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S06.E15: I Do!

Tara Ariano
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I'm pretty sure you're my hero, @mamadrama. I too enjoy taking pictures (mostly of golf holes), and once had aspirations of being a writer professionally but never could stick with any one idea long enough. I admire artists quite a bit, good for you!

And doy, of course that Honey Lake place was paid for by MTV. At least in part. And I might be alone, but I think people who have big weddings in "destinations" are about the biggest self0involved assholes on earth...UNLESS MTV footed part of the travel budget too. I mean destination weddings are cool, but that's the ultimate SMALL wedding idea in my book. Don't invite me to your wedding in the Bahamas, it costs me how much to get there!

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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5 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I'm pretty sure you're my hero, mamadrama. I too enjoy taking pictures (mostly of golf holes), and once had aspirations of being a writer professionally but never could stick with any one idea long enough. I admire artists quite a bit, good for you!

And doy, of course that Honey Lake place was paid for by MTV. At least in part. And I might be alone, but I think people who have big weddings in "destinations" are about the biggest self0involved assholes on earth...UNLESS MTV footed part of the travel budget too. I mean destination weddings are cool, but that's the ultimate SMALL wedding idea in my book. Don't invite me to your wedding in the Bahamas, it costs me how much to get there!

MTV paid for it, directly or indirectly.

Destination weddings are OK if you are George Clooney and all of your friends are affluent.  Otherwise they are indeed selfish endeavors.

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2 hours ago, charmed1 said:

I noticed Maci's bridal party had flannel shirts with dumb shit printed on the back. I thought that trend was over after Britney Spears married K-Fed. 

WTF is that shit for anyways? How long will they wear those shirts? Two hours? What a damn waste. It looked like the stupid sayings were their nicknames. Maci's friend Taylor had "Tay" on her shirt. Big fucking eyeroll.

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3 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

MTV paid for it, directly or indirectly.

Destination weddings are OK if you are George Clooney and all of your friends are affluent.  Otherwise they are indeed selfish endeavors.

I agree, I hate when people do this. Invite me to a destination wedding and there is no way I am going . I don't have the $ or time off work to travel.

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12 minutes ago, ChicagoChris said:

I agree, I hate when people do this. Invite me to a destination wedding and there is no way I am going . I don't have the $ or time off work to travel.

They don't really want you there. And hey that's cool. I know I pushed hard for a destination wedding because I was trying to weed out the deadbeats on the other side. Assholey? Perhaps a bit.

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So sick of Debra's high pitched crying voice.  "I'm not perfect."  No shit lady.   I'm not a fan of Farrah's but perhaps she should have told her boyfriend to let the fuck go of her daughter after he attacked her verbally after knowing her for 5 seconds.   Just a thought...

Love Maci's wedding and loved her dress and loved Larry and Jen being there.  It was nice to see Ryan there and his "You're welcome" to Maci's, "Thanks for coming" seemed heartfelt.   I've grown to like Taylor and he seems like a good father to his two children and an involved step father to Bentley.  I'm rooting for these two.  They seem to have great friends and decent families who love them.   Maci is a calm, loving, and involved mother.   I hope they keep on keepin' on.  So what if she hasn't finished college yet, hopefully someday she'll get there. 

Tyler still throwing shade at Catelynn letting her know she's not good enough for him when they were leaving their room for the wedding and Cate dribbled whatever it was she was chugging down the front of her dress.  Tyler tossed back a, "Classy" comment at her to embarrass her.   Because you know, Tyler is full of class himself.  Not.

I like how at the end of the episode they were playing sappy music and showing all of the parents with their children except for Amber.  Whose fat ass was laying her bed playing with her bruised self and lamenting about reunion shows and bullshit all while sporting that squishy little bun on top of her head.  Nice boobs there Amber.   You're a good friend for missing Maci's wedding for elective surgery.  <slow clap>

Edited by Emmierose
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I thought Maci's wedding was very nice, and it was cool to have everything right there together, but she lives in Chattanooga. There are some awesome places around there. Unless she got Honey Lake for free, then I don't understand why she couldn't have had a venue closer to home. 

This! When we were watching this my husband asked me what happened to the Florida venue?I told him it was the FL venue. He correctly pointed out, the chapel especially, looked like venues in Gatlinburg which is only about an hour or two from her house and would have made way more sense.

