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The Office (US) - General Discussion

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I was home sick today, so I re-watched a lot of episodes. Since the show has ended, I have started to find more moments to love. As the saying goes, "absence makes the heart grow fonder."


First episode that was completely under-appreciated is S6 Happy Hour. Really the entire arc with Isabel has basically been forgotten by most. She was out of Dwight's league, but I like her a lot. Angela was barking at Dwight about their sex contract Isabel just smacked her on the head like a whack-a-mole "whack!"


Another thing that never got my attention was a line from S3 Beach Games. Dwight says to Angela, "If Michael organizes some sort of a group hug later, I want you to stand next to me." That's the most dysfunctional relationship and the sweetest. Also, Michael Scott is totally the type of person who would organize a group hug! Such great writing.


Last thing, S6 New Leads is not a good episode. It gets worse on re-watch. The green screen is such low quality. Just skip it.


Just knowing that Dwight and Angela are endgame makes their story so much richer. If she ended up with Andy that would have sucked.

What episodes are you guys appreciating more now that you know how the show ends?

  • Love 2

wow you guys are good!!


Sorry don't always remember episode names.   I started watching The Office on TBS than joined in the regular season think around season 5.  In the beginning Andy use to make me laugh by the end I thought he was the worst character.  Loved Jim and still do.  Wish I could find my own Jim.  Pam is sweet.  Ryan was ridiculous but fun.   Dwight and Angela just had to end up together!! I would have been so disappointed if they didn't.

   The finale had many great sweet parts to it.   Liked that the office people all went upstairs together to have a drink.  Only sad part to me was Toby did not have a happy ending.

They could have made Toby end up with Nellie. It seemed like he liked her and she was clearly single. That's one of those things I will just pretend actually happened. Didn't Nellie run off to raise Ryan's baby? Let's just agree that Toby and Nellie are raising that baby in the "Scranton of the E.U." (I forget what town she said she lives in)


Was anything else left unfinished in the finale for you guys? Maybe Erin and Pete/Plop?

  • Love 3

The one thing I didn't like about the finale was the unveiling of the office mural which had 'everyone' in it.. except it was in the warehouse and had none of the warehouse guys... I always thought it was weird there was a such a divide between the office and the warehouse.


Was it ever explained why Michael hated Toby so much? I was hoping there would be something about it but I never remember finding out.


@tribeca the Pam/Jim story (in the beginning, pre marriage and kids) reminds me of me and my partner, a lot. Like the first season sometimes made me cringe because it was quite similar to how we ended up together.. except my 'roy' wasn't working with us at least.


I did love how Jim remembered everything, how he kept the letter and was very sentimental about everything.

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Was it ever explained why Michael hated Toby so much?


It seemed like there wasn't a concrete reason. I don't think anything happened between the two, Michael just hated so much about the things that Toby chose to be. Earlier in the series, Michael seems like he hates Toby because he got a divorce. Since having a family was everything Michael ever wanted, he hated that Toby "opted out" of being in his own family. 


It definitely wasn't explained though.

  • Love 4

Cool thanks @BoogieBurns

The other question I thought of was why Michael liked Ryan so much. I just don't really get it, even when he realised ryan was a manipulative bastard he still idolised him.


I thought it was interesting that they showed how much the cast had grown and bettered themselves but Ryan and Kelly were still the same shallow people they were in the beginning.

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This is totally random, but I was rewatching the last Dundies episode with Michael Scott and he makes a comment about the Dundies being like the Golden Globes, but less mean. I can't believe I missed that the first few times I watched (I mean went over my head). That had to be a joke about the critics saying Ricky Gervais' hosting of the GG was mean spirited. I thought RG was hilariously awesome hosting, but if that line was referencing that, then that's pretty great!

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Gervais hosted the Golden Globes for the first time in 2010 and "The Dundies" aired in 2005.


Speaking of "The Dundies", I'm reaching season 2 and it's one of my favorite episodes ever. I say "I feel god in this Chili's tonight" way more often than appropriate. Another favorite is "Office Olympics", Kevin putting the wrong hand over his heart during the medal ceremony never fails to crack me up. Kevin is my favorite .

