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S08.E08: All The Countess's Men

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Lu doesn't need to apologize to anyone for Tom.  Carole doesn't need to apologize to anyone for Adam.  I don't care about any of it...except I am thrilled that Ramona is fifty shades of green with envy that Lu snagged a rich husband while Ramona never will again because she is a rude, loudmouth, slimy beast with no social skills or kindness whatsoever. 

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And I find it completely and utterly mind numbing that it's gotten this convoluted and contorted and it even has this much life breathed into it...

So, the big "gotcha!" would be that LuAnn is a hypocrite?! Nothing new there. I thought that was pretty obvious from the start, that the oracle of etiquette would often do Discount-essy things (do as I say, not as I do). I hope this isn't going to be a big storyline. I was on Carole's side last year but at this point, who cares? She and Adam are still together and proved the naysayers wrong.

Ramona's got nothing else going on this season so I guess it's in her interest to make trouble, whether it's with LuAnn or John. But really, Ramona, go develop a new product to shill. That's always what you did best.

Edited by archer1267
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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Wait so she's supposed to live her life and expression things that occur in her life in a narrative that touches on her debacle with Carole last season? Everything about her dating life is to always be held up and compared to what happened with the whole Carole/Adam thing? Hmmmmm, interesting.

Not in general, of course not, but when she's did literally the exact same thing that she was outraged over someone else doing but a year ago (so much so that she turned it into her entire storyline for that year) it does come off pretty hypocritical and eye roll worthy. Personally, I don't blame either of them for not introduction boyfriends immediately - even without the reality TV factor, that's what most people do. But *Luanne* acted like it was some deep insult for Carole not to immediately inform her about her relationship. *Luanne* was so upset about it that she felt the need to tear Carole a new one on social media months and months later when the show aired. To act that crazy about it and then turn around and do the same thing a year later without blinking either means a) she is massive hypocrite or b) she thought it was a big deal at the time but now that she's in the same position, she gets where Carole was coming from. It was suggested that the latter was the case, but I don't believe it is because Luanne has always held those around her to different standards than she holds herself to. YMMV. 

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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

What I find completely alarming is that this is being molded into a THING for this season all the while desperately tying it into the other THING from last and it isn't even about Sonja or Ramona's "hurt feelings". It's all being blown out of proportion in order to set up the whole Carole/ Adam situation from last season. This whole Tom musical chairs theory and timeline and putting it under a microscope is all for the sake of being able to say to Lu "You're doing to Sonja and Ramona now, what you accused Carole of last season". And I find it completely and utterly mind numbing that it's gotten this convoluted and contorted and it even has this much life breathed into it...

...now the ponies are IN the pool... 

It is a "thing" of her, Luann's, own creation as far as Carole goes, especially since she kept up the attacks toward Carole on SM until about a week before she started filming this season. Which makes me wonder if she stopped going after Carole on SM because she started dating Tom. As for her not telling Sonja/Ramona about Tom/relationship.......I don't blame her, just like I didn't blame Carole for not telling Luann about Adam/relationship right away either. LOL

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Maybe a better way to put it is this: 

When you pull something that blatantly hypocritical, on film, someone is going to call you out on it. It's inevitable. Luanne is no rookie; she should know this. If she were smart, she would head it off at the pass by saying, "Yes, I did get upset about this same thing. I was hurt by it at the time but now that I'm in a similar position, I get why Carole did what she did. Sorry for losing my mind over it, Carole." 

If she did that, she would come out smelling like roses. Carole would look petty if she refused to accept that apology and the other women would look ridiculous if they kept harping on Luanne's hypocrisy after she acknowledged it was the same thing and apologized. It would shut the whole thing down pretty effectively. 

But Luanne doesn't feel that way and won't acknowledge the double standard. If it drags out all season, it's as much her fault as it is anyone else's (if not moreso, since she's the one who chose to act that way and gave them something to talk about to begin with).

Edited by 100PercentPain
Fixing typos. Posting on a touch screen is hard.
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36 minutes ago, 100PercentPain said:

Maybe a better way to put it is this: 

When you pull something that blatantly hypocritical, on film, someone is going to call you out on it. It's inevitable. Luanne is no rookie; she should know this. If she were smart, she would head it off at the pass by saying, "Yes, I did get upset about this same thing. I was hurt by it at the time but now that I'm in a similar position, I get why Carole did what she did. Sorry for losing my mind over it, Carole." 

If she did that, she would come out smelling like roses. Carole would look petty if she refused to accept that apology and the other women would look ridiculous if they kept harping on Luanne's hypocrisy after she acknowledged it was the same thing and apologized. It would shut the whole thing down pretty effectively. 

But Luanne doesn't feel that way and won't acknowledge the double standard. If it drags out all season, it's as much her fault as it is anyone else's (if not moreso, since she's the one who chose to act that way and gave them something to talk about to begin with).

