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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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4 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I consider 3.5 blocks away as being near the subway. I worked in the area for several year (in the building where FAO Schwartz was). Trump Tower is on 5th Ave. between 56 & 57th St. There is a subway at 59th St between 5th & 6th, one at 53rd/5th and one a bit further at 59/Lex.  The articles are stating they would need to secure a 1 mile radius around Trump Tower. All of these stations fall in that area.  

Yeah, that's exactly what I was wondering. Because NY is very crammed together so it really did seem very possible that what would be considered "close" anywhere else would not apply to Manhattan. In my mind I was even picturing walking from Columbus Circle and wondering how close it was. 

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Oh, sweet jesus, this is making me sick. The idiot apparently won, so he needs to live in the White House for crying out loud. Sorry if he hates it; tough shit. "Suck it up, buttercup."

If his spawn get security clearance I'm going to lose it.

4 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

This.  I won't click any links that go to Breitbart, EndingTheFed, Tomi Lahren, etc.  I refuse to contribute a single click to their ad revenue.  

Me too....no clicks.

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Just now, sistermagpie said:

Yeah, that's exactly what I was wondering. Because NY is very crammed together so it really did seem very possible that what would be considered "close" anywhere else would not apply to Manhattan. In my mind I was even picturing walking from Columbus Circle and wondering how close it was. 

Its within a mile. 1 mile = approximately 20 city blocks. Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Staion and even the Roosevelt Island Tram are all withing the range along with so many other things. I just see zero way they can possibly have full security for a mile around Trump Tower.

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So, Corey Lewandowski admits that the FBI helped Coral Caligula to win.  Something about Comey giving Caligula a "spring in his step." Corey Gloats About FBI Assistance

Mmmm hmmm...and some people wonder why there are protests and refusals to accept Caligula's so-called victory.  The parallel universe that some of his supporters and surrogates live in is downright astounding.  It's a universe where a supposed billionaire pays no taxes for years with no consequence, lobbies to get the highest security clearances for family members with no government or national security experience, and where smarmy sycophants run around babbling about a "mandate" as if Caligula won in a landslide.

I just can't with these fuckers.

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2 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Its within a mile. 1 mile = approximately 20 city blocks. Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Staion and even the Roosevelt Island Tram are all withing the range along with so many other things. I just see zero way they can possibly have full security for a mile around Trump Tower.

I know, right? Well, hell's freakin' bells Let's just shut down all of New York so his royal heiny can have what he wants. After all, that's all that matters... what he wants.

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The Jon Stewart interview is widely available on sites other than Breitbart. (I won't give them my click either). Here is the clip posted by CBS Today on youtube for anyone who would like to listen to it. 

Edited by windsprints
Poor John, I made a type and renamed him. Fixed.
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Just wait folks He's going to want to make the "new"white house at rump towers Just wait. He can charge the taxpayers for that too.

Except for the charging taxpayers for it, I wouldn't care if he spent his whole time in office in New York. The less we see of him in D.C., the better. I'd rather the White House be vacant for a few years than gold-leafed.

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Just now, Nidratime said:

Except for the charging taxpayers for it, I wouldn't care if he spent his whole time in office in New York. The less we see of him in D.C., the better. I'd rather the White House be vacant for a few years than gold-leafed.

Many of NYers don't want him either so how about a compromise?  Send him off to his FL estate. They voted for him didn't they?

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9 minutes ago, windsprints said:

The Jon Stewart interview is widely available on sites other than Breitbart. (I won't give them my click either). Here is the clip posted by CBS Today on youtube for anyone who would like to listen to it. 

Thanks for this. Good find .

Best part from Jon was that he wished someone had asked Orange, "What makes America great?" That would have held his nards to the fire. I wish someone, anyone, had asked him that.

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5 minutes ago, Nidratime said:

Except for the charging taxpayers for it, I wouldn't care if he spent his whole time in office in New York. The less we see of him in D.C., the better. I'd rather the White House be vacant for a few years than gold-leafed.

I know. I hear you and I agree. I just don't want him to profit. The thought of all those SS agents having to stay at rump towers for his and his spawns' protection  just galls me. I'll give Barron a pass for now bc he's just a child and didn't ask to be born into this.

