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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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Oh, my, it is the Purple-Hamburger Hat lady with the Chihuahua botox face!

Purple Bun-Bun reminded me of Tyler James Williams, the kid from Everybody Hates Chris. Such huge drama over nothing. I think she was a spoiled Purple Princess, with a real maliciousness about her.

Not that I thought the defendant was blameless and innocent either.

What an awful way to live, in a 12-unit bldg no less! Can't walk to freaking CVS without pepper spray and rock-ammunition. Idiots.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 2

I saw Terrence and Anthony differently. Terrence is 22, works two jobs, supports himself, goes to school and speaks proper English(!).


On this show, that's damned near a miracle. That puts him way head and shoulders above of the majority of litigants we see here, many of whom are twice his age, don't work, don't support the kids they have with a variety of women, and often are sponging off parents or even grandparents. So if Anthony - who didn't appear to be poverty-stricken -  could help his son with an old car so he could keep his jobs, why not? Didn't sound like he'd done much else for him.

  • Love 7

Case 1 - Tamika's saunter down the court aisle, her smirk, her glare, the winking, and her put-on dramatics tested my nerves. Telling JJ that she is beautiful -- STFU, Tamika. Really. Tamika and her cousin-in-law beat each other up, and plaintiff Olivier's necklace (that contained the picture of her husband who's in jail) was lost/stolen in the melee. Olivier had nice eyebrows, but I couldn't understand her hair, with burnt sienna on the sides and entirely black in the back.

Did Olivier's witness say, "She kicked her in her privacy"????  LOLLOL  Seriously, though -  if someone kicked me to the point of hemhorraging, I think I would get myself and my privacy to the ER....but Olivier said she didn't seek medical treatment. Overall, I can't believe JJ didn't toss Tamika out of the courtroom.


2nd case -- Hey, Hey, Hey! Iiiiiiit's Big Timothy! He really did look like Fat Albert....if Fat Albert had gold teeth. Plaintiff Neuretha (age 21 but looked 41) was suing her cousin Timothy because she said he took her belongings out of a flooded house and put them in the trash. Neuretha embellished her employment by saying that she worked "for the McDonald's Corporation in Customer Service." JJ wasted no time in dressing that down - You work in a McDonald's with the food. Neuretha said that she was too busy with said job to go and take care of her house, and she's mad that Big Tim didn't put her crap in storage. Tim's not phased, though -- he assured us in the hallterview, "It doesn't stop me. My life goes on." You go on with that positude, Timothy!


2nd episode, first case -- Plaintiff Mr. Haahr said the scrawny and slow Defendant Mr. Koland scammed him on an eBay truck sale. The details involved Bitcoin....I've read a little bit about Bitcoin, but not much. But I've read that they are most often used by members of the military and scammers. Sounds like Mr. Koland fraudulently represented himself as a woman in the military, told buyers to deposit money into his own Bank of America account, and then the bank shut down the account for fraudulent activity. JJ told Koland that she's copying his license and submitting a report to the police.


2nd case -- The defendant, Markus, didn't come to court to argue with nobody....the proof is in the pudding. This case was about a minor car accident that took place in the parking lot of the litigants' children's school. Plaintiff Christina wanted to call the police to get a report; Markus said No --- he wanted to take Christina directly to his "insurance agent, Jesus." Who the hell knows what that means. Markus is a complete clown who sports a 90's Coolio 'do.


3rd case - Plaintiff Shacoya was sick of the drama and hearsay with her housemate, the defendant LaTonia; LaTonia was sick of Shacoya having the police come to break up the  domestics she was having with her BD. Shacoya left the home mid-month, and LaTonia didn't want to give her a portion of the rent back or her stuff. JJ told her to give her stuff back and learn to keep her big mouth shut. Other than being a little fascinated by the coincidence that both litigants had big front gaps in their teeth, this case was kind of boring for me.

  • Love 5

Reruns are good when you want to revisit old recaps. Here's mine of the second case back in November:


