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S01.E03: Kyle

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9 hours ago, kat165 said:

Of course we could be all wrong on the timeline as someone mentioned above. We don't know that all this is happening at exactly the same time. But with groups like Overeaters or AA and perhaps Weight Watchers you go to a meeting when you feel you need a meeting. They're going on all the time. You can get a schedule.

Weight Watchers not so much - unless you're willing to pay for multiple meetings. Though these meetings did seem to be more Overeaters Anonymous, or something like that. Given that it was the same crowd each time, I didn't get the feeling they were snagging random meetings.

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I don't think the timeline of a week is adding up at all.  Even just the gym scene where she complained he'd lost weight and she hadn't.  Adding that plus meetings plus dates all in the span of a week makes more sense. Maybe there is a hole in the time -space continuum where 1 week on the East Coast is 4 weeks on the West Coast and by travelling from the West Coast to the East Coast, Kevin is going to disturb everything?  (Wrong show?)

16 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Weight Watchers not so much - unless you're willing to pay for multiple meetings. Though these meetings did seem to be more Overeaters Anonymous, or something like that. Given that it was the same crowd each time, I didn't get the feeling they were snagging random meetings.

Weight Watchers lets you go to as many meetings per week as you want.  But usually you have to go to one to weigh in, and that's what most people do.  Any extras you go to, you don't weigh in.  

The only thing I saw that made me think the men are cops is that the hispanic actor plays a cop on Castle.  I thought it was said at some point that Jack worked in construction?  

7 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Weight Watchers lets you go to as many meetings per week as you want.  But usually you have to go to one to weigh in, and that's what most people do.  Any extras you go to, you don't weigh in.  

My mistake. Since I only go to one, and always have to pay, it's an easy jump to the assumption you pay for all of them (since, at least at the ones I go to, and have been to over many years, it's never been broadcast that you can do that, unless you achieve lifetime member status)

Edited by Clanstarling

It might be different where you live but that's the corp. policy and how it is in my franchise state.  It's not used much, I don't think.  The content is the same all week.  The odds that two random members would both choose to go to the same two meetings a week are probably slim, much less a whole group of people, so it did seem like a formally scheduled thing they were going to on the show, most likely weekly but who knows.  

On 10/16/2016 at 10:24 AM, Clanstarling said:
On 10/16/2016 at 2:33 AM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I will also assume that Jack took a carriage in his car and was able to put all 3 babies side by side to transport between car and hospital by himself.

I just assumed he had three car seats. They were available, and started becoming mandatory in some states right around the time period the triplets were born. Of course, I didn't notice if their car had seat belts, which would pose a problem.

Sorry, I wasn't clear.  I know there were car seats, but it would be nearly impossible for a single person to park in the hospital parking lot and then carry three car seats by himself, along with, one would assume, a diaper bag.  Probably easier to unload a pram-type carriage and take the babies from their car seats and place them next to each other from top to bottom in the pram.  I realize that I am over thinking this, but taking triplets in and out of the car by oneself is very complicated.

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Almost caught up.  I'm a bit torn on Toby.  He seems like a fun guy and that he has Kate's interests at heart.  But I'm wondering a bit if he's smothering her.  He talked about all the lunches and dinners they've had, and he seemed a bit resentful when she was on the phone doing her job for Kevin.  Doesn't Toby have a job? Even if Kate doesn't work for Kevin anymore, she's going to have to get another job that's going to require her time.

Gotta agree that it seemed pretty far fetched that Rebecca would be out searching for Kyle's bio-dad.  If I had a moment away from my babies, I slept.  And I totally appreciated the fluster at home trying to care for them.  One at a time was hard enough, I can't imagine 3 all at once.  I liked how they resolved Kyle/Randall's name.  I thought that Rebecca gave him the name because she didn't believe she could let Williams involved in his life.  It was the least she could do, let him have a say in the new name.

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To me, Kevin is the Crosby and Dr  K is the Zeke from Parenthood. 

I think the twins are a little too close. Do adult b/g twins really share sex life info ?

I thought Dr K was neither an OB nor a pediatrician but more like a general family doctor who delivers the baby and then cares for it too. I believe it did used to work.that way before medicine became more specialized. 

3 hours ago, ChicagoChris said:

To me, Kevin is the Crosby and Dr  K is the Zeke from Parenthood. 

I think the twins are a little too close. Do adult b/g twins really share sex life info ?

I thought Dr K was neither an OB nor a pediatrician but more like a general family doctor who delivers the baby and then cares for it too. I believe it did used to work.that way before medicine became more specialized. 

I cracked up about the Crosby and Zeke analogy.  They could both get there for me, too.

