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3 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Some people are ride or die like that. Some people just don't understand that level of loyalty.

I get it.

There is more to life than sex. There are more things to consider than just one detail.

Like I said some people are wired to be ride or die.

Some aren't.

But it does have it's consequences. Shame that outside judgements are one them.

That level of loyalty?  Perhaps LuAnn needs to rethink her ride or die attitude, considering she put up with a philandering husband for four years against her wishes only to have him divorce her ass.  If I'm gonna be ride or die, it's gonna be with someone who shows me the same level of loyalty.  I think for LuAnn, she doesn't need loyalty, she just needs his wallet.

  • Love 24
1 minute ago, mwell345 said:

She took it "to the producers" - and that tells me all I need to know about Bethenny and her "integrity".  How would that have ever been the right thing to do...and if the tables were turned and it was done to her?  Oh, but that's right, HER private life is off limits.  

Yeah, too bad Bethenny's personal life is off limits because I have a feeling it would fuel this forum for weeks!  Just her divorce from Jason would be worthy of it's own show.  Yet no one is allowed to mention Jason or any of Bethenny friends or lovers.  I guess the fact that we get to see her in an assless bathing suit makes up for all that.  Anyway,   Bethenny really really really doesn't have the right to judge or even make a peep about anyone else's relationships.  Talk about glass houses.

  • Love 22
6 minutes ago, shoegal said:

If LuAnn and Tom have an open relationship and LuAnn is A-OK with it and in fact, downright enjoys the freedom, then why was she so bothered by Bethenny asking if Tom and Lu were monogamous?  Her response indicates to me that she's either not OK with it, she's a liar, or she's faking shit for the sake her image/the show. 

Because Lu shouldn't have to offer up particulars. Because one shouldn't have to subject themselves to the obvious judging and mocking by revealing that to the world knowing full well the level of disrespect that will be dished upon them trying to diminish what they feel for each other. Having an open relationship doesn't mean one must inform everyone they come across "oh and by the way we are expressing our completely adoration with each other but just so you know we do see other people".  Why do they require such a disclaimer? Ridiculous.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Because Lu shouldn't have to offer up particulars. Because one shouldn't have to subject themselves to the obvious judging and mocking by revealing that to the world knowing full well the level of disrespect that will be dished upon them trying to diminish what they feel for each other. Having an open relationship doesn't mean one must inform everyone they come across "oh and by the way we are expressing our completely adoration with each other but just so you know we do see other people".  Why do they require such a disclaimer? Ridiculous.

Well, LuAnn openly admitted her relationship with Alex was "an open marriage" so yeah, if she and Tom have an arrangement and LuAnn is perfectly OK with it, then I don't see the problem.  Bethenny asks if they are monogamous, LuAnn can just answer a simple, "we love each other and that's that".  Bethenny claims Tom was kissing another woman?  LuAnn can say "it's none of your business what Tom is doing" and walk away. However, as we have seen and are about to see more of, LuAnn does NOT seem OK with this, so either she is not OK with it or she's lying and putting on a show. 

  • Love 18
4 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Because Lu shouldn't have to offer up particulars. Because one shouldn't have to subject themselves to the obvious judging and mocking by revealing that to the world knowing full well the level of disrespect that will be dished upon them trying to diminish what they feel for each other. Having an open relationship doesn't mean one must inform everyone they come across "oh and by the way we are expressing our completely adoration with each other but just so you know we do see other people".  Why do they require such a disclaimer? Ridiculous.

Nobody is saying Lu should disclose all the particulars about her relationship, they are saying she shouldn't LIE about them.  She specifically said no she is not in an open relationship.  So yeah when Tom cheats people are going to be judgmental OF HIM because they think he's cheating on you.  If she said "Yes, we are in an open relationship" this whole thing would have been a non-issue.  

  • Love 14
9 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

But does she enjoy it?  She specifically said she didn't like it with The Count. She specifically said she and Tom are monogamous.  That's the whole thing, Bethenny didn't want to tell Lu if her relationship with Tom, like her relationship with The Count, was open. That's why she asked the question.  If Lu and Tom were in an open relationship, Tom kissing another woman would be a moot point. But Lu said they were monogamous and then grandstanded about it and how inappropriate a question it was, etc. If she just came out and said she and Tom were in an open relationship, I would have no issue with her.  Wouldn't be my choice but if she's OK with that type of arrangement then so be it.  So either she is really not OK with Tom kissing another woman or she's lying about being in a monogamous relationship with him. 

Or the third item. She's not okay with being the target of the women and them using Tom and her relationship to do it.

