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7 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Yep. Some have some guts and some are just gutless.

But we did get this gem:

James McPherson ‏@JimBMcPherson  12m12 minutes ago

@ajjaffe It is his practice to fold like a cheap tent whenever asked to challenge a Republican, even over potential treason.


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Holy crap! Joe Walsh? Whodathunk?

Joe Walsh ‏@WalshFreedom  Call me naive, but the one person who should call for an investigation is Trump. No foreign country should ever mess with OUR elections. 1139   15m15 minutes ago

Joe Walsh ‏@WalshFreedom  Where is the Republican outrage today? Where? This isn't a partisan issue. It's an American issue. #RussianHackers 231447  47m47 minutes ago

Joe Walsh ‏@WalshFreedom   The protests, the harassing electors, the recounts...that's all "not accepting the election result" bullshit. But Russia? That's a big deal 68184

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41 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Wow...go look at the tweet thread embedded at this link:

John Schindler with a look at Donald Trump's war with the intelligence community

I think I have to take that John Schindler guy with a grain of salt. He wrote on his blog two weeks ago:


Liberals Are Suddenly Experts in Russian Espionage

Evidence-free left-wing claims that the Kremlin elected Trump are politically toxic and threaten to undermine our system


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This has been viral for half the week, but I don't know if it's been shown here. 

Of all places, The Weather Channel... the freaking WEATHER CHANNEL is taking a stance against Trump & The Trumpeteers Alt-Right anti-fact worldview.

Why?  Cause you know... they're SCIENTISTS.

Really, this is fairly epic. Note that its labeled as a stance against Breitbart, but I think we all know what they REALLY mean:

Edited by Kromm
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I really hope this sort of thing gains momentum. I don't get why so many major news outlets have been afraid of this stuff, but it's great to see these guys standing up for truth.

I especially hope this is inspiring for teens. I was reading an article recently about how teens eat healthier when instead of thinking of it as doing what's good for them they see it as rebellion against food corporations. Make Truth and integrity cool!

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3 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

I really hope this sort of thing gains momentum. I don't get why so many major news outlets have been afraid of this stuff, but it's great to see these guys standing up for truth.

I especially hope this is inspiring for teens. I was reading an article recently about how teens eat healthier when instead of thinking of it as doing what's good for them they see it as rebellion against food corporations. Make Truth and integrity cool!

Places like The Weather Channel are run by corporations though. I think we are still barely in a safe zone where someone like Kait Parker can get mad that her face and image were used to spin a lie, and her bosses will back her posting a truth-bomb about it. 

But I wonder if corporations will have the balls to do so after Trump's been in power for a year or more. Or if we will never even hear about when someone wants to tell the truth and gets held back from doing so. So they either get silenced at the cost of keeping their job, or they lose it and maybe years later the story gets around as to why.

Think about the companies currently being talked about for withdrawing ads from Breitbart.com. Right now most of them are getting a positive spin, because enough of the Trump voters are iffy on the Breitbart connection that they don't care. So you have a left that's cheering those advertisers, a middle who's apethic about it, and only a small right who's going after the advertisers as "traitors". 

How will this all change though when the Alt-Right controls not only the Presidency, not only Congress, but the Federal Agencies which control a lot of what affects these corporations? Does anyone here NOT understand, NOT believe that there won't be tons of back-channel threats and punishment using agencies like the FCC, the FDA, the EPA, the IRS, etc. to persue controlling what companies do and say?

A year from now, Kait Parker will probably be told to shut her pie hold, because a little bird dropped a message in the ear of one or both of TWC's major owners about how it wasn't really cool to embarrass the friends of the President, and the former employers/continued buddies of the Chief of Staff. 

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1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

^^ Good catch.  I was so struck by the tweet thread, I didn't dig further.

Schindler is self-congratulatory that he was right that Russia probably did some tampering, but he faults irresponsible liberals who are saying so without evidence.


The full story is in The Observer, which is owned by Donald Trump's son-in-law.

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42 minutes ago, Bastet said:

In fact, inspectors explicitly said Hussein did not have WMD.

The many lies of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al. almost seem quaint now.

Yea and that's scary to think about.


5 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Me as well. Hell has frozen over. They all need to be looked into. Each and every one of them.


3 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

When Teen Vogue has better reporting than major outlets...http://www.teenvogue.com/story/donald-trump-is-gaslighting-america?mbid=social_twitter

I don't know what to feel anymore. Every day more and more nonsense happens, and Fuckface isn't even in office yet. 

Word. And saw one comment on there who thought the left gaslit people O_o.

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2 hours ago, Menrva said:

 Humpty Trumpty

HAHA that's my favorite so far.

