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Sex and the City Fashions: Let's Mock the Clothes!

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2. That green mini-skirt Carrie wears when she meets Big (after escaping from Aiden's cabin).  The one that looked totally normal in the front, but then had a big frilly white doily on the ass when she turned around.  I mean, seriously?



This always comes to my mind immediately whenever discussing a WTF moment with the clothes. It did look totally normal from the front, but once she turns around you see a butt ruffle. I remember gasping audibly the first time I saw it. I can't believe this is a thing


I seem to remember that the end of the episode, Carrie wore another skirt with a ruffle on the hem in the back, and it looked even worse than the first. 

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 I have always hated, hated, hated that stupid outfit Carrie wore when walking Aidan's dog.  The Flashdance reject sweatshirt-y top with the 1970s/1980s jogging shorts and stilettos.  I think that monstrosity was only topped by the horror she wore in the first movie when she was going to see Miranda on New Years Eve - - the Sunset Boulevard turban, the camisole top over some long sleeved thing, the pajama bottoms, the ever present stilettos (with socks, since it's winter), the string of pearls and the fur coat.  She was seriously going into Grey Gardens territory for me.


I may be alone on this but I hated how S1 Miranda was always dressed like she was headed to hoe a pumpkin patch when she was "casual."  I don't know any attorneys who would walk the streets wearing massively baggy overalls and a ball cap when running errands, etc.  Jeans, people!  Casual slacks!  Amazing that Samantha wouldn't have made an offhand comment about that attire.

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I may be alone on this but I hated how S1 Miranda was always dressed like she was headed to hoe a pumpkin patch when she was "casual."  I don't know any attorneys who would walk the streets wearing massively baggy overalls and a ball cap when running errands, etc.  Jeans, people!  Casual slacks!  Amazing that Samantha wouldn't have made an offhand comment about that attire.

Yes! You are not alone. She was always wearing hideous oversized burnt orange sweaters! And the overalls were a fiasco. 


I don't remember if it was S1, but that episode where Miranda sees her ex on the street and hides from him? And she was wearing huge overalls and a ball cap. She looked absolutely terrible. I would have hid from anyone I knew, whether they were my ex or not, if I looked like that out in public. I frequently felt like Miranda looked like a frumpy mess, but that scene really sticks out in my mind for some reason.


I believe this is the offending outfit from the episode I'm referring to:


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That is indeed the outfit!  What a travesty.  I think it was a different episode (but same season) when Miranda was bemoaning the fact that she had gone TWO MONTHS (gasp!) without sex and was getting cat called by some workers on the street outside of Blockbuster.  Wearing a ball cap and baggy overalls.  In a city of models and actresses (not to mention Samantha), would never happen.


I think the show went too far with her "serious lady attorney" attire (and her hair) in the first season or two and made the same mistake with her "casual lady attorney" clothing.  She looked so, so much better in the later seasons.

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I believe that photo is from S2, Ep 1, which I saw recently.  Early in the episode, Miranda is berating Carrie for still wallowing in her post-break-up melancholy.  The foursome goes to the Yankees game, where Carrie winds up with a foul ball and they meet "the new Yankee," who asks Carrie out.  Later in the episode, Miranda spies her ex and hides before he can see her.  I think the outfit pictured above is what she's wearing during that scene.  Miranda then realizes she's not as "over" him as she'd thought, and confides this to Carrie in the last scene.

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This always comes to my mind immediately whenever discussing a WTF moment with the clothes. It did look totally normal from the front, but once she turns around you see a butt ruffle. I remember gasping audibly the first time I saw it. I can't believe this is a thing


I seem to remember that the end of the episode, Carrie wore another skirt with a ruffle on the hem in the back, and it looked even worse than the first. 


Both of us.   I wasn't even paying attention to the episode until they showed this skirt from the back.  I was all {{wonkyhuhcarrieface}} is this heffa wearing a... a... tail?  All of you have much better recall than I.  In my mind's eye this outfit was pink and white.  Of course now I realize I'm just doing a mental Easter projection thing, but nonetheless, this gets my top vote for most hideous wardrobe choice on any show I've ever seen on television.  Ever.  And I'm including Florida Evans' orange column dress in the damn damn damn episode of Good Times and each plaid bellbottom jumpsuit Carol Brady owned.


p.s. SJP was World News Tonight's person of the week not too long ago and she was telling David Muir that there may be one story yet to be told in the SATC saga.   You guys? I shuddered.

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p.s. SJP was World News Tonight's person of the week not too long ago and she was telling David Muir that there may be one story yet to be told in the SATC saga.   You guys? I shuddered.



