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Lorelai Gilmore: The 10(+) Things I Hate About You

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On 8/6/2019 at 12:16 PM, deaja said:

However, I also think they could be unloving at times.  Much like Lorelai froze Rory out when she disapproved of her choices, I could see her having learned that from E&R.  Plus different ancedotes from her childhood (not being able to keep a nanny due to ear infections, teasing her about her head size to the point where she destroyed all pictures) lead me to think things were somewhere between teenage angst and horrible parenting.

It's not just the flashbacks from her childhood though. I mean, I wonder how many times Richard and Emily gaslit Lorelai as a child and teen. I always go back to Friday Night's Alright for Fighting, where Emily and Richard just outright deny that Lorelai came to them for help with keeping Rory from dropping out of Yale. They completely denied EVERYTHING that Lorelai told them and that they themselves said. 

I mean in "We've Got Magic to Do" Richard learned that everything that Lorelai told them about the Huntzbergers was true. They even argue about how Emily was perfectly fine with Lorelai's plan. But in Friday Night's Alright for Fighting, they both pretend that they have no memory of Lorelai coming to them with a plan to knock some sense into Rory. 

That moment has always stuck with me because Richard and Emily are rewriting history with a 40-something-year-old woman. It is impossible to believe that they didn't do the same thing when Lorelai was a child and a teenager. Imagine growing up and not knowing whether or not you could trust your parents. 

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1 hour ago, MatildaMoody said:

That moment has always stuck with me because Richard and Emily are rewriting history with a 40-something-year-old woman.

That is a good point!

(The inconsistency is why I don't enjoy FNAFF nearly as much as other fans seem to, btw. The whole fight scene felt weird and out of place. As did that stupid scene in some S7 episode I think where Rory and Lorelai were fighting at FND over spaghetti and meatballs.  LOL wtf?)

Edited by Taryn74
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I mean in "We've Got Magic to Do" Richard learned that everything that Lorelai told them about the Huntzbergers was true. 

That drove me crazy as well. I don't know why Rory didn't confirm later that the Huntzbergers said all those things to her. They don't believe their own daughter but they might have believed Rory.

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I've found my people!

Among the many examples already posted (the one where she starts messing with strangers' time sheets really pisses me off), one of the times she annoyed me the most was when she and Luke go on their first date. As we all know, Luke has lost both his parents, doesn't exactly have the greatest relationship with his sister or nephew, doesn't have too many friends (besides Kiefer Sutherland), and he takes Lorelai to a place that's very important to him run by people very important to him. He's pouring out his heart describing how much this all means to him and she then starts reading the menu aloud, bitching about how long the story is and rolling her eyes and just being rude and dismissive. I wish he had walked out on her.

Also anytime she made little snotty comments about Jess to Luke 

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28 minutes ago, Steph Sometimes said:

he takes Lorelai to a place that's very important to him run by people very important to him. He's pouring out his heart describing how much this all means to him and she then starts reading the menu aloud, bitching about how long the story is and rolling her eyes and just being rude and dismissive. I wish he had walked out on her.

Still better than her first date with Jason.  At least she stayed and didn't demand Luke take her through a drive-thru instead.

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On 8/18/2019 at 6:59 PM, Steph Sometimes said:

I've found my people!

Among the many examples already posted (the one where she starts messing with strangers' time sheets really pisses me off), one of the times she annoyed me the most was when she and Luke go on their first date. As we all know, Luke has lost both his parents, doesn't exactly have the greatest relationship with his sister or nephew, doesn't have too many friends (besides Kiefer Sutherland), and he takes Lorelai to a place that's very important to him run by people very important to him. He's pouring out his heart describing how much this all means to him and she then starts reading the menu aloud, bitching about how long the story is and rolling her eyes and just being rude and dismissive. I wish he had walked out on her.

