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I feel like a bad person for my first reactions to this since babies are good news but...Jenna Wolfe is pregnant again http://www.today.com/parents/jenna-wolfe-stephanie-gosk-announce-pregnancy-1D80099810


Heh, my first reaction was "Oh Lord" and my second was that she felt tired of Savannah getting all the baby attention.  Horrible things to think but I did feel bad.  The thing is the show goes over the top with these stories and you just get tired of it. 

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I actually feel happy for Jenna. She looked so thrilled about her baby news and it will be nice for her daughter to have a sibling. She is really lucky that her pregnancies have happened so easily for her at age 40. I feel sorry for Bobbi Thomas who is struggling to get pregnant and is going thru IVF. It does seem like there is a baby boom right now and everyone is having girls! I think Jenna said she is four months along.

I think that TPTB realize now that they have a problem, because it appears that everyone is tired of Tamron, including Al, Willie and Natalie.  I don't think Matt and Savannah have to interact with her as much.  It's too bad because I think Tamron is intelligent and attractive and she does have a nice personality, but she just doesn't seem to know how to tone herself down.  She's too excitable and giddy, and I've said before she seems to have some sort of nervous condition.

Yeah, I watched her interview the Foley parents last week and I was pleasantly surprised at how well she did. But then she seems to want all the attention and starts that hysterical/giggly/look at me shit and I cannot STAND her. Still love to know why Brooke Shields didn't get the gig. Maybe she didn't want it, but seeing Willie give her the ice bucket challenge - I bet he was hoping for her too.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tamron moves Savannah out.  I can't stand Tamron when she's in her frantic mode, which is most of the time, but although Tamron also has a case of glottal attack, she's got a better voice and camera presence.   After all this time, Savannah is still stiff and trying to figure out which camera is on her.  


I wish Tamron would dress to fit her boobs.  They're so low and smashed.  She's either wearing a minimizer or not getting clothes to fit her chest or both.  Looks unnatural and uncomfortable.  

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I didn't see Tamron's interaction with Matt yesterday but I've seen her basically insult Willie and Al over some little thing.  I think she thinks she's acting cute and can get away with it because they're men, but I don't think she'd dare to insult any of the women. 


I will say that today she had on a very nice yellow shift dress.  She needs to wear more loose-hanging outfits like that.

I'll just have to change the channel tomorrow when Ariana Grande comes on.  I've seen her a couple of times but I'm not into her music--she's just a little pop tart with a nice voice.  One thing I've noticed from what little I've heard of her is that you can't understand a damn thing she's saying.  She's a mumbler.  So yeah, I'll be watching Mike & Mike or something else.

Mrsjumbo, I thought I was having a nightmare when Matt announced Jenna's promotion to weekday fitness guru. What the hell is wrong with the producers of the Today show? I've come to the sad conclusion that it must be me. I must be so outta step with ratings and polls (although the Today show ratings have tanked since they started the five person panels). I feel like they just promoted Ann Curry all over again. It's just become one big clusterfuck.

I actually watched this week with the "Homecoming" hosts and really enjoyed it. It was great to have the focus on two co-hosts rather than five. I especially enjoyed Tom Brokaw and Matt (yes, I said Matt). Even Maria Shriver was good (although she needs to lay off the Botox).

I just don't understand why anyone would think Jenna would add anything to the morning show. Well at least I can go back to watching Weekend Today with Lester Holt and not have it ruined by Jenna"it's all about me" Wolfe. Free Lester!

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I would be fine with Jenna Wolfe doing 1 segment occasionally during the week (well, not really, but better than the alternative). But it seems she is doing segments during the week AND is on during the weekend too.

I also enjoyed Tom Brokaw.

Oh. I see now where she is moving to weekdays. For a moment I was excited when they said she was leaving. Oh well, at least weekends will be enjoyable to watch. Hopefully her segments are brief.

Edited by Mrsjumbo
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Was Maria Shriver even listening to Robin Givens? It seemed she had her questions she was supposed to ask, even though RG had already answered it.

RG: if my experience, being dragged through the hallways had been on tape, then it's a different conversation.

MS: do you think it would have been different if the video had been there & had we seen what you were trying to say?

RG: (talks about why she didn't leave- the embarrassment as a victim one feels, and how you want to start protecting & consoling the abuser).

MS: do you understand why Janee stayed?

It's like I was watching an interview in reverse. The answer was given first, then the question was asked.

Edited by Mrsjumbo

You know Mrsjumbo, you are right about Maria Shiriver. I re watched the Robin Givens interview and it was just as you described it (backwards). I thought she looked different and I initially blamed it on Botox but her eyes seemed to be almost swollen shut. She's always looked so severe with the angular jaw and so very thin but something was "off" about her today. I'm not sure it was even due to being out of practice. I saw a story later in the day that showed Arnold unveiling his official California state house portrait and getting criticized for the amature way her face had been painted over in the portrait. I also saw where his love child was at his movie premier the night before. Maybe it was all too much for her?

The continued humiliation of her husband cheating on her (and producing a child) along with her role as First Lady of California being crudely obliterated had to sting. This is wild speculation but Arnold had to have used steroids to achieve his physic and that can contribute to violent behavior. I wonder if she is holding in more secrets about her marriage because she certainly wanted to get through the Givens interview quickly? Something was definately off Today.