On a side note, please help the victims in Gatlinburg if able to in anyway. Not only have these people lost everything they own, most have also lost their jobs as well.

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2 hours ago, Blissfool said:

So how did maci and Taylor meet in the first place, if he lived 800 miles away?

Did he hit on her via Twitter like Matt with Amber ???

The young mom met Taylor, a granite company worker, after filming her MTV reunion special, Being Maci in December 2012. They met through mutual friends in Dallas. The pair have been dating long-distance for seven months, reports In Touch.


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On Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 9:40 AM, AirQuotes said:

Apparently I'm in the minority because I like Deb's new boyfriend. lol  Yes, his timing was inappropriate, but really so what?  For once, someone put Farrah in her place and she didn't have anything to say.  I don't care about the who, what, where, and/or when of it happening.  I just like that it happened.

How many times have we seen Farrah bringing up inappropriate stuff at inappropriate times?  Finally!  She got a dose of her own medicine and I like it!

WELL SAID!!!! I CONCUR AND AGREE! LOL If you can dish it be prepared to take it as well.

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On Monday, November 28, 2016 at 11:41 PM, Evie said:

Tyler: Where's our kid?   Catelynn: Who cares.

Maci's kids were very cute at the wedding.

Amber and Matt are so disgusting. Poor Leah. Sorry, can't live closer, too busy pretending to be upscale.

I think you're the first one to mention Cate saying that, this chick needs another kid like she needs a hole in her damn head! Those two words(WHO CARES) said a whole lot!!! Smh

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On Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 0:54 AM, Meatball said:

I see Farrah learned to say 'literally' from Rob Lowe on Parks & Rec.

I don't care who the old guy was, anyone who calls Farrah on her shit AND leaves her so speechless she has to leave gets an A in my book. With all of the misery she has spread around, she has about twenty years of verbal abuse and being treated like the moron she is coming to her.

Amber: I ate green beans for dinner and STILL didn't lose weight so I HAVE to go for this insane surgery to feel better about reunions! (Sit next to Catelynn, you'll look like her thin friend!) Leah, your mom doesn't love you the way she should. You are smart and a very sweet little girl but your bio mom simply doesn't have the capacity to be the mom she should be. It's a deficiency. I hope you learn this sooner rather than later. You seem to have a nice little family with your dad, Kristine and little sister. Cling on to that.

White trash wedding with money. Yawn. Ryan's eyes? There's something more than drugs.

Original Catelynn VO: We're going to Maci's wedding in a week so since my mom is already taking care of NotCarly, we decided to leave her there and we'll see her when we see her.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I freaking love you Meatball!??????

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On Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 9:40 AM, Uncle JUICE said:

I gaurantee you I've spent the most time imagining the hilariously gross ways that doctor and Debra have sex. I'm sure he smells like cured meats, that he sweats so much the drips fall on her, and that there's a lot of farting once they fall asleep. Also, why did Simon say he's at the opera farting as loud as he wants and hooting and hollering as much as he wants? Was that some part of a conversation we missed where he was telling them about how he likes the opera and farting? Because that seems like a bizarre random assertion otherwise. 

And yes, since he stole the idea for the book cover.

I love you Uncle Juice!???

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15 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

They don't really want you there. And hey that's cool. I know I pushed hard for a destination wedding because I was trying to weed out the deadbeats on the other side. Assholey? Perhaps a bit.

But how many people did you expect to be there? For me, if the number is small, then you're sending a clear message, and I don't think that in and of itself is assholey. I think if you invite 125 people to a wedding in Jamaica, you're sending a different but equally clear message: "You better still send a gift."

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4 hours ago, Yolo said:

I think you're the first one to mention Cate saying that, this chick needs another kid like she needs a hole in her damn head! Those two words(WHO CARES) said a whole lot!!! Smh

Others were talking about it earlier. 


We got invited to a destination wedding at a resort to Cancun once. The idea was to hang around for a week and drink. We decline because we can only afford one vacation a year and, with two young children, we’re more Pigeon Forge/Myrtle Beach oriented at the moment. The couple was totally offended we didn’t go. Oh well.

