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S10.E21: Change of Heart

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Yawn, that was some tiresome filler. Saving it all up for next week’s Burke extravaganza, I guess. It did underscore how much Cristina/Sandra Oh elevates shoddy material, and how much I’m going to miss her.


April is still such a shrill, whiny, immature bitch. She has no business getting married until she learns to act like an adult and not a petulant child. I really feel for Jackson…until I remember that there was no gun to his head and that he voluntarily married her. So, sucks to be you, Jackson.


Much like Owen and Cristina, I’m not seeing how they come to a reasonable compromise. Jackson thinks religion is ridiculous and god is a fairy tale, April can’t imagine a life without it and will pity any children who don't believe in supernatural gods. Raising a child in that kind of atmosphere is confusing and tense.

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I thought this was a pretty dreadful installment -- chiefly because of the construction of the dialogue and the structure of the stories. (I thought the scripting quality had improved over the past few seasons, despite the sometimes painfully bad stories of the past two years in particular, but tonight brought us back to that soundalike GREY'S dialogue of the middle seasons: high school moronic.)  


First, the enjoyable... the two multi-arc patient stories were less irksome tonight because the kids had very little to do -- meaning that I could enjoy the medical drama without sappy bother. Also, there was minimal Jo (always a fantastic thing) and not a lot of the other residents, and the final Owen/Cristina scene was powerful (as were all of Oh's scenes this evening -- maybe her best episode of the season so far).


Now, the not-so-good... Well, I personally never cared for Amelia because of her poor characterization. She was introduced pretty much like every single GREY'S female -- she started off all tough and smug and unlikable (like Catharine Avery or the two Mercy West gals) and then devolved into one of the whiny personality-less vessels that the writers use to sling around faux-amusing dialogue. Neither incarnation is satisfying because they are both so trite. (Fortunately, I only had to deal with her for two scenes this evening.) But, speaking of trite, April and Jackson have been written so idiotically this season (and last season too, actually). I'm glad they're being punished for their behavior at the altar, but can't the writers contrive scenes that play a little less forced? Speaking of forced: Meredith's outrage at Cristina losing. It was not amusing. At all.


And finally, this brings me to the Richard and Catherine scenes, which probably annoyed me more than anything else tonight. It took them until the end of the third act for her to admit that Cristina didn't win the award because of the foundation. We, as the audience, knew that going into the episode, so there really wasn't need to create this unwarranted suspense. Furthermore, the way this story was drawn out (one scene per act), especially with that melodramatic "break-up" bit that the writers shoehorned in, made both characters come off looking absolutely horrendous. Bad storytelling. Plain and simple. 


Not a good episode by any stretch of the imagination. 

Edited by upperco

Well, that was a bit disjointed.

Amelia, yay! She will shake things up a bit.

April and Jackson...hopelessly in love with each other, check. Surprised that they differ in their fundamental beliefs? Duh...did Jackson forget about her failing her boards because she was soooo upset about disappointing Jesus? Or the whole "revirginizing" nonsense we all went through for several episodes? Shonda has an opportunity to do something amazing with these two and bringing the angst just doesn't do it for me.

Alex and Arizona- awesome. I really like the development of Alex's character, and it even like Jo if she can stop hitting


Richard and mama Avery - I really hope he is done with her. She really bugs me, and seems very smug and sanctimonious. I am tired of her. And setting up Christina for prestige for the hospital? Raise your hands if you didn't see that coming. I think most of us called it when the announcement was made.

Christina WTH. Really? I don't even know what the heck happened there. Christina has been through some rough surgeries and difficult patients and patient families and didn't break. I refuse to believe not winning the award would break her. Next week better be amazing.

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Shonda has an opportunity to do something amazing with these two


Does she really though? It's season 10. Every possible storyline for couples has already been done. Twice. The only things Shonda does consistently across all her shows with her couples is two things: adultery and PTSD. This show has had more than enough of both. What could distinguish Jackson and April from the dozens of others over the years, much less make them amazing?


(I have no faith in Shonda, in case that wasn't clear.)

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That was crap.

