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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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I went ahead in my listings and saw that after today Judy's back in reruns. I get 4 eps a day but only 1 is new (unless it's sweeps). I am still way behind from February sweeps so this will give me a chance to catch up.

Re: "almost marrieds" - I felt pretty bad for the female litigant, and I usually don't ever feel bad in those situations. And I loved the logic of "we borrowed $1000 so we could buy presents because we knew we'd never be able to afford it!"

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was it dimbulb boyfriend who uttered the word "wroten" yesterday? As in "I had wroten a check"


How many times can one correct the same illiterate goofs - tooken, boughten, wroten,  -  before saying, "Oh fuck it!"" I watched an episode the other day where JJ spent several minutes trying to explain to a 25 year old college student what "a couple" means, since his definition was, "between two and 20." Believe it or not.

I, like JJ, have no hope for the future.

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Delurking to say "hi" to Toaster Strudel, AngelaHunter, stephinmn, Major Misfit (you will ALWAYS be Major!), Wormlegs, milz and WattDFark. Over on TWOP you guys had me spewing coffee out my nose more than once!

Major, I am jealous of your five JJs a day! We get two reruns and a new ep here, when basketball isn't going on.

Someone (I don't know if it was here or on TWOP) thought it was rude of JJ to ridicule the "almost-married" Mr. Eagan about his substantial girth. Well, it is obvious that he (and probably his new girlfriend) are eating quite well, but he doesn't bother sending grocery money to the mother of his kid. I think that is what JJ was getting at.

Looking forward to more awesome snark right here!!

Edited by Intocats
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Hey all!


Thank God for this place, right?  I lurked on the JJ forums over at TWOP for years, and figured this was as good a time as any to start posting.

I, too, felt badly for the female litigant in the '$1000 whatever loan' case.  Like another poster stated, I usually don't feel badly for them but something about her raw emotion kind of struck a nerve.

I do think JJ ruled correctly on the case, but I did feel for her.


Did I mention - THANK GOD for ya'll over here? *group hug*

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I don't even remember what that dog/text message case was about. I almost got the feeling that JJ just wanted to tear the guy a new one for sending that nasty text message in front of her MILLIONS of viewers (and to be honest, I kind of don't blame her for that).

It was really about a dining room table that apparently vanished out of a garage.  She didn't win.   I too was 5 minutes into the text message drama at which point I had no clue what the lawsuit was actually about.

Edited by MrMattyMatt
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intocats, glad this forum gives you a daily dose of hilarity. It's always done the same for me.


Someone (I don't know if it was here or on TWOP) thought it was rude of JJ to ridicule the "almost-married" Mr. Eagan about his substantial girth. Well, it is obvious that he (and probably his new girlfriend) are eating quite well..


Totally agree. He should be shamed, after creating a child and paying nothing to feed that child. If he was embarassed (and really, he didn't seem capable of that emotion) he deserved that, and more.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Breeder mom who sold the pup in anger because it chewed something was an idiot.  Glad she didn't get a THING back AND that she had to pay.  She *was* a stalker.  I get she was desperate because after she sold the dog, she had to face her daughter's grief over it, but she was contacting the college student the next morning PRIOR to 8am... and then KNEW she wasn't in class that morning?!  What the eff!    I'd have gone for the full $5000 and let Judy pare it down as she saw fit

Holy crap - before the psychedelic bedroom makeover case yesterday, there was a case about a rental car.  Did anyone see it?

The defendant was the preening moron with the sunglasses and attitude from The People's Court...the one who MM ripped to shreds before the case even started, if I remember correctly.

This time, the plaintiff was a godmother who rented a car for the defendant and was suing for damages.  (I was confused since The People's Court case was also about a rental car but the plaintiff was a friend suing for damages.)

Oh - also, long-time lurker/refugee from TWOP.  I was Steph1sun over there.  Anyway, I can't express how happy I am to have landed here!


Sure I'm superficial, but I kept wondering why today's decent looking plaintiff BF was doing with that chinless, Cruella DeVille haired suckling pig.

Then the dyke aunt explained: "he doesn't see too good" and still later we find out he's going blind...  I feel sorry for him but at least he won't have to see her anymore, that's a silver lining.

