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Pirates of the Caribbean: Series

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Finally a Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales trailer with Orlando & Johnny. Thank you Superbowl. 


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is in theaters May 26, 2017.

Johnny Depp returns to the big screen as the iconic, swashbuckling anti-hero Jack Sparrow in the all-new “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.”  


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Oh geez, so Will is starting to decompose like his dad and Davy Jones. Does that mean Elizabeth didn't keep up her end of the curse (that if she remained true to him, they could be together every ten years or whatever?)

Honestly, I got kinda bored with this series, so I don't think I'll be going to this one.

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In the last movie of their trilogy (At Worlds End) there was the flash forward at the end of the movie 10 years later that had Elizabeth watching the horizon with their son.  With Will coming back and looking normal. 

I don't know how they going to explain that away with this timeline. Will this movie occur before that flash forward or after the10 year flash forward. So Will would know about his kid.

Technically it is 10 years. Worlds End was 2007 and Dead Men is 2017. 

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So instead of an undead monkey, we get a bird this time. I didn't even make it 15 minutes into the fourth one, as I found it terribly dull. I did laugh at the part with Judi Dench in the carriage.

And no super hot Norrington? PASS.


Cropped Beckett and Scruffington.jpg

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On 2/6/2017 at 8:58 AM, Popples said:

So instead of an undead monkey, we get a bird this time. I didn't even make it 15 minutes into the fourth one, as I found it terribly dull. I did laugh at the part with Judi Dench in the carriage.

And no super hot Norrington? PASS.


Cropped Beckett and Scruffington.jpg

Here's how the writers could have brought Norrington back. Will picks him up off the little digny he was probably in floating to the afterlife with the Flying Dutchman. Will asks him if he wants to help, and Norrington who feel responsible for Will's entanglement with this whole Pirate Business, he says yes.

 Problem solved. I'm also bummed that he's not apart of this series anymore.

And if this really is the "Final Adventure" I don't really like that Elizabeth isn't apart of it.  Or Angelica. Where are all the returning ladies? Just the boys wanted to be Pirates again??

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Well, this movie went from "can wait" to "must see."  I was bummed Elizabeth wasn't going to be in these movies, especially since Will was going to be back. But now that she's then I'm to going to definitely have to see them. Those two were my original OTP, and I would love to see you what happened to them after all these years. Elizabeth better not be sidelined though. I wish they would bring back Norrington as Will's first mate. Then it would be just perfect! 

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Yeah, I'm sure this is just a cameo. But seeing as how it seems to have made a lot of people more excited about the movie, the studio probably wishes they had conceived of this whole thing as a reunion of the ENTIRE original cast in the first place. I have a feeling the nostalgia factor would have helped in generating enthusiasm for it. Getting the original trio back and everything.

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Saw the movie yesterday. About Bloom and Knightley


Yes, both Bloom and Knightley only appear at the end of the movie when the family is reunited. Also in the after credits little tidbit.

I was a bit worried with bad reviews, but it's not as awful as critics make it out to be. I had some good laughs, there were some touching moments. The way it ended I feel like that's it. And it was a nice send off to all the characters.

A little nerd in me appreciated that they didn't bend laws of physics much, like a lot of movies like this would do. They actually used physics for some good comedy moments.

CGI on young Jack were creepy and fascinating at the same time. I have never seen age manipulation done any other way, except makeup. That was really cool.

Some beautiful cinematography too.

All in all, I enjoyed it.

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I watched it today.


Bloom appears at the very beginning and very end of the movie.

Knightly appears only at the end

They are also both in the post credit scene which seems to setup the return of Davy Jones, if there is a 6th movie

I liked the movie, it wasn't my favorite.  I think it hurt that we didn't get a chance to connect with Henry and Corinnathe way we got to with Will/Elizabeth in Curse of the Black Pearl.

It also didn't help that Jack was mostly a joke for the entire movie. I just didn't connect with or feel like that was the Jack I knew and moved from the previous movies. 

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I liked it, it felt like a good nod to the original and much better than the last couple ones. 

The bank heist was funny. 

Jack seemed more alcoholic than normal though. Not funny drunk, sad drunk. But I think that was due to the curse apparently that the witch lady put on everyone Barbossa wanted to, which took away Jack's luck. 

They did good on casting Will's son, he looked and sounded like Orlando a bit. 

