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Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion

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2 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Crazy isn't it?  Seeing a sloppy, obese woman telling her young child how important beauty is is a lesson in irony for me. If you pay attention to the audience, 99.9 percent of the people are obese.  

The blonde girl last night doesn't stand a chance, poor thing.  Her mom, dad and older brother were all huge so it's just a matter of time before she is too.   Her dad looked like it would take him three or four tries to step up on to a curb, then he'd have to sit and catch his breath after he finally made it up. 

I know it's mean, cause I'm certianly no size 0 myself, but yes, they were a very large family.   The girl will probably be big by the time she hits 5th grade. 

  • Love 3

Piper is really unfortunate looking. Maybe it's the awkward stage. However that is no excuse for her stank attitude. 

Kim may be the stupidest, most clueless mother in this show (and that's saying a lot). Seleyse is a spoiled brat.  I really hope the next kid is a boy so she's not trying to drag another one to pageants too. 

On the whole the majority of the mothers are miserable unlikable witches.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, AUgirl said:

I really hope the next kid is a boy so she's not trying to drag another one to pageants too. 

Being a boy won't necessarily save him from his mother making him do pageants. We've seen our share of "Little Mister Nacho Grandes" too. 

When Kim was claiming she was late because "she had to feed the baby", was she referring to Selyse (why does my spell check keep questioning that?) or her unborn kid? 

And it was a lie since Selyse didn't eat her obvious takeout until arriving at the pageant.  I still think Jamie sucks as a coach, but Kim demonstrated why no one will be a good coach for Selyse because Kim can't get her shit together.  It's as if she thinks she's such a special snowflake that everyone will understand her "struggles" and give her (& her daughter) a pass.

If the pageant directors are looking for the most beautiful face, Jamie's team is going down in flames--I only saw one girl who has a shot under those guidelines. 

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On 11/17/2016 at 10:43 AM, MyFavShows said:

was he in one of those older documentaries as a coach or something?  Like the one w/ Swan

No, I don't think he was one of the legendary Michael and Shane.  Parents to Leslie Butler, who was the pageant darling back in her day (and who bore an uncanny resemblance to Pattie Boyd, wife and muse to George Harrison and Eric Clapton).

If you can get ahold of HBO's documentary, Living Dolls, DO.  It is just gold from start to finish.

  • Love 1
21 hours ago, operalover said:

OY VEY!!! I just cannot with Kim the Selyse mom! All her excuses- the baby has to eat, I didn't get here until 11. I read it wrong..and the best "MY PHONE WAS DEAD" - Cambrie is not going to put up with all of this. The last show she was saying that no one told her anything so she didn't know a lot. 

And didn't she say (more than once, I think), that she hadn't even registered yet? Maybe I'm out of the loop, but don't you need to register BEFORE your Special Snowflake goes on the stage? How else will they know shes there?

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Not to defend Selyse's mom but some of the um... Star Trek and Stargate Universe conventions I go to register you online and you pay on line but then there's a registration process at the convention where you pick up your badge and get your agenda and stuff. So the kid is probably paid for but needs to be checked in.

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But if Special Snowflake Selyse hasn't registered yet then she doesn't have a big number attached to her tutu (or possibly a number assigned, period) ... My memory not being what it once was, have we yet seen her come on stage for the IFF? If not, I predict a moment of DRAAAAAMA when in fact unregistered Selyse does not even get onto the stage because mom effed it up so bad and didn't register her and boy will that s&%t fly then! Woo hoo! 

BTW, I was watching an old episode last night which actually featured (imagine this) THREE quite facially gifted and likable kids (four if you count one of their younger sisters who was competing but not "featured) AND three sets of equally likable parents!!!!! Taralynn (the super-pretty ginger), Brooklyn (cute blonde), and then-newcomer Zanna Brewer (whose younger sister Zoey is incredibly adorable as well) ... and I did not like the show any the less for the lack of staged ugly drama among parents or anything.  But I did mentally make a note that indeed, once upon a time, T&T would feature kids who were just, you know, cute and pleasant and funny and their parents were real human beings (and attractive ones at that). 

I think the "big drama" there was that Taralynn and Brooklyn had actually become FRIENDS in real life through their pageant interaction but were each other's biggest competition.  Didn't seem to bother either one of them.

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I remember that Taralynn red headed girl from the earlier shows and I thought her mom was really annoying and crazy competitive.  Not likeable at all IMO.  The girl was just as unattractive as piper IMO, but at least didn't have a weight problem.   I don't remember Zanna or Brooklyn.