Alicia Keys was on this morning.  I know she's pregnant but she had on some gawdawful, mismatched outfit that had me scratching my head.  The shirt didn't match the pants and it looked like something one would wear scrubbing the bathroom floor.  Now the getup might have cost more than my monthly mortgage, but it still looked bad. 

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Cannot stand Maria Shriver. I doubt that Arnold's antics are too much for her. It is coming out now that she has had a long term affair with his campaign strategist, Matthew Dowd. These people are all so sleazy.

Haven't ever been able to stand her either.  And, it's now painful to even look at her after all the surgery she's had.  Didn't see her this week.  Is she still sporting the duck lips?


I doubt she cares that much about Arnold, either.  Seriously doubt she cares about being eliminated from the painting.  She was openly disdainful of her role as first lady of CA.  She refused to move the family from LA to Sacramento.  Arnold commuted the entire time.  She rarely showed up for an event and then expected a medal for doing so.


I'm sure she expects NBC to roll out a red carpet for her return.  She was also ticked about having to leave her stupendous broadcasting career, hahaha ...

What irks me is that if they are going to do an important story, say on teens abusing prescription drugs, why can't they take a few more seconds & finish the story? Instead, it's "go to our website to see the 3 things parents can do to prevent prescription drug abuse".

We can't bother to show that, but we'll spend more time on our stupid banter.

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What irks me is that if they are going to do an important story, say on teens abusing prescription drugs, why can't they take a few more seconds & finish the story? Instead, it's "go to our website to see the 3 things parents can do to prevent prescription drug abuse".

We can't bother to show that, but we'll spend more time on our stupid banter.

THAT really bugs me too.  They're assuming everyone has access to a computer & are on-line.  Drives me nuts when they do that & when they do, I'd NEVER go to their website, purely on principal.  Just sayin'.

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Is this where worthless journalists go to die? Case in point, Whatshisname Rossen. Last week, he had an expose on the shock and horror that people would leave a 12-year-old kid alone if he was in the park or at the boardwalk by himself. Even the Rhodes Scholars that are the Today Show anchors said:


Ummm, the kid was twelve. He was fine. No story here, Rossen.


And today, he's got an expose about the website that will make you a copy of your key if you send him a picture of it, which of course will lead to ISIS taking cellphone pics of everyone's keys and burglaring all of our houses. No mention of the fact that you have to take a picture of both the front and the back of the key, and then you have to know what house it goes to, so it's very unlikely that random terrorists will be able to carry this off unless they chloroform the unwitting key owner.


Who did he blow to get this job?

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I know I am in the minority, but I for one will miss Jenna Wolfe.  I used to not like her, but it became apparent over time that Lester adores her, so that was good enough for me!  He said as much yesterday morning - that he didn't interact with her at all at first, but then that they completely bonded.  I enjoyed her sendoff yesterday and wish her well in her new gig.  

What's Today's fascination with fucking Paula Deen?  Nice job trying to help her dig herself out of the grave she dug for herself.  Cripes.   Dismissal for lack of standing is not the same as dismissal on the facts, yet Paula and Today would like us to believe that Paula was forever cleared of any and all wrong-doing.

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Regarding that "cheesy trailer park accent," I've heard a lot of people from the South talk and I've never heard anyone who sounds like her.  I think she just  lays it on thick on purpose.


So I was watching the 9 o'clock hour with Tamron, Willie, Al and Natalie.  Tamron was blabbing on and on about something, and Willie was looking at her like he was SO over her.  At one point he looked like he was ready to just get up from the desk and leave.  I wish he had, followed by Natalie and Al.

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I don't understand this at all...during the "Today's take" they have a celebrity guest on. That celebrity is supposed to ask the 4 Today show hosts questions? Do we really want to know what type of underwear Al Roker prefers? Shouldn't they be posing the questions to the celebrity? Or does the Today show management really imagine we all care about the 4 of them enough to want to know more about their lives?

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I actually enjoy the third hour of Today.  Yeah, Al, Natalie and Tamron can be annoying, but I'd rather listen to them banter and talk about news and pop culture than the gals on the View or the Talk.  Plus it's a decent alternative to the shit local lifestyle shows that are on in my area in that time slot.

Tamron.  Where do I begin?  She is self absorbed, how about here?!  One day she focused on possibly losing one of her eyelashes, laughing and covering her face for what seemed an endless amount of time. We don't care and you would not look any different without them.   She has a way of turning everything toward herself.  I am so silly, wacky, a nut and on it goes.  Her laugh is phony and often inappropriate.  Not everything is hysterical, Tamron.  


I would like to see Hoda replace her and I think they all agree on this one. 

Edited by wings707
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KLG and Hoda's hour is guilty of speeding through every segment.  The food quizzes they take are so rushed you often don't catch the answers.  They talk over the guest quiz giver to the point that sometimes you even miss the damn question!   There should be no need to rush.  Just take some time out of your chatting at the table to allow more.  And don't have the same news items and guests that we just saw in the previous 2 hours!

Edited by wings707
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