The special effects  of the the ocean separating and Salizar's entire crew was so great. 

I was sad that Will and Jack never shared a scene, but I laughed at Jack looking at the Will/Elizabeth reunion and his reaction.

I guess with the post-credits scene, he'll be back for the next installment? 

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16 hours ago, Artsda said:

Jack seemed more alcoholic than normal though. Not funny drunk, sad drunk. But I think that was due to the curse apparently that the witch lady put on everyone Barbossa wanted to, which took away Jack's luck. 

Yeah, I realized that as soon as we met the Witch and towards the end it seemed as though Jack was getting back to his old self (even before they got to the Island). It was just hard to connect with THIS Jack.

I did like Henry and Corrina, they were decidedly better than the preacher/mermaid from On Stranger Tides. The guy they cast as Henry was the perfect combination of Orlando/Kiera I could easily believe he was Will/Elizabeth's offspring.

One thing that bugged me was Will going all barnacle boy at the beginning. It seemed clear from At Worlds End that the only reason Jones turned into a Squid-man was because he didn't do the job. They never explained why will was turning since he performed the task.

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7 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

Rewatching the first POTC and even though I like Norrington, it will always creep me out that he wanted to marry Elizabeth even though he knew her when she was little girl and he was an adult.

Thank you! That's why I disliked Norrington, no matter how hot they made him look.

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It was a fun, entertaining movie and I actually shed a few years in a couple of places!  Jack had to be at an all-time low at the start because that led him to betraying the compass, still it was hard to see him like that and I wish we'd got to see more of his cleverness reappear sooner.  It wasn't until he was back on the sea that he became the Captain that I remember. Then, once the Black Pearl was restored, Jack was truly back.  

The flashback to young Jack was quite fascinating and the villain in this was so much better than Blackbeard in the previous Pirates4.  I've seen Dead Man Tell No Tales twice and enjoyed it even more the second time.  The critics should be ashamed of their ratings for this, but then again they weren't all that thrilled with the first in the series which I consider a classic.  Good thing I ignore the critics.

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7 minutes ago, Casual Viewing said:

 The critics should be ashamed of their ratings for this, but then again they weren't all that thrilled with the first in the series which I consider a classic.  Good thing I ignore the critics.

I know! POTC 1 is on my top 3 all time fav list. No critic could convince me otherwise. I only wish it was possible to come out of the theater having watched that movie for the first time again.

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Anyone else roll their eyes at Jack asking Henry if Elizabeth called his name out in her sleep? Like, seriously? I was always annoyed at almost every male in the show falling in love/lust with her, but dude: SHE FED YOU TO THE KRAKEN. I thought he was over her after that.

Also, the fact that Will was able to father a child makes the "eunuch" running gag a bit pointless.

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I saw it over the weekend.  While I don't think it is anywhere near as awful as the critics made it sound, it did feel tired a lot of the time.  I felt Depp's performance as Jack seemed "off" somehow and not as effortless as before, though this feeling wore off by the middle of the film.  I think that Depp's personal life and (possible?) drinking took a toll.  Agree that they didn't make him as cunning as in the other films.  That said, I still thought that the film was ok.  Would have liked a little more background with Barbossa and whatshername.   I'm going to miss Barbossa--in his way, he was a much more interesting pirate than Jack. I love the supernatural element to the films, what with spooky islands disappearing (and appearing) out of nowhere. Enjoyed the young Jack Sparrow scenes, brief as they were. The new young couple were ok and not too obnoxious, but of course, will never equal Will and Elizabeth. Overall, my 4th favorite of the five film series.  I liked it much more than the last one.

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Today was my "Well, I got nothing better to do, so why not catch a few movies I'm casually interested in," and gave this a go.  Wasn't great (although I really think only the Curse of the Black Pearl was the only great Pirates film), but I didn't think it was as bad as some of the critics have made it out to be.  Way better then On Stranger Tides and I might have enjoyed it more then Dead Man's Chest or At World's End (haven't seen them in a while, but I remember respecting the ambition, but finding them to be slogs at time.)  But I thought this was pretty straightforward and fun.  Enjoyed the set pieces (the bank heist) and I like that while used sparingly, Will and Elizabeth were a driving force for the main plot, since Henry's mission was to use the trident to break Will's curse.

