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Happily Ever After Social Media And Speculation

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I have been searching but I am unable to find any pics of their baby. I did, however, in my search find a pic of a baby laying down in a heart shaped assembly of syringes.  WTF? 

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33 minutes ago, Latenites said:

I have been searching but I am unable to find any pics of their baby. I did, however, in my search find a pic of a baby laying down in a heart shaped assembly of syringes.  WTF? 

Sounds like an IVF baby photoshoot, I've known a few IF mombloggers to pose their babies that way after the whole infertility process.


In regards to the baby, Alex deleted all face pics of her from Instagram after the first folks began to comment on her daughter's looks. Actually I just looked at her page now, she's actually deleted every picture of her daughter that shows her skin or hair, and posted a long diatribe that more or less says she's abandoning her page due to people's nosiness. I feel bad for her to say the least, not sure she anticipated the microscope she would be under after the show ended. 

Edited by ChaChaSlide
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3 minutes ago, ChaChaSlide said:

Sounds like an IVF baby photoshoot, I've known a few IF mombloggers to pose their babies that way after the whole infertility process.


In regards to the baby, Alex deleted all face pics of her from Instagram after the first folks began to comment on her daughter's looks. Actually I just looked at her page now, she's actually deleted every picture of her daughter that shows her skin or hair, and posted a long diatribe that more or less says she's abandoning her page due to people's nosiness. I feel bad for her to say the least, not sure she anticipated the microscope she would be under after the show ended. 

Ah! Thanks for the explanation. I've actually had IVF myself but didn't put 2 and 2 together! It's kind of cute idea. 


I feel bad for her too. Not being able to celebrate and share pics is sad.

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18 minutes ago, Sup wit dat said:

But it's on the internet so it must be true!

Eh I have seen the pictures of her daughter and it seems very unlikely that she is Josh's.

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10 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Eh I have seen the pictures of her daughter and it seems very unlikely that she is Josh's.

I have not seen the photo but without an actual DNA test I wouldn't judge. No one knows if either parent may have had someone in the family and it's now popping up? (I'm trying to give the girl the benefit of doubt).

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4 hours ago, greekmom said:

I have not seen the photo but without an actual DNA test I wouldn't judge. No one knows if either parent may have had someone in the family and it's now popping up? (I'm trying to give the girl the benefit of doubt).

No, it doesn't work that way. Race is carried by dominant genes, not recessive ones. They don't hide out for a while and then suddenly pop up later, as much as some women would like to insist they do. Any baby will be a blend of both its parents. Two white parents cannot and will not create a bi-racial child.

Anyone who says, "But there was someone I knew, or someone in my family - " then I strongly suggest you get a DNA test because somebody's not telling the whole story.

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My sister is dark and her oldest son is practically albino. The nurse thought she was bringing her the wrong baby when it was time to nurse, and checked and double-checked the wrist band. He's not albino but has never gotten very dark. My son is darker than me and his father, and I certainly wasn't hiding something.

It does seem very rare when light skinned people have a baby with darker skin, but I see it in my extended family all the time, and there are almost always paternity tests, because my extended family members are largely dregs to society. In fact, in one case two brothers had to be tested for two different babies by the same mom. She gets pregnant, doesn't know which one was the father, paternity test determines it was the older one, and she gets pregnant again and doesn't know which one was the father that time, either (oldest again).

I didn't see the photo of the baby, but did see where she was claiming her dad was a dark-skinned Cuban(?) and she is very light-skinned. 

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11 hours ago, Christina said:

but did see where she was claiming her dad was a dark-skinned Cuban(?) and she is very light-skinned. 

She only mentioned that after people mentioned the color and hair of the baby, her parents or who she referred to as her father were both on the show and she looked a lot like him so most people aren't buying the new father revelation. She also went on a trip alone with her black male bf shortly after the wedding.

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11 hours ago, Christina said:

My sister is dark and her oldest son is practically albino.


It's not color. The facial traits are unmistakable. You can have a darker or lighter child but you're not going to have a child pop up that has very strong signs of African ancestry. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not judging, I think it shows a love of love and character that Josh will raise this child as his own, and she is a beautiful little girl. I wish them all the very best, they are good people.

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I just thought I would post this here. I think it's great that Josh wants to be this little girl's father. The thing that irritates me is the dishonesty about this girl's biological parentage. Just own it, people.

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Also, this is interesting. I'm guessing from the gif she selected that it's less "paradise" and more "hell on Earth" for Mark and Nikki. Not that I expected anything else.

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2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

I just thought I would post this here. I think it's great that Josh wants to be this little girl's father. The thing that irritates me is the dishonesty about this girl's biological parentage. Just own it, people.

