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"The View": Week of 09/19/2016

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Mo 9/19: Valerie Jarrett, Laith De La Cruz, Dominique Jackson
Tu 9/20: Kellyanne Conway, Jamie Lee Curtis, Cookie Johnson
We 9/21: Anthony Anderson, the latest cast-offs from "Dancing with the Stars"
Th 9/22: Lisa Ling
Fr 9/23: Geena Davis

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14 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I am curious how they will be with Lisa Ling.

They should be ashamed of themselves for doing such a pathetic job and embarrassed to look Lisa in the eye because they don't deserve to sit at the same table as her.  But I expect they will just smile and be nice, and nobody will mention how miserably they have all dropped the torch they were handed.  

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Pretty good guests this week, except for that one who will likely cause a shitstorm on Tuesday.

As for Lisa, I bet seeing her again will be bittersweet for Joy, because she'll be remembering how much better the co-hosts once were. I mean, it's hard to believe that the "young one" was once someone as wonderful and esteemed as Lisa Ling, and not a lunatic like Elisabeth or Raven.

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2 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Pretty good guests this week, except for that one who will likely cause a shitstorm on Tuesday.

Yeah, that Jamie Lee Curtis is such a bitch. 

heh heh just a little pre-throbbing headache humor.  I hate Kellyanne Conway with the fiery intensity of Donald Trump's fake tan.  I figure after Tuesday I won't be able to laugh for days so I better do it while I still can.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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Nice to see Lisa again -- and with Joy. I think Joy's 2 favorite hosts to work with are Lisa and Meredith. Oh, those were the days....

FYI -- Raven will probably be on tomorrow as she was The View's Emmy reporter.

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3 hours ago, buffynut said:

If I really cared, I'd Google, but I have no idea whatsoever who Kellyanne Conway is.  

For that matter, I only know 3 of the 6 guests listed.   Guess I'm really out of touch these days!

She's Trump's latest spokesperson. 

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I was going to turn the channel when Joy wasn’t there, but I was so happy to see Sunny again and she did not disappoint. Still—they couldn’t have booted Candace or Sara for Joy? What fool is running this show? I only saw the first round of topics and Raven’s emmy clip before Obama interrupted. Sunny calling out both Candace and especially Jedi was wonderful to see. “Terrorism requires a political goal. You know that…” Sunny is on to Jedi’s deliberate fearmongering / Trump spin and I love it. Screw Sara, too. She was useless and doesn’t know what she’s even talking about, just following the buzzwords. I hope Sunny is there tomorrow and doesn’t let up on Conway.

If this is how it’s going to be this year—interchanging Joy and Sunny, with Jedidiah and Candace as constants, this is going to be a very long year, and I’m not sure I’ll put myself through most of the Joyless days.

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If this is how it’s going to be this year—interchanging Joy and Sunny, with Jedidiah and Candace as constants, this is going to be a very long year, and I’m not sure I’ll put myself through most of the Joyless days.

No, just no way!  Joy better not be the rotating mix! Just no.  We are getting CCB, Jediblahblah and airhead Sara as constants? That better not be the plan!

As Green said "What fool is running this show?"

Edited by Vinyasa
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11 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Whoopie was dressed for work today pretty much the same as I dressed the last time I raked leaves and washed the car.

Are you a movie stah/EGOT too, Bronzedog?

Dang it, I wanted to hear Valerie Jarrett. Guess I'll have to look online. 

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Joy was on everyday since the show came back on, I am sure she just wanted a long weekend. But that was nice that they put Sunny on in place to have an intellectual liberal opinion since Whoop and Sara cant give that. and I am guessing that they are having Candace on everyday because she will be taping Hallmark movies or something soon and be gone for awhile, might as well get moneys worth of her. and I am so surprised they are having Jedediah on 4 days a week and Paula 1 day. Jed must do much better in focus group. I wonder if Sunny will start being on regurarly soon. Maybe when Candace starts acting again? or she will just be a regular subsitute for Whoopi, Sara and Joy?

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2 hours ago, Bmarsh said:

and I am so surprised they are having Jedediah on 4 days a week and Paula 1 day. Jed must do much better in focus group.

I don't think they get back information on the co-hosts until near the end of the season. I'm just going by the fact that if this is the reason that Paula has been reduced, it took all last season before they found it out apparently. There's no way Jed's Q rating will be better than Paula or Candace.

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Joy was on everyday since the show came back on, I am sure she just wanted a long weekend. But that was nice that they put Sunny on in place to have an intellectual liberal opinion since Whoop and Sara cant give that.

