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Ryan: What the hell happened to him?

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May guess is that Ryan had been arrested before and it just never came out. Maybe he did one of those diversion programs that if he completed rehab and stayed clean for a certain amount of time he wouldn’t have a record. Then he failed a drug test.

This was my thought too. The county I live in recently started something similar. Since it’s new (2 years?), the local paper updates the status when someone enters and gets kicked out. Not many have chosen this option, but at least 50% have not completed it, so far.

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22 hours ago, Rebecca said:


Next it’ll be the ever popular dumbass excuse that he was “wearing someone else’s pants” and they just happened to have his drug of choice in the pocket. 

We should have Jeremy check into that. He's always on the lookout for dudes wearing someone else's pants. 

22 hours ago, Tatum said:

Did we know Ryan was arrested for heroin possession back in April 2017? I don't remember reading that and I feel like that would have come out.

That's what craziest about this whole thing for me. It means either 1) we ALL somehow missed him getting arrested and we miss NOTHING or 2) we ALL forgot and we can remember how much zebra print was in Chelsea's wardrobe so I don't see that happening. I'm telling you, it's a mystery for the ages!

17 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Didn't I read somewhere that she had already lost the limited shared custody she had of Hudson? Her ex managed to prove that even when Mack is having her custody time she leaves Hudson with Jen or MackMama or someone else?

If so, no wonder she's having another baby. More screen time, a bigger check and a replacement baby who hopefully won't argue about acting like is daddy!

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Ryan was not arrested in Hamilton County on March 12 (the date from the previous page which claims was his original arrest which led to probation). He was also not arrested the preceding 5 days before the 12th, nor the 5 days after.


I just don't see how an arrest didn't leak somehow. It's certainly possible, I guess, but given how quickly this stuff is printed just seems unlikely. Nonetheless, the charge is definitely a revoked probation, which means he was arrested at some point and the incident was kept quiet.


Big Mack should've just kept her mouth shut. There's a reason people are taught to say "no comment". She's going to have a really hard time explaining to people how she reamed Maci out in June for "hiding" Ryan's addiction when by her own admission he was arrested for possession two months prior. Or how she supposedly married him not aware that he was both 1. high as fuck during the ceremony, and 2. a major addict, one month after said arrest.

17 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Didn't I read somewhere that she had already lost the limited shared custody she had of Hudson? Her ex managed to prove that even when Mack is having her custody time she leaves Hudson with Jen or MackMama or someone else?


That was from the same article that claimed Ryan was in rehab on a date he was actually filming for Teen Mom, and The Ashley said that while she couldn't confirm either way, a quick perusal of county records showed no updated custody hearing between Mackenzie and her ex. I think that article was actually untrue, loathe as I am to remotely defend Mack Truck.

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15 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

Ok, I have to say it. Are we sure Mac is 21? If so, she is the oldest looking 21 year-old I have ever seen. She so badly wants to be one of the teen mom “stars” of the show but she would never have been chosen to be on the show if she had not married Ryan. Girl is just bland on top of bland. 


It's really odd! I know everybody says it, but at first I actually thought she was kind of cute because I thought she was an older woman (I know 40 or so isn't old, but I mean older than Ryan, and in their neck of the woods seems old to be getting married) who looked 36 or so. Like, a divorcee with a kid or two. 

Turns out I was right on the last part, just not the age...

Edited by Lm2162
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36 minutes ago, Birdee said:

We should have Jeremy check into that. He's always on the lookout for dudes wearing someone else's pants. 

And the plot thickens! Maybe it was Germy's heroin!!!!

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JesusGodRyan! SMFH His wife is even dumber than him! Bye bye Huddles! You wanted Ryan so badly MackTruck, now you've got him. I still say he was still using post rehab. All that money talk in the middle of his own freaking wedding!!!! Alarms went off all over. Of course the ever present BEER after rehab was a big fucking hint too. No way did a rehab tell him it was fine and dandy to drink. That's just switching drugs FFS! Get out of here with that mess!

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7 minutes ago, Thorkim said:

If that's not him, it's a clone.  The eyes are a dead giveaway.

I know, right?!

Now that we know he pretty much NEVER stopped using, it wouldn't be a surprise.......how else can you afford this many drugs without a job besides a supporting "role" on TM?

Just now, LilaFowler said:

Well that would explain how he funded his drug addiction. That really does look like him.

