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The Challenge in the Media: "The road to [fame] is straight and narrow."

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Thought this was an interesting article from Entertainment Weekly detailing 25 wild memories from 25 seasons of the show. Mark Long, grandfather of this series, announces his un-retirement (which I thought he already did). So if the series gets another installment (and, judging from the ratings, I don't have much confidence in that) and the producers want him back, expect to see Mark back. 

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Would love to see Mark back. And some of the "older" challengers. I really miss Brad. Not his wife though. Would also like to see Derrick but glad for him that maybe he's outgrown this. I'd also like to see Abram, the one who was with Cara Maria. And Miz, but that's never going to happen.

I too would like to see some of the older players:Rachel, Evelyn, Brad, Darrell, Derrick, Jody, Theo. I agree about Tori (Brad's wife) she was a whiner.


That post by Susie on Salon was just ridiculous. It just cracked me up to read her looking down on all of the hypocrisy and drama on shows like the Challenge, without once really owning up to the hypocrisy and drama she dredged up. The "I Hate Tonya Club", anyone? Evelyn had Susie pegged when she said that Susie liked to act the good Christian girl, but that in reality she was just as bad as everyone else, and a lot of times she was worse.  [i'm seriously paraphrasing here, but you get the idea].  So, yeah, that was a really special read from Susie.  What's next? CT bemoaning the appalling use of humans as backpacks? 

Edited by whirlingdervish
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Here's the latest Grantland "reality fantasy" column. Sadly, David Jacoby subcontracted the Challenge bits out so he could write more about The Bachelorette. That's a shame, really.


ETA: The Challenge lands on AVClub's Tolerability Index on "Unbearable Side"; labeled "MTV's yearly beating of a dead horse." Even if you're a whole-hearted fan, you cannot argue with that.


ETA2: Here's the link.

Edited by Lantern7

Final column from David Jacoby, at least Challenge-wise. He compares Johnny and Zach to Tim Duncan and Lebron James respectively, figures the next season should be about finding a woman to compete with Laurel, and disrespects Jonny Moseley. Hey, J-Mo probably has to get high before the After Show and reunion. Cut him some slack, Jacoby.

Bill Simmons had Johnny and Derek Jacoby on his podcast.  I won't "watch" it because I'm not into podcasts and I hate Johnny . . . also, I would've figured SImmons to be a CT guy based on Boston roots alone.


Meanwhile, StopBeingPolite.com speculates on the next season of The Challenge. It's speculation based on whom received what sort of calls from BMP, so it's next to bullcrap, albeit interesting bullcrap.

Just read the list of speculations -


PLEASE PLEASE do not put Johnny and Averey back on my TV again. I was starting to warm up to Johnny after this last season of the challenge but I'm pretty sure that's all going to be undone if he's partnered with Averey (who I can't stand). Hopefully she won't come because she doesn't have anyone to watch that dog that she had to bring into the RW house. It was so disgusting how she brought that untrained dog into a house full of strangers who didn't ask to live with a pet and let him poop all over and tear up the house. Not to mention it probably wasn't good for the poor dog to move into a house like that with a bunch of crazy new people (plus all the crew everywhere).


I don't know if I really care to see white trash Knight and Jemmye again either. Those two make my skin crawl.


Frank - unlikely to be on the cast?? Seems odd considering he's been kind of a Challenge staple for a while and he certainly provides enough drama. Does he have an ex though? Maybe that's why. I can do with a break from Frank.


You know who I'd kind of like to see on exes? Paula and Mike Mike (from Vegas 2.0). They were such a WEIRD couple. And Mike is basically my favorite person ever from RW so I'd love to see him come back, although I doubt he will. And Paula's pregnant, so she's definitely out for the time being.


I wish they'd get some new people or at least switch it up every once in a while. It's starting to get really repetative - Johnny Bananas (how many consecutive seasons has he been on now?), Nany, Jasmine, Jonna, Zach, Camila, Cara M., - the same people for season after season. Heck, I'm starting to miss Wes. At least he gives us a break from him every once in a while. Some new people from Ex-Plosion might be interesting, although I think I saw enough of their ex drama on their RW show.

Yeah, no Frank, please. I don't think he has an ex so I hope, hope he won't be back. Also, I love Mike from  Vegas 2.0. He was my favorite. I remember when he and Leory were partners on Rivals because Adam got kicked off and there was a deleted scene at mtv.com after Mike had come and Johnny was like, "Leory was talking 'Oh, I hope my new partner is my man Mike' and then Mike comes out and everyone was like, 'Is this the wrong Mike?' " And when Mike was too sick to finish the final challenge so Leory told Teej they would just take 3rd place. Also..now I want a The Challenge: Friendship Edition with girlromances and all the bromances. That would be an ideal challenge.

Challenge Friendship edition!! Leroy and Mike were the best. I wish MTV would realize that we would also like some people to actually root for instead of just hoping the worst people don't win.

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I will laugh so hard if Sarah (Brooklyn) makes it on this cast but wasn't cast for Free Agents.  & I'll laugh harder if her partner bitches out/fucks up again.  I don't mind Sarah (most of the time), but her bad luck gives me the giggles.


ETA:  I'd also love a "Friends Forever Die Together" Challenge.

Edited by OnceSane
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I think this is the appropriate thread because I looked and she doesn't have an individual thread. Really, really horrible news...Diem has been diagnosed with colon cancer and is currently in the hospital, in ICU, after having two emergency surgeries. 




Man, cancer is such a fucking bitch. I'm praying for her but it doesn't look good and her body must be so battered at this point.