Being put in the position to disclose way more private and intimate items about herself than the show should ever require.

All I know is that all their theatrics and intense need to hurt someone to this degree overshadows whatever paradoxes are present in Lu's life.

It's disgusting that it's even been brought to this level of revolting by our lovely Beth and NY crew.

It's just wrong to want to cause someone This. Much. Pain. Looking at you Beth.  I know I can't revel in it.  It's just so skeevy.

Where has all the humanity gone? Uggghhhh.

  • Love 12
16 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

But does she enjoy it?  She specifically said she didn't like it with The Count. She specifically said she and Tom are monogamous.  That's the whole thing, Bethenny didn't want to tell Lu if her relationship with Tom, like her relationship with The Count, was open. That's why she asked the question.  If Lu and Tom were in an open relationship, Tom kissing another woman would be a moot point. But Lu said they were monogamous and then grandstanded about it and how inappropriate a question it was, etc. If she just came out and said she and Tom were in an open relationship, I would have no issue with her.  Wouldn't be my choice but if she's OK with that type of arrangement then so be it.  So either she is really not OK with Tom kissing another woman or she's lying about being in a monogamous relationship with him. 

I honestly don't think Luann wanted an open marriage with her ex and doesn't want one now with Tom. IMO, it was an "inappropriate" question for Bethenny to ask Luann, they are not friends nor confidants, Bethenny was not coming from a place of caring. No matter how much she tries to sell us that BS line, her nasty comments about Luann after she gets the text/photos both before and after she tells Luann reveal she did this to hurt/ humiliate Luann on camera and nothing more.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 14
16 minutes ago, shoegal said:

That level of loyalty?  Perhaps LuAnn needs to rethink her ride or die attitude, considering she put up with a philandering husband for four years against her wishes only to have him divorce her ass.  If I'm gonna be ride or die, it's gonna be with someone who shows me the same level of loyalty.  I think for LuAnn, she doesn't need loyalty, she just needs his wallet.

Hey, I rode with my son's father all the way til he shit on me as he walked out the door.

Shit happens.

Now we are good friends today and he was a shoulder when I got similarly burned by the man that followed him. This after I was bouncing around excited about the ring he put on my finger.

And again... Shit happens.

Trying to figure out how that should make someone a target of vitriol.


  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Knuckles said:

Interesting, but I had turned the thing off by then, the whole set-up with Beth was revolting. She is, of course, a perfect hypocrite, as are all the other women for playing along with this. She is the one screwing a married man who has children, not Lu. She is the one demanding privacy, while interrogating Lu as if she is a criminal.

I've lived in NY a long time, and have a handful of incredibly close friends, and I would never ask about the details of their marriages. Never. Some things are sacred between the people involved and a close friend understands and respects that. And truth, there is no knowing what is really between two people, unless you are one of them. I wish my friends all the best and would never insert myself into their relationships. 

It is no one's business how Lu conducts her life, or her relationships, unless she chooses to share that information. None of these knuckleheads seem to know how to live an adult life. Lu should never have responded to inappropriate questions...or simply parried with "and why do you feel you need to ask that question"?  Why not ask Bethy "so, did Jason ever find another woman, or did you simply discover that you hated one another"? or words to that effect. Or. better, let the question hang in silence.  

I am kind of at a loss when Bethenny asks people about their sex life or if they have any good sex lately.  When the tables are turned on her she claims she could not possibly release the information because Luann will steal her man.  Bethenny referring to Luann as just a whore is another rather colossal telling of how despicable Bethenny has become.  This wasn't in a moment of anger it was in further condemnation of Luann as a human.  Who says that about another person without some reprisal?

In the previews Ramona says to Luann, "I couldn't sleep because it brought back memories of my marriage," Luann retorts, "I don't want to hear about your marriage."  She basically tells Bethenny to butt out of her relationship. Bravo. 

Had Bethenny told Luann upon her arrival about the Tom photos there might have been a case to made for Bethenny being compassionate or at least human.  To say, she waited until the end of the vacation so as not to spoil the others' vacation is just very false.  Or they realized that there was not a need for another Mohegan Sun reel in Miami.  Remember what a great time they had because Luann wasn't there?  It felt like they were dragging every soundbite out they possibly could of Luann being excited about getting married.  The lowest blow was locking her out of her room in hopes if a few more moments of Luann watching her world collapse.

