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Bridezillas - General Discussion

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Omg! How I looooooved Chakakan! I feel for you, Chakakan!

What was the bride’s name, Lamesha? Whoever she was I loved her, too! And I legit snort laughed when the producers added the laser beams to her eyes that “scorched” the couch. Brilliant! And the bridesmaid dress was gorgeous. 

JerseyZilla was just gross. And I can’t believe I don’t remember from the last episode she was having some sort of threesome with the maid of honor and her husband. Both she and the maid of honor would be served well to stop using brown Sharpies to scrawl on their eyebrows. 

Now we have the Bridezilla who isn't sure she is going to sign the marriage certificate trying to get her bridesmaids to learn dances and put up with her witchery for what may just turn out to be a party?

I'm with the potential MIL telling her if she doesn't make up her mind, she'll call all her relatives and tell them not to come.

I live for bridesmaids' walkouts when these idiots act as though they are "She Who Must Be Obeyed." Take a seat, deludoid.

Lamesha's bridesmaids looked presentable, but her poor "royal" dress was royally tacky.

Chakakhan may need some professional guidance. And we laughed and laughed, too, every time they said her name.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, renatae said:

Now we have the Bridezilla who isn't sure she is going to sign the marriage certificate trying to get her bridesmaids to learn dances and put up with her witchery for what may just turn out to be a party?

I'm with the potential MIL telling her if she doesn't make up her mind, she'll call all her relatives and tell them not to come.

They gave no preview of her for the next show.  I hope we see her all alone at the venue.  She wants to be famous for a dance and not the show?  COME ON!

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, renatae said:

Lamesha's bridesmaids looked presentable, but her poor "royal" dress was royally tacky.

Hot mess dress! I'm telling myself that wedding was a recreation of her much nicer wedding—only because there was a fellow in attendance who appeared to be wearing lumberjack pajamas or something.

Also her eye make up was horrific. I get that it was supposed to match that messy dress, but it looked like an applique or something.

Naisha was a gem. Loved her! And Chakakan was among my all-time favorite bridesmaids.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the body language of lazy disgust exhibited by 99% of  ViralZilla's bridal party. They reminded me of my own behavior at the dance exercise class I take—instructed by a woman who thinks the ladies at the local gym are all vyign for spots in a national tour of Pippin.

16 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

I'm telling myself that wedding was a recreation of her much nicer wedding—only because there was a fellow in attendance who appeared to be wearing lumberjack pajamas or something.

And almost all the seats were empty during the ceremony! And not the ones in the back either. 

Also, when she drove off angrily from her meeting with the coordinator, everyone was wearing the same clothes as in the previous scene, but the weirdest part was the wedding cake was in the backseat! Why was she just driving the cake around days before the wedding? It’s was all so strange. 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, oldCJ said:

And almost all the seats were empty during the ceremony! And not the ones in the back either. 

Also, when she drove off angrily from her meeting with the coordinator, everyone was wearing the same clothes as in the previous scene, but the weirdest part was the wedding cake was in the backseat! Why was she just driving the cake around days before the wedding? It’s was all so strange. 

I thought the cake in the back seat was a wedding card collector thingy like the old school wishing wells from the 70s, 80s, and my aunt's basement .

Or maybe a cupcake stand if they didn't do a wedding cake.

Edited by quirkygal
thought after the fact
  • Love 1

I can't believe these couples are still together.   They don't seem to like each other at all, even at the wedding, and I don't think they fake it.   I couldn't believe the golf cart shenanigans last night, and the sister whacking the bride in the car was hysterical.    I can't believe the one bride thought her wedding would go viral, for any reason except how rotten the 'dance' was    Except for the bride falling out of her gown, it was thoroughly forgettable. 

  • Love 3

I just saw the last half of the Holly/Lamesha episode.  

I was confused as to why they kept referencing Chaka Khan...……..thought maybe it was a nickname, but no.  The whole wedding planner crap was manufactured drama.

