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Marriage Boot Camp - General Discussion

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I don't think the shock collar was an appropriate means of communication. I understand that people miscommunicate and can hurt eachother with words intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes it may seem intentional when it really isn't. But to physically hurt another person is pretty straight forward. They may as well have told them to slap their partner when their feelings were hurt. It was completely ridiculous and no real therapist would suggest such a thing. They make it so apparent that this is fake. It would be more enjoyable if the exercises were something that all of us could use and learn from. I have no desire to hurt my partner with a shock collar. It's abusive.

Why is it ok that British continues to physically abuse Lorenzo or threaten to do so? Nobody ever addresses that she is violent. I'm not trying to judge her because I understand why she is so angry. I think she should leave his dumb ass immediately. I just think it's weird that it's rarely ever brought up.

It seems like the judge is always taking the side of the female and neglecting the male's feelings. Both are human and deserve to be understood.

During the canoeing exercise they again questioned if Cody could keep his emotions under control. I still haven't seen him act out harshly or become angry. I've only seen him cry and tell Michelle how much he loves her. If that is what they're talking about then I think they're placing blame on the wrong partner. She is very cold. If the situation was reversed and Michelle was the one crying, they'd be all over his ass and they wouldn't be blaming her for being emotional. I guess I just don't get why they aren't focusing more on Michelle's obvious disdain.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, tinaw said:

I think its that words hurt and the shock is representing the words. So the couples wont say hurtful things to each other anymore.

Except that Lisa shocked Adam for something other than words and she did it more than once. Tara shocked Dean just for the fun of it basically. Memphitz threatened to shock the hell out of Toya if she participated which in my opinion made her more scared of him then she already is. Yeah, that's a great idea, "Therapists". Let's give him another way to emotionally and verbally abuse her and threaten her with violence. Idiots. It was not productive at all and just caused more problems. This show is a joke. And yet I still watch ;)

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, GenY said:

When Memphitz had to leave at the end, he stated how he had to go take care of real life grown man business...okay I guess I see where he stands with his marriage then. Robbery and assault is nothing a grown-up should be doing. I hope Toya finds the strength to leave his condescending azz.

Memphitz has a history of violence.  From his violent outburst, I'm betting that he has beaten Toya before.  He has all the classic signs.  Violent outburst, getting into personal space when questioned, and a follow up apology complete with victim blaming and insisting to others that "I don't really do that."


I guess Toya is probably embarrassed to admit that she is getting hit by her husband, and that she keeps going back to him.  Sadly I think she is suffering from battered woman's syndrome, and the hacks at this "marriage boot camp" are too stupid to see it.

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I don't think the shock collar was an appropriate means of communication. I understand that people miscommunicate and can hurt eachother with words intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes it may seem intentional when it really isn't. But to physically hurt another person is pretty straight forward. They may as well have told them to slap their partner when their feelings were hurt. It was completely ridiculous and no real therapist would suggest such a thing. They make it so apparent that this is fake. It would be more enjoyable if the exercises were something that all of us could use and learn from. I have no desire to hurt my partner with a shock collar. It's abusive.

Why is it ok that British continues to physically abuse Lorenzo or threaten to do so? Nobody ever addresses that she is violent. I'm not trying to judge her because I understand why she is so angry. I think she should leave his dumb ass immediately. I just think it's weird that it's rarely ever brought up.

It seems like the judge is always taking the side of the female and neglecting the male's feelings. Both are human and deserve to be understood.

During the canoeing exercise they again questioned if Cody could keep his emotions under control. I still haven't seen him act out harshly or become angry. I've only seen him cry and tell Michelle how much he loves her. If that is what they're talking about then I think they're placing blame on the wrong partner. She is very cold. If the situation was reversed and Michelle was the one crying, they'd be all over his ass and they wouldn't be blaming her for being emotional. I guess I just don't get why they aren't focusing more on Michelle's obvious disdain.

I'm super annoyed by this.  Because she has outright struck him out of anger and I think it was pretty glossed over.  

In some ways, she is lucky to be married to him.  If she had ended up with a man like Memphitz, she would be missing some teeth.

I think a woman hitting a man is different, but I don't think women should be allowed to get away with physical violence on the argument that they are women and so its okay.

