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2017 Tryouts and Training Camp: Candidates Included

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36 minutes ago, beachespeaches said:

Love her but I totally agree. Sometimes I forget that she's a trained dancer tbh. 

Side note but Lauren and Lexie are my favorite rookies. 

I love Lauren! she's super cute and seems pretty sweet and grounded in a level of reality through actually having a job

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5 hours ago, MssdDrms said:

The team is 36 without Holly and Erica.  What two rookies do you guys think would NOT have made the team if these two chicks were still on the team?

I think with those 2 still there, 

Tara is #36

Savannah is #37

Christina #38

For sure Savannah and Christina wouldn't have made it of not for Holly and Erica. i also think that Tara, Savannah and Christina are one year girls if they even finish the year. I feel if Savannah and Tara take feedback well, they may start to shine and and stay for more.

Other one year girls for me are Molly and Alexandria. 

I feel that they are in damage control mode planning for next season because they are going to lose a few vets.

Jenna will retire.

Jinelle and Lacey up in the air. However with Lacey, I believe she may stay for another year since she is the only one left from her rookie class and one year away from being the only rookie in her class to get the 5 year charm.

Kashara, Robin, Chantal, Stephanie, Bess may be staying another year but who knows. Simone and Amy might leave because they are planning weddings and getting married. 

Cersten might leave if she doesn't defer medical school for another year.

Maddie, Heather, Maggie and Khalyn i think will be future leader vets so maybe they are being groomed to stay at least 4 and 5 years. I think Milan and Tess  are solid and slowly improving. 

Tasha, Jessika, Yuko, if they don't audition at their best, could get cut. 

Rookies this year who could go 4 or 5 years in my opinion  - Kalyssa, Lauren, Miranda, Lexie, Alexis, and Gina (depending on attitude issues), and Keyra. 

Rachel  - I'm still trying to figure her out. But she definitely has talent and potential. 

If i forgot someone, they they are forgettable in my opinion LOL


Edited by MelTexGirl
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2 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

Posted this under hidden contents on episode thread but should have here: 

 My confusion now is when exactly Holly quits...July 27 or 28 was Doomsday if I recall correctly and it seems like that was the day they showed on last night's episode.  In the weeks following as info trickled around, multiple people told me that Holly and Jenna were the only ones called in that evening - Jenna took her medicine and turned a corner after that point, texted all the vets to apologize for formations having to be changed because of her actions and did help a lot with rookies while everyone was in Ohio.  I was told though that that was the last time Holly was there, that after that meeting she went off the radar.  Didn't show up to practice the next day and no one could get in touch with her, wasn't answering texts or anything.  I guess I just assumed she blew up in the office when they told her they knew about her underage activities but now it's looking more like she pretended to be sorry (maybe she was in that moment, who am i to judge that) but was so humiliated and upset she decided to quit; her 'but it was fun' quip makes me think that must be it?  Omg i never even assumed she wouldn't tell Kelli and Judy she was quitting, that she was like 'whatever, i'm out' and just never came back?!  I am really intrigued now too to see how this goes down moving forward, if next week Kelli has a talking head of 'since our meeting with her on breaking her contract, Holly has decided being a DCC is no longer the best fit for her and her future plans.  We wish her the best with all her endeavors as she is a truly talented performer" or if it's a "practice has started and Holly is nowhere to be found..." 


Reading through recent comments others seem to confirm this, the dates and that Holly 'apologized' then walked out the door and never came back (or at least not for awhile, till she had to return stuff).  I wouldn't be surprised if she wrote a mean letter to K*J except that Kelli still likes some of her posts on IG. I'd think they'd really try to distance themselves from her but maybe Kelli is just taking the high road. 

That’s interesting. I guess it’s just immaturity on Holly’s part. Given that this wasn’t her first infraction, the punishment actually wasn’t that severe. Not sure why she flipped out, but maybe she talked to someone who blew her head up, “just quit! You’re better without them. They’ll be flailing in the water without you!” - that sort of thing. Hopefully she learns and grows up. It at least appears that Jenna has at least pulled her crap together. Even if it’s partly based on trying to get on K&J’s good side again, at least pretending like you’re sorry and making yourself useful (helping the rookies while the vets are in Ohio for example) can go a long way in how ppl view you. 

If Holly is going to continue being a “bad girl,” then she needs to get savvier. First, don’t get caught! Second, realize when you get caught!  Jenna correctly recognized immediately that they were caught and went into survival mode. It took Holly way too long to understand that they weren’t “asking” her if she violated the nonfraternization policy, but that they were confronting her with knowledge that she did. You could tell Judy was completely over it once she lied right off the bat. 

