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Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion

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On August 21, 2016 at 8:41 PM, pigs-in-space said:

What is it with this show and mothers who blatantly favor one twin over the other?  I watched the first episode (or maybe second) that Eden was on, and there was also a set of fraternal twins (Brianne and Ashlynne or something like that) and the mother clearly thought one of the twins looked more like her and was therefore considered prettier, more confident, etc.  And of course she acted like a total brat throughout.

That one was kind of nice though, because the dad had the good sense to say she was not going to finish the pageant because as her parent he was responsible for her behavior and he wasn't going to reward her for that.  The mother, of course, was upset that she didn't get to finish competing, and told her later that she beat her sister (second runner up vs. third runner up - woo hoo).  That was also a Universal Royalty pageant, and Annette, the director, who I usually find a little silly on this, gave the less favored twin the "Director's Choice" award, which I thought was really sweet.  The girl was clearly trying really hard despite being told constantly that she wasn't as good as her sister.

Eden was really a complete non-entity in that episode compared to that family.

I'm watching that one now. Yeah, sure Mom. The one that looks like you is prettiest. Haven't seen enough of her to note whether she inherited your buck teeth that stay clinched when you talk. Sorry. You walked right into that one.

Oh, and the *newborn* boy entering with his big brother. This will be a great episode, I can tell.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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27 minutes ago, RealityCowgirl said:

I'm watching that one now. Yeah, sure Mom. The one that looks like you is prettiest. Haven't seen enough of her to note whether she inherited your buck teeth that stay clinched when you talk. Sorry. You walked right into that one.

Oh, and the *newborn* boy entering with his big brother. This will be a great episode, I can tell.

I totally forgot that horrible mother dressed the less favored child as Julia Roberts' character in Pretty Woman.  Ugh.  I find it interesting how the show glossed over it in this episode, but made a big deal out of it when another girl was dressed up in the outfit in a later show.

Thoughts on the new season? I was disappointed. It appears to have morphed into something like Dance Moms (or, God help us, Cheer Perfection) where we follow the same group through the whole season. I always used to enjoy the clueless parents who wandered in making their own pageant dresses and that sort of thing, but it looks like everything is going to be stage-managed by these coaches now. And WOW, Cambrie is playing the bitch role to the hilt! 

  • Love 7

I'm afraid that my guiltiest pleasure is going to suck. The team rivalry that the producers set up will quickly devolve into manufactured drama, which is what usually ends up causing me to tune out. This is going to become another Candy Apples vs. Abby Lee Miller deal; I stopped watching that crap years ago.

  • Love 8

Not sure how I'm going to like the two competing coaches angle either but from the previews it does look like we are going to have some other families and some look downright crazy so I may have to stick around for those. Watching the countdown to the new season right now and enjoying seeing MacKenzie and her Ni-Ni which always cracked me up because that's what my nephews call me. I always wanted "Ni-Nis a hardworking lady" as my ringtone. Lol

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Hate the coaching stuff. I really don't want to watch two "teams" compete. The coaches were obnoxious. Give me more momma's trying to teach a two year old the kissy face butt wiggle in their living room. If this format continues I'm out.

Also I'm sure the fees the coaches charge are just the beginning. On top of the hourly rate for a private lesson they probably charge for any group lessons or any time she meets with them re hair and makeup. And I'm sure they get kickbacks from the vendor's she uses. I also remember when my kid was in gymnastics and when we traveled for a meet the parents had to pay the coaches expenses including travel, hourly rate for being there, hotels, per diem, etc. It our case it wasn't terrible because the teams were big and they almost never flew. So a night or two in a hotel, plus travel and fees maybe added on 50 bucks to the meet expenses. Miss sassy and the other one are certainly charging their expenses back to the kids. So on top of those outrageous entry fees, they are forking over hundreds of dollars to cover the coaches expenses. Those ladies are indeed making a killing. All part of the pageant machine. It's insane. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 4

I don't care for the new format either.  I just kept thinking "dance moms".  We stopped that show when it became just a one hour screaming match. 

Otherwise why was that mom on the couch like that?  She was all sprawled out  that was the most disturbing scene to me   

I will continue on for a bit also just to see that mom who gives her kids the private plane . 

  • Love 9

ITA that the coach format is horrible.  And is there any doubt that the skinny, bitchy coach uses the other coach's weight as part of her sales pitch to get moms to pick her instead?  You can just tell she's the type who would.

And the mom and kid refusing to wear the stupid bow?  Get over yourselves.

Also, when skinny coach told the girls that "dallas LOVATO!" was coming, you could tell by their excitement that they thought she meant Demi.

  • Love 3

Why, TLC, why???  Why would you tamper with my guiltiest pleasure like that?  I have been looking forward to the return of this train wreck for over a month.  I'm hoping the rest of the season isn't going to be as focused on the coaches as this first episode was.  I couldn't care less about Miss Cambrie (didn't Cheer Perfection mom have a "Cambrie" as well - and also was involved with pageants?) or the other coach whose name escapes me.  And to not even get to crowning at the end of the episode?  Please let this have been a fluke, because I can't with this format.