Also anytime she made little snotty comments about Jess to Luke 

That episode kind of bugged me a bit, though, because they re-wrote his history, to make that date happen. He said in the past, that he had no help opening his diner. That he had to figure it out himself. Fast-forward to his first date with Lorelai, and suddenly, there's this magical couple that he visits a few times a week (when? we rarely see him outside of the diner), who helped him with everything, all to create an extra-special first date. 

And welcome! If you're new here. 🙂

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8 hours ago, Anela said:

That episode kind of bugged me a bit, though, because they re-wrote his history, to make that date happen. He said in the past, that he had no help opening his diner. That he had to figure it out himself. Fast-forward to his first date with Lorelai, and suddenly, there's this magical couple that he visits a few times a week (when? we rarely see him outside of the diner), who helped him with everything, all to create an extra-special first date. 

And welcome! If you're new here. 🙂

Very true. And they're never mentioned again.

And thanks! I'm fairly new to this site, but I was active on TWoP back in the day where I wasn't exactly popular due to my Lorelai-hate and the fact that I thought Luke was too good for her and did not ship them at all. I also was a fic writer back in the day!

Edited by Steph Sometimes
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On 8/20/2019 at 8:21 AM, Anela said:

That episode kind of bugged me a bit, though, because they re-wrote his history, to make that date happen. He said in the past, that he had no help opening his diner. That he had to figure it out himself. Fast-forward to his first date with Lorelai, and suddenly, there's this magical couple that he visits a few times a week (when? we rarely see him outside of the diner), who helped him with everything, all to create an extra-special first date. 

And welcome! If you're new here. 🙂

Luke is the most egregious example of this but it happened to almost every character. The story needed to be what the plot demanded in an episode even if it contradicts previous canon. So one episode Luke can banter with Kirk about a movie plot or Lorelai mentions his reaction to Love Story or he was on a movie date with Nicole. Then you have the episode where Luke and Lorelai are watching Casablanca an suddenly Luke has never seen a single movie since silent films were a thing. He made references to authors, environmental issues, business etc.. and suddenly he can't think of an author and is generally a dum dum. He knew how to dress for the occasion but when the plot needed him to a be a thorn in the elder Gilmores side, he wears jeans and baseball caps to dinners and golf. He raised his business by himself until it needed to not be so for the date. And these are just off the top of my hat.

ASP never seemed to care for continuity. Which would be fine for a sitcom like Friends (boy did continuity not exist there) where characters don't really need such finesse. But this was an hour long drama (or dramedy) where such things should matter.

I saw Emily as downright abusive (by loving parents standards) and Richard as neglectful so I make some allowances for Lorelai's behavior in general and in regards to them. However once you are an adult, however stunted due to early pregnancy, I don't excuse someone's behavior with their childhood anymore. There are ways to fix that, if you see and accept that you have a problem that is. But Lorelai lacked the ability of self-reflection and self-betterment.

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I saw Emily as downright abusive (by loving parents standards) and Richard as neglectful so I make some allowances for Lorelai's behavior in general and in regards to them. However once you are an adult, however stunted due to early pregnancy, I don't excuse someone's behavior with their childhood anymore. There are ways to fix that, if you see and accept that you have a problem that is. But Lorelai lacked the ability of self-reflection and self-betterment.

I agree. I've always believed the adage that the statute of limitations for blaming your parents for your problems is thirty years of age.

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42 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I agree. I've always believed the adage that the statute of limitations for blaming your parents for your problems is thirty years of age.

I definitely agree in this case.  I would make exceptions for children that were physically abused to the point that they have permanent disabilities, especially of the brain type, and those that were sexually abused. 

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

I definitely agree in this case.  I would make exceptions for children that were physically abused to the point that they have permanent disabilities, especially of the brain type, and those that were sexually abused. 

Oh, definitely. And there are people who've  had to completely cut their parents out of their lives because of manipulation and interference with their lives that is ongoing and destructive. But R & E, as obnoxious as they are, were generally decent parents.

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10 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Oh, definitely. And there are people who've  had to completely cut their parents out of their lives because of manipulation and interference with their lives that is ongoing and destructive. But R & E, as obnoxious as they are, were generally decent parents.