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I saw a post from a Facebook friend today who said something to the effect of "you have to remember that most of us who voted for Trump didn't do it because we like him, we were just voting against the corrupt system."  

...you can't just hand wave the awful shit about the man you voted for because "well, I mean, I don't like him like him."  You still voted for him.  You still gave him your literal seal of approval as the man to represent our nation at the highest level.  Also, don't tell people who are genuinely worried about their future - whether it's because of their race, their sexual identity, their religion, their financial status, etc, that they can't blame you for voting in what could be Armageddon for them, because, well, you didn't vote for him based on those things.  You knew he was saying those things, loudly and often, but those weren't the reasons you voted for him.  You still voted for him.  You still knew "hey, this man is a danger to a lot of groups in this country," when you hit that button.  It doesn't matter if you like it, or if you, personally, go around using the N word, chanting "build that wall," or looking at every Muslim (or Muslim-appearing) person you see like you expect them to blow you up where you stand.  What matters is that, on any level, it was acceptable to you to vote for that person as the President.  If you did vote for him, for whatever reason, it's your right.  But, it's everyone else's right to be disappointed in you for doing so, from your position of privilege.  Finally - Who is more corrupt than Trump?  Who???  

That's been part of my argument all along. Trump is a liar and a cheat and an adulterer, for real, not just in Republican wild fantasies about Hillary Clinton. But the hypocrites don't care about that. 

1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

He won't care.  After all, the hacking benefited him.  Drumpf received security briefings of some sort where the intelligence community made it clear that the Russians were behind the hacking.  There is also reason to believe that some of the documents allegedly hacked were faked.  Drumpf either didn't believe what he was told and/or attempted to minimize what he learned.  There's a reason he could never bring himself to criticize his man-crush, Vlad the Impaler.  Uday once boasted that his father's companies were getting financing from the Russians; no banks in the U.S. would lend Drumpf anymore money.  The only people who attempted to connect those dots months ago when it really mattered were Rachel Maddow and Kurt Eichenwald.  Then one day, the The New York Times finally woke the hell up which was too little, too late. 

I suspect that Drumpf pretends to be ignorant about Russia's role in our rigged election because he is owes "big league" money to its oligarchs.  He got away with not providing his tax returns, which would have given us a fuller picture of how much of a conflict he and his brats with Ivana have, which ultimately becomes a national security issue.  But, according to Uday, the tax returns are way too complex for us mere mortals to understand.  This, coming from one of the most woefully ignorant and dim-witted people I've ever seen.  This is another unfortunate consequence of this election season.  Because Drumpf was held to a different standard, he suffered no real fallout from the decision not to release his tax returns.

If it could be proven that Russia interfered with the US election, does that mean it's invalid? What would happen? Would we have a "do-over"? Would that lead to riots and anarchy and a military takeover? During the 2000 election, when it was not decided between Gore and Bush, the strength of our systems stood the strain until the outcome of the election was decided. I fear that in today's climate, we could not. 

As if using the internment of Japanese-American citizens during WWII as a legal precedent for a Muslim registry (I wonder, will they make Muslims wear yellow crescents on their clothing?) wasn't scary enough, this has me terrified that the Christian States of America is coming sooner rather than later:

The GOP’s Anti-LGBT, Anti-Women ‘Religious Freedom’ Law on Steroids

The First Amendment Defense Act would allow hospitals, governments, universities, and businesses to ignore same-sex marriage, deny women health care, and fire gay people.[/i]

Edited to add: this why we must resist all attempts at normalizing Don the Con and the path his regime will take us down.

Edited by SmithW6079
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On a lighter, less apocalyptic note... exactly who is going to show up/perform at the inauguration and other events? Are he and Melania going to dance to the dulcet tones of Ted Nugent?

Who is going to accept an invitation to a Trump state dinner?  The only people who will accept the invitations are the kind of people he really doesn't have much use for.  He's always been a social climbing entertainment hanger-on; he ends up in the position where the incumbent pretty literally gets his choice of just about anybody he wants to come to the White House for private concerts/photo ops... and nobody he would want would accept.  The foreign heads of state can't necessarily refuse... but their reward will be a head table with Chachi and Steven Baldwin?

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28 minutes ago, kassa said:

On a lighter, less apocalyptic note... exactly who is going to show up/perform at the inauguration and other events? Are he and Melania going to dance to the dulcet tones of Ted Nugent?

