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Artistic Gymnastics: Stick the Landing!

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This is the first time my reading has caught up with the end of the thread since the gymnastics competition began last Saturday.  I don't post much, but I love reading what everyone else has to say since I live in a house full of people who are "yeah, whatever" when I get excited about the Olympics.

Even though the women's AA was the result I would have predicted, it was great to see both Simone and Aly go out and make their dreams come true, as well as seeing them support and encourage each other through the competition.  But curse you NBC, you have kept me up so late ALL WEEK trying to watch the end of the gymnastics that I fell asleep after Aliya's FX.  I had to finish watching Friday morning.  I had already been accidentally spoiled about Simone getting gold, but I guess that was nearly a forgone conclusion anyway.

Also, it would have been nice to see some of the performances of athletes in the other flights.

On another note, it is so fun to read about everyone's gymnastic exploits on their furniture and in the back yard.  My friends and I had pretend balance beam competitons on the lane lines on the bottom of the swimming pool.  And I tried to copy Nadia's bar dismount pushing off the pool wall and flipping around under the water.

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I am thrilled beyond words for Simone as I've been rooting hard for her to win this title for the last three years. I'm so glad she was able to achieve her dream and in such a dominant fashion!  

Also thrilled for Aly. Her gymnastics aren't always my cup of tea, but you can count on her in the clutch and she handles her role as "mama Aly" with pride. Good on her!

And I really want to give Gabby a hug. The girl can't win for losing and you'd think people would lay off her but no, there's always something to nitpick. She and Missy Franklin should get together and commiserate. They *won* Olympic gold medals and yet everyone's calling their Olympics a failure. I hope Gabby medals in the bars event finals but I fear even if she does she'll still manage to do something to offend somebody. Poor girl. 

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16 hours ago, candall said:

Shut Up Al said, "It must be amazing to spend four years in obscurity and suddenly find yourself at the Olympics."  Hmm?  Do the trampolinists (and the rhythmic gymnasts) go to the AG meets or have their own circuits?  I'm sure they don't just pop out of caves every four years, AAAL.

I have a new theory about Shut UP! Al.  He has problems with object permanence.  He can't see them so they cease existing. 

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In fairness to Al, trampoline seems like kind of a niche sport. The athletes aren't universally famous like a LeBron James or Serena Williams. So in a sense, they are obscure until they hit the worldwide stage. Same thing with other events like fencing, diving, kayaking etc., most people don't follow what's going on in those sports during the four years between each Olympics.

Edited by BitterApple
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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

In fairness to Al, trampoline seems like kind of a niche sport. The athletes aren't universally famous like a LeBron James or Serena Williams. So in a sense, they are obscure until they hit the worldwide stage. Same thing with other events like fencing, diving, kayaking etc., most people don't follow what's going on in those sports during the four years between each Olympics.

Yah, I can't Shut Up Al him on that because I knew what he meant in this. most am. sports don't get a lot of love, and there are a lot of disciplines in sports that are popular (In Gymnastics, it is Trampoline + Rhythmic that really get pushed aside.... until an Olympic year) so in terms of media they are totally obscure because MSN refuses to show them. it really makes me angry too.  

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14 hours ago, cesstar said:

That article with Gabby breaks my heart. I have never seen a gymnast as scrutinised and criticised like her.  If she had jumped up and down like Laurie and Maddy she would have been accused of being fake. The girl can't win. What confuses me is that she seems like a really sweet, kind of goofy girl, quite shy, with lovely gymnastics who has always pulled it out in competition when the US needs her. Shrugs. 

For both her olympic experiences to be tainted by these manufactured 'controversies' of her hair or her selection or the anthem seems a real shame.

In my post I specifically said that I wasn't expecting for her to have a fake over the top reaction. I think standing up and clapping would have been enough and don't think that's me demanding an unreasonable standard of perfection from some unfortunate girl who is being picked on by social media.

