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S02.E07: Criminal Justice

Tara Ariano
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so Ashleigh leaves her infant whiles she is breastfeeding...bad enough..then boohooing about being abandoned by her bio mom?

I just dont get this.... at all. and I hate those 2 sherrifs who ony after irrefutable proof send in reinforcements. sheesh

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I'll keep saying this.  In order to have more CO's, more money to pay those CO's is needed and in order to get that money, taxes have to be raised and nobody wants that, so there they are.  That fact bugs me more than Ashleigh leaving her infant, I don't agree with what she did, but that's on her. 

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...and other e-cig smoking questions elicited by this week's episode!

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I think the reason Brian's wife reacted like that is because, according to inside sources, the participants get paid a lot of money if they complete the program - $60,000, from what I hear - but if they don't complete the program, they only get a small stipend. so she was probably counting on him making that money for their family.

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I can't believe Zac is consistently acting like such an unsupportive, self-absorbed, ass.  I also can't believe the production is showing it; I thought we would stay their golden boy. Maybe that's all they got footage-wise, so they had to use it?


I'll keep saying this.  In order to have more CO's, more money to pay those CO's is needed and in order to get that money, taxes have to be raised and nobody wants that, so there they are.  That fact bugs me more than Ashleigh leaving her infant, I don't agree with what she did, but that's on her. 

You are 100% correct -- more money = more COs = (maybe) a safer jail. That's what makes the sheriff's comments about valuable intel like, "have the COs come by the pods more," so laughable. He didn't already know his COs had a minimum presence? He does know they're only staffing two COs overnight, right?

I didn't get the newspaper/magazine ink thing. How can you make permanent ink from that? I thought they would use ink from pens. Off to google!

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1 hour ago, tvsoothesthespirit said:

You are 100% correct -- more money = more COs = (maybe) a safer jail. That's what makes the sheriff's comments about valuable intel like, "have the COs come by the pods more," so laughable. He didn't already know his COs had a minimum presence? He does know they're only staffing two COs overnight, right?

The fact that there are only 2 CO's on overnight shifts is setting up the County to be sued on negligence charges.  It is not as if the inmates are LOCKED in their cells overnight.  There are no doors on these cells and the inmates are running around IN THE DARK doing whatever they want.  It is a dangerous situation.  The Corrections Dept. is liable for the safety of inmates, if I lived in that county I would be very concerned about potential lawsuits.  How many times have we witnessed PROLONGED beatings in the pods that had NO intervention by the CO's?  The sheriff has no control of the facility.  The lack of funding/staffing and his incompetence are a disaster waiting to happen.  

Edited by movingtargetgal
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Maybe the Sheriff is actually trying to bring to light for everyone what he, the inmates, and the staff are dealing with; hoping that attention will make people more amenable to giving the jail proper funding. I find it hard to believe that anyone involved in a reality show is really that altruistic, but I guess it could be!

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3 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I think the reason Brian's wife reacted like that is because, according to inside sources, the participants get paid a lot of money if they complete the program - $60,000, from what I hear - but if they don't complete the program, they only get a small stipend. so she was probably counting on him making that money for their family.

I wanted to punch his wife when she said 'oh, you couldn't handle it?'  Fuck that noise.  He never should have been there in the first place.  Maybe she'll be on next season and he could throw that same shit at her when she calls home.

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Yeah, the powers that be decided they were done with Zac.  Maybe he started making insufferable demands after coming off as the most popular guy?  Who knows.  Run, Ashleigh!

Hopefully Brian's wife is a bit more sympathetic having seen the video.  I'd cry so hard if it were my loved one going through that!  Though I will say that he kind of fawned over the sheriff guy at the end -- I'll hope for the best and conclude that maybe he told them he should get paid the full amount or else he will raise hell about everything he found out, stuff they already know, etc.

Giving them an emergency "get me out of here" signal and then saying "Gosh, we don't really have a contingency plan for Sundays... he's going to have to stick it out until we can remove him with nobody sensing anything wrong."  With a SMIRK on his face, he said that, even after knowing/seeing PRECISELY what he was undergoing in there!