I guess I just don't see the 2 as identical.  Luann was concerned about her niece, who while an adult is way younger than Ramona or Sonja.ss  Plus for whatever reason, Adam was "working" for Luann at the time he and Carole started their relationship.  I get it, both Luann and Carole have talked this minor "thing" to death, and should move on.  Luann overdid the agony on behalf of her niece, or whatever other reasons she had.  But I don't think Luann keeping a new guy quiet for a while from someone who briefly dated him months before (and who says she realized he was not for her) or from whatever the heck Sonja may or may not have had with the guy in the months (or years) prior is horrible.

i don't for a moment believe Sonja was in a 10 year relationship with the guy, Ramona is making shit up as usual. This would have the relationship starting exactly when she was served with divorce papers, and then why was she claiming to have been alone, etc.?

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17 minutes ago, 100PercentPain said:

Not in general, of course not, but when she's did literally the exact same thing that she was outraged over someone else doing but a year ago (so much so that she turned it into her entire storyline for that year) it does come off pretty hypocritical and eye roll worthy. Personally, I don't blame either of them for not introduction boyfriends immediately - even without the reality TV factor, that's what most people do. But *Luanne* acted like it was some deep insult for Carole not to immediately inform her about her relationship. *Luanne* was so upset about it that she felt the need to tear Carole a new one on social media months and months later when the show aired. To act that crazy about it and then turn around and do the same thing a year later without blinking either means a) she is massive hypocrite or b) she thought it was a big deal at the time but now that she's in the same position, she gets where Carole was coming from. It was suggested that the latter was the case, but I don't believe it is because Luanne has always held those around her to different standards than she holds herself to. YMMV. 

There were soooooooo many other factors to Lu's reaction last season but the ponies have died in the pool with that one but it's the desperate and mindnumbing twisting and turning and energy and now GROUP effort that's being done to continue such a worthless and idiotic subject for a whole new season... Just no. Stop the madness. Okay, okay everyone's mad at Lu for it but does it really have to be center stage this season? I mean it's not like Lu started the season chomping at the bit with this issue. Carole's the one chomping with her bucks about it and even if she IS the slighted one to drag this out for another season and for the other women joining in trying to set the stage with so many stretches of zero fucks details is going to make me want to dive in with the ponies. Tagging on more details and new developments to old issues is such a lame way to try and have someone answer for something. Especially something as childish as this. Move on already ladies! PULEEZE!

2 hours ago, archer1267 said:

So, the big "gotcha!" would be that LuAnn is a hypocrite?! Nothing new there. I thought that was pretty obvious from the start, that the oracle of etiquette would often do Discount-essy things (do as I say, not as I do). I hope this isn't going to be a big storyline. I was on Carole's side last year but at this point, who cares? She and Adam are still together and proved the naysayers wrong.

Ramona's got nothing else going on this season so I guess it's in her interest to make trouble, whether it's with LuAnn or John. But really, Ramona, go develop a new product to shill. That's always what you did best.


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15 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

There were soooooooo many other factors to Lu's reaction last season but the ponies have died in the pool with that one but it's the desperate and mindnumbing twisting and turning and energy and now GROUP effort that's being done to continue such a worthless and idiotic subject for a whole new season... Just no. Stop the madness. Okay, okay everyone's mad at Lu for it but does it really have to be center stage this season? I mean it's not like Lu started the season chomping at the bit with this issue. Carole's the one chomping with her bucks about it and even if she IS the slighted one to drag this out for another season and for the other women joining in trying to set the stage with so many stretches of zero fucks details is going to make me want to dive in with the ponies. Tagging on more details and new developments to old issues is such a lame way to try and have someone answer for something. Especially something as childish as this. Move on already ladies! PULEEZE!


So far Carole has said nothing, nothing, about Luann/Tom/not telling anyone. Only a few of us here have made comments and they are based on Luann's own blog last week. Soooooo, if anyone is trying to make this a "storyline" this season, it is Luann. LOL

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

It is a "thing" of her, Luann's, own creation as far as Carole goes, especially since she kept up the attacks toward Carole on SM until about a week before she started filming this season. Which makes me wonder if she stopped going after Carole on SM because she started dating Tom. As for her not telling Sonja/Ramona about Tom/relationship.......I don't blame her, just like I didn't blame Carole for not telling Luann about Adam/relationship right away either. LOL

Okay I'm not as well verse with Twitter although I do follow them (watching them live tweet was the reason I even signed up for twitter in the first place) but since I don't watch it when it airs anymore (on demand) then I can never really catch the live tweeting anymore and I sure as hell don't check what they are tweeting during the off season but from what I've heard Carole wasn't really nice with her twitter either. I mean let's call it what it is. Bullshit happened. It got ugly on twitter. I've seen Carole take nasty shots in general throughout her time on the show so she's no fucking saint. I doubt Lu just woke up every other day and decided to post something nasty about Carole just cause.... (I could be wrong) but I'm assuming it was in response to something and not just random daggers just for shits and giggles. These chicks had bad blood and both have acted out toward each other so this whole one sided Lu was such a meanie diatribe about her tweets confuse me. Yeah, they didn't like each other, they don't like each other. So what. They didn't play well with others. I just don't think that the other women should be trying this hard to set the stage up for this ridiculousness to play out this season. It'll be even more silly than last. To see them go at it with it each other is the equivalent of watching two teenage girls do that swatting slap fighting thing that doesn't even constitute as fighting. At this point it's not even a real fucking fight anymore. We are watching lame aftershocks of what was an even lamer slap fight last season. So imagine the lameness of the aftershocks of something that was that lame to begin with.

