MostlyC October 7, 2016 Share October 7, 2016 Red directs Liz and the task force onto the trail of an eco-terrorist with a link to Alexander Kirk. Tom takes control of a situation. Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 (edited) Wow, that was bad. So somehow Red knew that 'Gaia' had a son who was sharing the same doctor as Alexander Kirk -- BEFORE -- he even knew who Gaia was. Did Gaia hit the same police car twice ? They showed the security vehicle hit a car to its right, and then hit another car on its right side. How ?? That has to be the worst police work ever, even worse than the FBI on this show. Somehow the Supermoon low tide on the Hudson occurred around noon -- because the shadow from the helicopter was NOT long and distorted, but the shadow was clearly seen on the ground below where the kids were playing. Why not go all out and just do it during an eclipse ? The remote control of the helicopter was pretty stupid too. This guy had only been an ecoterrorist less than 5 years -- did he immediately go into eco-terrorism after Fukushima, or only after his son was born ? Because he really seemed teed off at the military for his exposure, but even knowing that he had been exposed to massive amounts of radiation he still had kids. Did he not know how the whole 'radiation poisoning' works and the long terms genetic effects are ? He was in the military for crying out loud. I'm still not clear on Gaia's plan -- blow up a pipeline using a helicopter to trash a nuclear power plant, and somehow doing it at low tide would be the nail in the coffin of the nuke plant. That makes no sense. Was he going to stop the river somehow ? And Mr. Kaplan is in her own version of the movie 'Misery'. Happy to see Glen again -- who knew Dembe was a master bowling coach ? ETA: The AgnesCam was just stupid -- was that Lizzie's FBI laptop that Alexander Kirk somehow managed to connect with ? Watching Lizzie watch that video feed was just boring -- no, don't touch anything it might suddenly stop. Edited October 14, 2016 by ottoDbusdriver Link to comment
TigerLynx October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 The characters: "You lied to me. You betrayed me. You double crossed me. Everything you told me was a lie. I can't trust anyone." Me: "Hello, you pathetic idiots that is what you have been doing to each other from day one. Why are you all still whining about it?" 3 Link to comment
dwmarch October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 53 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said: I'm still not clear on Gaia's plan -- blow up a pipeline using a helicopter to trash a nuclear power plant, and somehow doing it at low tide would be the nail in the coffin of the nuke plant. That makes no sense. Was he going to stop the river somehow ? The theory was that with the tide being so low the nuke plant wouldn't be able to pull in enough water to prevent a meltdown. That kid has radiation damage, a rare blood disorder and an eco-terrorist dad? Should have named him Lucky. Samar is actually upset with Aram for daring to get himself a girlfriend? Like he was supposed to stay single in the hopes that someday she'd become interested in him? I'm glad he told her to GTFO. I loved Ressler admitting that he Googled Aram's girlfriend "to see if she's hot". Ah, Ressler, you big lunk. Keep being you. I wonder if the plot with Mr. Kaplan is something Red set up. Shoot her in the face but in a non-fatal way, have Creepy McRedneck pick her up and chain her to a bed... if she survives she can come back. If not, so be it. Going to have to fanwank that the eco-terrorist filled the helicopter with explosives hence the giant fireball at the end. I am pretty sure actual helicopters are built in such a way that they will not do that, ever. 1 Link to comment
bannana October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 I tried to look it up but could not find it...anyone know who the actor is who is playing Dr. Kaplan's captor? Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 4 minutes ago, bannana said: I tried to look it up but could not find it...anyone know who the actor is who is playing Dr. Kaplan's captor? It sounded like Leon Rippy -- -- and this posting on seems to confirm it Link to comment
bannana October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 Awesome, thank you ottoDbusdriver. We were racking our brains to figure out who it was. Link to comment
Dowel Jones October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 3 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said: That has to be the worst police work ever, even worse than the FBI on this show. Because, Hey, he ran right through the police roadblock. Oh, well, kind of pointless to start the pursuit again, or maybe call for more backup. 3 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said: who knew Dembe was a master bowling coach ? Who's going to argue with him? Mr. Kaplan is definitely going to need some cosmetic surgery. And what was up with her webbed foot? She didn't injure that in the shoot, and besides, it would take months, if not years, for skin to fuse over toes. Link to comment
calipiano81 October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 (edited) 33 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said: Mr. Kaplan is definitely going to need some cosmetic surgery. And what was up with her webbed foot? She didn't injure that in the shoot, and besides, it would take months, if not years, for skin to fuse over toes. I think Mr. Kaplan was wearing pantyhose. Edited October 14, 2016 by calipiano81 3 Link to comment
Primetimer October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 What does an eco-terrorist have to do with getting Liz's baby back? Almost nothing! View the full article Link to comment
Kelda Feegle October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 What a crapfest that was, pretty much the most disappointing ep ever. 1 Link to comment