2 hours ago, HumblePi said:

 LuAnn experienced an open marriage with the Count Alexandre de Lesseps out of sheer necessity. Alex, it seems, was quite a womanizer and cheated frequently. In order to continue a marriage with him and raise her two children in the lavish lifestyle she had become accustomed to,

Luann and the Count's open marriage may have been something as simple as the Count not being forthcoming with a settlement.  It may not have been so much about a lavish lifestyle but maybe just a lifestyle.  The Count seemed to hold all the purse strings since Luann had not worked since getting married. When I first learned of Luann's divorce I remember thinking. . . get a lump settlement, it is so difficult to collect from out of country respondents.  Perhaps the extra years had more to do with being able to get an equitable settlement out of the Count.  She returned to the US jobless and with a nine and eleven year old. 

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, zulualpha said:

In this last episode I could really see why Tom was attracted to Luann as a partner as opposed to any of the other women.  She's always up and good to go, she doesn't seem to like to sit around gossiping about others and drinking, she holds her liquor well when she does drink and she seems like a basically happy person that loves life.  That's a lot more than can be said about the other mopes on the show this season.

And as much as that might be true of Lu, Tom still doesn't care enough about her to respect her.  Sad. 

I agree that he got the pick of the litter, but even that isn't good enough for this bozo.  I think Lu is obnoxious but she can do better than this.

  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, shoegal said:

Well, LuAnn openly admitted her relationship with Alex was "an open marriage" so yeah, if she and Tom have an arrangement and LuAnn is perfectly OK with it, then I don't see the problem.  Bethenny asks if they are monogamous, LuAnn can just answer a simple, "we love each other and that's that".  Bethenny claims Tom was kissing another woman?  LuAnn can say "it's none of your business what Tom is doing" and walk away. However, as we have seen and are about to see more of, LuAnn does NOT seem OK with this, so either she is not OK with it or she's lying and putting on a show. 

So basically Lu isn't really good at handling these inquiries when they come up? She doesn't say the right thing so all bets are off? That's my point. It's all the questioning and interference that I'm troubled by. If that weren't going on then there would be no need to Lu to "say the right thing" or "handle it correctly".  That's where I stand with it all. Hell I don't even know if half my theories about Lu and Tom's relationship are even close or if my ideas of Lu's stance on her relationships is correct all I know is that the intense focus on Lu and her relationships is the real problem here and not any "conflicting details" from Lu's past or present relationships or past or present statements.

Pretty simplistic really. The time to drop it was long ago but this whole crusade against all things Lu have turned this into a very, very disgusting display of evil. Chilling.

  • Love 9
39 minutes ago, shoegal said:

That level of loyalty?  Perhaps LuAnn needs to rethink her ride or die attitude, considering she put up with a philandering husband for four years against her wishes only to have him divorce her ass.  If I'm gonna be ride or die, it's gonna be with someone who shows me the same level of loyalty.  I think for LuAnn, she doesn't need loyalty, she just needs his wallet.

There are women out there that think their husbands will stop cheating on them if they are patient enough, if they become a better wife, if they do/go along with whatever the husband requests, it usually fails and they end up in divorce but that doesn't mean they don't try any and all to save the marriage especially when  they have kids, young kids at that. IMO, Luann was "loyal" to her children and her family, not so much to her husband but more so to the rest. I don't think Luann will put up with an open marriage this time, no kids to protect/think about, just her feelings this time.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

Nobody is saying Lu should disclose all the particulars about her relationship, they are saying she shouldn't LIE about them.  She specifically said no she is not in an open relationship.  So yeah when Tom cheats people are going to be judgmental OF HIM because they think he's cheating on you.  If she said "Yes, we are in an open relationship" this whole thing would have been a non-issue.  

Chicken or the egg? The only way should would have an opportunity to "lie" about it is if she's been asked to share those particulars.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

So basically Lu isn't really good at handling these inquiries when they come up? She doesn't say the right thing so all bets are off? That's my point. It's all the questioning and interference that I'm troubled by. If that weren't going on then there would be no need to Lu to "say the right thing" or "handle it correctly".  That's where I stand with it all. Hell I don't even know if half my theories about Lu and Tom's relationship are even close or if my ideas of Lu's stance on her relationships is correct all I know is that the intense focus on Lu and her relationships is the real problem here and not any "conflicting details" from Lu's past or present relationships or past or present statements.

Pretty simplistic really. The time to drop it was long ago but this whole crusade against all things Lu have turned this into a very, very disgusting display of evil. Chilling.

I agree that is it pretty simplistic.  The issue is that either LuAnn is lying to us or she's lying to herself. 

....and if LuAnn doesn't want to be called out on either of these things, then I suggest that LuAnn get herself off reality TV, especially the Real Housewives. 

