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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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The plaintiffs claimed that the defendant's pit bull violently attacked their older beagle in their driveway. The kilt wearing defendant, who sadly was difficult to understand because he had stage 4 cancer, counter sued because lady plaintiff chased and attacked the pit off her dog and off her property. JJ said she was not holding plaintiff responsible for whether or not the pit lost her puppies (no proof she had been pregnant) because she said plaintiff had every right to get the pit off her dog and off her property by whatever means necessary. I agree with JJ that the beagle's vet bill of $700 was surprisingly reasonable, considering it had surgery. Hell, I can take my dog for her annual regular shots, heart worm and flea and tick meds and I slink out of there at least $350 lighter.

Also, I had a noon repeat of a guy plaintiff suing defendant ex-roomie for not returning his electronics after an attack and getting kicked out. I mention this only because there was a rather hot guy sitting in the audience to the far left behind plaintiff's witness. Hot guy was amused by plaintiff's story that he found defendant passed out on sofa, thought he had passed out due to prescription issues but still left for the evening. I thought hot guy was going to chuckle out loud a few times. Now I wonder if hot guy has been in audiences in the past.

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The new JJ, showing later today, has an interesting premise:  The young driver blames his accident on an oncoming vehicle and a mailbox.

ok, I'll watch as long as there's no dog involved (and no range cattle - as I see that case has come back)
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So I'm just starting Technicolor Marquita's case, and JJ states she is suing for (among other things) a false restraining order. Fifteen seconds in and I think - not likely false!  I could be wrong...  We'll see.

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I think I've seen him too -- a darker, bearded Brad Cooper lookalike?

Yes! Now I am paying more attention to the audience in older episodes! Can't believe I've missed him before. Guess I was too distracted by titty tats.

ok, I'll watch as long as there's no dog involved (and no range cattle - as I see that case has come back)

I will not be watching Monday's episode titled Horrifying Dog Death. A guy runs over a dog on an icy road but he bitches that the dog was often off property. No thanks.

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Yes! Now I am paying more attention to the audience in older episodes! Can't believe I've missed him before. Guess I was too distracted by titty tats.

I will not be watching Monday's episode titled Horrifying Dog Death. A guy runs over a dog on an icy road but he bitches that the dog was often off property. No thanks.


Thanks for the heads-up!

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As I watched Marquita, I couldn't help but wonder why on earth anyone would go out in public dressed as she was. She's wearing some ugly stretchy pink dress outfit and blue denim vest. I freely admit I know nothing about women fashion, but that dress is so tight.... with her flabby belly.... I'm just thankful I didn't see her walk out of court.... I'm sure with that tight dress she had an obvious panty line.... probably a thong.... that ugly purple hair.... the butterfly chest tattoo.... it just makes me shudder, and I need to go wash out my eyes.

Edit: hey, I just figured out why poor Marquita went out dressed that way... among the items she says ex stole, was.... her.... mirror

Anyway she's suing over property that she says ex has. JJ doesn't care for her, and dismisses her case out of hand after her umpteenth shout out warning. Ex has countersuit. He wants JJ to re-hear the restraining order and custody hearing - JJ tells him to go back to judge that granted the orders.

Just a sidenote. Guess my hometown of Bakersfield, CA has grown enough to have "the projects." I haven't lived there since I joined the Army in '73, and while we had some poor sections, we didn't have projects back in the day.

Next case is the 25yo who says he hit the mailbox avoiding another car. Defendants get off on the wrong foot right off the bat with JJ. JJ asks mom has long they've been in the neighborhood, and mom answers she doesn't really live there, she's back and forth to Ohio. Then JJ starts to ask the kid, Darius about hitting the mailbox. She says something like "You hit their mailbox?" And Darius answers he "didn't really hit it, it was still standing up". Guess these people never watch JJ and don't realize how much she dislikes people trying to play wrong games. As we're going to commercial we hear JJ saying mom didn't say anything about the accident being caused by some other car - I almost FF to the end because everyone knows she just LOVES it when litigants add stuff to the written statement. I'm glad I watched, as it was fun watching Darius try to play word games and keep getting caught. JJ asks mom, who wrote the written statement that doesn't mention second car, why her statement doesn't mention the second car - mom says she was on a cruise at the time, and doesn't really know why she's even a co-defendant. JJ agrees, tells her to sit down, the case against mom is dismissed.

25yo Darius is on his own. Plaintiffs have picture showing how all the mailboxes on the street pretty much alike. JJ tells Darius he must have run up on the curb to hit the mailbox. Darius wants to argue with the picture, saying the mailboxes are not all EXACTLY alike, and of course Darius tries to argue that he did not run up on the curb. JJ is so over Darius, she rules against him and tells him he has to pay to fix the mailbox.

