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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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10 minutes ago, TimWil said:

I think she's a poor player in that she makes crucial mistakes. Targeting Victor and Paul was the biggie.

But by that metric, there is pretty much no such thing as a good player. Everyone who was evicted made crucial mistakes. Victor has made several and been evicted twice. James has thrown comps that he shouldn't have. Nicole and Corey are targeting the wrong people. Paul only managed to save himself from being evicted through winning veto.

I would also argue that targeting Vic/Paul was not a bad move given the information she had. She had no way of knowing that a) Paul would win veto, b) Vic would come back AGAIN, and c) that Nicole would win HoH (because really? Nicole?) and throw them to the wolves. Nat tried to take out the targets she couldn't win against when she had the numbers. It went to hell, but that doesn't make it stupid or her a poor player.

  • Love 8

Nats only mistake in this game was hooking up with James. He has zero ability in stratitizing, winning comps, etc. I just don't get why the casting people thought we would find Nicole and James AND Day for that matter a big draw this season! I never cared for any of them.They didn't do anything at all worthy of a second chance. I thought it was sweet in the beginning of this season when Nat and James began, but as time goes on I only see James being hurt when the show is over and they just became boring and she" doing nothing but whining her days away. She is good at comps, but it doesn't look good for either her or James at this point.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, TimWil said:

I think she's a poor player in that she's made crucial mistakes. Targeting Victor and Paul was the biggie, simple as that.

No it wasn't, Victor getting the jury buyback which she had no way of knowing about it screwed her over, simple as that. Getting one of those two out was good for her game.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 19
1 minute ago, TimWil said:

Natalie just admitted she made a "huge mistake" by putting up Victor and Paul. Uh huh, Natalie. It WAS a huge mistake.

Victor and Paul deserve their success but those dudes need to dial back on the gloating.

But if there was no buyback, would it have been that big of a mistake? Nicole wins HOH still, she puts up Natalie/Michelle. Michelle still goes, most likely, but Paul could have as well. 

Natalie took a risk but because of buyback, it backfired. She knows it's a huge mistake now because Victor came back. She would not be saying that otherwise. She made a huge game move, despite the fact that she likes Victor and hates Corey. Nicole made a personal move that, this week, ended up being more to her benefit. But at the time, it was personal. 

So I'd say Natalie's a better game player but game circumstances got in the way. 

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

It was a nighttime comp.

My pardon, I wasn't clear.  I know it was a nighttime comp - but it shouldn't have been.  Letting the HGs standing in a plexiglass box under the hot California summer sun, percolating in their own sweat - now THAT would be a COMP!!!  :>


2 hours ago, TheRealT said:

How did she take it? Did she deflate it and hide it in her luggage or openly steal it? Either way, awesomely hilarious!

Grabbed it and walked it right out the Front Door before anyone - Paul in particular - could react.  Then threw it to the audience.


50 minutes ago, simplyme said:

I don't know about calling her a poor player. She made some crucial mistakes, yes. But I think they all made mistakes that could have been crucial. Timing is important. I certainly think she was a better player than at least half the house. (Speaking of crucial mistakes, usually getting evicted counts as one.)

In this context, Natalie's only "crucial mistake" was getting cast in a season with way too many re-entry parachutes.  JBB totally nullified Natalie's HoH to such a degree that winning that HoH was purely negative - totally exposing one's true intended target while simultaneously protecting that target from the effect of normal gameplay.

  • Love 10
58 minutes ago, Nashville said:

In this context, Natalie's only "crucial mistake" was getting cast in a season with way too many re-entry parachutes.  JBB totally nullified Natalie's HoH to such a degree that winning that HoH was purely negative - totally exposing one's true intended target while simultaneously protecting that target from the effect of normal gameplay.

Plus being unable to play for HOH the following week and only getting to put up one nominee after winning the HOH comp fair and square. That HOH was the suckiest one ever.

