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Cutthroat Kitchen - General Discussion

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Back in the day I used to not be able to stand Marcel, but he has really grown on me. He is really talented and these days just seems gosh darn charming.

Justin on the other hand....I initially really liked him and he seems to just get douchier and douchier every time he graces my television.

And Marcel finally wins something! YAY! About time son!

P.S. Justin....you don't have better hair. But I'll let that go since since I know you are a bitter barn that you won Next Food Network Star, but they never gave you an actual show. So sorry, so sad.

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I'm glad I am not the only one who wanted Marcel to win.  I never minded him; he has a wry sense of humor that I always appreciated.  The others I haven't seen much of so it's hard to comment on them.  They did all seem to be having fun which always makes the episode better for me.


The one thing I can say is about Nadia G.  Honey, you are not as cool as you think you are.  I know that is something that should, and probably, applies to Justin.  He however at least seems laid back.  Nadia just is too in your face, in my opinion.

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I cannot stand Nadia G. The thing I enjoyed about round 1 of this tourney was the chefs refrained from trash-talking each other and just cooked (there was some gentle teasing but that was it). Nadia G is insufferable and I wanted her to go home in the first round. She is not cool, she is mouthy and awful and I wanted her off my TV as soon as humanly possible.

Edited by jcbrown
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I find it bizarre that Justin is included in this "superstar" competition.  Its great that the chefs are playing for charity and obviously the successful ones dont need the money but considering Justin was just pleading for money on Twitter/ starting a Kickstarter to raise money to go towards work his restaurant needs he may want to consider going on any of the competition shows where he can actually win money for himself.

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I loathe NadiaG not so much for the trash talking, which I thought was about what you'd expect from a slight-to-medium-level annoying male contestant. It's that she seems so fake. By contrast, I find that Marcel is more likable with every appearance, while Justin and Malarkey are both ignorable and slight-to-medium-level annoying.



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Ugh, Justin.  Not a fan--never have been-- and yes, he does seem to get douchier every time he's on my tv.  And what is with the tight pants? He just tries way too hard. Shut up Justin.  I have never thought of him and the word "Superstar" in the same sentence. Is it me or does he not seem to take criticism well...?


Marcel, on the other hand I couldn't stand at first--but now I'm beginning to like him.  He seemed to be having fun and I like that. 


I heart chef Jet.

  • Love 2
Ugh, Justin.  Not a fan--never have been-- and yes, he does seem to get douchier every time he's on my tv.  And what is with the tight pants? He just tries way too hard. Shut up Justin.  I have never thought of him and the word "Superstar" in the same sentence. Is it me or does he not seem to take criticism well...?


I could tell he lost because in his talking heads- and they all seemed to be his in that final segment- he was so damn bitter.  So I agree that he doesn't seem to handle any of the negative well.  I was surprised he was even on, since his show (to the best of my recollection) didn't get produced and it seems like they've gone with Richard Blais as the Smart Chef instead of him.


I love Aarti, I was glad to see her back and that she won.  No rational reason why I like her, I just do.  I also appreciated Nadia G in this context.  She was a nice contrast, imho.

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Ugh What a foul episode. Marcel, Justin AND Malarkey? I was rooting for Nadia by default. Marcel was the best of the remaining three.

Why has FN lactched onto Marlakey now? First on GGG and now here. It's pretty bad when you're taking The Taste's sloppy seconds. Marcel, Spike, Blais, Malarkey...FN seems to be going for the douciest Top Chef contestants. Probably because they're also the biggest fame whores willing to do FNs bidding for screentime.

I assume Nadia G is supposed to be this tough New Yorker, but the way she speaks really reminds me of Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle. I can't take her seriously.



You're not supposed to take her seriously. It's her schtick. She was a stand up comedian. She's playing a character - the same one she plays on her show. I know she's not everyone's cup of tea, but I think she's a hoot.

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Anne has demonstrated over and over that she's highly competitive and a very bad sport.  She's fun when things are going her way and hard to watch when they're not. 


I know nothing about Johnny Iuzzini and don't know what he's usually like but I got a kick out of him on this show.


I like Eric a lot and was delighted to see him win.  He's a hoot.  I just wish he'd lose some weight before he drops dead.  I also wish he'd shave that vast expanse of jowl and neck.  He always looks like he sleeps under bridges.

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Anne has demonstrated over and over that she's highly competitive and a very bad sport.  She's fun when things are going her way and hard to watch when they're not. 


 She is an extremely poor loser (and winner).  And equally lacking in self-awareness, I assume.  As many times as she's been on these shows I'm sure people have pointed out how poorly she comes across and she's apparently made zero effort to correct it or even fake a bit of humility and try to improve her image.  



I know nothing about Johnny Iuzzini and don't know what he's usually like but I got a kick out of him on this show.


