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Ryan: What the hell happened to him?

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2 hours ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

It appears Mackenzie says they only want one more but will leave it up to God as to when it arrives. So basically saying "I'm not on birth control and I may already be pregnant.

Ryan if you knock that crazy chick up, what minimal goodwill I've had for you will be gone in an instant. Like Farrah and Amber (which, obviously the latter has blown this now), the one thing I could respect about you was that you realized just how not cut out for parenting you are and you didn't get anyone else pregnant since Maci.


I wouldn't even trust condoms around Mac. ONLY USE THE ONES FROM A SEALED BOX. Really, just focus on your sobriety (cough) and your two jobs (double cough) any don't even think about sex.

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16 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Ryan if you knock that crazy chick up, what minimal goodwill I've had for you will be gone in an instant. Like Farrah and Amber (which, obviously the latter has blown this now), the one thing I could respect about you was that you realized just how not cut out for parenting you are and you didn't get anyone else pregnant since Maci.

Amen! Makes me miss the days when Ryan brought a new girl around every few months. I liked him better as the perpetual bachelor, because he was at least being responsible and not siring any more children. He's not fit to be a dad to the kid he has NOW, let alone any more. 

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20 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I'm totally upset that MTV is doing a "Being Mac" special before doing "Being Papa Randy," "Being Janet," "Being Suzi," and "Being Pete the Pig" specials. UGGHHHHH. Priorities, MTV. Priorities. 

(I'm stoked that they haven't done a "Being David" though. Hahahahaha, UBT.)

The one we are missing that is the most important of all is a "Being Addie Girl" special. Hell I'd watch her show like she was a better honey boo boo. 

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I'm sure he (and all his enablers) believe as long as he's not snorting/shooting/popping pills he's sober. I believe Amber is of the same school of thought. After being clean for awhile drinking might be an OKish thing for some people, dude JUST got home from rehab. Have some iced tea. 

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On the subject of Addie being similar to Honey Boo Boo, College Humor did a parody series of that show called Precious Plum. It is...amazingly on the nose. 

As far as Ryan goes, I am so not shocked that Mac is pushing this “Maci is his trigger!” angle. She is not slick at all. 

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1 hour ago, Birdee said:

I'm sure he (and all his enablers) believe as long as he's not snorting/shooting/popping pills he's sober. I believe Amber is of the same school of thought. After being clean for awhile drinking might be an OKish thing for some people, dude JUST got home from rehab. Have some iced tea. 

And you know what? I can sort of understand this, in some cases. Addiction is different for everyone. Some drug addicts may have no issues with alcohol. Or vice versa. But yea, the dude is FRESH out of rehab. It's like he just couldn't wait to get his hands on SOMETHING. And did you see how he was inhaling that food? The drugs are not the issue. There is something inside of him that causes him to need comfort/a high in whatever way he can get it. THAT'S what needs to be addressed......and clearly wasn't, during his whole twenty fucking days of rehab. 

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14 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I just remember the last time that we watched Ryan disappear for HOURS to get high and Mr. Guilfoyle said something like "wow, his dealer must really hate him." Like, makes him wait around for HOURS, probably in some stupid parking lot. 

That’s kinda how those things go though...usually waiting on a guy who is waiting on another guy, etc...

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12 hours ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

It appears Mackenzie says they only want one more but will leave it up to God as to when it arrives. So basically saying "I'm not on birth control and I may already be pregnant.

With the drugs in Ryan’s system, it is difficult to get an erection. So they at least have ED as birth control...

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2 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

With the drugs in Ryan’s system, it is difficult to get an erection. So they at least have ED as birth control...

It doesn't seem to stop him from trying to hookup with chicks on Tinder behind the local Food City.

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  • From Mackenzie's blog
  • I moved to Texas when Ryan went to rehab. I was alone, I was scared, I was simply broken. The 11 hour drive to Texas was more than needed for my soul searching. I did a ton of praying, a ton of crying, but in the bottom of my heart I had a ton of hope. You see, you can't do this life on your own. I have never believed I could, either. If I had to answer the most commonly asked question, how do you stay strong? I would say, "Jesus." I need a whole lotta Jesus and a whole lot of coffee. lol. I keep reminding myself that when my house is dirty, I don't burn it down and get a new one. I clean it from the inside out and make it whole again, and that is what we have been up to for the past six months.
  • https://www.mackenzieedwards.org/
  • no clue why there are bullets, big fingers, or subliminal message........
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59 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Mackenzie, when a house burns down - it’s no longer habitable. No amount of love and cleaning can make it a house again. 

If remaining in that shell of a house gets you a spot on MTV and a vacation to Mexico, I guess it's worth it to some people??

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I think the little pea-brained fame whore really did. I think she thought she'd marry Ryan, make them look like a happy little family and show that bitch Maci what a real woman and wife can do. But, she's not real bright, Ryan is an uninvolved, mama's boy addict so her plan kinda went to shit. And why the hell did she have to move to Texas for a 21-day rehab stint? Stay at home, see your kid and then pick up Ryan when he gets done. It's not rocket science, Mac!

