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S05.E08: Invasion!

Sarah D. Bunting
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1 hour ago, MissLucas said:

Still not digging the newbies and Wild Dog and his misogynist attitude can go to hell anytime. No idea why the writers seem to like him so much. 

The actor maybe? I loved him in The Rookie and Reaper. But yeah, he's my least favorite of the newbies and that includes the one who's evil.

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Overall I did enjoy this episode, especially compared to the other parts of the crossover.  Laurel was never my favorite, but I didn't mind her, especially the first year.  I think the writers failed to write for her. They saw a bright, shiny new object with Felicity and listened to the fans. I think they made a good start at the beginning of setting up a great love story for Oliver and Laurel, and then went in another direction.  Therefore, it was interesting to me to see how much Oliver wanted that life with Laurel for a little time and then decided that was not what he could/should do. 

Good to see Moira, Robert looked rough. I would have liked to see Oliver's stepfather. I hate the way they did not keep him in the show. 

I don't know why Thea was there, and I don't remember seeing her in the last episode? The flashback made me realize how much I miss it being Oliver, Diggle and Felicity fighting the problem of the week. 

Edited by catrice2
spelling, other corrections
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Guggenheim said that they really like writing for Wild Dog.  Maybe it's the tough guy dialogue or maybe it's the "I don't give a damn" attitude but they really seem to want to put more Mad Dog in every episode than anyone else.  It's a good reason why it's important to check out how other people see it rather than just through your own eyes.

Barry and Kara are like 12 year old kids (the reason I can't get behind Barry/Iris when she acts like his mother and Kara/Mon EL which is pure playground).  It isn't as obvious on their shows but here and later with the cast of LoT most of whom are damaged it's grating how they seem like they are from a different show, which they are of course.

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2 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

Is it just me, or is Curtis the most annoying character in the Berlantiverse since HR over on The Flash?

I love HR! Curtis is super annoying. Sometimes I want to  get rid of Curtis more than Wild Dung because he infringes on Felicity’s role.

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Actually, I like HR myself.  But I would NOT want a cross-over that put him, Supergirl's Winn (who is actually my favorite character over there), Cisco (whom I also like, except that his hair is so 1993 that I can't stand it), and Curtis in the same room.  Curtis would drive the other three crazy, and he'd be on my last nerve five minutes into the scene.

Edited by legaleagle53
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On 01/12/2016 at 4:45 PM, ladylaw99 said:

This ep was ok.  I didn't hate, so that is a plus.  

The noobs were not needed at all, even Rory who I like.  Felicity and Cisco could have handle this on their own.

 If anything this ep showed me what a big mistake it was to get rid of Moira.  I loved the scenes with Oliver, Thea and their parents.  Arrow is lacking alot of heart and their was so much more story to be told with the Queen family.  Unfortunately, this ep also reminded me how much I do not care about Laurel and the Lance family and I like Sara. 

Not popular opinion but Barry and Kara did nothing for me, they were just there.  Are they cute together sure but, so are puppies.  I guess maybe I expected more from them.

I've had a few days to think about it, and I was waiting for the story to be concluded, but I feel the same way.

The whole Cyborg Lady crap was so superfluous it was actually painful - and here I thought the Laurel wedding stuff was going to make me rage, but no.

Barry and Kara showed me why I don't watch their shows anymore - I just can't get involved in their issues, and they're so superpowered it's like they warp the storyline everytime they appear. And I still haven't forgiven Barry for Flashpoint, and I probably never will.


Not enough Felicity and OTA for me.  This is way I stayed for 100 ep.

Yes - and the Felicity there was was weird. I agree with other posters that there were 4 Felicitys in the episode (I know I was the one with the Westworld comparison in another post, but this ISN'T FUNNY, SHOW!) - and let me tell you guys, Ray's Felicity once again justifies my dislike of his character, turning Felicity into arm candy who acts like someone put her on display mode as soon as he leaves her side.

The problem with this was that of all of them, only Flashback Felicity seemed real. Present day Felicity was strangely ok with her five closest friends - one of them the supposed love of her life - having been kidnapped by freaking aliens. I needed at least a couple of seconds of her actually losing it, and having to pull herself together. It's like this season's Felicity is the Arrowverse version of the Buffybot, with quirky and sitcomy replacing Buffybot's excessive cheeriness and word salad.


I don't know, I didn't hate the ep, didn't love it.  I just miss what it use to be.

I'm the same - I watched it. I shrugged. Then I watched all the clips of Moana I could find on youtube at least 5 times each, and remembered what it was like to feel an emotion.

Ok, fine. Oliver saying goodbye to his parents was very affecting, but it mainly reminded me of what a stupid decision it was to kill off Moira Queen. Oliver's last interaction with Thea was BULLSHIT, because no. Just, no. No-one with half a brain is going to leave a younger sibling behind in a dangerous situation which he's running away from.

And then the holograms, which to me were a big huh? Wha? Until I realized that it was just another version of the pep talks that apparently both Oliver and Barry need, like every episode nowadays.

I'm not at the stage of being done with the show, yet. Let's see what happens in 509, heh.

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17 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Guggenheim said that they really like writing for Wild Dog.  Maybe it's the tough guy dialogue or maybe it's the "I don't give a damn" attitude but they really seem to want to put more Mad Dog in every episode than anyone else.

Too bad that love for the character is not reflected in more nuanced writing. Strutting around in constant sour-puss mode and being a disrespectful ass to anyone except the guy you know will take you to task over it does not a great character make.

The crossover made me think if Wild Dog is supposed to be Team Arrow's Mick. If so it's not working for a variety of reasons one of them being that the character is too young for such a part. What comes across as dark and cynical (with maybe a heart of gold hidden really deep within) with Dominic Purcell looks and sounds like standard sulky teenager with too much testosterone boiling in his system with Rick Gonzales (and I'm not blaming him but the writing).

Edited by MissLucas
Confused character's name with actor's name.
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I'm not going to comment on the Arrow Dream World situation because it was its own episode that has nothing to do with the crossover. I only liked the Olicity flashback part.

So, can anyone tell me why in the world two major powerhouses like The Flash and Supergirl were doing on a mission with those fake hobo people from the Arrow cave instead of using their powers to invade the alien spaceship or whatever, why did the fake hobos give them a lip and why Felicity, the main character, was on the background, unlike the sexist jerk hobo #1?

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42 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I didn't mind Felicity after Ray left her side. I took it as if the projection or whatever powering down when the person who was projecting her wasn't around.

Ha, I took it as a person at a party where they don't know anyone but the person they came with. I like your explanation too, though. Either way, I smiled at that little moment. :)

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The EPs and a lot of media reviewers (and even Oliver in LoT 207) have treated the alien hallucination like a true "what if" scenario for Oliver. It's not. It's a false alternate reality construct that was created by the aliens and influenced by three things: it's a shared hallucination among five characters, the aliens manipulated it to create idealized versions to distract these characters, and there's elements of wish-fulfillment that wouldn't have otherwise happened. A true "what if" scenario would've been Oliver traveling to an alternate Earth (like Barry did) where he sees an alternate life where he never got on the Queen's Gambit, or Barry traveling back in time to prevent Oliver from getting on the Queen's Gambit. In that scenario, Oliver's current life would not have looked like the idealized one created by the aliens.

At the time right before Oliver took that ill-fated boat trip, several things had already happened or were already in play, including the following: 

  •  Oliver had already cheated on Laurel with several women. There was tension between the Lance sisters because Laurel didn't believe Sara's tales of Oliver cheating. Also remember that Laurel had arguably stolen Oliver from Sara in the first place.*
  • Oliver and Sara were already planning to hook up behind Laurel's back.
  •  Moira had already paid a pregnant Samantha to tell Oliver she had a miscarriage and to leave Starling City.
  • Thea was already Malcolm's biological daughter.
  • Robert and Moira were already part of the Undertaking with Malcolm (hence, Robert had that book with the list of names).

(* From 211 - Oliver: "No. But I never left one of Tommy's parties with my memory intact." Sara: "Well, I wasn't even supposed to go. But I snuck out of the house because I knew you were going to be there. And I had this - I had this embarrassing crush on you. And Laurel, she knew it. And that's why the party got broken up by the cops. She tipped off our dad. Then I was grounded for a month, and the next thing I knew, you and Laurel were together.”)

The "what if" scenario constructed by the aliens was not realistic in several ways, including:

  1. Oliver and Sara never sleeping together was wish-fulfillment for those two characters.  If they hadn't boarded the Queen's Gambit, the Ollie at the time and the Sara at the time would've just picked a different place for their hook-up. Laurel had just indicated to Ollie that she wanted them to move in together, and Ollie was panicked.
  2. Laurel would've inevitably found out about the Oliver/Sara hookup and, unless, she had no self-respect whatsoever, she would not have reconnected with Oliver no matter how much time had passed. She would've remained estranged from Sara for a long time, but because they're sisters, they probably would've reconciled at some point (esp. since Laurel's hands were not clean either - see parenthetical above). Even if Laurel had still married Oliver 10 years later, at some point the secret about Samantha and William would've come out and damaged their marriage. 
  3. I doubt that Oliver would've matured into a completely different person without undergoing some major transformative experience. That was also wish-fulfillment. He was spoiled, he never had to take responsibility for anything, and his parents enabled him. Having never graduated from college, his father would've supported him financially and gotten him a job at QC (for which he was unqualified). His mother would've continued to cover up for his mistakes and solve his problems for him.
  4. If Diggle had never met Oliver, he wouldn't have become a vigilante. He was a soldier who saw things in terms of black-and-white. He was someone who believed in following the law. He was also at the time emotionally, mentally and morally well-adjusted. He wouldn't have felt the need to atone for anything. (That was the leaking in of present-day Diggle's guilt.) Most likely, he would be running his own security firm. Lyla would most likely be dead since she wouldn't have been saved by Oliver and Diggle from the Russian prison, or Diggle would've tried to save her by himself and died.
  5. Ray would be married to his fiance Anna, who never died because Slade Wilson never came to Starling City with his mirakuru army.
  6. It's unclear what would've happened to Thea if her parents both lived and Oliver was never presumed dead for five years.  She was brought up in a rich, powerful family, and it's likely her parents would've spoiled her.  At some point, the truth of Malcolm being her biological father would've come out. She would've reacted badly and rebelled against her family. It's possible, I suppose, that she might've straightened out and reconciled with them over 10 years.