I'd love to know the timeline of his withdrawal vs the kangaroo courts.  They made it seem like it started after he left, but what if it was while he was still there and the guy running them was actively targeting him?  I find it interesting that they choose to air the footage where he's saying that he just can't risk his safety because of his kids, and leave it to us to believe that he's just afraid of what MIGHT happen because a creepy/jokey guy is haunting him (which is scary enough) and only afterwards show just how dangerous that creepy/jokey guy actually is, sending word to various inmates that they must appear before him for a beating... and they GO because it will be worse for them if they don't.  It makes Brian's fears about Daffron's potential reach into other pods entirely credible... and they kept that information from us until we'd formed an opinion about Brian absent that information.

Which leads me to believe they want us to think he's a quitter or something.  And it backfired.

Edited by kassa
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wonder how many seasons they can play the "we need intel to make things better" card. i know these 2 morons want to be famous but the inmates behavior seems even more outrageous this season and is ignored. this is why I think the bulk of this show is fake. It must be a ton of money as Brians wife did not seem to be at all concerned about his safety. 

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I have an idea, but I'm not spending two months in jail to give it to sheriff dumbass.  If the inmates are only suppose to have e-cigs, why not take away lighters and matches so inmates don't burn random things while they're high on pills?

7 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I think the reason Brian's wife reacted like that is because, according to inside sources, the participants get paid a lot of money if they complete the program - $60,000, from what I hear - but if they don't complete the program, they only get a small stipend. so she was probably counting on him making that money for their family.

Brian might be an attorney but he may have a boat load of student loans to pay off.

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1 hour ago, SunshineOnMe said:

no, it was the beatings. I seriously cried, but I'm a wimp, I'll admit. It really was a trigger for me.


I have a hard time watching a TV  show, knowing people are actually having their heads stomped on.  It's  so disturbing,  and yes I almost cried watching the young man stumbling out of the room. 

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9 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

I wanted to punch his wife when she said 'oh, you couldn't handle it?'  Fuck that noise.  He never should have been there in the first place.  Maybe she'll be on next season and he could throw that same shit at her when she calls home.

to be fair, no one else had the problems that brian did. not even jeff or robert had anything close to what brian had. and ryan, who is also smart, doesn't get fucked with, either. and zac and isiah were also in D-pod when daffron was there and didn't have the problems brian had, either. Not that that excuses Daffron's behavior, but plenty of other participants were in the same pod as him without the kinds of problems brian is having. the sheriff even said, "brian's initiation is the worst I've ever seen." 

no, brian probably shouldn't have been there, but that's his fault, he chose to sign up for this. and plus he works on behalf of the inmates as a lawyer, so it probably came as a surprise to his wife that he couldn't handle it, she probably figured, "oh, he deals with these ppl every day, he knows what he's getting himself into," and figured he would be able to do his time, take the money and come home. they probably spent months preparing for this and maybe spending accordingly and then for him to just call a few days later and be like, "hey, change of plans, I'm out, forget about the $60,000 we planned on getting," i'm sure she was just taken by surprise. 

1 hour ago, imjagain said:


I have a hard time watching a TV  show, knowing people are actually having their heads stomped on.  It's  so disturbing,  and yes I almost cried watching the young man stumbling out of the room. 

I think the guy who got stomped on was Zac's closest friend there - Brian, the marine. 

I seriously hope he's ok, head injuries are serious. 

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10 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

he works on behalf of the inmates as a lawyer

Not exactly.  His bio reads:


Brian is an attorney with a west coast based Department of Corrections Legal Affairs’ Prosecution Team and works with the Internal Affairs office during their investigations. He often recommends penalties for the department’s corrections officers when they find misconduct.

Granted, CO misconduct most likely involves inmates, but it's not like he's doing pro bono work getting innocent guys off of Death Row.

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7 hours ago, kassa said:

Yeah, the powers that be decided they were done with Zac.  Maybe he started making insufferable demands after coming off as the most popular guy?  Who knows.  Run, Ashleigh!