I agree that she's been unfairly scrutinized in certain areas, but I don't think this is one of them and maintain that if Gabby and Madison had been standing and cheering with Laurie being the one who refused to stand because she was feeling emotional that she didn't have the chance to compete that I would have side eyed Laurie in the same way. Same if Aly had done that. 

As for any controversy over her being on the team--she's hardly the first gymnast who has had to deal with controversy over why they were selected. Michelle Campi anyone? Tasha Schwikert? 

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On 8/12/2016 at 1:50 PM, choclatechip45 said:

Cute video of Aly being interviewed in the stands with the rest of the Breystan girls cheering on Alicia at the 2008 National Champiomships. Just ignore John Macready being a tool.

This is AWESOME!

23 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

I listened to Bela's Facebook live interview. Sam asked him who he thought would be a good National Team Coordinator and he answered Valeri, Chow and Mihai. All the articles mentioned Valeri and Mihai as canditates. I think if they are going to choose someone who has their own gym I think Chow would be great. I know it's unlikely that he will get the position. 

In this article Bela says it will be between Rhonda and Valeri.



i thought it was interesting that Steve Rybacki was in charge of the alternate at the Ranch and in Rio.

Ugh, Rybacki? I've disliked him ever since he yelled at Vanessa Atler on TV. And Beth is SUCH a drama queen.


Ugh, Rybacki? I've disliked him ever since he yelled at Vanessa Atler on TV. And Beth is SUCH a drama queen.

Rybacki was named the Director of Elite Programs, but that is just me speculating he has a chance since he was in charge of the alternates.  Who knows he probably isn't even being considered. He really cleaned up MyKayla Skinner's beam routine IMO. I agree the moment with Atler was horrible. Interesting how USA Gym named Atler's two former coaches Rybacki and Valeri to help Martha the last four years. 

Edited by choclatechip45

Okay, now that we have a day or two respite between events, I have a few questions for those here who really know the gymnastics scene:

1) What really happened with the Ukraine men's team all-around and did it affect Verniaiev in the individual?  Does everyone in gymnastics know what the deal was but no one is willing to say it out loud?  I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND!

2) While it was great to see the US women be so powerful and mentally strong, what the heck has happened to the rest of the world?  When was the last time neither Russia, China, Romania, Hungary, wherever had a true contender in the all-around?  This doesn't seem to be the case in the men's world: the men's all-around had so many exciting performances from a variety of athletes.

3) When did the Chinese women become so uncreative and boring on the bars and the beam?  I used to revel in the beauty and originality of their moves on both apparati (is that the plural of apparatus?)  It's come to the point that a few people on this board have remarked on how predictably boring their bar and beam routines are.  So sad. What's happened?

4) Did the rules do away with handstand moves on the beam?  I really miss those.  The reminiscing about Shannon Miller upthread made me remember "The Miller," and how much I enjoyed that move along with other handstand-related beam moves.

5) I think someone upthread queried this, but I'll pile on: why can't the rulebook encourage more daring mounts on to the beam?  They were such fun.  And why can't the rules in general for all the apparatus encourage creativity?

TIA, Gymnastics Experts.

Edited by Harry24
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1) What really happened with the Ukraine men's team all-around and did it affect Verniaiev in the individual?  Does everyone in gymnastics know what the deal was but no one is willing to say it out loud?  I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND!

Still a lot of confusion but according to Oleg one member of the team got very sick and could not perform day of competition. They were told they couldn't sub, although a closer reading of the rules says that they actually could with some paperwork. So tjey scratched off. It's very confusing but the team definitely seemed to have a "rest Oleg at all costs" mentality. Oleg apologized on instagram.

On August 8, 2016 at 11:32 AM, blackwing said:

I'm disappointed for Gabby Douglas.  Especially since she seems like such a nice person and a gracious competitor.  I think it's fantastic that she knew that she was no longer the best and had been eclipsed by Simone Biles, yet came back to compete anyways, just for the experience and the chance.

