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Jeremy and Auj Poj

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Audj  sticks close enough to the Roloffs for those TLC checks and  "their (hers and Jer"s)" share of Roloff Farm Inc., that is , any bone or incentive Matt dangles in front of them since he is their co- signer on their mortgage, car loans,  any seed money for her hair brained ideas.

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OMG. Former family. Um, no.  When they split, will she tell their daughter that Jeremy is her former family?  Jeremy probably won't even be allowed to see her without a long custody battle.   So I guess this daughter to be doesn't  have aunts, uncles or grandparents with the same last name(Roloff).   


Edited to add- on the other hand, the quote is part of an article that refers to Jeremy and Audrey being 'their' son and daughter in law. The 'their' being Amy and her boyfriend, Chris. Bet Matt loved that paragraph. 


Article also says Audrey feuded with Amy when Amy decided to divorce Matt.   We all know the divorce was the other way around, even though that IS how Auj  and Jer keep trying to play it. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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I wonder what will be the reason for when they split (and they will split); possibly when Audrey gives birth to their second child...and that baby is also a girl!

Edited by Caracoa1
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Audj 's pregnancy will take such a toll on her beauty(*cough*puke*) turning her into a dry husk of her former self that she will not risk getting pregnant again...like KimKardash a surrogate will be hired...Matt will pay.

Audj will be fishing for compliments 24/7 to boost her fragile ego.

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Sorry, Auj and Jer can insist Amy left Matt all they want, that just makes them the perpetrators of a lie. Matt left the marital home, and Amy clearly wanted to work things out. Personally, I find it hilarious that they'd even try to paint a narrative where Amy somehow initiated the divorce. Further, if that's the Christian judgement these two little bitches want to pass, then perhaps it's time the two little bitches grew a set and started answering hard questions like the adults they pretend to be.

I mean, Jeremy IS a man, right? Perhaps it's time he managed to answer "Do you approve of how your father lies to your mother about money? As a married man, do you follow your father's example? Audrey, as a woman of Christ, married, please don't answer any questions as you've publically stated Jeremy is your decision maker, so be quiet and let your man speak".

How about Jeremy articulating on camera what he thinks dissolved his parents marriage? I mean, he's got his bitch face on but when the time comes for being a man, Jeremy is still a little boy who stands behind Daddy Matt and can't say boo without checking with Matt or Audrey first.

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Does Auj know that the sign she is holding in that pic, "She is more precious than rubies" refers to WISDOM? Has she read the Bible? Tori made the sign. Is this her subtle way of throwing shade on her sister in law? LOL.


(ESV) Proverbs 3:13  Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, 

and the one who gets understanding, 

14  for the gain from her is better than gain from silver 

and her profit better than gold. 

15  She is more precious than jewels, 

and nothing you desire can compare with her.

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I doubt Auj saw anything more than a quote that suggested her lil Peculiar Dynamic is more precious than a gemstone.

Remember, this is the Christian Covenant married smartypants who quoted Nietzsche on marriage. Without any thought about the implications.

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So she is imagining that Jeremy will die tragically leaving her with 5 children and she will be remarried within 3 months of his death? Because that is the story of the blogger Freckled Fox. Or maybe she just sees that precious red hair. 

Edited by TeeMo
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13 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

(ESV) Proverbs 3:13  Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, 

and the one who gets understanding, 

14  for the gain from her is better than gain from silver 

and her profit better than gold. 

15  She is more precious than jewels, 

and nothing you desire can compare with her.

Proverbs 31:10

10  Who can find a virtuous wife?
For her worth is far above rubies.

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3 hours ago, artisto said:

Proverbs 31:10

10  Who can find a virtuous wife?
For her worth is far above rubies.

So that's just more confusing. Tori makes a sign for the baby about being a virtuous wife? Huh?

And the freckledfox thing? Maybe Jer should start watching his back.....

Edited by MargeGunderson
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I have a feeling we're in for many "too much info!!!" moments with Auj after little Peculiar Dynamic Ruby arrives.  Yesterday she posted an Insta story of a bunch of sanitary pads she has treated with oils and aloe and is storing in the freezer to use after delivery. 

She also posted a video Jer took of her opening a box of her new onesies designs, and he was obviously failing at his attempt to provide enthusiastic commentary about it. 

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12 minutes ago, Katydid said:

I have a feeling we're in for many "too much info!!!" moments with Auj after little Peculiar Dynamic Ruby arrives.  Yesterday she posted an Insta story of a bunch of sanitary pads she has treated with oils and aloe and is storing in the freezer to use after delivery. 

I can't....even....

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29 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Can anyone link Audrey's insta-story ?  I need a laugh today but I never know how to find anything on those soshull meedyuh things.


Here is a link to her Instagram, I believe in order to watch her stories you click on her picture in the upper left hand corner (I actually follow her so they appear at the top of my feed ?). Her stories are always good for a laugh! 


I also figure it will let us know when she goes into labor/has the baby. She posts stories ALL the time, so if she suddenly goes quiet I'm betting it's baby time!

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So Audrey is now officially a day late. I recall how we were suspicious of her " I know we conceived this precious little one when we were FUCKING FOR JESUS in the treehouse on Dec 6, 2016!!!" So experts, tell us, how late does she have to be to be wrong about the magical conception?

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I can't believe she is treating her sanitary pads with oils. My Ob gyn would go insane if I did something like that. And why does she need to tell people this? Has she absolutely NO filter? (rhetorical question)

Edited by alwaysmoreBS
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So I have not had a child.... I assume you're leaking goo for a bit hence the sanitary pads... And I get the basic concept of essential oils, but why would you put essential oils directly on a sanitary pad? Let's ignore the episiotomy... That's *greasy*. And that area can be sensitive even when you're not shoving a bowling ball thru it... 

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Yeah, essential oils are only supposed to be applied to skin when diluted so that's my first question.  The second is did she ask a doctor or a CNM about such a questionable practice?  And third does she realize that oil and freezing and defrosting may affect the performance of the pads? 

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Witch hazel used to be applied to small pads that you used to wipe over the episiotomy- a numbing agent of sorts. I expect that's what Audrey is attempting to mimic. 

Edited by mythoughtis
Because I hate typos.
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24 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Witch hazel used to be applied to small pads that you used to wipe over the episiotomy- a numbing agent of sorts. I expect that's what Audrey us attempting to mimic. 

Yeah, but she doesn't sell witch hazel.

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I made them as well, but DID NOT put essential oils in them. They're called padsicles and are supposed to be soothing to the area. Not sure if they work, because life happens and a c-section became reality. I hope she's prepared for that possibility, as well...

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On 8/20/2017 at 11:57 AM, AZChristian said:

If they paid tuition for the private Christian school the kids attended, Matt and Amy should demand a partial refund for the failures in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

This. I swear I saw an episode that was teaching high schoolers lower grade math. 

These two are annoying. I dated my husband because he's kind and outgoing. 

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On 9/5/2017 at 7:01 PM, Absolom said:

Yeah, essential oils are only supposed to be applied to skin when diluted so that's my first question.  The second is did she ask a doctor or a CNM about such a questionable practice?  And third does she realize that oil and freezing and defrosting may affect the performance of the pads? 

Depends on the oil... but I use 'hot' oils straight on my skin all the time.  HOWEVER no freaking way would I put anything remotely near that area down there lol.  I've had some mishaps where I've put peppermint oil on a cooling cloth on my forehead and it accidentally made it's way down to my eyes... that was glorious. 

Edited by gunderda
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