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Travelers - General Discussion

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I don't think being put into a different gender would be that big of a deal in the grand scheme of time travel and new bodies etc. 


Like they try and match you up but if they can't, eh. Especially if it is more urgent. I wouldn't be surprised if Trevor has been both, in sure it's something they wanted to test before sending people back in time. 

  • Love 3

I think we all need more information about how things worked in the future. Maybe I'm not paying enough attention but I feel like I have too many questions. The director is the AI that makes the decisions and has a grand plan to fix the broken future but is there a separate machine that does the body swapping? Is it in a separate location? Where do all the travellers train to become travellers? If next season provided a bit more information about the future I'd probably be less confused.

  • Love 2
On 1/9/2018 at 10:40 PM, nekilarose said:

His low number means he was most likely one of the earliest programmers

I've been puzzling over why he was first.  He had some general knowledge of the past, so he might have been an early researcher/historian.  However, I don't think they'd sacrifice someone important on the first test, especially since he was supposed to die immediately afterward.  He was expected to be compliant, and was in some way disposable to the Director.  Perhaps he got the short straw in the pool of candidates.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, MisterGlass said:

I've been puzzling over why he was first.  He had some general knowledge of the past, so he might have been an early researcher/historian.  However, I don't think they'd sacrifice someone important on the first test, especially since he was supposed to die immediately afterward.  He was expected to be compliant, and was in some way disposable to the Director.  Perhaps he got the short straw in the pool of candidates.

I believe he said he was dying of a terrible disease, so that made him the logical choice to go into a situation where they expected him to die inside the towers.

Just a word about Marcy - I'm rewatching episodes, and they've definitely ret-conned her past, as she said specifically that her host had a congenitally defective brain. Which also leads me to the question, how did she get a job in radiology? Even if they provided her with new credentials, seems like there's a risk (however slight) of encountering a doctor who's seen her in her previous state.

  • Love 5

What I want to know is how the number system got started. Obviously we have met 001 that was the first traveler, but if Grace is 027 she wasn't the 27th traveler because she was a new arrival after all the others that have higher numbers. So do they get a number when they go into the program? It seems like it jumps around some on that. With the grounghog day episode it was consecutive numbers like they were just going down a list. But obviously after that programmrs and earlier numbers came for the trial. 

Edited by Txmomof2
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Txmomof2 said:

What I want to know is how the number system got started. Obviously we have met 001 that was the first traveler, but if Grace is 027 she wasn't the 27th traveler because she was a new arrival after all the others that have higher numbers. So do they get a number when they go into the program? It seems like it jumps around some on that. With the grounghog day episode it was consecutive numbers like they were just going down a list. But obviously after that programmrs and earlier numbers came for the trial. 

While rewatching, I was writing down some of the numbers to see if the faction travelers used a different set of numbers (too soon to tell). But, yeah, I agree. The numbering system is a bit vague. I would like an episode set in the future with our team, perhaps, to see what went into preparing them for the past.

Of course, that would break a protocol...

Edited by Clanstarling
  • Love 1
On 12/31/2017 at 4:55 PM, Primal Slayer said:

I am a bit surprised that Jeff has been able to get off the hook fairly easily in both seasons. The guy just keeps messing up and continues to abuse Carly someway somehow throughout the season. Especially in the finale when he told her to stay away from his son I was like


You barely take care of your kid and practically killed your baby momma! What kind of moral high ground do you think you have? 

Yeah I wasn't getting Jeff's moral high ground either.    Hopefully in Season 3 Carly will point out to him his character flaws.

I loved Season 2 a lot.   Highlights for me:

-  Grace definitely was the highlight with her incessant chatter...she'd annoy me in real life though.

-  Definitely knew Jenny was up to no good.

 - I hope those crazy kids David and Marcy can work through their relationship issues even though the relationship itself is borderline creepy despite how charming David comes off.

-   I knew Kat's baby wasn't going to live.

-  I knew Traveler 0001 was going to figure out the psychiatrist was compromised since she didn't use the "bugger" phone he requested and he'd be suspicious that she would change her mind about seeing him.

It was interesting that Trevor's parents were spared from being kidnapped though I imagine they'd really find it difficult to believe Trevor isn't really their son.

