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S28.E11: Civil War

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Holy.. hell! I cannot believe Nate and Christina beat Cory and Ashleigh. WHAT. THE. HELL? How did that happen?  

Uh, Sarah.. what the hell was she saying to Wes? He cuts people down to make himself feel better? Look at your partner, Sarah and ps, Sarah, I liked you when this challenge first started because you became cool last challenge and then you reverted back to being that clinger on for life. Oh, my god.  Sarah is an idiot. She doesn't "like the sides of Wes" she's seeing, it really is like a pot calling a kettle black and not even, really. Wes has only talked badly about John and then Dario when Dario screwed everyone in their alliance over last episode. Nothing really. Sarah, you are a fair weather friend. I believe Wes and Sarah were actual real life friends, unlike the crap Johnny spews. 

Also, Nany's cousin is such a bitch too. Poor Nany. OMG, when did the show start making me feel for her? I..kind of like her. Also no Nany's cousin, you did screw over your cousin, and you may have Johnny on your side but really... 

I don't have any real feelings on Devin and his team member, so I was like, "oh, my god, please make Vince hit you! AND GET INTO A FIGHT SO VINCE HAS TO LEAVE! Take one for the viewers team!" I would sort of feel bad for Jenna who I've kind of loved since her bloodlines fight with her cousin last season {"she wants to go home to her boyfriend who takes her out for ice cream!") but alas, the fight didn't happen and I was a sad panda. 

The challenge: It sucks that Nany and Wes had to go first, Cheyanne and Devin do bad was sad, watching Vince do awful was HILARIOUS! Seriously.. I wish Johnny and Sarah had done awful. I hate them. But no they did great and I was ugh the whole time. 

Also I cosign Wes's fake woohoos to Johnny and Sarah. Ugh. 


Obviously, Sarah and John would choose Wes and Nany and then Cheyanne and Devin.  Also good on Wes for not standing to listen to Sarah spew on more BS about wanting to work together on a challenge, not true at all. Sarah, what the HELL are you talking about? All of these people are terrible. The more Sarah speaks this challenge, the more she sounds like an idiot and a geeky girl who is doing the popular boy's math homework because he's letting her sit at his lunch table. 

How are Devin and Cheyanne THIS lucky? At some point, this is side-eyeing a lot and it feels kind of rigged. Mostly this one, when Nate and Christina were coming off winning the last jungle and the fact that Nicole was torn between the twos because of her cousin and because of the guy she's hooking up with. 

Also Nicole, is awful. Look, I get she has feelings for Nate, but let's be realistic, after the challenge what are the odds that this will be real relationship? Slim to none. Chances are they will be partners on a future installment of exs. I still was on edge throughout the jungle though, but only because I wanted Nany and Wes to win. I'm so happy they did. 

Christina and Nate seem like good people. Christina is very pretty. That is all. 

  • Love 12

Damn, I can't believe Cory and Ashley went out like that. To Nate and Christina! That sucked. I kind of hope Christina does another Challenge but isn't tied to Nate who seriously sucks. I hated that they won that first elimination because it validated Dario's stupid move and kept Nicole's little challenge hook up around.

I hate to give John any props but at least you know Vince is his challenge number one no matter what and that he's not going to screw over a family member to help out a hook up.

Sometimes it feels like MTV has John come in to test out some of these challenges because he's too good at them.

Wes has won me over for that conversation with Sarah because she was in the wrong but unfortunately she's put her head right back up John's ass as always.

  • Love 4

I'm starting to dislike Sarah as much as I dislike John, and that's quite a feat.  She rings so phony to me.  Her sanctimonious lecture to Wes, her head up John's old ass, her exaggerated excitement, her "science".... Ugh. Get off my screen.  She just grates.  

Wes has been my MVP this season, and this episode just solidified that.  His and Nany's shade to everyone had me cracking up.  I'm rooting for them.  This is also the first season I've found myself liking Nany.  It's partially because She's Wes's partner, partially because I'm sympathetic toward her being thrown under the bus by her Dr. Frank-N-Furter looking cousin. Nicole can get off my screen too.  