Who is going to accept an invitation to a Trump state dinner?  The only people who will accept the invitations are the kind of people he really doesn't have much use for.  He's always been a social climbing entertainment hanger-on; he ends up in the position where the incumbent pretty literally gets his choice of just about anybody he wants to come to the White House for private concerts/photo ops... and nobody he would want would accept.  The foreign heads of state can't necessarily refuse... but their reward will be a head table with Chachi and Steven Baldwin?

"Dulcet tones of Ted Nugent" made me snort my Fresca. hehehehhe. May I add, mellifluous ? :-) 

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Sorry guys. I'll go ahead and say it.

If rump is truly going to be president, (it hasn't happened yet; there's still hope.. a meteor.. IDK what)  then I hope the inauguration and his celebration etc is a huge.. no YYOOOOGE effing embarrassing disaster. Ok I don't want a meteor. I do , however, hope his hate comes home to roost... HARD.... in the form of karma - what goes around......

There .. NOW I said it.

COME ON KARMA!!! Don't let us down now

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7 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

There are so many ist/ism's being thrown around (in the world) and my first thought when I read it first at CBS was, wow Jon isn't an ist/ism pusher just for the sake of pushing ist/ism's. He peels the onion. 

I'm a little hesitant about that distinction, though, that Jon's peeling the onion as opposed to the presumably common practice of just pushing ist/ism's for the sake of pushing ist/isms. He's not really getting down into any complex analysis of people, he's just saying not to define all Trump supporters by the bigotry Trump champions because they've got other things going on that they're worried about and in many contexts they're nice people. A sentiment that's been written over and over again since the election.

I think the reason people push back on that at this point a thing has been done, people are getting to work on ideas about things like religious bills that allow doctors to make judgments on those they disapprove, or restrict access to abortion, or consider Japanese internment camps as a model for dealing with Muslims, put restrictions on protesting, muzzling the press, etc. etc. And whether or not those things actually happen in that way, there's a surge of support in that direction and because of that for many we're beyond questions of just how little somebody should think of their neighbor who voted for this guy. We need to focus on minimizing the damage to Civil Rights and national security in general. The personal good/bad qualities of every Trump voter, good or bad, isn't really a priority now. 

I mean, Jon says his friends are worried about their insurance premiums, but that just gets back to the whole big can of worms again, which is that the whole point of Obamacare is to find a practical solution to skyrocketing medical costs and Donald Trump has not offered any practical solutions to that. He really doesn't seem to have made a serious study of the problem at all. 

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If I thought the Orange Menace and his sinkhole of ghouls were able to comprehend "thinking ahead," I wonder if maybe they're encouraging all the chaos and confusion to provoke protests and unrest and...hey, Donnie just called for the military to step in! His feefees got hurt by too many protests and Cryptkeeper Conway SAID she tried to tell people to calm down, but....oh well! Military State! All the Obama's fault! Trials for treason now showing on the required Brietbart public television station. Live firing squads! Public humiliation! Melania to reveal a new dress!

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1 minute ago, potatoradio said:

If I thought the Orange Menace and his sinkhole of ghouls were able to comprehend "thinking ahead," I wonder if maybe they're encouraging all the chaos and confusion to provoke protests and unrest and...hey, Donnie just called for the military to step in! His feefees got hurt by too many protests and Cryptkeeper Conway SAID she tried to tell people to calm down, but....oh well! Military State! All the Obama's fault! Trials for treason now showing on the required Brietbart public television station. Live firing squads! Public humiliation! Melania to reveal a new dress!


(insert my Beavis and Butthead snort-laugh here. hehehehehe)  Good one!

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I was a HRC voter, but in retrospect (and having rump as PE) I cant believe I'm saying this; but I wish Jeb Bush had been more assertive. He is, at least, not satan incarnate, masquerading  as a human. Oh heck, now I'm lookin back longingly at Romney or MCCain.   god and or the universe....help us.