Edited by Meedis
Forgot about David and Marcy
  • Love 1
On 1/13/2018 at 0:30 AM, MisterGlass said:

Trevor is 0115 if I recall correctly, and the rest of his team are in the 3000 series.  It may indicate that the low numbered travelers also traveled between bodies in the future.  Or, it could be an indicator of the order in which they volunteered.

I think you're onto something. The low numbered travelers having traveled before seems right to me, although volunteer order would work as well.

I loved this season (even though it took me forever to finish), so I'm really hoping for a third!

The stuff about Grant and Marcy having residual memories in their brains maybe partly explains Carly's attachment to Jeffrey Jr. Earlier in the season I was thinking the show was trying to say that your physical body had an impact on "who you are" as well as your consciousness, and that Carly's body remembered loving her baby. Now I think it's the part of Original Carly that's still left deep inside.

Do any of you watch Letterkenny? It was so surreal seeing that goofy hockey moron in a serious and tragic role (Kyle).

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Fex said:

The stuff about Grant and Marcy having residual memories in their brains maybe partly explains Carly's attachment to Jeffrey Jr. Earlier in the season I was thinking the show was trying to say that your physical body had an impact on "who you are" as well as your consciousness, and that Carly's body remembered loving her baby. Now I think it's the part of Original Carly that's still left deep inside.

Good point!

  • Love 1

I think it would be interesting to know if any of the people they took over remain. We know their memories are there. But what happens if the transfer goes wonky? Is it possible for a split personality type situation to happen? Those that have traveled into more than one body, like Trevor. Do they take any of the host memories with them? 

The whole Marcy back story needs to be cleaned up too. Is it a congenital defect, or was her brain damaged by 001? Was it an underlying issue that 001 triggered from his testing? 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Txmomof2 said:

I think it would be interesting to know if any of the people they took over remain. We know their memories are there. But what happens if the transfer goes wonky? Is it possible for a split personality type situation to happen? Those that have traveled into more than one body, like Trevor. Do they take any of the host memories with them? 

The whole Marcy back story needs to be cleaned up too. Is it a congenital defect, or was her brain damaged by 001? Was it an underlying issue that 001 triggered from his testing? 

Marcy did specifically say it was a congenital defect back in season 1 - on the other hand, perhaps 001 traveled into her briefly - damaging her brain enough so that it would look like that on a scan?

  • Love 3

I think Marcy may be partially ret-con, but you could make a case that she has no connection to her real past, so when 001 tested out the machine on her ( which sounds like it digitizes your consciousness and can then be put into someone new- but for his tests he just put it back in the same body, but the machine wasn’t right so it put Marcy back wrong) it damaged her brain in a way that our century could only interpret as a congenital defect and she had no family or medical history to contradict that when she met David.


As far as numbers go, I think it’s a little of both- when you travel, but also when you join the program. 001 was numbered that because he was the first to go back in time. Did they keep testing the transfer between future time bodies after that, or did Trevor start body hopping before 001? But they may have also come to a point where the AI figured numbers would be easier, and retroactively numbered the programmers etc, but new people get numerical in addition to specialty, sine there do seem to be numbers more specific to skill sets.

  • Love 5

I binged the whole second season yesterday.  Yeah, stuff that should have gotten done, did not get done.  But I watched this really, really fast.  I think that in some ways helped.  Some choices that hung around a little too long maybe didn't seem as long since I blasted right it all.