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35 minutes ago, Dopeydwarf said:

I was really proud of Brennan last night because Judy said that she was the only one (in her line) that got it right.  Brennan said that she had been practicing at home over the year.    

I feel like they would have been better off taking Brennan over Christina. I like Christina and I was rooting for her but honestly she is not a good match for DCC. 

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14 hours ago, Jazzmom said:

It must have been hard for Jenna when Holly showed up at her house and forced her to dress up, put on makeup, and go clubbing.  

It must have been hard for Jenna to sit at the same table as Holly when Zeke & group accidentally sat down at same table. 

Poor Jenna, there was nothing she could do.  Jenna said she was tsk tsking in her head, hoping Holly would come to her senses.

Now, for Jenna, one less competitor for her point...oh wait, Hello Kashara!

Bingo. Smartest post about this thus far. Seriously. This is exactly why I think Kelli should've cut Jenna immediately. Shitty, shitty, shitty friend. That's worse than being a poor leader. I wonder if there megan, amy t, Melissa etc had stuck around, if she would've cut Jenna. They're just so short on strong vets this year, and Jenna is a really great dancer. 

4 hours ago, MyMomSaysImSpecial said:

This.  KaShara more than holds her own at point.



Also, for everyone who is saying Holly lied to their faces...it's possible she didn't.  She said, "I'm not CURRENTLY talking to a player."  That means she and Zeke were done by the time the meeting happened.  If they were, then technically, she didn't lie.  Just saying.

Good point... it's all just semantics!

Judy seemed to take what Holly did way more personally than Kelli. She seemed super pissed off. I think if it had been up to her, both of them would've been gone that night.

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13 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

That’s interesting. I guess it’s just immaturity on Holly’s part. Given that this wasn’t her first infraction, the punishment actually wasn’t that severe. Not sure why she flipped out, but maybe she talked to someone who blew her head up, “just quit! You’re better without them. They’ll be flailing in the water without you!” - that sort of thing. Hopefully she learns and grows up. It at least appears that Jenna has at least pulled her crap together. Even if it’s partly based on trying to get on K&J’s good side again, at least pretending like you’re sorry and making yourself useful (helping the rookies while the vets are in Ohio for example) can go a long way in how ppl view you. 

If Holly is going to continue being a “bad girl,” then she needs to get savvier. First, don’t get caught! Second, realize when you get caught!  Jenna correctly recognized immediately that they were caught and went into survival mode. It took Holly way too long to understand that they weren’t “asking” her if she violated the nonfraternization policy, but that they were confronting her with knowledge that she did. You could tell Judy was completely over it once she lied right off the bat. 

Probably her mom lol  

Rewatching the scene you can almost see the wheels flying in Holly's head.  The fact that she says "i'm not seeing anyone anymore" also tells me this is a conversation they've had in the past.  

As others also pointed out, wow, Holly has the most beautiful eyes.  So striking with her hair color.  

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Wow. That sucked. I hope Holly dropped Jenna fast. Interesting the foreshadowing with Charlotte and the Star tour with the team stuff. Then Jenna lying with a straight face and Judy just silent. Nothing about Jenna’s prior bad acts. Nothing about her active participation. At least Holly showed some remorse. Eventually admitted some wrongs. Judy was all, “ no, nothing to add,” and that look that K&J  exchange every time a girl leaves the office and they’ve had a “conversation”. That same look every year, like its scripted.  As a writer, I get it. As a longtime fan, it’s become strange. Every year, the look.

I think I might have quit, too. Nothing is said about anything Jenna did. Nothing shown on TV. She gets GL, is out there in pictures, front and center on the website. Not to mention, the squad would know what happened and wonder why the two were treated so differently, right? Why would Holly want to come back to a squad where K*J treat she and Jenna so differently, at least on television and everyone knows it. I would be embarrassed and wonder. I’m all for taking your punishment but be fair and open about what everyone did. That goes for Erica, too. I would think Holly might feel singled out and exposed while Jenna gets a pass, minus the Hof and Erica gets to go quietly. Just my thoughts though.

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I think Jenna can forget about going to Pro Bowl now! That's probably why she hung on for another year. 

1 hour ago, MelTexGirl said:

I think with those 2 still there, 

Tara is #36

Savannah is #37

Christina #38

For sure Savannah and Christina wouldn't have made it of not for Holly and Erica. i also think that Tara, Savannah and Christina are one year girls if they even finish the year. I feel if Savannah and Tara take feedback well, they may start to shine and and stay for more.