Hopefully Brian's wife is a bit more sympathetic having seen the video.  I'd cry so hard if it were my loved one going through that!  Though I will say that he kind of fawned over the sheriff guy at the end -- I'll hope for the best and conclude that maybe he told them he should get paid the full amount or else he will raise hell about everything he found out, stuff they already know, etc.

Giving them an emergency "get me out of here" signal and then saying "Gosh, we don't really have a contingency plan for Sundays... he's going to have to stick it out until we can remove him with nobody sensing anything wrong."  With a SMIRK on his face, he said that, even after knowing/seeing PRECISELY what he was undergoing in there!

I'd love to know the timeline of his withdrawal vs the kangaroo courts.  They made it seem like it started after he left, but what if it was while he was still there and the guy running them was actively targeting him?  I find it interesting that they choose to air the footage where he's saying that he just can't risk his safety because of his kids, and leave it to us to believe that he's just afraid of what MIGHT happen because a creepy/jokey guy is haunting him (which is scary enough) and only afterwards show just how dangerous that creepy/jokey guy actually is, sending word to various inmates that they must appear before him for a beating... and they GO because it will be worse for them if they don't.  It makes Brian's fears about Daffron's potential reach into other pods entirely credible... and they kept that information from us until we'd formed an opinion about Brian absent that information.

Which leads me to believe they want us to think he's a quitter or something.  And it backfired.

Oh, I don't think Daffron's influence woulda transferred over to another pod lol. Brian is kind of a pussy, tbh and a little paranoid, IMO. I don't think Daffron even cared enough about Brian to even think about him outside once he's out of his site. I think Daffron is just a bored, immature bully who liked to fuck with Brian to pass the time/amuse himself...nothing more. It's not like Brian owed him a debt or he had some score to settle with Brian. And Daffron wouldn't have even known Brian was going to C-pod, he probably thought Brian was being bonded out. 

I think Brian's biggest problem was that he wasn't mentally ready to go where he was going. He was nervous and paranoid from the start and over-thinking everything, which resulted in him being unsure how to act. it's hard to thrive anywhere with that kind of mindset. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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7 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Not exactly.  His bio reads:

Granted, CO misconduct most likely involves inmates, but it's not like he's doing pro bono work getting innocent guys off of Death Row.

right but he works with the inmates and hears their complaints/claims regarding CO's, so i assume he has a fair amount of interaction with them on the job everyday. 

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Brian was threatened with rape numerous times, had inmates touching him and undressing next to him. I would worry about that too and I don't think that makes him a wimp. Prisoners should not have to fear for their safety in these pods. Obviously this stuff happens in prison, but these people haven't even been judged as guilty yet. I don't think Brian was expecting this level of sexual threatening the moment he walked in. I continue to say they need to work on better stories for the inmate so they can come in sounding legit and answer any questions the inmates throw at them. A vague charge of 'theft', with no backstory is going to sound shady as hell.

To whoever said burning magazines is the same as burning wood; not exactly. The dyes in glossy magazine pages would cause really foul smelling smoke and I am surprised the inmates are just supposed to be breathing things in. So the inmates in the women's pod are not allowed to sleep, have to breathe in noxious fumes, having nothing to do and the Sheriff wonders about all the fighting and contraband. 

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It would help if they found participants who looked a little scruffier than most of these people. The women don't stand out but the men definitely do. There must be a certain look that would deter the inmates from bothering the participants. Undercover cops do it all the time. Chris and Quintin sort of fit in but Ryan, Brian, and Dion don't look like they've been through anything harder than cake eating. I mean, come on! Brian? Really? And last season's Jeff? No wonder they question the hell out of them. They look like snitches. 

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19 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

The fact that there are only 2 CO's on overnight shifts is setting up the County to be sued on negligence charges.  It is not as if the inmates are LOCKED in their cells overnight.  There are no doors on these cells and the inmates are running around IN THE DARK doing whatever they want.  It is a dangerous situation.  The Corrections Dept. is liable for the safety of inmates, if I lived in that county I would be very concerned about potential lawsuits.  How many times have we witnessed PROLONGED beatings in the pods that had NO intervention by the CO's?  The sheriff has no control of the facility.  The lack of funding/staffing and his incompetence are a disaster waiting to happen.  