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...I often hear that the show didn't find itself until season 2, but after a recent rewatch I have to say how much I love most of Season 1. Diversity Day, Health Care and The Alliance are all probably among my top 15 episodes of the whole series. And probably 14 of those top 15 hail from the first four seasons :) 

  • Love 4
I also wished that Toby would have gotten a happier ending


I think he did, though - when they were all leaving after the wedding, everyone wanted to go have a drink. Toby said he didn't think he would go, and then they were all "Come on, we want you there, it won't be the same without you" and then he grins and says "Okay" and Daryl (I believe) puts an arm around his shoulder and they take him into the fold, and he's all happy.  



Was it ever explained why Michael hated Toby so much?



What's ironic is Toby then in turned treated Clark the same way, when he comes into the room while Toby is talking to Jim, he barely gets in and Toby is going "Out, get out," and tells Jim "Look, he's just gonna linger. I hate that guy."

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I too always wondered why Michael had this irrational dislike for Toby. I think he explained in one episode he does not like anyone who works for HR because they work under corporate which Michael did not consider part of their "family." Michael had the same distaste for Holly initially when she took Toby's place in Season 5. But I like to think that's what makes Michael's dislike for Toby funny- because there's no real reason or rationale to it. He just hates him and it's a running gag throughout the series. And because it's never really explained, that makes it even funnier.

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Jim & Pam are my all time favorite TV couple.  Even with their problems in the last season that had such a sweetness to them that I rarely see in TV married couples.

   Although I miss this show I am happy they ended it on such a high note.  The finale IMHO was perfect and made the series one that you wanted to watch again. It's amazing how much people cared about this characters.

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My boyfriend is rewatching the series right now, and I've rewatched it probably 6 times and took a short break, but I keep being reminded of Michael quotes I love. Most recently, the one where he tries to sing Aretha Franklin's "Respect" and messes up the letters...R-E-S-PCEVEE-T!


Had to Google what episode, it was Women's Appreciation. Lots of great quotes from that episode.

I just have to ramble for a second about what a strange relationship I have with S3 :) In some ways it's my least favorite of those first four seasons: Jim being in the Stamford office for the early part of the season still makes those episodes feel so 'off' to me overall even though they contain some great individual scenes, I never had any idea of who Karen's character was supposed to be and felt she was a Just There waste of screentime to prolong the Jim/Pam angst, Pam getting back together with Roy even temporarily really annoys me, realistic as it may be, and the lows of this season just feel lower to me as compared to S1, S2 and even S4. The thing is, though, the highs of this season are pretty much the zenith of the whole series for me---even more than S2. Even if there are only, say, eight or nine S3 episodes that I could rewatch all the time, those 8-9 episodes are all among my very favorite episodes on any sitcom ever. So in some weird way S3 is the season I'd most want to keep if I could have just one...even if I'll probably never watch some of the episodes again. 

Edited by amensisterfriend

I don't think I've watched an episode of The Office since the finale. Not surprising, since I was pretty much hate-watching the last couple of seasons. The first three seasons were great, but I've seen them way too many times. I thought S4, S5, and the first half of S6 were pretty good. Anything after that, I have no desire to re-watch.



I feel like it would be more. Because the desk wasn't just wrapped in Christmas paper, it was an entire fake desk. Just an example. Maybe I'll do the math this weekend, happy to re-watch prank episodes.


Edit: Also, he published a book to trick Dwight, and I'm sure he paid Asian Jim. 

Edited by BoogieBurns

I'm re-watching for the third time.  I'm one who didn't see Seasons 1-5 during first run; I began in syndication and then joined weekly in Season 6.  Since the finale I've done the whole series twice, but have watched "Goodbye Michael" at least five times.  I still tear up.


