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S07.E13: Breaking The Wall / S07.E14: Deja Vu

Tara Ariano
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I'm hoping that I'm wrong, of course, but seriously, if the title alludes to breaking the fourth wall, then I'm afraid TM2 and I are also on our last leg. It was a terrible idea for TM1, there's no reason to think it'll be different for this series...

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4 hours ago, Mkay said:

I posted an article in another post where they are breaking the 4th wall this season. 

Isn't this season 7B instead of Season 8?


For me, the only difference that happens with the 4th wall being knocked down is, we see the crew kissing asses. I don't like brown-nosing.


Jenelle faces Nathan and his girlfriend in court;

Life with Jenelle remains the same.


Addie misses her father, and Leah struggles to cope

Oh for crap's sake. SOS...same ol' shit.

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So exited for the return, I even watched the preview special last night.  Flashbacks to Chelsea's various hair styles & colors likely made her cringe.  Man, has she grown up a lot.

The quick trip through all of Janelle's boyfriends was amusing too.  There were a couple I forgot about.  

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Yay! I watched the In Case You Missed It show last night with my mom since I'm visiting her for the holidays. I'm excited to see they're going to break the 4th wall--mostly just to see how Leah and Jailnelle's producers interact with them. That's what I find fascinating. 

Also, did anyone else notice something weird with Leah's mouth during her preview scene (when she was sitting outside and arguing with Jermy on the phone about taking Addy to Ohio)? I couldn't tell if it was meth mouth or dental appliances. I hope it's the latter, though I won't be shocked if it's the former.

I'm so happy I'll still be visiting mom for the holidays when episode 1 airs. Normally I just have y'all to snark with, so it'll be nice to have a person in real life too. Though my mom doesn't keep up with anything online, just what airs, so I get to fill her in with all the unaired info.

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On 12/23/2016 at 3:51 PM, GreatKazu said:


For me, the only difference that happens with the 4th wall being knocked down is, we see the crew kissing asses. I don't like brown-nosing.

Life with Jenelle remains the same.

Oh for crap's sake. SOS...same ol' shit.

"Leah struggles to cope" should just be the title of every episode she's in. Or her biography. 

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I just read something where Leah is already whining about the editing making her look bad and the season hasn't even started yet.  She must be worried about some of the things they filmed and is trying to get ahead of it. 

She must think people are as dumb as she is. 

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48 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I just read something where Leah is already whining about the editing making her look bad and the season hasn't even started yet.  She must be worried about some of the things they filmed and is trying to get ahead of it. 

She must think people are as dumb as she is. 

The thing I don't get is...Fine. I get that reality shows aren't actual "reality." They need a narrative and sometimes if there's not one true villain, the producers select one. So let's pretend for a moment that Chelsea gets the sweetheart edit while Leah is made to look bad, or at least that the truth is more nuanced than what they show. I'm sure it's happened on other shows and that is a legit thing that goes on in the world of reality TV. Why not just...Quit the show and make a public statement about how you won't be part of a dishonest program, like some others have when they've felt they weren't fairly portrayed on television? It just makes it look like you're lying (which obvs she is) when you live in rural West Virginia and are unemployed and could clearly live off what you've already earned, social media posts and an easy job at a local store. In fact, you could live like a queen off that in her area. I would understand more if she needed to pay for disability related expenses for Ali and needed the extra cash (my husband is a wheelchair user and Lord knows that's expensive), but it doesn't seem they actually use any helpful medical equipment, classes or therapies. 

Why just keep complaining every season about your awful treatment but keep accepting the checks and the notoriety? I'm not denying that producers in general can probably be manipulative, but if that was really the case here, it could easily be solved by quitting and speaking out against it. Her failure to do so just makes it clear that the editing is not the real issue. If she wants to prove she's in the right, continuing to appear on the show just makes her look like a grifter and a liar to boot.