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Just watched on twitter a scene where Michelle doesn't believe we landed on the moon.  I swear to God that area has the worst school system of all time.  My brother-in-laws brother will argue with you that there are 54 states.  He thinks the Democrats hide the information of the extra 4 states.  I don't mean the territories, actual states that aren't there that he says he was taught are there and are in hiding.  That's how Obama won.

Are the four states D.C., New England, Golden State, and East Carolina? They have sports teams! (tm Joey Tribianni)

Edited by Bob Sambob
  • Love 6
7 hours ago, TimWil said:

Sorry, she was never going to win against these HGs. She's a nice young lady but a poor player. She would have been lucky to make F3.

I totally disagree that she is a poor player and was never going to win.  The ONLY reason that she's in this predicament at all is because her HOH was negated by the juror buyback twist.  If Victor had been evicted and stayed evicted (which is how the game is supposed to work, Producers!), she would have had a far better shot at winning.  The twist screwed her and Michelle more than anything.  If Vic wasn't in the house right now, he wouldn't be HOH this week and maybe Natalie would've won this comp instead.

The only way that both James and Natalie stay this week is if production does a Pandora's Box re-instating the teams like earlier in the season, so James and Natalie can veto themselves both off the block.  It's crazy, but it has happened in the past!  I wouldn't be opening Pandora's Box if I were Victor this week...

Edited by me5671
  • Love 5

Natalie says she wants to win the next HOH so she can put Nicole OTB. She also wants to sit next to Victor in the end. It's not a horrible plan. Of course, this all depends on James going home this week. I just want Natalie to win HOH so the game won't be another boring week. If Nicole, Paul or Corey win it will be Dead Man Walking for Natalie. That is a long week of feeds being about..............nothing.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, CheetaraThunder said:

I think Paulie is fine with Day/Z/Bridge in jury. That seem like they were all fine during Buyback...but it's the combo of Meech/Nat that would suck for him.

Honestly, Vic won a huge HOH: he basically debilitated the other side and barring Jatalie winning every comp, they are done.

Now we get to see Natalie's true side. Will she completely throw James to the wolves or bow out? James basically saying he will save Nat with the veto if he wins and is on the block together.


I agree, I think Paulie is just fine with Z/Bridge/Day.   Bridge is probably cooking great meals, Day is playfully ribbing him for his poor play and if what he told Vic is true, he's back with Z.    Michelle's arrival later today could change the dynamics of the house but after such a long time of being away from her, they will mostly ignore her and go back to cooking, watching Netflix, painting, etc.  

And I can't get over how happy I was when I woke up this morning and saw that Victor had won HOH.  As a fellow New Orleanian, I have a soft spot for him and his lovely family.   So go Vic!!

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Natalie says she wants to win the next HOH so she can put Nicole OTB. She also wants to sit next to Victor in the end. It's not a horrible plan.

Everyone should want to sit next to Victor. He's been evicted not once but twice. Seems like a nice guy but he doesn't deserve to win the game against anyone, even a useless sack of shit like Corey. 

  • Love 3
33 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

If Nicole, Paul or Corey win it will be Dead Man Walking for Natalie.

Not so sure about this.  If one of those three win HOH next week, it would be in their best interest to break up the remaining pair (i.e. Paul nominate Nicorey and Nicorey nominate Paul/Victor).  If they don't do this, then the F4 HOH would be the other pair versus half of their pair.  

Maybe it would be in Paul and Victor's best interest to throw POV to Natalie.  If Natalie and James are on the block together at the end of the week, Nicorey controls the votes.  But if Natalie comes down, Paul/Victor control the votes and get out their target.  Hopefully they think through this and not just blindly throw the veto to Corey.

  • Love 1

Awesome! What a great week to look forward to! Victor's full-on boasting about how he is unevictable, Paul going full-circle back to obnoxious asshole, Fuckleberry Dim and his shit-eating grin and Nicole being - well, Nicole... Thanks, Show!

