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4 hours ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Just found a good read by Robert Reich about Drumpf and his dislike of the media and the tactics he employs.

Source: robertreich.org

thanks -  brilliant summary of how Trump treats the media.

46 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Yeah, it seems that Trump is saying "Illegal"  voting took place only in certain states, and that the illegal votes were for Hillary. 

All the votes for him, were, of course, legal.

his logic - if you vote for me, you're right, if you voted against me, then your vote is wrong and shouldn't count.   And with media - if you say nice things about me, you are fair.  If you criticize me, you are unfair and deceitful and must be stopped. 

This isn't the "spin" he puts on things, it's the way he sees the world. 


  • Love 13

This morning I heard Dana Basch on CNN interviewing Marco Rubio.  Dear God, maybe I am glad Trump is President and not him; I seriously have to wonder what his IQ is.  I digress.  

Dana asked him something along the lines of the terrible (but true) things he said about Trump during the primaries.  Rubio basically replied that since Trump has been "elected" that he (Rubio) and the Senate owed it to him to work with him.  I was waiting for Ms. Basch to ask why Obama (who actually won the popular vote) was not accorded this courtesy.  Still waiting.  This is infuriating.  Why can't the media do their jobs?  I want to be reassured that at least the print media will hold Trump's feet to the fire but I am not holding my breath.  Any first year Journalism student could do a better job of political reporting than the current crop (with the exception of Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell).

  • Love 13
15 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Seriously, this isn't snark:  so which MSM outlets are we considering as mostly uncompromised at this point?

First, welcome back. 

Oh, to be a media or American studies doctoral candidate right about now. The theses would write themselves. And then get burned in a good, old-fashioned book burning, but hey, none of that elitist, edu-ma-cated stuff. 

WashPo is still safe. 

NYT? Well, they still have Charles Blow and haven't silenced him. Yet. They're still reporting on conflicts of interest and then I've found some really elegantly damning pieces like this one: Trump sells his brand. None of these are out and out blasts of Trump, but they are quietly devastating in their own way. What's interesting is that, if you read the comments on any of the of NYT articles, the writers are getting hammered from both sides. The pro-Trump trolls call them liars and crybabies and bullshitters and the anti-Trump commentators call them sellouts and ring kissers. So, I don't know how seriously the writers take the comments, but they ain't getting too many kudos these days. 

I watched a few major news networks cover the latest TwitterTantrum. CBS specifically said that it was a tweet with no evidence. Our local newscaster had a hilariously disgusted look on her face when she read the news (nobody does passive-aggressive like Minnesota). NBC, though, played it as "Democrats on the defense against the latest Tweets from Trump." Erm, no, NBC. 

I haven't been able to stomach CNN or MSNBC, so I have no news except that Joy Reid's tweets are in no way backing down and Rachel Maddow hasn't missed a beat on her blog, and they're both still representatives of MSNBC. But I'd guess CNN and MSNBC are in real identity crisis right now and we'll see them change first. 

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Texas elector who criticized Trump says he’s resigning


A Republican member of the Electoral College who had expressed reservations about supporting President-elect Donald Trump has opted instead to resign his position and turn it over to an alternate elector.

Art Sisneros, a Texas Republican elector who told POLITICO in August that he was strongly weighing a vote against Trump, confirmed Monday that he would quit the position. Sisneros had said as recently as last week that he still hadn't decided how to cast his electoral vote.


For some in middle class, Trump plan would mean tax increase


Kelly Rodriguez, 47, who lives in Tampa, Florida, voted for Trump and is a single mother who claims two of her four children as dependents. (Her ex-husband claims the other two.) She made roughly $90,000 last year, including alimony payments. Her taxes would likely rise under Trump's plan, according to Batchelder's analysis.

"I would want him to explain that to me," she said. "Taxes have to make sense to the people paying them."


Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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Fake News Problems & Solutions


Trump can crow about keeping a Ford planet from moving to Mexico, the media can investigate those claims and prove them false -- but at this point, the truth can quickly become secondary to the narrative Trump has created. His statements are out there, and his army of supporters won't accept an alternate viewpoint as the truth. It's no wonder the horrible phrase "post-truth" was the Oxford dictionary's word of the year.