Move over ponies, I'm coming in!

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19 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

So far Carole has said nothing, nothing, about Luann/Tom/not telling anyone. Only a few of us here have made comments and they are based on Luann's own blog last week. Soooooo, if anyone is trying to make this a "storyline" this season, it is Luann. LOL

I'm lumping it all together. The others making a bigger deal of the Tom thing. Beth's insertion. Yada, yada, yada, motivation that all revolves around the bad vibes and energy that's in the air surrounding Carole's pouting gums over how Lu treated her about Adam. They are running with it. I'm PREDICTING  what's happening with Tom will eventually lead in to some sort Carole/Adam connection and that yeah, Carole will be speaking on it at some point. If I'm wrong then hey but I doubt Carole won't be addressing this in some way. I mean she really has been brooding over it so not jumping at the chance to comment on what's going on now with Tom? It's only a matter of time. At least that's what I think.

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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 0:42 AM, Maharincess said:

She obviously doesn't take the poor dog to a vet either because that was not the stool of a healthy dog.  

I hear you.  I always fret for the animals these women own.  That little thing probably would have keeled over and died from joy if he could have taken a brisk spin around the property and had some time to do his business. 

When Sonja met Dorinda to go for a simple walk, I was, like:  TAKE THE DAMN DOGS!!  (Don't even get me started on that tiny Vanderpump creature whose feet aren't ever allowed to touch down.   Skin condition doesn't equal "paperweight.")


In other news, I like Skinnygirl margies.  Kind of like alcoholic lime water, which is nice sometimes instead of the sugar-syrupy real thing.

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15 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I think Luann's pirate shenanigans/"Italian friends"/secret French phone call might be my favorite storyline from any "Real Housewives" show ever. She really is the gift that keeps on giving.

Oh me too!  I always knew Luann was a freak, but I was so glad when she finally started flying that flag.  I don't care if she does sleep with 4 different men in a week.  You go girl!  Who cares?  It's her business.  Where it all falls apart for me is the whole Countess manners etiquette bullshit, and her hypocrisy in both preaching to and judging others.  (and um, no, sleeping with 4 different guys in one week doesn't make you a "slut."  Things happen sometimes.  ahem)

8 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Exactly. The Adam deal wasn't just a scene or two. It became the basis for an entire storyline and the ruin of a friendship. Lu was mad because Carole had been dating Adam for a whole 7 days without mentioning it to Lu. Of course her anger about the situation changed each time she brought it up, but her initial anger was about the fact that Carole kept it to herself. Therefore it is completely relevant that Lu uses the same excuse for not telling Ramona, and doesn't seem to see any similarities; at least not that she is acknowledging. It reminds me of how she accused Heather and Carole of trying to "catch" her in the act with the dude on vacation, because what would her son think if he saw such a thing? Didn't Carole care about her son? Oh, she probably didn't because Carole doesn't have a son.  Bitch please, the pirate deal was all on film, so to blame someone else for things your son may learn about you via the show is not cool. 

Yes, that gets back into the side of Luann I don't like.  Hypocrisy, and not realizing that "do as I say, not as I do" just isn't OK.  Blaming others?  Ditto.  Image?  Oh please girl!  Embrace your new one with both hands!

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Just for my sanity can somebody Please shoot of a list of all these women she's slut shamed WITHOUT using the ordeal with Carole last season. This is a legit request. Just a 1,2,3 list. And I mean real slut shaming and not the annoying table manners blah blahing or the Introduce me as Countess (which I do have a theory on that one involving it being more about her feeling like it was more about Beth doing it as a dig to Lu as in nope not gonna acknowledge your title cause I think it's ridiculous and not so much it really being about the help addressing her as Countess) general "class with the countess" examples.

Edited by Yours Truly
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I can't do a list, but I do remember one conversation.  Bethenny was getting dating advice from, I think Ramona, and maybe someone else.  The Countess (in all her glory) stepped in to say something was trashy, and I think it was about sex.  I'm only putting this here so others can fill in the details, I just remember it was insulting to the other women.


As for slut shaming?  I've never said Lulu did that.  Did she?

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I think Luann's pirate shenanigans/"Italian friends"/secret French phone call might be my favorite storyline from any "Real Housewives" show ever.