Seriously, a whole week of Paul talking about either a) how he and Victor have been boned/fucked/shit on, or b) how much he is going to shit on/call out/ignore James and Nat; a whole week of Victor gloating about a) how he's unbeatable in comps, UNBEATABLE! and b) how he's been evicted twice and no-one can keep him out of this game, NO-ONE!; Nicole either a) whining about what Michelle said about her ("I've done literally nothing to her, noooooootthiiiiiiiinnngggg-uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh!") or b) engaging Corey in deep, thoughtful conversation ("are you mad at meeeeeeeee?" "Nicole, are you seeeeeeriouuuuuus?" "Cooooorreeeeeeeeyyyyyy, tell meeeeeeeeeeeee, it's not a big deeeeeeeeeaalll!" "Oh my gosh Nicooooooooole..." "You are mad at meeeeeee, I can teeeeeeellll" "I'm not mad at you Brah!" and so on and so on and so on as the long weary hours creep by); Corey - well, Corey's a blank slate. He's just happy he can bro down with the bros for another week.

I almost hope Nat goes this week (almost) because I just don't want to see her on her own amongst that clump of twats.

Fucking Victor! FUCK!

Edited by AbsoluteShower
  • Love 16
18 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Everyone should want to sit next to Victor. He's been evicted not once but twice. Seems like a nice guy but he doesn't deserve to win the game against anyone, even a useless sack of shit like Corey. 

On the first season of BBCAN, Gary went back into the house and almost won the game, except that Topaz put the wrong key in the box while voting for the winner. He didn't deserve to win, but the jury was bitter. I can't imagine the jurors not recognizing Victor's accomplishments, and if they're bitter, anything can happen.

  • Love 1

How long did the chicken wire comp run? Glad to wake up and see that Victor has won. Yeah, I know.  The next week will be a bro-fest + Nicole.  Interesting that her family called her Coco.  And "Jamesy" and Natalie can go back to bed for the week.  Who are the have-nots?

42 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Everyone should want to sit next to Victor. He's been evicted not once but twice. Seems like a nice guy but he doesn't deserve to win the game against anyone, even a useless sack of shit like Corey. 

Not necessarily. Even Natalie/James said that they'd vote for Victor if he got to the end. I think Victor has just as much of a chance as anyone, possibly more. People see it both ways. I'm in the middle, but some people see that he shouldn't win the game because of his evictions, and others see it as another reason to. 

  • Love 6

Victor may seem like a nice guy, and in a lot of ways he probably is - he seems to be a very thoughtful and friendly person, but unfortunately for me there are some unpleasant aspects of his personality that I just cannot stand. When he's with 'his boys', his douchebro tendencies rise to the surface real quick, and despite his protestations, his attitude to women is very suspect at times (sorry Vic - making comments about what a woman eats and throwing mardi gras beads at them IS disrespectful). He really needs to drop the arrogance and the boasting as well. Last night he was gloating over the fact that Nat has come second to him now in 2 HOH comps. Dude, you won HOH - you're the best. We get it. 

  • Love 8

Since I don't care for Natalie, it's hard for me to get too worked up about her potential demise.  I've seen her say a lot of really horrible crap on the feeds and she spends like 90% of her time whining and talking about herself.  Yes, they are all annoying.  They have all said things.  But I have never totally figured out Natalie's popularity.  She's no better than the rest of these people.

I also go back to it's not really Victor's fault that both times he had to battle back he had limited competition.  I don't really think the second re-entry twist was brought in to the game with the intention of saving Victor for the second time.  I think when Victor was evicted the second time the show knew there was a very good shot of him winning and coming back based on his competition, but I don't think it was a twist designed to save Victor.  Because at that point I don't think the show cared enough about him one way or another.  Now they will give him airtime as his likelihood of making it to the end increases, but I don't think that was the intent all along.

Also it's hard to say how anything would have played out if Victor didn't that jury buy back.  Paulie coming back into the house wouldn't have been good for Natalie.  If Paul didn't win veto and had been evicted, he likely would have come right back in.  The only person returning that could have possibly helped Natalie was Bridgette.  I'd also add that I don't think that wall comp was really made for guys like Vic to win.  It favored the little people who don't weigh a lot or have a lot of bulk (see James/Nic), so it's not like they threw Vic a comp that was made for him. That comp was made for James.

