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Bar Rescue - General Discussion


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Yeah, I remember Taffer in the past bitching at owners about not looking like a bar and this week he does exactly that? Was he making patrons have to find the secret door and giveca password? Was that secret entrence a sneaky way to build a "butt funnel"?

Oh yeah, I was skeptical about them using black markers on underage drinkers thst could be washed off with water, too.

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While I get the liability issue of doing an 18+ bar instead of a 21+ bar, I took offense at John's assumption that 18 year olds only go to bars to get drunk.  When I was checking out different grad schools, I was under 21 and the department meet & greets usually took place at bars.  Fortunately I never had a problem getting in and my drinking exploits never got more wild than swapping diet Coke for diet Pepsi.  

I hope this is the right season and episode title. I'm just now watching "Thugs with Mugs" on my DVR and wow, what a disaster!


Was the place really that bad, or did they go over the top ramping up the drama? Maybe both?  I think if I'd ever been there I'd be pissed, but man that was nuts. I might be relieved to know it was actually their food that caused what I thought was the stomach flu, I guess.  I just don't see how this episode would help the place, no matter how much "better" the supposedly rescued bar was in the end.

If the bar was substituting no-name brands for the stuff this show is always pushing, and nobody noticed, what does that say about the "value" of those premium brands? While it's a disservice to customers to quietly do a substitution, the episode failed to show anybody was getting ripped off because we don't know what the customers were being charged.


I think Taffer crossed a line instigating a big bar fight and trying to somehow blame the establishment for people being endangered/hurt. The security was no worse than at any other places that have appeared where he hasn't said a word. There are better ways to say "if we turn this place around, you'll have to hire more security to handle the crowd".

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If the bar was substituting no-name brands for the stuff this show is always pushing, and nobody noticed, what does that say about the "value" of those premium brands? While it's a disservice to customers to quietly do a substitution, the episode failed to show anybody was getting ripped off because we don't know what the customers were being charged.


Consumer Reports did a taste test of premium vodkas. The control was Everclear cut with distilled water. The control won.

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If the bar was substituting no-name brands for the stuff this show is always pushing, and nobody noticed, what does that say about the "value" of those premium brands? While it's a disservice to customers to quietly do a substitution, the episode failed to show anybody was getting ripped off because we don't know what the customers were being charged.


I think Taffer crossed a line instigating a big bar fight and trying to somehow blame the establishment for people being endangered/hurt. The security was no worse than at any other places that have appeared where he hasn't said a word. There are better ways to say "if we turn this place around, you'll have to hire more security to handle the crowd".


So I wasn't the only one confused by that?  It seemed like the patrons really didn't care about whatever they were being served until Taffer flipped out about it. Not that I think it's okay to switch things around and put it in fancier bottles, but it didn't seem like the patrons cared that much initially.

My favorite part of the episode was the production meeting the day after the "bar fight". If Taffer cares so much for his camera people and staff, why would he put them in that situation in the first place? I also wonder why he didn't abandon both bar and episode as a result. It was an unsafe situation for all, the obviously alcoholic owner was most likely going to start drinking again the second Taffer and his production group left, and I have wondered what has gone on at that bar since.

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If I had been an innocent customer and the slightest injury happened to me or my property, I would most definitely have gone after Taffer and Spike and whatever production companies were involved.  Slam dunk win.  This ep showed once and for all that Taffer is full of caca anytime he spouts off about safety.  How often do you think he told his clientele through the years to stop serving any given customer for being overserved?   Not many if he wanted to be hired again.  Those are the customers that push a joint into the black and generate the biggest tips for the servers.


So who paid for the new security?  With what was SOYO supposed to pay them after Taffer bolted town?  


The planning chat was easily the lamest one I've seen on this series.  How Taffer kept a straight face as they were taping that is beyond me.  I truly did not even grasp the new concept for that joint.  What was the allure for an upscale suburbanite?   How many hundred choices are available within a 25 mile radius of that place?


