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Ryan: What the hell happened to him?


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19 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to work Twitter. I didn't see any pics comparing his clothes to the robbery clothes. Is there any way you can post them?


I need someone to solve this, y'all! I feel like this has to be Rhiiine. He was high as fuck and figured he could use the oar to knock out Mackenzie AND make his getaway up the river. 

For some reason, that twitter user took down the thread!  I can't find the pics either.

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, druzy said:

Thanks @CofCinci. I don't understand why they don't do this with Amber.

Not sure, but this part stood out to me in that link:

A 1099 subcontractor can have wages garnished similar to regular employees. The garnishment only applies to the amount of money the contractor is waiting to be paid. It does not apply to wages the contractor may earn in the future. For example, a 1099 employee who expects to receive a $500 check and has a garnishment order on the check will not receive the expected check, or a percentage of it. Future, unearned checks cannot have a hold for garnishment unless the worker has completed the work and is expecting pay for it.

Unlike regular employee garnishments, 1099 garnishments last only one paycheck. Multiple garnishments for 1099 employees may occur when a creditor or the IRS issues new orders. Each individual check must have a separate order to reduce or eliminate the paycheck from the 1099 employee.

Great job on finding that garnishment! @druzy

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

A 1099 subcontractor can have wages garnished similar to regular employees. The garnishment only applies to the amount of money the contractor is waiting to be paid. It does not apply to wages the contractor may earn in the future. For example, a 1099 employee who expects to receive a $500 check and has a garnishment order on the check will not receive the expected check, or a percentage of it. Future, unearned checks cannot have a hold for garnishment unless the worker has completed the work and is expecting pay for it.

Thanks @GreatKazu! I wonder if if they are paid for the season before they film the season. If they are paid after they film wouldn't that qualify as completed work they are expecting to be paid for? Sorry for all the questions.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, druzy said:

Thanks @GreatKazu! I wonder if if they are paid for the season before they film the season. If they are paid after they film wouldn't that qualify as completed work they are expecting to be paid for? Sorry for all the questions.

From what we know, the cast members get paid after the season has been filmed. It reads to me that the person or entity who is OWED money must file for the garnishment AFTER the work is completed, but BEFORE the employee is paid.  

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

From what we know, the cast members get paid after the season has been filmed. It reads to me that the person or entity who is OWED money must file for the garnishment AFTER the work is completed, but BEFORE the employee is paid.  

That must be pretty tricky to do. These matters always confuse me. I'm grateful for my simple life. 

  • Love 8
On 1/17/2018 at 10:58 AM, Lm2162 said:

I will never ever understand why the Twitter/Instagram followers like who they like. The pattern is almost exactly the opposite of who gets the most frustration vs. sympathy here. Except for Mackenzie. LOL.

It's because more articles and truths gets posted here than on Twitter and Instagram, so we know the real stories behind the edited shows and biased tweets. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

That must be pretty tricky to do. These matters always confuse me. I'm grateful for my simple life. 

It has to be fast, too. That loan company must have been swift in getting the process going which includes filing the documents, receiving a court date, going to court to ask for the judgment, and then getting Ryan served through a process server or sheriff in a timely manner. 

I am not clear what the gap is between the ending of the show and when the participants get paid since they have to film the reunion shows and any specials. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

You guys OAR killing me!!!!!


(We really shouldn't joke. This is a sad story. Somewhere there's a fisherman out there missing his oars!)

Hey now, it could be a woman missing her oars. Equality! :-)  I agree. Some poor soul is without their oars all because Ryan and his drug buddy OARchestrated this thievery. 

What an OARdeal it must be dealing with Ryan. 