Mine, too. I finally got to see the much-hyped "Scary Island" episode when Bravo replayed it a few months back, and I thought "Slutty Island" was way crazier and far more entertaining.

It may have already been discussed, but last season when LuAnn said that she had just had the best sex ever, and Heather (I believe) says "She's in love", could they have been referring to Tom?

Edited by jaync
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15 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

The others making a bigger deal of the Tom thing. Beth's insertion. Yada, yada, yada, motivation that all revolves around the bad vibes and energy that's in the air surrounding Carole's pouting gums over how Lu treated her about Adam. They are running with it. I'm PREDICTING  what's happening with Tom will eventually lead in to some sort Carole/Adam connection and that yeah, Carole will be speaking on it at some point.

OMG, that would be the most boring use of Lu's relationship on this show!  Please no!  I am sick to death of Carole and Adam and the nonsense. 

Personally, I think (or maybe hope is a better word) Lu's relationship will turn into a big deal because all the bitter divorcees on the show are so freaking envious!  That would be a good come-uppance for Romana smugly looking down on the single ladies all these years, a good slap to Bethy and her bitter and never-ending divorce and lording her omnipotence on this show over everyone.  

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21 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Just for my sanity can somebody Please shoot of a list of all these women she's slut shamed WITHOUT using the ordeal with Carole last season. This is a legit request. Just a 1,2,3 list. And I mean real slut shaming and not the annoying table manners blah blahing or the Introduce me as Countess (which I do have a theory on that one involving it being more about her feeling like it was more about Beth doing it as a dig to Lu as in nope not gonna acknowledge your title cause I think it's ridiculous and not so much it really being about the help addressing her as Countess) general "class with the countess" examples.

But it isn't an applicable comparison.  Until very recently Sonja and Carole were her only single castmates and nobody can shame Sonja because she'll be the first to say about herself that she appreciates her some man.  If Carole was eligible to be shamed we didn't know it so it has only ever applied to Lu and only because she wanted to start being the police chief of appropriate behavior.   I think they're fine with hearing criticism, they're fine with being sexually liberal.  A sermon from the noble lady doing the guy in the restroom might be a hair too rock-throwy lol.

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6 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

And I sure as hell don't want to see BETH start speaking for Carole. That's a big fucking pet peeve of mine. Don't use someone else's beef to unleash your own animosity for someone. I hate it beyond belief!

Well, we sure know LuAnn would never do such a thing, I mean, she never crawled up Jill Zarin's ass and started spitting venom for her bestie.  

Oh dahling, the Countess Ms. DeLesseps would never!

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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:
2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:
2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:
2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Okay I'm not as well verse with Twitter although I do follow them (watching them live tweet was the reason I even signed up for twitter in the first place) but since I don't watch it when it airs anymore (on demand) then I can never really catch the live tweeting anymore and I sure as hell don't check what they are tweeting during the off season but from what I've heard Carole wasn't really nice with her twitter either. I mean let's call it what it is. Bullshit happened. It got ugly on twitter. I've seen Carole take nasty shots in general throughout her time on the show so she's no fucking saint. I doubt Lu just woke up every other day and decided to post something nasty about Carole just cause.... (I could be wrong) but I'm assuming it was in response to something and not just random daggers just for shits and giggles. These chicks had bad blood and both have acted out toward each other so this whole one sided Lu was such a meanie diatribe about her tweets confuse me. Yeah, they didn't like each other, they don't like each other. So what. They didn't play well with others. I just don't think that the other women should be trying this hard to set the stage up for this ridiculousness to play out this season. It'll be even more silly than last. To see them go at it with it each other is the equivalent of watching two teenage girls do that swatting slap fighting thing that doesn't even constitute as fighting. At this point it's not even a real fucking fight anymore. We are watching lame aftershocks of what was an even lamer slap fight last season. So imagine the lameness of the aftershocks of something that was that lame to begin with.

Move over ponies, I'm coming in!

Okay I'm not as well verse with Twitter although I do follow them (watching them live tweet was the reason I even signed up for twitter in the first place) but since I don't watch it when it airs anymore (on demand) then I can never really catch the live tweeting anymore and I sure as hell don't check what they are tweeting during the off season but from what I've heard Carole wasn't really nice with her twitter either. I mean let's call it what it is. Bullshit happened. It got ugly on twitter. I've seen Carole take nasty shots in general throughout her time on the show so she's no fucking saint. I doubt Lu just woke up every other day and decided to post something nasty about Carole just cause.... (I could be wrong) but I'm assuming it was in response to something and not just random daggers just for shits and giggles. These chicks had bad blood and both have acted out toward each other so this whole one sided Lu was such a meanie diatribe about her tweets confuse me. Yeah, they didn't like each other, they don't like each other. So what. They didn't play well with others. I just don't think that the other women should be trying this hard to set the stage up for this ridiculousness to play out this season. It'll be even more silly than last. To see them go at it with it each other is the equivalent of watching two teenage girls do that swatting slap fighting thing that doesn't even constitute as fighting. At this point it's not even a real fucking fight anymore. We are watching lame aftershocks of what was an even lamer slap fight last season. So imagine the lameness of the aftershocks of something that was that lame to begin with.

