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I loved Trevor and Roy talking about the picture of Obama bending down so the little boy could touch his hair - that picture is everything.

It's interesting how Obama goes for the full He Who Must Not Be Named with Trump, only referring to him as "the president-elect."  I liked his "Dude, if you guys had better ideas, you should've just said something, because I wanted to hear them!" attitude toward congressional Republicans and Obamacare, and here's hoping his comments about the federal government being like an aircraft carrier will continue to hold true in You-Know-Who's administration.

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I'm glad Obama brought up that everyone knew there was Russian involvement in the election as far back as October. I think Trevor was a little shocked he was actually talking to Obama. Honestly, if I were running for office/in office, I would have a no email rule. Use kik or whatsapp. 

I also always like how Obama will tell anyone who is listening to sign up for health care all the time.


I liked his "Dude, if you guys had better ideas, you should've just said something, because I wanted to hear them!" attitude toward congressional Republicans and Obamacare, 

Totally loved Obama throwing massive shade. "Where was this five years ago?" And then flat out: "They aren't coming up with something better." Burn. 

Good analogy about the aircraft carrier. What I took from that is that presidents don't have nearly as much authority to wield as everyone thinks. 

You might not believe in climate change, but it's still happening! Ha ha ha ha.

I don't expect the host of a comedy show to be that good of an interviewer, and frankly, JS was not. He was good enough. Between this interview and the hateful blond woman, TN has really stepped up. 

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 8
5 hours ago, ganesh said:

I also always like how Obama will tell anyone who is listening to sign up for health care all the time.


I liked his "Dude, if you guys had better ideas, you should've just said something, because I wanted to hear them!" attitude toward congressional Republicans and Obamacare, 

Totally loved Obama throwing massive shade. "Where was this five years ago?" And then flat out: "They aren't coming up with something better." Burn. 


5 hours ago, ganesh said:

You might not believe in climate change, but it's still happening! Ha ha ha ha.

I love how he just calmly calls it. I don't know how he keeps his cool and is able to laugh in their faces, but it's always impressed me. I would not want to play poker with him, or follow his act at an open mic.

I've never seen Trevor look so breathless and overwhelmed. If you're going to be in awe of an opportunity, I think he chose the right time to do it.

At one point he tried to make a joke, and Obama just rolled right past like it didn't happen, and from that moment on we weren't watching Trevor Noah, comedian, commentator, and host, we were watching Trevor Noah, man feeling his mortality in his throat. I like that Trevor isn't all veneer.

  • Love 12
16 hours ago, possibilities said:


I love how he just calmly calls it. I don't know how he keeps his cool and is able to laugh in their faces, but it's always impressed me. I would not want to play poker with him, or follow his act at an open mic.

I've never seen Trevor look so breathless and overwhelmed. If you're going to be in awe of an opportunity, I think he chose the right time to do it.

At one point he tried to make a joke, and Obama just rolled right past like it didn't happen, and from that moment on we weren't watching Trevor Noah, comedian, commentator, and host, we were watching Trevor Noah, man feeling his mortality in his throat. I like that Trevor isn't all veneer.

It helps that he's got Keegan-Michael Key in his head...

  • Love 11

I love Trevor's impressions. They're always great. Here it was Putin learning to smile. "It's like wolf? How do you do this? It's like dog but no bite?"

Loved Roy's line about his astronaut suit -- "Business in the front, potty in the back."

I always enjoy Ta-Nehisi Coates. I used to follow him on Twitter, then he was just talking about comic books, so I Unfollowed him. And now I'm following him again.

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I thought the interview was great but this moment was a highlight for me:  

At one point he tried to make a joke, and Obama just rolled right past like it didn't happen, and from that moment on we weren't watching Trevor Noah, comedian, commentator, and host, we were watching Trevor Noah, man feeling his mortality in his throat. I like that Trevor isn't all veneer.

That was a fascinating moment because it was like watching Trevor Noah evolve before our eyes.  Back when he was named the new host, there was an understandable furor over some really stupid jokes and tweets he made, it eventually turned out that he's just super young and still evolving as a performer.  His response to people being upset was something about not getting upset over "a few jokes that didn't land" and again, just turned out he was very young and still maturing in terms of how to handle things as they happen.  