In short, Oliver's "what if" life would not have been the one created by the alien hallucination.

Edited by tv echo
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I don't agree that the truth about William or Thea and Malcolm would necessarily have come out, but their lives definitely would not have been anything like the alien world. 

Edited by Hiveminder
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The what if scenario seemed more like what if nothing in Oliver and Thea's lives went wrong and every flaw was erased than just what if the Gambit never sank. I guess that does fit more with aliens trying to trap them tho. Its too bad they wasted a what if storyline on this because I would have been interested in seeing a somewhat realistic version of what if the gambit never sank and how that would have affected all the characters. This just seemed like a way to have Oliver say goodbye to killed off characters. 

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It makes sense that the aliens would want to create a perfect world without the real life flaws, and thanks tv echo for pointing that out because I couldn't figure out what was making me ragey about the reviews that this was Oliver's perfect world.

Going with the 'what if they hadn't got on the boat' scenario, if the Undertaking succeeded, it's a good bet that Malcolm would have done something again and worse that time.  There's nothing like feeding the power of a psychopath to pave the way for greater atrocities.

I thought Sara and Oliver had already hooked up before the boat trip.  But even if they hadn't no way was Oliver going to stop pursuing her until they did, especially with Laurel pushing him to move in together.  The "Sara and Oliver never hooked up" was Sara's fantasy to right her wrongs, not Oliver's, and if was referenced in a conversation Sara had with Laurel, not Oliver . 

7 hours ago, tv echo said:
  1. I doubt that Oliver would've matured into a completely different person without undergoing some major transformative experience. That was also wish-fulfillment. He was spoiled, he never had to take responsibility for anything, and his parents enabled him. Having never graduated from college, his father would've supported him financially and gotten him a job at QC (for which he was unqualified). His mother would've continued to cover up for his mistakes and solve his problems for him.
  2. If Diggle had never met Oliver, he wouldn't have become a vigilante. He was a soldier who saw things in terms of black-and-white. He was someone who believed in following the law. He was also at the time emotionally, mentally and morally well-adjusted. He wouldn't have felt the need to atone for anything. (That was the leaking in of present-day Diggle's guilt.) Most likely, he would be running his own security firm. Lyla would most likely be dead since she wouldn't have been saved by Oliver and Diggle from the Russian prison, or Diggle would've tried to save her by himself and died.

Good point about Diggle.

What was Oliver doing in those ten missing years?  Clearly he hadn't joined QC.  Did he ever finish at any college, or did he continue to waste his life, not even owning a business suit so he could work at a real job?

9 hours ago, MissLucas said:

The crossover made me think if Wild Dog is supposed to be Team Arrow's Mick. If so it's not working for a variety of reasons one of them being that the character is too young for such a part. What comes across as dark and cynical (with maybe a heart of gold hidden really deep within) with Dominic Purcell looks and sounds like standard sulky teenager with too much testosterone boiling in his system with Rene Ramirez (and I'm not blaming him but the writing).

Ironically, Rick Gonzales is 37 in real life, which makes him older than everyone on the show except for DR and PB.  It feels like Wild Dog is going to be a sulky teenager until he suddenly becomes the old guy who yells at kids running on his lawn.

ETA:  I wonder if Diggle becoming the Green Arrow had to do with Oliver wanting to feel that the job was being done by someone else and thus not having to feel that he had to be the one to do it.

Rene really bugged me (again) in the scene with the salmon ladder where Curtis tells him he can be more useful than trying to be as good as Oliver and he replied that he already is.  It's like when they were writing Laurel as the Black Canary, the more they shoved her at me as being so wonderful, the more I disliked her.

Edited by statsgirl
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On 12/1/2016 at 9:43 PM, Morrigan2575 said:

Do you know when he said that? Someone asked me and I don't even remember it

Not sure if anyone else answered but I just rewatched the LOT portion and Oliver used the phrase "brainwashed aboard an alien spacecraft" to SuperGirl when he was explaining why he didn't want her as backup when going to meet the president.  He told Barry they would take Ray and Sara instead.  

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12 hours ago, thegirlsleuth said:

I always figured there would be a "what if Oliver never got on the boat" scenario, but I always figured it would be closer to "Its a Wonderful Life" with negative implications for all the characters: for example, Diggle in prison for killing his brother's killer, Felicity living an isolated, unexciting life, Thea strung out on drugs, and Oliver a bloated party boy, contributing nothing. I really disliked that Oliver would have been the same upstanding citizen even if he didn't get on the boat--I feel like he needed his crucible to transform.

Yes, it just occurred to me that I don't even read fanfic where Oliver hasn't been on the island! It's so weird to me that the producers etc are saying that this is actually what would have happened if the Gambit never went down, rather than Oliver's wish-fulfilment fantasy.

One thing which struck me also is that either Ray or whoever writes his lines is really bad at, you know, words. I still remember the annoying "guess there really is a kettle for every pot" (3x22) which is not the expression, Ray, dammit!

Now we had Ray wishing they had the "owner's manual" for the alien spaceship, which annoyed me as soon as I heard it - it's a user manual, you idiot! What good would an owner's manual do? Do you want to see a warranty?

I must say, I did laugh when Wild Dung (stolen from someone upthread) pointed out that Oliver would have kicked his ass for any / all of the crap he did with Kara and Barry, because hey - I'm chasing after crumbs here. Maybe he'll be less of an asshole going forward?

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26 minutes ago, arjumand said:

Yes, it just occurred to me that I don't even read fanfic where Oliver hasn't been on the island! It's so weird to me that the producers etc are saying that this is actually what would have happened if the Gambit never went down, rather than Oliver's wish-fulfilment fantasy.

Are they really saying this? I've stopped reading most of their interviews as I find them detrimental to my enjoyment of the show, but I certainly read it as option b), i.e. wish-fulfilment in case nobody had ever done anything wrong.

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8 hours ago, Sunshine said:

Not sure if anyone else answered but I just rewatched the LOT portion and Oliver used the phrase "brainwashed aboard an alien spacecraft" to SuperGirl when he was explaining why he didn't want her as backup when going to meet the president.  He told Barry they would take Ray and Sara instead.  

Thanks. I forgot to add LoT and Flash to my DVR for the crossover, wasn't able to go back and watch.

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5 hours ago, bijoux said:

Are they really saying this? I've stopped reading most of their interviews as I find them detrimental to my enjoyment of the show, but I certainly read it as option b), i.e. wish-fulfilment in case nobody had ever done anything wrong.

According to the quote below, they are!

I don't bother with interviews etc either, because I've had enough of their crap.

On 04/12/2016 at 2:38 PM, tv echo said:

The EPs and a lot of media reviewers (and even Oliver in LoT 207) have treated the alien hallucination like a true "what if" scenario for Oliver. [snipped for length]


I agree with most of what you said, except maybe about Lyla - she only went to Russia to find out about Deadshot for Digg, so if they never reconnected (which was to help Oliver anyway) that might not have arisen.

The thing is, I'm not that invested anymore. I'll watch (again, depending on 509) and might be back in February.

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Right, they kept talking about it as a "what if" and then I think MG also tried to argue (in the FB live video prior to the ep) why and how Oliver (and the others) could have logically progressed to where we saw them. It makes no sense though--I mean, consider Malcolm if nothing else--but they seem to want to have it both ways. Because Oliver does acknowledge in the end to Laurel that he was never the guy in that world and seemed to believe he never would have been. Anyway, thinking about the concept that way really weakens their story for me, so I don't know why they'd want to do that? All I can think is that they didn't want to give too much away in advance about how it would play out or Oliver's ultimate conclusions about it. More likely, they're just very bad at seeing/writing/communicating nuance. 

Edited by Carrie Ann
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I re-read the EPs' interview comments and it's a little confusing. The EPs have referred to the 100th episode as a "what if" episode and they talked about the "path not taken" by Oliver. They've compared Oliver's "what if" scenario both to Barry's Flashpoint AU scenario (true "what if") and to Supergirl's 'The Girl Who Has Everything' scenario (wish-fulfillment "what if"). However, what is clear is that they wanted to show Oliver making the self-sacrificing, 'heroic' choice to give up a happy, normal life in order to return to the more challenging and selfless superhero life (see Oliver/Barry dialogue below). But did Oliver really have a tough, self-sacrificing choice to make?  Once he realized the alien hallucination was a fake reality, would he really have stayed in that 'ideal' life? I don't think that the "path not taken" was whether or not to stay in the hallucination. But if the "path not taken" referred to Oliver not getting on the boat, then that implies a true "what if" scenario - which this alien hallucination wasn't. See, confusing...