I am not a Farrah fan or sympathizer. I think she is a miserable human being and Homegirl and I would be in the middle of a brawl by the end of our first day of hanging out. I don’t understand her parenting decisions and detest the way she speaks to people. With that being said…

The scene with the boyfriend made me extremely uncomfortable. It made me uncomfortable because Farrah wasn’t fighting back. She sat there, looking like a deer in headlights, while this total stranger went at her over stuff that was none of his business. And Farrah was actually being okay up to that point. She must have taken her meds before she walked in or something. This wasn’t one of those times where she was being shitty and someone lashed out.

I have wanted someone to put her in her place for years, but by that I mean a therapist or a friend or a disgruntled employee-someone who has a REASON to talk to her like that. NOT an old Teen Mom creeper.

The guy wasn’t lecturing her because he cared about her or knew her or understood the situation (I am assuming he was only going by what he’d seen on TV which, who knows, may or may not be the real story). This dude was just trying to extend his television moment. And then he totally invaded her personal space by latching onto her in one of the most awkward hugs I’ve ever seen.

Farrah is a broken, disturbed person. She doesn’t need to be put in her place by an old geezer who thinks he knows her because he watched her, as a 16-year-old, give birth on television once she could no longer fit into her cheerleading uniform.

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21 hours ago, charmed1 said:

I noticed Maci's bridal party had flannel shirts with dumb shit printed on the back. I thought that trend was over after Britney Spears married K-Fed. 

I noticed too. It was their nicknames.  I remember doing that on our drill team uniforms in 7th grade back in 1983.

There were fewer girls on the drill team than there were in Maci's bridal party.

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7 hours ago, Yolo said:

I think you're the first one to mention Cate saying that, this chick needs another kid like she needs a hole in her damn head! Those two words(WHO CARES) said a whole lot!!! Smh

Cate has been saying this for a very long time by way of her actions and total neglect of NonCarly.  It is just the first time Cate has been captured on camera to actually say those two words. Cate could be a mute person, but the whole "who cares" attitude would be heard loud and clear. 

@mamadrama agree. For all of Farrah's faults, as females, we should sympathize and be appalled when  we watch a male manhandle or cross that boundary where he is putting his hands on a female and holding her against her will. That is also a separate action from the lecturing he was giving Farrah, which was also not his business. The whole control aspect of both of those actions reminds me of the whole vile and admitted illegal act of "grabbing them by the p***y". The idea and notion that somehow females need to be touched or handled in a manner in order to show them who is in charge. 

God, it is really burning me up. What a fucking creepy bastard. He and Matt are both scummy assholes who have gone after Farrah in pretty much the same way. Pigs!!!!!

Edited by GreatKazu
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46 minutes ago, stacyasp said:

what happened to Ryan, I know the eye thing was mentioned here briefly but OMG just watched and he looks bizarre....what could it be?

Still a mystery from what I've been reading.  Nobody in his family has commented on it.  Looks OK in the TMOG Reunion photo & video clip.




Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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7 hours ago, GreatKazu said:


@mamadrama agree. For all of Farrah's faults, as females, we should sympathize and be appalled when  we watch a male manhandle or cross that boundary where he is putting his hands on a female and holding her against her will. That is also a separate action from the lecturing he was giving Farrah, which was also not his business. The whole control aspect of both of those actions reminds me of the whole vile and admitted illegal act of "grabbing them by the p***y". The idea and notion that somehow females need to be touched or handled in a manner in order to show them who is in charge. 


Yes, I think that's exactly what bothered me. Right up there with men we don't know telling us to "smile". It is NOT acceptable to grab onto us and embrace us or touch us in an intimate way if you do not know us. I am a hugger by nature. However, as a woman I am also consciously wary of my personal space. Most women have pretty good internal antennas, too.  Especially in this kind of situation, where you've just met, you let the woman make the move. If she moves to hug you, then reciprocate in an appropriate way. But he all but backed her up and clung to her. 

I don't know if Farrah suffers from past trauma, a personality disorder, or a mental health condition but, regardless, I have to draw a line somewhere and what he did was just not entertaining to me. 

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4 hours ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

You know, I really felt for Ryan. Whatever happened between Ryan and Larry is obviously now in the past. His eyes look normal too.

I do too.

This is also a good example of how they kept whatever happened, private. As private as one can expect on a tv show. It is also a good lesson for the rest of these dumbasses like Amber, Cate, Tyler, Kailyn, Leah, and Jenelle, who thrive off social media, get into Twitter wars, and exploit what crappy lives they live, on television for the almighty dollar.