I'm not sure I would call R&E decent parents. They provided the basics, Lorelai had food, a roof over her head and a damn good education. And them taking on the 'shame' Lorelai brought upon them with her pregnancy and letting her stay at home instead of sending her away, was probably the most decent thing they ever did for Lorelai. But they were cold, their love conditional and downright neglectful of Lorelai's emotional well being.

But Emily's love was always conditional which is abusive. There are always strings attached with Emily. 'You do what I want and I will love you'. Then there are these moments mentioned by @deaja that gave us glimpses into Lorelai's childhood. How many times did Lorelai get told that she was 'deformed' that it became her first complete sentence? No one would be excusing that and actually call Emily abusive if Lorelai really had a deformity. She couldn't deal with her sick child until she absolutely had to because the maids who were doing the taking care/raising of Lorelai quit. IMO Lorelai should have cut her parents out several times during the run of the show for her own psychological health but then there wouldn't be much of a show.

And lets face it, the constant 1 step forward, 3 steps back got tiring after a while. Which is why I would have preferred more Kims. That family proved that if you really love each other, change for the positive is possible. Which is why Lane/Mrs. Kim is my fave mother/daughter combo on the show. When you have individuals like the Gilmore family who are immune to growth/change, self-awareness and lacking in unconditional love...that's great for conflicts but makes for an extremely boring and repetitive story.

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In Like Mother, Like Daughter (the ep where Rory accidentally joins that mini sorority at Chilton) Lorelai calls the inn and when Michel answers she proceeds to have a conversation with Rory while Michel silently fumes. After a few minutes she asks Michel if he's there then continues talking to Rory.  

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On 9/26/2016 at 7:53 AM, Viqutorious said:

I think jealous as code for Mia favored Lorelai, not that she worked so hard. How often do you see her slaving away?  The only time I saw it was when they were opening the Inn.

At home she doesn't cook and it is implied that Rory cleans, and Luke does all the repairs and yard work. She doesn't strike me as a person that works herself to the bone.

Wow! I never realised this, but actually I can’t see Lorelai as doing any hard work ever. She is way too self-entitled for that. I just always assumed that Lorelai worked hard to get to where she is in life because that is the way the show has always illustrated her (i.e. how she always presents herself - one of the things she loves to brag the most about, is how she got where she is from her hard work only, with no help from anyone else). 

But now that I think about it (and try to leave behind the show’s biased viewpoint that idolises Lorelai) I realise I have barely ever seen Lorelai work hard. She worked hard when they were opening the dragonfly inn and she was running all around like a manic freak, and didn’t even have time to wash her hair. But think about it, most of the time at the independence inn, she was just grabbing with sookie in the kitchen, or on the phone to Rory or one of her boyfriends... And she was always in and out of the inns whenever the whim took her. She was constantly at Luke’s for coffee during the day... 

Now that I think about it, I can easily see Lorelai being promoted over the other maids, not because she was so much more hardworking, but because of her outgoing and strong personality. And that is also why she does so well in the business world. She has charm, and she is outgoing and she knows how to talk to people. She is also very strong and forceful. And she always gets her way, probably because she will not accept anything less, and that is a direct result of her being so self-entitled, which is a direct relation to her privileged and entitled upbringing. Come to think of it, she is actually very similar to her parents, Emily would never settle for anything less than what she wants in her world, and neither would Richard in his business world. One example that springs to mind, is Emily and Richard kicking out the people who had booked the hall for their wedding vow renewal ceremony. Lorelai, of course, was critical and condescending of her parent’s actions, telling Rory that that’s just how it is in the gilmore’s world. But I can easily picture Lorelai doing the exact same thing, except, instead of doing it with money like her parents, she would do it with charm and manipulation and sheer force of will. What Lorelai does not seem to realise, is that there is more to just money in the psyche of the people of the rich Gilmore world that she hates. There is also the privilege, selfishness and the sense of self-entitlement, and Lorelai has those in spades! And that’s another thing I absolutely CANNOT stand about her - her hypocrisy! 