There still are family practitioners who take care of people from birth to the end.  It just doesn't seem so likely that a family doc would be delivering triplets, no other doctors helping, not in a big city. 

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Another good one. I'm loving this show more and more every week. The present and the past are both equally compelling. Case in point: William, aka "Shakespeare," whose story, as shown as a series of bus rides, revealed how he went from a promising young writer in love with a fellow passenger to a junkie single father who, upon realizing that he couldn't take care of his then-newborn son, gave him to people who could-Jack & Rebecca. Speaking of which, William & Rebecca's connection is another surprise. Rebecca's tracking William down to help her bond with Randall was a part of her healing process re her grief over the other triplet's death, which Jack also struggled with. 

  Bonding with the babies was another struggle for Rebecca, especially with baby Randall, formerly known as "Kyle," hence her search for William, which could have turned out much worse than it did. Rebecca's request that William not see Randall was reasonable when Randall was a kid, but forbidding William from ever seeing him was anything but. As for Randall's belief that he could have found William sooner, while that's true in theory, the difference is that he has a career and a family to consider, so I don't blame him for putting them above William as long as he did. 

 I liked Toby and Kevin this episode. In his own somewhat pushy way, Toby helped Kate to come out of her shell and made her feel special and all it took was a trip to the old folks' home and Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time." As for Kevin, while his calling Kate after his booty call with his crazy ex was annoying-especially when Kate was trying to get laid herself-he redeemed himself by firing Kate. Kevin knew that his & Kate's co-dependent relationship was hurting them both, so he decided to do the right thing, for her and for himself. 

Edited by DollEyes
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That was the most heart-rending beginning two minutes committed to celluloid since Up. Damn, William.

For now I think Toby is pushy but well-meaning. He'd be some people's cup of tea, but definitely not others.

Kate has a beautiful voice. I wonder how Kevin would react if she pursued a singing career, especially if hers gains some traction while his star is falling.

Randall is going to break. I'm dreading it for the character even as I look forward to the acting.

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On 10/12/2016 at 11:00 AM, kili said:

Kate doesn't seem to have much self-confidence on her own. It may be that she had no job (or a crappy job) and Kevin said "Hey, why not be my assistant?" When he was first starting out as an actor, I doubt he could support two people on his income, so it was probably further into his career. She has a pretty nice house, so he must pay her pretty well. I wonder what she will do now for money?

This break-up will be good for both of them. They both need to grow.

In the pilot, it was he who came running to her assistance when she needed somebody to ice her ankle. 

They both will need to stand without their crutch.

I agree that the twins are codependent. It's not a one-way street. Kevin goes to Kate for help when he can help himself. But then, she probably needed a job and he gave her one. Kate is not just plus-sized; her weight is at a point where a lot of people will discriminate and miss out on her intelligence and talent because they assume things about her. I've seen this happen with people for different reasons (age, kids, etc.) but also weight, even with people who are much smaller than Kate. Hiring managers have assumed the candidate would be out sick a lot, not fast enough, etc. It's illegal but it happens. Working for her brother she gets to have a boss who knows how great she is. 

I would like to see them be more independent but still remain close. 

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On 10/14/2016 at 8:49 PM, MaryPatShelby said:

I know others have mentioned this but I feel compelled to say it again anyway....he has known her a week. I know "times are different now", and granted it's been a really long time since I dated, but don't people want to get to know someone even a little bit before hopping in the sack?  And he has talked about it with her since day one - come to think of it, in that week is there any day he's not been with her?  He had no right to invite himself to the Hollywood party or to give her her own day (how would he even know what she'd like?), and absolutely no right to expect to be placed first ahead of her twin brother....especially when he expected that in a broom closet in a nursing home.

I hate Gerald McRaney with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns; managed it when he was Dr. Folksy the OB but not so much as the Folksy Pediatrician.  I really hope he doesn't keep popping up with his homespun words of wisdom.  

I love the doctor.  I know he was on Major Dad and married to Delta Burke, who was on Designing Women but I didn't realize he was on the show, too. I didn't watch the show the entire time it was on the air. 

I am just now watching it on Demand and love it so far, but I am going to be so disappointed if this show goes the route where Jack's role as dad is romanticized while Rebecca screws up repeatedly.  I totally understand her not wanting William in Randall's life.  She sees the drugs, and he asks to stop in from time to time.  How can she bond if she is always terrified Randall will be taken away?  Open adoptions were not popular in the 80's.  I have a cousin who adopted a relative's child and that relative stopped in from time to time, which meant only when it suited him, and it always caused a disruption.  Then when the child was grown, the relative came back with promises and revisionist history so that he could now be called daddy.  It was bad.  Even William said their pact was the right decision.  Yet, I am assuming this will all blow up as Rebecca is terrible.  I didn't like Jack adding fruity pebbles to Kate's cantaloupe, but again I thought that was a "good Jack/bad Rebecca" moment when I thought worse of him for undermining his wife.  Kate's eating issues aren't solely the result of Rebecca's influence.  I will keep watching unless it becomes a "bash Rebecca" show.  Then I'm out.  