  • Love 12
On 12/6/2017 at 5:41 AM, ginger90 said:
  • From Mackenzie's blog
  • I moved to Texas when Ryan went to rehab. I was alone, I was scared, I was simply broken. The 11 hour drive to Texas was more than needed for my soul searching. I did a ton of praying, a ton of crying, but in the bottom of my heart I had a ton of hope. You see, you can't do this life on your own. I have never believed I could, either. If I had to answer the most commonly asked question, how do you stay strong? I would say, "Jesus." I need a whole lotta Jesus and a whole lot of coffee. lol. I keep reminding myself that when my house is dirty, I don't burn it down and get a new one. I clean it from the inside out and make it whole again, and that is what we have been up to for the past six months.
  • https://www.mackenzieedwards.org/
  • no clue why there are bullets, big fingers, or subliminal message........

Jesus God, Ryan, she’s an idiot.

On 12/6/2017 at 3:06 PM, mamadrama said:

I have never nodded out on Xanax. Xanax puts me straight to sleep or else makes me very loopy. The only "nodding" I've ever done is on opioids. 

You didn’t take “enough” - it totally happens, at least to some people.

On 12/8/2017 at 11:43 AM, Tatum said:

What was Mackenzie thinking with that short haircut? Not only does it age her, but it super highlights the fact that her chin ends approximately 2 cm from her lower lip.

She thinks she’s hot. That’s the only explanation, IMO.

On 12/8/2017 at 11:50 AM, Booger666 said:

I feel the same way.  In the beginning he was an asshole teen who was a little “off” and I wondered about an undiagnosed (or diagnosed but treatment declined) emotional or mental disorder.  And it has gotten worse over the years so I’ve wondered if the car accident and/or drugs have done permanent brain damage.  TBH, there are times he seems so low functioning it is sad.  Of course, none of this negates the bad choices he has made but I do have some sympathy for him because something is “off” and I think he is now beyond the point of realizing it and getting help for himself.

Ryan was nearly 21 years old when Bentley was born. He’s been coddled his entire life. Dude is 30 now. He’s fucked.

On 12/12/2017 at 10:08 AM, AirQuotes said:

I wish Dr. Drew was still doing his rehab show because then Ryan could go there and we could get all the juicy details!

I still say Fuck Dr Drew and his sham show. Way too many of them ended up dying. I’m glad it was cancelled.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 7
On 1/23/2018 at 11:42 AM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

So, ya'll....like, that is Ryan, right? Right? 

I think it really is.  


It looks exactly like him AND I feel like oars are something our brain-trust Ryan would totally steal. 

There is something about the guy in the photos' eyebrows, the brow ridge is too big.  Ryan's brow ridge is less prominent and also the guy in the pictures has very light eyebrow hair, and Ryan actually has really nice, dark eyebrows.

The guy in the picture also looks older to me.  I don't think this is him.  

14 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

There is something about the guy in the photos' eyebrows, the brow ridge is too big.  Ryan's brow ridge is less prominent and also the guy in the pictures has very light eyebrow hair, and Ryan actually has really nice, dark eyebrows.

The guy in the picture also looks older to me.  I don't think this is him.  

Nooooooo. I want to believe it is him. 


I don't want the oar jokes to end. :-) 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Hey now, it could be a woman missing her oars. Equality! :-)  I agree. Some poor soul is without their oars all because Ryan and his drug buddy OARchestrated this thievery. 

What an OARdeal it must be dealing with Ryan. 

He probably went to buy some at an oar house, but they were closed.

GREATKAZU, you may remember a notorious "beach bar" in Santa Monica, CA called The Oar House.  Not the ritzy part of Santa Monica, but the sketchy Ocean Park area next to Venice.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

He probably went to buy some at an oar house, but they were closed.

GREATKAZU, you may remember a notorious "beach bar" in Santa Monica, CA called The Oar House.  Not the ritzy part of Santa Monica, but the sketchy Ocean Park area next to Venice.

I do remember, now that you mentioned it. lol  Look: https://sblazak.wordpress.com/the-oar-house-in-santa-monica-circa-mid-1970s/

This is the newer one in memory of that old place: http://oarhousebuffalochips.com/

How much money could one get for some used oars? 

  • Love 2

She wrote she “moved” to TX while Ryan was in rehab?! The nerve. Bitch, you vacationed in TX for 2 weeks until Ryan felt he rehab’d enough to appease MTV.  Acting as if she sacrificed. Heifer didn’t even lose the oars to her favorite boat to a junkie and she’s blogging about sacrifice. I can’t even with this one. 