LOL to Cory and Ashley losing to Nate & Christina.  I wasn't expecting that.  

  • Love 12

I can't stand Sarah, she's so fake ugh. 

All those muscles are for what Cory?

Cheyenne is cute but she sucks, I think Devin would do better if he had a better partner and honestly I like him for his open dislike of Jananas and Vince. Everyone else seems to be sheep around down, Like you Sarah! Honestly is Jananas not going to be in the Jungle this season? Seriously I don't get why people always follow instead of throwing him in constantly, he's the strongest player.

Good on Nate and Christina to pull a upset......only to turn around and suck and go back into the jungle again where Wes dominated. I'm rooting so hard for him

  • Love 5

Nany's cousin is the worst! I refuse to even learn her name. Nany is the only reason she even gets to do challenges, yet she can't even cheer for her because of some guy she barely knows and will probably be over in a few weeks.

I always find myself cheering for Wes on these challenges despite his douche bag tendencies. He's the only one who calls out any of these top dogs who think they're untouchable, well besides Devin, but he's way too annoying to root for. I am really hoping he and Nany end up winning a challenge, and they force Vince and Johnny to go against eachother in an elimination. It would make my day.

Edited by Lesbian Seagull
  • Love 7

I bet Vince/Jenna would have lost to Nate/Christina too. He and Cory seem in the same physical boat. Heavy sinking anchors on a boat. 

There's just no one to root for. I want them all to lose. New twist! There is no prize. 

Nicole, did you get makeup lessons from a clown? Your overdone makeup isn't even attractive, it's just incredibly distracting.

  • Love 5

SHUT UP, SARAH!!!! UGH!  The entire episode she was spouting shit.  Was she serious with the nonsense she was talking to Wes? "You keep trying to validate yourself by other people." Ummm, she needs to take a look in the mirror.  So glad Wes called her on her shit, and of course she didn't have a response because she knows it's true.  Kinda looking forward to 


John screwing her over now, if that spoiler is indeed true

Shut ups also get handed out to dumb ass Dario and Nicole.  If she is this awful to her family after dating a guy for 5 days, I can imagine what kind of shitty friend she is in real life when she is in a relationship.  And does she seriously sleep with those 10 layers of makeup caked onto her face?  

Yay Wes for owning that elimination!  But he really needed to win the challenge and every other one coming up.  I was hoping the challenge would be one of those "swing on the bag as far as you can and swim to the end" challenges, cause Wes would have definitely smoked everyone on that.  

I swear, because Devyne and Cheyenne have been in the elimination round so many times, they are the only ones who have realized that the black skull is smaller.  

I know Devyne is probably an asshole in real life.  But I loved him going after Dario and Vince.  Especially Vince, cause you just know he's used to being able to intimidate people, and this lanky, loud ass motherfucker wasn't having it!

Lastly, why is it always the self-professed trainers who have absolutely no stamina???? Both Vince and Corey get winded and cramped immediately.  Who is paying for their services, cause I wouldn't hire them to train me.

  • Love 4

I've always hated Christina for her slutbag whoreish tendencies, so buh bye to her. 

Nany and Wes for the win. They have both grown on me so much, and seem to be the only ones who don't play these silly games. 

I'm really sad for Corey and Ashley. She really wanted to be there, and they worked so well together. Hope she comes back.

Never thought I'd say this but I'm loving Devyn! I agree with what he's saying, and he's not afraid to say it. Plus, he has a huge boner for Wes and it's adorable.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

I'm starting to dislike Sarah as much as I dislike John, and that's quite a feat.  She rings so phony to me.  Her sanctimonious lecture to Wes, her head up John's old ass, her exaggerated excitement, her "science".... Ugh. Get off my screen.  She just grates.  

Wes has been my MVP this season, and this episode just solidified that.  His and Nany's shade to everyone had me cracking up.  I'm rooting for them.  This is also the first season I've found myself liking Nany.  It's partially because She's Wes's partner, partially because I'm sympathetic toward her being thrown under the bus by her Dr. Frank-N-Furter looking cousin. Nicole can get off my screen too.  

LOL to Cory and Ashley losing to Nate & Christina.  I wasn't expecting that.  

