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All Episodes Talk: Orange is the New Yuck!

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WTF was up with that annoying laugh?  Does she really think it's funny, or endearing?  I thought the sound on my TV was acting up at first, then I realized it actually was her laughing!

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That laugh was horrible!

I thought it was interesting that they brought Barbara Corcoran back & actually mentioned the feud with KLG. Hoda was practically rubbing her hands with glee!

I thought Barbara was pretty rude to KLG, when I was expecting the opposite. The segment seemed to go down like a lead balloon, so we'll see if she is invited back.

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They had to get serious this week...events and all. But they did manage to dump water on Matt's head. I don't know if the others were involved?  I'm starting to switch a lot between CBS/Today.

I don't give GMA a look. CBS is different. They are almost certainly last but get an A for effort.

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Come to the "real news" at CBS.  Their only flaw is when they are stuck interviewing an actor from one of their entertainment programs.  But that only happens in the last half hour.

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Is it my imagination, or are there more Jenna Wolfe segments during the week now? But thankfully she was not on last weekend. I think that's a good trade off. I'd rather see her for 1 athletic segment a day than seeing her 2 days through the whole weekend broadcast.

Now if they keep showing her during the week AND she is still on on the weekends, I will be very put out!

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This morning I was watching "Today's Take" with Willie, Natalie, Tamron, and Al. They were discussing trouble at the Brooklyn Bridge with people able to avoid security and shut down the lights and bleach the American Flag. At least I think that is what they were discussing because, all but Willie, talked over each other (Tamron being the WORST offender but not by much since Natalie and Al kept yammering too). This was a story I was somewhat interested in and they ruined any news value because YOU COULDN'T UNDERSTAND A DAMN WORD THAT WAS BEING SAID.

What the fuck is wrong with the producers of this show that allow this type of free for all? Do they get paid by how many words they say (with a bonus for talking over others?). It is UNWATCHABLE.

No matter what the story is they all race to have their voice heard (again Tamron being the worst). They act like they are in second grade. Willie...save yourself and get the hell out of there.

Does anyone think this has any value or that it's entertaining? It's like having Maroon 5 performing at the same time and on the same stage as Arrowsmith.

I can't watch this anymore.

PS. They also did a story on a new Facebook page that takes pictures of overweight people and shames then on this page. Of course they were all horrified but showed the damn pictures with the faces blurred out...like that is kind or even helpful? Oh how I miss Jane, Tom and Bryant. I'm done with this drivel.

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Stafford, yes, they are all talking over each other , sometimes 6 (!) people at one table. And I can't help wondering what someone listening on Sirius FM is thinking! Can they even distinguish what is being said with all of those voices coming out of the radio speaker at the same time?

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I'm convinced that Tamron has some kind of nervous condition that causes her to fall to pieces, even when she's laughing.  She just can't seem to be able to hold herself together and I think it makes the other panelists uncomfortable, based on the way they look at her when she breaks up.   She really needs to look at herself on camera and find out how she can calm herself down.

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I am glad I hit 50 a couple years ago, when I had no idea it was such a landmark, potentially traumatic event.


But how did you turn 50 without knowing that couples in their 50s still have sex?  Man, they should win awards for the investigate reporting on that story.  Who knew?  I figured when you turn 49, you just stop having sex.

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I got my first aarp crap in the mail for my 30th birthday. Go figure.


Wow.  I hope they made a mistake in the membership department.  Otherwise, they must be pretty desperate for members.

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Finally today is the end of the never ending birthday. Oh My Gawwwwd!!! ((gaping open mouth)). Next Mon they will be toasting Savannah as she takes maternity leave...

Can we just have some news & some light informative segments please?

Edited by Mrsjumbo
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Next Mon they will be toasting Savannah as she takes maternity leave...

You are aware that if the "Today" show's producers could figure out a way to strap a GoPro camera on baby Guthrie's head during the birth they'd already have the promo monkeys working on a "Join us for a very special Today show" campaign...

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Kill me now! Matt did an interview with Kim Kardashian like he was covering the mid-east peace talks. I remember Matt (or maybe Al) did an interview with Ann Coulter and his next guest was Kathy Griffin and she started off the segment with saying aren't you so embarrassed to interview THAT woman? He was stunned and she said well you gotta admit she's a nut job that says anything outrageous so you will interview her. He tried to change the subject but Kathy was relentless in mocking him for being a reporter getting stuck with THAT wacko and pretending that anything she said was "newsworthy". Truer words...

