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S04.E10: The Forecaster

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Someone leaves a diorama depicting a soon-to-be committed crime at Liz's doorstep; Red investigates a new business prospect.


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That was dull.  As dull as building an all white jigsaw puzzle.
The actual Blacklister of the week was only called 'the Forecaster' by name until the last 3 minutes of the episode.

And the entire episode was just a convoluted way for Red to exact a little revenge but mainly to get replacements for Mr. Kaplan.

Two really ridiculous things this episode -- Ressler's obscured shot through the window to take down the killer, and Lizzie being the one to pull the big lever to stop the elevator from crashing (is that even a thing when the main cable is cut ?)

Does the FBI have a mole ?  Because the killer and the Forecaster seemed to know a lot about Maggie and her mad eavesdropping skillz.  
How did they find out, yet not know that the FBI was nearby until the killer and Lizzie looked directly at each other ?

Still no sign of Mr. Kaplan.  And still no sign of the Tom and Lizzie's dogs.

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2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

That was dull.  As dull as building an all white jigsaw puzzle.

Was that a white collar reference?  Sorry, if I confused you with the question, but there is a scene in the first season of that show where there's a girl actually putting an entirely white puzzle together, so I was wondering.

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3 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Does the FBI have a mole ?

One of the baddies did mention that he had a source downtown, but was not specific.  Who  knows.  This crowd of FBIs probably put it out on a department-wide email.

Yeah, little Maggie seemed to know a lot about geographical details and office decorations.  Maybe the FBI should put her on salary.

Until the new crew showed up I was almost ready for Mr. Kaplan to come through that door.  That would have been awkward.  And where is this story with Dembe v. Reddington going?  It doesn't look good.

Poor Aram.  Cooper always has to drag him back to the task at hand, and he never really gets to reminisce. 

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Wait a minute... wait a minute... I can't be that drunk yet. Was this actually a good episode of The Blacklist?

We had a creepy-strange otherworldly scenario that turned out to have a rather mundane but compelling explanation. The only part that didn't work for me was how specific the girl's "visions" were. Like the bad guys were discussing how when trying to assassinate a dude in the park the assassin should wear a leather jacket. Or how the almost-victim in the elevator would be rocking a bow tie. Now I suppose the bad guy in charge could have specified "you wear the black leather of vengeance when you gun that sumbitch down!" or "you squash that bow tie-wearing bastard for me by clipping his elevator!" but it seems like a stretch and also seems like something that would be hard to explain in a diorama. Have these writers never played charades?

Tom singing to the baby was adorable. I also liked seeing how ready he is to go from doting dad to box cutter killer if the situation requires it. I loved that he turned around because he realized he left the baby behind. This show has a long history of sending characters on a chase just so they can be robbed blind while running in the wrong direction.

Although there seems to be some engagement in the retroactive continuity department, I'm very happy to see competent Lizzie rather than cooks microwave food on the stove and almost burns her own shit down Lizzie. This episode almost made it look like she was worthy of a badge with the initials FBI on it. I also appreciate that while she wasn't ready to invite Red over for a housewarming she also wasn't passive-aggressive and shitty to him just because. Of course that's before she knew about Mr. Kaplan so I expect a lot of "how could you?!?!" in the next episode but for this moment she did better than could have been expected.

The FBI was really just a background player in this episode but I was glad to see that precision shot from Ressler who normally could not hit the broad side of a barn if he was standing inside it.

Edited by dwmarch
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I love this: "Until the new crew showed up I was almost ready for Mr. Kaplan to come through that door. That would have been awkward." That also would have helped make this a halfway decent episode instead of the stupid dreck it was. Instead of the glorious Mr. Kaplan, Red gets new cleaners who won't shut the eff up and also work for the cops. No problems there. I guess Mr. Kaplan getting into that car was an allegory for her really dying. And, if the actor playing Dembe gets paid by the word, his salary jumped off the chart this episode. A talk-too-much Dembe combined with Chatty Kathy cleaners means Red is losing it. Because, you know, he doesn't care anything about anyone except Liz and Agnes. And yeah, the details of those dioramas were off the charts for someone who actually witnessed the murders much less just overheard a random phone call. Is she Ichabod Crane's new witness? On a shallow note, Ressler looked all kinds of hot this episode, so there's one high point. Plus Tom was cool getting his fake passports back since that has to mean he's bailing on family and SAHD life soon.