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5 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

As a (now grown up) shy kid, I think the kid is just shy.  For someone who is really, genuinely shy, the cameras, the people, the chanting, etc, is a living hell.  Add in that this particular kid is probably under some pressure to "not let Dad down," and it's unimaginable.  Of course, add in that he probably, honestly, doesn't even really know his father.  I get the impression that Melania has a somewhat normal relationship with the kid, but Donald has a track record of not having any interest in his kids until they are old enough to be of some benefit to him.  This isn't a kid whose father got down on the floor and played trucks with him on Saturday morning, or who read him books at bedtime.  I'd be surprised if he isn't expected to call his father "Sir," and if their relationship wasn't very stiff and formal.  Now, the poor kid is being dragged out in front of the cameras, in front of the crowds, he's already heard someone yell "Kill Obama" as his father spoke.  I think this kid of the POTUS gig is tough enough for kids who have warm, genuine relationships with their fathers (like the Obamas, Chelsea, or the Bushes), but for a kid who has grown up like Barron has?  It has to be a nightmare.  

I saw a post from a Facebook friend today who said something to the effect of "you have to remember that most of us who voted for Trump didn't do it because we like him, we were just voting against the corrupt system."  OK, couple things.  First and foremost, the person who posted it?  Has spent his life privileged.  He grew up that way, he still is that way.  He's also a straight white Christian.  The only thing that Trump represents that is a direct personal threat to this man is the awful shit he's said about woman, as the man has daughters and younger sisters.  But, of course, as part of the more privileged portion of society, he likely has no genuine worry that Trump, himself, poses some kind of threat to the women in his life.  His daughters won't end up being desperate young women who end up at a Trump type party, doing drugs and having sex with or being raped by 50 year old men in the hopes it will get them a start at their career.  Two, you can't just hand wave the awful shit about the man you voted for because "well, I mean, I don't like him like him."  You still voted for him.  You still gave him your literal seal of approval as the man to represent our nation at the highest level.  Also, don't tell people who are genuinely worried about their future - whether it's because of their race, their sexual identity, their religion, their financial status, etc, that they can't blame you for voting in what could be Armageddon for them, because, well, you didn't vote for him based on those things.  You knew he was saying those things, loudly and often, but those weren't the reasons you voted for him.  You still voted for him.  You still knew "hey, this man is a danger to a lot of groups in this country," when you hit that button.  It doesn't matter if you like it, or if you, personally, go around using the N word, chanting "build that wall," or looking at every Muslim (or Muslim-appearing) person you see like you expect them to blow you up where you stand.  What matters is that, on any level, it was acceptable to you to vote for that person as the President.  If you did vote for him, for whatever reason, it's your right.  But, it's everyone else's right to be disappointed in you for doing so, from your position of privilege.  Finally - Who is more corrupt than Trump?  Who???  

KerleyQ, your entire post is epic!  

But, to address your last sentence--YAAAAS!  Hunty---YASSSS!

I've heard that argument more than I care to count.  My response is typically, "Trump--over 3000 lawsuits and counting" to which I receive a blank stare and an angry "If looks could kill" glare.  Even when I provided sources about this man and his family's blatant corruption, it's either a liberal plot or doesn't matter because...well...it just doesn't because of Hillary's damned emails.  That's what's so infuriating.  That creature's corruption is in plain view--even the stuff that its decades old.  At the very least, his disclosure statements to the FEC is a catalog of abuses and scams that should raise the hairs on even a bald person's neck.  

But at some point, I just gave up the ghost because life is way too short and my tolerance for foolishness lessens the older I get.  That's when I look heavenward, raise my hands and yell, "Fix it, Jesus," and keep stepping. 

As for Barron, my mother-in-law wondered if he was autistic.  I would bet dollars to donuts that he doesn't get to just be a kid.  

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A story about how a Trump supporter chased some black kids with a bat.  Sick stuff.

What is scary about this whole thing is the division of the country.  We don't watch the same TV shows, we don't laugh or cry at the same things anymore.  If twenty or thirty people are living together in a house, they could all be watching different TV shows; in a way that's good but in another way, that's not good because nothing connects people anymore, it seems.

I have never seen protests, in the US, after an election.  I wonder if in a few decades this country will split maybe into different countries.   Maybe the blue states, the east and west coasts will break off and say "bye Felicia" to the rest of the country if the division and negativity get to be too much. 

Edited by Neurochick
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1 hour ago, kassa said:

On a lighter, less apocalyptic note... exactly who is going to show up/perform at the inauguration and other events? Are he and Melania going to dance to the dulcet tones of Ted Nugent?

