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S03.E08: Whit's End

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ANY of these SOUTHERN CHARM Characters initiating and participating in discussions  about dope 'extra-curriculars' better include the involvement of those other than the 'plebians'.

Edited by BookElitist
DOPE=DRUGS--not slang for good
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On May 23, 2016 at 11:21 PM, mbaywife123 said:

Whitless reminds me of a three person combo: Eddie Munster, Bud Bundy and Mr. Burns.

I would go with Ed Grimley, Dandy Mott, and Stuart from Mad TV. 

Still given a choice. It would be him over Kathryn if i had to be in a room w either

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On 5/25/2016 at 10:22 AM, Giselle said:

It's Whetny' s ego that wants to be the lead on a reality show. He would need to get a personality first and hope that it's one that is engaging and  interesting to observe .

He's so boring I'd rather watch rice grow. I usually take it as an opportunity to grab something from the icebox.

I love you for using the word "icebox."

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On 5/24/2016 at 8:34 PM, politichick said:

Craig showed his true colors when he mentioned Whitney outing him to his parents during their visit to Delaware. It was cruel of him to try to deliberately humiliate him, especially since what Whitney told Craig's parents was true and he was completely ruining his life trying to keep up with the Rose's and whatever Whitney's last name is.Craig is his own worst enemy and I'd be surprised if Naomi (sorry, I can't remember her spelling but this is how my mother spells her name) actually married him.

In my opinion, Whitney didn't tell Craig's parents what he did because he was genuinely worried about Craig. Not at all. He didn't seem like a concerned friend.

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22 hours ago, Petunia13 said:
On May 24, 2016 at 0:21 AM, mbaywife123 said:

Whitless reminds me of a three person combo: Eddie Munster, Bud Bundy and Mr. Burns.

I would go with Ed Grimley, Dandy Mott, and Stuart from Mad TV. 

Wait, you're both wrong!!  Bud Bundy, Ed Grimley and Stuart were all likeable and funny!

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1 hour ago, Major Bigtime said:

This episode was viewed and snarked upon by The People's Couch tonight. Catch it on the replay. Their remarks about Whitney had me howling!!

I saw  that and loved that they got on Whit's case about the turned up collar and some of the other things they said.

It also reminded me of something that hasn't been mentioned but really pissed me off at the time and that was when Patricia visited Whit's loft and in her TH, she said that Whit's lofts all looked the same.  Like an ISIS prison.  So classy, Pat.  What a stupid, ignorant comment.  Now we know for sure where Whit gets it from. 

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9 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I saw  that and loved that they got on Whit's case about the turned up collar and some of the other things they said.

It also reminded me of something that hasn't been mentioned but really pissed me off at the time and that was when Patricia visited Whit's loft and in her TH, she said that Whit's lofts all looked the same.  Like an ISIS prison.  So classy, Pat.  What a stupid, ignorant comment.  Now we know for sure where Whit gets it from. 

Patricia's comment annoyed the beejeezus out of me. I get sarcastic hyperbole, but an ISIS prison?!?!?!? Come on now.

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11 hours ago, breezy424 said:

It also reminded me of something that hasn't been mentioned but really pissed me off at the time and that was when Patricia visited Whit's loft and in her TH, she said that Whit's lofts all looked the same.  Like an ISIS prison.  So classy, Pat.  What a stupid, ignorant comment.  Now we know for sure where Whit gets it from. 

Thank you!!! I didn't want to bring that up in case it's too political, but really, Patricia? Between that and the snide comment about dockworkers, the bloom is off the martini rose for me.

Whitney as Mr. Burns? Oh, that's good! I can picture him alone at night in the Bel Air porn house, forlornly strumming his guitar and whispering Release the hooooouuuuunndsssss.

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I took Patricia's remarks as her being totally ignorant of what's going on outside of her gilded lily house. She probably thinks ISIS is like some type of run-of-the-mill terrorist group. She's using terms she's seen on the nightly news with Lester Holt, but has no concept of what she's talking about. And I'm betting the last time she was ever near a dock was when she was boarding a 5-star cruise ship.