Edited by Lm2162
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Didn't Leah go on a rant last season about MTV on her Twitter page? I do remember her pretending to quit right before season 6 was due to start filming. I think Leah goes on these temper tantrums each season to manipulate the viewers into believing her and not what our eyes are watching. Her famous words, "the truth will come out" was laughable because evidently the truth did come out about Miss Messer, just not the truth she wanted to paint.

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I totally get that editing is a factor, I have no doubt if a camera followed me weeks at a time they would get some rather unsavory footage, but I also think the general public gets that... the things that Leah gets flack for are the bigger neglect issues, things that can't be editited if they didn't happen. 

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2 hours ago, leighroda said:

I totally get that editing is a factor, I have no doubt if a camera followed me weeks at a time they would get some rather unsavory footage, but I also think the general public gets that... the things that Leah gets flack for are the bigger neglect issues, things that can't be editited if they didn't happen. 

I think she just feels like because they don't show as many "nice" moments of her, she looks bad? But it doesn't mean the things they show didn't happen. 

It also seems that that kind of thing happens more on The Bachelor/ette or those housewife shows where there's always 1 "totally bad" character who's there to stir things up. Obviously that's selected by producers a lot of the time. But when TM started it always seemed like Jenelle was the chosen "bad girl" of the series. Same with Farrah. Leah and Amber weren't portrayed badly, they were more the "down home small town country girls" of the show. Kailyn and Cate were dealing with life without responsible parents, Maci and Chelsea had better support systems and lived more suburban lives. They each had a "thing." But then Leah and Amber ended up being even worse than the "villains" selected for the show. And notice that both of them constantly complain about unfair "editing."

Edited by Lm2162
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I think she just feels like because they don't show as many "nice" moments of her, she looks bad? But it doesn't mean the things they show didn't happen. 


Jenelle made it loud and clear who she was right from the get-go. No amount of editing could hide that trashy existence. With all the money Jenelle receives and all the attention focused on her, her trashy life is magnified even more.

Leah was just the small town girl. Not a lot to focus on since she was living with Cory and her life was basically the girl stuck at home (her words) who was being a nag to her spouse because he had to work. The thing is, as the years passed and she received more money and more attention because of her MTV status, she gave MTV and the various sources to the tabloids many reasons to highlight her behavior. She added to that by selling stories to various tabloids, inviting them into her life, exploiting what privacy she had left by putting it all out there on social media.

Leah can cry foul all she wants. We don't need to actually see Leah using drugs to know she is an addict. She showcased many of the symptoms and behaviors. That is not MTV setting her up as any sort of villain or for a storyline. She went to rehab, for God's sake! She also admitted to cheating on Cory twice. She tried to play the audience for a fool by not acknowledging deercam-gate, but lucky for us, we have people here who bring us the information and of course, Jeremy put it out there on social media.

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As much as I love coming here and snarking about them, I kinda dread the new season. All of these girls get on my nerves now. In way earlier seasons I had favorites. Besides Chelsea, they all irk me and watching does nothing but tick me off.  Haha 


It's still scheduled to record, though.  Ha

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10 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Interesting that the judge/court approved MTV to film this scene:

In some counties, the court doesn't have a choice. 

With each Court appearance, she becomes more Court-appropriate.  12th time the charm. 

Edited by CofCinci
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21 hours ago, poopchute said:

That sounds more like a high school peer mediation session than an actual courtroom testimony.  How is this real life?

I know right...This seems so laughable to me. Who would believe that story?! 

At the same time, it's really Nathan's fault she got acquitted-- he claimed to be a witness but they found he was lying/his story changed, so they had no reliable narrative, thus "reasonable doubt." I bet if he hadn't lied to the police so many times, she'd have been convicted. At least I hope so, because come on. That story was such a fucking joke. 

If I was Jessica I'd rue the day I got involved with this! She's been assaulted three times now? 