-- WM: "We are actually going back to look at what Oliver's life would be like if he hadn't gotten on [his father's ship] the Gambit."  (Scan of page 40 of TV Guide Magazine, Nov. 21-Dec. 4, 2016 Double Issue, page 48 of Spoilers thread)

-- GB: "[The 100th episode] really is a celebration of Arrow and also kind of in the vein and the spirit of the great what if comics." (Nov. 28, 2016 IGN article, page 49 of Spoilers thread)

-- GB: "It's a very emotional episode. It's kind of a 'What if?' There's the great 'What if?' comics, they sort of imagine if someone's life had just gone a little bit differently. And, there's obviously some big, dramatic things that have happened in Oliver's life that we get to imagine,' 'What if they didn't happen?'" (Nov. 30, 2016 Access Hollywood article, page 194 of Starling City Times thread)

-- GB: "The [100th] episode is very much a love letter and, uh, kind of a 'what if' for Oliver. And there's lots to reflect on and, obviously, there's been a lot of big traumatic things that have happened to him in his life, so... it has it's own kind of It's a Wonderful Life feel, which I like." (KSiteTV video interview of GB at 100th Episode Celebration, page 50 of Spoilers thread)

-- Per MG, it was Greg Berlanti who came up with the idea to separate Oliver , Diggle, Thea, Sara and Ray, and drop them into the Dominator “matrix.” In the episode, the five characters find themselves put into an ideal world — one where Oliver’s parents are alive and he’s set to marry Laurel (Katie Cassidy). The parallel that jumps to mind is It’s a Wonderful Life, but MG had a more DC-appropriate connection: “This was, sort of, Oliver’s version of Flashpoint or ‘For the Girl Who Has Everything’ from Supergirl... There’s a reason why these stories are iconic or familiar tropes in comic books. When you show the protagonist the path-not-taken — and you basically put them in a situation where they can choose to stay on that path or go back to their life with all its ugly aspects — and they choose the selfless choice, it makes your character stronger.” (Nov. 30, 2016 Variety article, page 183 of Starling City Times thread)

-- MG: "It was Greg [Berlanti]’s idea to have our five Arrow people and basically enter them into — we call it the matrix, lowercase 'm' — the Dominator matrix, and that allowed us to have our cake and eat it, too. This was sort of Oliver’s version of Flashpoint and it’s a little bit the version of Oliver’s version of 'The Girl Who Has Everything' from last year’s Supergirl. There’s a reason why these stories are iconic or familiar tropes even in comic books. It’s because when you show the protagonist the path not taken and you basically put them in the situation where they can choose to stay on that path or go back to their life with all of its ugly aspects and challenges, and they choose the selfless choice of returning to that ugly past, it makes your character stronger because it forced Oliver to double down on his mission and commit to this life with all of its losses and failures and challenges." (Dec. 2, 2016 The Hollywood Reporter article, page 232 of Mind Your Surroundings thread)

-- For Oliver in particular, going through the Dominators’ Matrix-like construct — or his version of For the Man Who Has Everything — has certainly made him stronger. On Oliver leaving that seemingly perfect life behind, AK: “It forced Oliver to double down on his mission and commit to this life with all of its losses and failures and challenges." (Dec. 2, 2016 Entertainment Weekly article, page 232 of Mind Your Surroundings thread)

-- Dialogue from LoT 207:
Barry: "Superspeed Arrow duels... Our lives aren't exactly normal."
Oliver: "I told Kara that I was looking to reclaim some normal. Thinking on it now, I'm - I'm not so sure."
Barry: "I know what you mean. We both got a look at what life would look like normal."
Oliver: "It would've been happy."
Barry: "But not full."
Oliver: "No. No, nowhere close."
Barry: "To things not being normal."
Oliver: "To life being full."

Edited by tv echo
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It's another case of the EPs seemingly forgetting what exactly the episode they wrote is about. I just remind myself it's better to judge what's on screen and is actually shown than listen to what MG, Wendy, etc. say because a lot of times they really don't match that well. The problem, IMO, is that they try to make these kinds of eps bigger than they're supposed to be when the simples explanation is probably the best: This is Oliver's what if ... if the Gambit didn't sink, as provided by eavesdropping ALIENS, ALIENS, ALIENS.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Yeah, as per usual, the what-if fails because of Malcom. Did he not go to Nanda Parbat after Rebecca was killed? What happened with The Undertaking, which was well underway before Oliver and Robert got on the Gambit? I mean, no way did Robert and Moira get out of that situation with a relationship with Malcolm intact, so did The Undertaking still happen? Are they all just shitty, irredeemable people who had no qualms about what they got involved with and murdered a buttload of poor people? Seems like the Glades are still around since Thea had Verdant (and since there was an Arrow in that world), unless we're to believe that the club wasn't in the Glades. 

Why they couldn't have just called it a fantasy world or something of the like IDK (which yeah, makes for less interesting copy for the ep summary, but they seemed to not even know how to refer to it in the real world outside of the dream). This show, man.

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Greg Berlanti referred to the episode as "It's a Wonderful Life" but he can't be remembering the movie correctly then because the movie was about proving that George Bailey was so important to all these people, that if he hadn't been around then their lives would have been worse off and so he had to be born.  In the aliens' world, they needed to prove to Oliver that things would have been better, not worse, if he had never got on the Gambit so that he would stay there.  For the Man Who Has Everything is a better comparitor.

3 hours ago, tv echo said:

-- Dialogue from LoT 207:

Barry: "Superspeed Arrow duels... Our lives aren't exactly normal."
Oliver: "I told Kara that I was looking to reclaim some normal. Thinking on it now, I'm - I'm not so sure."
Barry: "I know what you mean. We both got a look at what life would look like normal."
Oliver: "It would've been happy."
Barry: "But not full."
Oliver: "No. No, nowhere close."
Barry: "To things not being normal."
Oliver: "To life being full."

But Oliver was still unhappy, being forced into QC by his (presumably business-incompetent because why didn't they have a back-up plan?) parents.  In a better world Thea should have gone into QC.

Was Oliver still cheating on Laurel?  (Inquiring minds want to know.)  Would that be his idea of 'normal'?  And since he didn't want to go into QC, what did he want to do?

10 hours ago, arjumand said:

I must say, I did laugh when Wild Dung (stolen from someone upthread) pointed out that Oliver would have kicked his ass for any / all of the crap he did with Kara and Barry, because hey - I'm chasing after crumbs here. Maybe he'll be less of an asshole going forward?

Nah, I took it as him once again being an asshole and telling Barry and Kara that they're not as good as Oliver because they didn't kick his ass for what he did.

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I'd rather say Wild Dog is the new Laurel (a character the writers seem to be far more infatuated with than the audience). Not that I think Curtis is much better written. What happened - I liked him before they turned him vigilante.

Edited by MissLucas
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Wild Dung is no Laurel. I saw Laurel as a VERY flawed person but I still liked her up until they butchered her character with the crazy ass "Don't let me be the last Canary."

To me she was prickly but she had her redeeming moments. 

Wild Dung is just...gross. Low rent and nasty. I'm not sure how the audience is meant to like someone like that. Someone mentioned perhaps they were trying to go for Mick and failed spectacularly. 

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15 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Wild Dung is no Laurel. I saw Laurel as a VERY flawed person but I still liked her up until they butchered her character with the crazy ass "Don't let me be the last Canary."

To me she was prickly but she had her redeeming moments. 

Wild Dung is just...gross. Low rent and nasty. I'm not sure how the audience is meant to like someone like that. Someone mentioned perhaps they were trying to go for Mick and failed spectacularly. 

Eh, I had trouble finding redeeming moments for Laurel from the beginning.  

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I think Arrow (the show and the character) was diminished by the crossover, which felt silly at times and took away from the more realistic Arrow tone. It was like watching Batman do line dancing. 

I think DC has a challenge on its hands with how to mesh shows that are so different in their approach. I've watched The Flash, I quit Legends after 3-4 eps and i have watched Supergirl, tho it really changed when it moved to CW. They're all different.

Otherwise, I am a latecomer to Arrow and have started season 3 or 4 (the one where Oliver tries to have a normal life with Felicity), so I had no idea who Wild Dog and those dudes in the lab were. For a minute I thought they had time traveled, and they were younger versions of the Legends (that one dude talked like Captain Cold). But I guess not?

And "Dominators" is a stupid, stupid name, and sounds ridiculous anytime someone says it. Call them the Wraith or something, not an XFL team name.

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Curtis was introduced in season 4 as an engineer in Palmer Tech when Felicity was CEO.  He created the bio chip that enabled her to walk.  He became a (bumbling) vigilante this season.  Wild Dog, Ragman and Evelyn/Artimis are all new characters.

And as much as I like Ragman and liked Curtis season 4, I wish they would all go away now and take Laurel with them.

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As far as I can tell, there was no point to this episode. None at all.

But at least there was some emotional resonance, annoyingly missing from the Flash one. The writers remembered that all these people have relationships with each other! Well, except for Oliver and Felicity. That has apparently been erased from existence. Katie's acting continues to whelm. Which is an improvement actually.

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So it has taken me a while to write out my thoughts on this episode.  Overall, I found it meh, despite some really excellent moments between Oliver and his parents.

