not happen. Of course, this could be because Jane and Raf are end game and they're biding their time. But they seem to be going out of their way to shut all this down.

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