The only thing I enjoyed was Callie telling April to stay out of her vagina, Derek and Mere's date day (which was so pathetic, btw) and Robbin's being supportive of Alex. 

HATE April, so tired of everyone yelling at Jackson, so tired of fat mama crying, loathe Catherine, bleh.  I'm happy for Cristina that she's escaping this nest of fools...

  • Love 2

I guess if Cristina has to leave Grey Sloan Memorial to receive the recognition for which she's obviously destined and partially already achieved, I guess I will have to learn to live with it.  It's better than having a helicopter fall on her or something equally as permanent.  Perhaps this way she can move away, achieve recognized greatness and from time to time visit or FaceTime  with Mer and Der, Arizona and Callie,  and Alex over at the Dr. Butthole practice, if he really ends up going.  

I thought it was a pretty decent episode. I always think Grey's does a good job with friendships, and several of them were in force tonight: April/Owen, Alex/Arizona, Leah/Shane, Owen/Cristina, even Cristina/Mer (though I mostly wanted to slap Mer).

I'm glad Alex and Arizona finally talked about their issues. For all that Alex tries to be a selfish prick, he's a natural caregiver, so I loved seeing him finally come to the realization that he doesn't always have to put someone else first. And everything Arizona said to him was perfect. She doesn't want him to leave, but she's proud of him and wants him to do what's best for him. I just love them. "Shut up, Karev. The moment's ruined".

Alex and Jo on the other hand, are awful. Alex deserves so much better.

I like Jackson and April, separately and together. I even like the story they're trying to tell with them. But the implementation is just so bad. SD and JW are making a valiant effort, but the writing is completely nonsensical.

If Bailey injects that kid, she is deadtome. I don't care how many papers the mom signed, Bailey knows she rescinded her permission. If I felt like she was doing it for the kid, that would be one thing, but it's all. about. her.

The Webber/Catherine scenes were a waste.

I like Amelia (what I've seen of her; I never watched Private Practice) and I'm interested to see more of her. Maybe she'll stick around and hook up with Alex.

...tired of everyone yelling at Jackson...

Totally agree. They always leave the decisions to him, even though he tries to get them involved, and then get pissed about what he's decided. These are grown people, and the idea of balancing a budget should not be foreign to them.

I actually really enjoyed the episode.


I've been very interested in the case with the heart patient kids & I was upset that Frankie died. Yeah, Leah is so quitting the program. She just doesn't have the make up for this field. 


I loved Richard and Mama Avery. I am shocked by how much I now like that pairing. Was not expecting that at all.Thought their fight was really enjoyable. There was something very adult about it to me. I do find the Harper Avery twist dumb. There has to be a way they can fix this. To me it seems as simple as a blind vote. 


I'm still interested in April/Jackson. I still think he can learn to not mock her faith and she can learn to stop pitying his lack of it and they can find a way to give the kids exposure to religion in a way that works for them. I will admit that in some ways atheist/believer is more complicated than two people who are from different faiths. I thought it was nice to see Owen trying to be supportive of her. Was too bad there wasn't  more time for an April/Arizona scene.


I'd never seen Amelia before. I really like her. Don't entirely buy that Zola could/would do all that damage in a day. 


Wonderful Alex/Arizona scenes. I'm honestly not sure now what he's ultimately going to do. He'll still have hospital privileges, so in theory, he could go into private practice & stay on the show. 


Overall I thought it was a solid hour. 

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People I wanted to slap this week:


1)  April

2)  Catherine

3)  Amelia


At one time April was becoming slightly less grating, but she's ratcheted up the obnoxious level to 11 over these last 2 episodes.  Catherine's duplicity with regard to Christina's award being withheld from her makes her dead to me.  Dead. To. Me.    Amelia just needs a good slap.

Edited by RealityCreator
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I actually really enjoyed the episode.

I'm still interested in April/Jackson. I still think he can learn to not mock her faith and she can learn to stop pitying his lack of it and they can find a way to give the kids exposure to religion in a way that works for them. I will admit that in some ways atheist/believer is more complicated than two people who are from different faiths. I thought it was nice to see Owen trying to be supportive of her. Was too bad there wasn't more time for an April/Arizona scene.

