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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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It did seem that way, with new hubby sitting there looking far from perturbed or uneasy about the sordid story coming from his honey. I can picture them celebrating on their wedding night, "Free boobs for us. Yay!" and raising a toast to the misguided sap in his ill-fitting suit who was willing to give her the gift of silicone.

While they plan how she'll go about finding her next mark to finance the tummy tuck. The guy was a complete sap but, I'm glad JJ awarded him most of what he spent on the silicone bolt ons.

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Sounds to me like she could easily turn into a psycho stalker chick.  I think he's the one who dodged the bullet.

Yea, but I'm one of those old school people that believes just because people are gullible and vulnerable and needy doesn't give you the right to take advantage of them.  

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It did seem that way, with new hubby sitting there looking far from perturbed or uneasy about the sordid story coming from his honey. I can picture them celebrating on their wedding night, "Free boobs for us. Yay!" and raising a toast to the misguided sap in his ill-fitting suit who was willing to give her the gift of silicone.

Yuck, I just wanted to slap the two of them.  The plaintiff was pretty stupid in paying for her boob job, but still.  That she got a $1,200 discount on her knockers still pisses me off.  And did her husband have a tattoo in his hairline?  It was really late when I watched and I didn't bother to rewind it, but there was something weird on his scalp.  I wonder if he was scamming some dumb girl to pay for that while honey was scamming for her boobs.

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Jebus, the two reruns from this morning had me yelling at the screen.  Once again JJ shows her hardon for marijuana.  A guy was suing a co-worker for giving him a cookie laced with marijuana.  There was NO evidence provided that he got a cookie, that the cookie had marijuana in it, or that the *$3000* that the plaintiff wanted for his medical bills were necessary.  $3000 for eating part of a cookie with marijuana in it?  wtf?  And then JJ asked the defendant where he got the cookie, and he said that he bought it at a liquor store where he stopped on the way to work to get coffee and something to eat.  And JJ ranted that that was an obvious lie, because you can't buy food and coffee at a liquor store.  Even Byrd was trying to get her to understand that, yeah, you can, but she would have none of it.  So of course she awarded the plaintiff what he was asking.


Then the second case was one where a woman co-signed for a motorcycle loan for an ex.  And JJ said, "No person in their right mind ever cosigns for another person."  Really?

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And JJ said, "No person in their right mind ever cosigns for another person."  Really?


As someone who once co-signed for a friend and suffered the consequences, I totally agree with her and have for many years.  The next person who asked me to do that got a polite, but firm, "NO." Big mistake. HUGE.


Today we saw the pinnacle of "Nothing is too good for my sweet baby boy" with brain-dead Momma buying a condo on the other side of the country for her 18 year old baby. I mean, Joel is now 24 and still a big pansy-assed baby, yet she expected at 18 he would keep the premises in pristine condition. He's her BOY! She trusted him!  Right. How much would it cost to replace the stuff he wrecked? Oh, well - Momma didn't bother bringing any of that evidence. I'm sorry she got even 1K.


Did Ms. Press, of the dog kerfuffle, wink at JJ? Did she think she was really cute? Did she really love the word "pinata"?



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As someone who once co-signed for a friend and suffered the consequences, I totally agree with her and have for many years.  The next person who asked me to do that got a polite, but firm, "NO." Big mistake. HUGE.

WORD. . . there's a reason why people need a co-signer - it's usually because their credit is shot for some reason - usually from not paying their bill. What makes people think they are going to get paid? Magical thinking? 

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Today's first case - that girl was scamming the guy who loaned her $5,000 for her "car flipping" business.  No two ways about it.

Yep, she was.... but, she was also dangling her who-haw to get him to see things her way.

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but, she was also dangling her who-haw to get him to see things her way.


Just another DOM (Dirty Old Man) thinking he can buy some o' that nubile flesh. And he was a particularly inarticulate and dumb DOM. She's 23. He's well over 50 and should have more sense. I really don't think he gave her the 5K for any business other than "monkey". I wish these old guys would stop trying to pretend that they have hot young things as their pals/buddies/friends.


Why don't they just go to hookers? They'll get their money's worth at least.

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Why don't they just go to hookers? They'll get their money's worth at least.

Because then they couldn't fool themselves that these younger woman are really into them rather than using them for the $$$$.

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Because then they couldn't fool themselves that these younger woman are really into them rather than using them for the $$$$.


Excellent point. I can just imagine Ms.Car Flipper and the big laugh she had with her friends, telling them how this ridiculous old fool had to borrow against his truck to grease her palm. Not the ideal sugar daddy, but it worked!

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I got a rerun regarding a horse lease case.  Did anyone see it?  What did the plaintiff think she could do?  Force the owners to sell her the horse?