Seriously I CANNOT stand Sarah. That fucking speech to Wes? That little speech was so sanctimonious and hypocritical. Wes may act like a douchebag, but he makes no apologies for it. He comes on this challenges and you know exactly what you're going to get from him. Sarah comes on to these things with her nose up Johnny's ass, which is why I was so happy when she turned on him in Battle of the Exes. And that science? What was that? Like no shit, you have to keep the bag in motion, but it had more to do with timing and the speed with which the bag was going. It's no surprise that Jenna did so well, because she better upper strength than Christina and Cheyenne. It was like repeating a common science term to try and appear like some pseudo genius. And her overreaction and excitement to everything also grates. Sorry, but I really can't stand her.

I agree about Ashley and Cory. Jeez Louise, is that embarrassing.

And Vinny calling Devan and Cheyenne the "do-nothing" team is laughable. Where the fuck would he be without his cousin? Right, he won one challenge, because of Jenna's length. He's worthless on these challenges. He's a second rate Johnny and the first one is nothing to write home about. Sigh. There are really no likable people on this challenge. It happens to be Wes and Devan by default, because the alternative is so fucking awful.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 10

I am also in the SHUT UP SARAH camp! I too loved when she made the move on Johnny in the Battle of the Exes and was so unapologetic about it.  Now.... oh boy... she is drinking the kool-aid again.  Wes and Nany for the win because everyone else is insufferable.  Jenna would be ok in my book but she is paired with dipshit Vince and I just cannot with that.  

  • Love 7

Sarah is right back to being a barnacle on John's ass.  Sigh.  If Kenny & Evan were still allowed on this show, she'd be nose deep with them as well.  Gross.

I think Christina isn't great, but Nate is the worst.  She could actually go far on a future challenge as long as her partner isn't as useless as him…so not Vince.

I want to see Wes & Nany to win the next challenge, Vince & Jenna get last place (sorry Jenna!), & Wes throws in John & Sarah.  And they lose.  And we laugh. 

Nicole's fifty pounds of makeup can't hide the two-face.  Family comes first, idiot.  

  • Love 7

Remembering that Cory had a bad knee (healing ACL maybe?) on Bloodlines, and having bad knees myself, I kind of felt for him on the women turn/men hang on part of the Jungle, because I can't imagine how being pulled backward so hard by a bungee must feel on a compromised knee.

Or oh wait, I would feel bad for him, except the part he should have been good at, the turning part, he gassed out on.  Worse than Nate?  He was worse than Christina.

Cosign all the posts with Yay Wes and by association Nany.  Cheyenne seems like a nice person (Didn't see her before this).  Jenna would be fine without being paired with Vince.  Otherwise?  Ugh.  Boo Sarah.  I tried to like you, I really did, and you did have some hard times with partners crapping out or whatever, but...Ugh.  You should be too smart to fall for John's assholery again.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

Sarah is right back to being a barnacle on John's ass.  Sigh.  If Kenny & Evan were still allowed on this show, she'd be nose deep with them as well.  Gross.

I think Christina isn't great, but Nate is the worst.  She could actually go far on a future challenge as long as her partner isn't as useless as him…so not Vince.

I want to see Wes & Nany to win the next challenge, Vince & Jenna get last place (sorry Jenna!), & Wes throws in John & Sarah.  And they lose.  And we laugh. 

Nicole's fifty pounds of makeup can't hide the two-face.  Family comes first, idiot.  

We've seen Nicole without makeup on the show, so I know this isn't true, but when they showed her lying in bed with Nate with a faceful of makeup I immediately wondered if Nicole has now taken to sleeping in her makeup so Nate isn't scared away in the mornings. Nicole is not a naturally pretty girl.


On the podcast that was referenced in the Challenge in the Media thread, Sarah talks about how she is still friends with Kenny and how Kenny agrees that John was a huge baby about BOTE2. Two things: 1. Sarah sounds ridiculously proud that Kenny talks to her, and 2. If Kenny thinks Johnny is a baby, Sarah apparently is the one that disagrees considering she apologized to him and worded the decision as "stealing" John's chance to win in an interview this season.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, Marley said:

Ugh Sarah and Johnny. This episode made me really I dislike Sarah.