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On 11/3/2017 at 3:04 AM, Bridget said:

Most opiates (i.e. Oxycontin, Opana) should not cause such severe drowsiness, even when taking a few at a time. However, if he took anything like a Vicodin/Percocet (or nine) and some benzos, that would definitely cause Sleeping Beauty to have the reaction he did while driving to his wedding.

There are always exceptions, but drug abusers are not using prescription opiates the way they did when the "opiate epidemic" first started.  For one thing, many of the prescription painkillers currently available are manufactured differently nowadays (to deter abuse), and many of them lack the potency they once had.  Furthermore, many physicians have reduced the amount of opiates they prescribe, even to legitimate pain patients.

My guess is that Ryan was using anything he could get his hands on, with a preference for heroin due to its availability, cost, and potent high.  If that turns out to be the case I hope and pray he abstains from using it in the future due to the fentanyl that is now being mixed into the heroin.

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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18 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I never, for a minute, thought that was Xanax. 

I have never nodded out on Xanax. Xanax puts me straight to sleep or else makes me very loopy. The only "nodding" I've ever done is on opioids. 

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I can't stand watching them in the car anymore, just watched a not shown scene on FB... Ryan still looks high as heck, Mackenzie is most likely in it for Teen Mom fame (other alternative is she's just really stupid). Sounds like she wants to get pregnant by Ryan ASAP to keep cashing those teen mom checks. Jen, Larry, and Mackenzie are all enabling Ryan. Very sad situation.

Edited by Lusterleaf
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I can't help but hope that Ryan got himself snipped before meeting Mackenzie and just hasn't bothered to tell her. I just have a hard time buying that he hasn't gotten anyone else knocked up since Maci without going through surgery.  He  just doesn't seem smart enough to use birth control. 

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Ryan used to be able to land fairly accomplished young women, who had things going on in their lives besides famewhoring (like school or a job), and probably had as much to lose by an unplanned pregnancy as Ryan did, and therefore took more care with the birth control.  I bet he doesn't give it up for Mackenzie though.

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On 12/5/2017 at 9:36 AM, Tatum said:

Ryan if you knock that crazy chick up, what minimal goodwill I've had for you will be gone in an instant. Like Farrah and Amber (which, obviously the latter has blown this now), the one thing I could respect about you was that you realized just how not cut out for parenting you are and you didn't get anyone else pregnant since Maci.


I wouldn't even trust condoms around Mac. ONLY USE THE ONES FROM A SEALED BOX. Really, just focus on your sobriety (cough) and your two jobs (double cough) any don't even think about sex.

Right? At this point all I have left in the "well, at least they didn't bring another kid in this mess" situation are Ryan and Farrah. Come on, Ryan!!!!

8 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Ryan used to be able to land fairly accomplished young women, who had things going on in their lives besides famewhoring (like school or a job), and probably had as much to lose by an unplanned pregnancy as Ryan did, and therefore took more care with the birth control.  I bet he doesn't give it up for Mackenzie though.


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44 minutes ago, Lusterleaf said:

I can't stand watching them in the car anymore, just watched a not shown scene on FB... Ryan still looks high as heck, Mackenzie is most likely in it for Teen Mom fame (other alternative is she's just really stupid). Sounds like she wants to get pregnant by Ryan ASAP to keep cashing those teen mom checks. Jen, Larry, and Mackenzie are all enabling Ryan. Very sad situation.

Can you link the scene? 

I felt so ill watching him behind the wheel in the most recent episode. Too soon, man, too soon. 

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4 hours ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

Furthermore, many physicians have reduced the amount of opiates they prescribe, even to legitimate pain patients.

Like my mother, who is 70 and is nearly crippled from an untreated case of severe scoliosis.

Absolutely infuriating.

Edited by bethster2000
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19 hours ago, ginger90 said:


I assume this was aired, I don't have access. 


They should really hire a driver, "do not operate heavy machinery", that's my advice.

Hmmm...all I got out of that was Mackenzie telling Ryan she is GOING to to get knocked up by him. He better sober up before he becomes a victim of a late night sneak attack like Tyler. 

Tyler had no input on Cate getting pregnant with Nova and at the first sign of a nod, Mac is gonna hop on Ryan's dick and ride her way to a new storyline.

Edited by Brooklynista
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Have they said on the show who paid for Ryan's rehab? I know there was some speculation that Mack's insurance through work paid for it, and that's why they had that freakshow of a wedding that Jen was openly bawling at, but then I thought we found out Mack wasn't working at the time, and plus, can you just go into HR at most places and say, hey, I got married yesterday! Yes, thanks for the congrats. By the way, I need to not only add my husband under my plan, but we also need to make a reservation at a rehab clinic in TX, post haste. OK, thanks!


I was thinking MTV paid for it, but as Ryan is a Teen Dad, not a Teen Mom, maybe they didn't.


Maybe Jen and Larry just paid out of pocket?

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On 12/6/2017 at 5:08 PM, ghoulina said:

Can you link the scene? 

I felt so ill watching him behind the wheel in the most recent episode. Too soon, man, too soon. 