This was cited in the article I posted above:

Tips for Analyzing News Sources

Also see this:

False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and Satirical “News” Sources


***Please share these links with others***

  • Love 3

Can someone please explain to me why Trump keeps singling-out & blasting CNN for allegedly improper, negative coverage???  Every damn time I turn to CNN, I see Kayleigh McEnany, Paris Dennard, Jeffrey Lord, etc.  Hell, there are times I think I'm watching Fox, and keep expecting Bill O'Reilly to interject.  Something seems fishy about this.

  • Love 5

Getting caught up on a magazine backlog over the holiday, it was brought home to me how three of my long-standing sources of news (via actual journalism) are going to be more important now than ever: The Nation, Mother Jones, and Ms

When I got home, I signed up for early renewals of each, to give them a little extra cash now rather than waiting until my subscriptions are running out.  Anyone not reading these, I urge you to (and if you like what you read, I encourage you to subscribe, rather than just read online).  Fact-based news, insightful columnists whose opinions are derived from reality, in-depth reporting, investigative journalism, international coverage (particularly from Ms.), CONTEXT -- all the things missing from so much current media are still intact with these publications.  I've been reading all three magazines for nearly 30 years now, and what these crews have continued to produce with slashed budgets is nothing short of a public service, and it's going to be even more important.

  • Love 2
38 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Can someone please explain to me why Trump keeps singling-out & blasting CNN for allegedly improper, negative coverage???  Every damn time I turn to CNN, I see Kayleigh McEnany, Paris Dennard, Jeffrey Lord, etc.  Hell, there are times I think I'm watching Fox, and keep expecting Bill O'Reilly to interject.  Something seems fishy about this.

I believe it must have something to do with this:


  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Da fuq???  Why is JFK included w/ that group?  I don't speak any German....


They're talking about psychopaths of world history. The circle roughly translates as "when a brain abnormality turns powerful people to monsters". Unless they're referring to the summit spat in '61 between Khrushchev & Kennedy that led to the building of the Berlin Wall by the East (I'm a history geek), I have no idea how JFK  got lumped with that group.

Edited by bittersweet4149
  • Love 4

No links, two reactions.

1. "Horror-Clown" fits so well, especially with the scary clown sightings prior to the election. I'm all for coming up with new nicknames (shit, I conjured up "Orange Skull" today), but the thought of Pennywise checking his closet and under the bed to make sure he wasn't there? That has to make you smile.

2. Poor Jared. Forever doomed to be overshadowed by "the other man" with Ivanka.

BTW, how messed up is it that "fake news" is being called as one of the swing factors, when most of us watched The Daily Show for a long time?

ETA: Not directly related to You-Know-Who, but what the hell: 2016 gets a stuffed toy.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Can someone please explain to me why Trump keeps singling-out & blasting CNN for allegedly improper, negative coverage???  Every damn time I turn to CNN, I see Kayleigh McEnany, Paris Dennard, Jeffrey Lord, etc.  Hell, there are times I think I'm watching Fox, and keep expecting Bill O'Reilly to interject.  Something seems fishy about this.

Because Trump misunderstands the role of President.  He believes that because he won the election, EVERYONE must do exactly what he tells them.  News media, the military, police departments - he wants total control of it all. 

That German magazine cover used a better photo of Trump, which probably made him happy.   it looks like they used one from his Celebrity Apprentice shows.   I wish they had some of the really bad ones, the ones Trump got upset about NBC using, like these:

(I wish I could send these to that magazine!) 




  • Love 9



Some Fake News Publishers Just Happen to Be Donald Trump’s Cronies



But a closer look reveals that some of the biggest fake news providers were run by experienced political operators well within the orbit of Donald Trump’s political advisers and consultants.

Laura Ingraham, a close Trump ally currently under consideration to be Trump’s White House press secretary, owns an online publisher called Ingraham Media Group that runs a number of sites, including LifeZette, a news site that frequently posts articles of dubious veracity.