Michelle seems like a bitch -- I think overposting selfies is the height of stupidity.....but I probably wouldn't be with a guy who did that sort of thing.  I don't know that I see the point in staying with someone if you're just going to spend all your time making their life miserable.  I'm not sure where she gets the idea she is some super awesome prize, she looks like everyone else in LA and is just mean.  That doesn't make her a special snowflake, that makes her like 85% of people in LA.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Except that Lisa shocked Adam for something other than words and she did it more than once. Tara shocked Dean just for the fun of it basically. Memphitz threatened to shock the hell out of Toya if she participated which in my opinion made her more scared of him then she already is. Yeah, that's a great idea, "Therapists". Let's give him another way to emotionally and verbally abuse her and threaten her with violence. Idiots. It was not productive at all and just caused more problems. This show is a joke. And yet I still watch ;)

Im not saying that its right or been used the right way. Im just answering the question "how does inflicting pain strengthin the relationship"

8 hours ago, Nowhere said:

During the canoeing exercise they again questioned if Cody could keep his emotions under control. I still haven't seen him act out harshly or become angry. I've only seen him cry and tell Michelle how much he loves her. If that is what they're talking about then I think they're placing blame on the wrong partner. She is very cold. If the situation was reversed and Michelle was the one crying, they'd be all over his ass and they wouldn't be blaming her for being emotional. I guess I just don't get why they aren't focusing more on Michelle's obvious disdain.


It also bugs me anytime they mention this. Cody seems to be the more level headed, non-aggressive partner in this situation. Having seen there season of "Bachelor's in Paradise", I don't believe for one second that Michelle is really into him....her or him both seem to be in it for a paycheck.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I don't think the shock collar was an appropriate means of communication. I understand that people miscommunicate and can hurt eachother with words intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes it may seem intentional when it really isn't. But to physically hurt another person is pretty straight forward. They may as well have told them to slap their partner when their feelings were hurt. It was completely ridiculous and no real therapist would suggest such a thing. They make it so apparent that this is fake. It would be more enjoyable if the exercises were something that all of us could use and learn from. I have no desire to hurt my partner with a shock collar. It's abusive.

Why is it ok that British continues to physically abuse Lorenzo or threaten to do so? Nobody ever addresses that she is violent. I'm not trying to judge her because I understand why she is so angry. I think she should leave his dumb ass immediately. I just think it's weird that it's rarely ever brought up.

It seems like the judge is always taking the side of the female and neglecting the male's feelings. Both are human and deserve to be understood.

During the canoeing exercise they again questioned if Cody could keep his emotions under control. I still haven't seen him act out harshly or become angry. I've only seen him cry and tell Michelle how much he loves her. If that is what they're talking about then I think they're placing blame on the wrong partner. She is very cold. If the situation was reversed and Michelle was the one crying, they'd be all over his ass and they wouldn't be blaming her for being emotional. I guess I just don't get why they aren't focusing more on Michelle's obvious disdain.

Cody & Michelle are in this for the exposure, I never believed their relationship was anything more than a chance for more acts of famewhorism.  I'm sure they are friends, but I haven't believed in their "romance" since they first hooked up on BiP.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, GenY said:


It also bugs me anytime they mention this. Cody seems to be the more level headed, non-aggressive partner in this situation. Having seen there season of "Bachelor's in Paradise", I don't believe for one second that Michelle is really into him....her or him both seem to be in it for a paycheck.

Yeah, true. She didn't get with him until the last minute on Bachelor in Paradise and when she did she was bragging about how good the sex was, as if that was the reason she fell for him. He was into her from day one but she didn't go for him until they spent the night together.

  • Love 1
On July 10, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Nowhere said:

Yeah, true. She didn't get with him until the last minute on Bachelor in Paradise and when she did she was bragging about how good the sex was, as if that was the reason she fell for him. He was into her from day one but she didn't go for him until they spent the night together.

I think they tried to be together for awhile, even if it was to maximize the paychecks from BIP.  I followed her on Instagram for awhile back then and she made a big deal about Cody moving in with her, there were a lot of pictures of him and her daughter together, etc.  I never bought the subsequent make ups and break up since they always seemed timed around Bachelor seasons and never had any of the same level of fanfare as the first relationship did.  Before going on MBC, I don't think they had mentioned each other in months on social media.

  • Love 1

Tara always seems a little bit drunk to me.

I like Michelle, but I don't think Cody is the right guy for her.   She seems to be thoughtful and serious, but he's like a big eager puppy dog.  Sadly, Cody doesn't seem to realize there is more to love than sex--he looked crushed when Michelle said they were not a couple.  It's a summer romance that has run its course.

  • Love 1

Tara may not have gone about it the right way, but it did make me a little sick when Michelle said that Cody always comes first and she's all about her man. Who knows what the hell Tara was upset about previously but when she called Michelle out on her BS, I imaginary high-fived her. Michelle has been nothing but a straight up bitch to Cody and now he comes first? I don't think so.

So then Michelle attacks Brittish and Lorenzo, Tara calls her on that shit, but somehow the "therapists" say Tara is deflecting and avoiding. I disagree. I think Tara legit just does not give a fuck  and she'll call it like she sees it. Michelle is bullshit. I probably would have said the same thing Tara did if I heard her say, "Cody always comes first." What the fuck ever. Yeah, Tara may be "crazy". But even crazy hits the nail on the head every once in a while.