I was dubious when I first heard the "alt reality driven by aliens" spoilers because Arrow is not a scifi show.  Also, I love the show Farscape that did the trope 100x better... TWICE.  On Farscape, the episode "A Human Reaction" was closest to "Invasion!" because it was supposed to seem real for a while.  But it made sense because the aliens were trying to predict and extrapolate from the main character's memories and reactions about how humans would respond to aliens.  If the Dominators reason for abducting these people was, as stated, to gather information about Earth's metahumans... then why weren't there any metahumans in the simulation?  I know the show wanted us to believe that the aliens were digging for intel and simply distracting Oliver and company with this "happy lie," but they made such a mess of it.  Why make it a shared delusion? At least why include Ray and Diggle in the same one?  It just served to weaken the verisimilitude of the dream and clue them in quicker... not to mention making the "exit" so obvious that it was basically a shinning tower of DUH once they started questioning things.  The multiple PoVs and multiple versions of Felicity were so shabbily put together that it made things move closer to the OTHER Farscape episode, "Won't Get Fooled Again," in which the alien really didn't care if the main character believed the delusion because he was trying to BREAK HIS MIND.  The bit with Deathstroke changing out of the bushes in bright daylight was much more in keeping the the crack-level version of reality that might break down our heroes' brains enough to gain access to the metahuman information.  I suspect the Arrow writers didn't want to go there because: (1) they felt it might take away the pathos of the previously mentioned emotional beats that DID work, (2) they felt it might be too "out there" for the 100th episode and x-over viewers, or (3) they just didn't think about it because they aren't that creative.  Still, in "Won't Get Fooled Again" you get some seriously DARK, and moving stuff happening... like Crichton confronted by his mother dying of cancer or his BFF spurting blood after committing suicide and yelling his blame at Crichton, so the emotional possibilities are there.

Basically, I feel they tried to tell a simple modified flashback story (which they've been doing SO WELL WITH, right?) within the frame of a scifi premiss and I don't think they did either story justice beyond Oliver's interaction with his family.  Even there it was weak with Thea since her reason for changing her mind was whiplash inducing and Oliver's willingness to leave her to be mind-raped by the aliens was totally out of character.

I'm also very confused by what they did with the Laurel and Oliver relationship, except to maybe try to correct where they left them in Laurel's deathbed scene.  I wanted a clearer idea about whose brain came up with the idea of Oliver marrying Laurel, because I honestly felt that they MIGHT be heading towards Oliver dreaming of it, when that completely doesn't jive with season 2-4 of Oliver.  They could just have well had Oliver about to marry Felicity, with his parents alive, Felicity a bit of a pod person, and Laurel still there as a bridesmaid.  As it is, it was a fairly romantic episode for Oliver and Laurel, and Stephen and Katie probably did their best work as far as selling the relationship of the whole series, but Oliver still comes to the "I don't deserve you" realization that he had over her grave last season, and which I don't think was textually supported by most of the series.  If they DO want to set up Laurel as Oliver's big love, then maybe we'll have some clarity in the second half of this season (and I'll probable peace-out), but then why kill her off in the first place and talk about how this was a "for keeps" death to bring back the consequences?

I think the concept would have worked much better if Oliver was not the first to realize what was going on... OR if the wrongness was presented differently.  I also think that it should have only been HIS delusion, though the others could have played versions of themselves (fun for the actors!).  This could have had an added benefit in the third act when he does break free and maybe has to cross into everyone's dream world to yank them out.  They could have then kept the scene with Thea not wanting to leave.  Diggle could have been the Arrow with both Lyla and Felicity helping him.  Ray could have been some form of CEO/hero/savior with ANNA as his bride.  Sara could have been running a dojo with Nyssa and meeting Laurel for brunch or something.  There could have been some fun in Oliver meeting a version of himself in some of these realities that could play to the theme of Legacy because what is a legacy after all, but how others remember you?

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More recently (in January of 2020), MG gave an interview to IGN in which he compared Arrow's 100th episode - not to Superman's "For the Man Who Has Everything" and not to the It's a Wonderful Life movie - but to Fantastic Four's "Terror In a Tiny Town"...


"Episode 508, also directed by James Bamford – that episode is the second part of the 'Invasion' crossover. I didn't even include crossover episodes in this list because I feel like they're their own thing, but that episode also happened to be Arrow's 100th episode," Guggenheim told IGN. "And interestingly enough, a lot of people think that we were ripping off the Superman story that Alan Moore wrote called, 'For the Man Who has Everything,' and that's actually incorrect."

Instead, Guggenheim said, they were actually "homaging,"or inspired by the 20th anniversary issue of the Fantastic Four. "Truth be told, what happened was … because we were really struggling with ‘how do we do the second chapter of this three-part crossover, while at the same time honoring the fact that this the 100th episode of Arrow?’ and Greg pitched out, 'Well, they're kidnapped by aliens at the end of Part 1 and basically … they're living in a virtual reality, an alternate reality created by the aliens in their minds.' And I immediately said, 'Oh my God, that's “Terror in a Tiny Town.” That's perfect,' because, the 100th episode of a comic book show is the equivalent of an anniversary issue or a landmark issue of a comic book. And there's a reason why John [Byrne] chose to honor the 20th anniversary of the Fantastic Four with this 'Terror in a Tiny Town' story. So, it just felt right, because … that device allows you to revisit all the things that sort of make the show the show in a way that you wouldn't be able to do in a 'normal' episode," Guggenheim explained.

From what I've read online, this Fantastic Four issue ("Terror in a Tiny Town") is about Reed Richards, Sue Richards, Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm waking to find themselves living normal, seemingly idyllic lives as a university professor, housewife, auto mechanic, and tavern owner, respectively, in the quiet town of Liddleville. They have no superpowers, but they have dreams of using their real life superpowers. It turns out that their real bodies have been hooked up to machines and their minds have been transferred into tiny robot puppets placed into a miniature town by Doctor Doom and the Puppet Master.

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Since this episode was part of a three-episode, four-show crossover, I'm posting my transcriptions from all three crossover episodes (Flash 308, Arrow 508, Legends 207)...

The Flash 308 (Invasion!) [Part 1 of Crossover] – Barry races to Star City to ask for Green Arrow's help in fighting the Dominators:
Oliver (over comms): "Anything?"
Felicity (over comms): "Zilch."
Oliver (over comms): "He's got to be here somewhere."
Felicity (over comms): "What are the chances the guy just decided that he had enough of this life, you know? No health insurance. He was sick of the crazy hours. I mean, bullets aren't actually that cheap, and he -"
(Oliver and Diggle engage in a fight with Vigilante. Barry flashes in and swoops them away from getting hit by bullets and takes them to the loft.)
Barry (to Diggle): "I'm sorry, man. I -"
Diggle (going onto balcony): "It's okay." (Vomits)
Barry: "Man... (To Felicity) Hey."
Felicity (entering): "Hi, Barry."
Barry: "So, who was that guy?"
Oliver: "That was Vigilante, and we nearly had him."
Barry: "You nearly had him, Ollie? It looked like he was about to Scarface you guys."
Oliver: "Barry, is there something that I can do for you? Another evil speedster to help you with or -"
Barry: "Maybe, actually. That's not why I'm here, though."
Felicity: "What's so urgent that you had to rush to Star City?"
Barry: "Aliens."
Oliver: "Aliens?"
Barry: "Aliens."
Diggle: "I swear to God, Barry. My life was somewhat normal before I met you."
Barry: "I... I mean, I'm sorry. Look, okay, they're real, and they're already here, and, from what Lyla told us, it does not appear to be for peace."
Felicity: "Oh, no."
Diggle: "Lyla knows about this?"
Barry: "Lyla... yeah, she came to... where are you..." (Diggle leaves)
Felicity: "I called Thea."
Thea (entering): "Yeah, I, uh, came to have you sign this before City Council went in to mutiny, but that can totally wait. Count me in."
Oliver: "For what? I thought you retired."
Thea: "Yeah, but it's... it's aliens."
Felicity: "Aw, that is so cute. You guys are just gonna get together and go fight some aliens - have you lost your mind? They're aliens, and there's only four of you."
Barry: "Not if we get Stein and, you know, all the others."
Oliver: "They're calling themselves the Legends."
Thea: "Egotistical. but catchy."
Barry: "Do you know where they are?"
Oliver: "I know where they were."

The Flash 308 (Invasion!) [Part 1 of Crossover] – Barry takes Team Arrow to the S.T.A.R. Labs hangar to wait, while he and Cisco get Supergirl:
Thea: "What is this place?"
Barry: "It's this old hall, hangar thing that S.T.A.R. Labs owns. Or I guess I own it."
Thea: "Well, you should do something with it."
Diggle: "All right, so let me get this right. Our time-traveling buddies in a flying time ship are supposed to just pop up right here, right?"
Felicity: "Yeah. This is the time and place I gave them, so if they got my message, they should be here... (The Waverider suddenly pops up in the sky and flies toward them) Right now."
Diggle: "You know why I've never done drugs? It's 'cause I was always afraid I'd see weird stuff."
Barry: "Okay, take everybody inside, all right? Tell Oliver I'll be right back."
Thea: "Where are you going?"
Barry: "Well, since we're fighting aliens, I figured we should get one of our own, right? (To Cisco) You found the right Earth?"
Cisco: "Tachyon device tracked you on Earth-38 when you met her, so you should find her there."
Barry: "All right."
Cisco: "Just so you know, I'm only doing this because we're on a mission. I'm not gonna let my issues with you get in the way of that. (Barry nods) This might take a few tries."