3rd case: Bitcoin Blues - This case could've been a lot more interesting than it was. First of all, I love that JJ remembers the case with Kelly Filkins, the chick she was referring to who sold the woman two pictures of cell phones. That video is probably still on YouTube and last I checked, it had a bunch of views. JJ told Kelly Filkins that while she may weigh more, if she lives until she's a 150, she wont be as smart as she is in one finger. I couldn't really get a good read on what happened. I understand the plaintiff bought a truck, but first of all, if you're buying anything off eBay, why aren't you using Paypal? I thought that was, like, a requirement now. I think that was the catalyst for the eBay scammers back in the day who sold people bottles of water or pictures of shit...you still had people sending individuals money directly. But no way would I buy shit without a third-party who can reimburse me my money if there's any bullshit and investigate any online scammers. The defendant was...ugh. Isn't it funny how people who smoke a lot of pot look and act like they smoke a lot of pot? That's what's always funny when people talk about the War on Drugs or whatever -- not to get on my soapbox -- but the police don't have to wage a war to suss out people who get high...trust me it's all on your grill. You "day-trade bitcoin", you live in Portland, and you have a lot of hanky-panky going on with an account you had open for a month...oh yeah and you've been arrested twice for illegal distribution of marijuana and DWI. But it's the man who's on your ass? Riiiight. Anyway, I wonder what's gonna happen with this case since they're gonna report it to the police in Portland.


4th case: Trill Entertainment Presents... - Once upon a time there was a rapper named Lil Boosie, also known as Boosie Bad Azz, who has a high pitched voice, a GED, and a penchant for breaking the law. Boosie went to jail back in 2009 and got out last year and has been hard at work making a comeback. He's best known for his hit song "Zoom",the video for which you might've seen on EBT, er, BET, on the now-defunct "106 and Porch", uh, "Park". Apparently he also hits young women's cars and doesn't recall what happened, because he doesn't know if he was even there, and he doesn't know how to navigate the complicated set JJ has, and he wanted her to follow him to his insurance establishment to meet with a gentleman who...knows about his insurance? I don't know what the hell this case was. I almost don't even believe it happened. I think I imagined it.


That DUSSE is the shit, if I do say so myself...if I do say so myself...if I do say so myself...


5th case: Baby Daddy Drama - I was still a little fucked off the last case. so I don't quite know what the issue was. I just know that there was a lady named Shequoyah who has a baby daddy (because of course she does) who "verbally assaulted" Big Mama Morton, and I fault 'quoyah for that because everybody knows that when you're good to Mama, Mama's good to you. She didn't want to give her her rent money back since she had a restraining order put on her, and she threw her stuff away. And then she walked away...in white pants. Ladies, always remember: when you want to be taken seriously, make sure you wear white pants (make sure they cost under $20) and a low-cut blouse with your titties out. And if they look like two big toes after a fight? EVEN BETTER.


Fill the tub up half way then ride with my surfboard...


Where's my girl teebax?! I haven't seen her in a month of Sundays.

  • Love 7

I saw Terrence and Anthony differently. Terrence is 22, works two jobs, supports himself, goes to school and speaks proper English(!).


On this show, that's damned near a miracle. That puts him way head and shoulders above of the majority of litigants we see here, many of whom are twice his age, don't work, don't support the kids they have with a variety of women, and often are sponging off parents or even grandparents. So if Anthony - who didn't appear to be poverty-stricken -  could help his son with an old car so he could keep his jobs, why not? Didn't sound like he'd done much else for him.

AngelaHunter, I agree with you. However, my point was that JJ seems to think that every parent owes every child over the age of 18 a college education, a car, a credit card, and a "good parent" knows what their adult children are doing every minute of every day. Not every parent is richer than God and can do all these things, or is so inclined. An old car might not be much to JJ, but it might be to some parents. I get the feeling that Terrance will turn out just fine, jalopy or no jalopy.

And Rick Kitchen....JJ herself has spoken of grandkids she has put through four years of college (not five, as she won't pay for an extra year to party), not to mention weddings and bar mitzvahs she has footed the bill for. No doubt the surgeon and all the attorneys could pay for their own kids' bar mitzvahs, but JJ says she pays the tab. And good on her if she does! But again, not everyone has JJ for a grandma.

That's all.

  • Love 2

However, my point was that JJ seems to think that every parent owes every child over the age of 18 a college education, a car, a credit card,


Not trying to be contrary, but I can't recall her saying that parents owe kids everything - especially credit cards - when they're irresponsible, lazy bums mooching off of everyone, doing "nuthin'",  and having babies they can't support. OTOH, my memory stinks so I could be dead wrong.


the defendant LaTonia


What a vile beast she was. Fine if she doesn't want the disrespectful Baby Daddy Battles, but I'm sure she sold all the plaintiff's stuff. JJ was right - she really needs to learn to keep her big flapping pie hole shut.


Mr. Haahr said the scrawny and slow Defendant Mr. Koland scammed him on an eBay truck sale.


Did JJ say at the end, "We'll take care of this."? I wonder what she meant and if anything happened.