So I'm still not going to play the Victor doesn't deserve to be here nonsense.  Part of the game is there are twists.  Victor at least had to fight for his twists and he's playing against sucky competitors.  Now I do think it's valid that people don't want to vote for him at F2 and would rather vote for someone that managed to avoid being evicted all summer, even if they did so by laying in bed and sleeping 20 hours a day.  And I also think it's a risk to take Vic to F2.  I can understand why some houseguests want to and what angle they would play with him, but it also can backfire in that Victor is at this point probably one of the best liked houseguests (by jury members/fellow houseguests).  He's mostly a straight shooter so he winds up not getting too much blood on his hands and the people that he has had a hand in evicting don't really hate him.  I think even if James goes this week, he won't hate Victor because Vic has been pretty straight with him.

Edited by spanana
  • Love 6
34 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Not necessarily. Even Natalie/James said that they'd vote for Victor if he got to the end. I think Victor has just as much of a chance as anyone, possibly more. People see it both ways. I'm in the middle, but some people see that he shouldn't win the game because of his evictions, and others see it as another reason to. 

How is that a reason to vote for him? The entire point of the game is to not be evicted.

I guess I'm in the Dan and Dr Will camp. This game isn't about how many competitions you win. Quite the opposite. If you need to win comps to stay in the house you are obviously doing something wrong.

Like I said, I like Victor. He seems like a decent guy in comparison to the rest of the men in the house. But I don't think he's played a very good game.

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, Cutty said:

How is that a reason to vote for him? The entire point of the game is to not be evicted.

I guess I'm in the Dan and Dr Will camp. This game isn't about how many competitions you win. Quite the opposite. If you need to win comps to stay in the house you are obviously doing something wrong.

Like I said, I like Victor. He seems like a decent guy in comparison to the rest of the men in the house. But I don't think he's played a very good game.

I think the point is that to you it's not a reason to vote for Victor.  But I've seen plenty of people say that they would because they think it's an accomplishment that they battled his way back 2x, plus took out some big players and all his comp wins.  I'm not arguing either side, but I think you can argue either side.  It really comes down to one's perspective on the game.

In this particular season, I think it would depend on who Victor is sitting next to at the end.  This is a very bitter jury.  One where most people hate Nicole.  If Nicole or Corey are sitting next to Victor, the jury might give it to him.  I think this jury is going to vote based on emotions.  If he's sitting next to Paul, then I think he loses.

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, Cutty said:

How is that a reason to vote for him? The entire point of the game is to not be evicted.

I guess I'm in the Dan and Dr Will camp. This game isn't about how many competitions you win. Quite the opposite. If you need to win comps to stay in the house you are obviously doing something wrong.

Like I said, I like Victor. He seems like a decent guy in comparison to the rest of the men in the house. But I don't think he's played a very good game.

Will and Dan are the gold standard and are difficult to emulate.  

There isn't one criteria to establish a winner; that is up to each individual HG on the jury.  The entire point of this game is to get to one the two chairs at the end and hope your social game or prowess has been good enough to win favor.  Some comp their way there, others use social skills and some stealth, there are no rules in the voting booth.  It is a personal choice. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3
1 minute ago, spanana said:

In this particular season, I think it would depend on who Victor is sitting next to at the end.  This is a very bitter jury.  One where most people hate Nicole.  If Nicole or Corey are sitting next to Victor, the jury might give it to him.  I think this jury is going to vote based on emotions.  If he's sitting next to Paul, then I think he loses.

Probably true.

Nicole's only chance is sitting next to Corey. But I imagine the anti-Nicole sentiment + bros give the win to Corey.

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, wings707 said:

There isn't one criteria to establish a winner; that is up to each individual HG on the jury.  The entire point of this game is to get to one the two chairs at the end and hope your social game or prowess has been good enough to win favor.  Some comp their way there, others use social skills and some stealth, there are no rules in the voting booth.  It is a personal choice. 