That's what that "Oh shit, President Barack Obama didn't even acknowledge that I tried to make a joke with so much as a half smile, a nod, a huff of air, nothing....at....all"  and almost every comedian has a way to handle that kind of "fuck, that bombed" type of thing and none of those plays involve also deciding to roll past it like it never happened.  He just blinked, you could see Trevor sort of soak up the, "that was hitting the wrong tone" of it all and you can practically see the realization dawn on him, "I'm talking to the president of the United States in the capacity of a ...journalist right now.  That's my role in this moment" and he pretty much instantaneously morphed into that new aspect without so much as a facial tick.  

It was awesome.  

  • Love 14
6 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I love Trevor's impressions. They're always great. Here it was Putin learning to smile. "It's like wolf? How do you do this? It's like dog but no bite?"

That was the joke of the night for me - I laughed SO hard at that.  Even before that, when Trevor said you could tell from the picture that Putin was learning how to smile by watching Tillerson, it was a great bit, but the impression was just golden.

I loved Trevor sharing his anxiety about whether or not he'd get a Black handshake from Obama and reveling in showing us the video evidence that he did.

I feel like newscasters cutting away from discussing the Middle East to show a photo op at Trump Tower between Trump and Kanye might be a pretty succinct encapsulation of American news media.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, saoirse said:

The show is contracted to work a certain number of weeks each year. So they plan for two weeks off over the holidays. They are coming back January 2, 2017. So they took next week instead of that week.

I actually think it was the 3rd

11 hours ago, ganesh said:

Good for them for getting the two weeks off then. I guess I don't quite understand why one would want to take two weeks off work. 

Cause no one watches TV during the holidays.

Yes, no one watches tv during the holidays. But again, next week isn't the holidays. Mon-Thurs is a regular work week. I'm sure I'm not the only person working. 

It's weird they would be coming back on Jan 2nd or 3rd and have a short week then, because that's actually a holiday. One would think that would be the off week and then work the next week as the full first week of 2017.

That's the contract and they're not changing for me. I just think it's dumb.

  • Love 1
On 12/17/2016 at 0:01 AM, ganesh said:

Good for them for getting the two weeks off then. I guess I don't quite understand why one would want to take two weeks off work. 

Cause work is a soul destroying slog through the deepest darkest regions of hell.... and they have to cover Trump too.

Edited by MrWhyt
  • Love 11

When the story first broke about the House Repubs voting to drastically change the ethics committee, I thought it was such a stupid thing to do that there was a plan to then have Trump tweet critically about it, thereby stopping it and making Trump a hero. When he actually tweeted about it, I patted myself on the back. However, his tweet was really more about the timing of their move than about the action itself. 

Loved the graphic of "InCompUSA" when Trump spoke about the "age of computer" and hacking. Of course Trump knows about hacking -- He's a hack.

I didn't enjoy Michael Che's interview. He just rubs me the wrong way.

  • Love 3


Michelle Wolf looked different tonight. Wasn't her hair curly before? I like it better now. Anyway, it bothered me that she said Biden could grab her boob if he wanted. I think lots of people on the left were appalled by at least one woman Trump supporter who said Trump could grab her by the pussy anytime. Look, I like Biden. I dislike Trump. But we should apply the same standards to both. 

  • Love 12

I usually like Biden, but I agree he needs to learn to keep his hands to himself. I remember when W was massaging the shoulders of Angela Merkel and we were all grossed out by it. It really bothers me that no one has firmly told Biden to knock it off. The looks on the faces of the women he was fondling clearly show they don't like it. It's just not ok that he continues to do this. And his joke about the brotherhood of policing access to sisters is totally obnoxious.

I'm still laughing about the "cheat, cray, gov" title from earlier this week, though.

Tonight's guest was on Fresh Air today also. I thought his interview with Terry Gross was great-- she gets a lot more time than Trevor gets, so they got into quite a bit of depth. I thought he came across as thoughtful, pragmatic, informed, clear-headed, compassionate, and smart in that situation. But in his comments to Trevor (when talking about USA politics, at least), I thought he didn't fare so well. I was glad Trevor called him out on "being a good diplomat" for that part of the interview. Trevor is getting bolder and I like it.

Looking forward to K&P tomorrow.

