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S06.E13: Ginger's Last Binger

Tara Ariano
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On 11/17/2016 at 3:26 PM, Brooklynista said:

Don't let Tyler know you are putting things like this in the universe .  Can't you see the fear on that man's face every time Cate climbs in his lap??

And why does she do that??? I'm a heavy gal, and the last thing I wanna do is painfully remind my husband of this as I harumpf onto his lap.

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On 11/17/2016 at 5:41 PM, GreatKazu said:

Yes, she is doing it willingly. She is a grandmother who wants to be in her grandchild's life. Deb can walk away from this at any time, but there is a consequence to that choice and it is a consequence Deb is not willing to pay.

I WANT to be believe that. I want to believe that Deb is sticking around, putting up with the Farrah Circus, because she wants to be in her granddaughter's life. I'm just not entirely convinced it isn't because she's a fame whore and would miss the cameras, though.

On the other hand (yeah, I flip flop a lot) when sof-EE-uh brought her that pizza and she she pulled her into her lap, I got a little choked up. I did not see that as her holding onto her granddaughter; I saw that as her holding onto a little Farrah. It made me sad and I don't even LIKE these people. 

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Both Farrah and her sister have claimed their mom was an alcoholic while raising them, and Farrah said she was bi-polar. I don't remember the context, but I think it was with Dr. Jenn or on Dr. Phil or something, but not just screaming at her. Farrah also accused that poor Uber driver of raping her, so her word is worth nothing to me. However, Debra being an alcoholic and/or bipolar seems to fit. She was drinking during that altercation where Farrah called the cops, and her refusal to put down the knives she was using to cook is ultimately what got her arrested. The likely ending would probably have been Farrah leaving the home and the prosecutor receiving the report, but she just couldn't stop and shut up, so off in cuffs she goes. She has seemed to go through manic type phases on this show, and she is every bit as delusional as Farrah. 

I think Sophia is the most mentally sound female in that family, and she has some genes to overcome to stay that way. Debra clearly loves Sophia, and I don't doubt Farrah threatens Debra with lack of contact if she doesn't do exactly what Farrah wants, but at the same time, she has morphed into a fully formed fame-whore who thrives on the attention she gets from being Farrah's mom. I would feel the need to walk around apologizing to everyone for my daughter's behavior, but to Debra, she just fluffs Farrah's feathers, like in that scene where they were house shopping and Debra had to tell the realtor Farrah wanted new construction. She was so rude about it, Sophia told her she hurt the woman's feelings. Delusion runs through both their veins.

Michael seems more like a pushover than a delusional fame-whore. When he would defend her in the comment sections on TMZ and the other gossip sites, it seemed like it was out of love as opposed to that he didn't see any flaws in Farrah. He would point out that the people complaining about the porn seemed to have watched it, etc. I think he wants to see the best in her, but realizes she is who she is and just accepts it. He didn't make anything off her porn, though. She had already signed all the contracts prior to ever filming a scene. Michael went with her while she was still saying it was a leaked tape. I don't know what happened in the office, but Michael didn't rep her because James Deem made it clear everything had taken place weeks before that meeting. On the Dr. Phil Show, he pointed out to both Debra and Michael that Farrah was lying and that this was a planned film. Debra was crestfallen on the stage, Michael seemed to have already figured it out, and when the got home, Debra kicked Farrah out. Farrah then moved to Austin where her dad was living.

Farrah had tried to get her and her mom on a new counseling show, but MTV said no. Later, it looked like Janelle was going to go, but they pulled her invite because she would be too far along in her pregnancy. Debra will do anything Farrah asks if it keeps her in the spotlight. The fame when to her head just like the teens on this show. I think Chelsea's dad Randy has been bit by the famewhore bug, too.

Somewhere in the post is a point I was trying to make, but my Multiple Sclerosis has made my hands not type well, my thoughts are scattered, and my vision is a bit blurry so I don't think I made it clear. I guess it is easiest to say:

TL;DR: Both Farrah and Debra are famewhores who are toxic to each other and need mental help. 