  • Love 8

The President-Elect Is an Internet Troll (And the media has no idea what to do with him):



So far our print and broadcast media don’t seem up to the challenge of covering Trump with the gravity or alarm his latest moves would merit. They stumbled to report his voter fraud tweets, with CBS News and The Washington Post simply repeating what he said in headlines and on Twitter, and only later debunking it. The Post’s Glenn Kessler did a thorough takedown of Trump’s Twitter claims, but overall, the impulse to treat the president-elect’s inflammatory tweets as “news,” whether to drive viewers or page views, is deeply ingrained and changing only slowly, and inadequately.

Particularly given the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions as attorney general, Trump’s tweet storm likely foreshadows a major assault on voting rights. He signaled as much during the campaign when he told his crowds to go monitor “urban” polling stations for alleged voter fraud (which is so negligible that prior Republican investigations haven’t found evidence.) The Nation’s Ari Berman agrees that Trump will attempt to make it harder to vote, and The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent wrote about this Monday morning as well. More reporters need to take seriously what Trump’s post-election meltdowns tell us about the coming excesses of his administration.


  • Love 5

Obama blames Fox News in part for Trump's win and I do, too, saying "Fox News (is) in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country"


Hey, Fox, you own this. Now watcha gonna do?

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 3

So, CNN was on at the gym and I was half-watching a woman panelist talk, very specifically, about just why (because, y'know, it's SO HARD to figure out) what was wrong with Tubby's Tweetertantrums and...suddenly....breaking news! OMG! Romney and Tubby and some other suit are SITTING IN A RESTAURANT, YA'LL!!!! Yeah! They've got their appetizers! And their water! OMG! 

Stop all of this commentary about Tubby's public displays of being unfit for office RIGHT NOW. They're SITTING DOWN! 

God, fuck you, CNN. Good thing I didn't throw my dumbbell through the screen. 

  • Love 13

Christine Romans isn't as excited about doughy man's Carrier deal as she was yesterday.

Seems that really less than half the jobs will be spared and probably through tax breaks which mean the taxpayers (yeah, not you doughy) will be on the hook and besides, Christine says, republicans don't like corporate welfare.

Plus, wink, wink, being that Carrier is owned by United Technologies which has all kinds of government contracts, this will mean more! Thank you perky Christine for the giving us the real story here.

John Berman did pipe up at one point to say Pence is the govenor of Indiana so he MUST have had something to with this.

  • Love 7

^^^ I'll be very surprised if the Carrier "deal" amounts to anything substantial & longterm.  I side eye any such "deals" this administration touts, especially since details about the Trump infrastructure plan have come to light & proven it to be little more than more corporate welfare/tax cuts.  It is a far cry from anything approaching a jobs bill.  Americans will wind up paying twice for anything actually built under that plan.  Makes me giggle at the stupid Dems who were falling all over themselves to proclaim they'd love to work w/ Trump on a infrastructure plan.

  • Love 5

I'm sure those workers at Carrier who are in the lucky group whose jobs are now staying could care less about the details, but I'm really curious. I really hope we do get the specifics of this deal. My gut reaction: This seemed way too easy, and if it were that easy for the company to be "convinced" to keep their operations in the States then I feel like they would have figured that out themselves, so I can't help but think that there's something fishy behind the deal or in the fine print somewhere.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

I did email Kellogg's and tell them I was on my last box of Frosted Flakes and would finish it and start on Cheerio's all day every day from here on out (General Mills brand). But dang, it is going to be hard to give up those Light Pringles.

True, but you can just remind yourself you’re punishing Kellogg for not advertising on a site that intentionally spreads false information and provides a platform for white supremists and assorted other bigotry so it’s worth it.

  • Love 20
5 hours ago, stewedsquash said:


Putting this in the pro side for privatizing Medicare.

Oh, and Palin for VA? I bet a lot of veterans will love her. 

About the Kellogg's thing. Breitbart has said they are only a minuscule part of their ad revenue, won't hinder them at all. What might be hindered is Kellogg's, since someone has started a #Dump Kellogg's, and Breitbart's 45 million readers seem to agree. I did email Kellogg's and tell them I was on my last box of Frosted Flakes and would finish it and start on Cheerio's all day every day from here on out (General Mills brand). But dang, it is going to be hard to give up those Light Pringles. Baked Lay's here I come. Oh, I see that Kellogg's stock has fallen already. hahaha silly people, deplorables have choices also. 