Other one year girls for me are Molly and Alexandria. 

I feel that they are in damage control mode planning for next season because they are going to lose a few vets.

Jenna will retire.

Jinelle and Lacey up in the air. However with Lacey, I believe she may stay for another year since she is the only one left from her rookie class and one year away from being the only rookie in her class to get the 5 year charm.

Kashara, Robin, Chantal, Stephanie, Bess may be staying another year but who knows. Simone and Amy might leave because they are planning weddings and getting married. 

Cersten might leave if she doesn't defer medical school for another year.

Heather, Maggie and Khalyn i think will be future leader vets so maybe they are being groomed to stay at least 4 and 5 years. I think Milan and Tess  are solid and slowly improving. 

Tasha, Jessika, Yuko, if they don't audition at their best, could get cut. 

Rookies this year who could go 4 or 5 years in my opinion  - Kalyssa, Lauren, Miranda, Lexie, Alexis, and Gina (depending on attitude issues), and Keyra. 

Rachel  - I'm still trying to figure her out. But she definitely has talent and potential. 

If i forgot someone, they they are forgettable in my opinion LOL


I guess Maddie is forgettable.

Not to me, and I do think Maddie will be a 5 year girl and probably a GL at some point. She's proven her worth. 

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15 minutes ago, Teresa said:


I guess Maddie is forgettable.

Not to me, and I do think Maddie will be a 5 year girl and probably a GL at some point. She's proven her worth. 

I love Maddie!!! I agree! I think she will be a 5 year and a GL at some point too!! 

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21 minutes ago, Teresa said:

I think Jenna can forget about going to Pro Bowl now! That's probably why she hung on for another year. 

I guess Maddie is forgettable.

Not to me, and I do think Maddie will be a 5 year girl and probably a GL at some point. She's proven her worth. 

I love Maddie I don't know why I forgot Her ? 

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25 minutes ago, Teresa said:

I think Jenna can forget about going to Pro Bowl now! That's probably why she hung on for another year. 

I guess Maddie is forgettable.

Not to me, and I do think Maddie will be a 5 year girl and probably a GL at some point. She's proven her worth. 

Doesn’t the public and the team have a say in pro bowl vote? 

If it’s not Jenna, who do we think will get it?

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2 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

Doesn’t the public and the team have a say in pro bowl vote? 

If it’s not Jenna, who do we think will get it?

I think the team does. Not sure about the public. However, I believe it's ultimately Kelli's decision. I think Jinelle will likely get it. 

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Everything I was told months ago about this situation it appears is exactly how it's playing out. The cryptic quotes and Instagram posts are because Holly is mad at Jenna . . I'd bet everything I had on it. Word travels fast in the dance community and that's the word that they had a falling out over this.  The earrings are not from Zeke as he has been seen around the area with a blonde . Whatever happened between them wasn't worth it. He's a player ( no pun intended) and she threw it all away for nothing . SMH 

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36 minutes ago, Teresa said:

I think Jenna can forget about going to Pro Bowl now! That's probably why she hung on for another year. 


I thought the squad votes, among those who are eligible ( ie seniority, leadership, possible audition) who get to go to Pro Bowl. K&J selects?

Maybe that is K&J fun way of torture. Take away most / all perks ( Canton, point, ) and just show up on sundays so we don't have to change everything else. Is Jenna still in SG?

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12 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

Doesn’t the public and the team have a say in pro bowl vote? 

If it’s not Jenna, who do we think will get it?

The girls vote for Pro Bowl Representative, and Judy and especially Kelli and Charlotte probably approve of who goes. Girls with two or more years are allowed to be the possible selection. They have let fans vote for their the girl they want to go, but we really have no say so in who is selected. I would love to see Jinelle, Lacey, or KaShara be chosen over Jenna.

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1 minute ago, bigskygirl said:

The girls vote for Pro Bowl Representative, and Judy and especially Kelli and Charlotte probably approve of who goes. Girls with two or more years are allowed to be the possible selection. They have let fans vote for their the girl they want to go, but we really have no say so in who is selected. I would love to see Jinelle, Lacey, or KaShara be chosen over Jenna.

I still have a soft spot for Jenna despite all this. I feel she has been very harshly reprimanded for her actions. Yes remove her from the hall of fame trip but I think she should have remained as point in the triangle. 