 I don't know much about him either.  I know he was on Top Chef:Just Desserts but I don't remember much so he didn't make much of an impression.  I can see him being a total douche, but he's definitely hot.


And equally lacking in self-awareness, I assume.  As many times as she's been on these shows I'm sure people have pointed out how poorly she comes across and she's apparently made zero effort to correct it or even fake a bit of humility and try to improve her image.


That's what I don't understand.  She has a degree from Canisius College, an excellent school run by Jesuits.  That tells me that she was intelligent enough to get in and intelligent enough to be graduated.  Surely she knows what people say so I tend to conclude that she just doesn't care - which fits right in with her attitude really.

Aarti will be one of the 4 in the final competition.  She'll be facing Fabio, Marcel and Eric Greenspan.  I hope she's eliminated first.  I love Fabio and Marcel and I like Eric Greenspan too so the only one I'm really against is Aarti. 

I'm with you.  Anyone can win besides Aarti.  With my luck, though, she will be the one to win.


I also love Fabio.  My favorite part was him shouting out, "Yes, I get to keep my tree!"  He really got into the whole competition.

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I'm not crazy about Alex but I don't dislike her.  She seems to have mellowed a bit since she became an iron chef.  I seriously dislike Melissa and Elizabeth.  In fact, the only FN personality I detest more than Melissa is Robert Irvine.  So I was definitely rooting for Fabio.  He's cute and funny and charming but he's also quite accomplished and, I assume, pretty smart.  He was very successful at a young age in Italy then came to the US and became very successful here.  Despite his clowning around, he's nobody's fool.

Funny seeing Antonia continue Elizabeth Faulkner's bridesmaid curse, which, coincidentally Antonia herself used to share. The difference is Elizabeth has no humour about it but I don't fault her for that. Refreshing to see someone not playing anything up for the cameras. She definitely won't give you a fake smile for the sake of it, etc., and I think that's impacted her career as a celebrity chef.


Also neat seeing Antonia judging Fabio. I've never been a Fabio fan because I don't think much of his cooking. (I hate it when chefs use the "I'm XYZ so what do you expect me to know outside of that" excuse and I'm immune to the charms of his Italian accent except when he does FOH.). I don't dislike him though so good for him and his charity.


I enjoyed all the chefs this battle but was hoping Faulkner would finally win and maybe she'd be less bitter. She did allow herself some smiles this time, though.

Edited by anonymiss

That's... pretty much how I always make banana bread.


I am that way when I cook, but much more measured when I bake.  I cringed a little bit when he was just throwing things in there and hoping for the best.  I laughed at Fabio putting the bread in every type of pan he could think of just hoping one of them turned out right.  In reality, especially with banana bread....as long as it tastes banana-y and it is moist, it's probably a winner.  And yes, Fabio asking his banana bread to just hold on and be a "one night stand" for him had me rolling.  Love it.  


Also neat seeing Antonia judging Fabio. I've never been a Fabio fan because I don't think much of his cooking. (I hate it when chefs use the "I'm XYZ so what do you expect me to know outside of that" excuse and I'm immune to the charms of his Italian accent except when he does FOH.). I don't dislike him though so good for him and his charity.




I loved seeing Antonia judging Fabio too.  How he high fived her as she came over in the 1st round.  Of course, I think it's super duper cute because it's really a fake, celebrity competition for charity, but if it was a real competition, I imagine their friendship would probably be an issue.  I will say this for Top Chef...they really do produce some pretty high quality tv ready talent.  

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I am really enjoying the finale of the all stars. Especially Fabio and Greenspan's back and forth. For once it's refreshing to see real chefs cooking on a cooking show without sob stories and bullshit agendas. They're just having a good time.




Eric has the sort of laugh that when he starts up I often join in. I was glad he won because he had the most money to give to his charity and it was a very honorable cause. He played the game about as well as one can, suffering through the sabotages and not getting rattled and blowing his money when he had the talent to get around them.


But they all really were a jolly bunch, and thankfully Aarti did go down first. Fabio at the end screaming "Shut up!" at no one and his antics just reminded me of his Top Chef days, though he is better and actually tolerable in small doses he can be a riot. His comment about them needing to give out genuine hugs at the end...I about lost it.


And Marcel has really grown up a lot, when he was on Top Chef I thought he was such a little rat but he's really come into his own and learned how to be far more self aware and less pompous and arrogant.

Superstar Sabotage has been SO AWESOME. I missed heats 1 and 2, but it was just so fun to see all these guys just having a great time with each other and the challenges. Friendly competition is always welcome, especially among all these competitors that really know their stuff.


Chef Eric in a ball pit? GOLD. Fabio's ingredients and bowls flying off his rocking prep station? EVEN BETTER.