Who is going to accept an invitation to a Trump state dinner?  The only people who will accept the invitations are the kind of people he really doesn't have much use for.  He's always been a social climbing entertainment hanger-on; he ends up in the position where the incumbent pretty literally gets his choice of just about anybody he wants to come to the White House for private concerts/photo ops... and nobody he would want would accept.  The foreign heads of state can't necessarily refuse... but their reward will be a head table with Chachi and Steven Baldwin?

I still don't see the clamoring for inaugural events as of yet.  This is so quiet especially when one considers how everybody and their mama were trying to get tickets, hotel rooms, etc. for President Obama's first and second inaugurals.

I've seen several appreciation events planned for the Obamas, as well as the Million Woman March.

Maybe interest in Orange Caligula's coronation will pick up as we get closer to January.

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4 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Donald Drumpf and Megyn Kelly

Let me say that I'm not a fan of Megyn Kelly but she appeared on CNN last night with Anderson Cooper. She's out and about publicizing her book that was just released. Everyone is aware of the exchange between she and Donald during the Republican debates. She claims that following that ugly business with his subsequent statement about 'blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of.....wherever", she claims there was a vindictive campaign against her on the part of the Drumpf team. She was fearful enough of her life being in danger that she hired private security.

Two threats she mentioned was one by one of Drumpf's mouthpieces, Michael Cohen, Drumpf’s top lawyer, he retweeted a Twitter user’s message, “Let’s gut her,” in reference to Kelly. Then there's Corey Lewandowski “In a call on Saturday with a Fox News executive, [Corey Lewandowski] stated that Megyn had a ‘rough couple of days after that last debate’ and he ‘would hate to have her go through that again,’ ” the Fox News statement said.

I don't doubt Megyn Kelly, I believe it all happened. But I believe that she's using it, not only to promote her book, but to make it more dramatic in order to sell her book. I also know that Megyn Kelly was one of the only ones, if not THE only one on Fox that was critical of Donald Drumpf, which didn't make her popular among Fox viewers. I believe that Megyn Kelly appeared at CNN to soften us viewers up in preparation for her to be given a job at CNN.

Oh, I forgot to add the link. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/megyn-kelly-trump-threats-cnn_us_582d245de4b058ce7aa93e7f

She should have said all this shit before the election. She's just as culpable as the rest of the media who gave Trump an easy ride. Even more so, if she actually went through this and said nothing.

I'm sick of these spineless, weak-willed cowards who just won't stand up to this guy because he has a load of dickwad supporters who'll spew filth on social media. Either you have principles or you don't. And if you don't you shouldn't go around trying to criticise anyone else. Right now people can just dismiss everything she says as sensationalist exaggerations designed to sell a book that will make her money.

Also, I cannot wait to see how New York reacts if they have to regularly deal with the busiest shopping street in the world being closed off because the orange tosspiece wants to play with his teddies and snuggle in his blankie at night, instead of sleeping in the big, scary White House, where real men have slept.... I'm just really annoyed at this whole thing today.

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5 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

Yes! UKDailyMail is like my beloved Star when I was a teen.

Pre-Bonnie Fuller Star magazine readers, represent! Wee! (The Globe these days comes close...but I won't read the Enquirer ever again.) 

4 hours ago, Chicken Wing said:

Criticizing the Trump protesters, Ted Cruz continues to be the chief candidate for Secretary of Assholery:


This is hypocrisy on rank display. All of the folks who jumped on their high horse and were lecturing to President-elect Trump, ‘You’ve got to accept the results of the election’ — look, these are now the idiots protesting in the street, laying their bodies down in front of cars and disrupting traffic

This is rich coming from a.) a guy who regularly got pants'd by Trump; b.) booed at his own convention for not even mentioning Trump's name; and c.) a man who refused to do his elected responsibility by allowing a hearing for an open vacancy on the Supreme Court. This guy doesn't have a hot load of shit to care about NYC's "traffic." Speaking of which, I'm a little tired of hearing people complain about protests "screwing up traffic" and "taking place in a public." I'm sure those Selma marchers are all "sorry, not sorry" to hear of your imaginary grievances.

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Trump supporters have said they like him because he's a business man.  He will do well because he will treat the country like a business.