Another one on the current season who is unattractive is that little blonde Lily girl from the first show who competed against Callen.   She was crying hysterically at the end cause she wanted one of the ride in cars and didn't  win.  She's in the previews at the fresh faces pageant.  To me she looks almost creepy on stage w/ her facials - and her face almost looks like an elderly woman's - she resembles Betty Davis when she was older.  Good performer, but not cute - has a delusional mom too.

I liked Eden's commentary.  I think she is very well spoken and gave some great insights.  T&T producers, if you are reading this: make the kid a regular.  She had a lot of interesting things to say.

I've done a complete 180 on Cambrie this season.  I went from hating her to really liking her, actually.  The Sassy Supremes looked like total trash at that BBQ.  And man, Piper...in the immortal words of The Simpsons, "...if you're gonna binge, you better purge."

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, MyFavShows said:


I remember that Taralynn red headed girl from the earlier shows and I thought her mom was really annoying and crazy competitive.  Not likeable at all IMO.


It might be that now I'm comparing her to this season's beeyotcharoonie moms and she looks good in comparison!!! 

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I actually think Cadence and Selyse are cute in a gamine/elfin sort of way.  Maybe it's partially that there are so many blondies in these things so I gravitate to the brunettes.  I think their faces are more interestingly structured than the "Dresden doll" type blondes.  Of course, when they are tantrumming, all bets are off.  

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One humorous aspect of the most recent episode was the dad who never made it to one of his daughter's pageants before, but threw himself totally into this one, by having a custom pink and black t-shirt made, and bawling at every opportunity. I also saw that he was getting sucked into some of the catty mama drama just like one of the regulars. It was actually kind of adorable, especially when he became emotional during a talking head and his wife looked at the crew and said they needed to take 5.

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2 hours ago, gardendiva said:

One humorous aspect of the most recent episode was the dad who never made it to one of his daughter's pageants before, but threw himself totally into this one, by having a custom pink and black t-shirt made, and bawling at every opportunity. I also saw that he was getting sucked into some of the catty mama drama just like one of the regulars. It was actually kind of adorable, especially when he became emotional during a talking head and his wife looked at the crew and said they needed to take 5.

I'm probably just too damned jaded by this show at this point.  But hearing that Dad the first (and last) thing I thought was that he doesn't give a shit about this nonsense (and God bless him for that) but his participating was the price of getting his wife and kid on TV.

did like how that one mother's sofa-talk pretty much confirmed that the producers get these loonies good-and-sauced before getting the cameras rolling.

That one segment, about preferring "a forty" to that big glass of wine, until she realized she was pulling a good buzz off the wine, pretty much sums up this whole show.

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On 11/20/2016 at 11:20 AM, Jobiska said:

I actually think Cadence and Selyse are cute in a gamine/elfin sort of way.  Maybe it's partially that there are so many blondies in these things so I gravitate to the brunettes.  I think their faces are more interestingly structured than the "Dresden doll" type blondes.  Of course, when they are tantrumming, all bets are off.  

I thought it was remarkable that when Selyse was melting down and Cambrie pointed out that she was over-tired and needed a time-out (which was pretty much Parenting 101), Selyse thought it was great because she didn't get that kind of coaching from Jaimie.

She was basically admitting she has no clue how to parent. And she's having another baby. Ugh.

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What's up with that adorable little Caitlyn always having her toys "tookted" away?

Piper is ugly inside and out, and I truly think her Mother is delusional and thinks she's beautiful.  Does Motherhood make you blind?

Cadence is ugly inside and out.  She's a brat and I can't stand her.

Selyse's Mom carries her everywhere, can the child walk anywhere on her own?  Oh yeah, she's a raging brat too.  Keep wasting your money Kim, your kid doesn't have a clue WTF she's doing, but keep paying, I'm sure the pageant directors would love a new car.

I think Mr. "new full time pageant Dad" is only there because the cameras are.

These people suck.  Watching this show reminds me why I really, really dislike children, and most adults.  Yuck.

Edited by Honey
  • Love 7

I don't think I'd go so far as to say gorgeous and intelligent myself. Some of the kids are cute, a couple are pretty and some are just down right ugly. Nothing wrong with that but not every kid is gorgeous or even cute ish. 

It's amazing that little Caitlin with the tooked away toys is so cute with that beast of a mother. Lola is a very pretty kid. 