Move over ponies, I'm coming in!


Sadly, Carole was an active participant in the twitter war with Luann but, IMO, Luann started it and she kept it going. Luann was the more aggressive idiot of the 2.

1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

I'm lumping it all together. The others making a bigger deal of the Tom thing. Beth's insertion. Yada, yada, yada, motivation that all revolves around the bad vibes and energy that's in the air surrounding Carole's pouting gums over how Lu treated her about Adam. They are running with it. I'm PREDICTING  what's happening with Tom will eventually lead in to some sort Carole/Adam connection and that yeah, Carole will be speaking on it at some point. If I'm wrong then hey but I doubt Carole won't be addressing this in some way. I mean she really has been brooding over it so not jumping at the chance to comment on what's going on now with Tom? It's only a matter of time. At least that's what I think.

So far, the only ones commenting on it are Bethenny (1 time) and Ramona in her blog and in an article, the others are silent for now. I hope Carole keeps her mouth closed but in all honesty, I doubt that will happen.

1 hour ago, candall said:

I hear you.  I always fret for the animals these women own.  That little thing probably would have keeled over and died from joy if he could have taken a brisk spin around the property and had some time to do his business. 

When Sonja met Dorinda to go for a simple walk, I was, like:  TAKE THE DAMN DOGS!!  (Don't even get me started on that tiny Vanderpump creature whose feet aren't ever allowed to touch down.   Skin condition doesn't equal "paperweight.")


In other news, I like Skinnygirl margies.  Kind of like alcoholic lime water, which is nice sometimes instead of the sugar-syrupy real thing.

Just an FYI, Giggy is only held when they are out in public with him, they have shown him at home where he has full run of the house like the other dogs/pets. Although, Ken frequently holds Giggy and 1 or 2 of the other Poms on his lap when he/Lisa are talking inside the house. He lives a rather normal dog/pet life at home, especially considering he has a host of health issues that require special medication/care.

Sorry for the wacky post, my computer was spazzing out! LOL

1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:



1 hour ago, candall said:


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14 minutes ago, shoegal said:

Well, we sure know LuAnn would never do such a thing, I mean, she never crawled up Jill Zarin's ass and started spitting venom for her bestie.  

Oh dahling, the Countess Ms. DeLesseps would never!

She didn't. Sure she probably should have not interrupted when Jill and Beth were having their talk but did Lu ever beast on Beth? I don't remember that.

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10 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

She didn't. Sure she probably should have not interrupted when Jill and Beth were having their talk but did Lu ever beast on Beth? I don't remember that.

You don't remember, Darling, the sit down that the Countess had to have with Bethenny to school her on her bad behavior in the Hamptons after the fall out with Jill?  LuAnn has usually tried to tiptoe around Bethenny, saving her crap for things behind her back like listening in on phone calls with Jill and thwarting attempts at reconciliation, probably because she's been too scared to go face to face with her because Bethenny would reveal her dicking around lifestyle.  It looks like it's going to come to a head this next episode and I for one can't wait.  However, LuAnn reserved most of her venom for Jill's nemesis Alex, probably because she saw Alex as a weak link and beneath her.....cause she's a haughty bitch like that. 

Edited by shoegal
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On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 4:42 PM, zoeysmom said:

Here is the story about her new car:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3613438/Bethenny-Frankel-unveils-new-custom-jeep-arriving-Hamptons-course-s-painted-Skinnygirl-colours.html  Hint it is not a Jeep.  It is a Ford.  So much for branding.

Another Asswipe "off roader' wanna be. I hate 'custom' cars like that, the builders usually take a decent looking car and hack the shit out of it. When you add all kinds of rollbars and suspension, the odds of you loosing nuts and bolts off the rig, go up - any kind of bolt-on aftermarket car parts are the worst investment you can make. Not only that?

Why would you want to post photos of your car online, anyway?

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2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

So far Carole has said nothing, nothing, about Luann/Tom/not telling anyone. Only a few of us here have made comments and they are based on Luann's own blog last week. Soooooo, if anyone is trying to make this a "storyline" this season, it is Luann. LOL

Actually it is Bethenny who brings it up.  Not Luann

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20 minutes ago, shoegal said:

You don't remember, Darling, the sit down that the Countess had to have with Bethenny to school her on her bad behavior in the Hamptons after the fall out with Jill?  LuAnn has usually tried to tiptoe around Bethenny, saving her crap for things behind her back like listening in on phone calls with Jill and thwarting attempts at reconciliation, probably because she's been too scared to go face to face with her because Bethenny would reveal her dicking around lifestyle.  It looks like it's going to come to a head this next episode and I for one can't wait.  However, LuAnn reserved most of her venom for Jill's nemesis Alex, probably because she saw Alex as a weak link and beneath her.....cause she's a haughty bitch like that. 