Maci, Ryan, Jen and Larry kept things low key after that drama that surfaced about the fight with Ryan. No one spoke to the tabloids. No one posted on Twitter. No one posted any subtle hints or jabs at anyone. As quickly as that problem escalated, it quickly went away, all because all of those involved decided to keep mum about it. I know I have no cares about it anymore simply because it seems whatever happened has now been squashed. 

Maci didn't even try to defend herself all that much with the "drinking while pregnant" drama that surfaced. Although there was a lot of focus on that, it could have been much, much bigger and a whole lot worse if she had gone the Amber route which is to go to social media and start a Twitter riot with people, comment as to who are the haters, and how people don't know the truth.


Most women have pretty good internal antennas, too.  Especially in this kind of situation, where you've just met, you let the woman make the move. If she moves to hug you, then reciprocate in an appropriate way. But he all but backed her up and clung to her.

He really did make it hard for her to just remove herself from that "hug" of his. She was cornered. And throughout all of this, Simon and Deb just stood there.

I am reminded of a concert I went to last year with my husband. I was being manhandled by a male who was there with his wife. He thought he was being friendly by wanting me to be in his photos with his wife. I declined. He was all, "C'mon, let's take some photos so I can post them on Facebook" as he was grabbing me by my arm. I kept advising him to keep his hands to himself. My husband warned him to back off or else. I finally had to yell at the guy to keep his hands off of me. The guy gave me this look as if I was off my rocker and needed to chill out.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Bentley is just cute as a little button!  The wedding was sweet.

Farrah has always been a mess.  What kind of childhood did she have that she's that much of a nightmare?  Was Deb like that when she was a child?  We know Sophia is going to be and already is, awful.  I did love when Sofia told Farrah she was rude and Farrah was so pissed!  LOL

I feel for Catelyn.  I think she's needed help since before she gave up Carly.  Having a new baby didn't help at all.  

Amber bores the shit out of me.

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Sigh, I was a Farrah fan until she went off the rails with the porn and the ridiculous surgeries. I saw her as hard-working and eager to make a future for herself and her daughter capitalizing on her reality fame. The scene with her and Dr. Famewhore was so disturbing. Wish she would get some real therapy with no cameras first, and then involve her mom, again with no voyeuristic MTV cameras following her. It's time for her to heal.

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You guys are tripping balls with this sympathy for Farrah. Yes it was awkward. Yes he was creepy. But she deserved every second of it. I enjoyed seeing her squirm like she makes everyone else around her squirm even her daughter. 

Farrah has no history with this man so it's not like she's scared of him and he's been creeping on her all her life! It shows that she's weak and she only attacks people that she thinks she can dominate in the conversation. I don't know if it was his education or his even tone that intimidated her. But I was living for it. 

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2 hours ago, dadondada said:

You guys are tripping balls with this sympathy for Farrah. Yes it was awkward. Yes he was creepy. But she deserved every second of it. I enjoyed seeing her squirm like she makes everyone else around her squirm even her daughter. 

I don't have much sympathy for Farrah. I agree that she treats people horribly. And she should be called to task for that. But her mother's boyfriend was one step away from sexually assaulting her. I can't say that ANYONE deserves that. As someone who's step dad started getting a bit too "handsy" with me during my teen years, I can relate to that feeling of having a man hug you too long. It's not cool, and now we're hearing that he's basically trying to turn Debra INTO Farrah. Dude is straight up creepy. Farrah's horrible personality doesn't make HIS horrible behavior okay. 

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3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't have much sympathy for Farrah. I agree that she treats people horribly. And she should be called to task for that. But her mother's boyfriend was one step away from sexually assaulting her. I can't say that ANYONE deserves that. As someone who's step dad started getting a bit too "handsy" with me during my teen years, I can relate to that feeling of having a man hug you too long. It's not cool, and now we're hearing that he's basically trying to turn Debra INTO Farrah. Dude is straight up creepy. Farrah's horrible personality doesn't make HIS horrible behavior okay. 

This. Just because Farrah has behaved badly doesn't allow you to justify further bad behavior on the part of others. She had just met this man, and he basically cornered her and started thrusting himself upon her. It was creepy af, I don't care who it is. 