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I get that the entire apartment sequence was a buildup to Reddington's hiring of a new clean up crew, and I loved the realtor whispering "Can't he just drink in the kitchen?", but here's an (admittedly over the top implausible) alternate theory.  Red has had a change of heart, and wants to do right for his murdered comrade.  After taking care of Liz and Tom and setting the world straight, he now lives in an all-white apartment.  He has acquired enough points.  Reddington has gone to The Good Place.

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Man, The FBI should consider hiring Maggie and her impressive, all-knowing knowledge and diorama skills.  She was way more competent then most of these agents, lately!  Anyway, the actual Blacklister was Kevin Kliner's character, who was barely in it, but did managed to be one of the few that got away, so, yay, him?

I did know what the hell was going on for most of Red's stuff, but the reveal of it being an audition for new cleaners was decent.  Already enjoying the pair, although I still don't think they'll ever reach Mr. Kaplan levels of awesomeness.  Speaking of which, Dembe dropping that bombshell to Lizzie might have been one of the most interesting things to happen on this show in some time.  Sure, it's not like Lizzie will actually do much about it, but Dembe stepping over that line is pretty big for him.

Always cool seeing Michael Potts, even if it was obvious that he was totally a goner.

Tom seems to be enjoying domestic life and opening up to Lizzie.  They're building it all up, so it will come crashing down even harder, once they finally jet him off to his spin-off.

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21 hours ago, Khat said:

Was that a white collar reference?  Sorry, if I confused you with the question, but there is a scene in the first season of that show where there's a girl actually putting an entirely white puzzle together, so I was wondering.

Not at all, I was talking about the all white puzzle that Red was assembling.

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  23 hours ago, Khat said:

Was that a white collar reference?  Sorry, if I confused you with the question, but there is a scene in the first season of that show where there's a girl actually putting an entirely white puzzle together, so I was wondering.

Not at all, I was talking about the all white puzzle that Red was assembling.

Ah, I feel silly now. It's right there in the episode picture. I only just noticed that. lol. I was away from home when the episode aired, so I haven't seen it yet.

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14 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I laughed so hard when Lizzie said the diorama builder wanted to challenge her to a battle of wits.  I laughed even harder when it turned out to be a 1st grader.

This girl watched the CSI arc where the killer made all those fancy kill scenes for Grissom...

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This episode should have taught everyone that if you are a bad guy/good guy in a mega-apartment complex, don't look out the window because that will blow your cover and the opposition will know EXACTLY what your apartment number is and come in through your always-open door to kidnap and/or kill you.

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

This episode should have taught everyone that if you are a bad guy/good guy in a mega-apartment complex, don't look out the window because that will blow your cover and the opposition will know EXACTLY what your apartment number is and come in through your always-open door to kidnap and/or kill you.

Also, make sure you have the local police department send their two oldest, slowest officers to provide back-up.

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On 1/13/2017 at 5:16 AM, mertensia said:

Awww, Dembe is worried. 

I'm more worried Dembe is toast---Red doesn't like people who betray him, as he's pointed out while anvils rained all around him this season. Unless that spinoff is really going to be all Kate and Dembe, Show better watch it (or I may stop).

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On 1/13/2017 at 2:33 AM, dwmarch said:

Wait a minute... wait a minute... I can't be that drunk yet. Was this actually a good episode of The Blacklist?

We had a creepy-strange otherworldly scenario that turned out to have a rather mundane but compelling explanation. The only part that didn't work for me was how specific the girl's "visions" were. Like the bad guys were discussing how when trying to assassinate a dude in the park the assassin should wear a leather jacket. Or how the almost-victim in the elevator would be rocking a bow tie. Now I suppose the bad guy in charge could have specified "you wear the black leather of vengeance when you gun that sumbitch down!" or "you squash that bow tie-wearing bastard for me by clipping his elevator!" but it seems like a stretch and also seems like something that would be hard to explain in a diorama. Have these writers never played charades?


Good idea, being drunk may help make this tolerable.