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Okay, I’m only midway through season 5, but has Lorelai ever had a relationship where there wasn’t some obstacle/excuse keeping her from fully committing? Christopher, their history, then Sherry. Max, he’s Rory’s teacher. Digger, the parent connection and he seems to need distance as much as she does. Did I miss anyone?

Luke with his “I’m all in” is probably screwed. Also, it’s weird how they had a lot more chemistry before they were dating. 

Edited by Oldernowiser
Because Alex isn’t Max
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24 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

Okay, I’m only midway through season 5, but has Lorelai ever had a relationship where there wasn’t some obstacle/excuse keeping her from fully committing? Christopher, their history, then Sherry. Max, he’s Rory’s teacher. Digger, the parent connection and he seems to need distance as much as she does. Did I miss anyone?

Luke with his “I’m all in” is probably screwed. Also, it’s weird how they had a lot more chemistry before they were dating. 

There was a cutie named Alex, I think. The obstacle was that he liked camping?

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1 hour ago, chessiegal said:

More likely ASP got tired of [Alex]. He lasted 2 episodes?

I'm pretty sure he got a regular gig elsewhere so she had to drop him. It's a bummer, I kind of liked him.

On second thought, it's probably for the better. She didn't have a chance to turn him into an irredeemable jerkoff, LOL.

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53 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

I'm pretty sure he got a regular gig elsewhere so she had to drop him. It's a bummer, I kind of liked him.

On second thought, it's probably for the better. She didn't have a chance to turn him into an irredeemable jerkoff, LOL.

True, true.

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On 10/15/2020 at 8:46 PM, Oldernowiser said:

Okay, I’m only midway through season 5, but has Lorelai ever had a relationship where there wasn’t some obstacle/excuse keeping her from fully committing? Christopher, their history, then Sherry. Max, he’s Rory’s teacher. Digger, the parent connection and he seems to need distance as much as she does. Did I miss anyone?

Luke with his “I’m all in” is probably screwed. Also, it’s weird how they had a lot more chemistry before they were dating. 

Luke talked her out of Chilton Dad.

Peyton handled it all by himself. 😆

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Luke with his “I’m all in” is probably screwed. Also, it’s weird how they had a lot more chemistry before they were dating. 

It's all about the longing. It's one of the reasons Twilight was so popular. Yearning is a lot more compelling than another hum drum relationship.

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On 12/24/2016 at 11:40 PM, BunnyEars81 said:

Lorelai Gilmore is possibly one of the most obnoxious, self centered, immature, annoying, selfish bitches ever written. What makes it all the more annoying and insulting is the fact that people just let her get away with it. Not ONE person on the show calls her on her deplorable behavior. Like many of you have mentioned, she frequently high jacks other people's special events and makes them about her. Like Sookie's kid's christening, Lane's wedding was also high jacked by her incessant need for attention. She just had to get up and drunkenly ramble on complete nonesense about how SHE wasn't ever going to get married during the toast at someone else's wedding. What's more baffling is why people continue to invite her to anything. She clearly thinks she's just the most adorable thing ever and that her selfish annoying antics are to just be accepted because, duh, she's her. The entire time we are supposed to intensely dislike Emily and Richard, but I don't. While they can be pushy, they mean well and do everything that they do out of love. If I were Lorelai's parents, I'd hate her.  She's terrible. She's your average self centered, priveledged brat that uses her parents when it's convenient for her. She is really just the worst. If I were to write down every time Lorelai did something mind numbingly selfish, I'd have to basically recap every episode. My favorite is when she breaks up with Luke, sleeps with Christopher like, immediately, and then has the nerve to act like the victim. The show should have ended with the townspeople running her out of town because they are tired of her rude, selfish, self centered ass doing nothing but taking and taking with no regard to anyone else. I HATE Lorelai Gilmore. Worst character ever.

Oh my god! Yes, yes, yes, I love you! I’m just rewatching Gilmore girls now, and I am really really struggling. I literally want to throw things at the tv because I just cannot stand Lorelai! I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I came online, and your intense hatred makes me feel better haha... 