  • Boy, the addiction to drops was dropped really quickly wasn't it?  Expose Jenny, suddenly Phillip is able to stop taking the drops.  Really?  That's how addiction works?
  • Speaking of the drops, are we supposed to assume they did NOT come from the Director?
  • And why didn't Marcy ever determine what was in them?  She gave him a little grief about it, then dropped it.  Huh?  So did Trevor?  Are they do desensitized to Phillips addiction issues they ignore screaming red flags?  Phillip is a security problem.  Why doesn't the team treat him that way?
  • Question, why is updating the historian such a secret? 
  • I don't understand why the Director sometimes stops them from breaking Protocol, and why sometimes they get away with it.  By allowing them to break Protocol sometimes they are just encouraged to keep "improvising".
  • A couple of episodes from the end, I was surprised when Amanda Tapping was playing the therapist.  She normally plays characters that are much more... "take/in charge" characters, I guess you'd call it.  In the end, finding out she's now Vincent, it made sense.  Also made sense that they got her for more than one or two episodes, but instead is the bad guy for season 3. 
  • You can count my vote that it was actually Vincent interviewing everyone.
  • You can also count my vote for not understanding how Jeff continues to avoid the repercussions for his bad behavior.  Okay, he gets beat up.  So that's something.  And yes, he did seem to be making slight improvement.  Ever so slight.  But he still has serious issues, and may end up with Jeffery Jr.  Honestly, I'd prefer Carly without the Jeffs, but I hate the idea that Jeff is raising Jeffery alone.
  • Lastly, of all of the friends/significant others I'm assuming David stops being upset with Marcy relatively quickly.  Cat?  I don't see how she realistically gets over this.  Even if she finally accepts that Traveler Grant didn't kill Husband Grant, he still lied to her for months, got her pregnant, etc.  For plot, if the actress stays, she will eventually get over it.  But in real life?  I don't see how she could.  Jeff has no reason to work anything out with Carly.  Proving the group are Travelers is going to be difficult for sure, but I'm sure the group will be under a lot of investigation for a while.  Plenty of time for Jeff to come in and get primary custody.
  • Really, lastly, why did the Director let everything get this far?  Was the alternative really that much worse?  I'm interested in seeing how this gets resolved.  So I hope there is a season 3.  I'd hate for it to be left here.  Also, I'd like to see Phillip get a real friend.
  • Love 6

I have finished my binge and I must say there are aspects I love about this show, some aspects I'm  iffy about and a couple of things I loathe. I don't buy Vincent as a villain. He's gifted so many things by the writers so much it has diminished him in my eyes. First of all, how did he survive for so long without being caught by the Director? In the 80's perhaps but not in the current digital age - if a supercomputer is looking for you, can you really evade it? And when our team finally exposed and got to him, the Director specifically let him escape (other than to return for the finale episodes, I can only think it was to preserve our team but that's no excuse to then lose track of him again). As if that was not enough, our team that defeated the Faction (who had vastly more advantages than Vincent), were somehow always one step behind. Next season they will be several steps behind. Agreeing to film to those confessions went against all their characters imo; sure they now care about their new families but risking and jeopardising the mission isn't something they'd have done, let alone the Director letting it happen - Grace, acknowledged as the best programmer somehow never gets the chance to help. The one time they seemed to be competitive was when they had that science guy, and they knew he was once high level, but they let him go prematurely (so that Vincent could just pick him up again - why did he let him go in the first place anyhow?) I love a good villain, they improve the heroes but I poorly constructed villain can potentially ruin a show for me and Vincent is the latter.

Before I make sound like I'm dissing the whole show, I love a lot of aspects of it. I especially like it when they go on missions. I'm not so keen on the personal lives aspect of it (the drug addictions, David's saviour complex) but ironically I love it when the personal lives collide with the missions. I find it fascinating that the characters are allowed to "improvise", basically ignore the Director when it suits them, which makes the Director's calculations either redundant or much more complex. The Director obviously values this particular team, so how does that work and what would that mean? How would the other teams take it? I also liked the idea of the Faction, that a group of people would arise that believe in only free will. Incidentally, that also brings us to the question of why our team trust the Director so much. So, a lot to love and ponder.


Question, why is updating the historian such a secret? 

You know, it's all fine and dandy to send people back in time to "fix" an upcoming problem.

But they would nearly have to be bubble wrapped in order to not influence the outcome of the future.

They move about, they meet people, influence things. So why wouldn't there be a margin of error? I'm not explaining this well but it's kind of silly to assume that everything would turn out exactly the same all the time. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 1

Just binged both seasons and all caught up.  I really like this show, overall.  

As for season 2's ending.  I can see the significant others thinking they (our team) are leading secret lives, but to think they are actually time travelling consciousnesses?  I'm not buying it.  This might take me out of it, actually. Same with all the news believing it.  That said, if we're done with some of the family members, I'll be quite happy.  While I have enjoyed seeing how the travellers deal with their hosts' loved ones and lives, I am quite sick of a couple of them.  Well three of them.