I get that, and I don't agree with the term bitter jury. If a jury is bitter against you that's your fault. 

I guess I just hate the buyback twist(s). If you are evicted your game should be over. There are no mulligans in the US Open. The fact that there were two this season is just asinine to me. I just have to remind myself that this is a TV show first and foremost not a pure game.

  • Love 8

Here's Natalie admitting her mistake to James. 


Look, Production "suggested" to Natalie that she and James work with Nicole and Corey. Production knew a buyback was coming and they wanted Victor or Paul in it, not Corey or Nicole. James then would most likely have won the wall HoH comp. They would have been in a much stronger position. The Fatal Five or whatever they were called (Victor/Paul/Natalie/James/Michelle) would have been a formidable alliance. Instead she targeted Victor and Paul and the result was all too predictable.

Natalie was never going to win the game, anyway, not with these HGs. They would never have voted for her, not even if she was sitting next to Michelle.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, J.D. said:

I felt sorry for Meech all last week because she has such a hateful sister slandering her on Twitter, but after the childish way she acted when getting evicted and stealing Pablo out of spite, the only feels I got is "Bye Felicia!"

Congrats to Vic.  :)

I agree.  Before, I was on the fence about her because as annoying as she is, I figured she had emotional problems and I gave her a pass.  Now, I can't stand her.  She didn't steal Pablo to advance her game, or as a joke, or for any other reason except that she knew Paul was attached to it and she wanted to hurt him.  She really needs extensive therapy.

  • Love 5

So, reading up on last night's activities, James at least tried to campaign for Natalie to stay off the block before Nicorey crashed the campaigning. 

Also, get ready for more of Nicole's bashing against Michelle, especially now that she's gone.

Victor also told Natalie up front that James is the target. I mean, you gotta give Victor credit on that he doesn't play like Paul. He likes being honest when he's HOH, while all Paul wants to do is be petty and be 'entertaining'. He wants to ignore James/Natalie and make it unclear on who's going for paranoia. This is why I would prefer Victor getting farther than Paul. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I get that, and I don't agree with the term bitter jury. If a jury is bitter against you that's your fault. 

I guess I just hate the buyback twist(s). If you are evicted your game should be over. There are no mulligans in the US Open. The fact that there were two this season is just asinine to me. I just have to remind myself that this is a TV show first and foremost not a pure game.

But Big Brother is a silly little reality show, with no real rules besides the ones that were made up by a bunch of producers sitting in a room somewhere.  Each season has new rules and twists.  I don't think it even qualifies as a game show, which are actually under some regulations.  Big Brother is not a sporting event, so it makes no sense to compare it to one.

Edited by spanana
  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, reading up on last night's activities, James at least try to campaign for Natalie to stay off the block before Nicorey crashed the campaigning. 

Also, get ready for more of Nicole's bashing against Michelle, especially now that she's gone.

Victor also told Natalie up front that James is the target. I mean, you gotta give Victor credit on that he doesn't play like Paul. He likes being honest when he's HOH, while all Paul wants to do is be petty and be 'entertaining'. He wants to ignore James/Natalie and make it unclear on who's going for paranoia. This is why I would prefer Victor getting farther than Paul. 

I agree.

That is the attitude needed when you play to win.  You cannot have America as an HG in your game. 

This does not win. ;^)  Not even AFP


Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

I mean, it's not Victor's fault that this season had so many twists. He just played with the hands dealt to him and fucking dominated it all. I think the only juror that could be bitter is Michelle, especially with how her eviction went. 

If Vic can continue to worm his way out of eviction and get to the final 3, I think he can win. Though, I wouldn't be shocked if Paul evicted Vic to take someone like Corey with him.