  • Love 1

Yesterday's cases were scary: blood everywhere after getting kicked in the privacy (yeah, Coolwhip, you hear correctly), the car case where the guy denied he was even there, and Shacoya. No disrespect to her, but LaTonia's boyfriend must be insane to mouth off to her. Shacoya oozes "I don't play like that." from every pore of her being.

  • Love 3

1st episode, 1st case --Ex-con Tadd Miller and his (ex-con?) brother lived with Lawrence Hutera. Tadd caught Lawrence having "lewd conduct" on the internet and didn't want that activity attached to his name (guess he's a child predator), so he canceled internet service. This all started a series of arguments, including a physical assault. Then, the plaintiff gave a barrage of stories about protective orders, a leaking roof, a storage pod, etc. JJ kept trying to dig for info on Tadd's finances, but there were no bombshells there...some Social Security scamming, as you'd expect, but no shockers. This case must have been chosen because of Tadd's odd mannerisms. 


2nd case -- The Judge Judy casting team really love strange-looking litigants. Defendant Dia Mitchell whose hair was like Jem's (truly outrageous, truly truly truly outrageous) moved in with Mr. and Mrs. Day (yikes) after she got our of jail for writing a bad check for a car. The Days were suing Dia for $1500 they gave her. Mrs. Day accused defendant Dia of flirting with her husband (ewww).  I could hardly understand what plaintiff Mr. Day was saying; his speech impairment and vacant eyes tell me that he may have some cognitive issues. Seriously, I have no idea what he said. Dia said the Days gave her that $1500 as a "parting gift" to get her to move out of their house. JJ called it quits at that point and ordered Dia to pay the Days. 


My next episode was a rerun with the case of Darlington Roach who arrived drunk at his BM's house; they fought; he broke her porch window and keyed her car.

The other case was about the two men who went on a cruise, and the older man said, "I told him I'd hit him upside the cabbage."

  • Love 4

JJ kept trying to dig for info on Tadd's finances, but there were no bombshells there...some Social Security scamming


Hhe has headaches. I've had headaches - sometimes quite badly - my whole life, yet somehow managed to work even so.


The laws in MN prompted a "Fascinating" from JJ, and rightly so. She didn't even correct his multiple "Yups". I get it. What's the point? What a bunch of mutants.


I was really expecting Byrd to have to get involved yesterday.


I know many people think Byrd is lazy or snarky with litigants, but in my eyes he can do no wrong. I know I'd like to have him CMA if I were faced with a bunch of violent freaks every day.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 5

Prince! I'm sitting here in my assless pants as I'm typing this.


DARLINGTON ROACH.  if I could cartoon, I'd sketch out a roach wearing a morning suit, spats and a monocol and call him, "Darlington Roach."


The 2 gay guys who are all afronted that fellow cruise members would think they were a couple and gay were funny.  AND THEY LOOKED LIKE FATHER AND SON. Maybe they were on a gay cruise and wanted to get outside action.  AND I LOVE CABBAGE!

  • Love 4

tall homosexual men with high self-esteem,


It was enviable. There he is, posturing and posing and mentioning the high value he puts on his prime condition body. He must have one of those fun-house mirrors, because what I saw was Gollum on a good day with narrow shoulders and a chicken chest he liked showing off. But I do wish I had his self-steem.





Darlington "Yanomesayin'" Roach. I don't get it. Plaintff spoke like a reasonable, intelligent person. She must have had a powerful breeding urge to choose the Roach as a sperm donor - twice (!!), and as recently as two years ago. Was the Roach wearing his pyjamas? I'm sure he was.


I really wanted to slap the smirk off Ashley's face. She doesn't bring evidence because she's the one being sued. As the HallClown on TPC would say - "HUH??" Anyway, plaintiff must have confused her with another Ashley he knows who also has a father named Manuel and he loaned THAT Ashley money. Wasn't her - nope. 

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 2


2nd case -- Hey, Hey, Hey! Iiiiiiit's Big Timothy! He really did look like Fat Albert....if Fat Albert had gold teeth. Plaintiff Neuretha (age 21 but looked 41) was suing her cousin Timothy because she said he took her belongings out of a flooded house and put them in the trash. Neuretha embellished her employment by saying that she worked "for the McDonald's Corporation in Customer Service." JJ wasted no time in dressing that down - You work in a McDonald's with the food. Neuretha said that she was too busy with said job to go and take care of her house, and she's mad that Big Tim didn't put her crap in storage. Tim's not phased, though -- he assured us in the hallterview, "It doesn't stop me. My life goes on." You go on with that positude, Timothy!