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2 hours ago, dadondada said:


You guys are tripping balls with this sympathy for Farrah. Yes it was awkward. Yes he was creepy. But she deserved every second of it. I enjoyed seeing her squirm like she makes everyone else around her squirm even her daughter. 




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5 hours ago, dadondada said:

You guys are tripping balls with this sympathy for Farrah. Yes it was awkward. Yes he was creepy. But she deserved every second of it. I enjoyed seeing her squirm like she makes everyone else around her squirm even her daughter. 

Farrah has no history with this man so it's not like she's scared of him and he's been creeping on her all her life! It shows that she's weak and she only attacks people that she thinks she can dominate in the conversation. I don't know if it was his education or his even tone that intimidated her. But I was living for it. 

As a sexual assault victim, I do not care how horrid any person is to their family, friends, or employees.  Farrah's behavior is not worthy of any sort of sexual intimidation. I would never wish anything like that to happen to anyone. Anything that involves any male, or even a female, putting their hands and/or body in close contact to any person forcibly and against their will, is a violation.  I am disgusted to think that anyone finds that acceptable, funny, or even karma at play here. This reminds me of the attitude that some people have about prostitutes and the idea that rapists should go and rape a prostitute instead of an innocent person because a prostitute is not worthy and is society's trash and therefore, deserves to be harmed.

Regarding the bolding, which is mine, the fact she doesn't know this person (he is no man), makes no difference. In fact, it can be worse because she doesn't know his history. If she had a hint that he might be some kind of pervert, she at least has that knowledge and can stand her ground, not be around him, she can make that choice. Still, it is irrelevant. Whether one knows someone or they are perfect strangers, no one should ever violate or invade the private space of another without permission or consent.

I don't have to have been an assault victim in order to have sympathy or understanding. I just know it is never right for any human being to be subjected to any sort of pawing, touching, manhandling, caressing, hugging, embracing, feeling or groping that is against their will.

Farrah is who she is and as much as I cannot stand how she treats people and how much her behavior will affect her precious daughter, I cannot fathom the idea that it is somehow funny or even okay for her to be on the receiving end of some guy's paws.  That was not consensual. She didn't put herself into his space or give any indication she wanted a hug. That guy pushed his whole body into hers, put his arms around her, and just invaded her safe boundary that we all should have and should protect. She was cornered. She looked uncomfortable. She had that same look that I had when I was supposed to be nice to the family friend who just wanted to hug me and embrace me many times. That same family friend who violated my space many times by wanting to hold my hand, or kiss me on the cheek. The same person who eventually took my innocence. All of this happened when I was a child.

This guy didn't rape her, but he did cross the line. I am thinking of the recent story of Marlon Brando and the young woman in the movie Last Tango in Paris. Brando didn't rape his co-star per se, but he did go further than she anticipated and violated her body against her will.

As females, we are made to feel bad for not wanting any person to hug us or embrace us in certain situations. We have a right to not want to have anyone be touchy with our hands and our bodies. I have sympathy for Farrah because she was likely inebriated after drinking wine, and probably felt if she pushed him away or said something horrible to him, she would get another tongue-lashing from this asshole who had already made it his business to tell her off for how she mistreats her mother. Yes, what he told her was the truth, BUT IT IS NOT HIS PLACE TO TELL HER THAT TRUTH. Farrah did not ask for his opinion.

If I were to ever meet any one of these girls in person, it is not my business to go and tell them what I really think of them and how shitty each and every one of them are. I post here what I think and feel. I am not in their face telling them.  Now, if I was invited to sit down where I could meet these girls and was given permission to ask questions or let them know how I really feel about them, then I would do so. Doctor McSkeevy had no business whatsoever to tell Farrah anything. He is not Deb's husband. He was in no position to say a damn thing about the relationship between Deb and Farrah.

Frankly, I am sick of all of these mutherfuckers who think they can go after Farrah in various ways and for what? Because she made a porn tape? It surely isn't because she is rude to Mama Deb. MTV is the biggest asshole of all for allowing a lot of this crap to happen to Farrah by the likes of Maci, Amber, and Cate.

Edited by SPLAIN
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6 hours ago, dadondada said:

You guys are tripping balls with this sympathy for Farrah. Yes it was awkward. Yes he was creepy. But she deserved every second of it. I enjoyed seeing her squirm like she makes everyone else around her squirm even her daughter. 