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, shoegal said:

I agree that is it pretty simplistic.  The issue is that either LuAnn is lying to us or she's lying to herself. 

....and if LuAnn doesn't want to be called out on either of these things, then I suggest that LuAnn get herself off reality TV, especially the Real Housewives. 

Or be allowed the same courtesy, shown to 50% of the cast, according to Bethenny and make it off limits.  To me, that is preferable to acing people out of camera time.

Luann is not a good actress, and at this point in her life why would she settle? Luann is incredibly competitive and just ask any of the others likes being the center of attention-I can't imagine she would want to settle for a guy that publicly humiliates her time and time again.  I keep thinking Tom has probably had the rudest awakening ever-no more after work stop offs at his favorite watering holes with Luann.  His places just became their places. 

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Ro was such a bitch to Doris.  Just be honest.  Ro pulls this stuff a lot.  Remember the Berkshires at Heather's house.

She did the same thing whenever she was invited to Alex's who lived in Brooklyn. It was too far, it was the Brooklyn, therefore not fabulous enough for her. She actually did go once and complained the whole way over and then either she or Sonja made some snide remark about the crappy hangers Alex used to hang their coats. Elitist twat. 

Edited by msblossom
Brooklyn not Bronx
  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Chicken or the egg? The only way should would have an opportunity to "lie" about it is if she's been asked to share those particulars.

In a perfect world, maybe but we're talking about a person with a history of having been in an open marriage for some period of time. If this is my "friend" and I know this and the fact that her fiance has been sliding lips with someone else AND there is photographic evidence of it, the first thing I'd want to know is if her current relationship is monogamous.  If not, no harm done and no need to get myself or my friend all worked up about it.  If it is monogamous though, it's a big deal and I'm going to tell her.  This is exactly what Bethenny did. Luann has said in her blog this week that if her girlfriend saw her man stepping out on her she'd want to know. So I guess the question is, would it have been OK if Bethenny told Lu about the cheating as long as she didn't ask about the monogamy?   

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

I don't think she wanted the kids to find out while they were still in school and Noel graduated last year, so she can talk about it if she chooses. I think she decided to be honest/open about it to Carole because she asked Luann without judgement or a nasty comment before hand. 

I don't understand what is so magical about Noel graduating that makes it okay to talk about now.  It's still his father being discussed on a national tv show and being painted as an adulterer who victimized his mother.  

At any rate, I don't think Luann was talking to Carole about it because Carole was so nice, and I don't think it is because Noel has aged out of being effected by making this all fodder for the show.  I think it just suits Luann's purposes to make herself out to have been the victim of the count's cheating ways at this point and make it sound like she would never be a willing party to such an arrangement with Tom.

58 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Hold on wait. If that is the arrangement and Lu enjoys it just as much as her partner then how is that bullshit? They love each other enough to want to be each others companions which to some people, me included, thinks is more important of a find and something to be ecstatic about than fidelity (if in fact fidelity isn't a requirement to your bliss). She has every right to bounce around happy cause if that's what it takes for her to be happy then it isn't BS. And she shouldn't have to outline the conditions of her and her partners happiness either cause having an arrangement like that doesn't change the bond two people make with each other.  It's not selling out if she too likes those parameters and it's not lying if in fact it gives them the desired happiness they both are looking for. Just because there seems to be perks in their arrangements doesn't automatically mean it's smooth sailing and their union is any less challenging or that she's boasting about something she or they don't put work into. There is no reason why, because of the arrangement, Lu and Tom can't express pride in their relationship or should feel like they can't claim marital bliss just because they don't plan on conducting their marriage like others do.  I don't get why she can't express pride or happiness or magical and written in the stars status. It's only magical if they are traditional? It can't be written in the stars if they decide to have an open marriage. One thing does not have to do with the other for some people. I think she can be over the moon about the upcoming nuptials and have an open relationship at the same time. I wouldn't deny her her right to be giddy and gushing because those particular circumstances wouldn't be MY fairytale ending and I find it ridiculous to be so blissful about an arrangement like that but if it is for HER then leave it be.

It's not bullshit just because its an open relationship.  It's bullshit because the magical monogamous relationship Luann is trying to convince everyone she has with Tom is not real.  She did the same thing with the count.  And she does it because Luann is the person who equates magic with a traditional marriage, not me.  She wants people to think she has a magical life, so she lies to perpetuate an image based on her own view of what it takes to be magical.  And that means claiming she is monogamous even when that's not the reality of the situation.  It's bullshit. 