Then Holly.  I didn't understand why her parents left the reception in a huff.  Yeah, the bridesmaid was kind of rude in her speech, but tbh Holly was nasty (from what I saw).  How these women who are not all that think that they're God's gift is beyond me.  The rash or bites on her legs - she had long dresses, so what did it matter for her wedding?  But it looked like she maybe should have at least gone to an urgent care.  And Holly looked rough for 32.  

When all of your friends cannot stand your SO, big red flag.  From personal experience, no one in our group of friends could stand another friend's fiancée/husband.  At the wedding we were each estimating how long it'd last.  Everyone agreed it'd be over within two years.  Before one year was finished, our friend filed for divorce. 

The prenup was such crap.  If he were a successful businessman, he didn't get there by being stupid, and would have to read a lot of documents.  Plus, he could always contest it, and with a contract both parties should be given a copy.  Like Holly's document was iron clad.  Please.

  • Love 2

This last episode had me in stitches laughing. Usually these brides are so bratty I just get irritated.

SiblingRivalry Zilla wss mildly amusing, but Secret Zilla ctacked me up. Her plan seems to be let everyone find out at the altar? Seems a bit of poor prior planning to me.

I loved her friend who kept popping her one. "Too late to change cakes!" Whap! LOL

After telling everyone she didn't want any strippers of any kind (oh, how I agree) she was awfully enthusiastic about the male stripper who showed up. Things that make you go "Hmm."

Edited by renatae
  • Love 1
On 6/30/2019 at 11:24 AM, hoosier80 said:

Then Holly.  I didn't understand why her parents left the reception in a huff.

Me, either! The bridesmaid was insulting Holly. Shouldn't they have been upset with the ridiculous non-friend, not with their daughter? Too strange. I get that thet don't approve of their daughter's lifestyle, but they just seem uber punitive.

  • Love 1

Lessika is the one who claimed she was going viral with the group dance at the reception with the bridesmaids.   It was horrible, and Lessika's top dropped and flashed everyone.  Then one of her bridesmaids flashed the camera too.      Lessika finally signed the wedding certificate.    I seriously can't believe she originally had a $20k plus budget, and claims it actually cost over $30k.      

My guess is that a great majority of the hijinks on the show are just for filming, and I bet the 'weddings' and receptions are recreations with added drama.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I did not know this show was back until I caught the current season marathon the other day.  That sent me down a rabbit hole and I watched a link to Lessika's actual wedding video.  It was actually a very nice wedding, and she/they actually looked very happy and in love.  There was also a little girl that was part of the wedding (not the pre-teen that was a bridesmaid) but I don't know if it was her daughter or his, but the show completely ignored the fact that one of them had a kid.  After seeing the real video, I don't believe the crap that was on the show with the whole marriage certificate dilemma and think her OTT behavior was acting for the show.

ETA this is prob old news but remember Karee from early season that was so mean to her MIL and made her box her and fix her dress?  Both Karee and the groom were arrested after the show aired.  LOL. Her behavior on show was a violation of probation for a prior assault arrest.  

Edited by Cupcake04
  • Love 1
14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Lessika is the one who claimed she was going viral with the group dance at the reception with the bridesmaids.   It was horrible, and Lessika's top dropped and flashed everyone.  Then one of her bridesmaids flashed the camera too.      Lessika finally signed the wedding certificate.    I seriously can't believe she originally had a $20k plus budget, and claims it actually cost over $30k.      


  • Love 1

Things I loved about this episode in no particular order:

* Elaine's wig that appeared to have been run through the washing machine

* Josh who showed up to his wedding with greasy hair with a hat ring in it

* Amanda who looked more pregnant (even though she wasn't) than her sister

* Courtney who is a dead ringer for Honey Boo Boo's mother

* Elaine claiming to be 37 (!) when she said she'd been married previously for 20 years and been with Nonni for eight years

* The fact that Amanda and Courtney wore those donut t-shirts throughout both episodes in all likelihood because the donut place probably threw in that cake for free

* SiXXTY Nynne who basically lived up to his name at that low-rent bachelorette party

* The sad strobe dollhouse-sized disco light on the table

And finally, Amanda's FATHER! Where did HE come from?! He was incredibly handsome, in shape, and well dressed. And the rest of that family was ... NOT.