Businesses are run to make a profit for the owner, not to serve anyone besides the owner.   when one of his companies  doesn't make a profit, Trump backs out, leaving others holding the bag, and declares bankruptcy, thereby avoiding being responsible for the financial losses. 

I guess that's the plan.

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15 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

A story about how a Trump supporter chased some black kids with a bat.  Sick stuff.

Did you see the video of the guy in Starbucks? He seems to have decided his order was taking too long, then started ranting, blamed it on discrimination against him as a white person and yelled that he'd voted for Trump. Make of that what you will...

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He's going on a "victory tour" to swing states he won. Gross. Way to unite the country, dude. He's totally gonna do the Hitler thing of having rallies as president because all he likes are the crowds.

Who else thinks he's going to get protested like crazy on this "tour"?

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The cable news networks fake anxiety of who's he's putting in his cabinet is absurd.

It's going to be just what we expect.  trump loyalists, Washington insiders and rubes and anyone desperate to make-up for their never trump misdeeds.

As far as his crappy business record, how about the fact that he's never had to answer to anyone?  His company is privately held so he's never had shareholders or a board of directors to hold his feet to the fire.

Edited by stormy
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Are he and Melania going to dance to the dulcet tones of Ted Nugent?

Please let this happen. I want everyone else to turn him down.



He's going on a "victory tour" to swing states he won. Gross. Way to unite the country, dude. He's totally gonna do the Hitler thing of having rallies as president because all he likes are the crowds.

Who else thinks he's going to get protested like crazy on this "tour"?


I think the protesters will be kept away by his security and the media will barely mention them. He's going where his people are, he's going for the cheers. Heaven forbid he man up and do something to try to unite people.

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5 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

I love the butler's views into their life in what you posted ! The butler and Donald seem to have shared a mutually loving relationship.

Glad they had a loving relationship since Anthony Senecal, Trump's butler, didn't really love the current President all that much:


The Secret Service said it would investigate Donald J. Trump’s longtime butler over Facebook posts laced with vulgarities and epithets calling for President Obama to be killed.

The racially tinged posts by the butler, Anthony Senecal, were unearthed by Mother Jones on Thursday, and referred to Mr. Obama as a “Kenyan fraud” who should be hanged for treason.

“With the last breath I draw I will help rid this America of the scum infested in its government,” Mr. Senecal wrote last May, saying that the president should be dragged from the “white mosque” and hanged “from the portico — count me in !!!!!”


Although some of the posts, which dated to 2015, were written publicly while others were visible only to friends, Mother Jones said that Mr. Senecal had confirmed that they were his words: “I wrote that. I believe that.”

1 minute ago, windsprints said:

He's going on a "victory tour" to swing states he won.

Glad to have my tax dollars going to something worthwhile. 

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I just don't understand how someone could have voted for Trump because they wanted corruption out of government.  Trump is and almost always has been a corrupt businessman.  From the illegal discriminatory practices in the 70s and 80s up to Trump University.  Corruption is second nature to him.  And it isn't even shady, under the radar corruption like people claim about Hillary (and I am inclined to believe that she and Bill have done some shady stuff.), its common knowledge.  He admitted that he doesn't pay taxes, for god sake!   So I think this excuse, above all others, is just willful ignorance.

As for Barron, he is ten years old, has Trump for a father and has no say over his current lifestyle or circumstance.  I think he should be completely off limits, the same as any other underage First children.

Edited by Deanie87
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As for Barron, he is ten years old, has Trump for a father and has no say over his current lifestyle or circumstance.  I think he should be completely off limits, the same as any other underage First children.

I agree, he has no say at such a young age. The adult children though, totally not off limits.

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While I find this slight of May and, by extension, her entire shitty government hilarious, it's pretty scary to think that this man is so utterly incompetent. Does he think world leaders can just drop in on a country unannounced? Does he think he can do that? Does he honestly have so little idea of international diplomacy that he can say idiotic stuff like this?

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3 minutes ago, Danny Franks said:

While I find this slight of May and, by extension, her entire shitty government hilarious, it's pretty scary to think that this man is so utterly incompetent. Does he think world leaders can just drop in on a country unannounced? Does he think he can do that? Does he honestly have so little idea of international diplomacy that he can say idiotic stuff like this?