  • Love 18
16 hours ago, CofCinci said:

She wrote she “moved” to TX while Ryan was in rehab?! The nerve. Bitch, you vacationed in TX for 2 weeks until Ryan felt he rehab’d enough to appease MTV.  Acting as if she sacrificed. Heifer didn’t even lose the oars to her favorite boat to a junkie and she’s blogging about sacrifice. I can’t even with this one. 

Well, I’ve lived in a lot more places than I realized, if we go by her standards! I visited the UK for a few months but still wouldn’t say I lived there. She’s so special.

  • Love 12
25 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I overheard my daughter (13) saying this to one of her friends today and it reminded me of Mack: “She thinks she’s extra but she’s really just basic. Like basic basic.”

Bring your daughter to these boards!

Mackenzie is Triple B - Basic Basic Bitch

Tell your daughter THANK YOU. 


28 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Well, I’ve lived in a lot more places than I realized, if we go by her standards! I visited the UK for a few months but still wouldn’t say I lived there. She’s so special.

I know, right? 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 11

Can(you)e believe how OARverly insensitive people are being towards Ryan and this possible link to the Oar theft??

Maybe Amber can hook him up with a good lawyer in exchange for Huddles to make her a Christmas OARnament since her child doesn’t want to. 

I don’t mean to bOAR any of you with my OARful puns so I will reOARganize my thoughts. Ryan tOAR My hope for his future if he in fact stole for drug money. Mack needs to reOARder a new wedding ring before the money is gone!!

Stopping now. ?

P.S. This is my favorite bOARd in the world. K, leaving now.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 16
2 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

Can(you)e believe how OARverly insensitive people are being towards twOARds Ryan and this possible link to the Oar theft??

Maybe Amber can hook him up with a good lawyer in exchange for Huddles to make her a Christmas OARnament since her child doesn’t want to. 

I don’t mean to bOAR any of you with my OARful puns so I will reOARganize my thoughts. Ryan tOAR My hope for his future if he in fact stole for fOAR drug money. Mack needs to reOARder a new wedding ring before befOAR the money is gone!!

Stopping now. ?

P.S. This is my favorite bOARd in the world. K, leaving now.

Wonderful! lol 

I helped you out a bit. Not that it needed any fixing. :-) 

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Since Mackenzie is all into Jesus, God, and the bible, she shouldn't be judging anyone. After all, she had premarital sex with Ryan. 

I don't think she's into the Bible at all.  She into whatever the head holy guy at church says.  Which is fine, it allows all the older church ladies to pat her on the head and reaffirm she's a good little puppy.  A few "God bless"  "have a blessed day" and "we are praying for you/your family" and she's all set to be a good a little wife in public and a manipulative asshole behind closed doors.  Ryan, however, needs to get it together and step his church game up.  Then whOARing around can be overlooked by the ladies as just "nasty rumOARs".

  • Love 15

I don’t know anything about Ryan stealing oars and selling them for drugs but I have been in hysterics reading all of your “oar” puns. Such a clever group here! I do have a question, how much does a set of oars go for? I would think even Ryan could come up with a more lucrative thing to steal for drugs. How desperate he must be.

  • Love 10
22 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

I don’t know anything about Ryan stealing oars and selling them for drugs but I have been in hysterics reading all of your “oar” puns. Such a clever group here! I do have a question, how much does a set of oars go for? I would think even Ryan could come up with a more lucrative thing to steal for drugs. How desperate he must be.

I have asked the same question. I am going to Google this shit. lol 

Depending on the variables, Ebay shows oars can go from $40 to $150. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

(Allegedly not) Ryan didn't steal the oars to sell for drug money, ya'll. He stole them because in his drugged out mind, he thought it would be cool to take some oars....or he stole them to hit Mackenzie over the head with and then paddle himself out to the middle of the lake to dump her body.

Yeah, I know that murder plan would take too much effort for him to carry out. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 4

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