The Flash 308 (Invasion!) [Part 1 of Crossover] – The Arrowverse heroes meet Kara Danvers AKA Supergirl:
Felicity: "Team Arrow is here. Team Legends is here. Is that everyone?"
HR Wells: "I think so?"
Sara: "Nate and Amaya are back watching the Waverider. The newbies."
(Votex opens and spills out Barry, Cisco and Kara.)
Kara: "That was cool."
Barry: "Guys. Thanks for coming."
Oliver: "Barry, I thought you were bringing an alien."
Barry: "And, yeah, we did. Everybody, this is my friend, Kara Danvers - or, as she's known on her Earth, Supergirl."
Jax: "What makes her so super?"
Barry: "Well?"
(Kara flies straight up and shoots the "S" logo on the floor using her heat vision.)
Diggle: "I'm convinced."
Felicity: "Best. Team-up. Ever!"
*  *  *
Kara: "Okay. I think I have this. Oliver."
Oliver: "Green Arrow."
Kara: "Dig."
Diggle: "Spartan."
Kara: "Thea."
Thea: "Speedy."
Kara: "Okay. And Sara."
Sara: "White Canary."
Kara: "Jax and Professor Stein."
Jax and Stein (simultaneously): "Firestorm."
Kara: "Ray."
Ray: "Palmer. The Atom."
Kara: "And Mick."
Mick: "Hmm? Oh. Heat Wave."
Kara: "And Iris, Caitlin, and Felicity. Whoo! Yes! (To Caitlin) And you have cold powers, but you can't use them?"
Felicity: "You have powers?"
Caitlin: "It's a long story."
Iris: "Barry, so, Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow?"
Barry: "Yeah."
Iris: "Oh, my God. He just got so much hotter."
Barry: "Oh, my God."
Oliver: "Okay, Cisco, we should probably get started."
Barry (indicating pics on large screen): "Okay. These are the Dominators. We don't know much about them."
Kara: "Except they're really strong. I heard a lot of stories about them when I was a kid. They came to my planet before I was born. They did experiments on a lot of people. Killed a lot more."
Thea: "Well, they're not the only ones with superhuman strength, I hear. Barry says that you're more powerful than a locomotive."
Oliver: "We should use Kara as a stand-in for training."
Mick: "Since when is Robin Hood calling the shots?"
Jax: "What I think Mick is trying to say is, it would be nice if we knew who was in charge around here."
Ray: "Maybe we should take a vote. Choose a leader. Someone we can all trust."
Cisco: "Well, I trust Oliver. He's got my vote."
Oliver: "Appreciate that, Cisco, but Barry put us all together. It should be him."
Cisco: "Fair enough."
Barry: "Okay. Cool, all right, well, I guess as Team Leader, first thing to do, uh, is start out by, um, -"
Oliver (low voice): "Doing a test run."
Barry: "Let's do a test run. Yeah, let's do a test run. Um-"
Oliver (low voice): "Against Supergirl."
Barry: "Against Supergirl, all right? Test run against Supergirl."
Sara: "Are we just supposed to pretend like we don't hear him?" (Pointing to Oliver)
Barry: "So just suit up. Mm-kay? Look alive. We're training to fight aliens by fighting an alien, so... Do it. Suit up. Stop. What? Oliver. Hey. Kara. (Pulls them aside) Really quick. I was excited about the two of you guys meeting each other. Oliver was the first person to train me."
Kara: "Really?"
Barry: "Yeah."
Kara: "Well, you did a really good job."
Oliver: "It's 'cause I didn't hold back. I shot him. You can't hold back either."
Barry: "He did. Shoot me."
Kara: "Ouch. Okay. Are you sure about that? I just met these people."
Oliver: "These people need to understand this isn't gonna be easy. Don't hold back. Especially against me." (Leaves)
Kara: "Yes, sir. Wow. Does he not like me?"
Barry: "He's like that with everyone. He'll warm up to you."

The Flash 308 (Invasion!) [Part 1 of Crossover] – Felicity notices the tension between Cisco and Barry:
Cisco: "Satellite's not picking up anything abnormal."
Felicity: "No."
Cisco: "I don't know if we're gonna find any Dominators this way."
Felicity: "Hey, I... just, I couldn't help but notice things are a little bit tense. You don't need to be able to vibe to figure that out."
Cisco: "Okay, so apparently, it's, like, illegal to be mad at Barry, but guess what. He screws up, just like the rest of us."
Felicity: "Yeah, and when he does, he feels bad like the rest of us too."
Cisco: "Felicity, he took it upon himself to change the timeline. And because of it, my brother was killed. So there's no amount of feeling bad that could ever make up for that."

The Flash 308 (Invasion!) [Part 1 of Crossover] – Barry confesses to everyone that he changed the timeline via Flashpoint:
Cisco: "Hey. Hey. You know what this is? This is really you. Like, future you."
Barry: "Come on, look -"
Cisco: "You told 'em, right?"
Barry: "I'm gonna tell them, yeah, when this is finished."
Cisco: "When this is finished? Even though you're about to lead them through an alien war? Even after Flashpoint? After everything you've messed up? All the lives you've changed? You still don't think you should tell them?"
Sara: "Tell us what?"
Barry: "Jax and Professor Stein found a message from me in the future saying that, right now, I can't be trusted."
Sara: "And why would Future You say that?"
Barry: "I think because I went back in time and changed the timeline, and now things here are different than before I left, including some of your lives."
Kara: "Some of our lives? Like who?"
Barry: "Cisco. Caitlin. Wally. Dig."
Diggle: "Me? Why? What happened?"
Oliver: "Hey. Apparently, you had a daughter."
Diggle: "I had a daughter, Barry?"
Barry: "Baby John was Baby Sara."
Diggle: "So, what - let me get this straight. You just, uh - you just erased a daughter from my life?"
Barry: "Yeah."
Sara: "You can't go back and just change things like that, Barry."
Barry: "I know."
Sara: "You know how hard it is for me to not alter events? To bring my sister back? But I don't, because I know the implications."
Ray: "And all those aberrations we spent the last eight months traveling through time trying to correct - you just decided that it was okay for you to create your own?"
Jax: "We should've told 'em before."
(Cell phone beeps.)
Felicity: "Guys? Guys, it's Lyla. The President's been abducted by the Dominators. She needs us now."
Barry: "Okay, you guys go. All right? I'm gonna sit this one out. Obviously, you have Supergirl. She's just as fast as I am. Get the President. We can talk about this later. (To Kara) You still trust me, right?"
Kara: "I'll always trust you, but it might take more to convince them."
Barry: "If you need me, I'll be there."
Oliver: "Guys, this is cr - hey! This is crazy! Everyone is going, including Barry. I - I'm not going without him."
Diggle: "Then you'll be here, Oliver."
Kara: "Okay. You know what? Oliver, it's okay. I will go with them. We'll get the President. You stay here with Barry."

The Flash 308 (Invasion!) [Part 1 of Crossover] – Oliver and Barry are confronted by Rory (Heatwave), Sara (White Canary), Diggle (Spartan), Thea (Speedy), Kara (Supergirl), Ray (Atom) and Jax/Stein (Firestorm), who attack them; however, Barry uses Kara to shut down the Dominators' signal that's mind-controlling them:
Barry: "Guys. Can we talk about this?"
Oliver: "Guess not."
Barry: "What's wrong with them?"
Oliver: "I don't know, but we need to find out."
(Oliver and Barry take defensive position against wall.)
Oliver: "Okay! You really did it this time!"
Barry: "Seriously?"
Oliver: "Yeah, seriously. What's that?"
Barry: "That would be heat vision."
*  *  *
Joe: "Okay. What is going on?"
Cisco: "Barry and Oliver stayed behind while everyone went to go save the President, but now everyone's crazy and going all Kill Bill on the both of them."
Caitlin: "The Dominators have them under some sort of mind control."
Joe: "They can't hold them off forever."
Wally: "I got to get out there."
Iris: "The hell you do."
Wally: "They can't beat them by themselves, especially not with Supergirl against them."
*  *  *
Barry: "Wally?"
Wally: "Kid Flash."
Barry: "Wally? Wally? Talk to me, Wally. Hey! Come on. (Over comms) Guys. Wally's hurt bad, but he's alive."
Oliver (over comms): "Let's get an ETA on overriding the mind control!"
Felicity: "Bingo!"
Cisco: "Yahtzee!"
Felicity: "You go first. You go first. It's your office."
Cisco (over comms): "There's a weird signal coming from the salt mines."
Felicity: "For the record, that is what I was gonna say."
Barry (over comms): "Can you jam it?"
Felicity (over comms): "Uh, no."
Barry (to Oliver): "How many of those do you have left?"
Oliver: "Probably not enough."
Barry: "Okay, this hallway leads to a bunker under the building. Just hold 'em off as long as you can."
Oliver: "Where are you going?"
Barry: "If they can't shut it down, maybe she can."
*  *  *
Barry: "Hey, Supergirl! Let's finally see who's faster ... Too slow."
Felicity (watching monitor): "What is he doing?"
Cisco: "He's making her angry."
Caitlin: "But he knows Supergirl is invincible."
HR: "Think maybe that's the point."

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – No Oliver Queen voiceover intro.

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – In the alien hallucination, Oliver returns home to HallucinationLaurel after jogging:
(Oliver in green sweats is out running before returning to the Queen Mansion. Cut to him and HallucinationLaurel, who've just shared a shower.)
HallucinationLaurel: "So... how was your run?"
Oliver: "You know how it was. I told you about it in the shower. Here you go." (Hands her towel)
HallucinationLaurel: "How could I forget?"
Oliver: "Dinah Laurel Lance... Will you marry me?"
HallucinationLaurel (holding up hand with ring on it): "I think I already answered that question."
Oliver: "Right." 
(They kiss.)
HallucinationLaurel: "Okay. Time to get ready. My sister will be here soon."