Part of me feels Darius has a point. Here in my town there are neighborhoods where post office makes people put their mailbox right next to the roadway. That way the mailman/woman can stick the mail in the box without getting out of the truck. Depending on your vehicle, I'm sure it's possible to clip a mailbox if you're close to the edge, but not actually on the curb, as you go around a curve. Darius' problem was he tried to play word games (something no doubt learned from mom).

Edited by SRTouch
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Darius, a 25 year old special snowflake who still lives with his mommy, blames his car accident on a mailbox. It's just embarrassing to see (what seems like) an entire generation of men who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. 


I do have to wonder, if Marquita had been named Jane would she still have ended up with the purple hair and giant titty tat? And as mentioned above, her gut was really something in that dress.

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the purple hair and giant titty tat?


OH god. The purple wig, the giant Papillon tat on display, the outsized lashes, the stretchy, clinging dress - dazzling. The baby daddy (can't remember his name) had some sage advice in the hall. "Know who they are before you start having babies with them." Gee, who would ever think of that? No one on this show, that's for sure.

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Marquita's dress showed as white on my TV.  For a minute I couldn't figure out if the dress had folds or if that was her tummy.  Yeah, her ex needs to return that mirror.  And she needs some spanx, or something.


I cringe at photos of myself when I was a teen.  Everything I wore was either too tight or too loose.  If I liked something, I'd buy it and wear, even if it wasn't my size.  But I was a teenager.

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As I watched Marquita, I couldn't help but wonder why on earth anyone would go out in public dressed as she was. She's wearing some ugly stretchy pink dress outfit and blue denim vest. I freely admit I know nothing about women fashion, but that dress is so tight.... with her flabby belly.... I'm just thankful I didn't see her walk out of court.... I'm sure with that tight dress she had an obvious panty line.... probably a thong.... that ugly purple hair.... the butterfly chest tattoo.... it just makes me shudder, and I need to go wash out my eyes.

Edit: hey, I just figured out why poor Marquita went out dressed that way... among the items she says ex stole, was.... her.... mirror


Do you have any leftover eye wash? My daughter was watching with me and both of us were mesmerized by her get up. The purple vinyl wig, the titty tat and the 12 sizes too small dress was some scary shit. I swear you could see the top of her thong when she moved enough to make her belly move out of the way a little. The sad thing is, she most likely thinks she looked smokin hot for TV. I have no doubt that she slapped the crap out of her baby daddy and probably anyone else in her way.

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OH god. The purple wig, the giant Papillon tat on display, the outsized lashes, the stretchy, clinging dress - dazzling. The baby daddy (can't remember his name) had some sage advice in the hall. "Know who they are before you start having babies with them." Gee, who would ever think of that? No one on this show, that's for sure.

When he said that I couldn't help but wonder how long it took him to come with that sage advice - the oldest kid is 14yo

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I got the impression from Darius' testimony that the mailbox strolled into the middle of the road and that's why he hit it. Anyhow, I lived in a corner house a few years. Some people would take the turn so close to the curb, it surprised me that they never hit the mailbox with their side view mirror. That mailbox is how I met Mr. Milz. He witnessed a teenager doing a hit-and-run on the box (backed into it during a 3 point turn).

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I think I've seen him too -- a darker, bearded Brad Cooper lookalike?


I usually never notice audience members unless they're doing something attention-getting, but I've noticed that one quite a few time. Yes... very nice.


The young driver blames his accident on an oncoming vehicle and a mailbox.


Young, yes, but still a twenty-five year old man blaming an inanimate object for making him crash into it. The shark teeth in his lower jaw - could they possibly be natural?


got the impression from Darius' testimony that the mailbox strolled into the middle of the road and that's why he hit it.


I think it must have on its little mailbox feet, because he didn't clip it. He flattened it.

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Related true story:


Several years ago, I was being just a bit inattentive, and took out my neighbor's stucco mailbox (the kind with the hollow metal column in the center to collect your mail if you take out the base of the mailbox portion).  It was my fault.  The mailbox did NOT jump out in front of me.  


The damage to my car was several thousand dollars.  The damage to my reputation was worse.  I was forever after known in the neighborhood as "Oh, you're the lady who took out the mailbox on _____ Street."

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This morning's 5 a.m. showing was BABY BOY (!) which is such a wonderful episode. Hopefully, more classics will be shown so I can recreate my lost collection.


I was just coming here to post this!!! My son was over helping me paint and really enjoyed it.  He said "I'm guessing happy ending like this don't happen and she's probably po'd she can't yell at anyone.

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she's probably po'd she can't yell at anyone.


She could have yelled at the def. who pretended she didn't know that when someone is selling a purebred dog in a parking lot for 100$, something is wrong. And then she could have yelled again when def. told her (daughter, witness? Can't remember) not to put the dog down. Maybe she just figured all's well that ends well and didn't want to strain her vocal cords for nothing.