Yes, Alex was low hanging fruit. She was an incredibly easy target. I don't know if Lu ever went full beast on B, but I do remember the passive aggressive Jill stuff and I remember Lu saying something like, "Oh, I hope they're going to do some retouching!" or something back when Bethenny was just starting out and got some.magazine cover and she showed it to Lu. I don't think B had done anything to Lu to warrant it. It was just classic Lu nastiness. When B told her it bothered her, she told her to stop being so sensitive or something. It's been a long time so I might have the specific wording wrong but that was the gist. 

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Here is what Bethenny had to say to Luann:  http://www.people.com/article/real-housewives-new-york-bethenny-frankel-confronts-luann-de-lesseps

There is a lot of hypocrisy going around.

How does Bethenny Frankel know what Luann Delesseps does with her body?  Just wondering, because people who assume and gossip and attack are not particularly good role models for say, their daughters.  Kind of hard to complain about how unfair the press is when you repeatedly and brutally attack someone with gossip and innuendoes.  it is not about having the balls to make the assertion, at the end of the day it is about being appropriate.  A simple, "I don't like you would suffice." 

Many of these ladies need to learn the value of being a percipient witness instead of tired old gossip hags.  Bethenny could not handle Luann asking her if she was getting laid.  Something she has done repeatedly to others.

Edited by zoeysmom
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24 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Actually it is Bethenny who brings it up.  Not Luann

I was speaking about the last episode and the blogs from last week. Of course Ramona did say something to Luann and she also included them, Luann/Tom, in her blog as well but only Luann addressed why she hadn't said anything to any of them right away. I have no doubt that Bethenny will get nasty to Luann about Tom, it is par for the course with Bethenny towards all of them except for Carole at this point but somewhere down the line, Carole/Adam will feel the sting of Bethenny's nastiness concerning their relationship as well. Bethenny's green-eyed relationship monster will rear its ugly head at them in time IMO.

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6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Here is what Bethenny had to say to Luann:  http://www.people.com/article/real-housewives-new-york-bethenny-frankel-confronts-luann-de-lesseps

There is a lot of hypocrisy going around.

How does Bethenny Frankel know what Luann Delesseps does with her body?  Just wondering, because people who assume and gossip and attack are not particularly good role models for say, their daughters.  Kind of hard to complain about how unfair the press is when you repeatedly and brutally attack someone with gossip and innuendoes.  it is not about having the balls to make the assertion, at the end of the day it is about being appropriate.  I simple, "I don't like you would suffice." 

Many of these ladies need to learn the value of being a percipient witness instead of tired old gossip hags.  Bethenny could not handle Luann asking her if she was getting laid.  Something she has done repeatedly to others.

LOL Last season, she, Bethenny, belittled Heather when Heather called LuAnn out on her behavior in T&C and she goes all rouge on Luann herself this season! LOL I love it! I hope Luann spills the beans on Bethenny's lies from last season and they go tit for tat revealing each others lies. IMO, they, Luann/Bethenny deserve each other as do Dorinda/Bethenny/Ramona/Luann! Snakes devoring snakes! LOL

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Bethenny, belittled Heather when Heather called LuAnn out on her behavior in T&C

Bethenny declared herself Switzerland in that one. She said she could see both sides of that argument. I don't remember all the details from these shows but I do remember the Switzerland remark. 

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6 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Bethenny declared herself Switzerland in that one. She said she could see both sides of that argument. I don't remember all the details from these shows but I do remember the Switzerland remark. 

She declared that at the reunion, not during the season. LOL

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6 hours ago, 100PercentPain said:

Maybe a better way to put it is this: 

When you pull something that blatantly hypocritical, on film, someone is going to call you out on it. It's inevitable. Luanne is no rookie; she should know this. If she were smart, she would head it off at the pass by saying, "Yes, I did get upset about this same thing. I was hurt by it at the time but now that I'm in a similar position, I get why Carole did what she did. Sorry for losing my mind over it, Carole." 

If she did that, she would come out smelling like roses. Carole would look petty if she refused to accept that apology and the other women would look ridiculous if they kept harping on Luanne's hypocrisy after she acknowledged it was the same thing and apologized. It would shut the whole thing down pretty effectively. 

But Luanne doesn't feel that way and won't acknowledge the double standard. If it drags out all season, it's as much her fault as it is anyone else's (if not moreso, since she's the one who chose to act that way and gave them something to talk about to begin with).

I love this because viewers (me) get soooo tired of all these silly fights to the death. GAH. We need stories that show the wives as good guys beyond their first seasons once in awhile. LuAnn is in a good position to look good by just saying the above to Carole and loving on her man and hopefully a Housewife wedding to follow. It would make this whole sorry RHNYC cougar storyline hopeful (like Jules-loved Dorinda calling her that) and not about such a haggle of bitter boose swilling and/or selling bitches.