When I saw Piper with the ugly scowl on her face pushing her mom in the head I thought how terrible it is to do that to her mom, then I realized it wasn't even her mom.  It's bad enough to do it to your parent, if my kid had done that to me or ANYBODY, her ass would have been in pajamas in bed in two minutes flat. She's a brat and its her parents fault. 

@Honey, yes motherhood makes you blind. My  grown daughter and I were looking at old pictures one day and she said she was an ugly baby, I looked at the pictures and told her, yeah she really was an ugly baby, but back then she was the most beautiful baby in the world to me. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7

Piper needs to learn some manners. Her mother has done her no favors in how she's being raised. The only thing I find amusing is that Piper's mom is considering jumping ship.

Selyce's mom is another one who needs to stop letting the kid rule the roost. At the same time, as much as Selyce's mom is a hot mess, maybe  all the moms in the Sassy Supremes and Jamie too need to shut up about it. The fucking throw down in the hallway  was asinine. Jamie needs to get off the cross of "I and my team invested in you!" because Jamie, bitch please, you kicked Kim off the team so you don't get to be pissed when the person you kicked off the team finds another coach. Jamie encourages the drama and the hate. It's totally unprofessional to get on national tv and say your competitors are nasty. I really hated the fight picking at the end.

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2 hours ago, Maharincess said:

When I saw Piper with the ugly scowl on her face pushing her mom in the head I thought how terrible it is to do that to her mom, then I realized it wasn't even her mom.  It's bad enough to do it to your parent, if my kid had done that to me or ANYBODY, her ass would have been in pajamas in bed in two minutes flat. She's a brat and its her parents fault.

I had to rewind that a few times, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The audacity to put her hands on an adult like that. Wow. Of course, Piper has no chance to be decent with her mother. She even jumped down her own husband's throat. I'm assuming TLC paid some of their expenses, because with Abby, Kailia, and Hallee in the same division, Piper really should have stayed home.

Lola's gorgeous, but some of the faces she was making in swimwear seemed inappropriate, even by low child beauty pageant standards.

Kim's a mess. She has been very active posting on the Toddlers & Tiaras Facebook page this season. I wonder what excuses she has this time.

Kallyn seems like a sweet kid and poor Caitlyn of the tookted toys is adorable.

When they showed the judges table at one point, I thought one of them was Colin, the twerking guy from the cowgirl pageant. Did anyone else see him?

Edited by dlyn
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On 11/17/2016 at 0:53 PM, magemaud said:

I couldn't believe the staged field trip to the "eye doctor's" with Cambrie's Court. Lining them up for that eye test was a joke, and certainly nothing that they hadn't experienced every year in school so I'm doubtful they were able to "catch" a previously undiagnosed vision problem. Then trying on colored contact lenses just for fun? I believe only one child actually did so and maybe she already had experience with them? I think they appear to be looking over the judges because they're busy looking at their moms and coaches, not because they can't see them! Plus, when they're on the big stage, with the lights in their eyes, nobody will be able to see the judges anyway. 

I think Cambrie could have easily brought a more "facially gifted" girl than Selyse since she claimed the IFF pageant was the most important event of the year. Her dimples didn't make up for her unpredictability. And Mama Kim-NOT-Kardashian's voice was like nails on the chalkboard. 

Jealous Jamie certainly comes across as a sore loser. 

edited to add: Michael the pageant director reminded me of the male counterpart to Lori of "Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta" 

Vision isn't tested yearly in our school and you'd be surprised how many parents waiver their kids out of it. I helped with it this year and tbh, I can see a lot of it being missed. Yes it was oversaw by someone from the local health department, but the screening was largely done by parents who had about a 5 minute training session. 

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Jaimie must not have a lot of options if those are the girls she brought to IFF. Lola is the only facially gifted child she brought.

To Piper's mother---the disservice you have done to your kid is going to take years of therapy to fix. She likely is in that ugly stage most of us go through, but not all of us come out of it. I think Piper was a standout as a younger pageant kid because of her hair and also, kids who do better younger tends to take direction best. Now that others girls have caught up they are zooming by her by miles. For her mom to claim if it was a face pageant she would have pulled---I completely disagree. She is not attractive, face or otherwise, in any which way in my eyes. I also don't think she's a sweet kid. Perhaps she's gotten unlucky edits (totally possible) but she comes off as hateful and angry. 

Jaimie got 1 pull, 1 queen and a handful of princesses---why do people pay her anything? I think it would be a good idea for Piper and Co to leave Jaimie, but not to find another pageant coach. As she gets older, body matters more---if she truly wants to explore pageants she needs to get in shape. And I don't say that to be mean, it's simply what is required of this 'sport'. Get on the train or get off. 