Oh, and I am also out if I am to be treated to spewing vomit & snot rockets every week. Ew - I was eating at the time :(

  • Love 14

Dallas Lovato was on an episode of Dance Moms as well, doing the same schtick.  

That bow argument was ridiculously fake.  The mom could barely contain herself from bursting out laughing.

And yeah, whoever mentioned the mom sprawled out while giving her talking head - wtf was that?  Is that going to be a thing now?

Edited by Daisy head
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I pray for the return of Ashlynn/BreAnn/Horseface Mom.  I had forgotten about them until watching the reruns yesterday.  It was striking to me how much prettier Ashlynn was -and not just because felt sorry for her.  She really looked angelic, whereas Favorite Twin looked, well, like her mom... I would love to see what they are up to now.  There were younger sisters as well - I wonder how they figure in to the dynamic now that they are a little older.  Do they look like mom, therefore being worthy of praise and unripped dresses?  Hopefully dad has taken Ashlynn & run, or at the very least given BreAnn a much deserved swat at the ass.

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I may be an awful person, but I feel like Mickie Wood has set Eden up for critique, so here goes - Eden Wood has got to be one of the most truly unfortunate looking children I have seen on tv or in real life.  Definitely not "facially gifted", IMO.  I wonder what they are up to now.  I know they had a short lived reality show - I didn't watch, as even I have standards - and have done some straight to video films, like Little Rascals type stuff.  Are they still chasing the dream & doing pageants?  Did the Eden Wood doll fly off the shelves, or what?

  • Love 7

Count me in as hating the new format!  All about teams and less about the actual pageant day? No thanks.  Plus, what in the world is the purpose of being a part of a team in a pageant?  You aren't competing for some sort of group score.  I'd think if anything, you'd stay far away from being on a team so you were being coached in a way that was different or unique from the herd.  I wasn't even interested in any of the little girls and now this is the group we'll follow all season?  Stupid, stupid, stupid.    

  • Love 9

For me, the biggest disservice Mickie did to Eden was skew reality in ways she could not deliver. When she was little (like the early episode that just aired, when she was 4), Eden likely was simply parroting what Mickie and maybe others were saying to/around her. At some point, I assume she started believing her own (manufactured) press. 

Mickie bought what the pageant world was selling, literally and metaphorically. That that didn't translate into their joint, grand Hollywood destiny (and set her daughter up for inevitable disappointment) is mostly on her. I just want to wipe that smugness right off her face whenever she appears on my screen.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Premiere episode was horrible. In total agreement that if this is the new format - focusing on the coaches and team aspect, I'm out, and I predict the show won't last long. The beauty of T&T is the crazy kids, crazy families and crazy pageant directors, not about how many times Cambrie can change clothes or her war with other coaches. The episode felt like an hour long audition reel for Cambrie with incidental kids and parents thrown in for good measure. The coaches aren't that fascinating.

  • Love 16

Totally agree they RUINED THIS SHOW!! I want to follow 3 girls and their batshit crazys mamma's and watch the pageant and see the meltdowns!! I was SO SO SO BORED!!! Horrible!


And Cambrie dresses like a whore- an Australian's nightmare with her horrible fake boobs.


Bow Lady- sorry I am on Cambrie's side- you signed up, you paid, get with the program or leave. The hooker outfits on the girls with the big ugly bow is ridiculous buy YOU signed up!! You made the decision to join in so join in! No one is forcing you to be there.  If you want to be a part, follow the rules. 


But yeah this show STUNK!! and I was so excited!

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Sam215 said:

I don't care for the new format either.  I just kept thinking "dance moms".  We stopped that show when it became just a one hour screaming match. 

Otherwise why was that mom on the couch like that?  She was all sprawled out  that was the most disturbing scene to me   

I will continue on for a bit also just to see that mom who gives her kids the private plane . 

Count me in on not liking the new format too.   Yeah, that mom grossed me out sitting like that.

  • Love 1


Otherwise why was that mom on the couch like that?  She was all sprawled out  that was the most disturbing scene to me  

Not to mention the huge clown bow affixed to her chest. Who would sit that way when being taped for a TV show. Also, the mom whose husband works out of town in the oil fields to allow baby girl to have everything she needs. Baby Jesus please tell me he is not doing that to fund the pageant expenses. THe other mom seemed cray cray also. Please more focus on that. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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My DVR cut out before the end of the ep. Did it run longer than an hour?

Agree with all the comments that the new format with the focus on the coaches is terrible.  It's interesting that the editors for the prior seasons highlights reel realized that the best moments were the kids, moms and directors. Lots of those kids had coaches, but those aren't the funny and watchable moments.