I agree but I think lawsuits are easier said than done.  I would not be surprised if many of these inmates families' don't really have much to do with them and the ones who do might not have the time or the energy to file a lawsuit on their own.  The only way I can see a lawsuit happening is if a group like the ACLU, or a group with lawyers on retainer, filed one. 

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I can't wait for the reunion episode. If Sheriffs Tweedledee and Tweedledum say anything other than they're gatekeepers on a cage and nothing else, they're fucking morons. I mean, is it wrong to assume they watch the actual show they are on? It's actually pretty close to the south of the border hells you get on Locked Up Abroad. Some things (showers, TV) explicitly seem structured to incite power structures/conflict.

They're unaware their COs are completely lazy and disinterested? How hard is it to check the trays from where that crazy bitch gets her nightly supply of weed and pills? Even a trash can fire elicits no response. Carrie White unleashing a telekinetic firestorm on the place  would likely be quelled with a vague comment that a guard might be by later some time.

I want Jon Taffer from Bar Rescue to rush in and start screaming at them, "You know it's shit and you do nothing! You're a fucking moron!"

I suggest they put a cage or window in the pod and post a guard there round the clock so the inmates know a guard can always see them, not this video feed that apparently gets shut off in favor of sleep or late night infomercials. This panopticon approach doesn't work because the inmates have learned they aren't being watched. That wouldn't cost much compared to the waste this government pit no doubt runs through. Bump up the e-cig/cookie price 2 bucks to pay for it. Lack of funding gets them some slack from me, but not much. Not everything needs a million dollar, three year plan. And even little things can make a big difference when the situation is so base.

I wish they would tell us about the money aspect. It makes their staying a little more realistic than, "I really want to help fix this unsupervised gulag."

Zach is shockingly unsympathetic since he just did this and knows his wife isn't a law enforcement type. Interested to see if their reunion next week kicks him into shape.

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Okay.  The inmates are in charge of the institution.  Literally.  The assault on Brian, as sanctioned by Judge Daffron, was horrifying.  (My anxiety was topped off thinking it was our INmate Brian.)

But the stupidity and horror just keep compounding.  

Obviously the staff somehow became aware someone was being attacked--that CO didn't just happen to walk in there.  (Apparently they never just walk in, which is the main problem.)  Either the guards hit the jackpot with their single monitor random camera pan through the pods, someone risked his own safety to use the call button and "snitch," or, most likely, the tv crew sounded the alarm.

So as this guy is getting the shit kicked out of him, a guard walks in and says "Lockdown."  Brian hadn't even woozy-wobbled his way out of the cell (and straight into the bannister) at this point.  But the CO doesn't go charging up the stairs.  He doesn't roar "LOCKDOWN!"  He doesn't even blow a fucking whistle.


The sheriff says:  We take the safety of our inmates very serious.  When a situation like this occurs we take quick action to correct it.  It's not tolerated here in our county jail.

Uh-huh, well that's three sentences composed entirely of bullshit.

Edited by candall
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I've been trying to figure out why the heck last season was so much more tame re: showing the violence. I wonder if the film crew did it on purpose to net the Sheriff's approval of a second season, and now we're seeing more of the reality. The lack of supervision is inexcusable. If they can pay people to supposedly monitor the cameras (to sleep on the job, apparently), why can't they pay someone to be present in each pod? They seem to round up several COs quickly for shakedowns, so there are bodies in the building.


Who designed the damn jail? To me that's the worst part, and I know that's probably not something the Sheriff can change anytime soon. Who designs something like that, with concrete walls and no visibility?? It's an open invitation to do whatever the hell you want! So why not break up the riffraff by assigning actual bunks? Put the troublemakers downstairs and give the well-behaved people the privilege of being upstairs, removed from the drama and violence. 