Vince is such a tool. I hope the rumours are false of him and Jenna hooking up.

Next weeks preview looks brutal for Jenna with that call with douche Zach.

If she did hook up with him, I'm betting it was ill-advised rebound sex when she was feeling crappy over that douchetool Zach.  Jenna has such tragic taste in men.  Someone needs to do an intervention and get her into some therapy to develop her self-esteem.  

Speaking of tragic taste in men, I just want to shake some sense into Nicole.  Every time she's gushing about Nate, I just keep looking at him and saying "him? Really??"  That's the guy she wants to throw her own cousin over for after knowing him for five minutes?  I'm definitely not getting that at all.  

Sarah's speech to Wes made me hate her all over again.  My previous low point with Sarah was her and Laurel bullying Cara Maria back on...crap...what season was that?  She's managed to wildly surpass that low point now, though.  How can she talk with her head stuck so far up John's ass?  

The only John moment I'm looking forward to this season is when he ultimately (I assume) shows Dario exactly what kind of loyalty one gets in return for screwing over their friends to prop John.  I'd love to pop some corn and kick back with Corey and Ashley to watch that inevitable moment on replay over and over again.  Dario is just so damn proud of himself for his "smart" choice.  

  • Love 9

I keep starting to warm up to Devin but flashing back to his "I am Zack-levels of asshole" talking head back in his season of Are You the One.

I'm glad Wes is still around, because I wouldn't be rooting for anyone. I am also glad that I never wavered from disliking Sarah since her season of The Real World.

I wish Cheyenne wasn't so bad at everything. She has the best personality of all the newbies.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:


The only John moment I'm looking forward to this season is when he ultimately (I assume) shows Dario exactly what kind of loyalty one gets in return for screwing over their friends to prop John.  I'd love to pop some corn and kick back with Corey and Ashley to watch that inevitable moment on replay over and over again.  Dario is just so damn proud of himself for his "smart" choice.  

That will be awesome. But I am not sure how the final eliminations will work. Sounds like maybe one team will get eliminated before they leave for Argentina, and I am not sure they will be eliminated via jungle. It would really suck if on the next mission, the lowest scoring team automatically gets sent home, and that team is Dario and Nicole. Then Johnny will not be proven a liar and user this time.

I'm back to finding Sarah annoying. I actually liked her in Battle of the Exes 2 when she competed alongside Jordan and I was impressed that she pulled a fast one on Johnny in order to win, but now, not so much. That speech to Wes was just awful and I'm glad he put her in her place. I had forgotten how awful she was to Cara Maria back on Cutthroat.

I disagreed with Dario putting in Corey and Ashley because he should've put in Vince and Johnny, but I guess it worked out for him in the end. It still doesn't change my opinion of how dumb that move was. I was surprised Cory and Ashley lost. I for sure thought they would move on and be in the finals.

I'm not a big fan of Wes or Nany, but I've grown to like them because at least Wes is upfront about the way he is and Nany has stopped being a Johnny follower and realized that's not the way to go even if it means she'll have to be in the elimination rounds time after time. I'd be pissed if my own cousin was rooting for her boyfriend of a short number of weeks to win instead of me who she's known her whole life so I feel for Nany. Nicole and Dario will most likely fail at some point. 

  • Love 6

I can't believe Christina and Nate beat Corey and Ashley. What a travesty that was. Devin and Cheyenne are also the luckiest duo in this competition with the amount of white skulls they've pulled to date. I guess it's only fair given the amount of times teams have thrown them in as a cop out move. Stupid Nate talking as if Devin and Cheyenne figured out some science behind avoiding the black skull. 

Sarah, after that speech you gave Wes, you'll get a nice pat on the back from your buddy Johnny. But first you'll have to remove your lips from his ass so that he can turn around and congratulate you. Everything Sarah accused Wes of, she was not only guilty of herself but her partner Johnny is guilty of much the same yet she was constantly trying to prove herself to Johnny so that he would forgive her. 