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On May 31, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Grneyedldy said:

Maybe the Countess is into quickies? Lol though it would be quite the super-slut feat for LuLu to hit all that. I will say though, that after seeing Rey and knowing that she went away with him for an ENTIRE WEEKEND, Lu is not using good judgement where fucking is concerned.

Anyone read Looking for Mr. Goodbar?

Or remember Robert Chambers and Jennifer Levin?

(Yes, I am that old.)

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I really liked Dorinda this week. I think she might be the only one of the women with a genuinely good heart. Sure, she's kooky with the paranormal stuff and she gets in some stupid fights with John (and Heather last season) but I don't think I've seen a housewife do what she did with Sonja this week. She sat down and explained that she was going to be excluding her and then made other plans. Do I think she's picking Bethenny over Sonja? Sure. But by making plans for one on one time, she is genuinely protecting Sonja from what the other people would like say during the trip, she's making time for her as a friend, AND she's ensuring that Sonja does get some screen time by filming with her.

I never want to lose the Countess but she is shady. Bethenny is entertaining but she can be terrible like she was to Sonja. Jules is whatever. Carole is either useless or aggravating. Ramona is evil. Sonja is a mess. I am hating her so hard right now. She has nothing going on in her life and she's so clearly just getting in everyone else's business. Is this the second time she's been openly snooping for gossip? Again, I'd like less of John in my life but I'm inclined to see Dorinda's actions as a good thing. Also the part about taking her dog to the Hamptons to poop in Ramona's house made me laugh.

Also, I agree with Luann. As it's growing out, Bethenny's hair looks a lot like hers. I don't know. B can be really nasty. There was no reason to go after Luann aside from the fact that she seems to be carrying a grudge and wants her off the show. Other than that, her little digs are as inappropriate as Ramona's crazy. Speaking of picking a lane, are you mad or do you not care Bethenny? Because you can't say you're cool and then keep going on vicious rants. Also, respect to all she's done to build up the business but there's nothing remarkable about the name "skinny girl" or from what I can tell about her first drink recipe. She needs to calm down like she invented champagne.

To me, Ramona going on about Tom just comes across like jealousy that Luann seems to be making it work while their interaction fizzled out. I tend to pay more attention with this show to what's said in the moment and not the TH filmed God only knows how many months from when things actually happened. So I don't really trust Bethenny's corroboration seeing that things with Luann look like their only going to get nastier.

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On 6/12/2016 at 4:00 AM, aradia22 said:

I really liked Dorinda this week. I think she might be the only one of the women with a genuinely good heart. Sure, she's kooky with the paranormal stuff and she gets in some stupid fights with John (and Heather last season) but I don't think I've seen a housewife do what she did with Sonja this week. She sat down and explained that she was going to be excluding her and then made other plans. Do I think she's picking Bethenny over Sonja? Sure. But by making plans for one on one time, she is genuinely protecting Sonja from what the other people would like say during the trip, she's making time for her as a friend, AND she's ensuring that Sonja does get some screen time by filming with her.

IF Dorinda actually does have Sonja over, and IF it is actually filmed, we still likely won't ever see it air because Bethy isn't in the scene.  So she wasn't doing Sonja any favors; she was doing herself a favor since Bethy wasn't going to show up if Sonja was there and that means Do's party would have gotten a brief mention rather than the two or three episodes devoted to it.

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3 hours ago, izabella said:

IF Dorinda actually does have Sonja over, and IF it is actually filmed, we still likely won't ever see it air because Bethy isn't in the scene.  So she wasn't doing Sonja any favors; she was doing herself a favor since Bethy wasn't going to show up if Sonja was there and that means Do's party would have gotten a brief mention rather than the two or three episodes devoted to it.

Exactly! And it didn't sound like Sonja went to Dorinda's after the others left on last weeks episode. Dorinda was protecting Dorinda only and not Sonja. Really, she invited the 2 women, Bethenny and Ramona, that have caused her the most pain/anger so far this season over someone that hasn't done anything other than support her/John. Camera time means more to her, most of them, than friendship does. And, Dorinda allowed 1 of her guests to batter another of her guests time and time again without stopping her or telling her to leave, in fact, her "go home" tirade was pointed more at Luann than anyone else IMO.

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16 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Really, she invited the 2 women, Bethenny and Ramona, that have caused her the most pain/anger so far this season over someone that hasn't done anything other than support her/John.

This is why I give Dorinda the side-eye this season.  She is happy to hang with Bethy and Ramona despite the vitriol they both have spewed continually about John. 

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Bethenny wasn't going to appear with Sonja because she doesn't want to give the Shyster she's "partnered" with what he wants, more show time for Tipsy Girl.

Carole probably wouldn't have come either, since Luann was going to be there, unless Bethenny did.

