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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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James really does not like Michelle. He's going off on her to Natalie saying, "She can dish it, but she can't take it." And he's still upset about her not wanting him to talk to earlier targets and the argument they had about it. She's said that this game is easy - "we're about to see how easy it is when you're on the block." 
Natalie tells James Michelle's 23 and she doesn't have friends. She tries to give Michelle pep talks and make her feel better about her body because she feels the same way. She thinks as an older female it's her duty to give advice and make her feel better about herself. Game-wise she's not a threat to her, but she sees what James sees - and Michelle will learn that one day she can't talk so much "ish." James: "She'll learn that tomorrow." 
He wants to take her out if he wins HOH next, and Michelle wants to take him out. And everyone wants to take them out soon anyway, so that will change nothing for their position in the House.

ETA: Natalie tells James she hopes the guys won't just pick off the girls. James says that's what's going to happen - no one will beat them. Maybe Bridgette, but she's one of the guys. James tells Natalie he'll keep her "as long as they let me." 

James: "My social game is so strong. My social game is out of this world." I hope Natalie outlasts this guy. Now I want to see his Bros backstab him ASAP.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 12
5 hours ago, mooses said:

James is actually playing the floater game pretty well. He's so subservient it's maddening.

Eh, I disagree.  A floater floats to the side of the house that has the power each week with no loyalty to either side.  James is a lap dog, foolishly loyal to the Douche Bros.  It just so happens that they have power every. single. week.  If by some miracle someone non-douchey were to win HOH, I am fairly certain James would vote however Paulie told him to.

  • Love 14
20 minutes ago, me5671 said:

Eh, I disagree.  A floater floats to the side of the house that has the power each week with no loyalty to either side.  James is a lap dog, foolishly loyal to the Douche Bros.  It just so happens that they have power every. single. week.  If by some miracle someone non-douchey were to win HOH, I am fairly certain James would vote however Paulie told him to.

Yeah, I was thinking about that. But he's also been good (up to this point - now he's creeping into people's radars) with all sides of the House, so it's not like he was in trouble if power changed. He prides himself on his social game so he has an in everywhere in the House - he's just making sure it's not him. I agree that he would go with Paulie if he had to make a choice (because he clearly tries to throw Natalie off his trail), but he's been good at making it so he doesn't have to.

ETA: He's been playing a good floater game, but he blew it by telling the Bros he was throwing the competition today. For all that talk about not showing his cards too early, he sure laid them out with that. Keep it to yourself, dummy. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 5

Floaters float to whoever is in power. Paulie is in power, hence James is floating around him. If Michelle won, James would be, "Sure, if you want to go after Paulie, go right ahead." The key thing with floaters is that they just do whatever the people in power want, while waiting for things to get small enough that they hope they can win a big comp towards the end. It's a game that gets you to jury pretty easily, but since it relies on you winning a comp late (or someone else winning a comp late that will flip the script) it's not a good one for getting all the way to the end. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 8

But Paulie *hasn't* actually been in power.  The last 3 HOHs were James, Paul, and now Victor.  If James were truly a floater, he wouldn't have loyalty towards anyone except for whoever had the power in any given week.  Even in his own HOH, he ceded control to Paulie.  This indicates that he has loyalty to Paulie, not just whoever is in power as a true floater would.  We don't know for sure because unfortunately there hasn't been a power shift in this game in so long.  If there is, and James floats to whoever is in power, then we'd know he's a true floater.  If, on the other hand, there's a power shift and James still votes however Paulie tells him to, that'll confirm that he's a loyal lapdog instead.  The most likely outcome is we'll never know because the same three people are going to continue to win week after week >:( .

I just think so much less of James after watching him play this season.  I can't believe he threw this past competition so early on, knowing that Natalie is one of the targets.  Him telling her he'll keep her as long as he can is icing on the cake.  Play your own game, James!  If you keep this up, you'll never make it past Final 6.

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

Given that I "watched" last night from behind a good book waiting only to see if D had the RT ticket, I guess I'm out for the rest of the season.  It's going to be a sausage fest, limping to the end (pun intended).

Word. Not only did Day not get the RT but now Victor (really PP) won HOH. Sigh!

  • Love 1

I've watched a lot of crappy reality TV over the years but I've never had so much second hand embarrassment than I did for Z last night on the feeds when she was planning her first date with Paulie while they were lounging in their bumper cars and he was creepily staring at her with that idiotic haircut and wrapped up in a blanket that he looked like ET.    I hope she does go out the door on Thursday so she has a full month to get OVER HIm for her own future mental health.   Still can't believe she's 100% loyal to that douche--doesn't she remember ONE word he said to her the other night when they were in the Paris room!?!?  

On that note, I'll see everyone that is bailing on the season over in the Olympics forum!  