Johnny dismissed Nany as being salty for her family member blowing up her game and betraying her trust. I'm sorry - aren't you the same Johnny that has been wallowing from months over Sarah 'betraying' you? Apparently Johnny's morals and standards are by his own convenience only. 

Why is Vince even talking smack to Devin? What have you accomplished in the game Vince that you think you're somehow in a better position to talk down to Devin? You don't even have to play the game because you have the reputation and politics of your cousin to hide behind. Join a challenge without your cousin and see how far you get. He was making fun of Devin but Devin was at the disadvantage of having a partner with a physically weak upper body. Jenna was great. They did poorly solely because of Vince. 

  • Love 7

Stupid question: If this was really "Civil War," who would be Baron Zemo? And at least that movie made compelling arguments on both sides. I'm at a point where I kinda/sorta hate everybody because they're a dick/bitch or weak.

Better nickname . . .Dummio or Bitchio? I'm open to either one. At least we're spared Raphy. That would be stupidity in stereo.

Speaking of AYTO people nobody should like . . . Devin is basically the discount Wes. He thinks he's so much better than everybody else, you can't help but root for him to fail.

Speaking of Wes E. Coyote . . . I just want him to haul off and punch Johnny. Or Wince. Either one. Once again, he's on the wrong side, and he winds up getting shat upon by Johnny Fortune and his idiot cousin. I'm happy that he didn't go over the cliff, but it's a matter of time. Kudos for labeling Sarah as a "fair-weather friend." Didn't want to hate her, I can see her swallowing a lot of shit to work with Johnny . . . but she's making it so hard.

I know this is next week, but what the fuck . . . Zach strikes me as a guy who would last two minutes, tops. Jenna is better off

  • Love 4

Can someone explain to me how Cory and Ashley losing in the Jungle validated Dario's decision. Just remember Nicole, in order to win any money in the final you have to finish it, and your partner Dario hasn't exactly been a good physical competitor. I really hate that white eyeliner Nicole wears.

I love me some Wes, he's so over these people. I'm loving Devin too. He might be a douche but as long as he's annoying Vince and John he's ok with me. Cheyenne on the other hand I don't really get. She seems so blah in general, not just during the challenges. She seems to do nothing other than stand or sit with her arms crossed and roll her eyes. She might think Devin is the reason they get nominated constantly, but I think they'd be put in there anyway just because they're rookies.

I loved Wes and Devin's FUs to John and Sarah at the nominations (what, no winners dinner and come-kiss-my-ass chats?) No John, you arrogant ass, they're not nominating themselves for the Jungle, they just don't want to hear your bullshit about how you arrived at your decision. Or Sarah's. If Wes and Nany go before the final, I doubt I'll keep watching because right now I'd like to punch all of the others except Devin, and maybe Jenna.

Anyone notice TJ's grin when he blew the horn on John and Sarah's challenge? A little happy because they beat Wes? Geez BMP, just call it the John Challenge already, and get a room. Not that I missed him, but I thought it was strange that Vince wasn't with the others after the challenge when TJ was announcing who came in last.

  • Love 4

I hate Sarah.  I have always hated Sarah since she was such a hanger-oner (I know thats not a word, I cant come up with a better one) at the Ruins.  Kenny would trash her and she'd come crawling back, I hate her for that and I hate females in real life for doing  the same (I am also a female).   She was impressive with Kellyanne at the challenge, so I do give her a wee bit of credit.  I laughed out loud the two challenges she got screwed due to partners waiting and DQing.  I've always been impressed that she's relatively good a challenges. Her only great move is throwing John under the bus, its the only time she's earned my respect.  It was a great move.  Then she moved on with her real life and got married and thought that  was the last we would have seen of her.  And I've been watching the RW/RR challenges for way too long, but I love seeing people actually moving on with their lives. 

so she came into this challenge married and presumably moved on with her life after pulling the greatest move I have ever seen her pull 
(throwing John in).  And for a minute I'm rooting for her.  Besides that background she is someone I recognize (I dont watch the RW but I do AYTO).  i want to root for her.