Joe Walsh - the guy who was going to "grab a musket" if Trump lost - is pretty freaking angry that nobody is taking this Russian thing seriously and he's been saying so all over Twitter. So Trump blocked him

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One reason Republicans aren't talking about it is they're afraid someone will ask the obvious question: Did Trump know?  And was he or his team in contact with Putin about it during the election?

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26 minutes ago, Padma said:

One reason Republicans aren't talking about it is they're afraid someone will ask the obvious question: Did Trump know?  And was he or his team in contact with Putin about it during the election?

Exactly. Betting Trump knew and they all were in contact with Putin. Hence why they're not too thrilled that this is hitting the light. Cockroaches don't like to be out of the shadows.

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39 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Speak of the devil: McCain is finally saying something. Too little, too late.

Source: msn.com

FAR too little, because like most of the chicken-hearts out there (and it pains me to say that about McCain) , he's normalizing and minimizing things by acting like Tillerson is some isolated tie to Putin popping up, rather than the election being tampered with, and Trump pretty much being owned, lock, stock and barrel by Putin as a result.

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2 hours ago, Padma said:

One reason Republicans aren't talking about it is they're afraid someone will ask the obvious question: Did Trump know?  And was he or his team in contact with Putin about it during the election?

This needs to be investigated, now. Why is this so quiet? I feel like a small group is talking about it and that's it. I think the Electoral College vote needs to be held off until the investigation is complete. Keep Obama or Biden on as interim president.

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13 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

This needs to be investigated, now. Why is this so quiet? I feel like a small group is talking about it and that's it. I think the Electoral College vote needs to be held off until the investigation is complete. Keep Obama or Biden on as interim president.

Investigated by who? 

There's nobody left in power with the combination of authority and guts to do so. 

I don't think there's any provision for an interim president other than the existing line of succession, so we can't just invent a scenario where Obama or Biden stays.

It would be interpreted as the President and VP being "unfit", I'd think (due to being in power due to fraud), then in theory the Interim president would have to be the sitting Speaker of the House at the time.

Is the idea of Paul Ryan as President (even a Temporary one) as bad as Trump or Pence? Hard to say. He'd be acting President until the election fraud was settled, basically, if that's the model followed.

Edited by Kromm
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13 minutes ago, Kromm said:

FAR too little, because like most of the chicken-hearts out there (and it pains me to say that about McCain) , he's normalizing and minimizing things by acting like Tillerson is some isolated tie to Putin popping up, rather than the election being tampered with, and Drumpf pretty much being owned, lock, stock and barrel by Putin as a result.

Exactly. They helped to put us into the position we're in now due to those colluding with the Russians and helping Drumpf and co. gain the White House.

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Trump's attitude toward the government he's supposed to lead--including refusing his intelligence briefings and even basically calling the intelligence agents liars, that he can't trust their information--should be flagging a big problem to Republicans. (Lindsay Graham can't do it all alone!)

Now that 17  agencies determined Putin sabotaged Clinton expressly to get Trump elected, there -should- be a Constitutional crisis.  Trump acts as if its true--that he owes Putin or has collaborated with him and wants nothing to do with U.S. intelligence that says he's a bad guy. No! He's Tubby's buddy.

But is he also a collaborator?  Did Trump--maybe with Manafort and Flynn's help--contact and coordinate with Putin to hack the Dems email and release them through wikileaks in the hope of destroying his opponent?   Trump's campaign rallies featured MAXIMUM use of the email as an attack on Hillary. Was that just coincidental? Unlikely.

If there was any integrity in Congress and the WH and the media, they would help Americans understand and  acknowledge that the suspicion Trump was collaborating with Putin to overthrow our election has created a Constitutional crisis.

How to resolve it? I don't know. But we have a democracy, there must be guidelines, maybe the court, short-handed as they are. In any case, they shouldn't just push Trump through as if its no big deal. It's a BIG deal. Big enough imo to delay the Electoral College until its resolved. 

Nixon said Americans need to know their president is not a crook.  They also need to know that he's not a traitor.  

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The fact that he doesn't attend the security briefings is, alone, enough to declare him unfit. I don't think there's any doubt among vaguely rational people that he's unfit. The problem is whether we have vaguely rational people with the guts to do it, and then what happens if they do.

The Electors could pick someone, but I have no idea who that would be, or if they have the guts to do it.

Or Pence and/or Congress could act, after the inauguration. In that case, it seems like a pretty sure bet that we'd get Pence as the President. He'd be horrible, but at least he seems to have some impulse control and would probably attend the security briefings-- and he has in the past paid some lip service to things like not supporting Putin, so there's that.

Every time it looks like Trump has crossed a line that will be considered disqualifying, he ups the ante and crosses an even more extreme line a few days later. I'm sure that between now and next week there will be plenty of fodder for people to either take seriously or ignore. So far, it hasn't stopped his momentum, but maybe at some point he'll just spontaneously burst into flames and disappear in a cloud of orange smoke. I mean, nothing is too outrageous to be possible this season. The Electors could choose Bernie Sanders or Kanye West at this point, and that wouldn't seem any crazier to me than Trump spontaneously bursting into flames.