Yes. He is a complete and total idiot. We may as well have pulled in a random dude off the street who's never worked a day in his life and been like, hey you wanna be the president? That's what we're doing right now.

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1 hour ago, sistermagpie said:

I mean, Jon says his friends are worried about their insurance premiums, but that just gets back to the whole big can of worms again, which is that the whole point of Obamacare is to find a practical solution to skyrocketing medical costs and Donald Trump has not offered any practical solutions to that. He really doesn't seem to have made a serious study of the problem at all.

If that was the point of Obamacare, it wouldn't be so short on measures to accomplish that, and we wouldn't still be waiting for the tort-reform proposal Obama promised us. The last thing you do is just add millions of new consumers to the system; that just drives prices up more. Trump has been in business long enough to know how the law of supply and demand works, and feels no need to explain what should be common knowledge, especially when the media covered the subject at length eight years ago.

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10 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

If that was the point of Obamacare, it wouldn't be so short on measures to accomplish that, and we wouldn't still be waiting for the tort-reform proposal Obama promised us. The last thing you do is just add millions of new consumers to the system; that just drives prices up more. Trump has been in business long enough to know how the law of supply and demand works, and feels no need to explain what should be common knowledge, especially when the media covered the subject at length eight years ago.

I believe the point was that healthcare is not simply a business. People need to be covered by insurance so as not to be bankrupted by medical costs, or not being able to pay at all, or dying. There are many reasons for the law being flawed and the plans for it being stuck besides nefarious motives behind the law.  I also don't believe for a second that Trump's so knowledgeable on the subject he doesn't even feel the need to explain himself. He bluffed his way through most of his campaign.

Edited by sistermagpie
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7 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

If that was the point of Obamacare, it wouldn't be so short on measures to accomplish that, and we wouldn't still be waiting for the tort-reform proposal Obama promised us. The last thing you do is just add millions of new consumers to the system; that just drives prices up more. Drumpf has been in business long enough to know how the law of supply and demand works, and feels no need to explain what should be common knowledge, especially when the media covered the subject at length eight years ago.

Because Obama has had so much success dealing with those lovely, receptive Republicans on the Hill on all sorts of reforms and legislative efforts? Yeah, why hasn't he delivered all he promised?

Republicans always argue that government doesn't work. It sure as hell doesn't whenever they're involved.

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3 hours ago, kassa said:

On a lighter, less apocalyptic note... exactly who is going to show up/perform at the inauguration and other events? Are he and Melania going to dance to the dulcet tones of Ted Nugent?

Who is going to accept an invitation to a Trump state dinner? The only people who will accept the invitations are the kind of people he really doesn't have much use for.

Oy. My list of boycotted celebrities is gonna be yuuge. They're in the same business as Trump -- promoting themselves and protecting their public personas so troop to the White House they will. Those who decline will not publicize that for fear of harassment and blowback.

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30 minutes ago, windsprints said:
11 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

So ... now Mitt Romney is scheduled to meet with Orange Julius this weekend. There is talk of Romney being considered for Secretary of State.

If I had known selling your soul was such a booming market I'd have hocked mine long ago.


Sorry quote box

 Oh, hell's bells, I spoke too soon about Romney

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4 minutes ago, ari333 said:

Sorry quote box

 Oh, hell's bells, I spoke too soon about Romney

There's something reassuring about it, really. It's like we keep having these moments of 'huh. Well maybe he/she actually has some principles after all. I'm surprised.' Followed by, 'oh wait, I'm not surprised after all.'

A whole queue of Republicans waiting to be welcomed into the compromising bosom of the orange oaf. Integrity to be left at the golden door to his penthouse.

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19 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

If that was the point of Obamacare, it wouldn't be so short on measures to accomplish that, and we wouldn't still be waiting for the tort-reform proposal Obama promised us.

Medical malpractice accounts for less than 2.5% of total U.S. health care spending. Tort reform would have a negligible impact on health care costs.

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It's not only the GOP showing their asses, tbh.  Dems are lining up to work with Orange Hitler as well.  Tim Ryan, the Dem from OH running against Pelosi, said on Chris Matthews yesterday (basically repeating Trump's line) that working class people in the rust belt shouldn't have to go through job re-training; old economy jobs need to be brought back.   There's a lot of ballsack fondling going on right now, and it sickens me.

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