I love this show so much. And yet again, we're on the season finale next week. They really do need to do more of these shows or at least stop splitting up the season.

I can't believe the phony wedding and reception for the younger bridezilla, Bratzilla.    I bet there weren't 30 people there for the 'wedding', and virtually no one stayed for the pathetic excuse for a reception.   I'm calling shenanigans on the cost of the wedding and reception.  

Secretzilla, the two women was a big bunch of nothing in the reaction from the family that was supposed to be so prejudiced against same sex relationships.    I really liked their wedding though.    That looked like a real wedding, not a fake re do, but who knows.  

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I'm calling shenanigans on the cost of the wedding and reception.  

That cake was hideous and her dad needs to quit that enabling nonsense.  His wife needs to dump him for his taking the brats side over his wife.

But I bet I wasn't the only one hoping that the big gal would fall when she jumped in the scrawny grooms arms!

2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

the reaction from the family that was supposed to be so prejudiced against same sex relationships.   

That whole story was dumb.  The "secret shocker" may have been a "thing" in the 80's, but now same sex weddings are just the norm.

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

The "secret shocker" may have been a "thing" in the 80's, but now same sex weddings are just the norm.

Couple that with living in the age of social media, and there's no doubt that Elaine had a million pictures of herself with Nonnie plastered all over FB. Everyone knew that Nonnie was a woman despite Elaine claiming otherwise. 

Agree with @CrazyInAlabama though—at least that wedding looked to be a real deal as opposed to ...

Geknee. GeKNEE. Whose dad's name was Gene and who was the one who couldn't figure out how to spell her name for the birth certificate. Why didn't he just write, "Gene-E?" That would make way more sense. 

Her husband Quizno (or something) seemed kinda normal but I'm pretty open to being wrong about that. 

And that "wedding." OMG. I think the people who showed up for it wore pajamas. And frankly, I don't blame them as I saw NO food at all on the tables—save for the crappy sausages and bacon that were served on generic paper plates to Geknee and Quizno upstairs in their secret room. 

On 9/10/2020 at 4:19 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

This is being advertised as a new season, starting 24 September.    I wonder if it's really new, or just has added commentary by the woman in the ads?  

Well, they were casting last year, so I think it's new:


The woman hosting is Lonnie Love from the talk show "The Real."

  • Love 1

S13/Ep01: Coco & Kenard: full disclosure, I have family in Louisiana, so their accents & some of their ways made me smile even when they were acting up. Kenard's restrictions about the bachelorette party were a bit much; however. (I've always had concerns about doing shots & having strippers the night before the wedding! I mean, do your bachelor/ette party to the fullest, but it doesn't seem cool to me to show up hungover to your wedding. One day, when I get married, I'll ask for that event to be at least 2 days out. Too much!? What ya'll think?) Her bridesmaids were so pretty & fun. Her girls were turning up! Yasss! I don't even want to know what the 😜 was blocking. Her bff Marcus was shady & hating & trying to sabotage her marriage. Not cool. My favorite bridesmaid was Makita, smuggling the bottle in her ample bosom. I. Died. I liked seeing mom & grandmom. I wasn't a fan of her wedding fashions in general, but I thought the maid of honor handled things well. Production played her showing her fall over & over & over again.

Stacy & the cop. She was standard bridezilla. I wasn't mad at her fresh faced glow-up; her aesthetician was represented well. Her bridesmaid Shara was very relatable & adorable. Yes, Shara, get you some new friends. The wedding planner was awesome given the time constraints; handsome & elegant, he could have his own show. Stacy was so nasty & so rude; it's disturbing to watch a marriage break down in front of your eyes before it's even started. I don't want to see this on the show.