Currently, I'm in Season 4 and just finished "Did I Stutter?".  I've rarely seen it mentioned but I think it's one of the best, easily in my top ten.  It struck me that this is the real beginning of the growth of Michael Scott.  He's had glimmers in earlier episodes, little baby spurts of awareness, but this is the first time I see a true difference.  When Stanley tells Michael that he doesn't respect him, there's no way an earlier season Michael would have been able to say, "I can accept that."  In Seasons 1-3 he would have pulled every OTT stunt he could think of to get Stanley to change his mind.  Or at least retract.


Now, Michael is never ever going to be the poster child for self-awareness or maturity.  But it was a start.


Plus Steve Carell acted the hell out of that episode; he was fantastic.

Edited by amaranta
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I really like Did I Stutter? as well! I feel like it's often mentioned as one of the worst episodes from the show's golden age, but it's always worked really well for me. 


It's funny how impressions of certain episodes and seasons change depending on my own current mood/experiences etc. S2 used to be the undisputed best season for  me--not just of this show, but of almost any show ever. But I find the episodes a lot less rewatchable than I used to (granted, I may just have overdosed on them!), and just in general have less love for the Jim/Pam will they-won't they tension than I used to now that I know it  continues until the very end of S3. S3 and S4, though, are always even better than I'd remembered. I still don't have any idea who Karen was supposed to be  as a character and I can't even watch Pam's brief but ill-fated reconciliation with Roy despite (because of?!) feeling it was realistic, but S3 is such a funny, smart, compelling and just generally amazing season of TV IMO. And S4 is just so rewatchable and (IMO!) underrated for me. I find the Jan/Michael stuff and even a lot of the Ryan stuff really fascinating in a can't-look-away-from-the-train-wreck way and darkly funny, and it's just such a relief to me to have Jim and Pam finally together. 


There are other sitcoms sweeter and more heartwarming than The Office, even during those glorious first four or so season---though I do think the moments of emotional poignancy tend to be phenomenally well done---but there's something about this show's humor and insight that still just works for me better than pretty much any other sitcom ever. 

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I've been rewatching yet again, and I figured I'd share a few random unpopular opinions for those who still love this show enough to read and chat about it :) 


1) I kind of love Season 7. Not as much as S1, S2, S3 and S4, but more than any post-S4 season and more than most seasons of non-Office sitcoms. Michael's growth was just so believably done---he was a better version of himself while still amusingly HIM. My beloved Jim/Pam were still relatively happy and angst-free. Andy was still more likable, and I actually found Erin/Andy endearing. Threat Level Midnight, Michel's Last Dundies and Goodbye, Michael delight me beyond the telling of it :) 


2) I love S1 as well, including the much maligned Pilot. And Diversity Day remains one of my very favorites of the entire series :) 


3) I obviously get why people hated him, but Todd Packer amused me to the point where I wish he'd been around more often. 


4) Somehow I always enjoyed Ryan in all his many incarnations. I didn't like and root for him, but I enjoyed watching him. 


5) I don't love Dwight/Angela as much as most do. 


6) I didn't really like Holly or Holly/Michael as much as I wanted to until S7. 


7) S4 is so underrated and contains a disproportionate number of the series' VERY best episodes IMO. 


8) Pam's famous speech in Beach Games doesn't really work for me. I love Pam/Jenna Fisher, and I totally get that that speech showed she was becoming more assertive and confident and all that, but the speech itself just never hits me like it's supposed to. 


9) I've rewatched S3 a million times and still have no idea who Karen was supposed to be or what her relationship with Jim was really like. 


10) This show has its problems and isn't always as rewatchable for me as I had expected, but I doubt that I'll ever fall in love with another comedy as deeply as I did with this one, and it will always have a huge place in my TV-obsessed heart :) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
  • Love 4
  On 2/22/2016 at 4:03 PM, amensisterfriend said:



3) I obviously get why people hated him, but Todd Packer amused me to the point where I wish he'd been around more


I'm rewatching S2 right now and Packer has made a couple appearances. What's funny is the character is SO awful that I cringe when he appears, yet I enjoy watching them all react to him. The contrast between Michael, who is just so inexplicably enamored with this guy, and everyone else who is clearly put off by him is just so funny. Everyone just kind of grimaces in the background every time the guy opens his mouth, and clueless Michael just doesn't even see it. My impression is he probably doesn't even like Packer that much but he likes the idea of having this buddy that he can bond with and tell stories about, even though the bonding is usually at his expense.