At the beginning Harold says, "ask Red" about the dioramas as if he knows all.  In fact, he knew nothing and even thought it was the killer leaving them.  The premise of the show btw, is Red bring the bad guys to the FBI not the other way around. That was the deal, remember?

The whole diamond mine crap was crap too.   Stupid henchman deserved to die for being so gullible.  He should have either checked the gun first, or at least tried to shoot Red.  Preferably both.

The whole purpose of killing two 'bad' Africans was to save innocents or just to proselytize about the situation?   Obviously the latter. The mines will continue with someone else reaping the profits now.

Ok, chase the bad guy who runs upstairs to the transporter and beams over to knock out Aram.   After shooting two cops apparently out for a stroll.  Got it.

Anyone notice Lizzie was leading the 'swat' team into the building?  

Notice lizzie ALWAYS wears black pants?

And she pulls the magic stop lever for a free falling elevator.   

Yes, a good episode this was not.  Especially without some sweet Navabi.

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Why wasn't Navabi with the others so that she could have protected Maggie? Why didn't the bad guy shoot Aram? Why would the "connected" African believe that Red would ever really have trusted an underling who betrayed his own boss?

What if Red needs the cleaners during regular business hours? And, since, unlike Mr. Kaplan, these cleaners apparently live on the grid, pay taxes, etc., how can they spend twice the huge salary they were likely already receiving without attracting notice? Do they have no qualms about disposing of evidence in cases that their police co-workers may be working on, or that might lead to exonerating innocents falsely accused of crimes?

Finally, if Lizzie is so recognizable and oblivious that a mom with no special skills can follow her home from the grocery store, then Agnes definitely requires 24 hour per day protection!

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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Buttersister has thrown a crumb of hope into this show ... that Mr. Kaplan and Dembe will "disappear" with Tom into his spin-off show. And, hopefully, a show with no Liz and no Agnes. I'm good with Ressler going along as Tom's sidekick.

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While there is plenty of the usual silly, I've become so inured that the only thing to inspire my ire this time was the utility reference - the power company for DC & Maryland is Potomac Electric Power Company - the much loathed (at least while I lived there) PEPCO.  ConEd is a NY et al power company.  

The show got the reference to the DC police right (MPD - Metropolitan Police Department), but couldn't with the power company.  It took me right out of my usual numbness to the Absurdity of Show.

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On 1/15/2017 at 9:15 AM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Why wasn't Navabi with the others so that she could have protected Maggie? Why didn't the bad guy shoot Aram? Why would the "connected" African believe that Red would ever really have trusted an underling who betrayed his own boss?

What if Red needs the cleaners during regular business hours? And, since, unlike Mr. Kaplan, these cleaners apparently live on the grid, pay taxes, etc., how can they spend twice the huge salary they were likely already receiving without attracting notice? Do they have no qualms about disposing of evidence in cases that their police co-workers may be working on, or that might lead to exonerating innocents falsely accused of crimes?

Finally, if Lizzie is so recognizable and oblivious that a mom with no special skills can follow her home from the grocery store, then Agnes definitely requires 24 hour per day protection!

The boss's assistant is guilty of stupid things people do in a horror movie. The cleaners could be interesting. A white bright set on the Blacklist-lol.

Disappointed Tom left Agnes alone in the apartment no matter how brief. How did he know there wasn't a diversion afoot.

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18 minutes ago, misstwpherecool said:

Disappointed Tom left Agnes alone in the apartment no matter how brief. How did he know there wasn't a diversion afoot.

Agreed. He needs to recalibrate his thinking.  If you're not going to accept bodyguards, NEVER leave the baby. I wouldn't even feel safe with a babysitter.

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On 1/15/2017 at 0:21 PM, saber5055 said:

Buttersister has thrown a crumb of hope into this show ... that Mr. Kaplan and Dembe will "disappear" with Tom into his spin-off show. And, hopefully, a show with no Liz and no Agnes. I'm good with Ressler going along as Tom's sidekick.

I love this idea, except leave Ressler. 

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On 16/1/2017 at 8:20 PM, Dowel Jones said:

That was the first thing I thought when he ran out the door.  "Don't leave the baby, you idiot."  He must have heard me.  (No quote above, just a mistake.)

I was expecting something more mundane as in that he'd come back to the apartment and find the door had closed behind him locking him out as opposed to any threat to Agnes. 

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