Like others, I'm confused with what happened to Simon.  So 0001 transferred his consciousness to the shrink, and a new traveler downloaded into Vencent, but was Simon killed? transferred to someone else?  and who would that be?  I kind of like the idea he transferred into Grace, but I also want to keep Grace so I don't know.

Having a traveler in Vincent's body might help with the aftermath of the "reveal".  It seems people know he is the source of the info being released.  That one guy said the info came from a "lunatic recluse" when on the phone (trying to cover things up) with whichever alphabet agency he was on the phone with.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

Having a traveler in Vincent's body might help with the aftermath of the "reveal".  It seems people know he is the source of the info being released.  That one guy said the info came from a "lunatic recluse" when on the phone (trying to cover things up) with whichever alphabet agency he was on the phone with.

Ooh, I hadn't thought of that. Good theory.

  • Love 1

This show is hit and miss for me.  However I did like the ending with all the teams "loved ones" finding out who they are.  That awkward moment when your wife finds out you are a time traveler consciousness inside her supposed to be dead husbands body.   Also I am hoping we see more of Dr. Perrow/Traveler 001 next season because we really kinda need to.

  • Love 1

Some very thought provoking ideas:

What happens to the Travelers body when their consciousness is sent back in time to a host? Does it stay in stasis? Does it die? Do Travelers ever return to the future to reclaim their original body?

Trevor made me think of these things when he said that he switched hosts many times. Did he just jump from one host to another or did he return to the future to be sent back again? Did the host die or did another Traveler jump into his body? Trevor also mentioned that he saw some of his children grow old and die. Was this as a Traveler? or in the future because Travelers are not supposed to procreate. 

It was also mentioned in one of the episodes that many of the early programmers traveled many different times. 

The numbering system: Did it only apply to people in the program or did names become obsolete and numbers were used instead. I know that I would not be able to remember numbers as names. I would be calling them "Hey You!!"

Sorry for the rambling post but I had to get my thoughts down while I could remember them. I would love to  hear your theories on this stuff or if it was addressed in an episode that I didn't catch.

  • Love 3

My understanding was programmers would travel to different bodies so that the knowledge wouldn't die and they can continue the work they had been doing and perfecting it. I always thought- and we saw with 001 when he traveled into the psychiatrist - that unless someone travels into the old body it basically has no soul or spark and dies. The fly landing on his face and looking catatonic until they moved him to look at the camera and a new traveler jumped in his body gave me that impression. 


Trevor I think was one of the ones that traveled to continue the knowledge. So him seeing his family die, and seeing the empty host body he just left would have happened in the future. Up until he travels back into "our" time. 

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, Txmomof2 said:

My understanding was programmers would travel to different bodies so that the knowledge wouldn't die and they can continue the work they had been doing and perfecting it

My assumption was that they were perfecting the techniques, rather than making sure the knowledge didn't die, because it would die if it failed. Which, given the knowledge that the consciousness exchange can damage and/or kill people who aren't about to die, means it must have happened more than once. But like 001, I imagine the initial travelers were people on the verge of death. Which, now that I think about it, does not conflict with the idea that the traveling was to ensure knowledge wouldn't die.

It does make me wonder though, did the future programmers travel into their recent past? 

I wonder who downloaded into 001's body. And will our Travelers know about it, or try to kill him? I hope there's a third season, and I'd like to have more about the future in it.

  • Love 4

To me it sounded like in part it was a test to see how the consciousness transfers worked, so instead of dealing with time travel (since they can only send someone as far back as the last traveler) they just jumped bodies in the future, one to test it out and as others have guessed, so keep the knowledge going... or more just that important people like Trevor needed to stay alive (or he's reached important status because of his age and agreement to be part of this long term experiment) . They must have two machines in the future- one like Vincent was trying to build, that just moves consciousness from body to body, and then the larger machine that could send them in time. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, roctavia said:

To me it sounded like in part it was a test to see how the consciousness transfers worked, so instead of dealing with time travel (since they can only send someone as far back as the last traveler) they just jumped bodies in the future, one to test it out and as others have guessed, so keep the knowledge going... or more just that important people like Trevor needed to stay alive (or he's reached important status because of his age and agreement to be part of this long term experiment) . They must have two machines in the future- one like Vincent was trying to build, that just moves consciousness from body to body, and then the larger machine that could send them in time. 