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – Felicity introduces the Team Arrow newbies to Cisco Ramon, as they search for the kidnapped Oliver and others:
(Curtis, Rory and Rene are in the Arrow Bunker.)
Curtis: "Any word from Felicity?"
Rory: "Only that Oliver, John, and Thea have been abducted by aliens. She actually made that sound normal."
Curtis: "I've got every traffic cam from here to Central City looking for them."
Rene: "Yeah, like traffic cams are gonna help against alien invaders."
Curtis: "You know what? It'll probably help more than you trying to pretend to be Oliver Queen."
Rene: "Nothing to pretend about. Got to keep in shape so when these E.T.s show up, I can kick their collective asses."
Curtis: "Yeah. You'll have better luck on the salmon ladder. My whole life, I've waited to see a sign of intelligent life. Now that I'm seeing it, they're not intelligent at all. They're just mean. I can't believe it."
Felicity (entering with Cisco): "Try to start. Guys, this is Cisco Ramon of Star Labs."
Curtis. "Big fan."
Rene: "Rene Ramirez."
Rory: "Rory Regan."
Cisco: "Okay. Curtis, you're tall. Rene and Rory. That's two Rorys I know now. The other one, he's a douche, though. You're not a douche, are you?"
Rory: "No."
Cisco: "Okay. Good. I just had to make sure, right? Guys, we have to find Oliver and company, and I'm not talking about the cherished Disney animated film starring Billy Joel, okay? I'm talking - I got to vibe, all right? I need something to vibe off of, something personal."
Felicity: "I got one of his old bows here somewhere."
Cisco: "That'll do."
Curtis: "Um, for those of us who don't know you as well - not me, because I feel like we're best friends, we've known each other for a long time - Uh, what are you going to do exactly?"
Cisco: "Oh, right. Uh, I'm about to vibe. It's this thing I do where, uh, I touch something. I - I can not only see the past. I can see the future. But most importantly, I can see where people are."
Rene: "So you're one of them. Metahuman?"
Cisco: "Yeah. Don't sound too excited about it."
Felicity: "Okay. So this is it. Just - just please don't break it - any more than it is already broken." (Hands Oliver's old bow to Cisco)
Cisco: "Okay. Cool. (Exhales and has a vision) I saw them. They're in some kind of stasis, like a ship. It's, uh, a little Alien, a little Star Trek - J.J. Abrams style - and a whole lot of tech."
Felicity: "You said tech!"
Cisco: "Yes, I said tech. It's an alien spaceship, Felicity. These guys aren't amateurs."
Felicity: "Yeah, but - but -"
Curtis: "I think where she's going is, if we had some, we might be able to download some intel off it, like, including everyone's location."
Felicity: "Yes."
Cisco: "Hold, please."
Felicity: "Yes. That's what I meant. Thank you."
Curtis: "Of course."
Felicity: "Always got my back."
Curtis: "Of course I do."
Cisco: "What about this? I took it off the Dominator ship that crashed in Central City."
Felicity: "You what?!"
Curtis: "We're gonna hack alien tech. This is seriously the best day of my entire life!"

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – In the alien hallucination, Thea gives a hōzen to Oliver as a gift: 
Oliver: "You didn't have to get me a gift, Speedy."
Thea: "It's just a little pre-rehearsal dinner gesture."
Oliver: "Well, little is right."
Thea: "It's called a hōzen. It symbolizes reconnecting, like you did with Laurel."
Oliver: "Thea, it's a rock."
Thea: "It's a very thoughtful gesture from your amazingly loving sister."
Oliver: "Thank you."
Thea: "Yeah. That's better."
*  *  *
Oliver: "Oh, Dad, you know I'm not much of a fighter."
Thea: "Tell that to the paparazzi you punched."
Oliver: "10 years ago."
Thea: "Still."
HallucinationMoira: "Might as well be a lifetime. You're practically a completely different person. You both are."

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – Felicity and the rest of the team try to hack a piece of alien tech:
Curtis: "I'm so conflicted. You know, on the one hand, I get to hack actual extraterrestrial technology, but on the other hand, E.T.s are real, but unfortunately, they're dickwads who are gonna kill us."
Rory: "Don't worry. It's gonna work out."
Curtis: "You're not gonna tell me God has a plan, are you?"
Rory: "Well -"
Curtis: "Look. I respect your religion and all. I just find it a little hard to believe that there's some divine plan to the universe which also includes space monsters."
Felicity: "What's that?"
Curtis: "I like to call it my 3PO processor. (Mimicking C-3PO) 'I am fluent in over 6 million forms of communication.'"
Cisco: "And it speaks Dominator?"
Curtis: "I didn't specifically program it for that, but in my defense, I didn't know the Dominators even existed."
Cisco: "Let's see if it works."
Curtis: "I feel like Elliot in E.T. 'It's working, it's working!’”
Cisco: "Your tech guy quotes movies, huh?"
Felicity: "Yeah."
Cisco: "Real original."
Felicity: "Oh, no, no, no, no, no!"
Cisco: "No, no, no no!"
(Device explodes.)
Rene: "What happened?"
Cisco: "We made an idiot move. That's what happened."
Curtis: "We tried to plug human tech into a Dominator power source. Of course it overloaded!"
Felicity: "We need a regulator, okay, something that can handle the Dominator juice."
Curtis: "Van Horn Industries was working on a prototype for NASA over a year ago. Maybe they perfected it by now."
Felicity: "Oh, yeah. They perfected it all right, so much so somebody's already stolen it. According to S.C.P.D. reports, it's doctor named Laura Washington."
Curtis: "Doctor? That doesn't make any sense."
Felicity: "It does if she's been artificially augmenting herself with stolen technology because why would the universe make anything easy?"
Curtis: "It says here implants give her enhanced strength, stamina, and electricity-based powers. Well, that's nothing we can't handle."
Felicity: "That's everything we can't handle."
Curtis: "Come on, Felicity. I mean, this might be our only chance to find Oliver and everyone else."
Felicity: "That's why I'm calling in reinforcements."

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – In the alien hallucination, Oliver fails to show up for his rehearsal dinner:
HallucinationLaurel: "He's not coming."
Sara: "Don't worry. He'll be here."
HallucinationLaurel: "I don't know."
Sara: "You know Ollie's never been on time for anything in his entire life."
HallucinationLaurel: "You didn't see him earlier. He had this look on his face like - like he was backing out."
Sara: "No way. He loves you."
HallucinationLaurel: "He just - he looked like everything that he knew was wrong."
Sara: "I'm pretty sure that every guy has that look the night before their wedding."
HallucinationLaurel: "Heh. You know, there was a time when I thought the two of you would - would actually hook up."
Sara: "You know I prefer girls."

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – In the alien hallucination, Diggle is the Hood and Felicity is his teammate; and Oliver has Diggle and Olicity memory flashes from his real life:
Oliver (entering Arrow Bunker): "Oh, wow."
(HallucinationFelicity stands up from the computer station, which has a fern on it.)
HallucinationFelicity: "What the hell? Uh... hi. We have an unauthorized entry!"
(Diggle wearing the Hood suit drops down from the upper level. He knocks out Oliver with his bow.)
*  *  *
(Oliver regains consciousness and sees HallucinationFelicity and Diggle.)
Diggle: "What are you doing here? How did you find this place?"
Oliver: "My name is Oliver Queen."
Diggle: "I know who you are!"
HallucinationFelicity: "Everybody knows who you are."
Diggle: "How did you find this place?"
HallucinationFelicity: "Better question is why. He's getting married tomorrow."
Diggle: "Get out."
Oliver: "Wait."
Diggle: "Get out!"
Oliver: "Wait, wait, wait."
Diggle (strong-arming Oliver): "No one can know my secret."
Oliver (having Diggle memory flash): "Your name is John."
Diggle: "What'd you say?"
Oliver: "Your name... is John Diggle." (Has Oliver and Diggle memory flashes)
(Diggle lets go of Oliver, looks at Felicity, and then drops hood back from his face.)
HallucinationFelicity: "No. No. No! No! No, no, no! Bad idea."
Diggle: "How do you know all this?"
Oliver: "I think - I think we've met before, when you were my bodyguard."
HallucinationFelicity: "Heh. And you think I'm funny."
Diggle: "You're thinking of my brother Andy. He's in personal security."
Oliver: "You were in the military."
Diggle: "105th Airborne out of Kandahar. Did a lot of things back then I'm not proud of. I came back here to... atone, I guess."
HallucinationFelicity: "Uh, John, stranger danger. Might want to ease up on the info dump."
(Oliver has memory flashes from his real life of meeting Felicity, seeing her on their first date, their first kiss, their first time making love, when she was shot, and putting the ring on her finger at their fake wedding.)
Oliver: "Felicity. (Sighs and shakes head in confusion) This isn't right. I don't think that any of - of this is right. I don't think that you're the Green Arrow… And I don't think Andy's alive. John, I think you killed him."
Diggle (attacking Oliver): "Errr!"
HallucinationFelicity: "Oh, I hate being right all the time."
Diggle: "Listen to me. You're having some kind of psychotic break. Go back to your family, your fiancée, and your fancy house! And you're gonna forget about all of this! (Pushes Oliver into the elevator) Felicity's right. You've got everything, everything, man! Stop trying to throw it all away."

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – In the alien hallucination, Oliver goes to see HallucinationLaurel at the Queen Mansion, where Sara is helping HallucinationLaurel prepare for her wedding that day:
Oliver (entering): "Laurel, I -"
Sara: "Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?"
HallucinationLaurel: "Or skip out on the rehearsal dinner?"
Oliver: "I - I know. I said I was sorry."
Sara: "In a text."
Oliver: "Sara, can you give us a few minutes, please?"
Sara (to Oliver): "You're lucky I'm not a trained assassin or anything." (Leaves)
Oliver: "I... oh, wow. You, um - you look beautiful."
HallucinationLaurel: "I called you over 20 times last night."
Oliver: "I can't explain last night. I just... today - today, I want to marry you."
HallucinationLaurel: "Well, that's good, because there are guests here."
Oliver: "No, not with guests, not in a few hours. Now. Laurel, I need to - I need to get out of here. I - we can elope."
HallucinationLaurel: "Oliver."
Oliver: "I'm being serious. I don't know what's going on with me right now. I just know that I want to be with you as quickly as humanly possible."
HallucinationLaurel: "What is going on with you?"
Oliver: "I - last night, somebody reminded me that I have everything. And I don't want to give it up. I'm afraid that I'm gonna give it up."
HallucinationLaurel: "Well, that's very sweet of you, but we have over 200 guests coming, and your parents, they've spent a fortune on this wedding."
Oliver: "I know, and I'm - I'm sorry if this is confusing or if I'm scaring you, but the only thing in the world that makes sense to me right now is that I love you. And I'm gonna take that job at Queen Consolidated, and I swear to God I'm gonna work every single day to be the man you fell in love with."
(Someone knocks on the door, and it's Diggle.)
Diggle: "Sorry about the interruption. The Russian lady downstairs told me to come right up. You got a minute to talk?"