Edited by Lm2162
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18 hours ago, Mkay said:

As much as I love coming here and snarking about them, I kinda dread the new season. All of these girls get on my nerves now. In way earlier seasons I had favorites. Besides Chelsea, they all irk me and watching does nothing but tick me off.  Haha

It's still scheduled to record, though.  Ha

Agree on all points, except Chelsea irks me. 

I just can't win.  As much as I love the snark here, I still feel like a bad person spending even five seconds of my life on these idiots.  But the idea of not watching them in action doesn't really appeal to me, either.

My only saving grace:  If I didn't have y'all to snark with, I really do think I wouldn't watch the show.  So maybe I'm not the worst person in the world.

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26 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I know it's an unpopular opinion but Chelsea irritates the shit out of me. I still like her the best though despite finding her annoying, that's how bad the other ones are. 

Yeah she's the smallest turd in this giant pile of shit.  I don't like her either.  I don't understand how anyone can like her after her poor dog got eaten by another dog due to her carelessness.  What kind of person lets their dog out unleashed in an unfenced yard when there is a "mean" dog next door??  

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37 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I know it's an unpopular opinion but Chelsea irritates the shit out of me. I still like her the best though despite finding her annoying, that's how bad the other ones are. 

You took the words right out of my mouth! I dislike all of the others as people, while Chelsea is someone I like, but would annoy me in real life. I find her neediness to be the most off-putting, especially her desperation with Cole. It's like he has to reassure her every two seconds, and I just want to take her aside and explain that she needs to chill out!

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38 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Yeah she's the smallest turd in this giant pile of shit.  I don't like her either.  I don't understand how anyone can like her after her poor dog got eaten by another dog due to her carelessness.  What kind of person lets their dog out unleashed in an unfenced yard when there is a "mean" dog next door??  

I forget about that sometimes because it's downright traumatizing...Seriously awful. :( The animal abuse and neglect on this show is truly astounding. 

Edited by Lm2162
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15 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I'm not mental health experts so forgive me. Is "panic attack" the new temper tantrum?

I suffer from terrible panic attacks and that didn't look like the ones I've had but everyone experiences theirs differently.

Mine are more like, feeling like your heart is racing way too fast and you get sweaty and feel like you should go for a 10 mile run to release all the adrenaline your body is feeling.

I seriously feel like I'm about to have a heart attack and can barely talk while feeling pending death. "This is it...I might die any moment oh my god my children!" Thought comes over me.

I think Leah was going through the stresses of having small children depending on her (as they should when you're a mom) for everything while rushing to get to a ball game on time losing car keys, water bottles falling creating AGGRAVATION.

I have three children, two are in car seats with diaper bags and sometimes it feels like I can't get out the door with them without taking nearly an hour. I start whining "it takes an hour just to go to the gas station," leaving me aggravated - TOTALLY different from my PANIC ATTACKS by far. Frustrated/aggravated and panic attacks are a whole other ballgame no pun intended.

I'll take being late while MTV films me over a panic attack anyday, again, maybe she was having one and she experiences her attacks differently than I do.


My gawd I'm a rambler, did anything I say make sense? Good night lol

Edited by Calm81
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14 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I'm not mental health experts so forgive me. Is "panic attack" the new temper tantrum?

Right??? Seriously, if that was a panic attack, then I am the queen of England. 

15 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I'm not mental health experts so forgive me. Is "panic attack" the new temper tantrum?

Right??? Seriously, if that was a panic attack, then I am the queen of England. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Leah, girl, you are a hot mess.  She's trying to convince us that this "only happens when the cameras are here," but how many of us are buying what she's selling?  I know I'm not.  That's what she has a "panic attack" over?  If that's all that sends her into a panic, I challenge her to live my life for just one week.  She'd be on the roof by the middle of day two.

(Edited to add that Janelle's lawyer is chewing gum in the courtroom during testimony.  Wow, haha.  For once in my life, I have no words.)

Edited by SuzyLee
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