You make an excellent point about the fact they can only send as far back as the last traveler. I didn't think of that. Then, I guess, when they were testing in their own time, they were just overwriting living people without knowing their date of death (which is what I was thinking of). So that's how they know children are easier receptors when they're not due to die, and I'm not sure where that leaves testing - with terminal people they can bounce around from body to body? Trevor said he lived long enough to see his kids grow old and die (if I recall correctly). 

There's a lot to learn about, I hope we get more information.

  • Love 1

Just finished season 2 last night.

The fact that your girlfriend can now kick your ass, tote heavy guns and perform surgery on herself did not clue you in at all? Hearing him talk about Marcy being undercover with the FBI was painful. I would have thought he just took everything in stride and you know, actually knew something was up.

I love David but that is some deep worthy of therapy denial right there.

Loved the past series, hated the cliffhanger. Because they might stuck there forever and we'll never know if they were forgiven or not.

You know why I love Grace. Because she's so lousy at pretending to be someone she's not. I have no idea why they kidnapped her and not one of Trevors parents. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Aliferously said:

Just finished season 2 last night.

The fact that your girlfriend can now kick your ass, tote heavy guns and perform surgery on herself did not clue you in at all? Hearing him talk about Marcy being undercover with the FBI was painful. I would have thought he just took everything in stride and you know, actually knew something was up.

I love David but that is some deep worthy of therapy denial right there.

Loved the past series, hated the cliffhanger. Because they might stuck there forever and we'll never know if they were forgiven or not.

You know why I love Grace. Because she's so lousy at pretending to be someone she's not. I have no idea why they kidnapped her and not one of Trevors parents. 

I agree about David. I don't mind the cliffhanger so much - even if it  means we might not know what happens. 

I think Grace was a deliberate choice - 001 knows she's a traveler. Her first questions were not about Trevor and his behavior, but were the ones the team had when they were kidnapped. She's there to confirm his story to the non-travelers. We didn't see her get tortured, and iirc, Trevor didn't get a threatening video with her battered and pleading for her life (unless I missed it). 

  • Love 1
On 2/3/2018 at 2:00 PM, Clanstarling said:

Trevor said he lived long enough to see his kids grow old and die (if I recall correctly).

Yes, he did.  I think one of his tasks may have been to live out lives in other bodies to see if a host body could have a complete, normal lifespan.  With 004/Simon, he suffered a psychotic break after being sent back.  They had no way of knowing if that was a genetic condition that would have manifested in time, or if that was a side effect of being overwritten.  For long term missions they would have wanted to study life long impact on hosts.

They use overwriting as a form of capital punishment in the past; maybe they used it that way in the future.  Trevor may have traveled into the bodies of the condemned.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, MisterGlass said:

Yes, he did.  I think one of his tasks may have been to live out lives in other bodies to see if a host body could have a complete, normal lifespan.  With 004/Simon, he suffered a psychotic break after being sent back.  They had no way of knowing if that was a genetic condition that would have manifested in time, or if that was a side effect of being overwritten.  For long term missions they would have wanted to study life long impact on hosts.

They use overwriting as a form of capital punishment in the past; maybe they used it that way in the future.  Trevor may have traveled into the bodies of the condemned.

Good points, particularly the capital punishment one, that's food for thought.!

  • Love 2

I've just finished the whole series in a week-long binge and have some mixed feelings. It is definitely addicting, but I also feel like they could do so much more with it than what they have.

I find myself not caring about almost any of the non-traveler supporting characters. David, in particular (and it seems I'm in the minority), can go away forever. He was sweet during the flashback where is JUST being a social worker, but he's creepy and clingy as a love interest. How can he possibly have sex with a woman who he met in the state that Marcy was in when he found her? It's really gross and every time they're pushed forward as a couple I cringe. I'd prefer seeing something develop with Marcy and Philip, for instance, or really, just any other storyline for her. I thought the reboot might be a nice way to drop David, but it seems the writers had other plans. I also hate his wide-eyed earnestness, and the fact that he totally ditched his actual girlfriend on her birthday so he could have dinner with a Marcy who wasn't romantically interested in him.