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This reality show seems the most unreal out of all the shows I´ve seen in the genre... I mean Whitney and Thomas? How can two middle-aged (in Thomas´ case almost elderly) guys be so immature? Craig has his moments but he´s heads and shoulders above them in common sense and maturity. I´d say that even if his bourbon freak out had been twice as bad. I thought he did great in confronting Whitney, and Whitney deflected into his usual "Katherine is disgusting" rant. Cameron is having a problem, it´s not normal for a woman, for no reason, to talk about someone like she does about Kathryn. Dani was right, they were beyond messy the way they excuse Thomas and blame Kathryn for everything. She´s a baby compared to the lot of them, almost. And Cameron is selling her soul for access to Patricia and all that, some day she´ll wise up and realize how crappy she looked doing it. Patricia and Whitney are both very, very strange people, wonderful for a tv show, but scary when it´s supposed to be "reality".

I feel happy for Thomas for becoming a father for the second time, but I think I understand Kathryn more for the way she´s been reacting towards him, when we saw how he was about the L.A trip with Whitney. Those two are just so stupid, they´re beyond help at this point. I hope Kathryn will continue growing up, and focus on her kids, and be happy. I think Cameran´s problem with her is connected to all the baby-making, Cam doesn´t want kids but she tricked her husband by saying she was willing to start having them soon, so she´s feeling pressured. I agree with everyone who said the Landon quiet-time was a nice touch to the episode. Someone replied to a comment of mine on an earlier ep, where I said she looked good and said she really didn´t, so I´ve been looking at her again and I saw so many flaws that I never noticed before. Like she has a strange witches nose. Never in any way, shape or form would Shep settle for someone like her. He´s a real golden boy, I would like to see him with Dani, the only other smart, classy one.


For some reason I´m liking this season much better than the previous two (which I loved btw), perhaps because this is all so unreal.

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23 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I took Patricia's remarks as her being totally ignorant of what's going on outside of her gilded lily house. She probably thinks ISIS is like some type of run-of-the-mill terrorist group. She's using terms she's seen on the nightly news with Lester Holt, but has no concept of what she's talking about. And I'm betting the last time she was ever near a dock was when she was boarding a 5-star cruise ship.

5-star cruise ship?  Eww.  Private yacht, dahling.


1 hour ago, halkatla said:

.... I think Cameran´s problem with her is connected to all the baby-making, Cam doesn´t want kids but she tricked her husband by saying she was willing to start having them soon, so she´s feeling pressured....

Halkatla, do we know this for a fact or are you speculating?  Thanks.

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I´m just speculating from the things she has said on the show, I might have worded it wrong, but she´s said that her husband really wants kids and she´s said to him that it will happen, but now she´s also said multiple times that she doesn´t want kids (and she seems like it´s something she´s worried about). I just have a feeling that in a subconscious way it´s one of the things that bugs her about Kathryn (I realize that I might be way, way off).

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One of the things I like about Craig is that he points out and is respectful of how Thomas's life has changed now that "he is trying to be a responsible father". Whitney on the other hand keeps talking about how Thomas "changes" when he's around Kathryn and he likes to get Thomas away from her so he has his old buddy back again. It's as if Whitney thinks he can eventually convince Thomas that she's as awful as he sees her to be and Thomas will at last dump her. It's like he can't understand that Thomas wants his children in his life, and if that means trying to co-parent with Kathryn, well, he's going to try.

Whitney, being an ~47-year-old childfree [confirmed?] bachelor, wants a pal who is similar to himself and can't handle that Thomas now has two children he loves and for whom he is responsible. It's like he doesn't even admit that Thomas is a father. Whatever the situation between Thomas and Kathryn, she's in his life, that's it, and Whitney can go kick rocks, or draft Shep as his new best bud, or maybe beg Larissa to marry him...

Edited by RedHawk
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But Thomas doesn't act like a responsible farher. Ordering people to invite your baby mama to events isn't being a responsible father, just doing whatever she wants isn't being a responsible father, and most importantly not having a legal custody agreement isn't being a responsible father. Those children are going to be used as pawns in the disfunctional emotionally abusive relationship between Kathryn and Thomas.

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3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

But Thomas doesn't act like a responsible farher. Ordering people to invite your baby mama to events isn't being a responsible father, just doing whatever she wants isn't being a responsible father, and most importantly not having a legal custody agreement isn't being a responsible father. Those children are going to be used as pawns in the disfunctional emotionally abusive relationship between Kathryn and Thomas.