Kim reminds me of a friend I used to have who was just a ding bat. She had money but her bills were always late---not because she couldn't afford it, but because it never dawned on her to pay them on time. That is how I see Kim. I do think she is irresponsible, especially after her honesty this go around with her interviews. If you don't know if you can pay for the pageant, you don't get on a plane to get there. You set an alarm clock and prepare. You want your child to win, but at that age, it's more about you than her. I'm in the other camp who thinks her kid is cute. Not drop dead gorgeous cute, but she has a baby doll face and is much better off than the one with the two moms. That poor kid. 

Hallee's mom is insane. My kids do all-star cheerleading just like her and I actually know what the levels are and what they look like. She is not a level 5 cheerleader; if she were, she wouldn't be landing with her chest at her knees in her tucks. She's a level 2 cheerleader working towards level 3. I think Hallee has an awesome personality, but I really can't get over my dislike of her mom. 

That said, I think Abby, Kahlia and Hallee would all have a great chance to age into more mature pageantry and do well in the Miss Teen circuit. Each of them, in their own way, are drop dead gorgeous. 

What I like about Cambrie is she thinks outside the box. She knows what type of pageant it was but still went above and beyond to ensure her kids stood out. That is where Jaimie fails---she talks too much and doesn't actually act on anything she says. 

I was watching a rerun of last weeks show and found it interesting that Nisa got the boot from Top Models and has her own team now. Random. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:


Hallee's mom is insane. My kids do all-star cheerleading just like her and I actually know what the levels are and what they look like. She is not a level 5 cheerleader; if she were, she wouldn't be landing with her chest at her knees in her tucks. She's a level 2 cheerleader working towards level 3. I think Hallee has an awesome personality, but I really can't get over my dislike of her mom. 

THIS!!! I nearly fell over when her mom talked about her 'elite' tumbling. Sorry lady, but I don't think that word means what you think it means. My kids were gymnasts, not cheerleaders, but that tumbling is not remotely elite. It's barely making it onto an entry level gymnastics team - barely.  I will give kudos to Hallee for knowing she wasn't going to land it and deciding against doing it even with her mom pushing. 

I know it makes me evil but I love them showing Piper's mom and Jamie being all self-congratulatory about Selyse leaving their glorious team only to end up with just a 'Princess' crown, and then 'Piper the Perfect' only gets Princess too. I laughed so hard. I know it's horrible. Piper is who her mom made her but those two are just so horrible I can't help it. I know Kim is a hot mess and a lot of her behavior is insane, but Jamie's moms are just so horrible I find myself feeling a little sorry for her. She really is being bullied by those mothers. There was absolutely no reason for Lola's mom to come snooping into the talking head room and start that throw down. Then Jamie comes and gets in her face talking about all they did for her but at the same time telling her to stay away. Uh Jamie - you are the one who came to her for this fight. Even after Lola's mom was gone Jamie is still in Kim's face. Not to mention Lola's mom throwing a drink on Kim is actually assault. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

Kim reminds me of a friend I used to have who was just a ding bat. She had money but her bills were always late---not because she couldn't afford it, but because it never dawned on her to pay them on time. That is how I see Kim. I do think she is irresponsible, especially after her honesty this go around with her interviews. If you don't know if you can pay for the pageant, you don't get on a plane to get there. You set an alarm clock and prepare.

Why was she sitting there on her phone and watching her kid get her makeup etc. done when she could have been off registering her?  Oh yeah, that'd mean no last minute "drama".  Lying to everyone that she was late because her plane just got in while she was actually sitting around doing nothing, just par for the course for this one. It's never her fault.  Oh, and how horrible for her to throw the crown Selyse won on the ground, not even letting her daughter enjoy her meagre win. That woman needs to find a new hobby for her kids. From her Facebook page, she's also a photographer, and BTW she looks great in her FB pics, not the meth-head look she has on TV.

Sucks for Cambrie to be sitting in the back room doing makeup all day and not being able to watch her kids compete in this pageant that was so important to her, "biggest of them all". You'd think for this of all pageants, she'd make sure she got a good makeup artist to do her kids.

That Kahlia is the standout of the series, in my opinion. She's got an obnoxious attitude but is gorgeous and knows how to work a stage. 

Edited by Janc
more on Kim
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9 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

Jamie is delusional if she thinks her moms are classy. 