Neuretha REALLY didn't want to admit that she was a counter employee/cashier .  She works for the McDonald's corporation? In "customer service"? Give me a freaking break.  (As an undergrad, I worked in the field of higher education. i literally worked in, or at least ON, the field or fields as an assistant groundskeeper for the softball, football, baseball, and soccer fields of the university I attended. That means  worked in the field of higher education, right?)   For the record, any work that is legal  is honorable IMO. I would never stoop so low as to denigrate cashier or front counter workers at McDonald's or anywhere else. I'm not poking fun at her for BEING a cashier; I merely find it amusing that she has a problem with admitting it   As subtle as the distinction is, "serving customers" and 'working in customer service" are not one and the same. Perhaps they should be, but they're  not.  


And speaking of Neuretha, where  in God's great name dictionary do  people look to find such bizarre names?



I know many people think Byrd is lazy or snarky with litigants, but in my eyes he can do no wrong. I know I'd like to have him CMA if I were faced with a bunch of violent freaks every day.


I think he's great, too. So often he appears to be  Judge Judy's only  link with the reality of the world as it is experienced by those of us who lack seven-figure annual incomes.

Edited by jilliannatalia
  • Love 4


Saw a preview for tomorrow's show - tenant/plaintiff wearing a red shirt with a Yosemite Sam mustache. Could this be our inside scoop case?!

I'm seriously worried. My Cox TV guide shows both of today's shows as repeats. The first one (which is usually where new shows appear) is a rerun with the guy who got part of his face ripped off by a pit bull, and that is also what the Judge Judy website shows for today's show. I will be really upset if I miss a case so close to our little community here because the Mobile AL channel that JJ comes on via Cox decided to do reruns instead.

  • Love 1

Neuretha REALLY didn't want to admit that she was a counter employee/cashier .  She works for the McDonald's corporation? In "customer service"? Give me a freaking break.  (As an undergrad, I worked in the field of higher education. i literally worked in, or at least ON, the field or fields as an assistant groundskeeper for the softball, football, baseball, and soccer fields of the university I attended. That means  worked in the field of higher education, right?)   For the record, any work that is legal  is honorable IMO. I would never stoop so low as to denigrate cashier or front counter workers at McDonald's or anywhere else. I'm not poking fun at her for BEING a cashier; I merely find it amusing that she has a problem with admitting it   As subtle as the distinction is, "serving customers" and 'working in customer service" are not one and the same. Perhaps they should be, but they're  not.  

When I worked for Wal-Mart, I worked in the back.  I shared an office, and I didn't work on the sales floor - I did work that heavily involved computers and data entry.  But when asked where I worked, I always responded "Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated" instead of "Wal-Mart Store # ****" and that I worked in "IT" instead of "Barcoding" because it was just easier that way than to get the side eye and the "Umm-hmm.  So what department do you stock in or register you work at?".  So I get it, but I still sometimes find it amusing how people try to make what they do sound "fancier".

  • Love 1

well, I am bummed. my Directv program guide says today's second case with landlord/tenant dispute involves hazardous waste, so the ex says that is Not His case. did I say I was bummed?


The first case on the second show here in NY is described as "A man sues his ex-landlady for damaged and stolen property, and she says he failed to pay rent." Sounds like it could be your former beloved but a) it's the first case not the second (I suppose they could have re-edited the show?) and b) the guide doesn't list it as "new".


Edited: Nope, it really was a repeat.

Edited by designing1
  • Love 1

no, he has a Yugoslavian last name (Crnogorac - sir NOG or ack). in fact, I asked him if Byrd mispronounced it and he answered that he did OK with it

It's ok! :) Keep us updated. Sooner or later, he'll show up.

The guy who sued his landlady today looked like the third cousin, once removed, of Bill Murray. :) I took off today and OD'd on junk tv and internet. It was great! :D

  • Love 3

One of the repeats today -- 24-year-old man died, leaving a $1,000,000 insurance policy -- $750K to his estranged wife (the defendant) and $250K to his mother, the plaintiff.  Mom is suing the daughter-in-law for some expenses related to his death and memorial servicesl.  As soon as the insurance policy came to light, I turned it off.  Death + money brings out the worst in people.

  • Love 3

Yeah....P was a piece of work.   Babe, you got $250k...take the money and run *cue Steve Miller*.

You can well afford your share.  Sad to say in my line of work (I'm in the vintage clothing/collectibles trade and help clear out estates from time to time and you would not believe the conversations/arguments I have overheard from the other room about money and stupid trivial things).


Just catching up on some old eps and Markus was totally stoned outta his mind.  Been to a *ahem* few  parties back in the day and he was hilarious.  "I don't even know if I was there..."