Yeah, I didn't quite get this case, either. She was leasing the horse for her daughter, who thought she might like to learn to ride? Maybe they'd buy a horse in the future if her daughter kept up with it? Then the horse's owners took him back for whatever reason and the plaintiff sued them? Didn't make a ton of sense. I wasn't a fan of either side - if you truly love this horse you own (as the defendants claimed), then why lease him out to strangers? If you can't afford a horse without renting him to generate income, don't own one. Likewise, the plaintiff claimed that she and her daughter had fallen in soo in love with Scout they were compelled to sue his owners for terminating the lease. Did they make an offer to purchase him before that time? Did they only love him because leasing him was cheaper than owning? (I didn't read all the terms of the lease - were the plaintiffs responsible for veterinary care, or was it like leasing a car, when the company pays for everything except gas, oil and tires?)

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I got a rerun regarding a horse lease case.


That brought us another of my favorite kind of exchanges:


Def: "Someone said she saw...."

JJ: "You can't tell me what someone else saw."

Def: Someone said she observed..."


That never will not tickle me.

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But horse owner defendant was absolutely entitled to testify to what someone told her.  The evidence was not being offered for the truth of its contents - that the plaintiff wasn't taking care of the horse - but as the foundation for what she did, which is take back the horse.  That's not hearsay. 

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Quof is right. The defendant was trying to answer JJ's question and then got shut down. I really felt her frustration on that one. And I remember when that case was on the first time, we all got a chuckle out of that defendant's Huge Honking Nose.

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And JJ said, "No person in their right mind ever cosigns for another person."  Really



I'd love to live in JJ's rarified world where money is no object.  IMO she has totally lost touch with the average American family and their economic challenges.

Edited by One More Time
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I know the horse Scout (a personable guy), spoke once with the owner on the phone when I thought Scout might be colicing and spoke once to the woman leasing the horse when I was down at the stables visiting a  friend. I was out of town for 2 months during the time this all happened but here is what others told me - Yes HEARSAY!!!


The owner was going to sell Scout to someone the previous year but then the person had to back out of the deal because of some problem (don't know if it was money or health, or what), so Scout got leased to the woman for her daughter who really liked the horse. Then the first person was once again able to buy Scout so the owners wanted to sell him to that person, there may or may not have been allegations of the leaser not taking care of him, but he always looked fine to me.  I think the people leasing Scout tried to buy him but the owner either wanted to sell him to the first person or maybe there was something to the allegations, I don't know.


Anyway, the mother bought another horse for the daughter.

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Boarding and caring for a horse is not cheap in South Orange county, its also time consuming since the horse is not at home like a cat or dog and must get out of the stall to be exercised.  Some times people's circumstances change, I know people who when their kids grew up the horse got sold. Know others that kept horses aged up to  20's and 30's until they died. I've seen divorce wreck havoc with people's finances, etc. etc.  Sometimes a person will lease or half-lease a horse out for years rather than actually sell them.  So in this situation its hard to say what the motivation was.

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JJ is super strict on hearsay, but there are like 30 exceptions to the hearsay rule. And, JJ often just decides what she does and doesn't agree with anyway so I'm not sure why she's anti hearsay. If someone says their proof is simply the word of someone not there in court, I get that is inadmissible.

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WORD. . . there's a reason why people need a co-signer - it's usually because their credit is shot for some reason - usually from not paying their bill. What makes people think they are going to get paid? Magical thinking?

Yes! Why don't people understand this? I have had a friend tell me that so and so acquaintance is asking him for a loan and he's a real smart businessman with an MBA from Harvard. Fortunately I stopped him in time. If MBA were so smart (if he really has that MBA . . . Who knows?), he wouldn't be needing to borrow money from you! He just didn't grasp the linkage.

The people on JJ who make direct loans often say they were told they will get paid when the proverbial "tax return" comes in. It has the ring of plausibility, I suppose.

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But horse owner defendant was absolutely entitled to testify to what someone told her. The evidence was not being offered for the truth of its contents - that the plaintiff wasn't taking care of the horse - but as the foundation for what she did, which is take back the horse. That's not hearsay.

It's still actually being offered for the truth of that statement, so it is technically hearsay. Small claims courts often waive the hearsay rule, and Judge MM does also, but JJ has her own system. Sometimes people try to offer some hearsay statement as filler background, and she cuts them off too. Sort of silly.

JJ actually correctly allows some exceptions, such as police reports and bills, for example. (Business records.). Documents are hearsay also . . .

Edited by GussieK
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. If MBA were so smart (if he really has that MBA . . . Who knows?)


Education seems to have little to do with intelligence or smarts. How many truly pathetically dumb lawyers and teachers have we seen both here and on TPC?

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Did anyone watch yesterday's dual-appearance rent case? Can anyone explain it? Guys were allowed back in when they appeared with the requested evidence. Dismissed faster than you could say 8 gavels.

Education seems to have little to do with intelligence or smarts. How many truly pathetically dumb lawyers and teachers have we seen both here and on TPC?

It was rumored that the MBA in question had placed a lot of his smarts up his nose, if you know what I mean. But that's just hearsay!