If she doesnt get Pro Bowl, which I agree is highly unlikely, I would like to see Lacey. I LOVE KaShara but don’t think a 3rd year should get it. I’d say Jinelle as she is the second highest senior but I’m not her biggest fan. 

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6 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

I still have a soft spot for Jenna despite all this. I feel she has been very harshly reprimanded for her actions. Yes remove her from the hall of fame trip but I think she should have remained as point in the triangle. 


If she doesnt get Pro Bowl, which I agree is highly unlikely, I would like to see Lacey. I LOVE KaShara but don’t think a 3rd year should get it. I’d say Jinelle as she is the second highest senior but I’m not her biggest fan. 

Season is early so she may be banned from point for so many games, then when she's out of the doghouse she'll assume point again.  I love KaShara too and she's really bringing  it this year.  I think Lacey or Jinelle will go to Pro Bowl.

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2 minutes ago, MssdDrms said:

Season is early so she may be banned from point for so many games, then when she's out of the doghouse she'll assume point again.  I love KaShara too and she's really bringing  it this year.  I think Lacey or Jinelle will go to Pro Bowl.

I would love to think Jenna would be switched back in, but I highly doubt it at this point. Don’t get me wrong, KaShara does an amazing job, but I don’t think a third year should get point over 3 girls who each have longer tenure and have been at least a 2nd leader the previous year. 

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1 hour ago, Kristene1 said:

Wow. That sucked. I hope Holly dropped Jenna fast. Interesting the foreshadowing with Charlotte and the Star tour with the team stuff. Then Jenna lying with a straight face and Judy just silent. Nothing about Jenna’s prior bad acts. Nothing about her active participation. At least Holly showed some remorse. Eventually admitted some wrongs. Judy was all, “ no, nothing to add,” and that look that K&J  exchange every time a girl leaves the office and they’ve had a “conversation”. That same look every year, like its scripted.  As a writer, I get it. As a longtime fan, it’s become strange. Every year, the look.

I think I might have quit, too. Nothing is said about anything Jenna did. Nothing shown on TV. She gets GL, is out there in pictures, front and center on the website. Not to mention, the squad would know what happened and wonder why the two were treated so differently, right? Why would Holly want to come back to a squad where K*J treat she and Jenna so differently, at least on television and everyone knows it. I would be embarrassed and wonder. I’m all for taking your punishment but be fair and open about what everyone did. That goes for Erica, too. I would think Holly might feel singled out and exposed while Jenna gets a pass, minus the Hof and Erica gets to go quietly. Just my thoughts though.

I'm sorry, I don't understand your post at all.  Jenna was honest the minute they call her in, she didn't try to side step....she hesitated, but only because I am sure she didn't want to be put in the position she was in.  Holly lied straight up, then still continued to dance around it until she realized they weren't asking but already had confirmation.  Then she turned the waterworks on for sympathy.  How else do you explain the gigantic smile on her face as soon as she went to collect her bags?   Sorry, there is no way K&J would keep Jenna around for 6 seasons if all the nonsense people posted about her on here was true, no way.

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First of all I don't think Holly's smile in the locker room was out of disrespect. I think she was trying not to lose it on national television. Secondly, I am hoping Holly quit. This type of thing has happened before and has not been aired on CMT in this manner.  Holly knows that and is probably most upset that she was made to be this seasons villain (granted she brought this on herself). But the straw that broke her back is likely that Jenna doesn't get the same bad light shined upon her on CMT - despite committing the same offenses. 

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44 minutes ago, MssdDrms said:

Season is early so she may be banned from point for so many games, then when she's out of the doghouse she'll assume point again.  I love KaShara too and she's really bringing  it this year.  I think Lacey or Jinelle will go to Pro Bowl.

What is the obsession about KaShara at point?!  KaShara is point, she will remain point.  She is killing it this season.  Let's think about this logically.  KaShara is obviously not the first person to come to mind when you think point of the DCC triangle.  SO, there MUST be a reason why she is point.  Kelli and Judy are not stupid.  They know who to pick for the front of their squad.  So, has anyone stopped to consider that KASHARA MAY HAVE EARNED that spot?  Maybe her behavior was more upstanding than Jenna's and Kelli and Judy thought, "Hey, KaShara is killing it this season.  Let's make her the point of this triangle because we trust the squad in her hands."  I mean, come on guys, let's face it.  This squad is not always about who the best dancer is. 