If I understand this correctly, I think this makes me want to buy Kellogg's?  

  • Love 22
14 hours ago, fishcakes said:

This Explains How and Why Medicare Will Live or Die

Shorter version: Republicans want to kill Medicare, but they want to be able to blame it on Democrats and the public.

Every time I see some local get together for seniors to learn more about Medicare and how to enroll, I wish the people who are running it would be up on stuff like this and start telling the seniors the truth.  Not that it will help now, but they should have some warning what is going to happen to them.

  • Love 3


I just watched this Trevor Noah interview.  I don't know who this broad is, but very interesting and good for you Trevor on grilling someone with the same question, even if that person won't answer  it. Of course you don't think people should protest and won't say the right way to do it, because you've never been a victim so you've never had to protest. Well good for you Ms. Thing, of course you've never been a victim your a pretty white girl with I'm sure money, so what do you have to complain about and why should you have any empathy and put yourself in other people's shoes that would require feelings and critical thinking.  I wish more people would do that, keep asking the same question until they answer it or they tell you they aren't going to answer it.  I would be a thorn in people's asses cause I would just parrot, why, how, when, who, what consistently.

Edited by callmebetty
  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Menrva said:

Is there a list of businesses that advertise on Breitbart?

I found a link to the group that's pushing for companies to pull their advertising: sleeping giants. Apparently, it's an activist Twitter account that gained a lot of traction and there is a growing list of companies pulling their ads. I plan to support those companies any way I can. Frosted Strawberry Pop Tarts, baby!

I'm laughing my arse off at Breitbart's whining about Kellogg's being "unamerican." I do not think that word means what you think it means. 

The homophobes here in MN, when General Mills openly proclaimed support for marriage equality, stirred up this "dump General Mills" protest and told people to bring all of their GM cereal to a drop site. They got about 200 boxes. Whew! That really showed GM! Apparently, gay cereal is fine for poor and homeless people, though, because the cereal was donated to a food shelf. There were probably a bunch of poor kids who turned gay from eating Cheerios, so....yeah, sorry, not sorry...

Honestly, "conservatives," you kinda suck at protests. Why don't you take a seat and watch how it works over the next few years? You'll have plenty of opportunity....

  • Love 21
18 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

I found a link to the group that's pushing for companies to pull their advertising: sleeping giants. Apparently, it's an activist Twitter account that gained a lot of traction and there is a growing list of companies pulling their ads. I plan to support those companies any way I can. Frosted Strawberry Pop Tarts, baby!

I'm laughing my arse off at Breitbart's whining about Kellogg's being "unamerican." I do not think that word means what you think it means. 

The homophobes here in MN, when General Mills openly proclaimed support for marriage equality, stirred up this "dump General Mills" protest and told people to bring all of their GM cereal to a drop site. They got about 200 boxes. Whew! That really showed GM! Apparently, gay cereal is fine for poor and homeless people, though, because the cereal was donated to a food shelf. There were probably a bunch of poor kids who turned gay from eating Cheerios, so....yeah, sorry, not sorry...

Honestly, "conservatives," you kinda suck at protests. Why don't you take a seat and watch how it works over the next few years? You'll have plenty of opportunity....

Ha ha kind of like let's protest Starbucks by buying drinks at Starbucks, but I'm going to make you say a name you might not like. I'll show you.

  • Love 10
29 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

I'm laughing my arse off at Breitbart's whining about Kellogg's being "unamerican." I do not think that word means what you think it means. 

Someone needs to introduce them to the concept of "free market," lol.  Isn't that the utopia they think America should be - totally free markets without regulation, so corporations can do whatever they want to maximize profits?  Seems very Breitbart American  to me.

  • Love 7
42 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Perhaps thegatewaypundit is well on its way to becoming a shining example of faux news?

Per Snopes' debunking of this claim:


CLAIM: Apple's purge of "fake news" apps from the App store started with the removal of Breitbart News in November 2016.


WHAT'S TRUE: The Breitbart app briefly vanished from the app store in November 2016.

WHAT'S FALSE: Apple is purging its app store of "fake news" apps.

Anyway, I have a feeling there will be plenty of media LOLs for both of us, @stewedsquash


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