Dorinda made the call, she preferred Bethenny's attendance.  I honestly think she got that Sonja did a dirty thing, and along with Ramona not wanting to be around Sonja?  Done deal.  It's her filming date party, so it's her call. 

Also, she seems to agree with Ramona that Sonja has some other issues going on, so I do wonder just what the hell Sonja's been up to.  Is it just the delusion, or is it really the drinking?  Sonja's always seemed capable of functioning while drinking before while being filmed.  What's the real reason her daughter is no longer living there?  IS there more to this story about Sonja?  Did the lawsuit loss really throw her into more delusion or booze? 

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5 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Bethenny wasn't going to appear with Sonja because she doesn't want to give the Shyster she's "partnered" with what he wants, more show time for Tipsy Girl.

Carole probably wouldn't have come either, since Luann was going to be there, unless Bethenny did.

Dorinda made the call, she preferred Bethenny's attendance.  I honestly think she got that Sonja did a dirty thing, and along with Ramona not wanting to be around Sonja?  Done deal.  It's her filming date party, so it's her call. 

Also, she seems to agree with Ramona that Sonja has some other issues going on, so I do wonder just what the hell Sonja's been up to.  Is it just the delusion, or is it really the drinking?  Sonja's always seemed capable of functioning while drinking before while being filmed.  What's the real reason her daughter is no longer living there?  IS there more to this story about Sonja?  Did the lawsuit loss really throw her into more delusion or booze? 

I strongly disagree, LOL, it was a choice based on her not wanting her sleepover left on the editing floor, which would have happened had Bethenny not gone. Bethenny and Ramona brought Dorinda to tears 3 time so far this season before the sleepover, yet she chose to invite them. NUTSO! LOL

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I don't think it would have been left on the cutting room floor.  Ramona alone is enough to start fireworks, and she's not getting along with Sonja, and has never cared for Luann either.

Carole and Bethenny would have passed, but there still would have been enough women there.  Honestly, if the show has to depend on Bethenny to get something worth filming, there is a problem.  I don't think they do.  Ramona and Dorinda have had plenty of conflict without Bethenny being around.

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So, I'm firmly of the belief that, without Bethy at Dorinda's party, producers would have given it short shrift, OR, they wouldn't have even filmed scenes at all and Dorinda wouldn't have had a Christmas party in the Berkshires. 

Which makes me wonder:  Have we seen any group/party scenes this season with a majority of the other women present, but Bethy wasn't there?  What about last season?  I think Carole's boxing thing was the only time I can remember, if I even have that one right.

Edited by izabella
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26 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

I don't think it would have been left on the cutting room floor.  Ramona alone is enough to start fireworks, and she's not getting along with Sonja, and has never cared for Luann either.

Carole and Bethenny would have passed, but there still would have been enough women there.  Honestly, if the show has to depend on Bethenny to get something worth filming, there is a problem.  I don't think they do.  Ramona and Dorinda have had plenty of conflict without Bethenny being around.

No, little of her sleepover would have been show had Bethenny not attended and Carole isn't really a factor this season except as Bethenny's side kick. Ramona would have made nice with Sonja and with Luann for the sole purpose of camera time. Again, why invite the 2 women that have made you cry 3 times early in filming but keep 1 that supported you/John away, it makes no sense other than filming/editing. Which explains why Dorinda didn't make Bethenny "back that shit up" when she started in on Luann at the sleepover. She is too afraid to tick off Bethenny for fear of being the next real target like Luann/Sonja. Good grief, even Ramona's Bethenny sanctioned/attended party couldn't keep the cameras there long after Bethenny left and Sonja had her melt down/realization, everyone bailed on her/party early. LOL

The NY show is really the Bethenny show with supporting cast members, it is no longer an ensemble show with cast members having equal voices/camera time. 

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Well, agree to disagree then!  ;)

I don't think Bethenny is all that powerful.  I do think Bethenny and Ramona are the spark plugs of the show, and lately Luann has been stepping that up as well since she dropped the Countess con.  Dorinda is seeming more and more just like the town drunk, which is enough to cause conflict, but I dislike drunks, and I really want to like Dorinda! 

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2 hours ago, Umbelina said:

Well, agree to disagree then!  ;)

I don't think Bethenny is all that powerful.  I do think Bethenny and Ramona are the spark plugs of the show, and lately Luann has been stepping that up as well since she dropped the Countess con.  Dorinda is seeming more and more just like the town drunk, which is enough to cause conflict, but I dislike drunks, and I really want to like Dorinda! 

I don't like Dorinda, she is a nasty drunk and refuses to say she is sorry when she lights into someone like she did with Heather last season. I also think she is a butt kisser, big time and Bethenny has Dorinda's lip prints all over her behind, Carole kisses it the most, followed by a Ramona/Dorinda tie for second place. LOL I dislike Bethenny and Luann and it drives me batty that Bethenny makes me want to defend Luann. I can honestly say that I don't really like anyone this season, Jules is too new for me to decide right now. LOL

I agree to disagree.

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