  • Love 4

I just posted some of these questions in the Parks and Rec section (seriously, my need to procrastinate knows NO bounds!) and wanted to do some Office ones as well. Needless to say, feel free to skip any that you don't want to answer and to add questions of your own! 


1) If you could pick just 3-5 favorite major characters, they would be...

2) If you could pick just 3-5 minor characters, they would be...

3) Your three or so favorite romantic relationships?

4) Your three or so favorite platonic relationships?

5) Your least favorite characters/relationships?

6) Your 2-3 favorite seasons?

7) Your least favorite season(s)?

8) If you could keep just 10-15 episodes to watch for the rest of your life, they would be...

9) The five or so episodes you like least are...

10) If you had to work at Dunder Mifflin, the job you'd most want is ...

11) If you could/had to date any of the main characters in real life, you'd pick... (and we can pretend age is not an issue here!)

12) The Office decides to do something super experimental. Would you rather see a murder mystery, musical or sci-fi-ish 'alternative universe' episode?


I'll come back after my next cup (more like vat) of coffee to answer some of my own questions :) 

Edited by amensisterfriend

---I just finished my latest rewatch, and it reminded me all over again of why this was and always will be one of my very favorite shows. Maybe even my VERY favorite. And give how much TV I watch and become pathetically obsessed with, that's saying a lot :) 


I think the biggest change was how much I grew to love Holly and Michael/Holly this time around. She brings out his best (well, comparatively better!) self without trying to change him and accepting his Michael-ness. As Jim notes, she's "a major dork," and I love that she's so geeky, relatably socially awkward, etc. yet still sweet, smart and sane---by Office standards---rather than an over-the-top, ultra-quirky caricature. And that proposal scene was so perfect in every way---not just because it was so simultaneously sweet and amusing, but because it was so very THEM!


Speaking of which, as I mentioned, I've grown to REALLY love S7. I might even give it my fourth place yogurt lid medal, right below S4 and S2 and S1, if S1 even counts as a full season. S3 has really, really high highs but also some fairly low lows for me. (Not even low in terms of objective quality, just low as in not especially entertaining for me to watch for a variety of reasons! And I think I'm just doomed to feel like sitcom characters played by Rashida Jones are devoid of any sort of personality.) S5 was better than I had remembered, but still nowhere near my favorite, and I still have some regret over how the entire art school arc was handled. The less said about S6, S8 and S9, the better, though even those seasons have some episodes and moments that were well worth rewatching for me. It's not even that they're terrible seasons of TV, just not up to the lofty standards The Office had set for itself...IMO, obviously :)  

Edited by amensisterfriend
  • Love 2

I re-watched all seasons this summer and almost thoroughly enjoyed it, with the exception of Andy's many personality changes. Also, one thing that thoroughly bugged me is Pam's weird job role. I love the idea that she graduated from being a receptionist but it was really hard to tell what her job was. She was sort of like an office manager and a little like HR. And then they let her do murals which was odd and unnecessary and if I were one of the other office workers, I definitely would have been a little resentful.

Then today I received a call from Staples, where my office orders its office supplies from, and the salewoman was pitching their other services, like printing of brochures, training materials, printing supplies, etc. And it made me think, why didn't they have Pam doing some kind of design services for the company? Is it possible that Dunder Mifflin corporate had a whole design department, or that they out-sourced services like that? I'd think that when David Wallace bought DM, did DM essentially become a small business with no NYC- or Florida-based corporate office? They could have created a design division that Pam could have been part of. 

Probably unrealistic in the same way that Pam's new title/role were unrealistic.

Yes, I've officially given this show too much thought.

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  On 3/11/2016 at 9:09 PM, RustbeltWriter said:

I've been re-watching some later seasons and I've come to the conclusion Robert California was more fun than I gave him credit for. Spader unleashed is pretty funny.