  • Love 5

Watching Stacey's behavior devolve was sad. I wonder if her sanity will return when she starts eating again.

I liked Lonnie as the narrator and LOL'd at Detective Yum Yum.

Yes to hiring the wedding planner - he was awesome.

Lastly I don't think Coco threw granny under the party bus with the booze - she may not have brought it or smuggled it in in her bossom - but she looked like a lady who knew how to have a good time. I wonder what kind of hijinks she and her friends got up to in the good old days. 😉

  • Love 3

I really enjoyed Lonnie Love as the narrator though I miss the abundant use of emoji symbols from seasons past. 

I kinda liked Coco (and her fun friends!) and actually appreciated that they showed a real wedding and not a re-enactment of one like they usually do. 

I also got the feeling that Stacey was playing up the bitch for the cameras. Detective Yum Yum seemed like a decent, smart man who wouldn't have chosen her as a partner if she were really the horrific shrew we saw on the show. (At least I hope not!)

Stacey and Detective Yum Yum had a lovely wedding! I didn't feel bad for liking it (and them) because during the "MY DRESS DOESN'T FIT OMG THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD" scene, it was quite clear when I saw Stacey running back into the dressing room "in tears," that her dress had been completely zipped up in the back. So, Stacey was clearly just hamming it up for the cameras. 

As for GuardZilla -- I wasn't quite following the logic for her father insisting she not change her name. He was shot 21 times (?!?!?!) and she was the one how someone saved him from the final shot that would have killed him? 

I didn’t understand the purpose of the dancers before the ceremony, or the painters at the reception, but it was a Stacy production after all, and maybe the purpose of the dancers was to distract guests from realizing they waited over an hour for her to show up. I noticed the same thing about her dress not fitting.  When her mother came into the dressing room, there was a shot of the dress zipped up. It was a strange dress anyway; it seemed to stand apart from her body, but it looked like she had a bodysuit on underneath it. For spending $150K on her wedding, I expected she would change into a second dress for the reception.

Guardzilla’s dad said the 21st shot was aimed directly at his head but she stopped it somehow.  Even my husband, watching his 1000th YouTube video on his tablet about engine compression, or something, perked up to hear that. Wish every blouse or shirt she wore wasn’t cut down to her navel. Does she think it’s attractive to reveal her sagging breasts?

In Episode 1, did I hear Coco say she is 38?  If she’s 38, I’m a Russian cosmonaut. 

  • LOL 3
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I guess last night's episode with the 'Nigerian Queen' was new? I bailed after about 20 minutes, when the dressmaker for the 2nd bride produced 2 hideous pink outfits the DAY BEFORE the wedding. The dressmaker had some weird name like Squee Bastard (inside joke for 'Love After Lockup' fans!), and was soooo fake/scripted.

Apparently it makes you 'special' now if you arrange 2 ceremonies, dresses, etc. Those supposedly ethnic outfits for the Nigerian Queen were hilarious (possibly also insulting to actual native Nigerians).

  • Love 5

This is an incredibly boring and predictable show. Let’s examine some of the fakery:  A.  Guardzilla refuses to sign a prenup and her fiancé threatens to not go through with the wedding; (He went through with it anyway.) B. Guardzilla’s father (with the unnatural attachment to his princess daughter) threatens to not show up for the wedding because 1) his daughter didn’t keep her maiden name and 2) princess daughter lied to him about keeping her maiden name and duped him into buying her $6,500 wedding gown. (Dad showed up anyway.) C.) Guardzilla’s bridesmaid refuses to sign a code of conduct contract and will not be welcome at the wedding  (She showed up anyway.)  Aren’t both the bride and groom former corrections officers?  How is he able to pay for 150k wedding?  How did he amass his wealth?

