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9 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

I don't know that Lydia has any skeletons. However, if she does, there is no "if" when it comes to one of the other ladies weaponizing them. If Lydia has skeletons, the other ladies will find them and weaponize them. That's what my comment was about.

I think we are in agreement and thinking the same thing. 

Other than her pedo brother, which is on him not her, I don't know if she has any or would have any skeletons. She was very upfront about pot smoking mama and how it affected her. I believe her childhood shaped her into the choices she made as to how to live her life, pretty much straight arrow and telling mom she can't see the grand kids and smoke pot.  :-)

I have no doubt that Vicki, Kelly, and yes New Christian Tamra would weaponized skeletons. 

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I must have missed something...weaponized skeletons?


6 hours ago, Giselle said:

I think we are in agreement and thinking the same thing. 

Other than her pedo brother, which is on him not her, I don't know if she has any or would have any skeletons. She was very upfront about pot smoking mama and how it affected her. I believe her childhood shaped her into the choices she made as to how to live her life, pretty much straight arrow and telling mom she can't see the grand kids and smoke pot.  :-)

I have no doubt that Vicki, Kelly, and yes New Christian Tamra would weaponized skeletons. 


I'm the one who initially referred to Lydia's "family skeletons." Yes, my point was about the brother. I think there is a significant difference between information cropping up on a few blogs here and there that cover the show vs the introduction of that subject into the narrative of the show. 

And I have little trouble imagining Kelly lobbing that topic out in reflexive anger and/or Vicki spinning an entirely fabricated yarn about it.

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I have to imagine Heather will host an event at her house this season if only so she can finally show it off and boast about how well she is doing even when she is technically "off" the show. Maybe she'll even be a good company woman and be the one to invite "all the girls" to the same event so they finally have to face each other...

  • Love 4
On 2/18/2017 at 9:35 PM, Mu Shu said:

That fireplace looks like something in a horror movie.  I love Heather and her haughty ass, but her homes would give nightmares to live in.  I'm still dying to see the full tour of this monstrosity.  It looks like something out of HP Lovecraft and what I think Phillip Glass's house must look like. 

Looks as cold and uninviting as Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House.

Listen for scratching behind the walls...I don't think it's rats.

  • Love 6
On ‎2‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 10:59 AM, Snarky McSnarky said:

Just in time for this season's filming Vicki getting another victim role.

  • Love 7
56 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Just in time for this season's filming Vicki getting another victim role.

Exactly. That was my first reaction when I saw this story. 

I already made the decision to stop watching RHOC after the latest cast announcement. This just cemented it for me. I'm not here for any Vicki-centered victim/redemption arc.

  • Love 7

Dear Vicki,

We're sorry your employee "stole" from you, assuming it happened the way you say it did (sorry, but after the whole Brooks-cancer-scam fiasco, your credibility is kind of shot), but in any case, that neither forgives nor gives you a pass on being a lying, hypocritical mean girl.


Yours sincerely,

The World.

  • Love 21
On 2/20/2017 at 1:24 PM, Mu Shu said:

Watch what you ask for.  I can tell you I'd welcome demons scratching in the walls over rats.  Anyway, Heather would not tolerate either.  No rats or demons in casa Bossy pants.  

I'd still go over for champs and the off chance she's purging her closet.  

I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure rats would be easier to get rid of. My wife's childhood home is haunted by two ghosts, one of them unpleasant. (Ghosts, though; not demons.) The fact it's haunted has driven at least two owners off since her parents sold the house 20 years ago.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Nah, ever been bitten by a rat in your sleep?  Demons before rats.

No! Eeeew!

Was bit by a spider once. Must have been a tiny one.  That tiny bump itched like crazy.

Spiders, snakes and lizards, critters like opossums, gophers, coons I can handle. Bugs...No freaking way.

I'm OK with pet rats and mice as long as they have a pet store receipt or vet bills.