Agreed! I think in the moment, he annoyed me because it felt like he was getting in the way of what The Office should rightfully be, with a real manager who was one of our own, and true Dunder Mifflin (not the Sabre affiliate). But watching them now, he is such an interesting, effective character who didn't feel like a re-hash of any of the other characters.

He also bugged me initially because it was my first look at middle-aged James Spader, who had been SO GORGEOUS in his (and my) youth. Now watching him, it adds so much to the character, because a man who looks like Robert California (pudgy, long hair but also balding) has no business being as successful and charismatic as he is, but too bad, he really was, and that was funny to me. 

On a fairly unrelated note, I loved how many tall men were on this show. Jim, Dwight, Andy to a lesser extent, Roy, Kevin, even Gabe ... TV stars tend to be so short. I like a tall drink of water. :)

  • Love 8

I found a funny little article that talks about the legal trouble the characters would've gotten in if it was real life. Made me laugh because I remember all the hilarious moments from the show like when Michael grilled his foot on a George foreman grill lol! Thought you guys might enjoy. The office rules!!



  • Love 2

He explains it very well in the Casino Night episode:



The two part "The Delivery" Part 1 directed by Seth Gordon and Part 2 by Harold Ramis, is probably one of my favorite episodes even though in the beginning Pam drives me CRAZY, having contractions but refusing to go to the hospital for some dumbass reason. She is so, so frustrating. The episodes have probably the funniest Jim and Pam moment where Pam accidentally breast feeds the wrong baby! I laughed so hard when I first saw it. Dwight's great. When they want to call ambulance once Pam finally decides to go and his line "Ambulances are for emergencies only. You call an ambulance I call the cops!" Then later going to Jim and Pam's house to retrieve her iPod but wrecking their kitchen to try and repair a cabinet he found some mold. I love that Michael thought he was the one who set Pam and Jim up in the first place and now he thinks he can matchmaker for the other people in the office.

  • Love 3

I was pretty much a latecomer to the series- I watched the first few episodes of the last season, and I binged the series on Netflix along the way.

I think the fact that I did probably helped me be a little less critical of the later seasons than the TWOP members who had been with the show for almost a decade. I thought the show bobbled for a bit between the time Micheal left in season 7 and the beginning of 9, but I thought the final season was pretty strong. My personal favorites for the show were season 5, season 4, and season 2. Definitely one of the rarer instances when the show actually manages to be at its strongest during the mid-years of the series instead of the beginning. Probably why it did manage to last so long.

I did think it was stupid they spent so much time on Andy/Erin shit during the last half of the series, only for Andy torpedo the whole thing. Andy seemed like he was obsessed with chasing the romance, but couldn't actually be bothered to sustain a relationship. Totally glad for Pete- I wish they hadn't cut some of the scenes with them but I get that the end of the series had some pretty valuable real estate.

Some favorite moments: "Try my cookie, cookie!", Dwight's fire drill, Micheal Scott's Paper Company, Creed attempting to be a 29-year old, and "Did you think I was retarded?" as well as Meredith's admitting she was sleeping with a distributor for discounts.

The finale was just beautiful.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I just watched this show the first time. I know I know late to the party. Man it was definitely binge worthy(thanks Netflix!) except season 8 gosh it was really terrible ( did not like Robert California despite how great JS is). Loved the cast chemistry and the acting, it had such funny moments mixed with heartwarming. You realize when you are watching a great show when you get second hand embarrassment for the characters (i.e Phyliss wedding Michael Scott's behaviour ) . I love Jim and Pam to pieces, seriously one of the best couples on tv they had, believable from start to finish.

Every character worked in their own way, grew to love Dwight what an odd duck he was. Angela actually warmed up to and I felt sorry for her in the later seasons with the mayor and Oscar, Darryl, Ryan and his shenanigans and schemes, Kevin, Meredith, Stanley even poor Toby. Andy I liked but never really loved like Michael. Its hard to pick a favorite season, a lot of them had such great episodes. I did not enjoy the Jim and Pam angst though I know they wanted to drag it out a bit. 