Seriously, the things Lorelai does! She is the most selfish and self-centered person, and I really can’t believe how atrocious her behaviour is sometimes... 

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I think L and L lacked chemistry once they got together bc the writers and actors didn't really want them together. There was still chemistry imo but they were terribly written after that. Imo and I feel like this off topic in this thread...

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My younger self loved Lorelei. Maybe I thought it would be fun to have a young, cool mom?  My older self finds more and more things I can’t stand. She is so entitled. The one standing out in my mind right now is when Sookie wants to tell her the ideas she had for bridesmaids dresses and Lorelei steamrolls over and says she wants to design them so she won’t hate them. Sorry, that is straight up terrible behavior and and a terrible friend. I wore some ugly bridesmaids dresses in my time and I did it every time with a smile on my face and grateful my friends/family thought enough of me to include me. 

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11 hours ago, HooHooHoo said:

The one standing out in my mind right now is when Sookie wants to tell her the ideas she had for bridesmaids dresses and Lorelei steamrolls over and says she wants to design them so she won’t hate them.

Yeah, and then what Lorelai does design for herself is not that attractive, LOL. It pulls in the back and makes it look like she has panty lines when she's walking, and the strap falls down when she's talking to Christopher at the end. Don't get me started on the monstrosity she wore to Emily and Richard's vow renewal. Rory looked a thousand times better than she did, and Rory was in a tux! LOL

I do love that Sookie still went with the music she wanted to at the wedding, despite Lorelai complaining about it. It's not YOUR wedding, cupcake. Get over yourself.

Lorelai does have some good qualities, though. It keeps me from outright hating her. She's a great neighbor and non-judgemental of people who wouldn't be treated quite so kindly by many others. And for the most part she respects Mrs. Kim's parenting rules and decisions when it comes to Lane even though she could easily be "that mom" who runs cover for her kid's friends and lets them be as wild as they want under her watch.

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28 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

And for the most part she respects Mrs. Kim's parenting rules and decisions when it comes to Lane even though she could easily be "that mom" who runs cover for her kid's friends and lets them be as wild as they want under her watch.

Lane was running wild?

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24 minutes ago, readster said:

Lane was running wild?

No.  But, Lorelai could have been seen as a mom who would allow that.  But, not really because Rory lied to their mom about going to the movies with Dean and the other guy because she knew her mom wouldn't (or at least wouldn't want to) lie to Mrs. Kim.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

No.  But, Lorelai could have been seen as a mom who would allow that.  

What she said. I liked that Lorelai DIDN'T let Lane "run wild" while she was over there. (Even though Lane herself probably wouldn't have, LOL.) But the way Lorelai handled Madeline and Louise at the Bangles concert showed that she wasn't going to let teens get away with really stupid bullsh!t around her just so she could be "the cool mom".

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34 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

What she said. I liked that Lorelai DIDN'T let Lane "run wild" while she was over there. (Even though Lane herself probably wouldn't have, LOL.) But the way Lorelai handled Madeline and Louise at the Bangles concert showed that she wasn't going to let teens get away with really stupid bullsh!t around her just so she could be "the cool mom".

Although I'm sure that she let Lane eat fries and watch TV at her house:)

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35 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

What she said. I liked that Lorelai DIDN'T let Lane "run wild" while she was over there. (Even though Lane herself probably wouldn't have, LOL.) But the way Lorelai handled Madeline and Louise at the Bangles concert showed that she wasn't going to let teens get away with really stupid bullsh!t around her just so she could be "the cool mom".

Right and that was perfectly done. 

Just now, Katy M said:

Although I'm sure that she let Lane eat fries and watch TV at her house:)

And they were... chili cheese fries! Ahhhh!

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Lorelai does have some good qualities, though. It keeps me from outright hating her. She's a great neighbor and non-judgemental of people who wouldn't be treated quite so kindly by many others. And for the most part she respects Mrs. Kim's parenting rules and decisions when it comes to Lane even though she could easily be "that mom" who runs cover for her kid's friends and lets them be as wild as they want under her watch.