CCB and airhead Sara have also been on everyday since the show came back on this season.

If they want to bring in Sunny, fine. Just toss out CCB or airhead Sara NOT Joy.

It is already a hot mess that Joy is not the mod on Fridays! Don't make me wonder if she is going to show up during the week.

Edited by Vinyasa
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Okay, here I am ... once again coming to this board to ask someone to explain to me what the hell Whoopi Goldberg's point was. 

I am talking about her being so outraged about that guy who GOT HIS LEG BLOWN OFF (she said it that way like ten times, so dramatic) in Central Park a few months ago.  Somehow that event reveals something about the coverage of the explosions yesterday (in her mind).  But I don't understand what it is.  Is she upset because the Central Park incident ... didn't get all this publicity?  It didn't get labeled "terrorism?" It wasn't described as "radical Islamic terrorism?"  What the hell was her issue? 

I understood she was bothered by people leaping to conclusions about what happened yesterday and calling it "terrorism" and blaming it on this one particular man when so many facts are still outstanding.  People have been blamed for some of these awful acts only to be completely exonerated later and I can't imagine how horrible an experience that must be. But I don't understand what rushing to judgment has to do with the Central Park incident not being called terrorism or getting enough coverage. If anyone can explain what her point was, please enlighten me.

FTR, I had only a vague recollection of the guy getting his foot blown off (not his whole leg, although losing a foot is certainly bad enough) so I looked it up.  It was reported that what he stepped on was most likely a homemade pyrotechnic device that someone had tried to ignite on the 4th of July but it appeared to have failed to go off because of the rain.  Wet matches were found next to it and the police surmised its creator abandoned the device when it didn't go off because they knew how dangerous it was. All it took was this poor dude stepping on it to make it explode.  No terrorism was suspected, much less radical Islamic terrorism.  There didn't appear to be an intent to hurt anyone at all.  It was just incredibly stupid and dangerous and irresponsible.  But it wasn't terrorism.  And I have no idea why Whoopi kept referencing the event while discussing yesterdays intentional bombings. 

ETA: and a big DUH and LOL to Whoopi insisting that it wasn't a fireworks mishap that BLEW A MAN'S LEG OFF in Central Park because they don't make fireworks that can BLOW A MAN'S LEG OFF!!!  First of all, yeah Whoopi they do make shit that can blow your leg off.  Or your head. And I am not just talking about professional level stuff.  You wire together a few M-80s and see what happens.  Or - as it appears happened in this case - some lunatic can make their own fireworks device out of stuff anyone can lay their hands on.  Duh does she really think that the only "fireworks" in the world are bottle rockets or something?  The ignorance ASTOUNDS.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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I understand what you're saying & I chalked it up to Whoopi glomming onto something to be outraged about &, as usual, was talking out of her ass.  I don't give much credence to anything she says & talking about the young man who lost his leg in Central Park had nothing to do with anything, other than it was a "suspected" bomb-making attempt by an amateur.

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I can't stand when Whoopi has some weird point that she thinks everyone cares about. I was so confused by the central park thing and back to the birther thing, Whoopi the crazy right wingers think Obama was born in Kenya NOT Hawaii lol did she miss that???? But I think the problem with this show is the fact they have 3 YES THREE people who've lived in some weird acting bubble and never got proper educations (Whoopi, Candace and Raven) and they all appear to just be missing some basic common sense part of their brain. At least Jedediah and Paula do research and try to be educated LOL. Stop with the hollywooders View PLEASE. A panel of Joy, Meredith, Sunny, Jedediah, Paula would be amazing and balanced. And they are all educated and not complete idiots lol. I hate hearing Sara and Raven say (forgive if I'm wrong or i don't think I'm saying this right) for basic words!!!!!

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Thank you Baby Jesus Sunny is back! If I'm going to make it with this show until election day, I need her on that panel, everyday. (wishful thinking I know!). If I have to hear Candace and Jedawhatever, go on and on about "strong leadership" and "political correctness" (and I'm not sure that Candace actually knows what that word means) then I'm going to lose it. What was Candace even talking about? I at least understood what Jeda (I can't be bothered to look up how to spell her name) was trying to say. I didn't agree with it, but I understood it and it was coherent. Candace is just so out of her depth. Sarah is as well, but she doesn't have a lot of crazy opinions she is trying to push as fact, unlike Candace. I couldn't tell you what Sara believes about anything. 