Edited by truthaboutluv

I just checked out Vevmo and according to their sources, yeah filming on the latest challenge had just started. Not sure if this is a spoiler so I'll put it behind spoiler tags 

Apparently the next challenge is Battle of the Exes II and she and CT were competing together again. The Vevmo moderators said they'd gotten word that she and CT had been disqualified because Diem was sick but at first some said it had nothing to do with cancer. I'm not sure they were deep into filming yet. It might have even been before the first challenge.

I feel just awful for her and her family.  Cancer is pure evil, and it feels even worse when you see it happening to someone young.  For someone her age to be on her third round of it, and in a different location this time...  I pray she is able to fight this one off, too.  


On the flip side, it's truly amazing what some people have overcome, even when doctors think there's not a lot of hope.  My father had advanced esophageal cancer (and they didn't give him great odds). After some pretty massive surgery and treatment, he beat it.  Then the cancer came back, in a tumor in his hip.  They removed it and he went through treatment again.  A year later, he had another larger tumor in the exact same place in his hip.  At that point, they were not feeling positive in any way.  And even through treatment, his doctor essentially told him "we can likely treat this one again, but, this is an aggressive form you have, and it's really just a matter of when it comes back, not if, and each time it comes back, it's going to be harder to beat."  They treated it, and he's been cancer free for almost 9 years now.  His oncologist is amazed.  (He's also the only man in his family to survive cancer, so he had other strikes against him going in.)  He has a lot of nerve damage from the last tumor (it was enmeshed in his sciatic nerve) and doesn't have full control of one foot, but it's a small price to pay overall.  That foot is kind of his badge of honor. 


CT must be a wreck, especially with the way this seems to have happened.  

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Really glad for your dad kerley ^^

I don't really know much about diem situation, but just reading how doctor found multiple tumors seems that this is the hardest battle for diem, even worst than the last two times she had cancer. I really hope her body can take it and she can beat it again.

Hopefully she will be doing blogs again with people to let us know her situation.

And yeah ct must be a wreck, can't imagine how he feels right now.

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This does sound worse than what I've read of her previous cases.  I think it's also generally not good when it's made its way to other parts of the body, from what I remember during family members' treatments.  


I'm kind of scared for her at how fast it seems this may have come on.  Since she was so recently cleared from the last return, I'd think she would be getting regular scans, still.  Every doctor may do things differently, and every case may be different, but if she was declared cancer free in February 2013, which I believe was the date I read in one of the articles, then she likely would have had a scan earlier this year.  (Which I would assume showed nothing, since you wouldn't risk delaying treatment if there was even a hint that a third cancer occurrence was there.) 


The good news for her would be that, given her charity work, I'd be willing to bet she has access to some of the best oncologists out there.  

I have had cancer twice (breast and kidney) I thought I was the most unlucky women in the world until one of the chemo volunteers who told me she had survived three very aggressive cancers. She was cute as a button and doing great. I hope that is the outcome for Diem. Sending out positive vibes Diem's way.

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I saw that article and it's really heartbreaking even though she is being positive and fighting. However, hearing that she has to use a walker, she can't stand for more than a few seconds, she's pretty much wheel-chair bound and she is all but wasted away is really sad. And then she has to gain weight only so she can start another round of chemo. My heart just breaks thinking of the beating that girl's body has taken.

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From Stop Being Polite: "10 Things That Will Make You an Oddball Challenge Fan." I guess I'm "oddball" because 1. I don't like TJ, and 2. I doubt Johnny all the time. I can also see why liking CT wouldn't be an option for some people, given his thuggish past, but I think he's outgrown that.

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It's like the cancer is just eating away at her body. It's just a very sad story and in the latest article, I think that's the first time I've seen her express something of a defeatist attitude in one of her interviews. And I think that might be the final blow for her, that she'll get to a place where she may feel like she has no more fight left in her. Just very sad. 

It's like the cancer is just eating away at her body. It's just a very sad story and in the latest article, I think that's the first time I've seen her express something of a defeatist attitude in one of her interviews. And I think that might be the final blow for her, that she'll get to a place where she may feel like she has no more fight left in her. Just very sad.

I agree. I don't known if she has any fight left in her. When I had cancer, a friend bought me a book about young people coping with cancer ( I don't remember the title but if anyone is interested I will dig it out) and Diem was featured in one of the stories. She was so upbeat and thought all of this was behind her. I suppose that's why her picture unnerved me so. You think you have it beat and it creeps back up on you. Poor Diem my heart aches for her. Does anyone know anything about her parents? She always seems to be supported by friends but her parents are never mentioned. It's like she's an orphan.

I think her mom died when she was young and she was mostly raised by her dad who is still alive. I think she also has either one or two brothers. I know she definitely has at least one brother. Her dad was actually seen in the previous article about the team who walked in her honor. He's the older guy pushing her in the wheelchair. I believe he's a retired military veteran. 


eta: I just remembered that she has at least one sister because it was her sister who spoke to the media when the news broke about her having colon cancer and being rushed to surgery.

Edited by truthaboutluv

Surprised that CT would post such an intimate picture. So far it almost seemed like he has made an effort to not be visible, even though people who know them know he's been in NY the entire time with her. That picture is simultaneously beautiful and sad. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

Just saw the news. So sad and senseless.... I remember during the New Orleans season he talked about his prescription pills addiction and how he'd been sober for a few months or so but I long figured, after seeing him on some of the Challenges that he was likely dabbling in stuff again. A lot of his New Orleans cast-mates have commented on social media and Jemmye understandably sounds very upset. I think Knight was also on the upcoming challenge so now I'm really thinking MTV is just going to not air it, what with Diem and Knight both dead. Crazy man...

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