I can only think of two things.  One, that Carrie and Big become parents.  Or two, that someone dies.  Both are making me shudder.  Violently.  (Although the first option is far more egregious than the second in my book.)


If a third movie can follow the first, I'm in.  I loved the first one.  I would love to see the characters again.   

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When watching several episodes of S2 recently (in particular, episodes S8 - S12), I noticed that Carrie was almost always wearing her "Carrie necklace"  -- sometimes on its own, sometimes paired with another, longer necklace.  That necklace always struck me as a little juvenile, but seeing it used so consistently was jarring.  Is Carrie afraid that people will forget her name?

Edited by Inquisitionist
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I believe that photo is from S2, Ep 1, which I saw recently.  Early in the episode, Miranda is berating Carrie for still wallowing in her post-break-up melancholy.  The foursome goes to the Yankees game, where Carrie winds up with a foul ball and they meet "the new Yankee," who asks Carrie out.  Later in the episode, Miranda spies her ex and hides before he can see her.  I think the outfit pictured above is what she's wearing during that scene.  Miranda then realizes she's not as "over" him as she'd thought, and confides this to Carrie in the last scene.

I thought Carrie looked like a meth head with the heavy eyeliner and dirty rotten looking fur coat in that episode... Not my fav look for her!

I can only think of two things.  One, that Carrie and Big become parents.  Or two, that someone dies.  Both are making me shudder.  Violently.  (Although the first option is far more egregious than the second in my book.)


If a third movie can follow the first, I'm in.  I loved the first one.  I would love to see the characters again.   

If someone can write a good story about these characters, I'm in for the next movie. The last movie..... ugh! They need to capture what we loved about them on the tv show. The ones who wrote the movie forgot that.

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Carrie (or Pat Fields) took the hat issue to a whole new level with the Vivienne Westwood wedding dress and veil. I honestly do not understand how anyone could find this look attractive.  The bottom of the wedding dress isn't too awful (though the fabric reminds me of a parachute), but the severity of the bodice cut combined with the severity of Carrie's hairstyle just don't do her any favors, IMO.  What groom would see this and honestly say she looks beautiful, stunning, etc -- the words one usually applies to a bride?  I think she looks soooooo much better in the vintage suit....


I'm currently re-watching the whole series, and just started season 5.  I've been paying special attention to the clothes this time around!


That Vivienne Westwood wedding gown, just, no. So much potential there, and the gown was undoubtedly gorgeous, but just not Carrie's style at all. The styling was all wrong, too; it made her look very hard and much older.  There were so many other gorgeous wedding dresses in that photo shoot, and she would have rocked any of them.  The slinky lace v-neck (when she was standing on the ladder) was my favorite.  It was so 30's Hollywood!  The tiered flapper-esque dress was gorgeous, too.  I also loved her vintage suit she ended up getting married in, and hate Anthony even more because he was the one who started the whole wedding gown mess (plus, he was so mean to my Stanny throughout the series!  I know, but I can't let it go!).


Season 5 Carrie looks really good.  I love the gorgeous curly bob haircut she got at the beginning of the season.  It's so much softer and flattering on her.  As far as her clothes, I think her book cover black blazer was a great look on her.


Miranda, hands-down her wedding outfit.  So beautiful and flattering.  Samantha could look tacky, and did dress young, but I loved the Pucci-esque shift dress she wore at Richard's Hampton's house.  Charlotte looked gorgeous in everything, and has such a classic style, but she's a bit too prim for me.

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Somehow,   Samantha's clothes looked cheap to me.   All those bright colors and plastic earrings.   I forgot which ep, but she's wearing a one shouldered silk dress in a subtle animal print, and she looks amazing.   Most of the time, though, her clothing looked like crap, IMO.    It wasn't that she dressed too "young",  it just seemed the cuts and colors of her wardrobe didn't flatter her as much as they could.     I read somewhere they deliberately did that so SJP could shine.    I think they did the same thing with  Cynthia Nixon.     Both women are far more attractive than SJP, especially in the later seasons.   


Though SJP can pretty much wear anything. except all the crap she wore in the will she or won't she meet Berger for a movie,  and that crazy lady get up from the first movie when she went out late to meet Miranda. 


I hope there is a third movie, and that they get back to basics.   No assistant sidekick to give ugly bags to, and no ditching the city.   And please baby Jesus,  no men with prosthetic hardons named Dick Spurt. 

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Somehow,   Samantha's clothes looked cheap to me.   All those bright colors and plastic earrings.   I forgot which ep, but she's wearing a one shouldered silk dress in a subtle animal print, and she looks amazing.   Most of the time, though, her clothing looked like crap, IMO.    It wasn't that she dressed too "young",  it just seemed the cuts and colors of her wardrobe didn't flatter her as much as they could.     I read somewhere they deliberately did that so SJP could shine.    I think they did the same thing with  Cynthia Nixon.     Both women are far more attractive than SJP, especially in the later seasons.