I'd never seen Amelia before. I really like her. Don't entirely buy that Zola could/would do all that damage in a day.

Overall I thought it was a solid hour.

I liked the episode too. I've,actually loved every one of them except the musical one.

Maybe I haven't gotten sick of it yet because I just discovered it about a year and a half ago after I was laid up for months after a spinal surgery. I saw a few reruns and ended up marathon watching every season.

I agree about April and Jackson. I was widowed when my kids were still under 2 so I raised them alone. They didn't know that I'm an atheist until their late teens. My son wanted to go to church with his friend when he was about 9 so I took him and got him involved in a youth group there.

Both kids are atheists now too.

I totally believe that Zola could do that damage in one day. I believe she could do it in an hour. If she's anything like my grandkids she can.

Edited by Maharincess
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I simply cannot understand why Meredith and Derek don't hire a live-in nanny. They can afford it, they have the room in the house for another person. It's mind-boggling. I understand that a big part of their story line is driven by the life-work balance struggle, but it borders on ridiculous. I get so aggravated when they're sleep deprived, living in a house that looks like a disaster area, trying to solve babysitting issues, because there is such a logical solution - HIRE SOMEONE. That's all I can see - I don't even hear their dialogue because I'm so pissed at them for not getting help.


As domineering and overwhelming as Catherine can be, I actually do like her with Richard. I enjoy seeing a mature, intelligent couple, as opposed to the younger ninnies who can't seem to go 30 seconds without sex and are constantly screaming at each other. It's wearisome and unoriginal. I hope Catherine and Richard can work things out, but this whole Avery award thing might be just too much to overcome. 


I was a faithful viewer of 'Private Practice' from beginning to end, so it was nice to see Amelia. However, I didn't like what she was used for - to show the issues Mer and Der are having with balancing child rearing and work. Of course Amelia felt like she couldn't handle married/domestic life while also working - she walks in the door and gets two very young kids dumped on her for 12+ hours, kids she doesn't know and has no experience with! How stupid was that? Amelia, go stay in a hotel! Mer and Der are doing nothing to help themselves yet are complaining as if they're the first couple on earth to grapple with working and raising a family. Don't assume that if you have kids, it'll be like their household! Think for yourself, don't be swayed by their tunnel vision!

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If Bailey injects that kid, she is deadtome. I don't care how many papers the mom signed, Bailey knows she rescinded her permission. If I felt like she was doing it for the kid, that would be one thing, but it's all. about. her.



I disagree - I think she will inject the kid - but she will be doing it only for the kid.  She cannot tell anyone she injected the kid - because legally and ethically she is in the wrong.  So, she will inject the kid, the kid will get better, the parents will believe they were right to withhold treatment, and the Avery's will cut Baily's research because there has been no progress.

Edited by kushka
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I'll be honest - when I first started watching this show, it was a weird spiteful curiosity. I was mad ABC canceled Eyes (don't worry if you have no idea what I'm talking about because I'm probably the only person on the planet who watched that show) but they kept Grey's (which premiered the same season). Over time, it became a show I watched out of habit. Every fall, I say that I'm not going to watch anymore and then I end up doing it anyway. I don't hate it but I don't love it. It's in this weird middle ground where it's capable of making me laugh (like when Callie yelled, "Get out of my vagina, Kepner!") or making me want to stab someone in the eye (ghost Denny, Cristina and Owen's gross merry go round of fucking and then fighting about not having kids). But I feel like this is the episode where I turned the corner and almost everyone annoyed me.


First, the parents were all driving me crazy. if I have to watch the mom of the three kids cry one more time, I may lose it. Part of me was so annoyed that the first criticized Cristina because of their kids' various states of ill health, as if it's somehow her fault, and then they wanted her to decide who to give the donor heart to.


I am also over the bubble kid's mom getting hysterical while two feet away from the kid's partition. YOU KNOW HE CAN HEAR YOU, RIGHT? I understand that she's freaking out, but for fuck's sake, you are this kid's mother. Get a hold of yourself, woman! Do you think that it's good for your sick kid to witness you having breakdowns on a regular basis? How hard is it to lower your voice or just walk a few feet away if you're getting upset? But don't just stand right next to the plastic partition where your kid can see and hear you freaking out yet again.