Btw I hate calling people crazy. Considering that many people have mental illness, I just think it's a word that people use because they don't understand and I find it highly offensive. Tara needs more professional help than this dumb "boot camp" can provide and I really do feel very bad for her. She's not equipped to handle this show. It's sickening that this show would use her for ratings since it has been known for years that she has some serious issues with addiction and possibly mental illness. It's just not right.

So she starts opening up and Dean shuts her down? Good move, asshole. And everybody else is so judgemental. I just think that somebody with Tara's level of paranoia should be handled with care. You can look in her eyes and tell that she just doesn't get it. But she hasn't yet started shit with anybody. She reacts when they start with her.

Edited by Nowhere

 Dean is just creepy.  Even looking at him and hearing him talk just creeps me out.  I can't imagine even being around him.  Tara seems to think she is some A or even B list star that has a great reputation she needs to protect.  You're a train wreck and have been known as a train wreck for quite a long time.  No way they are a couple at all.  If it wasn't for Sharknado she wouldn't be Tara fuckin' Reid. She'd be Tara 'remember me' Reid.

  • Love 3

It is so obvious that Tara was put up to doing this show by her managers and that Dean is a friend, posing as her boyfriend so that she could get the gig. His role is to keep her under control somewhat which is why we keep hearing him whisper to her to stop or shut up. But I'm convinced that this is a publicity stunt so that Tara can get paid and maybe garner some support for whatever upcoming b-movie she has in the works. She keeps calling somebody telling them to get her out of this and asking why theyre making her do this and other questions along those lines. Who might that be pray tell?

She is too fucked up to do a show like this and I'm surprised that anybody would put her in the position considering her mental state and obvious addiction. Dean and Tara are never affectionate. They are not in a relationship. He is her babysitter. I'm convinced of it. Good job by the other cast members pretending they don't know that these two are friends and nothing more.

  • Love 5

I agree, there is some reason for her to be on this show other than working on her "relationship."   Her whole meltdown seemed to be about wanting applause and attention, and being pissed that Dean was getting any positive attention from the others.   She was mad because he's supposed to be her "sidekick"  and he wasn't staying in that role.  Maybe she couldn't get anything else as far as TV roles, and this was the best her agent could come up with? 

The Fake 'therapists" seemed to be enjoying her meltdown too much.  If they cared about her, they would have intervened a lot earlier.  It adds to the belief I have that this show is not about helping anybody, it's about exposing secrets and humiliating people.

  • Love 2

Years ago Tara Reid used to be a real actress, but something happened to her after she and Carson Daily broke up and she's been a mess ever since. 

She had a show on MTV or VH1, Taradise, and all she did was act like a crackhead/alcoholic.  The premise was her going around the world, doing fun things, but she always ended up drinking.   I don't know if that's why they took it off though, the show did suck.

Now she's forty and what is she going to do?  She probably has no marketable skills and she's probably an alcoholic.  She seems to act as if she doesn't think she has a problem.  Some people think that if you do an intervention, the person will magically be cured, but it doesn't work that way.  You can put a person in rehab, but if they don't want it, there's nothing you can do, nothing. 

So I agree that this is a job for her, her agent set this up and got Dean to pose as her boyfriend; it gets Tara publicity, and a paycheck.

  • Love 1

Watched the whole thing to see Tara and Dean's "secret" revealed in the last minute - which was basically what anyone watching had already figured out.

Everything else was pointless and stupid.  These couples keep going over the same stuff again and again.  The leaders tell them that they have a deadline to decide to be together or split up.  But there is no deadline, they can take their time deciding if they want. 


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Bless ALL their little hearts, these folks are all a mess. I don't think any of them are actually committed to their relationships (not including Dean and Tara who have no actual relationship). If you put my husband and me in a nightclub for an evening, we'd have fun -- but neither of us would be cuddling and macking on another person. I think (I could be wrong) each of those people got snuggly with someone. 

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Tara is so ridiculous--she's pointing her finger at Dean for being a fame whore.  Well, three fame whore fingers are pointing right back at you, Tara!  Grow up (or maybe I should say "sober up"?  She still seems wasted most all of the time to me).

I have a feeling that Michelle is going to give Cody another chance.  At least she was honest with herself to realize he is not 'the one' on the lie detector.  I think she is just afraid of ending up alone.

And what exactly is the point of the 'singles' night at the club??  How does that help anyone improve their relationship? 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Real4real said:

And what exactly is the point of the 'singles' night at the club??  How does that help anyone improve their relationship? 