Edited by MyMomSaysImSpecial
This isn't directed at you MSSDRMS. Sorry for the confusion.
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3 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

First of all I don't think Holly's smile in the locker room was out of disrespect. I think she was trying not to lose it on national television. Secondly, I am hoping Holly quit. This type of thing has happened before and has not been aired on CMT in this manner.  Holly knows that and is probably most upset that she was made to be this seasons villain (granted she brought this on herself). But the straw that broke her back is likely that Jenna doesn't get the same bad light shined upon her on CMT - despite committing the same offenses. 

Jenna got a nice edit because Jenna chose not to act like a child and quit; had Holly stayed, she would have gotten a kinder edit.

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2 minutes ago, MyMomSaysImSpecial said:

What is the obsession about KaShara at point?!  KaShara is point, she will remain point.  She is killing it this season.  Let's think about this logically.  KaShara is obviously not the first person to come to mind when you think point of the DCC triangle.  SO, there MUST be a reason why she is point.  Kelli and Judy are not stupid.  They know who to pick for the front of their squad.  So, has anyone stopped to consider that KASHARA MAY HAVE EARNED that spot?  Maybe her behavior was more upstanding than Jenna's and Kelli and Judy thought, "Hey, KaShara is killing it this season.  Let's make her the point of this triangle because we trust the squad in her hands."  I mean, come on guys, let's face it.  This squad is not always about who the best dancer is. 

I love KaShara, she really has become my favorite.  She is a great dancer and seems like a fun and kind person.  Reading through some of the posts I can't believe how some talking about her, I don't understand it at all. 

2 minutes ago, Smplsimon said:

Jenna got a nice edit because Jenna chose not to act like a child and quit; had Holly stayed, she would have gotten a kinder edit.

I do think that is part of it, and people do to forgive and move on faster if you show some remorse and learn from your mistakes - and the biggest part, actually owning up to those mistakes.

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25 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

First of all I don't think Holly's smile in the locker room was out of disrespect. I think she was trying not to lose it on national television. Secondly, I am hoping Holly quit. This type of thing has happened before and has not been aired on CMT in this manner.  Holly knows that and is probably most upset that she was made to be this seasons villain (granted she brought this on herself). But the straw that broke her back is likely that Jenna doesn't get the same bad light shined upon her on CMT - despite committing the same offenses. 

Thank you. I think that’s what I was trying to say above. But you said it better. 

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Lurker. Want to say, I love reading this forum. I agree with so many posts. My thoughts on Holly. Oh well. She made a choice and she lied directly to their faces. It wasn't until she was pressured that she 'kinda' admitted the truth. News for Holly, there's lying by omission. It's a real thing. Did anyone else catch, when Kelli was asking her about fraternizing w/player's Holly said, "I'm not with" and stopped herself? Kelli winced. That's all the info Kelli needs. This is Kellis baby as much as her 2 kid's. She built the cheerleaders into what they are today and there is 0 way she will let any cheerleader, regardless of how good a dancer, blemish her brand. No matter how ridiculous some may think the standards. Don't like the rules, don't try out. Kelli has given a huge part of her life into making the cheerleaders what they are today. It's her life and she sets the rules. Besides, an obviously well known cheerleader and a star player would be hard to miss. It set's a bad example for rookies and I'm sure the locker room talk was cringe worthy. Is Holly young, yes. It's a tough lesson to learn. She may have seen Jenna do the same and barely get in trouble. Someone commented on an Instagram post, it had been going on for a while. It wasn't ever a secret. As for lying, I abhor lying to my face. Now, not only are 'you' lying but 'you' think I'm stupid enough to believe it. Double whammy. Regarding Jenna, I'm over her. As a 6 year vet she should have alluded to Kelli there was a problem. At the very least she should have cut ties with Holly. I suspect Jenna loved the attention from hanging around with players. She does seem to need a lot of attention. Finally this may get me in a bit of hot water but I have no problem with Erica being dismissed. She knowingly broke the rules, who knows what she told Kelli when confronted. I get a bitchy vibe from her. 


Thanks, Lurker Out

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1 hour ago, Smplsimon said:

Jenna got a nice edit because Jenna chose not to act like a child and quit; had Holly stayed, she would have gotten a kinder edit.

Yeah, I honestly think this may be the extent of it. Regardless of the differences in conversations, Holly and Jenna got the same punishment with both being sidelined from HOF. I assume Holly also would have lost her position in the formation, but she wasn’t as visible as Jenna anyway, so it would not have been as big of deal. They definitely treated Jenna better on CMT, but Holly quit long before she ever saw how the episode was edited. 