The various board members need to grow up and realize that Jackson is not being the foundation's lackey or tattletale. He is trying to HELP his coworkers but they act like he's sabotaging them. He is totally correct - the foundation asked for this information so he and the board can either make the decision and then try to steer the foundation in the direction or they can just let the foundation decide on their own. Either way, this is happening so the better option is not to bury their heads in the sand and hope it just goes away.


April is back to her full on annoying self. If you want to obsess about your issues with Jackson, that's your business but you don't need to repeat the EXACT same thing over and over to the people who are kind enough to let you stay with them while you figure things out. The first ten times were probably enough. I also loathe when Shonda uses that lame "the patient's story parallels the doctor's story and somehow makes the doctor realize the truth" method of storytelling because it's lazy. So when April started going on and on during surgery until she started crying, I just wanted to tell her to STFU and act like an adult. Yes, it sucks that you're having problems with your husband, but you are AT WORK. Act like a professional and do your job without crying in the OR.


The few times that I've seen Derek's sister on this show, I haven't liked her. This episode didn't change my opinion at all.


The only thing I can recall enjoying about this episode was Meredith's tirades. Heh, Dr. Sucksalot.

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I also loathe when Shonda uses that lame "the patient's story parallels the doctor's story and somehow makes the doctor realize the truth" method of storytelling because it's lazy.


I whole-heartedly agree. And while the parallel storytelling of patient=doctor has never been subtle, I thought last night's "This is not your pick up truck" was a new low. It made an anvil to the head seem gentle.

I was wondering, when April was crying over the patient in the operating room, wouldn't she be instructed to leave?  Thankfully she hadn't dropped any tears yet onto the patient, but I was wondering why Owen didn't tell her to leave before she made a mistake.  On the other hand, this is Grey's Anatomy though, where they talk and laugh and do just about anything while operating on some poor patient.

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I couldn't stand this episode.  Nothing about it was even tolerable to me.


I can't stand Cristina and all the petty responses to her not winning a (very exclusive, distinguished) award were ridiculous.  You would have thought she was God's gift to medicine and Harper Avery said "no, thanks." Oh wait, she's acted like she was God's gift to medicine for years, so I guess this is fitting.


April's pregnancy is so predictable.

She cannot tell anyone she injected the kid - because legally and ethically she is in the wrong.

I see your point, but I wasn't even thinking about her using it to continue her research. I think she'll do it because she's so sure she's right, and needs to prove it to herself. I hope I'm wrong, because I usually like Bailey, and I like that she's getting a decent (medical) story. 


First, the parents were all driving me crazy.


The various board members need to grow up and realize that Jackson is not being the foundation's lackey or tattletale.

Total agreement with you on these two items. I wanted somebody to slap the mom of three kids. First, she manages to talk the other mom out of getting her kid treatment by insulting the doctors, with one of them standing right there. Then she dares go of on Cristina because her daughter died? I know they're going for "Cristina reevaluates her career", but come on. You have three kids who need heart transplants. Two of them are still miraculously alive. It's not like they came in with a fever. This shouldn't be shocking to you that one of them might die.

And bubble boy's mom - ugh. As you say, she's not doing her kid any favors with the constant freaking out right in front of him. I'm sure not being to touch your child when he's so very ill would be challenging, to put it mildly. But at this point, it's been days. You'd think she'd be settling in to the idea. And she thinks she's going to take him home and what? Feed him chicken soup?

Seriously, the board needs to get over themselves and show Jackson some respect or at least understanding. Would they rather have Catherine in his place? It's not like she's going to put all that money into the hospital and then just never expect them to report back or give the foundation any input. At least Jackson is one of them and understands the dynamics of their hospital.


On the other hand, this is Grey's Anatomy though, where they talk and laugh and do just about anything while operating on some poor patient.

Yep, it's certainly nothing new or confined to April to have completely inappropriate personal conversations or even meltdowns during surgery. It's SOP at his point. I actually liked that scene, between laughing at Callie and Jo trying to get the hell out of there and Owen talking April through her problems. I've always loved their friendship.