I don't say that Thomas IS a responsible father, just that at least Craig is acknowledging that Thomas is a father now and that he has to behave differently, and he's encouraging Thomas to be a responsible father (although I guess in baby steps). At least Thomas hired a nanny who seems qualified and responsible. Even if Kathryn had a big say in who was hired, I'm sure Thomas is paying her wages. Doing whatever Kathryn wants isn't a great idea -- that's true -- but in co-signing the lease he knew she and his daughter and coming son would be settled and also near him. He seemed to give in to that also in order to keep her on an even keel until the baby was born, which he may have felt was his only recourse at the time. UGH, it's all a sad mess in my eyes and I just hope their mutual love for their children will soon overcome some of their worst immature behavior.

Edited to add that I have a feeling that the reason neither one of them is going to the court to get support and visitation settled is that they know so much absolute dirt on both of them will come out and be in the court records and in the media. They both seem like dirty fighters who will not hesitate to trash the other in order to "win". Again, UGH.

Edited by RedHawk
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Cam doesn't like Kathryn not because she's got kids.  She doesn't like her because she's had a front row seat to Kathryn's tantrums at every group event the last 2 seasons.  It's not like Cam is hanging out with Thomas either.  In fact, she seems to only have time for Shep and Craig and more recently Whitney.

Craig was out of line at the cabin, he said as much when he said that what Whitney said to Craig's parents had come back to bite him.  I can't figure out why he did in front of JD.  But Shep is right that he needs to apologize.

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But....is all the so called tantrums all Kathryn's doing?  I think Thomas gets a big pass that he doesn't deserve.  He's twice Kathryn's age and has behaved so immaturely in their relationship.  IMO, Thomas causes most of the situations but Kathryn gets the blame because of her 'reactions'.

Whit also has done his fair share of yanking Kathryn's chain when given the chance, and he's in his late forties.  Add to that, his support of Thomas when Thomas is mad at Kathryn (the boy's trip is a perfect example). 

Cam may not have invited Thomas to her lame dinner party but she does hang with him.  She didn't refuse to be with him in Ashville.

There's a lot of double standards going on.  And the ones who have the most animosity toward Kathryn are far older than she - Thomas, Whit, Patricia, Cam, Landon, JD.  They all need to take a look at their own maturity...given their age.  Shep and Craig are showing a lot more maturity in this situation.  And thank you Dani for pointing out the double standard at Shep's family home.

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But Thomas waits until he invites peopke over to his house to be an ass.

Kathryn's doesn't just have fights with Thomas she freaking flips out on other people and that is all on her. 

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9 hours ago, halkatla said:

she´s said to him that it will happen

According to this interview with the Bravo site, Cameran said she made it clear to him that it might never happen and he was okay with that. 

"Cameran Eubanks: Why My Husband Isn't on 'Southern Charm'" 

As much as I agree that Danni raised a valid point about giving Thomas a pass on his part in the colossal mess he and Kathryn have created, I also believe Kathryn's well-documented devotion to drama makes it easy to focus on her role in it. I can understand being exhausted by her behavior, and not wanting to be present for any more of her tantrums. 

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Also remember we don't know what these people are "really" like since this is in no way reality. I've seen too many stories in the press about Kathryn and her tantrums, throwing something at Thomas as she stormed out of a restaurant, and there was the video of her having a public hissyfit on the streets of NYC. She's like the petulant child that has a tantrum when she doesn't get her way. I don't blame Cameran for not wanting to be her friend. I wouldn't either. And I think there was a recent story of her having a falling out with Shep, that he'd had enough. I could be wrong, it's hard to keep up with her various bouts of rage.  Thomas tried to have a home with her, but from what I know from friends in the area, she's a party girl. Living at Thomas' plantation and having dinner ready when he got home wasn't her idea of bliss. Further proof a huge age difference isn't going to work most of the time.  Craig more or less did the same thing when he came after Whitney in front of everyone. Might be why he and Kathryn are friends.

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Kathryn has an excuse for her childishness, very many people her age are still very childish, I mean her age more at the start of the show than now though. I believe (maybe in vain) that she´s gonna grow up or is growing up fast. Thomas has no hope of ever getting there. It was his choice to start procreating with a very young woman out of wedlock, he had years to settle down and make a family not so filled with drama. Many of his good friends seem more like enablers than real friends, they treat him like he´s much, much younger than he is.

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4 hours ago, halkatla said:

Kathryn has an excuse for her childishness, very many people her age are still very childish, I mean her age more at the start of the show than now though. I believe (maybe in vain) that she´s gonna grow up or is growing up fast. Thomas has no hope of ever getting there. It was his choice to start procreating with a very young woman out of wedlock, he had years to settle down and make a family not so filled with drama. Many of his good friends seem more like enablers than real friends, they treat him like he´s much, much younger than he is.