Oh well.  It is progress that Diageo did not renew the branding deal - at least at the ridiculous level of last season.   Maybe, just maybe, the featured drinks will be a tad more practical/realistic. 


A Staten Island bar that is overrun by customers who are cooking their own food and getting their drinks, due to the employees poor work ethic and the owner's hands off approach in running the bar. Jon must re-ignite the owner's fire and teach the staff why they need to do their own work.

This episode had to be completely staged. The "bikers" walked past an entire line of people when they got into the bar. The manager was clearly acting, but badly because he had to keep repeating "studio apartment" because it was the only dialogue he could remember.

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I've got to hand it to Jon Taffer--his re-do of this bar into a firehouse was really cool and unique. The wide-open front wall next to the main entrance was a good way to get some "excitement" onto the street, and the place looked like a lot of fun.  Those meat-head brothers, on the other hand, will definitely find a way to mess things up (especially the one drunk/trouble-maker).


Glad to see Vic Vegas again (from The Next Food Network Star).  I like the super-hot grilled cheese sandwich idea; it looked like that bearded dude actually downed the entire thing!

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Glad to see Vic Vegas again (from The Next Food Network Star).  I like the super-hot grilled cheese sandwich idea; it looked like that bearded dude actually downed the entire thing!


THAT'S where he was from. Thank you because it was driving me nuts trying to figure out why he looked familiar.  I'm hungry for grilled cheese now. I wonder if they deliver. ;)

I'm surprised that people feel like the ghost pepper sendwich is a good idea. I mean, we're talking about a pepper ~260x as hot as a jalapeno (>1 million scoville units vs an average of 4k). I feel like selling people food which can cause internal chemical burns if it's not prepared correctly suspended in hot cheese when their reactions are dulled by drinking is a lawsuit begging to happen, especially since there's that half hour of irresponsible owner video floating around.


I can't imagine trusting the owners from last night to run a place where that was a safe thing to do.

Edited by Julia

I'm surprised that people feel like the ghost pepper sendwich is a good idea. I mean, we're talking about a pepper ~260x as hot as a jalapeno (>1 million scoville units vs an average of 4k). I feel like selling people food which can cause internal chemical burns if it's not prepared correctly suspended in hot cheese when their reactions are dulled by drinking is a lawsuit begging to happen, especially since there's that half hour of irresponsible owner video floating around.


I can't imagine trusting the owners from last night to run a place where that was a safe thing to do.


Totally agreed!  I've burned the hell out of myself with a jalapeno (yes I was dumb enough to touch it and then my face).  I can't imagine touching a ghost pepper. I'm scared of them and I've never even seen one in person.

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I'm surprised that people feel like the ghost pepper sendwich is a good idea. I mean, we're talking about a pepper ~260x as hot as a jalapeno (>1 million scoville units vs an average of 4k). I feel like selling people food which can cause internal chemical burns

Capsaicin (the active ingredient) doesn't cause chemical burns. It's an irritant that causes pain, inflammation, and other symptoms, both negative and positive. The body's senses generally work on a non-linear scale, so a really big Scoville number is mostly hype. Customers will certainly regret eating one of those sandwiches, but it's not going to bring about a successful lawsuit.

I caught the first half and see why I never saw anything about a bug problem; they fixed it in the first twenty minutes! Was there a problem with mosquitos in the sewer lines entering the bar and biting people? I kinda missed why Taper went apeshit over that when the only complaints I heard voiced were about the swarms of fruit flies and rodents.

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Want, am I the only one will watching this wreck? LOL

Tonight was hilarious and sad, but only in the way an Irish movie could be. Boss is a mess, can't pay employees who stay even when not paid (who does that), best Irish friend drinking like a fool, while tb grandma sits in corner darning socks for pennies. OK I lied about grandma but it worked.

Anyone see it and anyone think it will work?

Where did they get that big vat of potatoes to mash?