Nothing says "classy" like throwing one's drink at someone. Somebody told me once that in general, people who describe themselves as "classy" aren't.

Watching the past few episodes, Cambrie has really grown on me. She often seems like the only adult in the room compared to the moms.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I don't think I'd go so far as to say gorgeous and intelligent myself. Some of the kids are cute, a couple are pretty and some are just down right ugly. Nothing wrong with that but not every kid is gorgeous or even cute ish. 

It's amazing that little Caitlin with the tooked away toys is so cute with that beast of a mother. Lola is a very pretty kid. 

When I saw Piper with the ugly scowl on her face pushing her mom in the head I thought how terrible it is to do that to her mom, then I realized it wasn't even her mom.  It's bad enough to do it to your parent, if my kid had done that to me or ANYBODY, her ass would have been in pajamas in bed in two minutes flat. She's a brat and its her parents fault. 

@Honey, yes motherhood makes you blind. My  grown daughter and I were looking at old pictures one day and she said she was an ugly baby, I looked at the pictures and told her, yeah she really was an ugly baby, but back then she was the most beautiful baby in the world to me. 

Your comment about your daughter cracked me up.  Personally, I think all new born babies look like Winston Churchill.  :)

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Janc said:

Why was she sitting there on her phone and watching her kid get her makeup etc. done when she could have been off registering her?  Oh yeah, that'd mean n

1 hour ago, Janc said:

Why was she sitting there on her phone and watching her kid get her makeup etc. done when she could have been off registering her?  Oh yeah, that'd mean no last minute "drama".  Lying to everyone that she was late because her plane just got in while she was actually sitting around doing nothing, just par for the course for this one. It's never her fault.  Oh, and how horrible for her to throw the crown Selyse won on the ground, not even letting her daughter enjoy her meagre win. That woman needs to find a new hobby for her kids. From her Facebook page, she's also a photographer, and BTW she looks great in her FB pics, not the meth-head look she has on TV.

Sucks for Cambrie to be sitting in the back room doing makeup all day and not being able to watch her kids compete in this pageant that was so important to her, "biggest of them all". You'd think for this of all pageants, she'd make sure she got a good makeup artist to do her kids.

That Kahlia is the standout of the series, in my opinion. She's got an obnoxious attitude but is gorgeous and knows how to work a stage. 

I hate to defend Kim, but I was looking at her postings on FB.  She said she was stuck at the airport for 2 days, and missed the whole first day of the pageant, which was the "natural beauty" portion.

I was just curious...What is it about Kailiah's attitude that you find obnoxious?  Frankly, she's the only child there I could ever stand to spend any time with.  I kind of like her.

Edited by Honey
13 minutes ago, RealityCowgirl said:

On your best day, Jaimie, you'll never be Cambrie.

P.S., Piper's mom: you do not have a knockout for a daughter. You have an ugly-hearted child of your own making.

This reminds me of my favorite quote from Jamie. She said something like she can't make her girls just behave and do what they are supposed to because she's not Cambie. She was totally right. Except she thought she was insulting Cambrie LOL

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, RealityCowgirl said:

On your best day, Jaimie, you'll never be Cambrie.

Say what you will about Cambrie, she knows her shit.

I'm still trying to figure out why Lola's mom started the fight with Kim, especially since Lola did much better than Selyse.

Another thing I don't get is how they can make the girls' hair look so big. Is it all backcombing and hairspray?


Your comment about your daughter cracked me up.  Personally, I think all new born babies look like Winston Churchill.  :)


Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Honey said:

I was just curious...What is it about Kailiah's attitude that you find obnoxious?  Frankly, she's the only child there I could ever stand to spend any time with.  I kind of like her.

Maybe obnoxious is too harsh, it's just that her playing up to the camera and mugging facial expressions make her hard to bear for me.  "Precocious" may be a better word.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

Another thing I don't get is how they can make the girls' hair look so big. Is it all backcombing and hairspray?

And hair pieces some of what we used to call falls.  Clip on or pinned on in some form hair.  Some of the girls have enough hair that with a ton of product plus rollers and back combing the huge hair can be done.

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I hope Pancho has skills in other areas because he is not a natural pageant director....

Piper needs to take a few years off to get through puberty.

Do they give a pronunciation guide to the announcer because if I were just handed a paper with Selyse on it I wouldn't get it right. (Or is it some name I've never heard before? 

I think it was telling that Cambrie said Kim needs to put work into Selyse but Jamie says she needs to put money in.