And if she doesn't want to have to talk about her relationship to you or me or her cast mates or anyone else who contributes to lining her pockets by watching the show, she should consider not being on a reality TV show and making her romance her entire storyline.


49 minutes ago, shoegal said:

If LuAnn and Tom have an open relationship and LuAnn is A-OK with it and in fact, downright enjoys the freedom, then why was she so bothered by Bethenny asking if Tom and Lu were monogamous?  Her response indicates to me that she's either not OK with it, she's a liar, or she's faking shit for the sake her image/the show. 

I'll pick door number 3,  Monty. 

Luann is not about to admit she has an open relationship because she doesn't want people to know.  She has to get all pearl-clutchy at the suggestion, lest someone think she is okay with the idea. 

That and because when Bethenny asked her that, she probably realized some kind of snag had occurred.  It was a rather random thing for Bethenny to ask her, and Luann is not stupid.  She knew there was a reason Bethenny was asking and couldn't completely hide her reaction 

  • Love 13
11 minutes ago, shoegal said:

I agree that is it pretty simplistic.  The issue is that either LuAnn is lying to us or she's lying to herself. 

....and if LuAnn doesn't want to be called out on either of these things, then I suggest that LuAnn get herself off reality TV, especially the Real Housewives. 

Lu doesn't even get called out.  She gets sucker punched. Difference. 

Hell I'd enjoy this shit more if these skanks would just be straight up with it. It's the underhanded bullshit that's cowardly.

Lu isn't underhanded by trying to be as minimal as possible about personal details she would like to try to keep as private as possible. Doesn't hurt anyone.

It's so disgustingly deliberate there's scuzz and residue on my TV screen afterwards. The others constantly grabbing and pulling at the very thing they know isn't and SHOULDN'T be up for grabs is the repulsive part. 

But I guess that's just me and my standards having a rant at these ladies it seems every episode.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Or be allowed the same courtesy, shown to 50% of the cast, according to Bethenny and make it off limits.  To me, that is preferable to acing people out of camera time.

Luann is not a good actress, and at this point in her life why would she settle? Luann is incredibly competitive and just ask any of the others likes being the center of attention-I can't imagine she would want to settle for a guy that publicly humiliates her time and time again.  I keep thinking Tom has probably had the rudest awakening ever-no more after work stop offs at his favorite watering holes with Luann.  His places just became their places. 

If LuAnn wants to make it off limits, I think that's great!  .....but she can't have it both ways.  She can't have her "engagement party" on the yacht and then claim that Tom is off limits. 

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Celia Rubenstein said:


It's not bullshit just because its an open relationship.  It's bullshit because the magical monogamous relationship Luann is trying to convince everyone she has with Tom is not real.  She did the same thing with the count.  And she does it because Luann is the person who equates magic with a traditional marriage, not me.  She wants people to think she has a magical life, so she lies to perpetuate an image based on her own view of what it takes to be magical.  And that means claiming she is monogamous even when that's not the reality of the situation.  It's bullshit. 

And if she doesn't want to have to talk about her relationship to you or me or her cast mates or anyone else who contributes to lining her pockets by watching the show, she should consider not being on a reality TV show and making her romance her entire storyline.


I'll pick door number 3,  Monty. 

Luann is not about to admit she has an open relationship because she doesn't want people to know.  She has to get all pearl-clutchy at the suggestion, lest someone think she is okay with the idea. 

That and because when Bethenny asked her that, she probably realized some kind of snag had occurred.  It was a rather random thing for Bethenny to ask her, and Luann is not stupid.  She knew there was a reason Bethenny was asking and couldn't completely hide her reaction 

The only thing possibly not real is the monogamous part. So she chooses not to disclose that particular detail of their arrangement....Substitutes open relationship with monogamous. Doesn't negate the entire relationship or the happiness they've found with each other.

That is if she is ok with that arrangement and that is in fact the arrangement.

That's really what my point is.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

In a perfect world, maybe but we're talking about a person with a history of having been in an open marriage for some period of time. If this is my "friend" and I know this and the fact that her fiance has been sliding lips with someone else AND there is photographic evidence of it, the first thing I'd want to know is if her current relationship is monogamous.  If not, no harm done and no need to get myself or my friend all worked up about it.  If it is monogamous though, it's a big deal and I'm going to tell her.  This is exactly what Bethenny did. Luann has said in her blog this week that if her girlfriend saw her man stepping out on her she'd want to know. So I guess the question is, would it have been OK if Bethenny told Lu about the cheating as long as she didn't ask about the monogamy?   