Exactly. The baby even has the exact same nose that this man has. Own it, indeed. I hate this kind of dishonesty, too, especially if they plan to make the child believe Josh is her bio-dad, too.

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4 minutes ago, okerry said:

Exactly. The baby even has the exact same nose that this man has. Own it, indeed. I hate this kind of dishonesty, too, especially if they plan to make the child believe Josh is her bio-dad, too.

The thing is that they just make this into a much bigger story than it would be if they simply acknowledged the truth. Many people cheat on their spouse/partner every day and some get pregnant (or get someone pregnant) because of it. All they have to do is acknowledge it happened and explain they're dealing with it together. I think it's admirable they're able to stay married in spite of something like this, and I think it's admirable Josh is stepping up as a father. Most men would kick the wife to the curb and have nothing to do with the child. So I think, other than denying the truth of her parentage, they're setting a really good example and might inspire others to try harder to make it work when something like this happens.

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If you can download the TLC Go app there are seven 8-10-minute shows with updates on several couples.  The series is called "90-day Fiancé-What Now?"  The shows were enjoyable to watch with none of the frankenediting the tv show has.  Below is a summary if you don't want to or can't watch:

Alan & Kirlyam: married 3 years now and expecting a baby boy at the end of September.  She misses her family in Brazil terribly but other than that they seem happy.

Josh & Aleksandra:  married 2 years now with a baby girl who many say is not his.  He's applying for medical school and since she doesn't like small town living they'll move once he finds out what school he gets into.  It was a weird segment with the way he talks and even though they acted all happy I cringed through most of it.  Somethin' ain't right 'bout those two.

Matt & Alla:  married a little over a year now.  Her little boy speaks fluent English and is all kinds of adorable.  During their segment she wore a t-shirt with his picture on the front and "I love Matt" on the back and he had a shirt with her picture and "I love Alla" on the back.  Definitely the stupidest shit I've ever seen, lol!  Alla wants to move to a bigger city so he's reluctantly going along with that.  His best friend Patrick makes an appearance as a stick in the mud and is still a jerk.  Same with Matt's family although they seems to be less skeptical now.

Melanie & Devar:  they're still married but living apart weekdays until he finishes commercial diving school this July.  So I guess he's done now.  Melanie's pregnant.  Melanie's sister visits and morosely points out all the ways Devar can/will fail.

Narkyia & Lowo (aka her Nigerian prince):  All I can say is wtf????  Yep, she got the K-1 visa for him.  That was before she discovered his online dating profile that she found by stalking him through her profile.  He looks miserable throughout the segment but professes his undying love and faithfulness so--brace yourself--they get married!!!! For some reason Narkyia is worried afterwards about whether she did the right thing.  Gee, what could go wrong?

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Don't know why that posted twice, oh well.

The posts from her facebook and twitter pages show multiple trips to the dr.  The oldest one I saw was April 2014, but I didn't search hard. Her parents had to have seen those pictures of her kissing "Pedro." My theory is that they were very suspicious when he came to the US. Maybe they were in on it, maybe not. It's possible that they were opposed to the marriage, so Chantel hid it. My kid would have done that in a heartbeat. Kids believe that it's easier to get forgiveness than permission.  More theory, Mom and Dad are hurt, but they also have two teenagers at home who need their attention, and who have been shortchanged due to the Chantel drama. Two teenagers take a lot of time and emotional investment,  and they just don't have much left over for this couple's shenanigans. 

There's also rumors that the kids are in Catholic private school.

Edited by Swim mom
Clarified year
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I went back to season 4, episode 1, where Chantel and Pedro were introduced in the fall of 2016. Her facebook kissy face photos date back to at least April 2014. So - they dated for at least 2 1/2 years before we met them. Chantel's Spanish was described as second grade level by a poster at that time. Are we being scammed?  I think, definitely, portions of their story are pure bs. Her parents had to have known about him and how involved they were. I think the whole wedding with no people was likely bs, because she would have had her girlfriends show up. The language problems - they had, at least 2 1/2 years to work on their language. I'm not buying a lot of what they say.

What I believe is true about their story is that she's a 27 year old woman living in a studio apartment. I also believe that her parents would like her living situation upgraded.

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2 hours ago, Quof said:

Sister Pedro has recently posted pictures from Atlanta.  Visiting the in-laws, presumably. 

There are pics on mom's Facebook page showing mom in a very nice, well appointed apartment as early as 2010. 

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7 hours ago, Desert Rat said:


This is the link to Casting Networks, Paolo's "modeling agency."  It appears to be a job board.  You post pics and a bio and get access to job posts.  There is a free services and upgraded paid levels for premium access.  