I've wondered about this since both Samantha and Miranda often looked so terrible every once in awhile they'd but

both in something that looked good on them. A couple of Miranda's suits looked really good but they rarely had her

in them. But on the other hand Carrie often dressed like a homeless woman. Most of the time I wondered if she really

got them out of a dumpster. Were those clothes suppose to be stylish or cool? I'll admit to knowing next to

nothing about fashion. I remember wondering why a person who was supposedly spending all her

money to look that bad.    

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I always thought it was just me thinking the fashions were not all that.  I don't think the styles always flattered the women, Miranda had a gut and wore a lot of things that high lighted it, Samantha needed a bra under most things ('cause even small ones droop) and Carrie wore a bra with everything, even shirts and dresses with necklines that required a strapless not too mention her penchant for wearing men's underwear.  Charlotte might have been the most mild but her clothes were impeccable. 


That was an ugly purse Carrie gave Louise...if it was her first designer purse I would have opted for a more classic basic go with everything bag.

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I'd read that SJP was practically a fashion icon in France after Sex in the City came out--- or was I hallucinating that?!  Anyway, I just got around to watching all the episodes on Prime and am sitting over here scratchin' my head wondering if I know ANYTHING about fashion, if what she wears on the show is considered by the very fashion elite to be chic!  I swear she looks like a hooker running around the streets of NY.  The producers should have thrown some actors in the crowd scenes dressed something like she was so she (and Samantha) didn't stand out so much.  So many busy NY work day scenes with normal people on the sidewalks and here comes Carrie in a stretchy tight spandex metallic looking dress, with ratty fur coat flowing out, spike heels and messes of tangled curls.  Looked for all the world like she was hurrying straight out of some john's apartment.  Sheesh! 

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I swear she looks like a hooker running around the streets of NY. The producers should have thrown some actors in the crowd scenes dressed something like she was so she (and Samantha) didn't stand out so much. So many busy NY work day scenes with normal people on the sidewalks and here comes Carrie in a stretchy tight spandex metallic looking dress, with ratty fur coat flowing out, spike heels and messes of tangled curls. Looked for all the world like she was hurrying straight out of some john's apartment. Sheesh!

Well, she actually did get mistaken for a hooker back when she was having that sleezy affair with a then-married Mr. Big---she was waiting for him in a hotel lobby to pay for their regular hotel room romp when some Japanese business man approached her to ask "How much?"

She was upset about being mistaken for a call girl, told Mr. Big about it then stomped outside to pout, and that's when they both literally bumped into a very disapproving Charlotte on the sidewalk, hence their sleezy affair became everyone's common knowledge.

It probably wasn't the first time some dude thought Carrie was a hooker though; her sexier styles often did lean a bit on the trampy side...I seem to remember a particularly trashy little dress she wore with a big gold flower and gold hooker boots to some hipster party where she smooched on a dyke-playing Alanis Morissette.

Samantha often looked rather trashy as well, but that fit her character profile more---she could pull it off with a bit more gravitas than Carrie did.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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I always thought she looked like a homeless lady in most of her clothes but hooker works too. I still

can't believe blew all of her money to look that bad.

Carrie's main problem seemed to be her addiction to designer clothes/accessories. Pat Fields styled her character as the original "high/low dresser" since she often paired vintage items with designer pieces, but I still never understood why Carrie only insisted on wearing her beloved Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo heels that we're all priced $400 and above---there's plenty of equally fantabulous heels at far better prices than those ridiculous brands!

Hate to say it, but I almost agreed with that one chick who "shoe-shamed" Carrie about her designer shoe preference after Carrie got her shoes stolen from that chick's no-shoes-allowed apartment party. I know it was good etiquette as a hostess to repay a guest for any stolen property at the gathering, but I'd be a bit pissed off too if I had to replace a $500 pair of shoes for a guest with a ridiculous designer shoe addiction!

((but then again, I hate people who force you to take your shoes off in their homes, so I was on Carrie's side overall on that one))

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Sun, I'm giggling.  That one chick = Tatum O' Neal.  I hated that episode.  I know better than to have tried some parallel in my head between SATC and pieces of real life but I was peeved at the thought that this woman had someone she knew well enough to invited to her home who stole somebody else's shit out of her house and the thing she was most upset about was the cost (or principle) of having to replace it?  What?  I thought, wouldn't someone's normal reaction be to go all Enter the Dragon in a mass text to your friends?  And then I was just disgusted because Blahniks or no, you took a pair of used shoes.   I was totally on Carrie's side too though because I didn't appreciate the lifestyle shaming from a chick who had small kids.......and white carpet. 