She was also a really good friend and came running when anybody needed anything. And the way she was so patient with Sookie, I've said it before but Sookie would have driven me crazy.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

Although I'm sure that she let Lane eat fries.....

I believe the proper term is the devil's starchy fingers.  LOL


21 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

And the way she was so patient with Sookie, I've said it before but Sookie would have driven me crazy.

I'm just the opposite. I'd far rather hang out with Sookie than Lorelai!

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1 minute ago, Taryn74 said:

I'm just the opposite. I'd far rather hang out with Sookie than Lorelai!

I wouldn't mind hanging out with Sookie, but I don't think that I could be her employer, partner, or work with her in the kitchen.  She would scrap entire menus at the last minute for virtually no reason. She was a danger to work with including setting fires that others quietly put out behind her.  And when they started their own inn, she didn't really help at all. That was also Lorelai's fault though because they had a huge lack of communication going into the project.  And when they were catering, she disregarded Lorelai's entire menu and without telling her, substituted her own inappropriate one.

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This thread, I feel so seen!! ❤️

So UPtv is planning a GG marathon beginning next Sunday at 11pm and they will also air AYITL, I think it's the first time on network? Anyway, I've been contemplating whether or not to watch AYITL for a second time, since I couldn't bear to sit through that hot garbage twice on Netflix (ASP can still suck it, I've never watched anything else she's done, I can hold a TV grudge like a mother fucker). And I'm realizing that age has really taken the bloom off the Lorelai rose for me. I didn't remember her irritating me this much during the original but man, my tolerance for her Peter Pan antics has sunk to new lows. I was raised by a bipolar mother who mostly wasn't medicated well, so I understand the power of a parent's words over a child's psyche. But I still can't square Lorelai's utter contempt for how they raised her since I've been called everything but a child of God by my own mother, and Emily Gilmore is nowhere close. Not in the same zip code, not even the same country. Her extreme responses scream of entitlement, and a lot of times I find I'd like to Cher-in-Moonstruck slap the shit out of her and tell her to take it down about eleven thousand notches. For me, she's the physical embodiment of the phrase 'If you keep crying, I'll give you something to really cry about'. And it gets no better the older she gets. At some point, she needed to grow the fuck up and take some damn responsibility for the nature of her adult relationship with her parents. I'm thinking about when Emily called her to go shopping for a birthday gift for Rory, and Lorelai's quips and digs made me want to yell at her to shut the fuck up for 2 fucking minutes.

Maybe because I'm older now, and 2020 sucks worse than a ho in a hurry, and as a Black woman, I just can't relate to her in any way anymore. That's not to say I can't still enjoy an episode or dialogue. I still enjoy the last 3 episodes of S4 whenever they come on, and others of course. I've still never watched most of S6 and nothing before I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia in S7. I've always hated Christopher - that's never changed - but the role left such a bad impression I can't watch David Sutcliffe and NOT wanna wipe the stupid smirk off his face. Nothing personal, David. It is what it is. 

In my head canon, at the end of S6 when Lorelai asks Luke to run off and get married, the season ends there. S7 opens in a hotel room, with the camera panning the floor where we see clothes and shoes, and when it gets to the bed, there's Lorelai and LUKE. He's just waking up, she's been watching him, and says 'Good morning husband' and Luke says 'Good morning wife'. That might actually have been a fanfic I read somewhere, a long time ago. Damn, I'm getting old.      

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For those of you holding a grudge against ASP, you are missing out on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It's well done and worth watching for the wardrobe alone - absolutely exquisite. Shows what can be done when you've got a big budget.

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18 hours ago, chessiegal said:

For those of you holding a grudge against ASP, you are missing out on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It's well done and worth watching for the wardrobe alone - absolutely exquisite. Shows what can be done when you've got a big budget.