  • Love 2

Count me in as one who does not like the new format of one of my favorite guilty pleasures.  Make it about the kids and their crazy families, not about famewhore coaches.  Won't be watching if the focus stays on the rival groups and coaches.  I'm with all of you who want to see, in addition to the kids and their families,  the directors and judges and the crownings for heaven's sake!

  • Love 5

One of my favorite moments was some random newborn baby boy competing in a pageant and his mother said "He likes to go out and meet people" . WTH? He's two freaking weeks old - he like to suck on bottles, poop his pants and be held!!!

I was so very pleased they had this kid and his brother on the show last night on the rerun! 

I'm echoing the sentiments - please make it go back to before. The rival teams are B.S. I can't imagine those moms are loyal to anybody - they would tear our each other's hair to win a crown and a handful of crunchy money stapled to a paper plate. 

Seeing Mia and her mother on one of the rerun shows was so sad in light of what has happened to her since. Like a beauty pageant would be a big thing when your kid has cancer. 

I was figuring Eden Wood must be about 10 now? I would love to see what's she's up to - has she lost that Suzanne Sugarbaker 80s Hair-Closer-to-Jesus look? Did Makenzie(rhymes with Lindsey) get some teeth? How about Alaska and Brock (I think that's the brother's name - the little boy with the bowl haircut)? I think I've seen Isabella (I'm brain farting on the name, she was a little girl with glasses) on some TV shows. And the little girl with the death metal mama with the tattoos and the "chookie moves"? 

  • Love 2

Mia's mom was really scary.  Not just her shrieking about how the judges "Hated!" Mia, while Mia was in the same room,  but the weird facial twitches.  I bet she's downright terrifying when the cameras aren't around.  Poor Mia - she is so sweet and  beautiful.  I am sending her prayers and positive energy. She reminded me of a young Hayden Panettiere. 

Edited by Daisy head
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11 hours ago, Sam215 said:

I don't care for the new format either.  I just kept thinking "dance moms".  We stopped that show when it became just a one hour screaming match. 

Otherwise why was that mom on the couch like that?  She was all sprawled out  that was the most disturbing scene to me

I will continue on for a bit also just to see that mom who gives her kids the private plane . 

I came here to ask the same thing about the Mom spread eagle and sloppy on the couch.  What the hell! I was so uncomfortable every time they showed her.  I hope she was embarrassed, but I somehow doubt that. 

  • Love 6

I am with the rest of you not liking the new format. I don't think it is because things have changed that much since I know people who do this regularly without a crazy coach. I will say that in keeping with the old style, one mom grossed me out and I wanted to slap the snot out of another mom. So it has that going for it. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, CSunshine76 said:

I came here to ask the same thing about the Mom spread eagle and sloppy on the couch.  What the hell! I was so uncomfortable every time they showed her.  I hope she was embarrassed, but I somehow doubt that. 

I think she really like the attention.  I did notice she sat up a bit straighter later on. Still gross

  • Love 1

Add me to the list of people who HATE the new format.  I was expecting classic T&T; what I got was some cheerleader/coaching manufactured-drama.  This is not what I signed up for.  My DVR also cut it off early so I ended my viewing with a dismal hope that maybe it was a 2-hour episode and I missed the juicy routines, tantrums, and meltdowns.  Here's a list of things I had NO interest in seeing:

-More than 2 minutes screen time with any coach total (so about 90% of the show sucked).

-A kid spewing on her mom, then the floor, then her mom's hands.  Also the disgusting snot coming out of Celeste's nose.  I'm pregnant and queezy already as is.  I'm watching Toddlers and Tiaras- NOT Tosh.0.

-Mom spread eagle on the couch.


Things I wanted to see more of:

-Oh, maybe the TODDLERS and the TIARAS (get it together TLC).

-Crazy Celeste's mom.  That woman is a hot mess and definitely a few brain cells short. 

-The practicing at home, the pageant, the routines, and the crownings.


I'll probably stick it out for another 2 or 3 episodes, but if the format stays the same I'm peacing out with no regrets.

  • Love 11
On August 25, 2016 at 8:09 AM, Daisy head said:

I may be an awful person, but I feel like Mickie Wood has set Eden up for critique, so here goes - Eden Wood has got to be one of the most truly unfortunate looking children I have seen on tv or in real life.  Definitely not "facially gifted", IMO.  I wonder what they are up to now.  I know they had a short lived reality show - I didn't watch, as even I have standards - and have done some straight to video films, like Little Rascals type stuff.  Are they still chasing the dream & doing pageants?  Did the Eden Wood doll fly off the shelves, or what?

Remember the episode where Eden literally won everything in her age group. I was looking at the other girls and thinking how in the world could she have beaten this girl in facial beauty? Why and how could she win every single award in a long lineup of girls and then get Ultimate at the end. They must rig the pageant for her. There's just no way in hell. She wasn't that much better than anyone else so I don't get it.

And this new format sucks. I don't want to watch fake, plastic Cambrie with the kardashian ass every week. I'm done. Already.

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