For whatever reason, I just can't stand Aly Raisman.  I don't know if it's because of her Resting B Face, or her parents, or what, but she just seems like such a cold person.  I will admit it, I was actively rooting for her to fall on the balance beam.  USA already had a spot in the finals locked up, so at this point, the team score didn't matter.  Would much rather have had Douglas in the AA.  Nonetheless, Gabby should be proud of herself, she was #3 in the world for qualification.

I'm a little different.  While I think the uproar over Gabby not having her hand over her heart during the national anthem was ridiculous, she quite deliberately remained sitting while the other girls gave Simone a standing ovation for her gold in the AA.  I realize she has mixed feelings, but how unfortunate that she didn't at least feel how big it was for an A-A female to win that gold in back to back Olympics. 

And Aly's parents seriously get on my nerves.  It was cute the first five times or so, but come on. I watched Kim Zmeskal's mom watch her sixteen year old's dreams die five minutes into the Olympics, and she had the dignity and self-control Aly's parents lack.  And for those who find Aly cold or emotionless - someone needed self-control in that family.  They were probably incapable of helping her remain calm or grounded, so she developed coping mechanisms the exact opposite of her drama queen parents.  Her parents seem young, so Aly may have had to be the adult in the family.  She's the captain of the team and quite the bossy pants.

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21 hours ago, rubyred said:

Simone's eye makeup was distracting, but to me it read as an attempt at some kind of glam red, white and blue thing, with red lids and white and blue underliner. Distracting and borderline tacky in glorious HD, but probably not even that noticeable from a few feet away. What drives me nuts is all the sparkly hair shit. The Russians had a lot of it this year, in previous years the Americans were primary culprits. The hair is shellacked with some kind of sparkly glue, and then on top of that ALL.THE.BOBBY.PINS. How many flyaways do these girls have that they have to scrape back their hair with all the barrettes and pins in the southern hemisphere. 

I have never been able to master a smokey eye like Aliya Mustafina. Props.

And my completely speculative POV on Gabby D; my own resting face, which I think is neutral, probably borders more on "bitch", so I empathize with her having to deal with criticism (and the fact that she's on super-zoom focus) whether she's sitting, walking, talking, whatever. Everything,  even if it's not during a routine is minutely recorded, so I applaud them all for being able to seemingly ignore the camera dudes crouching in front of them and crab-walking backwards constantly to get SUPERZOOM in their every facial twitch, pimple, and enlarged pore. Additional (and completely ignorant) speculation: I hope, if there is something else on Gabby's mind, it doesn't have to do with being the freaking breadwinner of her family, because it boils my blood when the family dynamic turns to someone not being a sister or a daughter but being a "brand" aka ATM machine. I KNOW NOTHING. I just wonder, in a completely nosey and inappropriate way.

Simone's eyes were a little distracting, but I remember when the Russian girls wore OTT amounts of glam-rock makeup, so I think our girls looked pretty decent.  Gabby's blush and lipstick were wrong for her, IMO, but she was harassed so horribly last time that I'm reluctant to say anything.  I'm waiting for Simone to get the same nasty comments - her hair is awful, etc.  

i think the sparkly glue in the hair and fifty hair clips looks terrible.  The Olympics are once every four years.  Grow your hair long enough for a proper pony tail. Or how about this - get an adorable short cut like Amanda Borden.  

I also suffer from RBF - I've heard "what's the matter" my whole life.  These girls have amazing self control with these camera people.  The zoom in when a girl has just faltered in the attempt to catch tears ......  well I would be tempted to kick the camera away.  I remember Nastia's failure to qualify last Olympics, and you could almost here her thinking to the cameras - you are not going to catch me crying.  