Edited by Jess14
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In the case of Jenna and her dating a Cowboys player and someone saying it was not shown or talked about because Jenna wanted it to be edited it. I do find it interesting some girls can be honest and still be punished, but are still allowed to be on the squad. I also have a hard time believing Judy and Kelli were worried about having a less talented squad aka losing standout girls from the past few seasons that they talked Jenna into coming back for her sixth year after fully hearing the rumors floating around and calling her in before tryouts or finals at least and telling her she needs to step up to the plate and be a strong role model for the other vets and rookies coming in. The team would have survived without Jenna on the team and yes, Holly and Erica too. Season 5 had numerous vets with three or more years in leave after the season was over. The team survived and moved on. And sorry for beating the dead horse, but I feel the squad especially after Season 6 has not been at the same quality as the team from Season 2 to Season 5. Yes, they definitely had standouts since Season 6, but the whole team has not be a stand out to me.

Edited by bigskygirl
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Having watched the episode, I can't believe Kelly didn't fire Jenna and Holly out of hand.  The terms of the contract they broke wasn't the chewing gum in uniform variety.  The prohibition against dating players is to protect the reputation of the women and shield them from being thought of as some kind of escort service.  Jenna's total lack of acceptance of any responsibility was stunning.  She demonstrated zero leadership or teammate skills.  She should have stood up to Holly and said time to go.  Or, she could have gone to Kelly and said I need help.  But instead, she helped steer the train off the rails and then jumped off at the last minute.  Holly after realizing that parsing words wasn't going to get her out of it, turns on the contrition but it didn't last as long as it took her to pack her tote bag up.   DCC is much better off without them.  The shame is that year-after-year, the DCC reject pretty girls with much better characters whose dancing is good but not great for outstanding dancers with baggage.  Sometimes, I think they'd be better off making other choices.

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And now, can we talk Kitty here.  Charlotte and Kelly seem very astute and excellent brand managers which is why I can't believe Kitty is allowed on camera affiliated with the DCC and now, is she an employee?  She was a mediocre DCC herself who was what a one-and-done?  Being bombastic and arrogant are not good teaching or mentoring qualities.  And, her appearance!  That my little pony colored hair and t-shirts that cling to a physique no longer long and lean. Most often she looks unkempt with bad clothes and undone hair and makeup.  They did clean her up for that session where she trashed Gina but that is the best she's ever looked and still wasn't close to DCC.  Speaking of trashing Gina, Kitty does not seem to like girls that don't need her....just sayin....it's Kitty's attitude that seems to be the problem, not the girls.   There have to be other, better qualified former DCC dance instructors available for her role.

Edited by Glittery
spelled name wrong
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1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

Secondly, I am hoping Holly quit. This type of thing has happened before and has not been aired on CMT in this manner.  Holly knows that and is probably most upset that she was made to be this seasons villain (granted she brought this on herself). But the straw that broke her back is likely that Jenna doesn't get the same bad light shined upon her on CMT - despite committing the same offenses. 


Yes. This is what I don't get either. They BOTH broke contract by fraternizing with players. Literally did the same thing. But they were questioned about it differently, punished differently, and showcased on the show differently. I agree with so many other posters that they BOTH should have both been cut right there on the spot.


We talk all the time on these boards about the double standards and favoritism from Kelli and Judy and how annoying it is. If it annoys us viewers than you know for damn sure it annoys the cheerleaders as well. If Holly did quit, it was probably because she was over it. I would love to read the letter she supposedly sent K&J. I hope it called them out on some of this BS that no one has probably ever dared say to their faces before. I used to worked for a luxury jewelry designer in New York City in the wholesale department with 14 other women. When I quit to move back to the Midwest, I made sure to be a voice for all my co-workers who were so unhappy but didn't want to express their concerns because they didn't want to get in trouble, were afraid, didn't want to ruffle feathers, or be treated any differently, etc. I had no bridge to burn with the company so I was happy to be their voice. I even inspired two of them to finally move on to bigger and better things. If Holly did give Kelli and Judy an earful, that makes me proud! (And yes, I know, she willingly became a DCC and knowingly signed the contract and broke the rules, no one forced her. But sometimes enough is enough when people aren't being treated fairly and are not being upheld to the contract and rules to the same degree. She watched Jenna do the same thing last year, but then get promoted to point and group leader this year. How is that fair?)

Edited by NMDD43
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3 minutes ago, NMDD43 said:


Yes. This is what I don't get either. They BOTH broke contract by fraternizing with players. Literally did the same thing. But they were questioned about it differently, punished differently, and showcased on the show differently. I agree with so many other posters that they BOTH should have both been cut right there on the spot.