Thank you!  We can all be models now.  I'm going to put my happiness and "my career" first.

But first, I need to find a photographer to airbrush the hell out of my ass and then post it on IG, just like Pao --- FOR MY CAREER.

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7 hours ago, Desert Rat said:


This is the link to Casting Networks, Paolo's "modeling agency."  It appears to be a job board.  You post pics and a bio and get access to job posts.  There is a free services and upgraded paid levels for premium access.  

Thank you!  We can all be models now.  I'm going to put my happiness and "my career" first.

But first, I need to find a photographer to airbrush the hell out of my ass and then post it on IG, just like Pao --- FOR MY CAREER.

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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

Thank you!  We can all be models now.  I'm going to put my happiness and "my career" first.

But first, I need to find a photographer to airbrush the hell out of my ass and then post it on IG, just like Pao --- FOR MY CAREER.

I don't want take her seat on the bus.  

Is Russ cool with this? Because this is beyond lingerie.

1 hour ago, Swim mom said:

Always hump day?

Lump day?

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10 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

I don't want take her seat on the bus.  

Is Russ cool with this? Because this is beyond lingerie.

Lump day?

What's even ickier is she borrowed these for the photo shoot. Who else's ass crack and crotch have these shorts been up? 

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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

When Pao and Russ went to meet with her she asked if Pao had logged on and registered and Pao acted like she had no idea what that was about.  Maybe if Pao registers on line with the agency and posts her photos she will get some actual work.  And if she does not have to exclusive why isn't she knocking on the doors of every agency in town?  Russ should ask her that question if she is so passionate about her career.  Obviously that agent is not interested in marketing her models so why stay with her agency?

She could earn some money being a shot girl in a Miami hot spot, tips are probably really good from all the posers that go to those over priced night clubs. Geez Pao, get off your lazy ass and earn some money while you still can!

There most be tons of agencies and I am thinking that maybe she went to a few other agencies and they turned her down- too old-too thick etc...

This one would take her.

25 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

What's even ickier is she borrowed these for the photo shoot. Who else's ass crack and crotch have these shorts been up? 

Can you say Anal Fungus and Yeast Infection!

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I found the above on facebook as a response to Pao's shot.

Edited by Swim mom
Found on social media
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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

On some website, I read that Paola claims she started modeling at 18 which would have been while she was still in Colombia. And apparently she was also an actress as seen in these commercials! 


(my favorite is the second one by the carpet rolls)

She could do these commercials in OK.  Maybe be a regular for a car dealer or something.  That's respectable.  Now we know what Russ expected from her career.  Not the nasty stuff she is putting out in Miami.  Paola, you're better with your clothes on.  

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On 8/8/2017 at 6:07 PM, Swim mom said:

I went back to season 4, episode 1, where Chantel and Pedro were introduced in the fall of 2016. Her facebook kissy face photos date back to at least April 2014. So - they dated for at least 2 1/2 years before we met them.

Wasn't the premise of the fictitious Pedro Show (at least as explained to Family Chantel) that he was being filmed because he was in the US to go to school? Maybe for something like airplane mechanic training? I thought her parents knew about their relationship, but not the seriousness of it or that he was really here on a Fiance Visa which is the part she hid from them. Of course, they got increasingly suspicious when he didn't actually attend classes...

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they got increasingly suspicious when he didn't actually attend classes

And couldn't speak conversational English, let alone anything technical in nature. 

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I watched Pao's music video and it seemed really cheesy and low budget. I noticed the makeup artist was also one of the dancers in the background of the club scene. Someone else commented on the video website that Pao's ruched white dress resembled a giant TAMPON! 

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9 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

For those who don't want to watch clip: Jorge and Anfisa have signed with group that produced Mama June's makeover series (also in production for Danielle's makeover series). 

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8 hours ago, magemaud said:

I watched Pao's music video and it seemed really cheesy and low budget. I noticed the makeup artist was also one of the dancers in the background of the club scene. Someone else commented on the video website that Pao's ruched white dress resembled a giant TAMPON! 

OMG, I thought that dress looked familiar. 

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4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

For those who don't want to watch clip: Jorge and Anfisa have signed with group that produced Mama June's makeover series (also in production for Danielle's makeover series). 

So is Jorge going on a weight loss campaign? He's only young and he's horribly unhealthy looking. I've known people in their early 30s who had heart attacks. He's not a bad looking young man.  Anfisa hasn't helped him in the self esteem department, either, but before he met her, he was already one of those angry men who had it in for any woman who wasn't going to take any of his nonsense. Ironically, Anfisa is a ball buster, and behaves worse than any American woman he might have chosen to date instead.

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