PS... opossum bellies are fuzzy soft. Their teeth are just for show.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 1

Rumors are in -

Main cast will be Vicki, Tamra, Shannon, Kelly, Lydia and new wife Peggy (not Peggy Tanous - friend of Lydia, allegedly team Tamra/Shannon). Friends of will be a new wife named Brianna (not Vicki's daughter) and former regular Meghan.

I think given how dire things seemed previously, this looks to be as promising as we could hope. Some new blood to shake things up. Hopefully some of the teams/alliances will get shifted up.

  • Love 1

So, if I have this right:

Team Ho Hum= Tamra (maybe but I don't trust that she'll not flip because Shannon's a drag) Shannon and probably the younger ones Megan, Lydia and Peggy sticking together.

Team Evil= Vicki and Kelly with maybe Tamra bridging the two groups because TPTB talked her into it.

Odd group so we'll see. I'm going to actually miss the Dubrows.

  • Love 4

Thanks Bravo.  I am 100% out.  Fuck you.  The only thing Gretchen brought was the sugar baby storyline.  Now she's just another middle aged hustler with an unemployed partner.   

Lydia?  She sucked the first time around.  But Stanky Gunvalson and Smelly Dudd won't be able to rattle her.  

Damnit Tamra, use your connections and get back into real estate.  Sure this shit pays a lot now, but you have at least 15 years left in the work force.  You'll still need a six figure income once this shit dried up.  I'm thinking K Dudd will sink the show.  I hope she does. 

  • Love 10
On 3/5/2017 at 8:45 AM, Mu Shu said:

Thanks Bravo.  I am 100% out.  Fuck you.  The only thing Gretchen brought was the sugar baby storyline.  Now she's just another middle aged hustler with an unemployed partner.   

Lydia?  She sucked the first time around.  But Stanky Gunvalson and Smelly Dudd won't be able to rattle her.  

Damnit Tamra, use your connections and get back into real estate.  Sure this shit pays a lot now, but you have at least 15 years left in the work force.  You'll still need a six figure income once this shit dried up. I'm thinking K Dudd will sink the show. I hope she does. 

Vicki scuttled the RHoOC boat two years ago with her cancer scams. Kelly is just the water flooding in. 

The producers aren't listening to us shout "Mayday" and repairing the damage by getting rid of the causes in the form of Vicki and Kelly.

Time to let the wreck slip below the waves with the rats on board.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 23
On 3/12/2017 at 4:21 PM, Giselle said:

Vicki scuttled the RHoOC boat two years ago with her cancer scams. Kelly is just the water flooding in. 

The producers aren't listening to us shout "Mayday" and repairing the damage by getting rid of the causes in the form of Vicki and Kelly.

Time to let the wreck slip below the waves with the rats on board.

Yep.  Not one redeeming or even mildly amusing thing left.  At this point, it will just be self abuse to watch.  

  • Love 10
On 3/24/2017 at 6:04 PM, chenoa333 said:

I would rather Donald Trump came on as a "friend of" the show than fucking Brianna. Actually I'd rather chew broken glass than see Brianna again. Ever. Anywhere. 

Yes i'm quoting myself! Lol. Little did I know when I posted that message that I would actually run into Brianna at a local Target!! But I'm glad nobody is making me chew broken glass!

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Very early (perhaps false) word on the street is that Tamra and Kelly are teaming up this season. And Gretchen is back with a vengeance, cozying up to Tamra's former bff Ricky who is spilling all of her tea.

Oh joy. The Gretchen- Tamra feud. Clearly, that's what this show needed. A storyline that was played out years and years ago that wasn't interesting past season 5.

Every new piece of info on this season demonstrates that they should've just put it out of its misery...and ours.

  • Love 6
50 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Very early (perhaps false) word on the street is that Tamra and Kelly are teaming up this season. And Gretchen is back with a vengeance, cozying up to Tamra's former bff Ricky who is spilling all of her tea.

Are they teaming up against Shannon, Vicki, or both, I wonder...wonder how Gretchen would fit into all of this, if it's true...