But now she sniveling again to John ....  Its like she's5 years younger again.  She cant handle her growth and the fact that shes a real adult.  I wanted to root for her, but dear God Sarah, stop sucking up to Johnny, you have a real life, you are a better person, you don't need this.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

Can someone explain to me how Cory and Ashley losing in the Jungle validated Dario's decision. Just remember Nicole, in order to win any money in the final you have to finish it, and your partner Dario hasn't exactly been a good physical competitor. I really hate that white eyeliner Nicole wears.

I love me some Wes, he's so over these people. I'm loving Devin too. He might be a douche but as long as he's annoying Vince and John he's ok with me. Cheyenne on the other hand I don't really get. She seems so blah in general, not just during the challenges. She seems to do nothing other than stand or sit with her arms crossed and roll her eyes. She might think Devin is the reason they get nominated constantly, but I think they'd be put in there anyway just because they're rookies.

I loved Wes and Devin's FUs to John and Sarah at the nominations (what, no winners dinner and come-kiss-my-ass chats?) No John, you arrogant ass, they're not nominating themselves for the Jungle, they just don't want to hear your bullshit about how you arrived at your decision. Or Sarah's. If Wes and Nany go before the final, I doubt I'll keep watching because right now I'd like to punch all of the others except Devin, and maybe Jenna.

Anyone notice TJ's grin when he blew the horn on John and Sarah's challenge? A little happy because they beat Wes? Geez BMP, just call it the John Challenge already, and get a room. Not that I missed him, but I thought it was strange that Vince wasn't with the others after the challenge when TJ was announcing who came in last.

Dario is just dumb. Cory losing wasn't validation for him, it was relief. He didn't have to deal with a strong competitor coming back into the house and targeting him. The thing about this game is that you have so many returnees and once you burn bridges, it's hard to start afresh at the next Challenge. They don't forget. What makes him even more of an imbecile is that all of his is not because those he trusted lied to him. This is because those he trusted weren't divulging every single conversation and strategy to him which was actually irrelevant to him since they kept his name out of their mouth and would have done what they could to keep him in the house, if nothing else but to have numbers in their favour. At this rate, I'm surprised that Dario isn't angry that Cory and Wes didn't just do the challenges for him and then hand him the immunity for the wins.

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Dario is just dumb. Cory losing wasn't validation for him, it was relief. He didn't have to deal with a strong competitor coming back into the house and targeting him. The thing about this game is that you have so many returnees and once you burn bridges, it's hard to start afresh at the next Challenge. They don't forget. What makes him even more of an imbecile is that all of his is not because those he trusted lied to him. This is because those he trusted weren't divulging every single conversation and strategy to him which was actually irrelevant to him since they kept his name out of their mouth and would have done what they could to keep him in the house, if nothing else but to have numbers in their favour. At this rate, I'm surprised that Dario isn't angry that Cory and Wes didn't just do the challenges for him and then hand him the immunity for the wins.

Exactly.   Cory promised Dario he wouldn't say his name.  Why should it matter to him that Dario was working with Wes, too?  If nothing else, the person who has said they'd help you stay having other people on their side is a good thing.  Because that means that they have the ability to say to that other person "hey, Dario is working with me, so we want to keep him around."  You need an alliance of more than one other team.  If the alliance is too big, at some point, you might have to worry about being the odd man out, but, at some point, you also have to do something for yourself.  And there are all kinds of alliances. There are alliances to help each other get to the final, and there are alliances to eliminate threats.  When there is one team in the house that is the odds on favorite to win the whole damn thing, then the rest of you should absolutely be teaming up to get them out of there every single chance you get.  Because you don't want them getting to the final mission.  Once that's done, you can all revert to "every man for himself" or divide your loyalties up among smaller alliances, but there should be an overall alliance every single season to get John out of there ASAP, before he gets a chance to take control.    

  • Love 2

I have always been a fan of Sarah. From her actual Real World season (sometimes you just relate to someone) to every appearance on the Challenge (even though I despise Kenny and Evan). But I am officially done with her. That speech to Wes was just too much. Her head is just so far up Johns ass she is starting to sound like him now. Maybe that makes me a "fairweather fan", but I don't care.

She is a liar. She had us all convinced that her and John weren't friends and she had no problems at all sending him in to the pit. Yet here we are with her crying and basically asking forgiveness (for fucking WHAT? Playing the game the same way John would have?) for screwing him over (which she didn't in my opinion).