Edited by Squirrely
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2 hours ago, Squirrely said:

Who designed the damn jail? To me that's the worst part, and I know that's probably not something the Sheriff can change anytime soon. Who designs something like that, with concrete walls and no visibility?? It's an open invitation to do whatever the hell you want! So why not break up the riffraff by assigning actual bunks? Put the troublemakers downstairs and give the well-behaved people the privilege of being upstairs, removed from the drama and violence. 

I wonder when this jail was designed.  I think the "war on drugs" has caused a lot of the jail overcrowding.  This place might have been built for short term stays, maybe a few days or weeks at the most, but now that isn't the case and they need a new building.  I mean people are on bunks outside the pods, that is insane.  

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28 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I wonder when this jail was designed.  I think the "war on drugs" has caused a lot of the jail overcrowding.  This place might have been built for short term stays, maybe a few days or weeks at the most, but now that isn't the case and they need a new building.  I mean people are on bunks outside the pods, that is insane.  

Fromy what I can gather from Google, the jail (actually named the Michael L. Becher Adult Correctional Complex) underwent massive renovations during the previous sheriff's time. Before that, it was only made to house 52 inmates. My best guess from what I read and the looks of the building is sometime in the 90s? 

My mom and I toured the then-new jail in Delaware County, IN (located in downtown Muncie) when it had an open house before opening in the mid-90s and it's completely different. There are cells with bars, just like you'd imagine. There's also a rooftop courtyard with a basketball court and stuff, so presumably the inmates can get at least fresh air on occasion.

In my perusal I read an article about Mike Pence making a stop in Clark County to campaign for Sheriff Douche Nugget, so my opinion went down even more, if that's possible...

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2 hours ago, Squirrely said:

So why not break up the riffraff by assigning actual bunks? Put the troublemakers downstairs and give the well-behaved people the privilege of being upstairs, removed from the drama and violence. 

This is a REALLY good idea--cost-free, simple, pretty enforceable.  Upstairs people can go up and down but downstairs people aren't even allowed on the stairs.  I bet a bunch of inmates would try really hard to earn the privilege of being relatively safe upstairs.  The only problem would be upstairs people getting dragged off "behind the curtain" when they slunk down for food, but maybe someone could bother to lay eyes on the pod for a few minutes three times a day.


I don't know how many spaces the jail has for solitary confinement, but if it's impractical to keep inmates like Daffron there, he needs to be transferred to a prison facility where they have proper supervision, even if they have to haul him back and forth for hearings.  It's ridiculous this whole "reign of terror" thing has been allowed to go on.

Although . . . they never hid the fact that every pod has a "pod boss."  Maybe "reign of terror" is just standard operating procedure and the producers have been a little shy, or deceptive, about showing us that. 

Hmm.  Let's explore that upstairs/downstairs format some more.


6 minutes ago, Squirrely said:

Sheriff Douche Nugget

is the head of the Clark County GOP.  [mimes a zipper lip, throws away the key]

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I don't even know if I can explain correctly my outrage when it comes to this show. How can the state be proud of this shithole enough to air it on national television? Do they actually think the viewers will be sympathetic to the incompetence of the CO's?

This reminds me of giant factory farmed chicken houses. They have to cut the beaks off of the chickens to prevent them from hurting each other because the lack of sunlight and space, fresh air, etc. causes violent tendencies. That is what they're doing to these people. But we can't cut their beaks off, can we? Enter the despicable Kangaroo Court. Grown men play acting court proceedings like 5 yr olds on the playground and beating the hell out of eachother out of sheer boredom. And Tweedledee and Tweedledum act like they have no idea? They are just so shocked and beside themselves about Daffron's behavior. Give me a fucking break. Are we supposed to feel bad for them and start donating or some shit?

You know who I feel bad for in a way? Daffron. Yeah he's a fucking prick. But he's a prick with cabin fever and a severe vitamin D deficiency. They lock all these people up, in a small space considering the pod population, with no windows, no recreation and wonder why there's a "here's Johnny" situation. I'm surprised worse hasn't happened. Why is Daffron not in solitary confinement? Not only for the protection of others but also for his own protection. The man is straight out of his mind. 