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The people on JJ who make direct loans often say they were told they will get paid when the proverbial "tax return" comes in. It has the ring of plausibility, I suppose.


Judge Mathis' audience is trained to laugh out loud at the "I'll pay you when I get my taxes" line.  As Judge Mathis says, "That means you are NEVER getting paid back."


The only way anyone should EVER accept a tax return as collateral is if they're at H&R Block with the borrower.  If the borrower can get an instant refund from H&R Block, the money would be handed to the lender on the spot.  But wait, wouldn't the borrower then just take the refund as their own and eliminate the lender?  Heck, no.  Gullible people deserve to be taken advantage of. /sarcasm

Edited by AZChristian
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Yes. And no.

So essentially what you're saying 6MeowMeowBeenz is that you had to be there!

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Did anyone watch yesterday's dual-appearance rent case? Can anyone explain it? Guys were allowed back in when they appeared with the requested evidence. Dismissed faster than you could say 8 gavels.


As far as I can understand, all three were liable to pay the overdue rent, but none had actually paid back the landlord/collections, so JJ wasn't going to award anyone any money.

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Rerun this morning where the guy was suing over the sale of his kinkajou.  That animal dealer looked shady as hell, as well as like he's roided up and looking for a fight (which he actually admitted in the hallterview).  His name is Rian Gittman, and he does, indeed, have a shady past, although this article claims it's all behind him and he's now a self-proclaimed "Jesus Freak":



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You guys -- I actually saw Googly Eyes yesterday.  I usually don't watch closely, but somehow yesterday I was watching the case of the 40 year plus friends who were pulling each others buns (NOT a euphemism!) and there was Googly, on the far left hand side!


That line about saran wrap reminds me of an old Joan Rivers joke --- she decided to spice up her sex life with Edgar, so she wrapped herself in saran wrap and struck a sexy pose.  Edgar took one look at her and said "leftovers again!"

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OK, I have to admit I've never paid a lot of attention to the Googly Eyes banter, but I will say I've always thought you guys were talking about Mr. Kelsey Jackson. I think I nicknamed this case Zoobat and The Small Homosexual when it came on. But that dude is tall and scary.

Edited by 27bored
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The guy was a complete sap but, I'm glad JJ awarded him most of what he spent on the silicone bolt ons.


Call me a big meanie, but I'm not glad. If I turn that around and imagine myself dating some guy for a few months and then having him ask me to pay for his penile implant. I like to think I'd tell him, "Take that limp noodle (or small boobs) out of here and get some other fool to foot the bill." But that's just me.


I got tennis today instead of JJ, so I need to rehash stuff in order to satisfy my addiction.

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OK, I have to admit I've never paid a lot of attention to the Googly Eyes banter, but I will say I've always thought you guys were talking about Mr. Kelsey Jackson. I think I nicknamed this case Zoobat and The Small Homosexual when it came on. But that dude is tall and scary.

AAARGGGH!!! Watching him now!!! I think he's channeling Michael Jackson in "Thriller" when he turns zombie. And the defendant Mr. Blue Shirt is channeling some shade (I think somebody posted a picture of him throwing shade on the first go-round)  ***old person amused by the phrase "throwing shade"***

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As far as I can understand, all three were liable to pay the overdue rent, but none had actually paid back the landlord/collections, so JJ wasn't going to award anyone any money.

Ah, now it makes sense.  I was watching with only half an eye and ear.

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Sir Patrick Evans was the defendant in my local JJ rerun yesterday. I'm presuming "Sir" is his given first name. Maybe some moms christen their children thusly so that they will be the recipients of respect/admiration/deference throughout their lives? Didn't seem to help Sir Patrick too much...since his JJ appearance, he's been arrested for selling body armor to an undercover cop (as a convicted felon, Sir Pat's prohibited by law to possess armor) and drug possession/sales. The good news is he's still with his JJ co-defendant, Christina.

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Today & tomorrow are interrupted by soccer in my market.  HOWEVER, I have found Fox airing new episodes at 1:00 am!!!

New episodes as in brand new?


BTW, hello everyone! I am back from my cruise and suffering from major courtroom show withdrawal. I was excited to have a JJ marathon upon my return home only to discover none of them taped, which leads me to believe they were all repeats last week.

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New episodes as in brand new?

Yes!  My Dish on-screen guide says "new" and gives today's date.  People's Court is also showing new for this week.


Everything was mostly re-runs last week, one new JJ that wasn't very good.  


Welcome back! We missed you.  Luckily, there were no pressing insurance issues for you to straighten out!

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Welcome back teebax.

I noticed a math mistake in today's rerun, if she already paid back 900, doesn't he owe her 900 not 600? Since he cashed a check for 1500, he was overpaid 900 dollars not 600 so she was owed 900 plus the 400 in overdraft fees.

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Oh - dear - God - somebody hold me back before I get in my car and drive over and slap the fire out of the smart-mouthed father of those children that the grandmother is taking care of. Let's hope the grandmother somehow gets those kids back or else they're doomed. 

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