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17 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm a little different.  While I think the uproar over Gabby not having her hand over her heart during the national anthem was ridiculous, she quite deliberately remained sitting while the other girls gave Simone a standing ovation for her gold in the AA.  I realize she has mixed feelings, but how unfortunate that she didn't at least feel how big it was for an A-A female to win that gold in back to back Olympics. 

I mean I've said this before but if we put a camera on Ryan Lochte after the 200 IM or Missy Franklin this entire Olympics, I'm sure they aren't a barrel of laughs either. I don't think this Olympic experience is very happy for Gabby, and for whatever reason she doesn't seem all that close to the rest of the team. They pose for group shots but Simone seems closer to Laurie and Aly. 

Gabby probably should have looked happier for Simone but if she doesn't feel it and can't fake it, then I can't blame her. She still tweeted nice things to Simone. 

It's a little different now but I'm old enough to remember the days of track and field where competitors readily walked off the field without shaking hands or acknowledging the gold medalist and accusations flying back and forth of doping during the press conferences. In terms of bad sportsmanship IN RIO Gabby isn't even anywhere close to making the list. I'd give the poor girl a pass.

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I mean I've said this before but if we put a camera on Ryan Lochte after the 200 IM or Missy Franklin this entire Olympics, I'm sure they aren't a barrel of laughs either. I don't think this Olympic experience is very happy for Gabby, and for whatever reason she doesn't seem all that close to the rest of the team. They pose for group shots but Simone seems closer to Laurie and Aly. 

It's funny because Gabby and Aly have always seemed close to me since they often did appearances together post 2012. I follow Aly on social media and I remember her tweeting about Gabby's reality show. Simone use to have an ask.fm account and she would always say nice things about Gabby and how they were friends. In the past Gabby seemed friendly with the fellow gymnasts. In the past few months Gabby doesn't seem as close with most of the girls.Which is why I was surprised she didn't seem more excited for Aly.

Edited by choclatechip45
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29 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

These girls have amazing self control with these camera people.  The zoom in when a girl has just faltered in the attempt to catch tears ......  well I would be tempted to kick the camera away.

I know what you mean. I realize that I wouldn't be able to watch these events without cameras, but jeez louise, there needs to be a limit! After the team AA I was really grossed out seeing a bunch of grown cameramen swarm like locusts around the celebrating US team, who were basically a group of half-naked teenagers. It creeped me out!

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It's a little different now but I'm old enough to remember the days of track and field where competitors readily walked off the field without shaking hands or acknowledging the gold medalist and accusations flying back and forth of doping during the press conferences.  In terms of bad sportsmanship IN RIO Gabby isn't even anywhere close to making the list. I'd give the poor girl a pass.

Well there were doping accusations from Viktoria Komova during the last world championships.  She commented on social media about the U.S. gymnast using steroids after their team win.  She did later apologize; Aly acknowledged the apology and Gabby shared a hug with her after she tied to win the uneven bars finals.  Ferlito also made the racist comments about painting her skin black after Simone's first world championship win, which followed Gabby's 2012 win.  In comparison, Gabby's failure to fake the funk and clap hard enough seems rather tame.  

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This is just my armchair quarterback analysis, but IMO, Gabby is feeling a ton of pressure. There's only so many ways you can make money off your name, and Olympic glory fades very quickly. From the looks of it, Gabby is supporting her entire family and that's a shit ton of responsibility for a 20 or 21 year-old. Now Simone is the new "it" girl raking in all the endorsements and perhaps Gabby is starting to realize that her marketability is finite. I don't think she's a horrible person because she didn't jump for joy over Simone's win and I also don't think she has a personal grudge against Simone or anyone else on the team. I just think there's a lot of outside stuff going and that's being reflected in her demeanor, reactions, performance, etc. I really hope she kills it on the UB and ends her career on a high note.

I also agree that Aly's parents are completely obnoxious. They give Debbie Phelps a run for her money in the camera hogging, famewhore department. 