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – In the alien hallucination, Felicity is Ray’s fiancée: 
Sara: "Ray, I need to talk to you."
Ray: "Sara? Right? Hi. Um, this is my fiancée, Felicity Smoak."
HallucinationFelicity: "Hi. Nice to meet you. Oh, you're Laurel's sister, right?"
Sara: "Yeah. Can I steal him for a second?"
HallucinationFelicity: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay." (Leaves them alone)
Sara: "Ray, doesn't this all feel weird to you?"
Ray: "A little."
Sara: "I need you to think."
Ray: "She's not my fiancée. My fiancée's name is Anna - or was. What's happening?"
Sara: "You're remembering."

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – In the alien hallucination, Oliver says good-bye to HallucinationLaurel, who’s still wearing her wedding dress:
HallucinationLaurel: "Ollie, Ollie, Ollie! What's happening?"
Oliver: "I'm sorry. The person you fell in love with - that's not me. And I never deserved that love. And you always deserved better."
HallucinationLaurel: "Please."
(Oliver holds her head with his hands and kisses her on the forehead.)
Oliver: "I love you."
HallucinationLaurel (tearfully): "I love you. Don't go!"
(Oliver walks away, stops and looks back at her, and then leaves.)


508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – Right before stepping through the alien 'curtain' (in order to wake up from the alien hallucination), Oliver sees hologram images of loved ones and hears memory voiceovers:
Moira (voiceover): "You're never without me, my beautiful boy. There's nothing else to say except... I could not be more proud of you."
Felicity (voiceover): "You've become someone else. Become something else... You honor the dead by fighting, and you are not done fighting!"
Tommy (voiceover): "I know I called you a murderer, but you are not. You are a hero."
Roy (voiceover): "You saved my life. You gave me purpose. This time, we had to save you."
Laurel (voiceover): "I know who you are in your bones, Oliver, and that person doesn't give up!"
Robert (voiceover): "This is your responsibility now."

508 (Invasion!) [100th Episode, Part 2 of Crossover] – Felicity and the rest of the team finally locate Oliver and the others:
Rory: "Any luck with the regulator we took off Cyber-woman?"
Cisco: "Phew. ‘Cyber-woman’? I think I'm starting to like you guys."
Curtis: "The regulator worked, but my translator did not. The only thing I got back from the Dominator tech was soup."
Felicity: "What? Well, no, no, no. This - no. This just looks random."
Rory: "It's not. It's Gematria. Gematria is the numerology of -"
Felicity: "Of the Torah. How did I not see that?"
Rene: "For the Gentiles and those of us who actually had social lives in high school, what the hell are you talking about?"
Rory: "In Hebrew, each letter possesses a numerical value. Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalents of letters, words, or phrases."
Curtis: "You mean, the Dominators' language is based off the Old Testament?"
Rory: "Or shares commonalities at least. You wanted proof of a divine plan to the universe, right?"
Felicity: "Guys, I'm getting references to five Terran captives here, okay? The signal's coming from - that's not possible. Negative 3.127 latitude, negative 23.7987 longitude."
Cisco: "That doesn't make any sense. Geographical coordinates don't have any negative numbers."
Felicity: "I mean, they do. Only when - Oh, my God. I think I know where they are."

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover] – Oliver, Diggle, Sara and Ray reunite with the rest of their team members in Central City:
Cisco: "I can't believe that you guys escaped an alien spaceship. Key words: alien spaceship. I have questions."
Oliver: "They can wait. (To Nate) Thanks for helping me get my sister home."
Nate: "Yeah, man."
Oliver: "What's our status?"
Barry: "Nothing, since the Dominators paid their little visit to mess with our heads."
Nate: "Why would they do that?"
Ray: "What if they were trying to pit us against each other, in order to gain intel about metahumans?"
Felicity: "Man, I wish they would just send us an IM with a questionnaire."
Kara: "Well, metas pose the biggest threat to their invasion. It would make sense they'd want to get to know their enemies."
Martin Stein: "By kidnapping people. Perhaps they were searching your minds for potential metahuman vulnerabilities."
Oliver: "I think it's time we return the favor."
Diggle: "What do you want to do? Kidnap one of them now?"
Barry: "Ever since we fought off that one ship, they've kind of been in short supply."
Nate: "Actually, I know where to find one. I've been reviewing old Army footage of their first encounters with the Dominators, and I think I pegged the fight to... Redmond, Oregon. 1951."
Martin: "You're suggesting we travel to 1951, abduct a Dominator, and interrogate it to determine their intentions."
Sara: "They kidnapped us. Seems fair."
Cisco: "Time travel. I'm definitely in."
Barry: "Okay, hold on, though. Professor Stein and Caitlin have been talking about a way to take down the Dominators. They could probably use your help."
Cisco: "Pass."
Felicity: "Yeah, I mean, I'm with him, mostly 'cause I just don't want to lose my geek cred, but time travel!"
Nate: "I could take Amaya and Mick."
Oliver: "Do it."
Barry: "Okay."
Cisco: "Yeah!" (He and Felicity leave, giddy with joy)

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover] – Oliver acknowledges that he was brainwashed during his alien hallucination experience:
Oliver: “I would like to minimize your involvement in this.”
Kara: “Why? Because I’m an alien? I also happen to be your biggest weapon.”
Oliver: “You are an unknown quantity and this is not personal.”
Kara: “Except that’s exactly how this feels.”
Oliver: “Kara, when I started living this life, it was just me. I was going up against human threats that I could handle. Then it was metahumans and I could handle that. Now, I learned that there are multiple Earths and I was brainwashed aboard an alien spacecraft.”
Kara: “I’m sure that was unnerving.”
Oliver: “I don’t really get unnerved. But when I go up against something new, I push back. Right or wrong, it is who I am and it is what I do. So I am asking for a little of space, because I have to draw the line somewhere. I need to claw back a sense of normalcy. Please stay here.” 

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover] – Felicity and Cisco geek out upon boarding the Waverider:
Cisco: "This ship is everything!"
Felicity: "What type of propulsion system does it use?"
Nate: "No idea."
Cisco: "Oh, my God. That construct on the bow looks like it could be some sort of time sphere."
Nate; "Yeah, no idea."
Felicity: "To operate a ship of this size, the deep-link nets would have to be -“
Cisco: "Oh, my God, you'd have to use, like, a quantum neural chipset -"
Nate: "Hey, guys, guys. Amaya and Rory are waiting for us on the bridge. Can we just keep moving this along?" (Rushes ahead)
Felicity: "This ship is -"
Cicso: "Automatic?"
Felicity: "Supersonic."
Cisco: "Hypnotic."
Felicity and Cisco (simultaneously): "Funky fresh."

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover] – Felicity, Cisco, Nate, Mick and Amaya travel to 1951 in the Waverider to capture a Dominator:
Cisco: "We made it. This is the '50s. Sick."
(Felicity vomits.)
Nate: "Severe time jumps can cause nausea, temporary deafness."
Felicity: (speaking gibberish)
Nate: "Linguistic disorientation."
Felicity: (speaking gibberish)
Mick: "You. Clean it up. We're gonna kidnap an alien."
Cisco: "Okay. I know I did not just travel through time so we could stay on the ship."
Mick: "Ponytail, you're staying on the ship."
Felicity: (speaking gibberish)
Nate: "I'll take that as, 'Have fun storming the castle'."
Cisco: "Oh, for real? You're gonna use Princess Bride against me? Against me? (Felicity vomits again) Okay. I got you, girl."

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover] – Felicity talks to Cisco about his grudge against Barry:
Felicity: "Do you have any idea what's going on out there?"
Cisco: "It's a real life Spielberg movie and we're stuck in here."
Felicity: "Okay. I think I know what's really bothering you."
Cisco: "I'm having the worst case of FOMO while everyone else is out there kidnapping an alien?"
Felicity: "No. I think you escaped 2016 to get away from Barry."
Cisco: "Excuse me. I escaped 2016 so that I could come see the Waverider and so that I could time travel."
Felicity: "And?"
Cisco: "And also, yes, I wanted to get away from Barry."
Felicity: "Ah! You realize that's insane, right? You're holding a grudge against your best friend when the world is potentially going to end."
Cisco: "I'm sorry. My 'best friend'? He only killed my brother."
Felicity: "He didn't kill -"
Cisco: "Okay, you're right. He didn't literally kill my brother. What I mean to say is, he was responsible. Okay? He just needed to save his family, and in doing that, he ended up destroying mine. (Pauses) You know, all this time traveling, fighting aliens, this is the stuff I used to dream about as a kid."
Felicity: "Yeah, me too."
Cisco: "But it doesn't feel like a dream."
Felicity: "No."
Cisco: "It just feels weird."
Felicity: "Well, exactly, and it's only gonna get weirder. So that's why we have to be able to rely on our friends."
Cisco: "I really wish I could right now, Felicity. But he's not my friend."