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This morning's 5 a.m. showing was BABY BOY (!) which is such a wonderful episode. Hopefully, more classics will be shown so I can recreate my lost collection.

You neglected to tell the people that it was as good as the first time! I have to make note to not delete this one ever again.

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Wellll ... I have quite the scoop. My ex (divorced him 30 years ago) taped a show last week. Not sure when it will air but it should be soon. He was the plaintiff, although when he called to tell me about it my first thought was that he surely would be the defendant. I won't say more right now except that he is listed in my phone as "Shiftless & Slovenly." Please move to the edge of your seats.


UPDATE: he says his case will air on Friday of next week. it's the second case, per This Week On Judge Judy: "A tenant accused of skipping out on rent points the finger at his landlord saying he trespassed without permission and stole his property." But it was a landlady so that part makes me wonder; he says it must be a typo. I was surprised to learn that it happened last year because I thought it was a different incident from a couple years ago. I met a then-current landlady when I was in our hometown last summer and gave him a ride home after we ran into each other. I have more scoop but will save it until later, not to poison the well/if it's not his case that airs.

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UPDATE: he says his case will air on Friday of next week. it's the second case, per This Week On Judge Judy: "A tenant accused of skipping out on rent points the finger at his landlord saying he trespassed without permission and stole his property." But it was a landlady so that part makes me wonder; he says it must be a typo. I was surprised to learn that it happened last year because I thought it was a different incident from a couple years ago. I met a then-current landlady when I was in our hometown last summer and gave him a ride home after we ran into each other. I have more scoop but will save it until later, not to poison the well/if it's not his case that airs.

Holy moly suomi! Will set to record for sure.

Thanks for letting us know. xooxxoxx

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UPDATE: he says his case will air on Friday of next week. it's the second case, per This Week On Judge Judy: "A tenant accused of skipping out on rent points the finger at his landlord saying he trespassed without permission and stole his property." But it was a landlady so that part makes me wonder; he says it must be a typo. I was surprised to learn that it happened last year because I thought it was a different incident from a couple years ago. I met a then-current landlady when I was in our hometown last summer and gave him a ride home after we ran into each other. I have more scoop but will save it until later, not to poison the well/if it's not his case that airs.

Thanks for the heads up. I predict my area will have a severe storm move through at that exact day and time and the episode will be preempted. And my station NEVER broadcasts the preempted episode at a later time, no matter how many calls they get. This station has a Viewers Voice segment and they just laugh when viewers call in to gripe about JJ not being shown later. I, uh, even had my comment read on air and smirked at. I was talking to my precious mother (RIP) on the phone one afternoon and she said, "oh no, rain is on the way. I guess *weatherman's name* has happy pants now."

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The purple vinyl wig, the titty tat and the 12 sizes too small dress was some scary shit. I swear you could see the top of her thong when she moved enough to make her belly move out of the way a little.


You have to love the way she makes sure her booberfly tattoo is prominently displayed.

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I'm wondering how that mailbox cost 545 dollars? I was expecting one encased in brick,

Also that man had to have been texting or eating or something. I can't believe he said the mail box jumped out. Dumbass

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Also that man had to have been texting or eating or something. I can't believe he said the mail box jumped out. Dumbass


Not only did that mailbox jump into the middle of the road, it also opened its lid at him and flipped up its flag........it was asking for it!

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You have to love the way she makes sure her booberfly tattoo is prominently displayed.

Booberfly tattoo! DEAD! Now, I must go out and about and look for someone with one so I can say 'Booberfly!!' and walk away :)

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The damage to my car was several thousand dollars.  The damage to my reputation was worse.  I was forever after known in the neighborhood as "Oh, you're the lady who took out the mailbox on _____ Street."


I hit a neighbor's fence a couple years ago (trying to use my right foot for the clutch to get my car started while parked on a hill...when the car started moving I kept pressing my right foot looking for the brake) and I feel your pain.  My out of pocket for the fence and the car were pretty minimal but the reputation will never recover.


I just saw Baby Boy.  That man and his dog were so cute.  The second case on that, with the uninsured woman whose mother was buddy-buddy with the police officer who responded to an accident, was pretty infuriating.

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You have to love the way she makes sure her booberfly tattoo is prominently displayed.

I think all these elegant ladies are thrilled to go on national TV and show off their "works of art." I'm grateful we can only see part of them. What's covered up is probably way worse.

For all you future elegant, sophiasticed ladies wanted the same, here's some advice: Tit tat? NO.

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Booberfly! May be the best thing I've heard in a long time.  And thank you, Giant Misfit for the advice.  Cancelled my appointment. Darn.