Edited by CindyBee
  • Love 8
8 hours ago, delicatecutter said:

It's so disappointed that they outright refuse to cast good female players. Vanessa was OK, but too emotional and all over the place. I feel like Maggie was the last great female player. That's been a dozen years ago.

Last season was full of good women players. Vanessa was a great player. Her frantic behavior and constant crying didn't make her a bad player, it made her unlikable on a personal level. It never outright hurt her game. Liz, Shelli, Becky, and Jackie could all run circles around the girls this year. I might even wager Julia could as well. She couldn't win a competition but she was intuitive as hell. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Ceeg said:

Liz, Shelli, Becky, and Jackie could all run circles around the girls this year. I might even wager Julia could as well.

They should've brought back any of these women over Day and Nicole.

For the first time ever (and I have been watching since season 1 episode 1) I will not be watching Big Brother. It makes me sad, but in a way it feels kinda nice. Like I'm free lol.

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

They should've brought back any of these women over Day and Nicole.

For the first time ever (and I have been watching since season 1 episode 1) I will not be watching Big Brother. It makes me sad, but in a way it feels kinda nice. Like I'm free lol.

Nicole is the worst. I had high hopes on Day 1 but that quickly faded. It's not so much that she hooked up with dopey Corey but that she stupidly went with the guys and doesn't even think they are going to cut her. She deserves it.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, me5671 said:

Eh, I disagree.  A floater floats to the side of the house that has the power each week with no loyalty to either side.  James is a lap dog, foolishly loyal to the Douche Bros.  It just so happens that they have power every. single. week.  If by some miracle someone non-douchey were to win HOH, I am fairly certain James would vote however Paulie told him to.

I think James is playing a Prison Bitch game and it sucks and I hate him. I have absolutely no respect for him at this point and I can't wait for him to go.

7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

They should've brought back any of these women over Day and Nicole.

For the first time ever (and I have been watching since season 1 episode 1) I will not be watching Big Brother. It makes me sad, but in a way it feels kinda nice. Like I'm free lol.

I too have watched since S1E1, but I'm considering dropping out as well. I don't see any way for Peepee/Douchebros/Polly to lose power. I really don't think it's possible. Even if others win HOH, they'll just do what Polly tells them to. The best anyone can hope for is to change his/her place in the boot order. The only suspense left in the season is seeing who Polly takes to F2 with him. I think there is a chance that Paul will back stab Polly at some point, but even that wouldn't be very satisfying because then we'd have to watch Paul strutting around talking about how awesome he is (again, some more). It will be funny when Vic gets ousted by his Douchebros, but they will probably get the blood on someone else's hands and he will believe that they had nothing to do with it. I don't see how we can avoid an F2 without at least one P in it, but is there maybe a chance that the jury will get mad at them and vote for a non-P who makes it to F2? Even that seems doubtful to me, but it might be possible I guess. Sigh.

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

They should've brought back any of these women over Day and Nicole.

For the first time ever (and I have been watching since season 1 episode 1) I will not be watching Big Brother. It makes me sad, but in a way it feels kinda nice. Like I'm free lol.

I would have been happy for Shelli over Day. I always thought that Shelli could have been a great competitor without Clay hanging off of her in the first few weeks. I think they only brought Day back because people thought her DRs were hilarious and people wanted to see her make it further than the second week because of her popularity. Personally, I forgot about Day by week four last season. 

Imagine if Natalie and Jackie had been in this season together, though. I think they could have been a force to be reckoned with. 

I can't believe I'm liking season 17 over this season. I liked season 16 and found myself stopping season 17 about three weeks before the season ended. But now? I'm stopping a full MONTH and a bit before the end of the season. Things are getting too predictable, much like season 16, but this season doesn't have a Donny or even a Zach for me to enjoy it. Hell, it doesn't even have a Caleb for me. Caleb was an asshole, but he turned out entertaining and brought on several great moments (sitting down during a BOTB?). Paul's not nearly entertaining enough for me to like him. James has turned into one of the worst players this season. Paulie's such a misogynistic asshole and Zak keeps falling all over him that I want her to get evicted this week just so I can stop watching her go back to someone who is so cruel to her and has no interest in her whatsoever. I don't buy him liking her anymore, I really don't. She's on the wrong show, especially now that she's confirmed that she threw the HOH competition. She can go hang with Day in jury. Natalie is our only hope, but I think it might be too late with her. Nicole's all about being Britney 2.0 and getting her boys to the end, not even aware that she's the third target behind Zak and Michelle (maybe the fourth behind Victor). Michelle's only gotten a clue now and it's way too late for her to do anything about it. Victor made the mistake in winning HOH and not leaving himself open to competing for HOH during DE, so he's a goner. 