Has there been any updates on whether or not Meghan will be coming back?

Meghan is definitely back full time. The article I read made it seem like Tamra and Kelly might be against Vicki, but it was very general and I'm not sure of its accuracy. I am okay bringing Gretchen back if it pisses off Tamra and Shannon. Tamra had no problem trotting out her psychic friend to put Vicki's dirty laundry on blast in front of the cameras (great friend), so I'm okay with her getting a taste of her own medicine now. If only this could all somehow lead to Tamra and Shannon imploding, that would make my black heart swell with joy. I am mostly curious where and how Lydia will fit into all of this ugliness.

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Meghan is definitely back full time. The article I read made it seem like Tamra and Kelly might be against Vicki, but it was very general and I'm not sure of its accuracy. I am okay bringing Gretchen back if it pisses off Tamra and Shannon. Tamra had no problem trotting out her psychic friend to put Vicki's dirty laundry on blast in front of the cameras (great friend), so I'm okay with her getting a taste of her own medicine now. If only this could all somehow lead to Tamra and Shannon imploding, that would make my black heart swell with joy. I am mostly curious where and how Lydia will fit into all of this ugliness.

Nice to see someone else who's not fond of Shannon. I thought she was a great HW addition but man is she's become a big old dark hole of suck. Its exhausting.

  • Love 3

UGH!  More Vicki screeching.  Is she ever leaving??  I like her the least out of ALL the Housewives in the world, I think.  She's just so insufferable.  Aviva has other issues in addition to being a bitch and she knew to get the hell out.  Ramona can at times be enjoyable though those times are becoming fewer and fewer but Vicki really thinks she's just the best thing in every way.  Ramona tries to take on Bethenny but if Bethenny and Vicki got into it she would cry and say that she's being victimized/bullied.      

Edited by crgirl412
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3 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

Nice to see someone else who's not fond of Shannon. I thought she was a great HW addition but man is she's become a big old dark hole of suck. Its exhausting.

Exact same here. Shannon went from literally being one of my all-time favorite housewives to being on my list of most toxic housewives. I have never turned on a housewife as hard as I have on Shannon. I don't think this show is good for her. I think it feeds into the worst parts of her personality. She is divisive to the cast. I am not sure I will ever forget the intensity of her meanness toward Kelly at that final Ireland dinner - not that she said anything particularly egregious, but it was her shrewish tone, and the way in which it was clear that she would find fault with anything Kelly said simply to find fault with her. All the while cozying up to the two women who tried to paint her as a psychotic alcoholic on her first season. There is just something dark there.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

Oh joy. The Gretchen- Tamra feud. Clearly, that's what this show needed. A storyline that was played out years and years ago that wasn't interesting past season 5.

Every new piece of info on this season demonstrates that they should've just put it out of its misery...and ours.

But Tamra's son Ryan (such a great catch too!) is available again. Maybe Gretchen can get naked wasted and dump Slade for Ryan. At least Gretchen could live in Ladera Ranch instead of Costa Mesa. Or is Ryan's baby mama still living in the house Tamra "bought" for them? 

  • Love 3

And I am not a fan of Shannon either. She seemed like she might have been a fun gal in the first season (doing tequila shots in her kitchen with Tamra) but I'm not interested in her over the top obessession with vitamins, colon anything, holostic everything. This woman needs to get the stick out of her snobby ass and let loose once in awhile. Who gives a rats ass if you live to be 100 if you're miserable to be with.

Edited by chenoa333
  • Love 2

Oh, man, this season seems like it's going to be bananas. And contrary to my expectations for a Shannon pile-on, it looks like Tammy Sue's going to be in the hot seat.

I really hope Lydia has a good reason for returning to this mess and/or something interesting to promote. 