And that poor bastard, Brian, gets his head kicked in. That is the fault of the state and I wish he could sue like hell! This man fought for our country and he is still INNOCENT until proven guilty. Isn't that what we say? 

I refuse to lay blame on the inmates. None of them are guilty yet. This is entirely the fault of Tweedle-fucking-Dee and Tweedle-fucking-Dum. None of us know what might come out of us in a similar situation. When I watch the scenes of the female pod, I know without a doubt that I would have a few full blown panic attacks in that situation. 

I swear I can't stand it and I'm ashamed that I'm watching this show as entertainment and there's absolutely nothing I can do to make things change. Fuck the bastard ass government that thinks this is ok.

Maybe they should create a structure  with single room cells and bars on the doors. Put a little window in there for an adequate amount of sunlight. Provide a cell mate for company. Let them stretch their freaking bodies outside once every couple of days or so, and give them a few books. That seems like a safer and more peaceful environment in my mind. Whoever approved the design of this jail is a criminal himself and should be required to spend a year inside it.

Side note: Zac is a raging asshole.

Armchair diagnosis: Ryan has a mild form of Asperger's or something. He's different and I mean that in a good way. I'm starting to really like this kid. He's no nonsense and it's refreshing.

Edited by Nowhere
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On ‎9‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 9:34 AM, Neurochick said:

I'll keep saying this.  In order to have more CO's, more money to pay those CO's is needed and in order to get that money, taxes have to be raised and nobody wants that, so there they are.  That fact bugs me more than Ashleigh leaving her infant, I don't agree with what she did, but that's on her. 

But taxes aren't necessarily raised every time a district has to address a need.  The firetruck finally breaks down beyond repair, you put off repaving those roads for a few more years.  Cancel the nifty new stoplight cam at 4th & Pine.  County administrators move the money around from here to there in the budget all the time--there's NEVER enough money for everything.

(Like robbing Peter to pay Paul:  crime metaphor.)


After this show, a Special Assessment Tax just for Clark County Jail--or whatever it's called--might pass.  Everyone would be terrified of a loved one ever meeting Judge Daffron of D Pod.  (And it always sounds so reasonable when they talk about that "$0.02 per $1000 assessed value.") 

Edited by candall
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Many taxpayers feel that because inmates have been "bad" that they are deserving of whatever treatment they receive while they are behind bars.  When someone is incarcerated their "punishment" is the loss of their freedom and not their civil rights.  Once they are in state custody it is the state's responsibility to ensure the inmate is safe and that their human rights are ensured.  WHat the average taxpayer needs to keep in mind is that most inmates do get out of jail and rejoin society.  Inmates that are treated like animals while incarcerated  will leave jail acting like animals out on the street.      

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6 hours ago, candall said:


is the head of the Clark County GOP.  [mimes a zipper lip, throws away the key]

Heh, yeah, I discovered that too. "And that's all I have to say about that," I say in my best Forrest Gump voice.


And word to Zack being an ass. No empathy there at all. Wonder who comes to visit his wife in the next episode. The dude had visible hair, that was awfully grey for someone their age, so I don't think it was him. But then I don't know if anyone else knows she's in there. 

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On 9/23/2016 at 11:03 PM, imjagain said:


I have a hard time watching a TV  show, knowing people are actually having their heads stomped on.  It's  so disturbing,  and yes I almost cried watching the young man stumbling out of the room. 

On the plus side, I'm guessing the guy will get a very nice settlement from the people of Indiana because he had his assault broadcast on national television -- footage that would never have been made available to him as evidence had he simply filed a negligence complaint against the county.  Don't know what he's in for, but they need to pay him some damages.

On 9/24/2016 at 0:54 AM, SheTalksShit said:

Oh, I don't think Daffron's influence woulda transferred over to another pod lol. Brian is kind of a pussy, tbh and a little paranoid, IMO. I don't think Daffron even cared enough about Brian to even think about him outside once he's out of his site. I think Daffron is just a bored, immature bully who liked to fuck with Brian to pass the time/amuse himself...nothing more.