  • Love 4

People being disgusted by a woman saying Trump could grab her pussy but laughing at Michelle saying Biden could grab her boob is a double-standard. I'm trying to remember if Michelle had previously expressed shock at Trumpettes saying they were ok with Trump's manhandling. If she did, then she's being hypocritical in joking about Biden.

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, peeayebee said:


Michelle Wolf looked different tonight. Wasn't her hair curly before? I like it better now. Anyway, it bothered me that she said Biden could grab her boob if he wanted. I think lots of people on the left were appalled by at least one woman Trump supporter who said Trump could grab her by the pussy anytime. Look, I like Biden. I dislike Trump. But we should apply the same standards to both. 

What I found appalling about that Trump supporter is that she didn't seem to understand that she was giving consent and that the thrill for Trump is attacking women who didn't.

I love Joe Biden but, yeah, he's always been a little too handsy for my taste. I know the point Michelle was trying to make but the fact that he spearheaded the VAWA doesn't give him a free pass to touch anyone.

I liked Michelle's hair too. 

7 hours ago, marceline said:

I love Joe Biden but, yeah, he's always been a little too handsy for my taste. I know the point Michelle was trying to make but the fact that he spearheaded the VAWA doesn't give him a free pass to touch anyone.



For real, I like Joe Biden, but his archaic view of whether or not it is okay to just affectionately touch women is just not okay.  He has been a champion of causes that protect and help women, that does not mean he has an all ladies pass to touching any woman in his vicinity, though.  I get that he thinks it's harmless because it isn't meant to be sexual on any level but dude, catch up.  Learn the consent rules.  

He's kind of an old white guy and he sometimes behaves way too much like an old white guy, who thinks that because he means well, it's okay.  He is a big-hearted guy, so I don't doubt his intent or assign it to anything creepy or sexual.  Just cut it out, dude.  Particularly after the national dialogue surrounding consent that surrounded issues within the campaign. 

I like Michelle, I just didn't care for the piece much, but that's mostly because it was so unappealing.   He doesn't intend anything gross but those poor women and girls are stuck in an impossible position.   Pull away, step back, hold up a warding hand and then that's what the camera ends up seeing and whereas it would be a perfectly reasonable thing for anyone to do, who the hell wants to be interviewed over and over and over again about, "Why did you...."  It really is putting women in such a difficult position because either they allow it, or they become the town crier on an issue that they might not wish to have define their lives, even briefly. 

I liked the author but the whole, "I have faith in the system of checks and balances" ....well, here's hoping he's right. 

Edited by stillshimpy
  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, stillshimpy said:

He is a big-hearted guy, so I don't doubt his intent or assign it to anything creepy or sexual. Just cut it out, dude.

Great summation, @stillshimpy.

Unlike Michelle (and the majority of Democrats, apparently), I always thought Biden was creepy with the ogling and handsiness. I imagine him smelling of hair grease and mothballs. Bad touch!

  • Love 1

I just wanted to come on here and say NO, Biden's laudable legislative record does NOT excuse his creepy handsiness and and sexist anecdotes. But I see you all have covered that. I kept thinking that Michelle giving him a pass would turn out to be sarcastic, and there was some sarcasm in there, but it still seemed like she was excusing his bad behavior.

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I wasn't feeling that, either.  No, Biden isn't Trump, but Trump is FAR from any benchmark of decency.  Those women's expressions made it clear that they were uncomfortable with what was going on, and that's never okay, even if you do good legislative work for women.

I DID, however, love the part about how guys wouldn't have to spend so much time protecting their sisters if they all stopped being shitty to every woman who WASN'T their sister.  That was excellent.

Also excellent?  Paul Ryan's reaction to that kid trying to dab in that photo.  "...Do you need to sneeze?"  I loved every bit of it.

  • Love 7

Mitch McConnell, that rancid mutant asshole turtle, deserves to have his head repeatedly smashed, tee ball style with MLB players swinging the bat!!!

Loved Key & Peele when they were on. The best part was when Jordan was Obama and Keegan was Luther. Their farewell on TDS was perfect and appropo, given the tangerine nightmare that's heading our way (and btw, I still loved Keegan's (Luther's) appearance alongside real Obama at the 2015 WHPC dinner).

OMT, Michelle's new hair style makes her look less crazy, and I agree with everyone on Grabby Hands Biden.

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