If I wasn't going to hell before... I have front row tickets now.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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Aw, man. I loved the Auntie in that case...she worked at a Bingo hall. A BINGO HALL!

I'll preface this by once again proclaiming my undying devotion to JJ, but she can fuck right off with the constant welfare shaming. When she told the porcine teen mom that it was "her" money paying the rent and not the Plaintiff's, I wanted to throw my bag of grapes at the teevee. JJ makes, what? $400 billion or something a season? Boo hoo on you bitch that 1/10 of 1% of that goes to someone in need. Granted, the Plaintiff was an off-putting human, but she has no car and no prospects. She'a going to college and maybe, MAYBE one day can earn 1/10 of 1% of JJ's salary.

And I felt terribly sad for the boyfriend. He clearly has an intellectual disability and is going blind. Had JJ had the balls to call him out for receiving SSI, I would have given up forever. If I want to watch welfare shamers, I can turn on Fox News.

In happier rerun news, the "tooken" and "I borrowed him the money" lady was on today, too! I forgot she had the Oompa Loompa tan.

Sure I'm superficial, but I kept wondering why today's decent looking plaintiff BF was doing with that chinless, Cruella DeVille haired suckling pig.


Yeah, I'm superficial too, but sorry to say I didn't come up with anything nearly as descriptive as "Cruella DeVille suckling pig."  Kudos!

This case had it all, right down to a 15 year old "single mother", welfare, and lack of dental care, but at least and for once we saw someone who truly needs disability with the very unfortunate "Chance". He's not still with the feral suckling pig, is he? I fear for him since another round of one-on-one with her could mean his demise. Holy shit, what a hosebeast in spaghetti straps.

Dyke auntie was just...ghastly.

If I wasn't going to hell before... I have front row tickets now.


Leave room in the handbasket for me.

Is it just me or is just about everyone on this show lately receiving some sort of government assistance? It never used to be that way....

I think JJ is asking more frequently if they are in welfare even when it's not relevant to the case. I think she plays to a segment of her audience who get hard ons for hating the poor. Which amuses me because the majority of the ads I see during this show are for disability lawyers, Hov-around (sp?) chairs, and Pat Boone's walk-in bathtubs.

I get twisted when JJ acts as if a dude slaving his ass off in some chicks house has ZERO dollar value.  It has big time value.  Unfortuneately, the dudes never come to court with time logs and before/after pics.  Some of these chicks are happy assing along, letting the guy bust his ass, working on her house.  THEN.. they break up and she starts whining for rent.

Good, honest craftsman get $75-100/hr.. It does fucking count.

Many moons ago, I lived (without benefit of marriage) with a very talented carpenter.  He rebuilt kitchen cabinets, fences, floors and made furniture that I still have today.  He tried to pay rent, but his work was so flawless, I always said NO.  Even though we fought towards the end- it would never have crossed my mind to sue him!  Fair Market Value should come into play somewhere.


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Why did the judge call the witnesses? Judge Judy always excoriates people who can't bring witnesses. Once in a while she takes on the job of contacting witnesses directly. I wonder how they choose when to do that. Some of the people whose witnesses cant get off work could use that help.


I have a feeling she calls witnesses if the litigant(s) changes their testimony from what's written on the statement or if something isn't clear to her. For example, she called a police officer once and asked him questions regarding his incident report.

Why is there not a way to report people like the "Kitchen Remodeler yet on Disabilty"?  There should be check and balances for people that get these payments to see if they are working and able to work.  Granted I don't know the entire story about this guy's mental disability, but I really got rather pissed over this one!

I think Judge Judy asks a LOT of questions of those she thinks are scamming so there's some record of what they're doing should their statements/actions come to the attention of those who can do something about it, they have first person documentation.  I don't see her beating up on people she thinks are scammers so much as her trying to get as much information out within her recordable forum for later use.

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Oh damn! I missed an ecig case???  7-Eleven sells them in my neck of the woods.

They sell them EVERYWHERE here. The plaintiff was channeling a ballroom dancer look (I watch too much Dancing with the Stars) and the defendant looked like a crazy Diane Keaton-esque nicotine addict. He was nuts to put here in charge of the henhouse. She looked really wired. And weird. 

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