Enjoy the shows today!  We are having rain, therefore wall-to-wall, 24/7 coverage of idiots (apparently who moved here yesterday) and the occasional panicked good guy, driving into water.  In all honesty, though, a rain storm covering 3000 square miles(!) is actually news worthy.  But I'll still miss my favorite judge today.  I hope the reruns are at least fun ones that you will all dutifully report back on! 


I'm looking forward to suomi's ex's case.  Hope he gets whatever is deserved!   


Take care, Spunkygal, and all the others enduring crazy spring weather. Time to bake the brownies and fire up the DVR! Only so many reporters standing in the rain I can watch at a time.

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I so feel for you, Sandy Toes!  We've been thru the exact same thing, only most of it was at night.  Non-stop radar maps with circles and lines and arrows and meanwhile every BOOM that is close by feels like a punch in the chest.  We are having a mild day today (knock wood) but I think more storms are coming later in the week.  If you have enough food and book and warmth, you should be okay!  Same to you, Spunky Gal!  HUGS!!

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Dude, what is wrong with Steven Langford? He's either on medication, an alcoholic, or dumber than a box of hair. He had sense enough to bring an attorney with him, though. But even when it was clear he was winning he was still indignant that he didn't hit her dog. He has a son. I wonder what his redeeming quality is. The lawyer said he has a very successful business. I get grease monkey vibes.

The case with the two chicks and the car accident was weird. I actually didn't agree that the plaintiff was at fault. She pulled out pretty slowly, but the defendant was driving a little fast to be in between a row of cars.

Oh wow, Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbass are coming up tomorrow.

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Oh, my, it is the Purple-Hamburger Hat lady with the Chihuahua botox face!

OMG I have been home sick with food poisoning today and you just made my day with that description. I managed to rouse enough to watch the case and it's just as salacious the second time around. How awful to live with some kind of feud going on in your community (oh that's right, I had the hoarder neighbors and then the domestic abuse/constant weed-smoker-in-the-garage/call-the-cops/ thievery-friends/ tear up the townhouse next door neighbors who the landlord refused to evict because it would cost him money - (even though it cost him months of unpaid rent AND $4000 in unpaid damage when they left). Oh lucky me. 


Back in the day I had one of those Ford Aerostar Minivans and the big ass right hand mirror hit somebody's mailbox when I was pulling to park on the side of the road. All it did was loosen the mailbox in the ground but you would have thought I had taken a sledge hammer to it. It wasn't even in concrete, just stuck in the ground. My (now EX) husband went over and secured it in the ground because they wanted to charge us something like $140 to fix it and this was probably 16-17 years ago. 

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Yeah, that chick's hair did look like purple poop emoji. And her mother kept raising her hand like she wanted to answer questions in class, but she already answered one, and the teacher is trying to give other people a turn.


I saw Part 1 last year and I missed Part 2. So I managed to find video of Part 2 to spoil myself aaaaand...it's funny as shit.

This long ass case and JJ gave her a $10 verdict for a small dent in her tail light.

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Dude, what is wrong with Steven Langford? He's either on medication, an alcoholic, or dumber than a box of hair.

    JJ: Do you take prescribed medication?

    SL: After this I may need some.

    JJ: Do you take prescribed medication?

    SL: I could use some today.


    I will say, the dog owner was crazy. When asked if it was dark outside when she took her unleashed dog out to walk in the middle of the road "no it was very bright. It was a full moon". And she contends that the truck drove super slowly to and over her larger dog "deliberately" - if it was that slow, that dog would have moved. This was all totally her own fault, I can't believe her indignation!

Edited by Cynna
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I STILL loathe Christina Shepard with the heat of a thousand suns.  I bet she has pulled that baby-face puppy-dog-eyes bit since she was 3 yrs old, and has always gotten her way.  I can't imagine her having a position of responsibility.

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No one would give Anthony Young the Father of the Year Award -- I'm fairly certain he hasn't been present in either of his sons' lives as much as he should have been. That said, this case highlighted the rarefied air that JJ breathes in comparison to most of the world.

When a child reaches the age of majority, it's nice if parents are able and willing to help out with school and living expenses, etc., but that isn't everyone's reality. Terrance is 22 or 23 and is figuring things out for himself. His father may or may not know how he makes his money, etc.

I'm an old fart now, and I understand things are different today, but I moved out at 18, as soon as I had a full- time job. By 22 I was completely on my own, with an apartment by myself and paying my own way. I visited my parents occasionally, but I doubt if they knew my address, much less knowing my bank balance or what I was doing 24/7. By that time, I was expected to ride my own bike without training wheels.

No doubt JJ is still financially taking care of her kids (well into their forties, probably) as well as in-laws and grandkids. While all those monetary perks would be nice, it couldn't beat the great feeling of being young, free and independent.

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