I am so glad Valerie Jarrett said, what the rest of us already knew, electing a black president didn't magically fix racism in this country. It was never going to. Sure we have made great progress and strides, but up until about 45 years ago people were still fighting school busing and integration in some places. I didn't get to see the rest of Valerie's segment, but I'm glad Sunny brought up the birther issue. Wonder what Candace had to say to that!

I sure hope either Joy or Sunny (or both) are on the panel tomorrow to take on KellyAnne Conway, because she is a piece of work. Actually if I have to choose, as much as I love Joy, I think i'd like to see Sunny be the one to take her on. Joy is just so done with this election and all the lies and when Kellyanne comes on there and lies repeatedly to her face, I think she'll just lose it. When she gets really upset she can get flustered and lose her train of thought. Sunny (like KellyAnne) is a lawyer, and she comes, she comes with research and data to back her up. Like when she took down Paula during the Melania Trump immigration discussion. Paula thought she had something and was reading a statement from one of the immigration attorney's and Sunny came back with, "Well I actually called his boss and spoke to him, and this is what he said". And it was awesome and beautiful and almost makes me forgive her for her screwy marriage/relationship ideas. Almost. 

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53 minutes ago, Bmarsh said:

No, she is the campaign manager not spokesperson. 

Oh, ok. I had her title wrong but she's always on political talk shows cleaning up his messes, er, explaining what he really meant to say. 

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And before Conway worked for Cruz, she was working for Todd Akin, the Missouri Congressman who explained that women can't become pregnant from "legitimate" rape because female body chemistry prevents fertilization under traumatic circumstances.  Birds of a feather....

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Damn. Now I have to wait until this shows up on demand tomorrow to watch it, since the show was interrupted by the "Special Report" and then President Obama's statement.

What little I did see, infuriated me and made me clap for joy, pardon the pun.

I suppose it's because it's terrorists who are Muslims that have been this county's enemy for the past decade and a half, that everyone wants the President or candidates running to say it's "Islamist Terrorists!" when shit like this happens. I guess just calling it "domestic terrorism" is too tame and "not good enough." It reminds me how in 1995, with the Oklahoma City bombing, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE said it was Muslims. And it turned out to be our own home grown Christian/Survivalist nut Timothy McViegh.

Yes, Chipmunk, let us just stop and think for a minute, and then go in, all barrels blasting before we have ALL the information, because that's a sure fire way to prevent this from happening again and proving to whoever, what BALLS the United States has. I believe we did the same thing in 2003, when we invaded Iraq and that's worked out so well for us.

I'm so glad Sunny didn't cave into her or Jediblabla, either. I'm so sure that if this had been done by terrorists of any other faith/religion than Islam, she wouldn't be frothing at the mouth. Or Chipmunk, either.

And yeah, not sure what Whoopi was trying to do--equating the guy who stepped on a fireworks, resulting in blowing his foot off, and that not getting 24/7 hour coverage with what happened this weekend, getting coverage.

And Paula only being on Fridays is something that shouldn't come as a surprise. A few months ago, in the media thread and even in some of the weekly threads, (I think), there was discussion about it--how she was fired, Paula tweeting she "wasn't going anywhere," etc. So her apparently just being a weekly turned out to be true. It's not something that came out of nowhere.

I really, really hope that Sunny being there means those are days where Joy won't be there isn't going to be this year's thing, and Sunny better be there tomorrow, and there better be fucking push back on that hack who is supposed to be on tomorrow.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Kellyanne's looking a little rough these days. The job of excusing the Tribble Headed Demagogue's* latest outrageousness must be taking its toll on her. Maybe she'll get some help from The View's crackerjack hair and makeup team and the lighting crew. Like you, GH, I sure hope Sunny's at the table tomorrow, and Joy, too (and Steve's watching so he can text Joy some tips). 

Edited by merriebreeze
Used the wrong descriptive; demagogue is better
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Joy and Kellyanne got along very well when she was the guest on the after show last season.

I'm sure they did. But Kellyanne wasn't trying to defend racism and evil like she is now. Joy (if she is there) is not going to have it. 

I finally was able to watch the whole Valerie Jarrett segment. I'm glad Whoopi made clear she was there in her official capacity and thus was bared from talking politics. As a former political appointee and federal employee, I totally understand. It is a very fine line to draw and it is always best to just steer clear.