They need to do this every year, seriously. It's hilarious. And they need to re-run the heats again.

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Wow... thanks Cecil for embarrassing Sacramento, repeatedly. No it is not a ghetto. I'm usually rooting for the "hometown hero" but this episode, not so much.

I think he said he grew up in the ghettos of Sacramento, not that the city itself was, but I would have to watch it again.


I really liked the Superstar finale, too.  They all looked like they were having fun.  Aarti, for me, is much better in small doses so I was glad she was eliminated first.  Still, I have to give it to her for picking the fish products for her meatballs.  That was kind of gutsy.  I like Fabio and wish he had won, but I had no problem with Eric winning.  I'm not big on lollipops, but his lolli - flops (I think that's what he called them) looked pretty good.  The winning one must have been terrific. 


Anyway,  great finale!

I love me some Fabio, so I was slightly disappointed to see him lose.  


I really loved the Celebrity edition....and thought all the participants really had fun with it.  I didn't see many, if any at all, get all snitty or bitchy about their sabotages.  They all took them with charm and grace.  In that aspect, I was most impressed with Marcel.  The Marcel of old wouldn't have been able to stop himself from being dickish when a sabotage would come his way.  He would also enjoy in a not nice way when someone else suffered.  It's been a welcome change in Marcel in the last few years how that side of his personality has really gone away.  He was charming and full of smiles....and when he did give someone a hard time it was definitely in the realm of harmless ribbing.  


I kinda want to try that grapefruit lolly-blop.  I love me some grapefruit!  


I am also really impressed that Eric won without much of his money basically twice.  That takes some serious skill.

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Eric always seems to have "never made this before" like he says about every dish he's made on Food Fighters.


I was disappointed to not see Marcel cook more, if not win. His food and personality is fun to watch.


These special episodes are great. I loved the one with the judges competing and wish they could do a rematch of some sort. I hated/loved watching Jet suffer Geoffrey Zakarian's wrath.

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They all took them with charm and grace.  In that aspect, I was most impressed with Marcel.  The Marcel of old wouldn't have been able to stop himself from being dickish when a sabotage would come his way.  He would also enjoy in a not nice way when someone else suffered.  It's been a welcome change in Marcel in the last few years how that side of his personality has really gone away.  He was charming and full of smiles....and when he did give someone a hard time it was definitely in the realm of harmless ribbing.  


Best part for me was when he flipped a spatula full of flour on Nadia's butt.  (Which she didn't know or see)

Tonight's episode- I think they've done it before, but I'm not a fan of the mid-cooking station swap.  If they forced people to carry their sabotages with them it wouldn't bother me as much.  As it was, that one guy essentially won an auction without spending any cash because he got to take the station with the waffle iron.  Even within the context of this show that didn't seem right.  If you win an auction, I think you should maintain that advantage.

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I'm not a fan of the mid-cooking station swap.


I agree.  That feels very unfair.  The winner profits from someone else's work.


I love Simon Majumdar and Jet Tila as judges but I don't care for Antonia.  She always looks like she buys her clothes in a bargain basement and one size too small.  Last night she had on something so low cut that bending over the food must have given the guys quite an eyeful.  Poor judgment or showing off - I don't know which.  Worse, she looked like she'd been wearing a sleep mask and someone applied her make up around it.  The contrast between the two areas of her face was distractingly awful.


As it was, that one guy essentially won an auction without spending any cash because he got to take the station with the waffle iron.  Even within the context of this show that didn't seem right.

And then went on to win the show, whereas if he had kept the station with his sabotages, I think he would have gone home the first round. I agree it did not seem fair. I also didn't really like him. I was hoping the executive chef guy would win rather than the guy who just got really lucky. And I think the swap to scavenge for all your ingredients stuffed in olives was unfair, as well. Hard to imagine how one could succeed with that swap unless the other competitors really screwed up. Come to think of it, the last sabotage was wearing ski boots, which was lame in the opposite direction. Yes, ski boots are not comfortable, but it's not like you cook with your feet. Seems to me the challenges were a bit phoned in and unfair this episode.

I was watching the baking show they have paired with this show, and for the third consecutive week it seemed like someone injured themselves.  Which made me think of Chopped and all the injuries there.  Leading me to wonder...I've not seen anyone get hurt on this show, in spite of some of the sabotages they have that seem a little dangerous.  Has anyone actually cut themselves?


Seems weird this would be one of their safer shows.


The two younger twins were too damn identical....by the time it got down to just the two of them, I was so confused and had no idea who was who and who was making what.  One of them won!  YAY!  Which one?  No idea.


LOL  One of them had on a darker colored chef's coat.  Sammy I think but I'm not really sure.  I'm not sure which one won either but I was glad they outlasted the other pair.  They were good-humored and they made me laugh yelling for Mom.

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