Tamra name dropped Lydia back during press for season 10 and asserted that they had reconnected during Tams' redemption tour. I also read that Lydia and Peggy were initially in the middle/on the fence of the alliances at the beginning of filming this year so it should be interesting to see how these teams shake out since I don't think anyone is really loyal to each other except maybe Meghan and Kelly - and even that pair demonstrably won't defend each other unless they earnestly feel compelled to do so. 



Edited by lunastartron
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Megan being back full time does not surprise me...the husband is gearing her up to have a steady income so it will make it easier to divorce her.  He also has gotten her out of St. Louis for extended periods of time and busy, both with the baby and the filming.

I sound so matter of fact but it seems that's how it goes with the Housewives, this show is a great platform for shilling goods and divorces.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Oh, man, this season seems like it's going to be bananas. And contrary to my expectations for a Shannon pile-on, it looks like Tammy Sue's going to be in the hot seat.

I really hope Lydia has a good reason for returning to this mess and/or something interesting to promote. 

Tamra name dropped Lydia back during press for season 10 and asserted that they had reconnected during Tams' redemption tour. I also read that Lydia and Peggy were initially in the middle/on the fence of the alliances at the beginning of filming this year so it should be interesting to see how these teams shake out since I don't think anyone is really loyal to each other except maybe Meghan and Kelly - and even that pair demonstrably won't defend each other unless they earnestly feel compelled to do so. 



I am so divided on this. On the one hand, it really sounds like this show is sinking into the total gutter. On the other hand, the words "Tamra" and "hot seat" are music to my vindictive ears. This woman gets away with way too much. And she totally trotted her psychic out on camera to make sure Brooks' cancer scam made it onto the show. I know it's ultimately Vicki's responsibility, but man, that's some friend to have in your corner. It proves the old adage true - with friends like that, who needs enemies? We'll see how Tamra likes the shoe being on the other foot.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Oh, man, this season seems like it's going to be bananas. And contrary to my expectations for a Shannon pile-on, it looks like Tammy Sue's going to be in the hot seat.

I really hope Lydia has a good reason for returning to this mess and/or something interesting to promote. 

Tamra name dropped Lydia back during press for season 10 and asserted that they had reconnected during Tams' redemption tour. I also read that Lydia and Peggy were initially in the middle/on the fence of the alliances at the beginning of filming this year so it should be interesting to see how these teams shake out since I don't think anyone is really loyal to each other except maybe Meghan and Kelly - and even that pair demonstrably won't defend each other unless they earnestly feel compelled to do so. 



Why do I get a whiff of Bravo trying to make Vicki look less disgusting by going after Tamra? Yes, Tamra deserves to be exposed for her nasty ways but not to paint Vicki as someone deserving less/vile.

  • Love 5
On 5/11/2017 at 11:46 AM, WireWrap said:

Why do I get a whiff of Bravo trying to make Vicki look less disgusting by going after Tamra? Yes, Tamra deserves to be exposed for her nasty ways but not to paint Vicki as someone deserving less/vile.

I think between Naked Wasted and trying to gaslight Shannon, Tamra has been doing a long, steady, consistent job of making herself look disgusting for years now. Vicki and Tamra are just two disgusting peas in a pod.

  • Love 6
55 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I think between Naked Wasted and trying to gaslight Shannon, Tamra has been doing a long, steady, consistent job of making herself look disgusting for years now. Vicki and Tamra are just two disgusting peas in a pod.

I've been waiting and waiting for Tamra to be held accountable for her back stabbing and manipulative "fair weather friend" behavior. And she really seems to be this way off screen in her personal life. All the commotion and turmoil she causes for her daughter (the one that doesn't like Tamra.....Sophia?). Tamra's Facebook page is a resource for info portraying herself as a selfish, self righteous biatch who loves to play the victim.

The abusive ex-husband, the sad childhood. Do your best to hang on to the Bravo gig Tamra because it's all you've got. You're walking a fine line between shopping at Target (you say it's one of your favorite stores. You're so humble) and shopping at the Salvation Army Thrift Store. IMO

Edited by chenoa333
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