Honestly, for everyone, they should keep James. He is pretty much a lame duck in competitions, and the perfect goat for a final 2. I can also see Nic/Corey pushing for a Nat eviction if they don't win veto ( so sickening sweet that Nat and James would give the other the veto and sacrifice their game for one another....god kill me lol)

Next week's HOH could possibly be another tiebreaker, depending on who is on block.

i kind feel for jury: that whole dynamic is about to change and not for the better. hurricane Meech is coming and she is coming in hot. She is going to do everything to latch back into Day/Z like the two faced girl she is....hopefully if she goes emotional basket case, they'll ignore her. I do hope they check her suitcase, just in case she did take anything not belonging to her from the house.

  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, spanana said:

In this particular season, I think it would depend on who Victor is sitting next to at the end.  This is a very bitter jury.  One where most people hate Nicole.  If Nicole or Corey are sitting next to Victor, the jury might give it to him.  I think this jury is going to vote based on emotions.  If he's sitting next to Paul, then I think he loses.

Yet Paul is the only person he wants to go to F2 with.

48 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Will and Dan are the gold standard and are difficult to emulate.  

There isn't one criteria to establish a winner; that is up to each individual HG on the jury.  The entire point of this game is to get to one the two chairs at the end and hope your social game or prowess has been good enough to win favor.  Some comp their way there, others use social skills and some stealth, there are no rules in the voting booth.  It is a personal choice. 

ITA agree with this and I don't believe in "bitter jurors," but I don't think it can be said that getting evicted (twice!) is any kind of strategy. I don't blame Vic for anything and he has every "right" to be there since this is how the game went this year and if he wins he "deserves" it; I just can't see him as a good player by any stretch of the imagination.

  • Love 6

Depending on how far P/Vic are, I definitely put their partnership in my Top 3 best BB duos with Will/Boogie and Danielle/Jason. To me Dani/Jason was like the gold standard on how to perfect an alliance and just snow every single one. Still wish they were the final 2, even though In any other season, Lisa would have been considered an awesome winner.

  • Love 2
26 minutes ago, TheRealT said:


ITA agree with this and I don't believe in "bitter jurors," but I don't think it can be said that getting evicted (twice!) is any kind of strategy. I don't blame Vic for anything and he has every "right" to be there since this is how the game went this year and if he wins he "deserves" it; I just can't see him as a good player by any stretch of the imagination.

Of course getting evicted twice is not a strategy.  :^)  Everyone left has careened their way into position either from Natalie flipping the house or happenstance with some skill in there, too.  Going from here is where strategy will show up.  Will Victor and Paul take each other to F2 is one question.  

James and Natalie are where they are because they did not play to keep the flip alliance together.  They were too complacent.  

Edited by wings707
6 minutes ago, wings707 said:

James and Natalie are where they are because they did not play to keep the flip alliance together.  They were too complacent.  

I don't think it was that terrible of a move. They flipped to get Paul out, which was not a bad play as he's the best player in the house. They didn't exactly play it the smartest, and he won veto putting them in a real bind, but it wasn't a bad idea to get him out.

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 5
54 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Look, Production "suggested" to Natalie that she and James work with Nicole and Corey. Production knew a buyback was coming and they wanted Victor or Paul in it, not Corey or Nicole. James then would most likely have won the wall HoH comp. They would have been in a much stronger position. 

If Corey had been successfully targeted then Paulie would've won the buyback and likely rejoined Vic and Paul, which means Jatalie and Michelle would've had the three strongest players plus Nicole (the likely winner of the wall comp) coming after them. It would've been far worse if they hadn't targeted Vic and Paul that week. 

I think Paul would take Victor to the F2 and vice versa, but for different reasons.  Paul would take Victor because of "friendship" but also because I think Paul is smart enough to know that he can likely win against Victor.  He wouldn't be taking Victor to hand the money over to someone else.  In his book it would probably be win/win if he won and his bestie in the house gets some 2nd place cash.  The other way around, I think Victor is likely just too loyal.  I have a hard time seeing him overthrow Paul to take somebody that he knows he can beat.  I can see Victor taking Paul and essentially handing him the prize.