I liked Halee.  she was a kid I could hang with. (I teach before and after school day care) I have the chair and a half there goes with Elishia's couch from last week.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

THIS!!! I nearly fell over when her mom talked about her 'elite' tumbling. Sorry lady, but I don't think that word means what you think it means. My kids were gymnasts, not cheerleaders, but that tumbling is not remotely elite. It's barely making it onto an entry level gymnastics team - barely.  I will give kudos to Hallee for knowing she wasn't going to land it and deciding against doing it even with her mom pushing. 


In cheerleading, elite means something completely different from gymnastics. On the score sheet, there is a section for elite stunting and pyramid stunts, for tumbling there is an elite section and group section. Elite tumbling would be what you see the kids running across the floor doing so technically her wording for cheerleading is right. It's the level I took an issue with. Tumbling alone Level 1 is Front Walk Over and below, Level 2 is Back Handspring, Level 3 is tuck, Level 4 is layout and Level 5 is twisting skills so fulls. With her janky tuck, there is no way she is safety performing any twisting skill let alone a double full. 

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Halle's mom probably referred to her daughter as a level 5 cheerleader because she flies in level 5 stunts - I.e. cause her mom is a coach she can put her on a L5 team as a flyer only so she can call her L5 even though she can't tumble L5.   You see this all the time w/ kids of gym owners and coaches kid's in competitive cheer - especially when the kid is young and small.   That Hallee girl does have a cute personality though - she deserved to do well.

Jamie is like the worst person and coach - I have really grown to dispise her and her brainwashed cult of delusional moms.   I also wish they'd lay off that Kim, Selye's mom.  So what if she's disorganized and flakey - it doesn't affect you one bit, and so what if she talks bad about Jamie - Jamie kicked her off the team and the moms were really rude to her - of course she doesn't like them!    I would have been upset at that Lola's mom and her big mouth at the end too, and Jamie as well - like you kick her off the team and then get mad that she tells people your team is bad - what do you expect her to say?   I'm so glad Jamie's girls did poorly - they deserved to.

Piper really needs to avoid two-piece swimsuits, or swimsuit categories altogether, at these competitions.   

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The whole she is so gorgeous about Lola really got on my nerves by the end of the show.  First off, 4 year olds aren't gorgeous - they are pretty and/or cute - the term gorgeous is usually used to describe an attractive adult or teen, not a preschooler and second, her mom and Jamie were really obnoxious about how good looking she was as well - then also Jamie acting like she actually accomplished something as a coach, when really she didn't do crap, the kid just happens to look great naturally and probably doesn't even need a coach at all!

Jamie was also so rude in the audience when Selyse got a princess gloating how that's all she got like it was victory for her or something - what an unprofessional witch - does she not realize she's being filmed?  I was glad to see several of her girls get princesses as well.

Edited by MyFavShows
  • Love 3

If I heard correctly over several episodes, Kailiah's mother began stretching and manipulating her daughter's body when she was an infant, and in the latest episode she stated that their goal is "China and Cirque." So essentially her mother decided Kailiah's future for her from birth, and it involves the entertainment world.

I wonder if Kailiah will suffer any orthopaedic problems later in life. Agree with Janc that she is "on" all of the time and it's annoying to watch.

  • Love 5

Lola is a very pretty girl, but she performed probably 75% of each of the two routines they showed with her mouth hanging open, 15% in a sort of rictus-grin, and the remaining 10% in a natural-looking smile.  At least that's how it looked to me!    I didn't find her concentration-gape very attractive, but I guess the judges saw it differently--or maybe she paid for more than the basic package, heh.

I saw the sunglasses-wearing coach whose name I mercifully forget in the audience for Kailia's talent.  Glad they didn't focus on them any more than they did.  

I don't mind Kailia mugging because she's of the age to mug and I think she seems bright enough, talented enough, and charismatic enough to learn to tone her mugging down into pizzazz as she grows.  And J....iana seems really sweet to the younger girls, which is nice.  

I was thinking about this episode last night and it finally dawned on me what I hated about Piper most of all---on stage, she looks like a sheet of paper and her make-up doesn't help any. But why isn't she spray tanning? I mean, I don't do it to my kids but they don't do pageants. It would help her stand out against the lighting. You can't see her eye color---which is pretty---against the harsh lighting. For a glitz girl, she doesn't tan and that's weird to me. 


As for Elisha, you can put your kid on a Level 5 team but she's still not a level 5 cheerleader. Sorry honey. 

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