I noticed Candace got her question in. First I love how she framed it, as "in some circles the President has been criticized for not speaking out forcefully enough and quick enough". Uhmm in "some circles"? Why not just come out and be honest and say that's what you think Candace? You did it before she was on stage. big talk when you aren't facing the people you are talking about huh? Then, "So why does it take him so long?" Love that Valerie shut that mess down in a classy and knowledgeable way. Reiterating again, that it is important for the President to know what he is talking about before he speaks, in part so he doesn't screw up any investigations. (I've actually ha to have this discussion with some of my family and other African-american friends who would get frustrated when they felt the President was speaking forcefully or soon enough on some of the police shootings. I explained that as long as they were active investigations what he could say as President was limited. It didn't mean he didn't care or have an opinion. He was try to protect the integrity of the investigation. I'm sure there are a lot of things he felt, a lot of anger, things he would have loved to say right off that bat. But as President, at least a good one that is not appropriate or helpful). I love that Valerie told Miss Candace, the President speaks when he feels it is appropriate to speak, and he felt this morning was appropriate." honestly, I still don't think Candace gets the need more information argument. Every time someone said it, be it Sunny or Whoopi or Valerie Jarrett she just had this blank confused look on her face. Is that really, that hard a concept? The audience seemed to get it. 

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7 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

blank confused look on her face.  Who CCB?  LOL.

I know crazy right? LOL! 

Also I noticed she was not on stage when they interviewed the trans models. I know they sometimes switch out, but this is not the first time I've noticed she's not been on stage for certain guests and topics. 

I actually didn't mind Raven doing the  Emmy stuff. That's what she is best suited for  (if she must be on this show ) not some of the serious topics. She just doesn't have the range. 

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47 minutes ago, spiritof76 said:

I know crazy right? LOL! 

Also I noticed she was not on stage when they interviewed the trans models. I know they sometimes switch out, but this is not the first time I've noticed she's not been on stage for certain guests and topics. 

I actually didn't mind Raven doing the  Emmy stuff. That's what she is best suited for  (if she must be on this show ) not some of the serious topics. She just doesn't have the range. 

Not to mention, the petulant attitude that she often exhibits, when the ladies  on the panel don't agree with her ignorant opinions, because she is the "young" one and the others  are "old" and obsolete..Her nastiness towards Joy at times, drives me up the wall....I get the impression that she is being egged on by Whoopie on the low...

Edited by Apprentice79
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4 hours ago, spiritof76 said:

Also I noticed she was not on stage when they interviewed the trans models. I know they sometimes switch out, but this is not the first time I've noticed she's not been on stage for certain guests and topics. 

Well, after how disgusting and hateful she was during her interview with the actor from Who's the Boss? last year, or her bullshit about the bathroom law in NC, I hope she stays out of interviews with all LGBT individuals for their own sake (and that she GTFO this show, period). I'm just shocked how people like her get a pass still on daytime television.

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14 hours ago, spiritof76 said:

"So why does it take him so long?" Love that Valerie shut that mess down in a classy and knowledgeable way

I wanted to slap CCB, and I'm a big fan of Fuller House.  She should learn not to antagonize people with nonsense, or they might take a pause and not watch her show anymore.  Valerie Jarrett has a J.D., is an advisor to the POTUS, and CCB is D.J. from "set school", and Jodie Sweetin is a better actress than her anyway.

Edited by atomationage
continuing to rant
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Did  KellyAnne  not show up?????????? Damn!

I wonder if she was afraid she'd have to explain why she thinks Trump should be president now after all the things she said about him.

It's odd, though ... I've seen her on lots of news shows but I've never seen her asked about this particular thing. I think they don't bother because the explanation is so obvious. She's on his payroll now and she's just a damn hypocrite. But maybe she thought the panel would actually bother to go there and she didn't want to face it. 

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Well, well no Kellyanne! Can't say I'm sorry. They could have run out of time. But my hunch is she cancelled. Trump people were all over Sunday morning shows and they just got hammered left and right. I can see the campaign deciding not to risk it today. Besides there's some more stuff brewingabout Trump Foundation donations and how Donald used his charity to pay off legal fees for his business, which is against the law. She might be putting out fires right now.

I like Jamie Lee Curtis, but was it just me or did she seems a little scattered?  I liked her book and the idea of the suitcase. But she kept jumping around to different things. So even Whoopi gets it right ever so often and I'm glad she said she is worried more about domestic terrorism than Syrian immigrants. I know as a black woman I'm more worried about the Dylan Roofs out there than terrorists. Heck at this point I'm more worried about the police, because apparently having car trouble on the side of the ride is now added to the long list of things black aren't allowed to do. And of course Candace just sat there with that blank look on her face again. 