I like seeing others thoughts on everything being a newer fan of the show its interesting

  • Love 1

My wife got into the show before I did, but during a particularly snowy couple weeks, pre-Netflix, we binged the first three seasons on rented DVDs.

After the S2 finale, it was all I could do to get the first disc of S3 in the player fast enough.  Have no idea how the folks watching it first-run could wait four months to see where they went with it.

  • Love 1

I've just finished binge watching The Office so I thought I'd check in to see what people have said about this show.  I'm not going to bore you with my opinion except to say it's obvious I liked it well enough to watch the entire series and also, you guys liked Michael Scott more than I do.  In fact, there were times I loathed him.

But I will comment on the question of Karen since some people have posted that they were uncertain as to what her purpose was.  I though the show made it clear that Karen was Jim's rebound.  In fact, they pretty much make that clear when Michael picks up that waitress in "Benihana Christmas."


Michael: Why do I feel like crap?

Jim: You just had a rebound.
Michael: I had a rebound.
Jim: Yeah. Which, don't get me wrong, can be a really fun distraction, but when it's over... you're left thinking about the girl you really like. The one that broke your heart.


Seems simple enough.

Edited by mjforty
  • Love 4
  On 4/11/2017 at 2:03 AM, methodwriter85 said:

I did think it was stupid they spent so much time on Andy/Erin shit during the last half of the series, only for Andy torpedo the whole thing. Andy seemed like he was obsessed with chasing the romance, but couldn't actually be bothered to sustain a relationship. Totally glad for Pete- I wish they hadn't cut some of the scenes with them but I get that the end of the series had some pretty valuable real estate.


Ed Helms had to take a leave of absence from the show through much of the first half of the last season to film the final Hangover movie so they wrote him leaving to go sail with his brother. I liked them but people weren't invested in them as they were Jim/Pam that producers couldn't just decide to undo it.

  On 6/15/2017 at 7:50 AM, mjforty said:

I've just finished binge watching The Office so I thought I'd check in to see what people have said about this show.  I'm not going to bore you with my opinion except to say it's obvious I liked it well enough to watch the entire series and also, you guys liked Michael Scott more than I do.  In fact, there were times I loathed him.


I understand. I like Michael but there were times he drove me crazy with his need to be the center of attention and his inconsiderateness. When he was lecturing at Ryan's college and he casually tore that kid's book apart. College textbooks are expensive! Even when you buy them secondhand on Amazon!

A guy online I follow Bitter Script Reader made a chronological list of 16 favorite TV shows in his blog and listed The Office. In his post he uses "The Client" from season 2 as an example of how great the writers were developing the characters.



"By now, we've seen Michael's immature antics screw up enough times that we completely empathize with Jan's cringing when Michael interrupts her "all-business" pitch with entreaties to order an "awesome blossom" for the table. By the time he's singing the "I want my baby-back, baby-back, baby-back ribs" jingle, Jan looks like she wants to crawl under the table in embarrassment and we're right there with her.

It's not until near the end of the meal that we look at this moment and Michael in a new light. The client keeps falling back on "budget cuts" as a major concern for him. We come into a conversation later in the night, as the two men are apparently bonding over their local histories.

Spent my whole life right here in Lackawanna County and I do not intend on moving. I know this place. I know how many hospitals we have. I know how many schools we have. It's home, you know? I know the challenges that this county is up against. Here's the thing about those discount suppliers, they don't care. They come in, they undercut everything, and they run us out of business. And then, once we're all gone, they jack up the prices.

He's spent the whole night getting the conversation to this point. The client agrees. Jan tries to interject and Michael promptly shushes her. He knows that her help isn't needed, and seconds later, the client agrees to meet them halfway. And all of that is because Michael knew how to appeal to the guy on a personal level, not a business one.