While I do feel like Jack Sparrow has been overplayed and I certainly have soured on Johnny Depp a lot lately, there is still something about him that I enjoy watching.  He's like an old friend I haven't seen in a while, who still relies on his dated schick a bit too much, but is still nice to see again.  Barbossa though was the highlight and Geoffery Rush was delightful as always.  Too bad he's gone, but that was a given as soon as they revealed that Carina was his daughter.  Parents don't fare well in Disney Land!

Henry and Carina weren't annoying and certainly a sizable improvement over the preacher and mermaid from On Stranger Tides, but still mainly there to just fill out the "pretty people" quota, and really show (IMO) how important Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly where in the first three films, despite not being as flashy as Depp/Jack Sparrow.

Mixed emotions on Javier Bardem as Salazar, because on one hand, he was awesome and creepy, but on the other hand, this really is going to be the only type of character he plays in Hollywood movies, huh?  It's like he and Christoph Waltz are in a contest to see how long they can get away with playing the same type of characters in different films.

Overall, I had a fun enough time, even though I doubt it will stick with me.

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On 6/13/2017 at 9:11 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Overall, I had a fun enough time, even though I doubt it will stick with me.

Pretty much my thoughts.

I didn't watch the 4th one but this seems to have pretty much ignored whatever happened in that one.

Brenton Thwaites is cute. I'm glad I finally saw him in a movie because I refused to see The Giver for personal reasons, Maleficent looked terrible, and the Gods of Egypt bombed big time. It's funny to think that his on-screen mother is only 4 years older than him, although Elizabeth has to be in her 40's by now.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I liked the newest film myself. I agree with someone above who said the only truly "great" film in the series was the first one, but I've liked the rest of the series aside from At World's End. Dead Man's Chest is still the next-best, but I'd put the newest one at third place.

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Really, the two best characters are Elizabeth and Norrington. They killed one and short changed the other in the later films. I basically ignore the ending of At World's End and pretend that was the last movie.

I don't have a problem with Norrington having fallen in love with Elizabeth. They really shouldn't have used Jack Davenport in the flashback scene in the first movie because Norrington is only supposed to be seven years older so he would've still been in his teens when he escorted the Swanns to Port Royal. Using the same actor gives the impression his character is much older than he was. And becoming the Scourge of Piracy would've dominated his time over the years - he would have spent a lot of that at sea- so it's not like he would have spent much time around her. I don't think there was anything creepy or inappropriate about it. I thought Norrington was actually a real gentleman.

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Elizabeth and Norrington were my favorite too.

I loved Norrington and felt that Pirates really dropped the ball with him. They should have had him on the Flying Dutchman with Will. I wish that Will and Elizabeth had tried to save him in later films. Done something for him. It should have been an easy fix too-Jones wasnt doing his job still at that point. They could have found Norrington in a boat. 

I liked that he was honorable and the good guy. I wrote some fanfics about Norrington and him taking over the Dutchman eventually.

I dont mind that Norrington had feelings for Elizabeth either. He backed off too when he knew the score between Elizabeth and Will. I also felt for him in the second movie when he told the story about him and the storm while chasing Sparrow. 

I also never felt like the movies were Elizabeth’s story like they wanted them to be. I dont think they were expecting to blow up like they did, but it would have been nice if she had more than everyone’s love interest, did more than fainting as a distraction in the first movie. And her ending was not my favorite either. She goes from Pirate Queen to, keeper of Will’s heart on land? Being literally the only female role in a movie of pirates, she deserved an epic ending. Like freeing Will. Or something. Anything really.

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5 hours ago, GaT said:

What possible reason is there to reboot Pirates of the Caribbean, with or without Depp? Why would anyone think this franchise needs a reboot?

I wouldn't mind seeing another good pirate movie, without an alcoholic wife-beater stinking up the joint.

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In regards to Jame Norrington: I wish they were nicer to Zoe Saldana during the filming of the first movie so she could come back for sequels. I thought Anamarie and Norrington could have made an interesting couple or partnership.They both kind of hate Jack Sparrow, with reason.

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From ACE Superhero Comic Con in San Antonio, TX, last weekend...

Orlando Bloom Q&A Panel: From Middle-earth to the Caribbean | Superhero Comic Con 2024
Tales From The Collection: Autographs & Fan Mail   posted Jun 25, 2024

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