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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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1 hour ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Match Day is 3/17. 

ETA crap. Strike that. Match day is for residency. Not sure why I was thinking Cersten was finished with school. 

I really hope that Cersten gives DCC another year. It looks like she is is having a great time. That girl is a great dancer. I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

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16 hours ago, AnnMichele said:

Shelly confirmed on the 2017 speculations board:

Jennifer, Jessica, Danielle, Melissa, Megan, Amy T, Claire & Jax are not returning.

Also, the deadline for vets to declare if they are returning was in February. 

I was hoping that Megan, Melissa and Amy weren't retiring as these three are amazing dancers and bring a lot to the squad.  I'm surprised about Jax and Claire and will miss them as well. 

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On 3/4/2017 at 7:29 AM, AnnMichele said:

Shelly confirmed on the 2017 speculations board:

Jennifer, Jessica, Danielle, Melissa, Megan, Amy T, Claire & Jax are not returning.

Also, the deadline for vets to declare if they are returning was in February. 

Ok, so Claire was the one missing (I remember Robin had been thought to have been one of those leaving). Not sure how the number of retiring vets compares to past years, but all of these DCCs are great dancers. Other than Danielle who is a group leader, all of the others were on show team right? 

I guess group leaders will be Jenna, Jinelle, Erica, and Lacey. Any guesses as to seconds: Kashara, Bess, Holly P, Robin? 

Edited by Jess14
15 hours ago, Gabrielle Tracy said:

I know this is an old post, but I just now noticed and thought it was really interesting.  When the ladies do their solos, are K and J generally "fooled" by these tricks or do they see through them and weed out the people who have to rely on them?

I believe it depends on how the tricks are executed, I assume.  

4 hours ago, spazette said:

So am I correct in assuming then that all of this years rookies are reauditioning? That's somewhat unusual to have a year where every single 1 year vet comes back isn't it? 

Yes, it is @spazette, especially with sixteen women in that current rookie class.  I attempt to break this down and address it a bit in the 2017 Tryouts and Training Camp thread. 

6 minutes ago, California Girl said:

DCC Maggie is adorable, I see they put her picture on the background of the audition flyers.  Hope she wins Rookie of the Year, and stays on the squad a while.  And not just because she's a Rancho Palos Verdes girl.

Yes, she's looking gorgeous on the audition photo! Would love to see her get ROTY.

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19 hours ago, AnnMichele said:


Erica's audition solo from her 2nd year at the DCC Meet the Team event. I love this routine. She's AMAZING!

I get that Holly is a better performer/dancer and I certainly like her style as well, but for me Erica is their best performer. She's extremely talented and even in this clip there are moments where she''s more sexy than "smiley girl next door" but she's never too much and in your face.

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This has been bugging me - Sorry if it has been covered before and I just haven't seen it.

In training camp this year when Kelli Finglass and Kelli S. had their exchange about how Kelli hadn't noticed her until this year, etc. and she said she had tried out four times before I remember thinking that couldn't be right. With all of the talk about the Minchew sisters I went back and started watching my MTT Season 4 on iTunes while cleaning the house yesterday. Kelli is on the first episode, near the end, when they show the girls that didn't make it to finals. So Season 4 of MTT was the 2009-2010 DCC season. I don't know if she tried out every year since then, but if so that would mean she tried out for, what, seven years before making the team? 1 - holy crap, 2 - I admire her dedication, 3 - why would she say 4, unless she didn't try out some years in between?

4 hours ago, Sarah99 said:

This has been bugging me - Sorry if it has been covered before and I just haven't seen it.

In training camp this year when Kelli Finglass and Kelli S. had their exchange about how Kelli hadn't noticed her until this year, etc. and she said she had tried out four times before I remember thinking that couldn't be right. With all of the talk about the Minchew sisters I went back and started watching my MTT Season 4 on iTunes while cleaning the house yesterday. Kelli is on the first episode, near the end, when they show the girls that didn't make it to finals. So Season 4 of MTT was the 2009-2010 DCC season. I don't know if she tried out every year since then, but if so that would mean she tried out for, what, seven years before making the team? 1 - holy crap, 2 - I admire her dedication, 3 - why would she say 4, unless she didn't try out some years in between?

In that exchange, Kelli Q said, "This is my 4th time." That indicates to me that she didn't audition in consecutive years. 

19 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

Wow, really? I didn't realize that. How old is she? 

I believe Kelli is 29. I still think it's more than four. Doesn't really matter, though. Not sure why if it is more she wouldn't have said as much. Like I said, I give it to her for persistence, and it worked out for her in the end. She seems genuinely over the moon to be on the team.

1 hour ago, AnnMichele said:

In that exchange, Kelli Q said, "This is my 4th time." That indicates to me that she didn't audition in consecutive years. 

She was a FV finalist 3 times (I think) 2013, 2014, 2016.  She was a DMD for the 2014-15 season so I don't think she auditioned in 2015.  She probably was committed to the Mavs and wanted to see if she would make it back but she didn't and went on to the AAIA.


Favorite current DCC.  Reason?  

My favorite current DCC is hands-down Jinelle.  Jinelle is the @LaurenBrook of the DCC, mature, devoted to her community, a good leader by example, and just extremely nice and kind.  I cannot imagine that she has ever had a cross word for, or any unkindness towards, anyone on the squad.  Bess would be the runner-up as she strikes me the same way, as mature, a good leader, above the fray, and someone who is kind and compassionate to everyone on the squad.

Favorite rookie? Why?

Perhaps no one has picked up on it, but my sympathies are with Selina because we share a similar background.  To me she represents the underdog or outsider of the team, a good dancer who did not give up on her dream, and fought hard to earn one of those final spots on the squad.  Though she appears to be more retiring in nature, and is not often featured, Selina is clearly proud to be a DCC, and appears to be a good role model to young (particularly Latinx) girls.  She recently posted a sweet interaction with a high school fan who excitedly ran into, and posed with her, at some competition.   

All that said, I think that Maggie might be my favorite rookie this year.  She is a throwback to the old/original DCC mold - think Judy - the young, blond and blue-eyed girl-next-door, outgoing, sweet-natured, a strong performer, and possessing a radiant smile.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I like Tasha as well.  That woman has had a good deal of negative commentary and opinion directed at her this season, but she appears to have maturely stayed above the kerfuffle, and remained very professional, all while focused on maintaining her family and developing her modeling career.

Edited by California Girl
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1 hour ago, woodscommaelle said:

I love that you guys know all the stats on the show/the team. 


44 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I mean, if it weren't for the vets on this board knowing everyone's names, every single dcc/tcc for me in conversation would be the following formula: "that one girl"  +hair color +bastardized quote she may or may not have said +some slightly off color distinguishing characteristic. 

I'm proud that my (in most situations, useless) knowledge of DCC trivia is applicable somewhere!

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Hmmm. . . in that clip with Stephanie, Yuko and Kelsey, Stephanie definitely has the DCC-style, Yuko is better than I thought (but still needs some polishing) and Kelsey?  She's doesn't quite finish all the moves, rushes a bit there at the end and does not have the style that I'd expect for a girl who's heading into veteran status.  She needs to really rev up the power and the performance if she intends to come back.  Sad.  I like her.

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Stephanie killed it from the first to the last count. Kelsey started out really strong then got lost about halfway through. Yuko is cute as a button, but she is not a DCC quality dancer. She doesn't finishe moves, is a little bit jerky/spastic, and has no extension or flow. I doubt if they cut her, but she's not on par with with other girls.

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