It depends on the type of bar and the area. Some bars that cater to a young drinker crowd make way more than some that serve dinners. It's always up to the owners if you want to over serve and that can happen whether or not you serve food. I have had friends and family members who owned bars and the location and general features ( TV's for sports, music) have made the biggest impact.

Yeah, that was weird. Unless that was some kind of performance art they promised to get Taffer through the door, the mom has maybe spent a little too much time exploring the universe.

Also, I'm at a total loss how serving chicken wings in a bar is going to make a little girl grow breasts, unless the little girl spends more time in bars than most do.

I just watched this episode today.  It was a bar that JT had rescued back in 2012, the one where all of the girls wore skimpy bikini's.  I guess profits increased by 400% and the owner paid off over $180,000.00 in debts but did not put any money back into the bar and it was going to hell.


The part that got me was when Jon and crew were outside spying on the bar, they made a big deal about how dark it was, the outside lights in addition to the sign lights were out. They scanned the camera over towards the bar, showing it was totally dark, no outside lights at all.  When the 2 spies went into the bar, they showed them get out of the car and walk towards the bar.  All of the lights were on!  The sign that said 'Second Base' was lit up and all of the outside lights were on.  Jon Taffer is a miracle worker, that's for sure!

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The "come on guys, let's get out of here" then they return the nex day for a second chance s really getting old and ineffective.

I read that the bar changed back to the old name, surprise surprise. I wonder how they got around the signed agreement or if it had any teeth to start with.

This owner obviously was not going to transition to a run of the mill bar, it was inevitable that she would go back to her performances. It's like the pirate bar, just not going to happen.

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Sad that the owner lost his son, but it was clear that he was letting that get in the way of running his bar.


Interesting that Jon decided to make it into a pirate bar.  It'll probably work better by the beach than in the middle of a corporate district like Piratz Tavern.


Someone needs to tell the narrator to stop shouting.

I ended up liking the theme, but I wondered the same about why he chose it. Seemed like sort of an "FU" to the previous pirate bar owners. Then again I thought the Rat Bar (sorry, that's all I can remember it by!) was a lot more thoughtfully done.The Piratz Tavern place seemed more like a costume party, whereas this one had a history behind it. I loved the map they did behind the bar, for example. It must be a fairly well known local story for the staff to know it so well, too. When I first saw the new name I had no idea.


Loved the fish bowl drink that looked like an actual fish bowl with the fruit in there. I could see locals taking visitors there just for the wow factor.  I wasn't a huge fan of the odd and awkward looking pirate glasses (or glass covers, whatever those were). Even when they showed the smiling girl at the end it looked like the drink was really awkward for her to hold.


On the food side, are rats in kitchens really that common in Florida?  They made it sound like it's a fairly normal thing. Eek. (and I like rats - had one that was a great pet for a couple of years - but I don't want them hanging around my food)

I read that the bar changed back to the old name,

I'm sure Lonnie thinks she's being clever. They took down the big Clear Bar sign and put a small Underground Wonderbar sign in the window. It's 18" square tops and seems to have lots of colors on it--surprise! Hard to tell because it's hard to see from across the street (and it's too cold for me to cross over to take a closer look instead of going inside). 


Before Jon showed up, the outside of the building looked like the Lowe's paint department barfed on her walls and Lonnie was mighty proud of it (requests for a whitewash were not entertained). It also looks like there's live entertainment--of a woman dancing around the stage in a red skirt variety.


Maybe her special brand of bar worked wherever she was before River North (where not everyone is rich, just saying). I can't say if business is up since the do-over but I don't know a soul around here who went in there before.

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This woman set my teeth on edge SO much that she reminded me more of the people being helped by Hoarders more than those on Bar Rescue. Just complete crazy denial.


I don't know if it's denial as much as it is that she wants a place where she can make her Woodstock called, they want their heavily medicated rhythmic flailing back scene happen. If the bar is run so the customers are comfortable she'll be out of place and ridiculous. 


Honestly? I kind of hope if she's going make the place fail she'll do it quickly. Her son doesn't deserve that kind of stress.

  • LOL 1

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