Farrah has no history with this man so it's not like she's scared of him and he's been creeping on her all her life! It shows that she's weak and she only attacks people that she thinks she can dominate in the conversation. I don't know if it was his education or his even tone that intimidated her. But I was living for it. 

No amount of bitchiness could ever make me take joy in what looks like sexual assault/nonconsensual touching or at least the beginnings of it. I've been sexually assaulted and I sure as hell am not perfect. But I definitely didn't deserve it and absolutely nobody does, no matter how bitchy. This is what rape culture is...somehow it's the victim's fault.

@SPLAIN love your post re: rape culture, thanks for that. 

2 hours ago, hatchetgirl said:

Exactly, no amount of shitiness from Farrah deserves that. I personally think she may have been sexually assaulted as a child. Explains her horrific anger with her mom.

100% agree. Ironically she's the only one who won't cop to a mental disorder, but she's the only one I believe has sexual trauma in her childhood. JMO.

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14 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

No amount of bitchiness could ever make me take joy in what looks like sexual assault/nonconsensual touching or at least the beginnings of it. I've been sexually assaulted and I sure as hell am not perfect. But I definitely didn't deserve it and absolutely nobody does, no matter how bitchy. This is what rape culture is...somehow it's the victim's fault.

@SPLAIN love your post re: rape culture, thanks for that. 

100% agree. Ironically she's the only one who won't cop to a mental disorder, but she's the only one I believe has sexual trauma in her childhood. JMO.

Exactly, the rape culture is to blame the victim or imply that she/he is deserving of the crime. Sickening. Are we not in 2016?

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Farrah is a poster child for untreated childhood sexual abuse. In her book, which I didn't read but read the reviews, she describes pretty extensive sexual experiences with Derrick at age 15 (I think). You don't tend to start with anal sex when you first begin experimenting sexually. There was also someone who dated her in Tampa that commented on something before her porn came out, describing what it would contain, and he was right. Being uninhibited sexually does not mean that she was abused, and I realize I'm not wording this correctly, but being that experienced at such a young age, along with her warped sense of self is commonly found in sexual abuse survivors who have not received treatment. She seems to think her body is what she has to offer to the world, and uses it to get what she wants in life.

I've always wondered if that was part of the reason her parents put up with her crap. I actually think that if Farrah were to sit down for forensic psychological testing, she would be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. She is a crappy, nasty, negative person, who is also mentally ill, IMO. There is a complete disconnect cognitively with her, a lot of the time. During a major MS flare, I do that same word salad because my brain is not firing correctly. When you realize it is happening, it's frustrating, but often times, I don't. An example with Farrah was were she held up her Food Handler's Certification and told her mom it was a Food Manager's Certification, because she was a manager. I think that the words on that document changed to manager in mind, and when she looks at it, she sees and reads manager

As an aside, after watching the dinner scene, what sympathy I may have had for Debra putting up with Farrah has completely disappeared. She sat there looking adoringly at her new boyfriend while he tore Farrah down, and then didn't step in to pull him off Farrah when she was so clearly trying to get away from him. Neither did Simon, but I didn't expect anything from him in the first place, so his lack of action isn't a surprise.

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1 hour ago, Christina said:

Farrah is a poster child for untreated childhood sexual abuse. In her book, which I didn't read but read the reviews, she describes pretty extensive sexual experiences with Derrick at age 15 (I think). You don't tend to start with anal sex when you first begin experimenting sexually. There was also someone who dated her in Tampa that commented on something before her porn came out, describing what it would contain, and he was right. Being uninhibited sexually does not mean that she was abused, and I realize I'm not wording this correctly, but being that experienced at such a young age, along with her warped sense of self is commonly found in sexual abuse survivors who have not received treatment. She seems to think her body is what she has to offer to the world, and uses it to get what she wants in life.