Edited by BitterApple
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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

 I realize she has mixed feelings, but how unfortunate that she didn't at least feel how big it was for an A-A female to win that gold in back to back Olympics. 

Wait. How do you know she has mixed feelings? How do you know she doesn't feel how big the accomplishment is for black women? 

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Well there were doping accusations from Viktoria Komova during the last world championships.  She commented on social media about the U.S. gymnast using steroids after their team win.  She did later apologize; Aly acknowledged the apology and Gabby shared a hug with her after she tied to win the uneven bars finals.  Ferlito also made the racist comments about painting her skin black after Simone's first world championship win, which followed Gabby's 2012 win.  In comparison, Gabby's failure to fake the funk and clap hard enough seems rather tame.  

I loved how after Simone and Gabby won in the AA they posed with flex muscles I thought it was a nice subtle dig at Komova. By the way speaking of bad sportsmanship we can add Komova tantrums during the 2012 Olympics.

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Shut Up Al said, "It must be amazing to spend four years in obscurity and suddenly find yourself at the Olympics."  Hmm?  Do the trampolinists (and the rhythmic gymnasts) go to the AG meets or have their own circuits?  I'm sure they don't just pop out of caves every four years, AAAL.

I have a new theory about Shut UP! Al.  He has problems with object permanence.  He can't see them so they cease existing. 

I agree with Al.  Most Americans can name an artistic gymnast or have seen a gymnastics competition, but have NEVER seen a trampoline event or rhythmic gymnastics.  Same for synchronized swimming. In fact, the only synchro swimming event have ever seen was the incredibly hysterical spoof of it on SNL.  (It was a takeoff on all those Olympic human interest stories in which Christopher Guest and Harry Shearer play the first two male competitors--complete with nose plugs that they never take off.) 

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3 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Still a lot of confusion but according to Oleg one member of the team got very sick and could not perform day of competition. They were told they couldn't sub, although a closer reading of the rules says that they actually could with some paperwork. So tjey scratched off. It's very confusing but the team definitely seemed to have a "rest Oleg at all costs" mentality. Oleg apologized on Instagram.

That's what I still don't get.  Oleg still completed his exercises despite the scratches.  Did he do a less risky version?  Was he practicing?  Neither of those things requires another member of the team to scratch.   They could all complete and just suck at it because their participation in the team event had a different motive.  It has the same result as scratching.

The only thing that would make some kind of sense is a political motivation which was a giant failure because its been covered up. Or that the injuries are deeper on the team and there was no one left on the team healthy enough to sub in.  But why not admit that?

49 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

I agree with Al.  Most Americans can name an artistic gymnast or have seen a gymnastics competition, but have NEVER seen a trampoline event or rhythmic gymnastics.  Same for synchronized swimming. In fact, the only synchro swimming event have ever seen was the incredibly hysterical spoof of it on SNL.  (It was a takeoff on all those Olympic human interest stories in which Christopher Guest and Harry Shearer play the first two male competitors--complete with nose plugs that they never take off.) 

That was one of the best SNL skits ever.

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In my post I specifically said that I wasn't expecting for her to have a fake over the top reaction. I think standing up and clapping would have been enough and don't think that's me demanding an unreasonable standard of perfection from some unfortunate girl who is being picked on by social media.

I wasn't actually responding to your post, it was more a general observation. But I just think that these girls deserve the benefit of the doubt. We only get a couple of camera shots across a 2 hour competition. Who knows what happens the rest of the time. She didn't sit there with her arms crossed and refuse to acknowledge their achievement - she clapped! Maybe she stood later. Maybe she didn't. She just seems more introverted and not as demonstrative as some of her teammates.

It will be interesting to see who sticks around after the Olympics. Madison is off to UCLA and I think Aly has said she wants to end her career in Brazil. Simone and Laurie will have lots of opportunities to take advantage of but may be the most likely to attempt a return? Although Simone has pretty much achieved everything already!