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14 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Do y'all think Cate and Tyler will make it in the long run? 

If by "make it" you mean her clinging to him while he fantasizes about running off to NO again, but won't leave because he's one half of "America's Sweethearts" - then yea, they will. 

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Honestly, the Deborah/Farrah relationship is so abusive it's hard to continue watching. Something just isn't right, whatever it is. It could be anything, alcohol abuse, medication (abuse or lack of) or just plain mental illness. The point is that whatever it is, it's being exploited. That's sad. I've also noticed (after visiting the FB page) that there is a lot of judgement and lack of knowledge around true, diagnosed depression. That's upsetting also.

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@Christina, I remember the alcoholism accusations (as you say, not just from Farrah) and bipolar stuff...She could very well be bipolar too. 

Deb honestly scares me when she talks, very manic. You just know that when the police arrived, she was acting insane with those knives. I believe they wrote that she was intoxicated and refusing to put them down after repeated requests from the cops. Farrah is a different kind of crazy, more lucid but much more needlessly rude and aggressive. Deb seemed more like that in the early specials. Might have just moved on to more substance abuse. 

Farrah and Deb have a classic toxic codependent power struggle relationship. Farrah gets free help and validation from her mom but hates her and makes her know it. She plays the aggressor but is secretly deeply insecure. Deb seems to get off on playing the victim (their segment on Couples Therapy was incredibly telling and creepy if anybody saw it) but certainly reaps financial and fame-related benefits from sticking around. They both have things to gain from the other and not much to offer in the way of actual affection. 

I feel really bad for Sophia with those two in her life. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Both Farrah and her sister have claimed their mom was an alcoholic while raising them, and Farrah said she was bi-polar.

Let's not forget, Ashley herself put out there her disgust at Farrah. Ashley seems to have a bone to pick at both Deb and Farrah.  Ashley talked about Farrah as if it was her who was at fault for a lot of the drama in that household and made it hard for everyone. I never got a sisterly love vibe from these two at all. The whole family has issues. It isn't about just one person, but I will never believe Farrah's abuse claims. To have someone say it is the worst abuse they ever heard? I don't think so. "Dr." Jen must not have had to hear a lot of abuse stories from patients or Farrah conjured up some major fairy tale. The same kind of fairy tale she conjured up about herself and Derrick.

Sophia is the victim in all of this and I think in the end, that is the only thing that matters.  I think what was pointed out about Debra not being around doesn't change anything for Sophia as Farrah is the one who is batshit crazy and constantly in a battle with someone. Farrah is the one exposing her child to an adult world that she has no business being part of. Farrah is the one who is using her daughter to promote her businesses. Farrah is the one who is pushing her daughter to be the "boss" of her own business. When the fuck does this little girl ever get to be just a little girl? Where are her friends? Where is all the socializing that she should be having at her age with kids her own age? Farrah putting mascara on Sophia before she was 1 year old was the beginning of the end of Sophia's childhood.

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Late to the party,  but just a few thoughts after reading all 6 pages. I bet Sofeeeyah does fine at school. The routine and explained expectations of a second grade class are probably just what she needs.

GreatKazu,  what is up with Amber's ear, it must be new, I noticed it immediately. 

Last, I am turning into my mother. There was a discarded pizza box on Tyler and Cait's stove.  What a fire hazard.

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11 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I wonder if something happens to Deb, will Farrah create the same fantasy about their relationship that she did about Derrick?  

In the past, and most recently in the scene where Farrah and Deb are looking at Farrah's baby book, Farrah has given the appearance they are in a better place, how much they have changed, la di da. Farrah will paint whatever picture she needs to at any given moment.

9 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

Late to the party,  but just a few thoughts after reading all 6 pages. I bet Sofeeeyah does fine at school. The routine and explained expectations of a second grade class are probably just what she needs.