Trevor and Philip are BY FAR my favorites, well, closely followed by Grace. The three of them are so much more fascinating than the rest. For some reason I also find the traveler Grant/Kat relationship cringey, likely because she thinks she is banging her husband when really it's a total stranger impersonating his life.

I didn't quite get the mechanics of the Groundhog Day episode. When exactly did each new traveler enter Kerry's body? Wouldn't they have to wait until the last traveler was about to die (mauled by a dog, shot near the end)? If this is possible, how did misfires happen in the past? Couldn't they have just immediately sent a new traveler into that girl Charlotte when the first one didn't make it rather than let her live? The moral compass on the show is sketchy at best. The brother who was skydiving and the truck driver were never meant to die in the first place. It was due to the Director their lives were cut short. Shouldn't that impact the future too?

I also had questions about the whole "can only travel back as far as the last traveler" when we've now found out that there is body hopping going on in the future. Then it seems that it IS possible to go further back than the last traveler and maybe it's just a rule that they don't, but when you get the Faction who doesn't follow the rules, you'd think someone would have said "fuck it" and done it anyway. 

I'd also like to see more of the future they came from and what they looked like originally. Also more insight into Philip's update and how much exactly has changed since they started. And I wish we had more clips of them adjusting to their new bodies, new lives, and new environment. I am hoping the show continues but would like to see it evolve and improve a lot more.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, jade.black said:

I also had questions about the whole "can only travel back as far as the last traveler" when we've now found out that there is body hopping going on in the future. Then it seems that it IS possible to go further back than the last traveler and maybe it's just a rule that they don't, but when you get the Faction who doesn't follow the rules, you'd think someone would have said "fuck it" and done it anyway. 

If you go back further than the last traveler, you mess with their timeline.  You can change history in a way that they never arrive or are never born or any other thing.  Granted, if they are all trying to prevent this apocalypse they will change things so much that this will still probably happen.  

Also, I am sick of David, too.  He's one of the three I'd love to get rid of that I mentioned upthread/previous page.

  • Love 3
On 1/6/2018 at 3:51 PM, blueray said:

  The saddest one of course is the wife. I think that is the hardest to except, as he died in the line of duty, and he would have been alive if he wasn't chancing them. I'm not sure if she will ever forgive him, but yeah he is the closest thing she has to her husband.


Actually, he died trying to catch a mass shooter, not chasing them.  They stopped the mass shooter and also stopped him from falling down the elevator shaft.


On 1/12/2018 at 3:11 PM, Clanstarling said:

While rewatching, I was writing down some of the numbers to see if the faction travelers used a different set of numbers (too soon to tell). But, yeah, I agree. The numbering system is a bit vague. I would like an episode set in the future with our team, perhaps, to see what went into preparing them for the past.

Of course, that would break a protocol...

The faction just guessed at random numbers.  One was found out when he used the number of a traveler that had died 6 months prior. 


On 1/13/2018 at 1:31 PM, Meedis said:

-  I knew Traveler 0001 was going to figure out the psychiatrist was compromised since she didn't use the "bugger" phone he requested and he'd be suspicious that she would change her mind about seeing him.


It's "burner" phone  - usually a cheap prepaid purchased for cash at a liquor store or bodega so as to be untraceable by law enforcement.  In this case the burners were modified to communicate on a secret infrastructure built by Simon.    

On 1/16/2018 at 1:01 PM, tracyly said:


  • Speaking of the drops, are we supposed to assume they did NOT come from the Director?
  • And why didn't Marcy ever determine what was in them?  She gave him a little grief about it, then dropped it.  Huh?  So did Trevor?  Are they do desensitized to Phillips addiction issues they ignore screaming red flags?  Phillip is a security problem.  Why doesn't the team treat him that way? 
  • You can also count my vote for not understanding how Jeff continues to avoid the repercussions for his bad behavior.  Okay, he gets beat up.  So that's something.  And yes, he did seem to be making slight improvement.  Ever so slight.  But he still has serious issues, and may end up with Jeffery Jr.  Honestly, I'd prefer Carly without the Jeffs, but I hate the idea that Jeff is raising Jeffery alone.

Since Jenny was faction it is highly unlikely the drops came from the Director and far more likely they came from the Faction.  Wasn't the the Director also offline during that period?  