I do eBay and the guy with the "bitcoin" stuff was soooo a scammer.  eBay requires you use PayPal....no Money Orders...personal checks....Western Union....etc.  They need to keep track of transactions to spot the scammers. 

  • Love 2

Apparently, I had missed the re-run that was on today: Woman sues mechanic for her money back because he didn't install some car parts.


WOW. Just, wow. Was not expecting that swerve with the countersuit! She called CPS on him, and put out his personal info on the internet?? And then JJ awarded the full $5000 to the mechanic after the case was going in the plaintiff's favor from the start.

  • Love 5

Apparently, I had missed the re-run that was on today: Woman sues mechanic for her money back because he didn't install some car parts.


WOW. Just, wow. Was not expecting that swerve with the countersuit! She called CPS on him, and put out his personal info on the internet?? And then JJ awarded the full $5000 to the mechanic after the case was going in the plaintiff's favor from the start.


Unbelievable!  What person DOES that?  He only delayed her repair, he didn't cancel it!  WAY too overboard with the retaliatory strikes via Yelp and CPS.    He deserved the $5000.

  • Love 8
On 3/28/2014 at 6:45 PM, MrMattyMatt said:

Is it just me or did the "Come get your dogs or I'm going to beat them to death"  text message case strike anyone as rather humerous??

I didn't see the episode so I don't know the context.  But yes, that is pretty funny.  I can see myself sending or receiving a message like that. The threat, obviously, wouldn't be serious.

WAIT . . . As I am writing this I have decided  that I would never send a message like this to anyone because taken out of context it could get me into trouble..  Darn court shows ruining my fun

On 4/26/2016 at 10:41 PM, Brattinella said:

Apparently, I had missed the re-run that was on today: Woman sues mechanic for her money back because he didn't install some car parts.

WOW. Just, wow. Was not expecting that swerve with the countersuit! She called CPS on him, and put out his personal info on the internet?? And then JJ awarded the full $5000 to the mechanic after the case was going in the plaintiff's favor from the start.

Unbelievable!  What person DOES that?  He only delayed her repair, he didn't cancel it!  WAY too overboard with the retaliatory strikes via Yelp and CPS.    He deserved the $5000.

Bad Yelp listing  would at least be a somewhat reasonable  response if you want to complain about a delay.  Calling CPS is not.

Edited by ElleMo
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ElleMo said:

I didn't see the episode so I don't know the context.  But yes, that is pretty funny.  I can see myself sending or receiving a message like that. The threat, obviously, wouldn't be serious.

WAIT . . . As I am writing this I have decided  that I would never send a message like this to anyone because taken out of context it could get me into trouble..  Darn court shows ruining my fun

Bad Yelp listing  would at least be a somewhat reasonable  response if you want to complain about a delay.  Calling CPS is not.


The problem with the Yelp complaint was that she referred to him as "METH MECHANIC".  That's not okay either.

  • Love 4

I don't know if it's my local station or if it's JJ, but I am getting so tired of the flip-flopping with new and old episodes. Yesterday, both episodes were reruns. But there was a new episode earlier in the week. Today's episodes -- I have no clue if they're old or new. My first episode was a scrawny dude who used the word "tooken" and was corrected by JJ (thank God). I think the case was about a car...the plaintiff was a sad-looking lady with a homemade pink lace blouse. Now the second episode has some guy arguing about an eBay car purchase in the first case, and the second case has a guy with a weird health story who abused his friend's credit card.

Jeez, I'm still down about the loss of Prince (my favorite). I wish JJ would stop messing with the schedule! But the new look of PTV is pretty cool, so that's a plus.

  • Love 5

Supposed to be two new episodes today!

Haven't watched yet, but must comment on yesterday's rerun, featuring plaintiff Michael Fletcher vs. his insane girlfriend, Bella. Bella is a 28 year old woman, yet throws toddler-like tantrums and busts up all Michael's stuff. Bella states that she's "beautiful." I guess she hadn't seen the sneaky profile shots of the camera men on this show. Sorry, Bella. You're kinda fugly and you need a shrink. Anyway, the thing was, JJ was gazing at him with such adoration I could almost see the hearts flying off her head. Michael was handsome, groomed, well-dressed and articulate! He was educated and spoke in intelligible English! He didn't key Bella's car, bleach her clothes or punch her in the face (which, by the way, I wouldn't have blamed him for doing since Bella is a vile beast) I'm sure JJ has a copy of this case at home and takes it out to view when she despairs for humanity.

  • Love 8

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