Bethenny could have/should have told Luann right there and then, directly after she asked the monogamy question. Not the twisted cat and mouse game that Bethenny played. Bethenny wasn't coming from a place of caring about Luann, not by a long shot and isn't a "friend" of/to Luann in any sense of the word.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Yours Truly said:

The only thing possibly not real is the monogamous part. So she chooses not to disclose that particular detail of their arrangement....Substitutes open relationship with monogamous. Doesn't negate the entire relationship or the happiness they've found with each other.

That is if she is ok with that arrangement and that is in fact the arrangement.

That's really what my point is.

There is a difference between not disclosing something and lying about it.  If LuAnn and Tom have an open relationship, then LuAnn is a liar. 

  • Love 9
22 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

There are women out there that think their husbands will stop cheating on them if they are patient enough, if they become a better wife, if they do/go along with whatever the husband requests, it usually fails and they end up in divorce but that doesn't mean they don't try any and all to save the marriage especially when  they have kids, young kids at that. IMO, Luann was "loyal" to her children and her family, not so much to her husband but more so to the rest. I don't think Luann will put up with an open marriage this time, no kids to protect/think about, just her feelings this time.

Thank you! There's more to loyalty just one or two levels.

  • Love 1

I'm re-watching the episode and have one question: What happened to Sonja?

She's saying that now Tom is gone, she's been left high and dry...no other lover. Give me a break! The old Sonja would have shrugged off Tom and LuAnn as "his loss...it's not like there aren't more where he came from," with a coy smile for the camera. I'm not really buying this lovelorn story arc. C'mon, Sonja, get your groove back and fast! Pining for a lost booty call isn't a good look for you!

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, shoegal said:

There is a difference between not disclosing something and lying about it.  If LuAnn and Tom have an open relationship, then LuAnn is a liar. 

Wait what were we talking about again?

Were we debating Lu being a liar or Beth being a bitch or Lu having an open relationship with the Count?

I think my main idea was that Beth is terrible, terrible indefensible wench.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, shoegal said:

LuAnn claims that she and Tom are monogamous. 

They aren't even married yet! Bethenny's question was will Luann/Tom have an open "marriage", not if they have an open "relationship" or if she would "forgive" him if he does something inappropriate. LOL As of now, Luann and Tom do not have an open "marriage" so why are we discussing it like it has already happened? LOL

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, shoegal said:

There is a difference between not disclosing something and lying about it.  If LuAnn and Tom have an open relationship, then LuAnn is a liar. 

Well, The Countess does have a history of being a fraud and liar.  She lied about her blissful marriage to the Count.  Then she lied and tried to cover up her rendezvous with the pirate - while she was in a relationship with Jacques.  And last season - her response to having a fling with a married man was - "So"?

Edited by escape
  • Love 14
8 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Bethenny's question was will Luann/Tom have an open "marriage", not if they have an open "relationship" or if she would "forgive" him if he does something inappropriate.

The question was actually if they were in a monogamous relationship.


Edited by esco1822
To include link to actual scene.
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, mwell345 said:

She took it "to the producers" - and that tells me all I need to know about Bethenny and her "integrity".  How would that have ever been the right thing to do...and if the tables were turned and it was done to her?  Oh, but that's right, HER private life is off limits.  

Wait.  Some 'guy' TEXTED (actually is what she said to her Gf in Miami) at 2:30 in the am..  and he "doesn't care at all about this or have a dog in the fight" was her relay to Miami Gf.  Sounds like he Cares..like--'right on it' Cares.  Prolly paid by B to follow Tom around.

Just curious if you have to get a release to show Luann a text/pic that You got. on Your phone.  Even if you showed it on camera-- you would need a release from the text-er?   and if that happens, what about a release from Tom and the chicky?  I don't think that proves that it wasn't production driven.  It could easily be a cover and the 'guy' worked for production.  

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

They aren't even married yet! Bethenny's question was will Luann/Tom have an open "marriage", not if they have an open "relationship" or if she would "forgive" him if he does something inappropriate. LOL As of now, Luann and Tom do not have an open "marriage" so why are we discussing it like it has already happened? LOL

Actually, Bethenny's question to LuAnn regarding Tom was are you two "monogamous"?  The "open marriage" discussion was regarding LuAnn and Alex, with LuAnn herself stating she did in fact, have an "open marriage". 

  • Love 4
Just now, escape said:

Well, The Countess does have a history of being a fraud and liar.  She painted this nauseating picture of her blissful marriage to the Count.  Then she lied and tried to cover up her rendezvous with the pirate - while she was in a relationship with Jacques.  And last season - her response to having a fling with a married man was - "So"?