It doesn't.   It's like the tradition of a bachelor/ette party to get laid before the wedding, for your "last fling" - it's ridiculous.  It's destructive to a relationship.  AND the reason that men and women were throwing themselves at these people in clubs is simple -  there was a camera crew following them around. 

  • Love 1

Wait. The show has the couple's split up, men and women, take them to clubs, call it "hall pass", after making them surrender their rings.  THEN, confront them about their flirtatious behavior. 

Why did it take them so long to figure out Tara and Dean were not a couple? Didn't we all see that from the start?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, backformore said:

Wait. The show has the couple's split up, men and women, take them to clubs, call it "hall pass", after making them surrender their rings.  THEN, confront them about their flirtatious behavior. 

Why did it take them so long to figure out Tara and Dean were not a couple? Didn't we all see that from the start?

Yes, just what every struggling couple needs!  That'll fix 'em!

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, backformore said:

Wait. The show has the couple's split up, men and women, take them to clubs, call it "hall pass", after making them surrender their rings.  THEN, confront them about their flirtatious behavior. 

Why did it take them so long to figure out Tara and Dean were not a couple? Didn't we all see that from the start?

Yeah, one could call that unethical - if we were taking about real, ethical counseling professionals. Sheesh, this scam show is the worst. Hope those checks were worth it.

  • Love 2

I believe Dean when he says this was Tara's idea. He's not famous so there's no way the show would approach him or that he would approach the show. He has nothing to offer since he wasn't yet a reality star. Tara's agent, on the other hand, has something to work with since Tara is a movie actress and has done a reality show. She's perfect for ratings and had a movie coming out. So, she calls her good friend, Dean and he's like hell yeah I'm down to party and could use the fame for some club promotion or whatever. Then she says it was his idea? He's not even a candidate for the show because it's called Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars. Not Marriage Boot Camp: Club Owners. It makes no sense for her to act like she was somehow bullied into it by Dean.

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This show can be entertaining - but only if I know some of the people on it.  During this current season, I only knew Michele, Cody, and Tara.  I never could figure out who any of the other people were, although I got the impression one guy played basketball (?).  The rest may have been people just plucked out of the parking lot at Wal-Mart for all I know.  

Having said that, I think if this show featured some "real" couples going through some issues, and they weren't playing for the cameras, it would be an interesting show (but probably too low-rated to be worth doing). 

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I only watch this if there is someone who draws my attention and, even then, I often bail.

Heaven help me, I will watch for Jim and Amber Marchese from The Real Housewives Of New Jersey. He is a disgusting, thin-skinned troll who threatened to sue everyone on RHONJ for saying mean (and usually accurate) things about him. He is a toddler with a law degree. They were a one and done couple who are clearly still desperate for the spotlight. I have no soul. I'll watch.

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 1
On 8/13/2016 at 7:41 PM, Real4real said:

The biggest betrayal in my mind wasn't Tara and Dean faking a relationship, but Memphis and Toya--that was messed up.  He was stone cold when he told her it was over.

But I appreciated Toya immediately disengaging and walking away…until she continued back at the house & we found out they are still together.  That was disappointing.

  • Love 1

Amber and Jim from RHONJ? I'm in. I want to see him called out on his behaviour. I'd call him a troll, but that would be an insult to trolls. He might be the most heinous husband on any RH franchise. Did Amber have work done (apart from her hair style, I mean)? I barely recognised her.

I don't know the other people, but I didn't know anyone this season but Tara and Lisa, and I managed to figure them all out pretty quickly.  Bring on October's train wrecks!

I'd rather watch a reality show told from the perspective of the house itself, and what it has to go through and why.

I want to be clear: I'd rather imagine a show where this house is alive and talking about why it has to let these weird productions come through it, like is it leveraged by gambling debts? than I would this show. I'd rather it reveal secrets like "Jim and Cindy just have so much gross sex in the room they take every season, it makes me ill, and they folow it up by praying naked, I wish someone would just burn me to the ground." I would rather listen to house talk about things like "I'm a Spanish-style Mansion, I mean I used to have dignity...these fucking halfwits put an obstacle course in my beautiful pond! I HAVE A BED THAT LOOKS LIKE A WAGON...FOR ADULTS! Do you know how much that hurts me every day?" "I'm so fucking tired of having my walls covered in well liquor after another one of these twats dramatically flings a drink at another one, please help me!" "I want to haunt their asses SOOOO HARD!" 

This show is really bad, is what I'm saying. :)

  • Love 3

I keep hearing that Tanner and Jade from Bachelor in Paradise will be joining Marriage Boot Camp for the next season. They were just married in January I thought but I guess when you're a famewhore you'll do any show that asks.

I'd kill to get Brianna from Little Women LA to bring her douche husband on this show. God that would be like heaven. A girl can dream.

Edited by Nowhere
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