Biggie B October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 So glad Aram told off Samar. She's really turned into a bitter shrew at this point, and for what? Because Aram's no longer mooning over her like a puppy? Because precious Liz betrayed her trust? Get over it - or at the very least, compartmentalize it and do your job without being so nasty. Ressler, don't move heaven and earth to get her to stay - you deserve better in a partner! It's a shame, because I've always liked her character but if this is how she's going to be - her transfer can't come through fast enough. Loved all the bowling alley scenes. The actor who plays Glen is hilarious and Dembe's bowling tips were awesome. WTH with Mr. Kaplan's situation? Why? What is the point? I'm glad she's alive, she's an excellent character, but this is downright dumb. There's only one Misery - this can't possibly hold a candle to that movie, it was brilliantly done and can't be duplicated. I don't even know what to say about the Gaia storyline. This is getting really stale at this point. They need to get Agnes back and move ON already. We can assume, I think, that Agnes won't die, so let's just get her back to her parents and then Liz can focus on dealing with Kirk and the mystery of her parentage without these asinine detours every week. 3 Link to comment
gazebo October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 Why has Samar been so nasty lately? I'm so glad Aram told her off. Throughout the whole episode, I was more interested in what happened to Mr. Kaplan than anything else. I still can't believe Red didn't manage to shoot her dead in that well lit forrest/meadow. I wonder if Red set up Mr. Kaplan to be rescued by the creepy stranger. 2 Link to comment
saber5055 October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 I missed the first part of this episode, but knew I could come here and get caught up. So sorry I missed Dembe's bowling lessons and Ressler googling Aram's shag. But otherwise, I thought the "terrorist" helicopter thief was a hottie, so was sad to see him burn, although it would have been more interesting if FBI shutting down the rotors would have made the 'copter crash and burn on top of a gaggle of pre-teen kids. Now THAT would have made some interesting teevee. I'm hoping Mr. Kaplan was wearing some tights or support pantyhose and doesn't really have duck feet. But the leg chain? Please. WAY too Stephen King. But I did recognize Leon Rippy immediately. So, good on Leon for getting more work. And as for the threat to Agnes ... now way EVER would a network show let harm come to an infant. Even if she is never fed nor "changed." She's such a good kid, she never cries, either. Obviously she does not take after her whiney-ass mom. Link to comment
slowpoked October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 This episode is so pointless. If all Red needed was the kid's doctor, and it looks like the mom and Gaia are not on friendly terms anyway, why not just go straight to mom and ask access to the doctor? Why wait until Gaia is arrested or killed? 3 Link to comment
Ottis October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 (edited) The moment Liz told Tom her "deception" would fool Kirk, we laughed out loud. Yes, Liz. That will work out I'm sure. "That's our guy!" Genius, Liz. Worst bad guy chase ever. Where the bell was Red for most of this episode? Mr. Kaplan.... your dreams were your ticket out. Welcome back. Not sure why we should care that you are a prisoner, but at least that's less screen time for Liz and Aggie. Edited October 14, 2016 by Ottis Link to comment
preeya October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 Mr Kaplan's captor is Leon Rippy. Link to comment
Happytobehere October 15, 2016 Share October 15, 2016 (edited) So based on what I'm reading, there's no reason to watch this. At this point, I'm just waiting for the episode that facilitates the Tom spin-off with Famke Jansen, maybe he can take Dembe and Mr. Kaplan with him and this show can just be done once and for all. So sad, so much promise blown to hell. They semi-course corrected by killing Lizzie, but back-tracked and brought the gaping black hole that is her back from the dead. Edited October 15, 2016 by Happytobehere Link to comment
Valmarmar October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 I'll take more of the Mr. Kaplan story, please. Thank you. 3 Link to comment
Texasmom1970 October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 Love Harold pressing the button to take down the chopper. And then the look on his face like what I don't give a shit, no hesitation, love him. WTH is up with Samar first she is getting in digs about what Liz did, now she is just being down right bitchy. I used to actually like her character, now she is just pissy all the time. BYE, don't let the door hit ya in the ass! Link to comment
thuganomics85 October 17, 2016 Share October 17, 2016 So much stupid in this episode, and that's saying a lot for this show! It was so obvious that Kirk would have some kind of back-up for a server trace, but of course, Tom has to become dumb for a few minutes and do it anyway, so Kirk and Agnes are in the wind again. Brilliant, Tom. Then again, Lizzie's entire plan was to just play Kirk's game and trick him, but considering how Lizzie fares in that department, that wasn't going to work either. Really, poor Agnes is so screwed with these two as her parents. Meanwhile, Samar's has suddenly become the most unlikable character in this cast. Is she really this bent out of shape of Aram getting a girlfriend? Even though she obviously knew he was crushing on her for ages, but decided she rather have a go with Ressler, instead? Is he always suppose to pine for you and not move on, Samar? This is just dumb. Red at the bowling ally with Glen was fun, at least. Always great when he gets to interact with his buddies. And Dembe knowing a thing or two about bowling as a nice touch! Mr. Kaplan is now kidnapped by Leon Ripply. Uh oh! Leon can never be trusted! 1 Link to comment
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