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Jackson, Jackson, get away from these crazy, unappreciative, uncooperative characters and start your own teevee show!

I totally did not believe Christina's meltdown. Mer, be a real friend and tell her to get over herself.

I want the old, irascible Bailey back, the one from the early days. She seemed so much more real to me than this Bailey has seemed for a long time. Romance ruined her. Give her back some interns to terrorize.

Things are bad when I like Owen best.

I simply cannot understand why Meredith and Derek don't hire a live-in nanny. They can afford it, they have the room in the house for another person. It's mind-boggling. I understand that a big part of their story line is driven by the life-work balance struggle, but it borders on ridiculous. I get so aggravated when they're sleep deprived, living in a house that looks like a disaster area, trying to solve babysitting issues, because there is such a logical solution - HIRE SOMEONE. That's all I can see - I don't even hear their dialogue because I'm so pissed at them for not getting help.


I can't remember if this has been addressed on show or if I am projecting thoughts on to Meredith, but I think it comes from her own childhood. Despite how difficult it is, with both of their demanding careers, she really wants her children to be raised primarily by her and Derek. It's part of the message from Elllis, "Be Extraordinary." And while the last few seasons have shown that no, maybe she can't devote as much time to career/research as Cristina, that is still what Meredith wants, to be able to do and have it all. 

Despite how difficult it is, with both of their demanding careers, she really wants her children to be raised primarily by her and Derek.

I agree that's her motivation, and I totally respect that. For all that right now their kids spend plenty of time in the magical daycare, when they go home at night, it's just them and the kids. Admittedly, I've never known any nannies, but I do know a couple of live-in grandmas who essentially act as nannies. It can be hard sometimes to keep that line drawn that during the day, grandma is in charge, but at night, the parents are. Especially with the little ones - if grandma is their primary caregiver, that's often who they want if she's there. But maybe it would be different with a hired employee.

Making no systems here about SAH parenting versus nannies versus daycare, but I do think they're different.

They were so quick to warm to the idea of Amelia moving in (which was stupid because, hello, she just told you she's getting married, and she doesn't live in Seattle). I thought maybe a lightbulb was going to come on and they would realize that in-home help was am option. Even if they don't want to have a nanny, they could hire a housekeeper, or even just a maid to come in a few days a week.

April venting didn't annoy me that much. It was repetitive but every character has been in the same position. I actually thought it was sort of ignorant of the doctors to be so dismissive of her considering how many times they've alll been in her position.

Really sick Of watching Jackson get shit on by the board as well. I can't fathom how they're trying to paint him as the bad guy when all he's doing is trying to run the hospital. They really are fucking children. He's doing a far better job at it then they are so far.

They all but should have given Catherine an moustache to twirl in those scenes with Richard. So fucking ridiculous especially the bit where she admits Cristina had more votes. She was already suspecting he'd come to see her to challenge the decision of Cristina losing. What the fuck did she think he'd do with the information that they'd actually cheated... Not go running straight to Owen? For fuck sake.. She was supposed to be a savvy business woman. What a moron.

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I really, really like Jackson but he should have realized that April would have had religion problems from the first and that is something that they should have discussed before eloping. However, maybe they can compromise by joining a nice mellow UU chuch which seems to accept all beliefs. Poor guy is stuck in an impossible position both with the hospital board and his marriage. However, with those amazing blue eyes, he is still pretty to look at.

You have three kids who need heart transplants.



This is starting to bug me--have they ever figured out or revealed how it's possible that all three kids in the family would develop the same type of heart problems at the same time and all need transplants? I remember them saying something about a gene, did they ever explain it? This is probably the only time in history I miss the horrid Grey's writers' blog--sometimes on that they would explain the medical stuff a little better and talk about their consultants who insist that such and such weird medical thing is possible.

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That's bugging me as well.  I'm super curious why all three kids have a heart problem, and it happened all at the same time.  They're all different ages (I think), so it's not like it's some kind of heart defect that shows up when you're 12 or something (I don't know if there is such a thing). 


I'm going to be really upset if they never tell us what's what about that.

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