GreatKazu,  what is up with Amber's ear, it must be new, I noticed it immediately. 

Last, I am turning into my mother. There was a discarded pizza box on Tyler and Cait's stove.  What a fire hazard.

Glad to know I wasn't the only one who noticed. Did Matt pull out her earring during an argument when he was maybe pulling her hair? Pretty damn sad that is where my mind goes with these two.

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On 11/18/2016 at 5:19 AM, Caracoa1 said:

Catelynn was exposed to horseback riding for what....30 days while in rehab and now she is an expert in the subject?!  While she was filming with that gentleman at the stable asking about boarding costs did the fact that the horse will need vaccinations and medical care and even need to eat even cross her mind?  She is becoming  quite smug this season.....for the first time in her life she has a few bucks in her pocket and she thinks she is important!

At her rehab facility, she was around the horses one afternoon a week.


Maybe more if she was able to skip the drum circle group.

Edited by CofCinci
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On 11/16/2016 at 2:53 PM, Sgt Pepper said:

Wow.  This episode.   Cate has a child and several dogs to take care of, no? And herself.   Take a dog for a walk, lady.  One is the size of a pony. She can pretend.  

Ok, too much wine tonight, but I cannot stop giggling at the image of Cate leading her dog on a walk with Nova Ring on a zebra print sadle on the back.

Edited by TaxNerd
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Cate has a child and several dogs to take care of, no? And herself.   Take a dog for a walk, lady.  One is the size of a pony. She can pretend.  

Cate has Tyler. She can tell him to get on all fours and she can sit on his back. She can pretend that way.

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On 11/17/2016 at 4:23 PM, teapot said:

Bentley is the best-treated kid, he has Mom & Taylor and Mimi Jen & Papa Larry.

Leah has it good when she's with her dad & (I almost said Miranda...) Kristina.

I think Grandma Deb & Grandpa Michael are good to Sophia, but they kind of treat her like she's two.  And her mom treats her like she's thirty.

And Nova is kind of...fucked.  I mean, Grandma April is probably pretty good to her, but I'm not sure I trust her entirely

This show is kind of sad sometimes.

I agree with all this,  the part I bolded started me thinking.  I think you're  right. April does seem good to Nova.  Nova seems really happy with her.  I have a hard time even acknowledging this,  because I do blame April (and the men she brought into catlynn's life) for the mess that Catlynn is, now.  I hope April is better with Nova and Nicholas. 

Edited by imjagain
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21 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Ashley seems to have a bone to pick at both Deb and Farrah.  

I think I would too...a whole skeleton of bones. Lol! 

Separate thought (not in response to anyone, sorry @GreatAtBoats it won't let me untag you):

I didn't know this until recently, but Michael was also previously charged with a felony for threatening Derek with a knife. In my mind that is not protective or typical, that is a scary person committing a violent crime. I was surprised because I thought Michael was the non crazy one in their creepy loony bin. This family is not normal. If you're willing to brandish knives at cops and boyfriends, I shudder to think what you do to your own kids. Sophia is going to need so much damn therapy.


Debra says he abused HER as well. He says no he didn't but he did attack/threaten Derek twice and doesn't see anything wrong with it. Wtf is wrong with these people.

Edited by Lm2162
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Sophia is going to need so much damn therapy.


She will because she has Farrah as a mother. That is assuming she doesn't turn out just like Farrah and thinks it is others who are at fault.

Re Nova, with April showing she loves going to Boogietown, I am not sure anymore things have changed much with her. She might not be in a DV marriage, but the old April still lingers.

Edited by SPLAIN
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On Friday, November 18, 2016 at 11:56 AM, mamadrama said:

The same publishing company that is releasing Matt's book is also releasing a coloring book of pictures from Maci and Taylor's wedding. At least it's not pictures from their bachelor/ette parties...



That is disturbing. However must say I love that you get to color in the tatts.

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