No twists that they have now will save this season. James will get this week's care package. Nicole's probably going to get safety next week. Whoever is still around after DE will probably use co-HOH to do absolutely nothing important with it. Nothing's going to change from their trajectory of getting Zak, Michelle, Nicole, Victor, Bridgette, James, and Natalie out. It'll most likely be Paul/Paulie/Corey in final 3, with them either dragging Bridgette or Natalie as a safety net to win. How boring. There's honestly not much they can do about it at this point. Even without Paul, Paulie still is making it to the finals no problem. There's no entertainment value in that. For me, it's not even interesting to watch like Derrick's journey to winning. I know I'm in the minority in that regard, but there was more entertainment value in season 16. Here, they got rid of Frank and Tiffany early on. Day's now in jury, so she can't come back to provide some entertainment OR provide even a small amount of a shake up. Who's left to entertain us and keep us watching? James? Natalie? Paul? No thank you to two of them, and Natalie's not in a good position. 

  • Love 6

I thought this was pretty interesting what I read on another site:

Someone said they wonder if the HG's will be able to figure out that Bridgette does not have the Round Trip ticket since the HOH comp wasn't set up with an extra rope.  Obviously production knows who got the RT ticket and if it was Bridgette, the poster said that production would have been prepared for a last minute switch up where the HG's may have decided to vote out Bridgette.  Had that happened, Day would have stayed and Bridgette would have been evicted. However, if Bridgette had the RT ticket, she would have immediately returned to the game and she would have been eligible to play in the HOH comp along with Day -- meaning, they would have needed an extra rope to accommodate both of them.  Since comps take forever to set up and this was a live eviction show, production wouldn't have been able to install an extra rope during a quickie commercial break; therefore, Bridgette doesn't have the RT ticket.


  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, sharkfan said:

For the love of all that is holy, PLEASE stop giving the HGs chips etc in the original packaging, because they hold the bags up RIGHT NEXT TO THEIR FUCKING MICS!!!


Future Houseguests, if you read this, please pour your chips into a bowl and eat from that. Not only is it more sanitary (heh) but we don't have to listen to the crinkle and bonus: portion control! Also, if you could not crunch so loud, that would be great.

  • Love 2
Just now, Callaphera said:

Future Houseguests, if you read this, please pour your chips into a bowl and eat from that. Not only is it more sanitary (heh) but we don't have to listen to the crinkle and bonus: portion control! Also, if you could not crunch so loud, that would be great.

Oh my god, I am almost driven insane on a nightly basis by Meech crunching on her fiber pills...

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, TheRealT said:

I think James is playing a Prison Bitch game and it sucks and I hate him. I have absolutely no respect for him at this point and I can't wait for him to go.

Love it!

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I would have been happy for Shelli over Day. I always thought that Shelli could have been a great competitor without Clay hanging off of her in the first few weeks. I think they only brought Day back because people thought her DRs were hilarious and people wanted to see her make it further than the second week because of her popularity

I bet they have a hard time getting vets who want to return.  I am not sure these HGs were their first choice. 

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

The brutal thing was that Shelli TRIED to play this season but THEY decided to cut HER. Ugh.

Of all the former players to pick from to return, I have no idea how they landed on these four. (Well I get Frank because Grodner is in love with him, but still.) 

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, wings707 said:

The only one's who said yes?  

If what Frank said is true about the returners getting a flat fee of 20k + 5k for making jury, I have to imagine there was plenty of interest. It's not a bad gig. 

The Reality Blurred guy who correctly leaked the news about the fall season had reported the returners were Audrey, Vanessa, Derrick and Ian. I don't know if something changed or if he just got bad information. 

2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

That was the problem, like I said, there were other options, including Shelli, who would have been much better. This is what the GrodSquad decided to go with. 

Yeah, it's hard for me to believe that only these four were available out of the legions of BB alum famewhores. To me, James is the most inexplicable choice since he was just on last year (and went much farther than Davonne) and he's not a particularly interesting person or player. I know he won AFP last year (his crowning achievement in life), but it seems pretty clear that he's better in small doses. Nicole is also pretty dull as a person and a player. Frank at least has a big personality and I know that he's an AG fave, so that makes sense. I could see how they thought Davonne has a big personality and went out very early last year so it could be interesting to see how she played being around longer.

I feel like the casting this year was really slanted to advantage Polly and/or the other young, athletic guys. They cast a pretty big bro squad with an entourage of girls seeking boyfriends and a few outliers like Day and Glen. It definitely seems that they wanted to maximize the chances for multiple showmances and were probably envisioning either a battle of the showmances or a big cool kid showmance alliance that would run the house all summer with the drama coming from their personal relationships as well as the game. There are such huge power imbalances in the showmances, though (always slanted toward the men), so the women are really just minions of their boyfriends/male "alliancemates" and don't exert any real influence. On top of that, all of the guys defer to Polly. There's no ebb and flow, no yin and yang and it's boring. I think someone like Shelli didn't fit into TPTB's Summer of the Supercouples concept because she wasn't likely to be fawning over the likes of Polly or Corey (the Clay thing notwithstanding) and she is a strong player who would not have been so easy for the anointed players to steamroll. 