I wonder if all the John fangirls got to her on social media. She is the epitome of a people pleaser and just wants to be liked. But at some point you have to stand on your own two feet.

I dunno, it IS the John Show. Even the newbies (Nate, Christina, Dario, etc) have latched their lips firmly to Johns ass. So Sarah is just another John minion at this point to me and I just can't root for her anymore.

Ugh, as far as Vince. Seriously dude, you SUCK. You have done well at ONE challenge in TWO seasons! You can't call out other people for sucking at the game when you might be one of the worst competitors this game has ever seen! If you weren't Johns relative, people would be sending you in immediately as an easy win.

I did something I NEVER do. I looked at spoilers. This season just went to shit SO damn fast and I wanted to know if I was wasting my time with the rest of the season. So seriously, don't click on this spoiler box unless you want to know who wins (I mean it, don't click it and then get annoyed with me):


Again, winners announced ahead, you have been warned!



So yup, John and Sarah win. Wes goes out before the finale.

In a twist though, apparently John somehow keeps ALL the prize money and screws Sarah over. The reunion already happened and apparently people from that have spoiled this info.

If it IS true, then the producers KNEW John would screw Sarah over and keep all the prize money. They did that shit on purpose. I feel sorry for her and I don't. You play with snakes, you get bit. But the fact is, she didn't have a choice in her partner. So while some may see this as karma, I don't think she deserves it. Still lost me as a fan though.

I guess this is the producers way of giving John back the money he lost when Sarah "screwed" him....what a fucking joke. I MIGHT be done with this show if John is back next season.

Regardless, I deleted the show from my Tivo One Pass. No desire to watch the remaining episodes. Will probably watch the reunion though.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

Exactly.   Cory promised Dario he wouldn't say his name.  Why should it matter to him that Dario was working with Wes, too?  If nothing else, the person who has said they'd help you stay having other people on their side is a good thing.  Because that means that they have the ability to say to that other person "hey, Dario is working with me, so we want to keep him around."  You need an alliance of more than one other team.  If the alliance is too big, at some point, you might have to worry about being the odd man out, but, at some point, you also have to do something for yourself.  And there are all kinds of alliances. There are alliances to help each other get to the final, and there are alliances to eliminate threats.  When there is one team in the house that is the odds on favorite to win the whole damn thing, then the rest of you should absolutely be teaming up to get them out of there every single chance you get.  Because you don't want them getting to the final mission.  Once that's done, you can all revert to "every man for himself" or divide your loyalties up among smaller alliances, but there should be an overall alliance every single season to get John out of there ASAP, before he gets a chance to take control.    

And that's why I have no doubt that Johnny and Sarah will win this game. Wes and Devin are the only ones that are speaking the truth loudly and everyone is either too stupid or too scared to listen. Johnny and Sarah have proven they are the strongest team in the house. Johnny is a great physical competitor and Sarah is not only a good physical competitor but she's got the puzzles down like it's child's play. In 11 challenges, Johnny and Sarah were available for nomination 8 times. And not once did any of those teams entertain nominating them. Unfortunately, the people who were willing and vocal about it were the people that couldn't win the challenges. Well then there was Dario but I think I've said enough times already what an idiot he is.

Wes is the only thing standing in the way of Johnny taking a stranglehold of the game. If Wes and Nany get eliminated before the finals then it'll be easy to guess who wins this thing. The only question left to be answered would be who comes in second and third.

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The AYTO kids just screw up the politics, unless they can ban together and go against the vets.  There was maybe one good AYTO team, the one with the chick who was riling up everyone but they were both athletic.

Wes has no shot in these Challenges because Bananas has most of the vet teams locked up.  So he has to team up with unreliable or suck ass AYTO teams.

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Vince once again proved why he was named #VinceFail last season. He talks so much trash, but if he didn't have his cousin there, he probably wouldn't make it as far as he has based on his poor athleticism. It also seems a lot of people can't stand him either.

Please tell me Jenna didn't actually hook up with this guy! 

Edited by Steph619
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