Very true that they all treat Thomas as much younger than his 53 years. Even "mature" JD, who IIRC was the one who  introduced the "T-Rav" moniker to viewers. After the cocaine arrest and prison stint, a mature and humbled Thomas would have retired that nickname immediately rather than keep living up (down!) to it. He's immature, however, and likes the spotlight so I wasn't surprised that he chose Kathryn to be the mother of his children. 

Edited by RedHawk
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16 hours ago, breezy424 said:

But....is all the so called tantrums all Kathryn's doing?  

There's a lot of double standards going on.  And the ones who have the most animosity toward Kathryn are far older than she - Thomas, Whit, Patricia, Cam, Landon, JD.  They all need to take a look at their own maturity...given their age.  Shep and Craig are showing a lot more maturity in this situation.  And thank you Dani for pointing out the double standard at Shep's family home.

Are all of Kathyrn's tantrums of her own doing?  Yes!  They are!  Do you see anyone else in the group acting like that?  No.  Jennifer comes the closest and she's not in the group.  Case in point-- Kathryn immediately freaked out at the polo match because JD and Kathryn were there and she'd been hiding from them for no apparent treason.  They were nice to her, offered to get rid of the alcohol and she kept up her tantrum.  Fast forward 2 episodes and Kathryn is trying to be friends with Elizabeth again because no one else will have lunch with her.

TRav is accountable but she chooses how to react to him and she chooses tantrums.  He seems fairly afraid of her reactions because she does hold the cards with the kids.  That said, I think Thomas loves his kids but doesn't want the day to day responsibility, hence the full time nanny and leaving Kathryn alone as far as custody.

As far as animosity, the only one in the group on her side is Craig.  Shep has manners which is why he's invited her to activities, but he's not defended her actions.  Craig, knows where the drama is, which keeps it off his life but yet he's still in it by declaring himself Kathryn's defender and protector.  He forgets that Kathryn slept with everyone else in the group except for him because he has no money.  He should also be listening to his girlfriend who seems rightfully embarrassed by his actions.

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I actually think what we're seeing is from the Charmers is their ambivalence about the show. It's so clear that producers have told them without Kathryn and TRav there is no show. Craig and Shep were basically the only ones in the cast willing to step up. Craig to some extent relates to Kathryn as an outsider. Shep was never particularly invested in Kathryn, which is not surprising because he was the only one the dudes who wore a condom when he banged her. So Craig and Shep who are the only ones who've monetized the show by doing the club appearance circuit are invested in making sure that Kathryn continues to be part of the cast. The rest of the cast has not seen similar opportunities, which is why they mostly don't care if the show continues. Cameran realizes that this has probably not helped her real estate business. It has only made Landon and Whitney look more silly and stupid. When JD can get his businesses featured, they come off very well. But for the first two seasons, JD could never get his businesses featured on a reliable basis because he's too boring. So as much as they're talking about Kathryn, I think they are also pondering whether the show with Kathryn is worth the time and effort.

I also think that the producers talked to Kathryn and explained that even though she's essential to the show, she still has to try to get along with the cast. It's why she reached out to Cameran and Elizabeth. I actually don't think Kathryn's tantrum at the polo match came out of nowhere. I think Kathryn is terrible at articulating that JD while outwardly friendly and accommodating in her presence takes every opportunity to undermine and talk shit about her when he's with Thomas.

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There's a blind item on the Tamara tattles site that is obviously j.d. he's not from the south he's from Colorado. He missed his second child's birth because he was out partying...probably with Thomas.....and his business is not real. Interesting.

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7 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

There's a blind item on the Tamara tattles site that is obviously j.d. he's not from the south he's from Colorado. He missed his second child's birth because he was out partying...probably with Thomas.....and his business is not real. Interesting.

There website is pretty real for a fake business. And his restaurant is obviously real.

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RE-I said it was a blind item. Didn't say it's true. Not hard to fake a website though. I don't trust any reality tv people to be honest. I was more interested in his missing the birth of his kid because he was out partying.

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I like Whitney ... more or less.  I think there are a few layers we haven't seen.   I agree with Cameron that he does want to be in a relationship and its kind of sad that it hasn't happened.

I hope he watches and is wise enough to learn a thing or two about himself so that he can make a few adjustments.

I'd watch that storyline in a heartbeat.  It would be an interesting one - a near middle-age man venturing into marriage and fatherhood.

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