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover] – Felicity and Cisco rescue Nate, Mick and Amaya; and Cisco persuades the others to rescue the Dominator who was captured with them:
Felicity: "Cr-. Crap, crap, crap. Where do you think they're taking them?"
Cisco: "Those Men In Black types are probably gonna take 'em to a secret lab and run experiments on them. Have you seen Stranger Things?"
Felicity: "Maybe too much TV, Cisco."
Cisco: "Life imitates art, Felicity. Either way, whether you like it or not, we're gonna have to be the ones to rescue them."
Felicity: "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But we're the tech support."
Cisco (opening weapons case): "No. This is tech support. Set your phasers to 'stun.'"
*  *  *
Nate: "What do you think they're doing to him?"
Amaya: "Same thing they're gonna do to us unless we get out of here."
(They hear gunfire outside their locked door. Then Felicity and Cisco, bearing weapons, burst in through the door.)
Felicity: "Hoo-yeah! Y'all call for tech support?"
Mick: "Great. Saved by geeks."
Cisco: "Waverider's ready to take us back to 2016."
(They hear pained sounds from the captured Dominator being tortured down the hall.)
Nate: "If we leave him here, they're gonna kill him."
Mick: "So what? He's an alien."
Cisco: "Just 'cause they're douches doesn't mean we have to be."
Felicity: "Well -" 
Cisco: "We got to send him home."
Amaya: "How?"
Cisco: "Don't we have one of their ships aboard the Waverider?"
Nate: "Yeah, but it's damaged."
Cisco: "Felicity's gonna help me fix it."
Felicity: "I am? I'm gonna help him fix it."
Cisco: "See? Oh, that doesn't sound good."
Cisco: "Guys, it's up to us to show the Dominators we're better than this."
Man in Black: "Fascinating. The creature's nervous system is not unlike our own, which means it must be capable of experiencing pain."
Nate (bursting into the room with Amaya): "Maybe that's why he's screaming."
Amaya: "Don't worry. We're gonna get you out of here."
*  * *
Cisco: "Bye. He didn't even say thank you."
Felicity: "What is that?"
Cisco: "I think it's a transponder."
Felicity: "Where'd you get that?"
Cisco: "I may or may not have stolen it. From his ship."
Felicity: "What does it do?"
Cisco: "I think we can use it to communicate with him when we get back."
Felicity: "Oh, my God, like an alien pen pal."
Cisco: "Exactly."
Mick: "You kids finished? Gideon."
Gideon: "Yes, Mr. Rory?"
Mick: "Prepare for, um -"
Nate: "Time jump."
Mick: "Time jump."
Gideon: "Course plotted for Central City, 2016."

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover]– Felicity, Cicso, Nate, Mick and Amaya return to Central City in 2016:
Felicity: "I can't see. Why can't I see?"
Cisco: "At least you're not throwing up."
(Felicity vomits. The alien transponder in Cisco's hand makes sound.)
Nate: "What's it doing?"
Cisco: "I don't know. Either our food's ready or this guy's trying to call us. Hey, how... how do... how do I answer?" 
(Hologram of Dominator appears from the transponder.)
Cisco: "I... Oh, my God. It's him."
Mick: "He's even uglier than the last time we saw him."
Dominator (hologram): "65 of your years ago, you saved me from capture."
Cisco: "Listen, you don't need to thank us."
Mick: "Yeah, he does. He can thank us by turning around and heading home."
Dominator (hologram): "I will show you my gratitude by sparing your lives, but I cannot do the same for Barry Allen. If your friend does not turn himself in, we will have no choice but to deploy a weapon that will exterminate all metahumans." (Hologram disappears)

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover] – The rest of Teams Arrow, Flash and Legends refuse to let Barry sacrifice himself to save the world:
Barry: "This isn't up for debate. It's not even a close call. I mean... Turn myself over to the Dominators, they leave the rest of the world alone. Simple."
Felicity: "No, it's not simple."
Diggle: "Barry, it doesn't matter what you've done. You can't do this."
Barry: "It's been an honor to know all of you, to fight alongside of you. Now it's up to you to keep our home safe."
Oliver: "Barry! I'm not letting you leave."
Barry: "No offense, Oliver, but you and what army?"
Kara: "This one."
Mick: "Listen, Red. I don't like you. But when you got a crew, you don't take a hit for the rest."
Barry: "That was actually pretty inspiring. I mean, up until the point that Mick compared us to a bunch of criminals, but -"
Amaya: "According to the Dominators, we might as well be."
Nate: "And maybe they're right. Maybe we do more harm than good, but this is our chance to find out."
Cisco: "We're not letting you sacrifice yourself. There's no way. I don't care if that's what it means to be a hero. You're not a hero to me. You're my friend."
Jax (entering with Sara): "Yo. Guys. You know that ship that landed in Central City?"
Sara: "It's opening up."
Oliver: "Here we go."

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover] – The Arrowverse heroes fight and defeat the Dominators:
Felicity: "I'm reading reports of ships opening all over the world. Oh, frak."
Oliver: "Talk to me."
Felicity: "Something from the Dominators' mothership just broke atmo, and, not to get too technical, but it's really, really big and falling to Earth really, really fast."
Barry: "It's the meta-bomb."
Felicity: "Why would the uglies drop ships on us if they're just planning on blowing us up?"
Oliver: "Because the ships were a distraction to keep us from stopping the meta-bomb."
*  *  *
Oliver: "We have to keep the Dominators at bay."
Martin (entering): "This might help. I've mass-produced a small device that, when placed on individual Dominators, will cause indescribable agony. Not the nicest invention, but this is war."
Barry: "Nice going."
Martin: "The caveat, of course, is that if we activate the weapons before all the devices are placed on the Dominators, they'll know what we're up to."
Oliver: "Well, we got to do it fast."
Barry: "Only way I know how."
*  *  *
Felicity (over comms): "Good work planting Professor Stein's nano-weapons, but we still got Dominators all over the country. This looks like a job for Supergirl."
Barry (over comms): "Thanks, Felicity. I'm not the least bit insulted."
Felicity (over comms): "Ah, sorry. I meant Supergirl and Flash. This is totally a job for the both of you. That's what I meant. Supergirl and... Flash."
Sara (over comms): "Firestorm, we're holding it up."
Cisco (over comms): "But, like, barely."
Sara: "Not helping, Cisco. Firestorm, do it now!"
Jax (over comms): "Do what?"
Martin (internal to Firestorm): "I believe Ms. Lance intends for us to transmute the meta-bomb into something harmless."
Jax (over comms): "I was afraid you were gonna say that."
Felicity (over comms): "All right, devices are being planted. Let me know when I can bring the pain."
Sara (over comms): "Come on, Firestorm."
Jax (over comms): "Grey, I can't do it, man. It's too big."
Felicity (over comms): "Still waiting on that signal."
Oliver (over comms): "Do it!"
Felicity (over comms): "Done."
*  *  *
Cisco: "They did it! They can do that?!"
Sara (over comms): "They can do it. Ground, what's your status?"
Nate (over comms): "They're retreating!"
Felicity (over comms): "It's not just them. It's all around the world."

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover] – The Arrowverse heroes are honored by the new U.S. President:
Female President: "Many responsibilities have fallen to me since the President's passing at the beginning of this crisis. Sobering, sad responsibilities. This is not one of them. Today, it is my distinct honor to bestow upon you a small acknowledgement of the great debt that the world owes to you all."
Mick: "Is it just me, or is she really hot?"
Female President: "Although your brave efforts must remain a secret -"
Sara: "She's hot."
Female President: "Know that, metahuman or not, masked or not, each and every one of you is a hero. Thank you."

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 207 (Invasion!) [Part 3 of Crossover] – Some key moments at the post-victory celebration:
(Kara is now dressed in civilian clothes, with ponytail and glasses. Felicity pours Kara a drink and then looks at her as she passes by.)
Felicity: "It's like looking into a mirror."
Ray: "Yeah, you know what's funny? She really kind of looks like my cousin."
*  *  *
Sara: "It's weird to think that all of this started with the two of us. You ever think what it would be like if we never got on that boat?"
Oliver: "I don't know if I have to think about it. I mean, maybe the Dominators showed us what our lives would have been like."
Sara: "I know it was a prison, but in a way -"
Oliver: "In a way, it was a gift." (They hug)
Sara: "Stay out of trouble." (Leaves)
Oliver: "Yeah."
Diggle: "There she goes, off to her spaceship, time traveling as if it's totally normal."
Oliver: "Well, John, it's like you said. Normal sort of went out the window when this one arrived." (Indicating Barry)
Diggle: "I may never understand you, man, but... you're one of the best men I know."
Barry: "Thanks, Dig. So. You forgive me... for what I did?"
Diggle: "Barry, it's like I keep telling this guy. You have to forgive yourself."
Barry: "Yeah."
Diggle: "Good luck." (Leaves)
Barry: "Yeah, thanks. (To Oliver) Well, we got to do this more often. Get together, I mean."
Oliver: "I don't know if the world could take it."
Barry: "I meant, like, without the world being threatened."
Oliver: "If the world wasn't being threatened, what would we do?"
*  *  *
Oliver: "I'm just saying that, next time, I'm gonna get you."
Barry: "I'm just saying, I beat you twice."
Oliver: "The first time was a tie."
Barry: "And the second time?"
Oliver: "There were no witnesses the second time."
Barry: "Superspeed Arrow duels... Our lives aren't exactly normal."
Oliver: "I told Kara that I was looking to reclaim some normal. Thinking on it now, I'm - I'm not so sure."
Barry: "I know what you mean. We both got a look at what life would look like normal."
Oliver: "It would've been happy."
Barry: "But not full."
Oliver: "No. No, nowhere close."
Barry: "To things not being normal."
Oliver: "To life being full."

Edited by tv echo
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