Maisel didn't work for me at all, and I will watch pretty much any tolerable period costume show or movie. I adore beautiful costumes. The Queen's Gambit is an example of a limited series I couldn't stop watching.

I know many people love Mrs. Maisel, but I hated the settings and the characters. The New York environment and behaviors grated on me. Especially hated the character played by Alex Borstein (Susie?). Hated Drella in GG and liked the character of Miss Celine, but wished there had been another Melissa McCarthy to do the job better. 
One undertone that helped color my opinion was my hatred of the Palladino's behavior in S6 GG. Had they been more gracious in their departure and given us a GG to enjoy, maybe things would have been different. But they aren't. 

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19 hours ago, Badsamaritan said:

This thread, I feel so seen!! ❤️

So UPtv is planning a GG marathon beginning next Sunday at 11pm and they will also air AYITL, I think it's the first time on network

It's also going to be on the CW next week, Monday-Thursday, I guess.  

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On 11/16/2020 at 2:52 PM, junienmomo said:

Maisel didn't work for me at all, and I will watch pretty much any tolerable period costume show or movie. I adore beautiful costumes. The Queen's Gambit is an example of a limited series I couldn't stop watching.

I know many people love Mrs. Maisel, but I hated the settings and the characters. The New York environment and behaviors grated on me. Especially hated the character played by Alex Borstein (Susie?). 

Really? I feel like Susie was the only good character in that show and maybe her dad (the one from Monk). Seriously the main character is horrible and neglectful to her kids. I tried to watch it but couldn't get past somewhere in season 2.  The cultural stuff was good, but I couldn't stand the cringe sense of humor. Like when the characters do something very stupid (that makes no sense) and you the audience are forced to watch the trainwrek that follows. Anyhow, off topic but I feel like Mrs. Maisel is one of the those shows that everyone loves and I just didn't get. 

Edited by blueray
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4 hours ago, blueray said:

Really? I feel like Susie was the only good character in that show and maybe her dad (the one from Monk). Seriously the main character is horrible and neglectful to her kids. I tried to watch it but couldn't get past somewhere in season 2.  The cultural stuff was good, but I couldn't stand the cringe sense of humor. Like when the characters do something very stupid (that makes no sense) and you the audience are forced to watch the trainwrek that follows. Anyhow, off topic but I feel like Mrs. Maisel is one of the those shows that everyone loves and I just didn't get. 

Eh, we all have our own tastes. The humor was cringey, I agree.
The reaction I had to Susie was she felt like a Luke character, but did not have any appeal for me. 

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On 4/16/2018 at 2:19 PM, MatildaMoody said:

In House is not a Home, Lorelai goes to her parents and asks for their help to prevent Rory from dropping out of school. She told them how the Huntsburgers treated Rory, how Mitchum destroyed her with his criticism (something she should have been able to take if she truly wanted to be a journalist) and now Rory was drifting and they needed to triple team her to intervene. Richard and Emily agree. Rory manipulates grandpa into giving her a free place to live while she drops out of school. Richard realizes he should have backed Lorelai.

Rory was hysterical when she ran to Richard and it terrified him.  There was fear and panic on Richards face, he had never seen Rory that way.  He did not know what to do to help her, so he folded and gave in to Rory.  Between her grandparents and Lorelei, Richard was the weakest link.  Rory knew this and easily manipulated her way into the pool house.

Edited by movingtargetgal
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9 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

He did not know what to do to help her, so he folded and gave in to Rory.  Between her grandparents and Lorelei, Richard was the weakest link.  Rory knew this and easily manipulated her way into the pool house.

And Emily jumped right in behind to give a big "screw you" to Lorelai and lick her chops at a second chance for a perfect Emily-mold daughter.

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Yeah not letting Richard off that easy. How hard is it to say let's wait and discuss this together? 

He could have made soothing we'll figure it out don't worry you're still a princess noises without making a decision. I think Richard would have been perfectly capable of doing that.

Richard and Emily routinely dismiss Lorelai and her feelings and concerns, this was not a stretch for them.

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