That is one of the things Michelle said yesterday that made no sense to me.  She kept calling Victor a flip-flopper.  Well you think Michelle?  Of course Victor came back and tried to align with the people that didn't put him on the block last week as opposed to the people that did.

There actually were three chances to return to the game this season.  It's just that the second one never panned out.  In all the talks of fairness, Paul was never going to get evicted during that stretch of the game where he had the return ticket.  He just didn't need it or know it.  But the season would have also played out differently had that return ticket come into play.

I'd also argue that saying a jury is bitter doesn't necessarily mean it's their fault they are bitter.  I am thrilled that the women in jury gave Paulie such a hard time when he showed up.  In most cases the bitterness is in response to behavior in the game and is valid.  However there are people that will vote for the best strategic player at the end, even if that person betrayed them or if they hate that person on a personal level, and others that will vote with their heart and vote for who they like better.  Either can be valid.

Edited by spanana
  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I don't think it was that terrible of a move. They flipped to get Paul out, which was not a bad play as he's the best player in the house. They didn't exactly play it the smartest, and he won veto putting them in a real bind, but it wasn't a bad idea to get him out.

Hindsight says there were missteps.  James failed to keep Nic and Corey close with the plan, assuring them Corey as a pawn was safe.  James almost voted him out!  That is what alienated Nicory and destroyed their F4 plan.  And James continued to think everything was in place!  

  • Love 4
34 minutes ago, spanana said:

I don't think it even qualifies as a game show, which are actually under some regulations. 

Technically, it's not just game shows. It is any broadcast contest of chance, intellectual knowledge, or intellectual skill.  Here is the definition of "contest" from the applicable law:

(1)The term “contest” means any contest broadcast by a radio station in connection with which any money or any other thing of value is offered as a prize or prizes to be paid or presented by the program sponsor or by any other person or persons, as announced in the course of the broadcast.

Here is a link to the law itself (47 U.S. Code § 509):


It's not very long.

I believe the idea that BB is not subject to the law comes from the argument that reality shows like BB and Survivor are not contests of intellectual knowledge or skill, but I could be wrong. @Nashville at one point covered that Survivor had a court case that might have settled the issue, but it was settled out of court. So it's undecided.

Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if BB did a sort of shuffle-dance CYA partial adherence where the competitions were generally planned out ahead of time and the trivia/intellectual ones were clean, but the physical ones involved factors deliberately favoring (or hindering) certain players (like Paulie and the hose monster, which 10-year-old me just wanted to say). But really, unless it goes to trial over something and we get details, we may never know.

Just the other day I was telling my dying aunt, "Hey, you already had  chemo twice and  bounced back into  remission.  What more do you want? Other people with cancer don't get multiple  chances to bounce back from the brink of death.  I'm  not  going  to  praise  you  for your valiant effort and remarkable  strength. You  had  your chance --- just like Victor. Now be gone with you, dying  aunt."

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James and Nat talked last night how they are not going to campaign against one another and that they are going to try out for Survivor together. Can you iamgine these two on Survivor?

Day/Z will only be bitter if they see James in the finals. And they have that right cause they got "blindsided" by him. Michelle might do everything in her power to make sure Vic nor Nicole wins the money. Paulie me HT have turned into a complete douche at the end, he is someone that won't be bitter and vote for the best player too. 

14 hours ago, Pixel said:

Please explain why ADD would limit Natalie's future work prospects. I have a master's degree, and a high paying job with tons of responsibility.  I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to be allowed to do that with ADD. 

I guess that may have come across in a bad way and I apologize for that. What I was trying to say is that SHE always says she has ADD and it affects her in her work experience. I do not have it so I have no idea. Again, I only go by what is said on the show and not what I think personally unless I state that specifically. My intention was not to offend anyone.

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14 minutes ago, CheetaraThunder said:

James and Nat talked last night how they are not going to campaign against one another and that they are going to try out for Survivor together. Can you iamgine these two on Survivor?

I love Nat, but Survivor? No! It would be like being a Have Not ALL THE TIME.

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