Yup breaking news Nori is a mama's girl, she wants four kids but her pregnancy was SO difficult she will try for one more and BREAKING NEWS her Selfish (yup that's the title) book of Selfies is going to be published and her fans will now get to see the 10 or 11 shots she didn't post on Instagram while taking one selfie.

Please dear god isn't her 15 minutes of fame up yet? I mourn the loss of the old Today show where news was actually covered not these fame whores with nothing to add to society except a devotion to vanity and SELFISHness.

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Beyond ridiculous having that vapid famewhore on.  When the idiot started talking about her "book," all I could think was is she serious?  THIS is a book??  There are people who care (and worse yet, people whom she THINKS care) about her photoshopped selfies, much less want to see the outtakes??


The only thing that would make it remotely entertaining is if the book included the pre-photoshop ones.

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Kill me now! Matt did an interview with Kim Kardashian like he was covering the mid-east peace talks. 

Tom Brokaw knew it was time to get out when he had to interview Charlene Tilton of Dallas. If Matt at all fancies himself a serious journalist, maybe he too will have a similar "come to Jesus" moment...

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Tom Brokaw knew it was time to get out when he had to interview Charlene Tilton of Dallas. If Matt at all fancies himself a serious journalist, maybe he too will have a similar "come to Jesus" moment...

That train has left the station. The money is too good and Matt knows he can't do better.

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Let's beat a dead horse & get a gorilla's response to Robin William's death.

Poor Lauren Bacall got a few minutes. Then it was back on to discussing Robin Williams. Got to cover this from every angle while the topic is hot to keep the ratings up.

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I guess I wasn't all that surprised that it was suicide, and it was difficult for me to watch him because he made me feel jumpy.  I always felt sad for him.  I still don't think his death warranted breaking into a newscast though.   It one thing for Brian Williams to get a note passed to him while he's on air, and he mentions something newsworthy like Williams's death.  However, to break in with "NBC News Special Report"--my heart sank for a brief  moment because I thought the President had been shot or something. 

Edited by Ohwell
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Oh Lord.  Now that we survived Hoda's 50th birthday, we get to live through Al's 60th Birthday next week.

Nooooooo!   Oh well, guess I'll be watching Mike and Mike all next week.

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Jenna Wolfe is the worst! Did she just congratulate herself for pronouncing the name of the city in South Korea where the pope is visiting, WHILE she was reading the story? So unprofessional! Stop making everything a comedy routine!

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Jenna Wolfe is the worst!

Hands down the most narcissistic individual appearing on any broadcast, anywhere (and that's sayin' something).

Overstating things?  I defy you to watch her go for more than thirty seconds without a "me" or "I' reference. Watch a taped piece. You'll see twice as many "B" roll cutaways of her reacting/mugging than any comparable piece done by someone else. Either that or she feels compelled to inject herself into the action. Not every story requires or even should be a participatory narrative. You would have thought she might have toned it down after she got kicked off of regular desk duty, but it sounds like it didn't phase her a bit.


Really quite sad actually because they don't hand out network gigs willy-nilly. To take that opportunity and turn it into a farce because of an overinflated ego is truly unfortunate.

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Did she just congratulate herself for pronouncing the name of the city in South Korea where the pope is visiting, WHILE she was reading the story?


Its almost like she took Ted Baxter as a guide (not to insult Ted Baxter).


Hee, it seemed like Al was mocking the Hoda 50th birthday celebration this morning.  And, while it normally annoys me when they talk about staff too much, I personally would have started the 8 am hour talking about Don Pardo.  Especially when they could have just not mentioned Pat O'Brien. 

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Chattygal, I realized the forth hour was a repeat yesterday when they had Easter styles for kids on...huh? The least they could do is put something on the screen that says it's a repeat or something to the effect that it's the "Best of Hoda & Kathie Lee"...if that isn't false advertising.

Mr Darcy, isn't this week Al's 60th birthday celebration? I've been avoiding the first three hours of Today this week because I couldn't stomach a birthday celebration for Al or listen to Jenna Bush amuse herself (and you are totally right, Jenna did slip in a video of her "kid"). Honestly, I don't know how Stephanie puts up with Jenna (okay, that was mean but really...).

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