Daffron was summoning people to his room and having them stomped.  I consider myself a reasonable person and I would not rest easy assuming the guy was just fucking with me out of boredom but would refrain from summoning me for a beating based on his personal sense of jurisprudence.

On 9/24/2016 at 10:03 AM, Madding crowd said:

Brian was threatened with rape numerous times, had inmates touching him and undressing next to him.  

And the guy threatening him with rape and undressing next to him had free reign within the pod to order people to undergo serious beatings.  And was exercising that freedom pretty openly.  How do we know that his taunts didn't immediately follow that poor bastard stumbling out of the "courtroom"?  Wouldn't that make you fear for your life above and beyond the verbal teasing?

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I don't have any judgement about Ashleigh leaving her kid for a few weeks. No one judged Zak for leaving his wife alone on her own with a brand new baby. Zak was considered some hero, when really he was the idiot snitching on the inmates on television. I laughed out loud when Ashleigh cried and said, "I miss my baby. I mean Zak, too, a little bit, but mostly my baby." I wouldn't miss that grumpy prick either. However, weaning first would have made more sense.

I'm also beginning to wonder if she really volunteered or if Zak volunteered her. He seems obsessed with money, and if the rumor is true, they are making a good chunk of change playing out this fiasco.

I am so annoyed with Monalisa. She couldn't rehabilitate her own daughter, yet she thinks the county owes these girls therapy? She, of all people, should know how difficult it is to help people who aren't committed to being helped. Her little campaign bores me.

Ryan's arrogance keeps elevating. I'd love to see him get humbled a bit.

Considering the cameras are zooming in and out and following the inmates around, it seems obvious that a ton of this is staged. When you see the camera angles from the officers' stations, it's completely different. And I wouldn't think any inmate is going to wreck his own hearing by being on the producer's camera when they do drugs or act violent, unless it's an act and they are getting paid. The fights always look like people are slapping and swinging but no contact is actually made.

I don't understand what the officers do all day if they don't actually guard the pods.

Sheri seems to be getting tougher now that she adopted Ashleigh.

Staged or not, if I had to hang out in that place all day and night, I'd lose my mind.

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Zak was judged just as harshly as Ashleigh for leaving his wife and infant son to be a fame-whore. If I remember correctly, they also have a lot of pets, which his wife got to take care of on her own, so he could be on television. 

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I will admit I judge Ashleigh more harshly because she left her infant during breast feeding....sorry thats cold. and then complained about her bio-mom abandoning her--pot kettle black??

and still heartbroken over that scene of Sheris daughter crying because she missed her 8th birthday. as a parent, thats tough to watch. But Im also a dork who misses her dog when shes away:)

On 9/26/2016 at 10:55 AM, Lion18 said:

My first thought was that Ashleigh's visitor is not Zak but her adoptive father

i kind of think producers are telling Zak to act like a ding dong for extra drama

he always had such a good edit, It makes me wonder what happened......he was my favorite last season.

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On September 23, 2016 at 6:21 PM, placate said:


Brian might be an attorney but he may have a boat load of student loans to pay off.

And not all attorneys make very good money.  He also doesn't come off as confident and as intelligent as most attorneys do.  

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On September 23, 2016 at 10:03 PM, imjagain said:


I have a hard time watching a TV  show, knowing people are actually having their heads stomped on.  It's  so disturbing,  and yes I almost cried watching the young man stumbling out of the room. 

I hated that so much.  I can't stand anyone who fights unfairly, anything more than one on one is BS.  I was really worried about him, and thought he was going to fall down the stairs.  Ryan was right about him possibly having a head injury and/or internal bleeding.  I hope he was looked at by a nurse afterward, but I imagine he was just taken immediately to seg. Daffron is nothing but a fat wimp, and there will always be someone meaner and bigger.  I can't wait until he gets to prison and has the shit knocked out of him.  Does anyone know anything about his attempted murder charge?

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12 minutes ago, Pherber said:

Does anyone know anything about his attempted murder charge?

I guess Daffron shot someone in the abdomen in a hotel room. I found this article when I was searching for info the other day. If he had a good lawyer I imagine that charge could be plea bargained down, but who knows. He clearly isn't too concerned.