Marcy and Trevor may have dropped it so quickly because they were too wrapped up in their own lives and all the extraneous drama that brought.

Jeff gets away with things because he's a cop.  Same reason Grant gets away with a lot of shit.

On 1/20/2018 at 11:41 PM, Boundary said:

 Agreeing to film to those confessions went against all their characters imo; sure they now care about their new families but risking and jeopardising the mission isn't something they'd have done, let alone the Director letting it happen - Grace, acknowledged as the best programmer somehow never gets the chance to help. 

We've been shown them jeopardizing the mission or breaking rules for those people over and over so it doesn't seem that out of character for the team to do it again.  Grant went off mission to save Kat from the plane and planned to break a directive by having a baby with her.   Trevor kidnapped Grace to try and keep her from dying.  Philip saved that kid and didn't let Trevor blow himself up.  Marcy was MIA or went off mission a couple of times because of either David or personal issues.  I can't remember if Carly went off mission for her baby, but it seems like she probably did, although I think of all of them, she's the most mission oriented and sticks to the rules the most often.  I can't tell you why the Director puts up with it though.

On 2/1/2018 at 9:17 AM, margol29 said:

Some very thought provoking ideas:

What happens to the Travelers body when their consciousness is sent back in time to a host? Does it stay in stasis? Does it die? Do Travelers ever return to the future to reclaim their original body?

Trevor made me think of these things when he said that he switched hosts many times. Did he just jump from one host to another or did he return to the future to be sent back again? Did the host die or did another Traveler jump into his body? Trevor also mentioned that he saw some of his children grow old and die. Was this as a Traveler? or in the future because Travelers are not supposed to procreate. 

It was also mentioned in one of the episodes that many of the early programmers traveled many different times. 

The numbering system: Did it only apply to people in the program or did names become obsolete and numbers were used instead. I know that I would not be able to remember numbers as names. I would be calling them "Hey You!!"

Sorry for the rambling post but I had to get my thoughts down while I could remember them. I would love to  hear your theories on this stuff or if it was addressed in an episode that I didn't catch.

It has been said on the show that trips to the past are a one way ticket.  Grace was shown to be very upset about not being able to return to the future.

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I'd be interested to know why everyone who gets taken over by a traveler cries out, seemingly in pain and/or agony. Either it really really hurts, or else the host is aware that some alien consciousness is taking over their body and forcing them out, which could be terrifying as well as painful. I'm guessing more of the former since the body itself seems not to suffer any damage as a result of the take-over, and once the new consciousness has taken over the body they don't seem to be in any pain. Which is maybe the most disturbing thing about the whole concept.

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Just finished the series. I definitely think it improved towards the end of Season 2 and I liked the finale. But it still needs improvement. Much as I like the actors, it still baffles me that they would cast three of the most recognizable actors from Continuum on this show too. It's not as if there weren't already going to be obvious comparisons, why draw attention to them? The show almost seems to be thumbing its nose at the inevitable criticism. 

I have a definite wish list for Season 3 that I know will most likely remain unfulfilled. I'd really like for them to specify what year they come from. I don't know why the show thinks it's more interesting if they never say, because it isn't. It's just frustrating. I suppose it's possible they have stopped keeping track of years and centuries at some point in the future, at least in regards to how we think of them now. But it would be helpful if they explained that - especially since now there's a whole bunch of people who know they're from the future. The most obvious question would be "what year are you from?" That nobody would ever ask this seems absurd - it's the first thing I'd want to know.

I'd also really like to see some flash-forwards with the characters in their original bodies. Again, I suspect the show deliberately avoids doing this because they want us to think of the travelers only as they are now, or some such reason. But I really think it would help inform these characters to see who they used to be. Again, they aren't really being "clever" by avoiding this, they just think they are. Or else they're just lazy.

Edited by iMonrey
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On 7/15/2018 at 10:32 AM, Quark said:

So I just finished the first two seasons in about a week.

I need more Grace. She is beyond glorious.


On 11/25/2018 at 8:05 PM, TimetoShine said:

Doing a rewatch: I hate Grace. That is all. 

This is what I love about TV forums! They've taught me how much mileage varies, and that has truly helped me IRL.

I'm not up for a full rewatch but I'll definitely need a refresher before trying S3. Not sure I remember what happened!

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