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

I feel like the casting this year was really slanted to advantage Polly and/or the other young, athletic guys.

Yea the casting has mostly been that way for a few seasons now. The twists have, too. I think it's pretty clear at this point that Grodner wants 'hot' guys to dominate the game.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

So disappointed in Z for giving up and then regretting it. But, whether she knows it or not, she is going to be Paulie/Paul downfall. There are already little cracks forming. Paulie is rallying votes to save Z behind Vic/Paul back and is waiting to tell them Wednesday or Thursday. Depending on veto results. And Zeech also talked about how Zakiyah is going to fake it until she makes t with Paulie.

Honestly though.m, for Zakiyahs sake, I want her in the jury house with Day and they can both suck up Paulies chances of winning.

Cant wait to see who gets the cancel 2 votes package: I've seen a lot of votes for James/Z/Meech. 

This next veto will be interesting: cause I only see Z/Meech/Vic fighting for it.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Cutty said:

James told Meech that he let Day know she was going 30 minutes before the live show. This guy is so full of shit it's not even funny. Fan favorite, though!

Oh, he let her know that when he blabbed about getting rid of "B and V" (i.e., Bridgette and Victor) during the double eviction next week.  Even he admitted that he'd screwed up when he told her that.

Edited by legaleagle53
9 minutes ago, eskimo said:

James, there is such a thing as playing your cards too late.  There isn't going to be anybody left to help you make any kind of a move. Dipshit. 

When is the right time to show your cards, I wonder? When you and Nat are sitting in jury voting for Paulie?

"Aha!!! Time to stop throwing comps and making some big moves! Oh, wait...."

Edited by sharkfan
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Ceeg said:

Last season was full of good women players. Vanessa was a great player. Her frantic behavior and constant crying didn't make her a bad player, it made her unlikable on a personal level. It never outright hurt her game. Liz, Shelli, Becky, and Jackie could all run circles around the girls this year. I might even wager Julia could as well. She couldn't win a competition but she was intuitive as hell. 


Yes, the only weak link last year really was Meg, and I was so happy that she didn't get dragged to final 3 the way players like her usually are. 

  • Love 1

You call her a clinger, but Paulie is the one that initiates most of it now. she knows Paulie is her shield right now. She even told Da'vonne that now is not the right time to cut Paulie with no numbers. She needs to stick with that fuck boy.

if zakiyah is truly faking it, then good move...I hope she is telling the truth when she told Michelle that. 

Plus, Vic is planning to throw Mardi Gras beads at the nominees today...fucking asshole.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, CheetaraThunder said:

You call her a clinger, but Paulie is the one that initiates most of it now. she knows Paulie is her shield right now. She even told Da'vonne that now is not the right time to cut Paulie with no numbers. She needs to stick with that fuck boy.

if zakiyah is truly faking it, then good move...I hope she is telling the truth when she told Michelle that. 

Plus, Vic is planning to throw Mardi Gras beads at the nominees today...fucking asshole.

Wow, I bet the boyz had a good laugh about that one! Fucking dicks...

2 minutes ago, CheetaraThunder said:

You call her a clinger, but Paulie is the one that initiates most of it now. she knows Paulie is her shield right now. She even told Da'vonne that now is not the right time to cut Paulie with no numbers. She needs to stick with that fuck boy.

if zakiyah is truly faking it, then good move...I hope she is telling the truth when she told Michelle that. 

Plus, Vic is planning to throw Mardi Gras beads at the nominees today...fucking asshole.

Oh but hey, he's absolutely not disrespectful to women AT ALL!

  • Love 1

If any of these dudebro's make it to the end, I hope they drag Bridgette as a goat, and then lose to her.  Not because I want her to win, but because I want them to lose, especially to someone they feel is inferior.  Just like the US election this year, it would be a vote against someone rather than for someone.  That's what 2016 election and BB have boiled down to.  Shameful.

Edited by eskimo
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, sharkfan said:

Oh my god, I am almost driven insane on a nightly basis by Meech crunching on her fiber pills...

That, or the Baked Lays potato chips.


1 hour ago, Cutty said:

The Reality Blurred guy who correctly leaked the news about the fall season had reported the returners were Audrey, Vanessa, Derrick and Ian. I don't know if something changed or if he just got bad information. 

Probably those were the first four on the list - and when all four turned Profucktion down they moved on to the next four, and then the next four after THAT, and so on, until....

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