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2 hours ago, Minneapple said:

Wait. How do you know she has mixed feelings? How do you know she doesn't feel how big the accomplishment is for black women? 

I didn't mean mixed feelings in that way.  I mean mixed feelings about being at such a monumental event, but not quite reaching her previous success.  These girls are far harsher on themselves than most of their critics, and it's harder for some to shake off that disappointment than others.  And it's probably a little bitter sweet to go from being the golden girl, to watching a teammate get that treatment.   I did notice that Gabby was very much in the team spirit during the team comp, and I think she enjoyed being part of that final five team, and succeeding through group effort.  

But if anything, these girls are fiercely competetive.  It's probably easier for the girls experiencing this for the first time to just enjoy the experience itself, and throw themselves whole heartedly into supporting their teammates.   And some people have naturally bubbly, extroverted, and warm personalities - like Laurie, Mary Lou, Shawn, while others are more intense, internal, and appear more detached - like Kim Zmeskal, Nastia, Aly, and at least this year, Gabby.   For the record, I tend to prefer the second type, and am more that type myself.  

My least favorite gymnast - ever - was Shannon Miller.  Could not stand all her trembling and whining about how Kim Zmeskal got all of the attention.  Yeah, and Kim caved under all that pressure while Shannon thrived under that less intense expectation.   I've never been able to shake off that dislike.  She and Nancy Kerrigan both grated like no others. 

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12 minutes ago, cesstar said:

I wasn't actually responding to your post, it was more a general observation. But I just think that these girls deserve the benefit of the doubt. We only get a couple of camera shots across a 2 hour competition. Who knows what happens the rest of the time. She didn't sit there with her arms crossed and refuse to acknowledge their achievement - she clapped! Maybe she stood later. Maybe she didn't. She just seems more introverted and not as demonstrative as some of her teammates.

It will be interesting to see who sticks around after the Olympics. Madison is off to UCLA and I think Aly has said she wants to end her career in Brazil. Simone and Laurie will have lots of opportunities to take advantage of but may be the most likely to attempt a return? Although Simone has pretty much achieved everything already!

That didn't stop Michael Phelps.  He swore up and down that he was retiring after London because he'd already achieved all of his career goals, yet here we are with him just having won his 23rd career gold and 28th medal overall.  So I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Simone back in Tokyo if she feels up to it.

The only one out of the five I would be surprised about coming back and trying for Tokyo is Madison since NCAA has lower difficulty. Is UCLA still on the quarter system? If so that might help her I think that is how that Canadian gymnast was able to do it. I know there were rumors about Kupets trying for Bejing but she tore her ACL. So it is possible just unlikely. I think we will get a better idea who will come back after the tour is finished and see how their bodies adjust from not training everyday. I remember in early 2013 thinking Gabby would come try to come back since her body was adjusting pretty well. Aly it wasn't surprising because she kept talking about how she missed gymnastics. It was obvious Jordyn seemed very happy on the tour and I knew she was done. The only one who surprised me was McKayla after she was injured on tour I thought she was done.

5 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

In fact, the only synchro swimming event have ever seen was the incredibly hysterical spoof of it on SNL.  (It was a takeoff on all those Olympic human interest stories in which Christopher Guest and Harry Shearer play the first two male competitors--complete with nose plugs that they never take off.) 

That skit was brilliant! It was Christopher Guest and Martin Short, Martin played the one who couldn't swim so he had to wear the life jacket.  I think I still have this on a VHS tape somewhere in my basement!

Edited by briochetwist

Kyle is channelling a lot of us people re: Sam: "I'm just hear shaking my head. he had a wide open door and he just didn't walk through it."
Brazil guy is hyperventiling into his flag. one is now  curled on the floor hiding his eyes and ears
Sam's score....14:33

Drama gave us 2 Brazilian Medals!

the Floor Final
Max Whitlock - GBR's first gold medal
Diego - Silver
Arthur: Bronze

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