That moment takes the oddity of Michael's leadership and immediately explains it. No matter how bad he is as a manager, he knows how to read people and spent the whole night softening the guy up for that pitch. We understand that he must have been a great salesman and that this success is probably what got him promoted to branch manager. It's the Peter Principle in action - he got promoted one level past his competence.



There were a lot of episodes from that season I would personally highlight but I like it for the reason given above. Carrell also plays that moment so well. When he makes that pitch you're like Jan going "Whoa!" As Jacob on TWoP said he earns that kiss at the end!

  • Love 5
  On 6/15/2017 at 7:50 AM, mjforty said:

I've just finished binge watching The Office so I thought I'd check in to see what people have said about this show.  I'm not going to bore you with my opinion except to say it's obvious I liked it well enough to watch the entire series and also, you guys liked Michael Scott more than I do.  In fact, there were times I loathed him.


I hate Michael.  Always did.  Currently watching Season 6 premiere Gossip and the way he is about Stanley's affair.  He is so despicable.  Just a shallow, hollowed-out, bad person.  He's only selfish and all about himself.  I never understood liking him.

I am a fan of the show, though.

  On 3/15/2016 at 7:54 PM, amensisterfriend said:

I just posted some of these questions in the Parks and Rec section (seriously, my need to procrastinate knows NO bounds!) and wanted to do some Office ones as well. Needless to say, feel free to skip any that you don't want to answer and to add questions of your own! 


Favourite characters


Erin, Dwight, Ryan, Toby

I also love Charles Miner and D'Angelo Vickers.

Oscar, Stanley, Creed, Kelly, and Darryl are fine too.  Jim in later seasons.

Favourite Seasons

3, 2, 5, 7?


I love the Andy/Erin romance and wish it wasn't ruined.
I lowkey love Ryan and Kelly of course.  

Least favourite relationships: I hate how smug Pam gets when she finally is with Jim.  I hate Karen and Jim.  I hate Michael and Holly - the couple is fine I guess, I just don't like either of them as characters, but I guess it makes sense that they like each other.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 1

I definitely disagree with this Buzzfeed article(especially about how Pam should have ended up with the boom guy). Luckily the comments section is filled with nice counterarguments.

Sorry To Break This To You, But Jim From "The Office" Is Actually A Dick

Is Jim perfect? No, but neither is Pam. If they were I would grow tired of them after a few seasons. One of the funniest "cringe" moments on the show didn't involve Michael but in the episode where Pam gives birth to their first child and she(thanks to Jim) nurses the wrong baby!

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  On 9/2/2017 at 7:48 PM, VCRTracking said:

I definitely disagree with this Buzzfeed article(especially about how Pam should have ended up with the boom guy). Luckily the comments section is filled with nice counterarguments.

Sorry To Break This To You, But Jim From "The Office" Is Actually A Dick



Saw the article a few days ago. Had to laugh at the commenters - article was straight up trolling, and they all took the hook.

My problem with the Jim Halpert character is this: Once he got the girl, the writers had absolutely no idea what to do with him. Or Pam. If you view The Office as a love story (and some people do), an argument can be made that everything after "Niagara" is superfluous.

  • Love 2
  On 9/13/2017 at 4:57 PM, Kip Hackman said:

Saw the article a few days ago. Had to laugh at the commenters - article was straight up trolling, and they all took the hook.

My problem with the Jim Halpert character is this: Once he got the girl, the writers had absolutely no idea what to do with him. Or Pam. If you view The Office as a love story (and some people do), an argument can be made that everything after "Niagara" is superfluous.


There were two primary things that drove the show originally: Michael's search for happiness despite his many problems as a person and the Jim and Pam love story. After Jim and Pam got married I was still into the show because of Michael. Once Michael got his happy ending and left to be with Holly the show was basically over. It tried afterwards to be about the workplace itself but it just didn't work. What I like about the other shows made by the same people is Parks and Recreation isn't a love story. It has love stories in them(Leslie and Ben, Andy and April) but it's more about Leslie's political career and this crazy town. Brooklyn Nine Nine is about the precinct, not just Jake and Amy.

Edited by VCRTracking
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