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2 hours ago, Crs97 said:

I am just now watching it on Demand and love it so far, but I am going to be so disappointed if this show goes the route where Jack's role as dad is romanticized while Rebecca screws up repeatedly. 

Jack is my favorite character. I must say that I think we have already seen Jack screw up. He drinks too much and have seen that when the kids were younger that Rebecca puts in more physical grunt work with them.

4 hours ago, Enigma X said:

Jack is my favorite character. I must say that I think we have already seen Jack screw up. He drinks too much and have seen that when the kids were younger that Rebecca puts in more physical grunt work with them.

Yes, his halo is getting a fair bit of tarnish, which is alright with me because it's realistic.  Lots of shows cast fathers in a doofus light, like they have no clue how to nurture or listen to children, so Jack is not in that mold and I like it. 

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On 10/12/2016 at 10:46 AM, TWP said:

Through most of the monologuing, I can't help but hear the rantings of Dr. Bailey from Grey's Anatomy. Bailey was fine on that show, but does she need to be in about every character in this show? It's either Dr. Bailey I'm hearing or a dark version of Cat in the Hat.

I am bored already. I want to find out what happened with the two missing spouses, but I won't watch the angsty death throes of "real dad," even though I think the actor who portrays him is really exceptional. Yawn.

Mandy Moore is also really good. I am not fond of her character, though. Castle's Esposito as an up-tight guy is just strange.  I'm waiting for him to break into dude-brother lingo, LOL. Huertas is playing the role fine. I'm just looking through a Castle filter.

And the premise of Randall's adoption is distracting for me. No adoption agency would give Randall to a couple who just had twins. Too many childless couples are seeking infants. It's not up to the fire department or the hospital to decide where he goes. I wish they'd have come up with a different premise for Randall. And his family is downright awful to him. I'm glad he's developed family of his own.

Toby is my favorite character, no Dr. Bailey vibe.

Not that many adoptive families for black babies, especially with no genetic or parental health information.  Then or now.  Very different adoption options for white babies.  More homes than babies. And people still go to Asian countries instead of adopting African-American babies.  Just saying, no shade.  I think people should do what they are comfortable with.  Randall probably would have ended up in the system.

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Before someone posted that Dr K was an OB, I was going to say that it's possible that he was a family practice dr.  I was born in the mid-70s and was delivered by a family practice resident.  He was the dr that my mother saw through her entire pregnancy, and then the one that I saw through my early childhood (we moved, got a new family practice dr).  Now it seems that you just go to an OB/GYN for that sort of thing, but back then, it was kind of a one stop shop, so it didn't really ring all that strangely to me that they went back to Dr K.

About Kate and Kevin, I have a brother and he is a deal breaker for me.  Now, I'm not saying I drop everything and run to him whenever he calls like Kate does, but he is a big priority in my life.  He's the family member I am closest to, and if someone didn't understand that, or couldn't get along with him, that would be the end of the relationship with me.  Luckily, my husband and brother get along like they were siblings, and it's never been an issue at all.  I may not be explaining this well, I don't put my brother over my husband, but the relationship I have with my brother is incredibly important, and there are things I will sacrifice for that relationship.  My husband (or, if I weren't married, the person I was with), would need to understand that, and be ok with it.  

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1 hour ago, smores said:

Before someone posted that Dr K was an OB, I was going to say that it's possible that he was a family practice dr.  I was born in the mid-70s and was delivered by a family practice resident.  He was the dr that my mother saw through her entire pregnancy, and then the one that I saw through my early childhood (we moved, got a new family practice dr).  Now it seems that you just go to an OB/GYN for that sort of thing, but back then, it was kind of a one stop shop, so it didn't really ring all that strangely to me that they went back to Dr K.


When I had my daughter in 2009, our family doctor did the delivery and then served as a pediatrician (she was a terrible, terrible doctor and was responsible for some complications I experienced, but that's a different story).  I also have a friend who did that for a while--it's hard because, as a family doctor, adding in OB greatly increases your workload, at least in my friend's experience.  So, it still is something that is done, but maybe not as often.

I'd imagine that most family doctors today wouldn't want to do obstetrics, if only because their malpractice premiums would skyrocket - I believe that's the most expensive type of practice (malpractice insurance-wise).  Around here, there are only a handful of gynecology practices that will even still see pregnant women after their first trimester for that reason.

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