She did have a good marriage with the Count. Just because the last years of her marriage went downhill is she not supposed to acknowledge the good parts of their marriage?  She still recounts things in a wistful giddy way when recalling her earlier years. I supposed she's supposed to suppress the joy she experiences when recalling that part of her life? Is she supposed to go around and trash her memories and past for the sake of perceived accuracy? Her attempts at keeping the ending of her marriage off the show is not the same as perpetrating a lie for the sake of hurting the others. It was only to keep her failed marriage from becoming fodder for the show. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

The question was actually if they were in a monogamous relationship. To quote Lu's blog from last week:


"Why would she ask if Tom and I are monogamous? We are engaged to be married!"

You know Lu's answer was very odd.  Even in the moment when I heard her she looked uncomfortable. She didn't sound like she wanted to answer it with an absolute hence,  "We are engaged to be married" response meaning I'm not officially claiming yes and I'll leave you to the most obvious assumption most people would make when two people are engaged. I do believe she eventually spit out yes but I'm not sure. I do know it didn't look like she wanted to answer that question with a definite answer, at least she didn't to me.

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, escape said:

Well, The Countess does have a history of being a fraud and liar.  She lied about her blissful marriage to the Count.  Then she lied and tried to cover up her rendezvous with the pirate - while she was in a relationship with Jacques.  And last season - her response to having a fling with a married man was - "So"?

Yep.  LuAnn signed on to do a reality show, then promptly lied about her reality.  If she wanted to protect her children and keep her crumbling marriage from becoming public fodder, there was a very simple solution.  Don't do the show.  Instead, she chose to lie and it came back to bite her in the ass.  Eh, can't muster up much sympathy for that....LuAnn has a history of being a liar and a cheat.  *shrugs*

  • Love 7

I feel so bad for Lu.

Beth went after her with such brutal information. Can't wait to see her get some of that brutality come the reunion.

Once when I was 25 I pissed off a friend. We went back and forth for a bit. Bad blood for a minute. Animosity for some time but then moved on.

Seven years later she hit me with her car while I was crossing the road. Cited the issue we had years earlier as her reason.

I completely understood, we laughed about it, I had it coming and all that then we both returned to our designated cells at the asylum.

Good times. LOL.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4
19 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Does Bethenny travel everywhere with a trunk full of SkinnyGirl products to display?  Every single time we see Bethenny, whether it be at home or in a hotel room, or a rented house (with the exception of the weekend at Dorinda's Berkshires home), there is a full display of her products.  I'm surprised that she didn't yell at Sonja to turn the bottle that she was holding so that the camera could catch the logo.  

I'm still digesting the rest of the episode, so that's all I've got for now....

This is exactly what I was thinking when I saw Luann walk into Beth's room. There were full sealed bottles of SG just haphazard enough to look like leftovers from the night before but in my head I was like "who's the set decorator here? is there a PA tasked with lugging SG bottles everywhere Beth is filmed?" I swear, it must be in her rider. 

Honestly, I was too distracted by the blatant product placement to even get excited about the inevitable throwdown. By the time I recovered all I saw was "to be continued"

Edited by rho
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

The only thing possibly not real is the monogamous part. So she chooses not to disclose that particular detail of their arrangement....

If there is one, after being called a whore, a slut and every disparaging word the B. could think of, after reading years and years of "Luann the slut who cheated on Jacques with the Pirate", "Whorish Luann sleeps with married men" etc etc..., I think I get why she could be lying about free passes in her relationship with Tom. Just sayin'. The amount of judgment about her sexuality or fidelity is worrisome to me. I feel like there is absolutely no progress in accepting that someone's idea of a relationship isn't limited to the normative husband and wife one. It's my idea FOR ME, that's all. You want to be in a trouple? Go for it. You have no problem fucking around and/or no problem that your husband does it too? Go for it. You were cheated on, not once, not twice but multiple times and chose to forgive and make it work even if you were deeply hurt? I couldn't do that but do you Boo! Just leave children and animals alone, don't go spreading diseases, use protection, don't get pregnant at 16 or 55, don't put yourself in dangerous situations without agreeing on a safe word, don't sleep with my husband if you value his life and yours and we are golden. 
Who are those women to cast judgement upon her? And I don't believe for one second the problem is that she lies about it. They all lie about things in their life. Or omit them, same difference and it's obvious watching some reactions of the castmates sometimes when one of them is serving us bullcrap in front of the cameras. But they have the courtesy of shutting their trap and keep the scene moving.