We talk all the time on these boards about the double standards and favoritism from Kelli and Judy and how annoying it is. If it annoys us viewers than you know for damn sure it annoys the cheerleaders as well. If Holly did quit, it was probably because she was over it. I would love to read the letter she supposedly sent K&J. I hope it called them out on some of this BS that no one has probably ever dared say to their faces before. I used to worked for a luxury jewelry designer in New York City in the wholesale department with 14 other women. When I quit to move back to the Midwest, I made sure to be a voice for all my co-workers who were so unhappy but didn't want to express their concerns because they didn't want to get in trouble, were afraid, didn't want to ruffle feathers, or be treated any differently, etc. I had no bridge to burn with the company so I was happy to be their voice. I even inspired two of them to finally move on to bigger and better things. If Holly did give Kelli and Judy an earful, that makes me proud! (And yes, I know, she willingly became a DCC and knowingly signed the contract and broke the rules, no one forced her. But sometimes enough is enough when people aren't being treated fairly and are not being upheld to the contract and rules to the same degree)

Again, Holly chose to be an immature child and stomp her foot and walk away; hence the harsher edit.  In other words, she quit.  If she'd have stayed, she'd have gotten a nice edit like Jenna; Kelli and Judy don't want to make current DCCs look bad (it hurts the brand).  Nobody is to blame for Holly's "edit," but Holly (well, and Holly's mom, who stupidly encouraged her to quit thinking Kelli and Judy would come begging).

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12 hours ago, sATL said:

I don't get why not going to Canton was a punishment. my first thought was - ok, a free weekend to do whatever when the team tattletale (assuming it was a veteran) will be gone, and just don't go to places on the list.

Most employers feel that traveling for a work is a perk..depending on the job of course.  So it makes sense in this case to deny that privilege.  

10 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I feel you. I watch the show for the dancing, for the cult-like feel of the organization, and because of the fact that Kashara is a hometown girl. My husband can't stomach a second of it. Every time it comes on he starts ranting to our 6 year old daughter, "Don't ever 'yes ma'am' to someone who says you're too heavy when you still look better than half the population, that your hair makes you homely, that there is something wrong with your smile, etc. You tell them to kiss your ass and walk out." I get that Holly broke her contract, and that's bad. And I get that these girls have a lot of awesome opportunities that might not otherwise be available to them. But they're paid peanuts for the organization to run their lives.

I think I love your husband.

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2 hours ago, Teresa said:

I think Jenna can forget about going to Pro Bowl now! That's probably why she hung on for another year. 

I guess Maddie is forgettable.

Not to me, and I do think Maddie will be a 5 year girl and probably a GL at some point. She's proven her worth. 

Oh my I forgot Maddie - I actually like her. Thanks for letting me know. I edited my post to add her. I think she can definitely be second leader next year. They have been asking her to demo some steps for rookies. 

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6 hours ago, kharlan25 said:

I have never like LV, I might be in the minority here and have never wanted anything from Tiffany.   I just don't understand the appeal. 

I agree on the LV. Tiffany has some really pretty jewelry, specifically the diamonds-by-the-yard sensation back in the day and some of the Elsa Peretti line have turned into classics. 

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Regarding the diff between Jenna dating a player & Holly doing the same. When, if confronted Jenna may have come clean. Holly chose to start off by lying. See Judys reaction. Also we don't know that Holly was fired. It appeared, from the show, Kelli wanted to give Holly one more tiny chance, "shaved thin ice." From the info on this forum Holly sent a rather nasty letter and chose to quit. Rather than take the punishment. In which case, that's her choice. 

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5 hours ago, MssdDrms said:

The team is 36 without Holly and Erica.  What two rookies do you guys think would NOT have made the team if these two chicks were still on the team?

Savannah and Christina most definitely. Savannah has no power and constantly makes mistakes from what I can see both on the show and on the DCC Instagram story on game day. Christina is simply boring to me 

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2 hours ago, Kiki88 said:

Everything I was told months ago about this situation it appears is exactly how it's playing out. The cryptic quotes and Instagram posts are because Holly is mad at Jenna . . I'd bet everything I had on it. Word travels fast in the dance community and that's the word that they had a falling out over this.  The earrings are not from Zeke as he has been seen around the area with a blonde . Whatever happened between them wasn't worth it. He's a player ( no pun intended) and she threw it all away for nothing . SMH 

Would it even occur to any of us at that age to say to a friend in this situation, “If you don’t stop seeing this guy, I’m telling Kelli and Judy. I’m now part of this and cannot be.” I don’t think it would have occurred to me.