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I'm 99.9% sure someone else has posted this article in another forum here, but it's worth sharing again, IMO.  

My girlfriend turned me on to this op-ed.....from Teen Vogue.  Worth the read for sure:

Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America



To gas light is to psychologically manipulate a person to the point where they question their own sanity, and that’s precisely what Trump is doing to this country. He gained traction in the election by swearing off the lies of politicians, while constantly contradicting himself, often without bothering to conceal the conflicts within his own sound bites. He lied to us over and over again, then took all accusations of his falsehoods and spun them into evidence of bias.

At the hands of Trump, facts have become interchangeable with opinions, blinding us into arguing amongst ourselves, as our very reality is called into question.


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Over the weekend, the president-elect and his team have slammed the Democrats, the CIA, and even "somebody in a bed somewhere" for the hacks—anybody but Putin.


Trump further indicated how business will not be conducted as usual once he’s leader of the free world. Regarding criticism of his refusal of more regular intel briefings, Trump assured viewers that he will “get it when I need it,” and, “you know, I’m, like, a smart person.”

Trump has, of course, repeatedly scolded President Obama for skipping intelligence briefings.

The glaring hypocrisy....

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The CIA believes Moscow tried to destroy Hillary Clinton and tilt the election. Republicans stayed quiet. This is a fight for who controls America: you or Putin?



Good luck getting Republicans to agree on anything here. Mitch McConnell? Please. He’s the one who said, at a hush-hush meeting back in September where administration officials urged that bipartisan group of 12 legislators go public with concerns about Russian interference in the election, that he would not participate and that if Democrats did so, he would tell the American people this was just partisan politics.

Think that through. McConnell, according to the Post story, showed no concern about the truth of the allegations. And bear this nugget in mind: This was not Barack Obama trying to persuade him to join in this bipartisan effort. This was Lisa Monaco, the president’s counterterrorism adviser; and Jeh Johnson, the Secretary of Homeland Security secretary; and FBI Director James Comey. McConnell told Comey, in essence, to go take a jump in the lake. McConnell was interested only in party, not at all in country. That’s not treason, but it sure isn’t patriotism.



In a word: Fight. Like hell. Obama too. He’s been doing his job—ensuring the peaceful transition of power. But that is just a custom. He didn’t swear an oath to it. He did however swear an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. That comes first.  
Liberals often accuse Democrats of bringing a knife to a gun fight. For this one, it’s time to haul out the bazooka.

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Someone, somewhere is going to have to ask why Trump is so irrationally resistant to the evidence and conclusion of 16 intelligence agencies that Russia hacked the election for their own benefit--which they saw as him being elected over HIllary?

His complete resistance to looking into this AT ALL is very strange.  When is anyone going to ask why? And, if he is actually trying to cover up for Putin ordering this?

From there, it would be nice, helpful, to know when Trump knew about it and if he was a participant all along. The email attacks on her were CENTRAL to his campaign against her as a crook and someone who should be locked up.

Were Trump and Putin coordinating this in any way?  Republicans and Democrats alike deserve to know. 

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6 minutes ago, Padma said:

Someone, somewhere is going to have to ask why Drumpf is so irrationally resistant to the evidence and conclusion of 16 intelligence agencies that Russia hacked the election for their own benefit--which they saw as him being elected over HIllary?

His complete resistance to looking into this AT ALL is very strange.  When is anyone going to ask why? And, if he is actually trying to cover up for Putin ordering this?

From there, it would be nice, helpful, to know when Drumpf knew about it and if he was a participant all along. The email attacks on her were CENTRAL to his campaign against her as a crook and someone who should be locked up.

Were Drumpf and Putin coordinating this in any way?  Republicans and Democrats alike deserve to know. 

It's not strange. It's willful denial. He knows and doesn't care. He's a narcissist. They asked about being Putin's puppet during one of the election debates. And nothing came from it on his end.

But will we get anything from him, no. They'll have to dig, in order to find anything. Anyone who is involved in this won't say a damn thing.

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5 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

It's not strange. It's willful denial. He knows and doesn't care. He's a narcissist. They asked about being Putin's puppet during one of the election debates. And nothing came from it on his end.

But will we get anything from him, no. They'll have to dig, in order to find anything. Anyone who is involved in this won't say a damn thing.

It's probably not denial. There's a good possibility not that "he knows and doesn't care" but that he was actually coordinating it--maybe with Manafort as the go-between. 

(Also, small thing, but I don't think you should edit someone's quote without consent even if its just changing Tubby's name to something you like better.)

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