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I agree - totally on Carrie's side on the shoes.  She's free to spend whatever she wants on shoes.  If you don't want her spending choices to affect you, then don't you damage/destroy/lose her property. 


Slightly OT - there was a discussion on a local radio station about a student sitting in a coffee shop while a mother allowed her toddler to run around.  The child knocked over the student's coffee, which destroyed her expensive handbag.  People were complaining how horrible the student was for expecting the mother to pay for a new bag, what a frivolous thing to spend money on, a mother would never spend so much money on something so silly.  They didn't appreciate my call asking if it would be different if the coffee had destroyed her laptop. 

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It probably wasn't the first time some dude thought Carrie was a hooker though

Wasn't there an episode from a very early season where Carrie was with some guy visiting from Europe & he left money for her on the night stand?


I was totally on Carrie's side too though because I didn't appreciate the lifestyle shaming from a chick who had small kids.......and white carpet.

I was also on Carrie's side. If I had a white carpet, I'd just grumble over people getting my carpet dirty as I shampooed it the day after the party. NO WAY would I ever demand people take their shoes off at my house.

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I agree - totally on Carrie's side on the shoes.  She's free to spend whatever she wants on shoes.  If you don't want her spending choices to affect you, then don't you damage/destroy/lose her property. 


Slightly OT - there was a discussion on a local radio station about a student sitting in a coffee shop while a mother allowed her toddler to run around.  The child knocked over the student's coffee, which destroyed her expensive handbag.  People were complaining how horrible the student was for expecting the mother to pay for a new bag, what a frivolous thing to spend money on, a mother would never spend so much money on something so silly.  They didn't appreciate my call asking if it would be different if the coffee had destroyed her laptop. 


I'm interested in their answers.  Would it have been?

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They hmmmed and stalled for a few minutes, said I raised an interesting point.... then we had to go to commercial.  


You know, to sell stuff to soul-less non-breeders like me. 

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That one chick = Tatum O' Neal.  I hated that episode.  I know better than to have tried some parallel in my head between SATC and pieces of real life but I was peeved at the thought that this woman had someone she knew well enough to invited to her home who stole somebody else's shit out of her house and the thing she was most upset about was the cost (or principle) of having to replace it?  What?  I thought, wouldn't someone's normal reaction be to go all Enter the Dragon in a mass text to your friends?  And then I was just disgusted because Blahniks or no, you took a pair of used shoes.   I was totally on Carrie's side too though because I didn't appreciate the lifestyle shaming from a chick who had small kids.......and white carpet.

I hated that episode too. Although what parent has white carpet when they have kids? Who steals someone's

shoes? But I hated her friend's reaction. She should have been shocked or feeling horrible that one of her

friends stole someone else's shoes. Nope, just shaming her friend over how much she spent on shoes, and that

 'I'll give you two hundred' or something but that's it. Unfortunately, that's a little too realistic.


I've been in Carrie's shoes usually in the workplace. 

Sometimes there were chances to go home early if it was a slow day, there were quite a few parents who assumed

they should be the ones to go home first because they had kids, a house and a million things to get done over the

ones with no kids. Same with when there were times work needed someone to stay late. Well, sure the employees

with no kids are the ones who want to stay late, after all they have nothing better to do. They usually got it and on

the rare times they didn't boy did they complain 'my kids have a project due now', 'I have laundry to get done,

house to clean, errands to run, etc. Perhaps, if they had been more willing to be fair, we wouldn't have complained

to management and had them put in a rotation.

Edited by andromeda331
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In later seasons in particular, even Charlotte wore some odd and fairly costumey things, like a parody or a fantasy of a WASP (the Burberry-patterned sleep mask?). I remember that one outfit in a Season 6 episode jumped out at me, because it was so normal: simple white blouse, purple knit sweater, and jeans. With that said, she wore some beautiful dresses.

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2 hours ago, Quof said:

Yeah, cuz that's what a woman wears on a trans-Atlantic, overnight flight. 

The dress looks like a knit so it was probably very comfortable. We already know that Carrie doesn't get the concept of comfortable footwear, lol. The rest is just a coat, hat and gloves. Why not make them a fabulous coat, hat, and gloves?

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28 minutes ago, Inquisitionist said:

It looks much better with the coat on, obscuring the big, round looks-like-something-Grandma-crocheted thingy on the dress bodice.  When Carrie took off the coat and squee'd at the Eiffel Tower, the jig was up.  ;-)

LOL, the flower works for me here. I just loved the entire look.

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