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41 minutes ago, Glittery said:

And now, can we talk Kitty here.  Charlotte and Kelly seem very astute and excellent brand managers which is why I can't believe Kitty is allowed on camera affiliated with the DCC and now, is she an employee?  She was a mediocre DCC herself who was what a one-and-done?  Being bombastic and arrogant are not good teaching or mentoring qualities.  And, her appearance!  That my little pony colored hair and t-shirts that cling to a physique no longer long and lean. Most often she looks unkempt with bad clothes and undone hair and makeup.  They did clean her up for that session where she trashed Gina but that is the best she's ever looked and still wasn't close to DCC.  Speaking of trashing Gina, Kitty does not seem to like girls that don't need her....just sayin....it's Kitty's attitude that seems to be the problem, not the girls.   There have to be other, better qualified former DCC dance instructors available for her role.

Miss Kitty was a DCC from 1972-1976, so she definitely was not a one and done cheerleader. She has years of experience as a dance instructor. A lot of the girls go to her when they want to make the team. She has more experience than Melissa the Mentor whose claim to fame is getting dumped on a national reality show and winning a trophy on a D celebrity reality dancing show. I am sure Kelli and especially Charlotte would not have Miss Kitty as the DCC Technical Coach if they thought she could not do the job.

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1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

First of all I don't think Holly's smile in the locker room was out of disrespect. I think she was trying not to lose it on national television. Secondly, I am hoping Holly quit. This type of thing has happened before and has not been aired on CMT in this manner.  Holly knows that and is probably most upset that she was made to be this seasons villain (granted she brought this on herself). But the straw that broke her back is likely that Jenna doesn't get the same bad light shined upon her on CMT - despite committing the same offenses.

But didn’t Jenna stop seeing a player after she got in trouble last year? Holly did not.

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When they had Madeline demonstrate the hip roll thing to Lauren, she did not look even remotely like a DCC.    It was like a Britney Schram shut the car door moment, only Britney looked like a glamorous Barbie doll and Madeline looks like a shy 14 year you'd see studying in a library.   She just doesn't have the DCC look at all IMO.

Lauren, on the other hand, looked smoking hot in that scene - I wasn't sure about her look at first, but when you look at her all done up and from head to toe in that practice wear and boots, she's really got the DCC look down.

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5 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

Would it even occur to any of us at that age to say to a friend in this situation, “If you don’t stop seeing this guy, I’m telling Kelli and Judy. I’m now part of this and cannot be.” I don’t think it would have occurred to me.

The difference between us and them, both are DCC’s and both are well aware of what the contract they signed stated. I don’t think it was Jenna’s responsibility to stop Holly in the least but she could have thrown out there a, “This is going to get back to Kelli and Judy. Stop knock it off.”  Jenna knows that bc  her dalliances with Dak got back to them last season. 

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42 minutes ago, Smplsimon said:

Again, Holly chose to be an immature child and stomp her foot and walk away; hence the harsher edit.  In other words, she quit.  If she'd have stayed, she'd have gotten a nice edit like Jenna; Kelli and Judy don't want to make current DCCs look bad (it hurts the brand).  Nobody is to blame for Holly's "edit," but Holly (well, and Holly's mom, who stupidly encouraged her to quit thinking Kelli and Judy would come begging).

A nice edit like Erica, who has been edited completely out of the season? Jenna got what feels like a pass and Holly was raked on national tv for doing something thats apparently commonly known that Jenna did previously. So yes, last night was disingenuous at best given Jenna’s past history. Is that fact and known about Hollys mom? I wonder if instead of thinking they would come begging, she was just embarrassed. That all went down, her business out there on television. And I do think she cares that she embarrassed the squad. And herself. She said as much in the locker room. I have to do better... or something. I could see she was mortified. And at that point she hadn’t even seen Jenna throw her under and hold her there. 

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7 minutes ago, MyMomSaysImSpecial said:

The difference between us and them, both are DCC’s and both are well aware of what the contract they signed stated. I don’t think it was Jenna’s responsibility to stop Holly in the least but she could have thrown out there a, “This is going to get back to Kelli and Judy. Stop knock it off.”  Jenna knows that bc  her dalliances with Dak got back to them last season. 

Yeah, you’re right.  Hard choices but you’re right, I would have said, “I’m out. I can’t do this and unless you want off the team, you’d better stop as well.” I still don’t know if I would have told on her though.

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