And apparently he's too stupid and/or entitled and/or high to be worried about getting caught. He's pretty much openly on Tinder.

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42 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I know, right?!

Now that we know he pretty much NEVER stopped using, it wouldn't be a surprise.......how else can you afford this many drugs without a job besides a supporting "role" on TM?

And apparently he's too stupid and/or entitled and/or high to be worried about getting caught. He's pretty much openly on Tinder.

Since Mack Truck won't grant him a divorce, he's probably waving it in her face to get her to leave him.

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So I'll admit to being a bit of a leg-humper when it comes to Maci, she and I are the same age and she reminds me so much of my friends who have "settled down," just her personality, her mistakes and her successes (mostly as mother) mirrors a lot of my peers, it's hard not to have a soft spot for her with that in mind. 

With that disclaimer I have been waiting to see Ryan really and truly fall from grace for a long time. He has been a dirt bag and an absentee father from day one but his parents shielded him from the worst of that reputation. I'm not sure how MTV is going to continue making him look like a decent guy who's rough around the edges and spin this to be Maci's responsibility, though I'm sure they'll try.  

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Mackenzie and Ryan Edwards' Road to Baby: Inside the Teen Mom Stars' Dramatic Journey

Mack Truck thinks we are imbeciles. From the article:


Even Ryan's legal snag wasn't enough to dull their joy. As part of his probation, he had been submitting to monthly drug tests since last spring, says a source, but when he went to court in March, "The judge told him he was doing a great job and that if he stayed out of trouble until December, he would be in the clear and everything would be over." What Ryan didn't realize, says the source, was he had to continue testing: "As a result, Ryan accidentally skipped a drug test. He did not fail one." And while Ryan was "very upset" by the misunderstanding, says the source, "It was explained to him that all he had to do was turn himself in and it would be done."

As for the haters, Mackenzie is done with them, too. Oft-vocal about how she's portrayed on the show—"It's easy to show the 'half truth'" she's said—she does her best to block out what she calls the "empty words of hatred and lies" and keep her eye on the figurative prize. "There's a lot of things I'd like to do for a living, lots of dreams that still sparkle when I close my eyes at night," she's written on her blog. "These things are still attainable."

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1 minute ago, CofCinci said:

Yes. How can we not find this info?!!!!

I have no idea.

This is far-fetched but I'll ask anyway. Does anyone know if someone has state sponsored health insurance the state will pay for rehab if the person submits to court ordered drug tests?

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30 minutes ago, druzy said:

I have no idea.

This is far-fetched but I'll ask anyway. Does anyone know if someone has state sponsored health insurance the state will pay for rehab if the person submits to court ordered drug tests?

State health insurance, at least in some states, will pay for rehab in some instances. It won’t be a nice or fancy one and it will probably only be for the shortest possible recommended time but I know someone who did. I think it was 7 days in patient to detox and then more out patient and they could only go to one facility. It’s not very effective because 7 days isn’t anything in the scheme of things. I know someone on state insurance who goes to a methadone clinic and the state covers the cost of that, which is $$$$.

EDIT: I just did some research and the state I’m currently in will only cover up to $7,000 TOTAL per year for all drug treatment for those on the state insurance.

Edited by Rebecca
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45 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

State health insurance, at least in some states, will pay for rehab in some instances. It won’t be a nice or fancy one and it will probably only be for the shortest possible recommended time but I know someone who did. I think it was 7 days in patient to detox and then more out patient and they could only go to one facility. It’s not very effective because 7 days isn’t anything in the scheme of things. I know someone on state insurance who goes to a methadone clinic and the state covers the cost of that, which is $$$$.

EDIT: I just did some research and the state I’m currently in will only cover up to $7,000 TOTAL per year for all drug treatment for those on the state insurance.

Thanks @Rebecca for the information! Ryan (who graduated rehab early) was there for approximately 20 days, 6 hours, 2 minutes and 3 seconds, so he most likely has private insurance or it was paid out of his parent's pockets. 

When Teen Mom is cancelled and Cate has an anxiety attack her vacation will be 7 days in a state facility as opposed to 42 days at a spa. Karma.