Do you have facebook? All I have a link is to the video on there

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What was Mackenzie thinking with that short haircut? Not only does it age her, but it super highlights the fact that her chin ends approximately 2 cm from her lower lip.


She looked semi attractive in some of her instagram photos where she has long hair and glasses, and actually appears to be in her 20s.


ETA: in the scene posted above for those who don't want to watch:


(While discussing the need to buy a bigger house)

Mack: Well, if we wanted more kids-

Ryan: That's a big if

Mack: I know, but if we wanted them, we would have the space.


Sounds like not only is Ryan not wanting kids right now, he's not sure he wants them ever. Ryan, seriously, if you are going to bang this chick, wear a condom that came from an unopened box. Maybe just ask for BJs for the foreseeable future.

Edited by Tatum
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On 11/28/2017 at 8:10 PM, mamadrama said:

Am I the only one who feels sorry for Ryan? There is something "off" there.

I feel the same way.  In the beginning he was an asshole teen who was a little “off” and I wondered about an undiagnosed (or diagnosed but treatment declined) emotional or mental disorder.  And it has gotten worse over the years so I’ve wondered if the car accident and/or drugs have done permanent brain damage.  TBH, there are times he seems so low functioning it is sad.  Of course, none of this negates the bad choices he has made but I do have some sympathy for him because something is “off” and I think he is now beyond the point of realizing it and getting help for himself.

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16 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

I feel the same way.  In the beginning he was an asshole teen who was a little “off” and I wondered about an undiagnosed (or diagnosed but treatment declined) emotional or mental disorder.  And it has gotten worse over the years so I’ve wondered if the car accident and/or drugs have done permanent brain damage.  TBH, there are times he seems so low functioning it is sad.  Of course, none of this negates the bad choices he has made but I do have some sympathy for him because something is “off” and I think he is now beyond the point of realizing it and getting help for himself.

it's ironic that he asked Maci if Kyle was "slow"

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34 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

I feel the same way.  In the beginning he was an asshole teen who was a little “off” and I wondered about an undiagnosed (or diagnosed but treatment declined) emotional or mental disorder.  And it has gotten worse over the years so I’ve wondered if the car accident and/or drugs have done permanent brain damage.  TBH, there are times he seems so low functioning it is sad.  Of course, none of this negates the bad choices he has made but I do have some sympathy for him because something is “off” and I think he is now beyond the point of realizing it and getting help for himself.

Seeing more of Larry's beer can redneck ways,  I doubt he would be the type of dad who would understand a son with mental illness or depression.  Now that the curtain has been pulled back a bit, he seems more the punch em in the chest to "man up" type of dad.

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45 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

OMG. This chick is so thirsty. To refer to her own hair as "beautiful"? Already pimping products on social media? And HOW can she be so busy "as a mom"? Doesn't her ex have their son at least half the time, if not more? Then again, maybe she's referring to Ryan...

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Thanks for posting the scene, guys! I agree, Ryan did seem a bit out of it. Thank God he wasn't driving that time. 

I see Mac is already to buy her a grand house and get knocked, cementing herself as the Briana of this edition. 

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9 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

Did she get extensions?  At the reunion in May or June she had chopped all of her hair off.

Yup. See the ratty, frizzy, short pieces on top? That's her actual hair. The smooth, curled stuff is what she bought. 

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Back to that god awful blog post, so Mac, if your house is dirty, you're not going to burn it down and leave it but your going to clean it up and fix it like a good Christian woman would? 

Well, how come you didn't think this way with your last husband? I mean, it sure seems like ya burned down that house awful quick when MTV came a calling. 

I just hate hypocrites like her. Anyone not knowing her history would read that and think, she is so inspiring for sticking  by her husband despite everything and what a godly woman she is. All the while, she's 21, already divorced once, gave up full custody of her kid to be on MTV, and married a guy who was clearly under the influence just to cement her claim to fame. She pisses me off so much. 

Just watched the clip from above. Why the shades, Ryan? He seems like the same old, barely there, Ryan. And Mac just chattering away ignoring the current state of her husband. Yep gonna be a great year, full of great things Mackenzie, just keep telling yourself that. 

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On ‎12‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 10:07 AM, teapot said:

it's ironic that he asked Maci if Kyle was "slow"

Kinda like how ironic it was for Maci talking shit about how old Mac looks. Maci has no room to talk at all about looks with all her flaws. 

Re Mackenzie's Instagram post - "#getcurling"?  It makes me think of people sliding granite stones on ice, not one curling their hair. 

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You know I was thinking about how funny this whole thing is with Ryan. We've had this forum labeled "Ryan, What the hell happened to him?" forever. Yet his baby mama, nor his live in gf, nor his parents had a clue he had a problem. ?

I know a lot of posters have pointed that out before but I was just thinking of the ridiculousness of it all. 

To Maci & Taylor, Mackenzie, and Jen & Larry, we viewers are not fucking stupid. Stop trying to pull one over on us and own your shit!


Oh and Larry? Either spill what you have on Maci or STFU! I hate when people say that cryptic stuff. It's like those vague fb posts. 

Edited by AmandaUnbidden
Added something
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