And if there's no arrangement of sorts, well, it doesn't affect any of the other women on the show. She's the one cheated on, she's the one who's marrying the guy. She's not lying about cancer while pedling insurance or super vitamins at the same time. She didn't sleep with one of those women's husband, even when it was obvious the wifes didn't sleep with them either anymore. 
Ok LuAnn can be obnoxious, a liar and a hypocrit. She does, as do the others, that part of her job really well, but still, she's not near Sarah Palin's level of despicable or hypocrisy and above all, I don't see what she could have ever done to any of her castmates, in public or in front of the cameras, that's close to what Bethenny has done to her since the season began. I have a shitty memory, I'll give everybody that, but I never felt she deserved to be treated like that. LuAnn could go working at McDonalds to learn again about hard work and humility, that's a given (and boy, her Countess crap drives the urge to go 200 years back in time and treat Louis Napoleon with the same hair conditionner we used on Louis XVI before he gives a fucking courtesy title to a Lesseps...) but except maybe for playing along with the fortune teller in Morocco which was a super gossipy thing to do, and that was when?, ten million seasons ago, I can't think of a single thing that would warrant the nukes. Obviously, I don't count her spat with Carole last year, because really, who could ever be offended on behalf of the wallpaper anyway?

Edited by Pollock
ETA: too much words too late at night. 
  • Love 11

I always kind of didn't like Luann because of what a bitch she was to Alex. Remember the "Herman Munster Boots." What an insult to Herman's footwear! (I talk about it at the Munsters thread)

But I have to say our house is 100% team Lu. I mean Bethenny is a demon spawn from Hell. Ever her calloused diseased soul recoiled from what she was doing to another human being on National Television. So you take what some random scumbag sends you to try to destroy another Human Being's entire life. In front of the world? Is television that important to you? Is getting even worth that much to you? Is making other women as miserable as you are in you pathetic excuse for a life worth it?

What a worthless piece of crap.

  • Love 24

WTF was that lace business Carole had on at dinner? Good grief, you are not a young starlet, or as far as I know, a Playboy Bunny.

Bethany is just vile. Any enjoyment I have had from her is long in the past and she has begin to stink like the overstaying houseguest. Please go away and ruin other people's lives elsewhere. Telling Carole and Ramona (and thereby Sonja) was vile and childish. Getting the info in the first place is highly suspecy anyway. But if she had one ounce of class or heart, she would have told Luann in private, off-camera and then, if they must, have it rehashed on the show. I hated seeing Luann brought down from her cloud castle in that way. And Ramona was too gleeful for words, practically. Her lunatic eyes bulged like never before as she grilled Luann about her "chat" with Bethany. Ugh. Also I was as likley to meet Tom's mommy at Thanksgiving as Sonja was. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

Beth went after her with such brutal information. Can't wait to see her get some of that brutality come the reunion.

Well, Luann is still with Tom.  So I doubt the information was all that brutal.  




I feel so bad for Lu.


Why?  Based on the clip of the upcoming show, it appears that Luann's main concern is that Tom cheated on her in public and everyone knows about it, not that he ... you know, cheated on her.  I can't bring myself to feel that bad for her over being embarrassed.  Not after she screwed that greasy pirate while she was with Jaques.  She has some embarrassment coming.  

Maybe she will impress me with her broken heart next week and I will feel differently, but right now I don't feel the need to shed any tears over Luann's wounded pride.  

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 7
45 minutes ago, seasick said:

Wait.  Some 'guy' TEXTED (actually is what she said to her Gf in Miami) at 2:30 in the am..  and he "doesn't care at all about this or have a dog in the fight" was her relay to Miami Gf.  Sounds like he Cares..like--'right on it' Cares.  Prolly paid by B to follow Tom around.

Just curious if you have to get a release to show Luann a text/pic that You got. on Your phone.  Even if you showed it on camera-- you would need a release from the text-er?   and if that happens, what about a release from Tom and the chicky?  I don't think that proves that it wasn't production driven.  It could easily be a cover and the 'guy' worked for production.  


I think this is another issue I have with the whole matter.  The attempt to act like Frankelstein's Monster accidentally fell on a naked Luann while wearing her biggest strap-on in Frankelstein's Monster's attempt to Fuck Luann over as royally as possible on air.  Doesn't have a dog in this fight?  Yet knows Tom enough to know his relation to Luann and in relation to Frankelstein's Monster?  At 2:30 am?  Doesn't have a dog in this fight?  That's a big ass bag of puppy chow that purported early hours texter has behind him.

Edited by tenativelyyours
  • Love 12

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