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6 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Dear Mac,

I know you weren't alive in the late 80s/early 90s, so let me suggest you go watch the movie version of Rent so that you can perhaps grasp this:

Unprotected sex with IV drug addict --> HIV/AIDS (or Hepatitis)

Unprotected sex with IV drug addict who also loves him some Tinder hook-ups --> even better chance of getting HIV/AIDS (or Hepatitis)

You can get way more from Ryan than a trap baby, Z-list fame, and some Radar checks. You can get HIV/AIDS.  No, it's not the death sentence it once was for an American (with health coverage), but it still isn't a walk in the damn park and it still carries a heavy social stigma.  All your work manipulating, lying, and trapping....and all you may have to show at the end for it is disease (the kind that won't even go away with antibiotics).  It isn't worth it.  


Word. My mom contracted HIV from my father when I was about 9 years old. She’d slept with one man (him.) He was P&Ping his ass off on the DL. He died less than a decade later, and she was left with everything, including a life long disease that’s nearly killed her multiple times.

Real talk... that shit is nothing anyone would want to see even the worst human live with.


sorry to be slightly OT with a personal rant/cautionary story

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I know it says arrested on March 12th but is it possible that he just received a citation or an order to appear instead?

Just a thought; everything I know about the law comes from watching LivePD.

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The Grace Report has another video where she explains the arrests, gives info from someone local to Ryan and has a picture of Ryan from today at Jen and Larry’s, where he’s now staying. 

I’m trying to make sense of the story since it keeps changing and Mackenzie is throwing in lies...So Ryan was on probation from whatever he was arrested for last April (guessing heroin possession). He also got caught and arrested for heroin possession in August (but why wouldn’t he be revoked then? I know people aren’t always revoked when they break the conditions of probation but heroin?!). Then on March 12th of this year he was arrested for possession of heroin again. Then he was revoked from probation just a few days ago stemming from the March 12th arrest (I know getting revoked doesn’t necessarily happen immediately so that makes sense that it took a few weeks.) Do I have that right, at least based on the info we have so far?

EDIT: actually, is there any other source for Ryan being arrested in April “before rehab” other than Mackenzie? Maybe that was just a lie and she didn’t want to reveal that he was actually arrested in August AFTER rehab rather than in April before rehab? Either way, her “I didn’t know” spot has been blown the hell up.

Edited by Rebecca
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Good Lord. Can someone do a flow chart so we can understand all this legal trouble Ryan has supposedly been in??? My mind is swimming. 

How could we miss, not one - but THREE supposed arrests, prior to this probation violation? He was supposedly arrested April 2017, Aug 2017, AND March  12, 2018??? Then violated probation on the 28th? Which probation was this a violation of??? Because you'd think if he was put on probation from the very first arrest, ANY of these subsequent arrests would be a PV. Why would missing a drug test warrant a revocation, but being caught with actual HEROIN on him wouldn't be??? 

I'm so fucking confused. 

Also, Mack wants to act like MISSING a drug test is so superior to FAILING one. Does she not realize that most people miss them on purpose???? Because they'd fail????

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1 minute ago, ghertigirl said:

I want to know what led up to Maci seeking an order of protection. In California, there needs to have been violence or threat of violence to obtain a domestic violence restraining order.

Yeah, he barely sees his kid while sober. 

I figure the protective order is so that (enabling) Mimi Jen can’t bring Bentley to visit Ryan. Maci most likely included the whole family as to gain better odds for approval?

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48 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Buddies, please be kind and make a timeline. 

I know, I'm so confused.

23 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Yeah, he barely sees his kid while sober. 

I figure the protective order is so that (enabling) Mimi Jen can’t bring Bentley to visit Ryan. Maci most likely included the whole family as to gain better odds for approval?

Maybe he showed up high to a visit? 

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2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Buddies, please be kind and make a timeline. 

From WRCBTV (I put the link in my prior post)


March 12, 2017 he was arrested on for possession of heroin and possession of drug paraphernalia. A police report says Edwards officers found needles and 1.8 grams of heroin in an open backpack during a traffic stop in Red Bank.

March 28, 2018 Edwards was arrested on a warrant for "petition to revoke."

He was booked at the Hamilton County jail and later released on bond.

He must have been court ordered to take drug tests and when he either failed a drug test or didn't take a drug test he was in violation of his probation and arrested. 

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1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

I’d like to file to keep Mackenzie off my screen...her face is abusive to my eyes... 

The entire world needs an order of protection from Liekenzie Lucifer (love that one!). 

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