Loved Cookie Johnson! Will be reading her book. I remember when Magic Johnson announced he had HIV, and boy it really shook the whole country. At the time we still didn't know a lot about the disease and the life expectancy was not long. Everyone thought we were going to see this big athlete wither away and die. I can't believe it has been 25 years! I actually forget he even has HIV. But he and Cookie really put their money and their faith where their mouth is and did a lot of education and outreach in the black community, he did work with kids with AIDS. And of course he went on to be a successful businessman by investing in the black community. 

And yes as Candace mentioned Cookie and Magic are devout Christians. But they are also the proud parents of a very out and proud gay son. Wonder if Ms. Holy Ghost knew that. Both Magic and Cookie spoke out about how they love and support their son, full stop. I'm sure she probably writes about it in the book. I know they were pressed for time butI would have loved for her to have a chance to talk about that. 

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1 hour ago, honeydo7 said:

Loved hearing JLC talk about inclusion & say all Americans are immigrants....plus the fact that Ms. Curtis's words got CCB & Jedi to shut-up & stop their hateful comebacks!

But Chipmunk did stop the conversation by jumping in when Jamie Lee was about to talk/explain the Hillary pin, with the new season of Scream Queens, because, you know, John Stamos Uncle Jesse was on this season, and then kissing up to her about loving her, blah, blah, blah.

And then pulling out that BIG DARN Bible that she lugs around with her. Again, I have to say, that this is NOT The 700 Club or whatever the name of that show is.

And I just knew, knew that the moment Cookie Johnson said her faith got her through after Magic's announcement that he was HIV, Chipmunk would jump in and ask how her faith defines her as a person. I'm glad that faith helped a lot, but I was more interested in how they managed, considering the misconceptions and ignorance of the disease back then, and how they all got through it--from a medical standpoint.

I love the idea of 25 carats for 25 years, but lord was that ring gaudy. But anything over 4 carats would be.

35 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I betcha CCB would have no problem allowing Christian Syrians into this country. Ugh, how can someone who claims to love Jesus be so hateful?

 Yeah, what happened to Kellyanne Conway?

Oh yes, she would. Because she wouldn't be able to believe there are such things as Syrian Christians.  And man, why didn't Whoopi, who pontificates to the extreme when she is speaking, not demand where Chipmunk heard that Hillary was willing to allow 500% without vetting or whatever bullshit she was spouting? Oh! I know why!  Because Sunny wasn't there.  And I will believe it's because Sunny wasn't there that that bottle-bleached blonde hateful, hack Conway wasn't there, and I was more than happy that she wasn't there.

Jediblabla can just SHUT IT.  She's like a recording on an unending loop, spouting the same bullshit. I really wish Joy had been allowed to complete her thought--about how a lot of the "hot bed" areas also come from Brussels and France-and that Jediblabla was talking about brown-skinned people. Just as Chipmunk read off like a checklist of the stabbing in MN being someone from Somalia (Brown-CHECK!); San Bernadino shooting (Brown-CHECK!) and so on.

As far as I'm concerned, both Whoopi and Joy, JOY! dropped the ball, by failing to mention Timothy McVeigh, David Koresh. Just mentioning England and Ireland, the latter I assume they meant the IRA. So by Jediblabla and that Orange Warthog's standards, NO ONE that is NOT from Europe, or whose skin color is two shades darker than their own, should be allowed in to the United States. Because Europe has several countries who have "hot beds" of terrorism, as does India, Pakistan, etc. Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe they aren't held to the same standard because they're not "ISLAMIST RADICAL TERRORISTS!!!!" As if only that one faith has the dubious honor of having radical terrorists.

And just what the fuck was all that "As a woman" nonsense she said to Cookie Johnson?

I really, really, really wanted the camera to cut away to Chipmunk's face when Jamie Lee talked about Hillary's work and principals.

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Both Jedawhatever and Candace annoyed me during the profiling/immigration discussion. But please forgive me, even though I never agree with any of her points Jedadiah at least sounds like she knows what she's talking about. Why is that? Maybe she is just more practiced. I don't know.  Candace is always, always reading off those blue cards when she is trying to defend her position or ask a question and it doesn't even sound like she knows what she's reading. I bet if you asked her where she heard that Hillary wanted to let in 500% more Syrians with no vetting, she couldn't tell you. Someone looked that up, gave it to her with no context  (because I'm sure there was more to what Hillary said) and she is so lacking in curiosity it didn't occur to her to do look into more. 

Agreed Cookie's ring was a bit much. I can't imagine she wears it everyday. But I follow she and Magic on Instagram and they really are cute together. Very loving and family oriented. 

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