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  1. It was his arm, he instructed the surgeon who removed it to wrap it up to go. I agree about the bees though. They would have no use for a decaying arm. Perhaps bees were easier to wrangle (production wise). An average 250 dollars (if we're talking all 83 families) would still be a lot of money.
  2. You know, it's all fine and dandy to send people back in time to "fix" an upcoming problem. But they would nearly have to be bubble wrapped in order to not influence the outcome of the future. They move about, they meet people, influence things. So why wouldn't there be a margin of error? I'm not explaining this well but it's kind of silly to assume that everything would turn out exactly the same all the time.
  3. Wasn't Sam sent back to the 13th century? Don't want sacrifices, nope. I want a happy end for everyone involved.
  4. Loved the goggles and scarves improvisation for going into the tunnel. As opposed to sealed radation suits. They put a random colourful band aid on one of Steve's facial wounds. I don't know why but that amused me. Glad to see the Christmas lights re purposed. Billy is and was the most pointless character. They should have sheared off his ugly ass mullet as punishment. Um, do the Wheelers realise that Mike and Nancy haven't come home for a week now? Did Time After Time come out in 1984? Genuine question, I thought it was late 80's/early 90's.
  5. My God, show, you kill me. Minor nitpick: In the time that the brush fell and Bob stood there and it made noise and all, Bob could have gotten back in the closet. But that wouldn't have been as brutal as being blindsided by a demo dog, so. I don't even know where to begin talking about how freaking awesome it all was. It could have been a telemarketer for all we know. Joyce should get her next phone bolted to the wall.
  6. I think they worked the first time around because it was (nearly) Samhain. And because the townfolk sacrificed enough chickens for them to work. There was that ballad in season 1 that described someone going through and returning, I assume that person also just happened to be there at the right moment. Perhaps it's the stones themselves who choose who they let through. Might explain why only Claire but not say any random person passing by them.
  7. The one thing that bothered me is that technically, the stones only work at certain points in the year (aka when the veil between worlds is supposed to be thin enough). I didn't think Christmas/New Years would count though. I think it's probably also a combination of gemstones + wishful thinking to get to the right point in time. Well, I'm glad Brianna was grief stricken for all of five minutes after losing her mother possibly forever.
  8. Loved the breakfast scene too. I guess Eleven isn't exempted from having teenage strops. Even if she doesn't understand what that means. That dress must have reeked after she wore it for at least two months straight. Baldo is a terrible name for a clown. Like, who even comes up with that terrible. My hometown library had a five book limit. My hometown library sucked donkey balls. Billy continues to be an ass that I don't care about. I quite liked the skateboard in the gym stuff. I may have snorted.
  9. Geneva reminded me of a younger, evil Claire. Could Jamie have made more noise with those doors? Pretty sure someone somewhere in that house must have heard that. I skipped the sex scene because it bored me. Really, just no. This episode could have done with being a full time Jamie story, because the 1960's stuff didn't intrigue me either.
  10. I think different subjects had different outcomes? Perhaps Eleven can do similar things but perhaps she's not aware of them yet.
  11. I do. Best part about the robbery and police chase scene which I found otherwise blah. I actually checked to see if I was watching the right show. I guess the central theme of this episode was about coping with trauma. Dustin cracks me up, I do hope the new teeth survive the entire season. Poor Nancy. I felt for her when she was crying in the bathroom. Will and Jonathan are the best brothers. That scene won this episode. I'm also glad Hopper took Eleven in. It's still a pretty lonely life for a child though. I also laughed at New Kid's terrible uncombed mullet.
  12. It was a bit talky for a pilot episode, basically an introduction to Criminal Psychology. I hope it picks up the pace in further episodes though. I found Holden a bit of a doofus, but an interesting doofus in comparison with his partner. They meshed nicely. Yes, I know they are in SMALL TOWN AMERICA or QUANTICO. No need to shout that loudly. My retinas are still burning. I am neither hot or cold on the girlfriend. I thought she made a nice foil to the dry main character. Main reason I am watching this is because I haven't seen Anna Torv in anything in ages, so I hope she shows up soon enough.
  13. Yeah, that. "Jenny, I've come home" should win some prize for the most Not Obvious Whatsoever Line ever. Legit medical question: do you really tie a tourniquet around the upper arm for an amputation at the wrist? Claire's faux domestic bliss irritated me. I recall that in the books, she was struggling with motherhood and loneliness and I'd have liked to see that play out. Then they wouldn't need the scene with the twin beds. Just what?
  14. No, but possibly by a cannibalistic clown living in the sewers. Because of course red balloons. The mall seemed like a common variety one, which has an unseen grocery store and a bookstore, and a video game store. One of those places which is bigger on the inside then it should be perceived on the outside.
  15. I finally found you guys! Anyway, I am really enjoying this show. Maybe that says something about my taste in tv shows but I love small town mystery stuff. Observations: I really dislike the teenage daughter. So where did all the other townsfolk go? Are they still wandering around in the mist? I think the only reason the cops threw the soldier in jail was because they need to fill an inmate booking quota. That said, I thought the soldier (Ryan?) and Mia had good chemistry together. Pretty sure that they're the reason I keep going with this show.
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