I've always wondered if that was part of the reason her parents put up with her crap. I actually think that if Farrah were to sit down for forensic psychological testing, she would be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. She is a crappy, nasty, negative person, who is also mentally ill, IMO. There is a complete disconnect cognitively with her, a lot of the time. During a major MS flare, I do that same word salad because my brain is not firing correctly. When you realize it is happening, it's frustrating, but often times, I don't. An example with Farrah was were she held up her Food Handler's Certification and told her mom it was a Food Manager's Certification, because she was a manager. I think that the words on that document changed to manager in mind, and when she looks at it, she sees and reads manager

As an aside, after watching the dinner scene, what sympathy I may have had for Debra putting up with Farrah has completely disappeared. She sat there looking adoringly at her new boyfriend while he tore Farrah down, and then didn't step in to pull him off Farrah when she was so clearly trying to get away from him. Neither did Simon, but I didn't expect anything from him in the first place, so his lack of action isn't a surprise.

That's true. I was absolutely disgusted by Debra's behavior in that scene. 

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I think she was mad at Simon for not stepping in and stopping it. I was watching with Mr. Guilfoyle and I mentioned that I've been in that situation and it's so creepy and scary and that you basically have two options - which are to endure it and hope it ends quickly or to make a huge scene.

I'm not a huge scene maker, but the fact that Farrah didn't make one (we all know she's capable of flipping out in zero point three seconds) speaks a lot to her fear.

She is a bully. She was upset. No one validated her fear...not her mother, not simon, and I imagine that lack of validation is one of the reasons she flips out so easily. 

BTW, Mr. Guilfoyle was not familiar with Dr. Creepy's tactic. He had no idea that happens to women. He was horrified and totally understood. 

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I haven't seen the Dr. Creepy scene all the way through, but Farrah's body language was posted in a picture on these forums and it gave me a queasy feeling in my stomach. She was very clearly defenseless and uncomfortable (to put it mildly) during that exchange. Asshole or not, sex worker or not, no one deserves to be touched against their will. I don't care what his intent was, whether he was copping a feel or just trying to be "friendly," that is just never okay. Many of us have had the creepy uncle who our parents had to force us to hug, or the male friend who lingered too long or pressed himself too close for our comfort and it's just not fucking okay.

guilfoyle, I find it telling that your husband didn't know about these experiences when they're so universal to women. I get the same reaction from male friends when I tell them about being catcalled (I run outside a lot and live in a downtown area so it's a common occurrence). They're aghast and offer a lame "sorry for my gender," but no bystanders have ever stopped and said "hey man, don't talk to people that way." Makes me wonder if these aghast male friends are around when their friends do it and they turn a blind eye to it. I don't intend to say that your husband is willfully ignorant--I just find it interesting that so many men I talk to about it are so appalled, but so many men do it, even with other men around. It makes me wonder if they don't see it until it's pointed out to them, even when it's happening right in front of them. Or do they just not care unless it happens to someone they care about?

And for those who are wondering: in states where revenge porn is illegal, it doesn't matter if the victim is or was a sex worker or whether s/he has released consensual porn herself. It's kinda like raping a sex worker; if s/he says no, it's still rape, even if s/he "sells it" as their job.

Edited by monagatuna
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31 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

guilfoyle, I find it telling that your husband didn't know about these experiences when they're so universal to women. I get the same reaction from male friends when I tell them about being catcalled (I run outside a lot and live in a downtown area so it's a common occurrence). They're aghast and offer a lame "sorry for my gender," but no bystanders have ever stopped and said "hey man, don't talk to people that way." Makes me wonder if these aghast male friends are around when their friends do it and they turn a blind eye to it. I don't intend to say that your husband is willfully ignorant--I just find it interesting that so many men I talk to about it are so appalled, but so many men do it, even with other men around. It makes me wonder if they don't see it until it's pointed out to them, even when it's happening right in front of them. Or do they just not care unless it happens to someone they care about?

I thought it was interesting he didn't know it happened either! He has 5 sisters, all of whom are very vocal about patriarchal bullshit. We are, however, from different cultures...mine is more of the type where men like Dr. Creepy exist. His is more matriarchal and although machismo exists, there's generally greater respect for women.

He is familiar with catcalling and aware of the impact his presence can have in situations (both positive and negative), and he had a LOT to say about Dr. Creepy supposedly "sticking up" for Debra against Simon. It was an insult to Debra for Dr. Creepy to take on Simon and Farrah's treatment of her. It negates her power as an adult who with her own voice and reason. She's not a child that needs to be advocated for. But his treatment of her (and Farrah) is paternal and gross. 

And the way she (Debra) was so pleased with it.  Also completely gross.

Edited by guilfoyleatpp
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