Can’t remember the name of the bride introduced in episode 3  I think she is an eyelash artist, and her husband-to-be works on an oil rig  She looks like she’s had lots of Botox or something; her frozen face isn’t capable of showing any scowls or big smiles  She likes to talk about penises a lot  Klassy!  Her parents offered her 5K to not let the wedding preparations/wedding be filmed for TV.  Bride is totally self-absorbed.  I think her parents don’t want all this on camera for fear her obnoxious behaviour will be blamed on their poor parenting.  

Do these bridezillas get paid to be on the show?  I was married in a small wedding almost 20 years ago.  I didn’t ask my attendant to sign a code of conduct contract.  She could wear any color/style dress she wanted. We had an outdoor wedding at a venue that didn’t provide a cake, so we had to have one delivered.  It might have rained and the cake might not have shown up, but we had contingent plans in place.  And in the end, you’re not responsible for anyone’s behaviour but your own.  


Edited by Ilovecomputers
  • Love 3

S13/Ep05 "Hot Mess Express & Nigerian Queen" That struggle wedding was indeed A Mess! The ceremony space looked like a dirty back alley. Flowers!? Please. Could they have somebody sweep! I wasn't moved by the bride's tears. One week out & you don't have a wedding planner, venue, dj, gown... what have they been doing during their engagement? I was getting suspicious about the amount of vendors that walked out on them. The new wedding planner bailed during rehearsal & the hairstylist no-showed at the last minute. I understand one of the vendors canceled because they were homophobic, but what about all the rest? The brides seemed nice enough, but something about them made multiple people not want to work with them. Maybe they were low-balling people on price or something.

The Nigerian bride is really beautiful, well on the outside anyway. The one-time personal training session with the bridesmaids was silly; another bridezilla did that, I'm sensing a theme. Exercising once is not going to change the shape of anyone's body. Why pretend? The venue owner was a Drama King. She said her colors were pink & purple & she wanted purple tablecloths. He said he liked red. Say what now, lol?

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Ilovecomputers said:

Can’t remember the name of the bride introduced in episode 3  I think she is an eyelash artist, and her husband-to-be works on an oil rig  She looks like she’s had lots of Botox or something; her frozen face isn’t capable of showing any scowls or big smiles  She likes to talk about penises a lot  Klassy!  Her parents offered her 5K to not let the wedding preparations/wedding be filmed for TV.  Bride is totally self-absorbed.  I think her parents don’t want all this on camera for fear her obnoxious behaviour will be blamed on their poor parenting.  

Do these bridezillas get paid to be on the show?



Some of the people ^^^here were speculating that it's around $5,000, which might explain why the one bride's father offered her that amount to not do the show.

  • Love 5

Secret garden; they should have kept that secret. Even a non wedding planner could have draped some sheer white fabric to hide the I'm getting married in a alley vibe. 

The best thing I got from this episode was inspiration to work my arms. The lady trainers shoulders were amazing!

Edited by Texasmom1970
  • LOL 3
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I just caught up with several episodes and I'm not sure if anyone is still watching. It feels like fun wacky frivolous tv in the aftermath of 9/11 - this is so ooo September 10th and we've got real stuff to deal with now. 

Anywhoo, I think Mackenzie needs a therapist. What really stood out to me was how she kept clutching her mom, stroking mom's hair, and was just clutching her like she was afraid mom was going to fall off the planet. And Mom was no better with her manipulations - financial, emotional, verbal - as well as copying her daughter's whole style that I really wonder how she was raised. Also, why is no one talking about the real reason that Dad won't show up? IMHO dad is a big old racist. But that's just me. 

Kudos to Mackenzie on picking a seemingly solid partner who supports her even in her quest to become a reality star.

lastly, does anyone else think Korrey's mom (she of the sour face and bad attitude) told her she had to show up at the wedding - even though Miss Grumpy Pants was fired - just to get her kid out of the house? I think Mom needed a break from such a vibrant and high energy personality (end sarcasm).

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