I want to know if the footage can be used against inmates. Can someone like Daffron end up with more charges based on what we've seen alone, even if a guard hasn't intervened?

And seriously, they know this shit is happening, CLEARLY, but they leave him in there to prey on others in such a sickening, brutal manner. WTeverlovingF? Why isn't he in seg?

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7 hours ago, nlkm9 said:


I will admit I judge Ashleigh more harshly because she left her infant during breast feeding....sorry thats cold. and then complained about her bio-mom abandoning her--pot kettle black??


I don't see those two things as anything alike. If mom had to go away for a few weeks for her career, it's hard, but it doesn't make her a terrible person, and it is certainly not in the realm of abandonment. She is coming back, before the baby can blink. And coming back with a big stack of cash that will provide for her family. Men do it all the time. I think it is much harder on some moms than when some dads do it, but it's NOT about them being terrible people. Zak is coming off as the terrible one to me right now, for other reasons.


3 hours ago, Squirrely said:

I guess Daffron shot someone in the abdomen in a hotel room. I found this article when I was searching for info the other day. If he had a good lawyer I imagine that charge could be plea bargained down, but who knows. He clearly isn't too concerned.

It crossed my mind that this little gig IS the plea bargain. He isn't concerned because the producers wanted his antics and hired him in exchange for getting the defense he needs.

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8 hours ago, Chewy101 said:

I don't see those two things as anything alike. If mom had to go away for a few weeks for her career, it's hard, but it doesn't make her a terrible person, and it is certainly not in the realm of abandonment. She is coming back, before the baby can blink. And coming back with a big stack of cash that will provide for her family. Men do it all the time. I think it is much harder on some moms than when some dads do it, but it's NOT about them being terrible people. Zak is coming off as the terrible one to me right now, for other reasons.


It crossed my mind that this little gig IS the plea bargain. He isn't concerned because the producers wanted his antics and hired him in exchange for getting the defense he needs.

we can agree to disagree......leaving your child while breastfeeding and not even bothering to wean is cold. but yeah, the cash trumps all.

people think a baby wont remember but there are many studies done on child development and bonding and the first 6 months are crucial. Hopefully little Ryker will be fine. 

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18 hours ago, Squirrely said:

I guess Daffron shot someone in the abdomen in a hotel room. I found this article when I was searching for info the other day. If he had a good lawyer I imagine that charge could be plea bargained down, but who knows. He clearly isn't too concerned.

I want to know if the footage can be used against inmates. Can someone like Daffron end up with more charges based on what we've seen alone, even if a guard hasn't intervened?

And seriously, they know this shit is happening, CLEARLY, but they leave him in there to prey on others in such a sickening, brutal manner. WTeverlovingF? Why isn't he in seg?

Thank you for the link!  I Googled him last night and read about his crime.  Yeah, if he could afford a good attorney, I'm sure the charge could get knocked down to assault with a deadly weapon or such.  But, you're right, he doesn't seem too concerned about it.

I don't know why he isn't charged with any of the things he's done while he's been in County.  Maybe because he's had his goons do everything, or because we can't see the actual beatings in the room?  

But, yes, for everyone's safety, he needed to be put in seg as soon as Maples and/or Noel found out what he was up to. 

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10 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

we can agree to disagree......leaving your child while breastfeeding and not even bothering to wean is cold. but yeah, the cash trumps all.

people think a baby wont remember but there are many studies done on child development and bonding and the first 6 months are crucial. Hopefully little Ryker will be fine. 

Hopefully baby Riker is mostly with Zak. He did mention his or her parents had a visit with him

why is Zak being such a jerk this season?  Hope it's producer driven. I really liked him

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23 hours ago, Lion18 said:

Hopefully baby Riker is mostly with Zak. He did mention his or her parents had a visit with him

why is Zak being such a jerk this season?  Hope it's producer driven. I really liked him

I dont think its that hes being a jerk, I think his editing has changed......he came off so well last season and maybe the episode with ashleigh having to admit she lost him his job or something has ticked them off because editing is everything in a show like this.

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